Monday, March 16, 1958 Archdiocesan Council of Cathol ic Women Meets ; By MARGUERITE QLEESON "Don't worry to much I urdav nri .ij..i. t about paying bill, and devote it least tome time at every meeting to helping extend the kingdom of Christ on earth, to problem of a troubled society and to the boyt and glrli." - Thit was the advice and the challenge given the women of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women at the clos log banquet session Sunday night In the Multnomah hotel In Portland, by the spiritual director, the Very Rev. Ed mund J. Murnane, pastor of St. Mary's parish in Eugene. Gov. Paul L. Patterson, who followed Father Murnane, re ferred to the theme as advised by the spiritual director "Ex tending the Kingdom of God on Earth" and, told of his own very deeply moving senti ments at the inauguration of President Dwlght Elsenhower when in tight and sound of millions of his fellow citizens the Just inaugurated president prayed for divine guidance an9 help in' the task before him. All of the work of the con vention, the advice from the state and archdiocesan lead ers, was summed up by Arch bishop Edward E. Howard In closing the 29th annual con vention. "Society will be Just what we make It. Nothing Is more powerful than public opinion which la molded by powerful media of radio, television, the home, the church, films, per sonal examDle. letter writing. land conversation," Archbls i hop Howard said. Doctrine Extended The. confraternity of Chris tian doctrine,' started many years ago in Portland arch diocese by the Rev. E. V. O'Hara then pastor of St. Mary's In Eugene and now Bishop in Kansas, is being re activated In a larger way in . the Portland area, and the work was presented to the convention delegates by Sis ter Mary Presentia, OSF, and 5 Sister Mary Maurlna, ,OSF," i who era to charge of the work In Baker, Ore., diocese. The very Rev.- T. J. Ber- nards, former pastor . of St. Joseph's in Salem and now at Oregon City, celebrated the ' mass the opening day - at . Marylhurst college where Saturday sessions were held. ' Students of Marylhurst as ! elated at the convention Sat Guest Nlghiior f Star Group Observed t Silverton Ramona chapter, .No. SB, OES, observed guest - night at -last week's meeting. Guests Were from Chadwick chapter, Salem; Evergreen chapter, Woodburn; and Orchid ' chapter, Molalla. Introduced and escorted to the east were Velma Lewie of Chadwick chapter, grand rep , resentatlve to Tennessee; Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Powers, wor i thy 'matron and worthy patron t of Molalla chapter; Mr. and Mrs. Gail Wengeworth, worthy patron and worthy matron of : Woodburn; Mrs. Paul Grieb . enow, Chadwick chapter wor ; thy matron, and Paul Bramble, Chadwick chapter worthy pa 1 tron. Announcement was made Ra mona club is meeting at the Welch street home of the Lloyd Larsens, the first Tuesday to April. The co-hostesses will be Mrs. R. A. McClanathan and Mrs. E. A. Finley. Mrs. W. H. Woodard, Jr., told of the recent meeting of the Rainbow girls. Mrs. Elwin Hood told of the recent-visitation, of Ramona chapter members to Eastgate chapter, Portland. During the social hour, two groups of young folk from the music department of the senior high school appeared. The vo cal sextet was composed of the Misses Donna Jackson, Carol Calkins, Caroline Overlund, Pat Holman, Dorothy Norton and Nancy Benson. In the clarinet quartet group were the Misses Kay Bergerson, Valeta Hahn,- Loretta Toft and Pa tricia Thorkildson. With Mrs. W. H. Woodard, Jr., as accom panist, Mrs. Harry Riches sang a number of Irish songs. Mr. and Mrs. George Towe, at members of the hospitality committee, planned the social hour. ' Mis Ina Harold and Mrs. Mina Cooper arranged the decorations for the chapter room and the lobby. Refresh ment were served by Mr. and Mrs. Ben SDrick. Mr. and Mrs. John Demos and Mrs. Willard Benson. Special guests at the March 24 meeting will be members of Venus chapter of Donald Euclid chapter of Jef ferson and Marilyn chapter, Mill City. I WW HMD 'BasruiT' lacata academv in Pn-tUnH isisiea at the meetings Sun day In the Multnomah hotel. Supreme Court Juitice Hall o. muk was one ol the s peak- ers at the "Sunday afternoon symposium on the bishop's statement "Religion Our Most Valuable Asset." Justice Lusk spoke on the community role. Dr. Thomas A. Kerns of Eu gene spoke on "Man Needs Religion as. an Individual." Mrs. Thomas J. Harold of Portland spoke on the "Fam ily Need of Religion." The Rev. Martin Thielen, super intendent of Catholic schools in Portland, spoke of the "Role of Christian Faith." Attend from Here Mothers clubs and Altar so cieties from both St. Joseph and St. Vincent dePaul par ishes in Salem, and Salem court of the CathoUc Daugh ters of America are affiliated with the archdiocesan council of Catholic Women. Repre senting these groups at the convention were Mrs. J. D. White, who hat been corre sponding secretary of the fed eration the last year; Mrs. Wesley Goodrich, Mrs. C. D. Brown, Mrs. John Benish, Mrs. A. W. Lovlck, Mrs. George S. Madison, Mrs. N. Rocque, Mrs. H. C. Epplng, Mrs. Al bert Kloos, Mrs. George Gruchilla, Mrs. Edmund Weil ner, Mr. Edward Meier, Miss Marguerite Gleeson. Mt. Angel was represented by Mrs. L. A. LeDeux, Mrs. Joseph Wachter, Mrs. Stephen Spraucr, Mrs. Albert Diehl, and Mrs. J. J. Penner. St. Paul delegation was headed by Mrs. Carl Smith, second vice-president and this year head of the Oregon City deanery In which the Mar ion county parishes are locat ed. , Also from St. Paul was Mrs. Gene Davidson. Gervals affiliates include Sacred Heart Mothers club and St. Rita's Altar society and representatives were Mrs. John Eggers, Mrt.: Constance Manning and Mrs. Irene Dan iels. ... v. Stayton was represented by am. cawara J. Bell. ' ine arcnoiocesan conven tion was held in Salem In 1852. Meeting place for, 1954 will be selected by the state executive Hoard. 1 m mm i V ' woihoblt . , BPV Clubs' State Board Meets Here .. Meeting at the Marlon hotel Sunday were members of Busi ness and Professional Women' clubs for the Central Willam ette spring board event. Mrs. Lucille Borigo of Taft wat dis trict chairman for. the event which drew more than 100 business women. State Representative Edward R. Cardwell of Sweet Home was the speaker, and Miss Cor- alle Doughton sang, accompa nied by Miss Amy Girod. Group singing was led by the state first vice president, Mrs Lau ra York of Medf ord and follow ed the program, Miss Eleonor Roberts playing the piano. . Miss Mildred Yetter, presi dent of the Salem club wel comed the delegates and Miss Fern Trull, state president, In troduced the state officer to the group. The atat second vice president, Mrs. Natalie Burns, spoke about regulation at the state convention to be in Grants Pass, May 15-17. Miss York discussed district conferences. and the convention and district presidents reported on club ac tivities. Delegates from the new clubs in Newport and Waldport were introduced. A special guest at the meet ing was Ma Khkn Thi, of Ran goon. Burma, a scholar this stu dent at OSC sponsored by the Business and Professional Wo men's clubs. music appreciation group of the American Association of University Women is meeting on Friday, dessert to be at 1:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Raymond Stringham, 2 4 0 5 South Commercial. IN SAN FRANCISCO during the school vacation are Dr. and Mrs. John J. Griffith and daughters, Joan and Mary, . , . . .... . YOUNG MATRONS club will meet on Thursday, instead of Wednesday, at 8 o'clock at Mayflower hall. VISITING at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reubin HUflker for six weeks are their daugh ter, Mrs. Leland Fish and her son, Dennis, of Emporia, Kan sas. . PRINGLE Pleasant Point So cial club is meeting Thursday for a luncheon at noon at the home of Mrs. Everett Clark, 4245 Hudson avenue. r rhankt to wool, it' Thank 55 Yet, they're her for women . . . tuiti that or wathablel Distinctively styled in dressmaker tailored suit alto fathioned with permanent pleat all the way around. - t ' Solid colon and handsome chock. Miuet tiiet 12 to 20. FASHION FLOOR SECOND FLOOR "THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Mrs. Magnuson to Head P.E.O. Group Woodburn Mrs. Carl Mag nuson was elected and install ed as president of Chapter J of the P.E.O. Sisterhood at the annual election of officers last week at the home of Mrs. H. F. Butterfield with Mrs. Mag nuson as co-hostess. Other officers installed were: Mrs. Kenneth Thompson, vice president; Mrs. Frank P. Doerf ler, recording secretary; Mrs. David Cavett, corresponding secretary; Mrs. W. S. Scarbor ough, treasurer; - Mrs. Estella Kerns, chaplain and Mrs. N. F. Tyler, . guard. The officers were Installed by Mr. Tyler, the retiring president. Mrs. Magnuson was elected delegate to the annual state convention to be at Klamath Falls June 2-4 and Mrs. Ken neth Thompson was named al ternate. Mrs. Magnuson was alto elected delegate to the supreme convention to be held October 8-8 at Vancouver, B.C., and Mrs. Tyler was named alternate. Final plans were made for a rummage sale to be March 20 and 21 at the Fikan building on Garfield street. Mrs. George D. Jones and Mrs. Jets Fikan will be to charge. After the meeting, refresh ments were served by Mrs. Magnuson. The next meeting. March 26, will bewith Chapter BC at Sa lem. , ,.'...;.. .-'.:.. . i To Fete Eastmans Silverton Local friends and relative are planning a weicome-nome tor Mr. and Mr. L. C. Eastman during the coming week. Both are prom inent in civic and social life of Silverton. .. . - Mr. Eastman, ex-mayor of Silverton,- and retired manager of the former Eastman Metal Works, ha been to Texas dur ing the past weeks where he and Mr. Lucy Eastman, wi dow of his brother, the former Austin Eattman and a business partner, were married. The wedding wat to Hous ton, Texas, the temporary home of Mrs. Eastman, March 4. ' "" The couple plan to make their home to the Eastman home at Oak and Second street. MACLEAY Mr. Wilber Miller will be hostess to mem ber, of the Macleay Woman's club at her home Thursday, March 19, for a 1 o'clock dessert. for Spring for year around Washable Cool lined suits crisply tailored wonderful for the money 3275 lovely! o Orion, W lovely and Orion . . . 45 Wool. Today's Menu Family Lunch ' . Vegetable Soup Cheese Muffins Sliced Pineapple Beverage Cheese Muffin Ingredients: 2 cup lifted flour, S teaspoons bakina now- der, to teaspoon salt, 2 table spoons sugar, 1 cup very light ly packed grated Cheddar cheese, 1 egg, 1 cup milk, 2 tablespoons butter or margar ine (melted). Method: Sift flour, baking powaer, sail ana sugar togeth er. Stir to cheese. Beat egg until foamy; add milk and beat enougn to combine; stir to melted butter. Add sifted dry mgrccuenu; stir only until dry I ' " iS0 to 5:)0 rM. 160 N. LIBERTY ' ""V "-". 'X SALEM, ORE. ' cL '5'V;VP' ,.1,-y , ... '"'""txyy- ' J J ';' Look prtttier than mr. . g; I bocau$o you ehoon from C . . II - K - , ingredients are moistened. Fill greased muffin pan about two third full. Bake to hot (425F) oven 20' to 25 minutes or until browned, and cake tester in serted to center of muffin conies out clean. Serve hot Makes 12 medium-site muffin. Rural Club Event At Woodburn Library Woodburn The Woodburn Woman' Rural club met last week at the library club rooms, beginning with a no-host din ner at noon. The committee In charge of arrangement includ ed Mr. Clifford Applegate, Mr. John Kotse, Mrs. Roy A ney, Mr. Leota Porter, Mr. Charlea Dean and Mr. Ger trude Schultx, Mrs. Jennie Earl led the de h, o mony boooming now -jjr " tfyles at Ponnoy'$! votional service. Guest Introduced were Mr. Frank Wright, Mr. Carl Wolf, Mia Mabel Uvesay, Mrs. Kate Henning, Mrs. Helena Hart, Mr. A. Roggenback, Mr. Al bert Railing, Mis Laura Bon ney, Mrs. Maude Scott, Mrs. Russell Hurlburt, Mr. R. L. Anderson, Mrs. Genaro Ra mon, Mrs. Charlea Pantle and Mrs. Alfred Moon. A report waa given on the recent benefit food sale and during the- social hour an auc tion and hostess sale took place. 'Secret pal" gift were exchanged and Mrs. Jay Web er was presented with a gift for her first granddaughter. The next meeting will be April 7 and the hostess com mittee will Include Mrs. W. S ROMANTIC EASTER STRAWS Other at 4.98 and 6.90 Fine ttsalt and twist itrawt in many, many bewitching new ttylet, thapei, colon ... drifted with veiling, forget-me-not, velvet ribbon accent. Cliooi bonnet, tailor, pretty ripple 'brim effect ... and Irarryt Eatter'i iutt aronnd the tjornert SECOHD FLOOR PageT MeClaia, Mr. Jennie XarL Mrs. , L. B. Detweiler, Mrs. John Dickson, Mr. Joe Vphoff and Mr. Pam Rhelnholdt . ? Past Matrons ' - Woodburn The monthly dinner meeting of member of the Past Matron club of Ever green chapter. Order of the Eastern Star, will be Wednes day evening, March 18, at the Masonic tempi. Dinner will be served at 7 o'clock, with Mr. Ivan C. Beer, Mr. Albert Belling and Mr. Nellie Mulr at hostesses. A business meet ing will follow with Mr. On F. Morris presiding and mem bers will tew for the Jiaaoule and Eastern Star home at For est Grove. 98