THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, ialtm, Owioii" Monday, March 16, 195S r i t 1 inn.., ili.iihl u,.rf. i, j;,,,,,-- 1 ' r.f' 1 r ' 1 ' v ' 1 ' , . SLA ; Something They At? Gsbrid Barovlch, 0 (center) and her brother Michael, 4, lost all their hair, after suffering ' from thallium poisoning recently. Forest Grove, Ore., doctors ;: said they probably ate. rat poison. Both are expected to 'recover and th baldness is believed only temporary. Their mother, Mrs. Barto Barovich, look on. (AP Wlrephoto) Father Represents Authority, Ike Says Philadelphia W President Elsenhower said Monday "it is an old but unchaning truth that the father represents authority In the home." . Eisenhower mad the com ment m a message to the 21st annual convention of the na tional Catholic conference on family life. It was made pub lic here at the start of the three day sessions. ' The president, in a letter to the Rev. JSdgar scnnueaeier, di rector of the Family Life Bur eau, Washington, said he "noted with interest that the general theme of your convention is The Father, The Head of the Home."" ; ' "It is no less true that mem bers of a family who learn and live by wholesome respect and authority in the home qualify as citizens who know genuine re spect for public authority," the president said. "In this sense, the respect and authority de served and commanded by the father are the source of respect for law Itself In society at Urge." Would Cut Internal Revenue From Treas. Washington VP) The chair man of the house committee Investigating the Internal Rev enue Bureau says It should be divorced from the treasury to relieve "unhealthy" political pressure on tax agents. Rep. Kea (R., N.Y.) cited tes timony taken by his ways and gestlng last night that it mig means subcommittee in sug gesting last night that it think seriously about hi proposal. which he backed up by refer ring to the FBI's independence from the Justice Department. Red Army Tired, Rhee Tells Adlai Stevenson : Seoul Adlal Stevenson re ceived an up-to-the-minute pic ture of the fighting in Korea from top Allied ground and air commanders today after seeing : South Koreau President Syng- man Rhee. Rhee told Stevenson the Chi nese Communist army In Ko rea is tired and that a major Allied offensive could break the prolonged stalemate. Stevenson called on Rhee Im mediately after bis arrival by air from Pusan. On the way from the airfield to the presi dential mansion, he received a rousing welcome from thou sands of cheering, flag-waving Koreans, most of them school Children. Ike to Root Demos From, Policy Places " Washington UJD President Eisenhower will soon Issue an executive order to root demo cratic holdovers out of policy making Jobs covered by civil service, House Speaker Joseph W. Martin, Jr., said today. Leaving the weekly White House legislative conference with Mr. Elsenhower and oth er key congressional leaders, Martin said the talk on "un ' freezing" civil service jobs covered only those at policy making levels. To Rebuild 4 Miles of U. S. 99 Near Medford Medford W) Contracts for eonstructoln of a new section of Highway 99 north of Central Point will be let this fall, prob ably by October or November, according to the State Highway Commission. Cost of the project about four miles long lias been esti mated at $790,000, the commis sion told the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce in a let ter answering a query about its plans for Southern Oregon. GET IT WHERE IT IS Akron, O. u.R Thieves picked the most logical place in town to stage a safe-cracking over the week-end. Fed eral officials reported today that robbers took about $2,800 sometime yesterday from a safe 1 nthe office of the collector - ef Internal Revenue. Reveal Navy Planes Downed Soviet.Migs ' Paris (UA A highly author itative informant disclosed to day that 100 Russian Mig-15 jet fighter planes approached a United States navy task fores In the" Sea of Japan last November and that navy Pan ther jets shot down three ef them; ' It was the' largest single Mig force ever spotted by American forces, the inform ant said. ' The Incident, only , partly announced by the navy at the time, occurred shortly before President Eisenhower ' made his .prelnauguratlon visit to Korea.' .' ':'.' '' IKE MISSES CHORCH Washington :J.R President Eisenhower .' missed ' Sunday Mm't REAL' FAST relief for sriin mouDLEs Zraio doctor's utiptfc- promptly ntirm itehinr, stops mtthint nd m id. hMlinx ol nab, curam, prcriui,, thlew's foot, riocwona m skill ud cslp dm to tttarul cum. Buy Extra JUra Zanu I stubborn em. 7sV rill 1 AaSolfl church services yesterday for the first time since he was In augurated. "A slight cold" which he picked up playing golf kept the President con fined to the White House. GEORGE ANTRIM ILL Unlonvale George Antrim, 87, of Salem who recently un derwent major surgery, has re turned to his rest home after eight days In the hospital. m 1 Cough Help KWllTTlE CHILDREN For coughs and acute bronchitis due tc nidi von can now set Creomoliiot ipectaUy prepared for Children in anev dbik ana uiuc nwun uu vq uic 111 X OUT UUD Will iiu 1U (2) It contains onto safe, proves kvedients. (3) It contains no narcotics to da Serb nature processes. (4) It will aid nature to sootbe sod heal raw, tender, inflamed throat and bronchial membranes, thus relievini the cough and promoting rest and sleep, ask lor ueomuuxn tor uul dren is the pink and blue package. CREOMULSION FOR CHILDREN BMas Cnisti. CW Cot. Ante SiiilIIHi Everything for Your Window ELMER THE BLIND MAN Venetian Blinds, Drapes and Shades Traverse Beds Bamboe Drapes and Shades . Columbia Matte Bereene Cloth and Aluminum Awninrs Fireplace Screen and Accessories Chapman Home Freesers Vertl Vertical Blinds FoMlnr Doors "Transparent F las tie, Store Shades Thenno-rlte Glass Fireplace 'Slip Covers We Wash, Paint, Slat and Retape Venetian Blinds . Free Estimates 10 Down Pay Monthly 1870 Center St. (formerly West Salem) Phone 3-7328 . Free Book on Arthritis And Rheumatism NOW TO AVOID (RfPtlNS DEFOftMITIES An amazing newly enlarged 44 page book entitled "Rheumatism" will be sent free to anyone who will write for 1U It reveals why drugs and medi cines give only temporary relief and fall to remove the causes of the trouble; explains a specialised non-aurgkxd, non-medical treat ' ment which has proven successful for the past S3 years. You incur no obligation in send ing for ttus instructive book. It may be the means of saving you years of untold misery. Write to day to The Ball Clinic, Dept. 3611, XtoHtkm (Bprings, Mawourt fMK in and mm yom lYAG tbt ftjwintd stif IV n J NOW ONLY $98 for 2 limited time regularly $3.98 fry 'the slip that's sized individually for your figure the proportioned slip by Your eyetaking new Image, pret tied with loce ond embroidery, fits flatteringly well whether you're curvaceous or slim. Why not have this perfection , . . a slip that follows your sil houette like a flattering shadow, ending at the correct, lace trimmed hem length. Have your Image in each color . . . white, pink, and black with matching trim. Finest multifilament rayon crepe in proportioned sizes 32 to 44. and only 2.98 SAFEWAY GUARANTEED Everyone guaranteed tender and juicy. All : Beef,"'.; r ':" Lamb and Veal sold at Safeway bears the U.S. ; Government Grade mark "U. S. . CHOICER or : ' ; -VU. S. GOOD." Every cut is well aged for tender- - 7; 5" ' w hess and carefully trimmed of excess waste beforevv.; it is offered for sale to you. Guaranteed to Please or Your 1 Money Back! SIRLOIN STEMS "U.S. Choice" . 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Dogs Lava It SUNBRITE Cleanser, makes enamel shine 10 t 13-ei. can QjLOC Wa Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities