Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 16, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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    Pat f
Monday, March IS, 1953
Miss Crandall, Mr. Conklin
Engaged; Wedding June 20
At Church in
Romantic ncwi of intet est to
many friends Is announcement
by Mr. and Mri. T. Bruce Cran.
(tall of the engagement and ap
proaching marriage of their
daughter, Miss Thais Joyce
Crandall, Pasadena, Calif., to
John S. Conklin, son of Mrs.
Ann Conklin of Pasadena, for
merly of Port Huron, Mich.,
and Verle D. Conklin of De
troit, Mich.
The wedding Is planned for
the evening of June 20, in Pasa
dena at the Church of the An
gels there, the reception follow
ing to be at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. Z. Baugh at San
Marino, Calif.
Miss Crandall attended Salem
schools and Oregon State col
lege for two years, majoring in
secretarial science. She is a
member of Sigma Kappa soror
ity at OSC.
Kowitz-Fry Wedding at
Church Sunday Afternoon
Wed Sunday afternoon were
Miss Joanne Fry, daughter of
Mrs. John Fry, and David Ko
witz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris
J. Kowitz. The service was
solemnized at 3 o'clock in the
First Christian church, the Rev.
Dudley Strain officiating with
the Rev, Ralph Putnam of St.
Helens, uncle of the bride
groom, assisting.
Pink, white and blue blooms
and lighted candles decorated
the church lor the wedding.
For the music, Mrs. Lester Ha-
gen sang and Mrs. J. M. era'
croft played the organ. -
Candles were lighted by Miss
Marlee Bellows and Miss Shar
on Ransom, both of Albany.
They wore light green frocKs.
The bride wore a wedding
dress of white satin, net and
lace. The bodice and long
sleeves were of the lace,' the
yoke of net - with the lace
around it cut out. me axiri,
made with train, had two net
oversklrts. The fingertip veil
was arranged from a Juliet cap
of lace that was trimmed with
a band of satin and seed pearls.
The bride carried a Testament,
gift of the bridegroom, with a
white orchid on top. For the
"something old," the bride
wore her mother's diamond en
gagement ring and for the
"something borrowed," seed
pearls from her honor attend'
ant. : . : ' :
Miss Janet Campbell was
honor attendant. She wore a
blue taffeta and net frock with
flowers in her hair, and car
ried a bouquet of pink carna
tions. . ' .' .
Miss Janice Feller was
bridesmaid. Her dress was
styled identically to that of the
honor attendant's but it was
pink taffeta and net, and her
flowers were blue carnations.
The dresses of both the attend
ants were fashioned with white
embroidered organdy over the
material ot the bodices.
Kathleen Foil of Portland,
Some Notations . .
The beautiful home of Sena
tor and Mrs. Frederick S.
Lamport on Ben Lomond drive
was the scene for a hospitable
at home, Sunday evening,
when the couple entertained
for members of the state sen
ate and their wives and the
board of control members and
their wives . . . and a St. Pat
rick's day party it was, green
featuring the decor . . . Over
the mantel in the recreation
room was a spreading arrange
ment of caladium leaves and
white stock with large sham
rocks scattered among them
. . . Robert Hug at the piano
and Mary Burke, vocalist, pro.
vlded the entertainment during
the evening . . . The buffet in
the dining room was centered
with a large bouquet of tinted
green carnations and green
daffodils, green ribbons run
ning out from the flowers to
the corners ot the taDie .
The flowers were In a green
St Patricks day hat . . .Green
candles in silver can
delabrums at either side of the
flowers . . . Senator Angus
Gibson, Junction City, the true
Scotsman he is, wore a hand
some red tartan Jacket from
Scotland, unconcerned with all
the tribute to the Irish, now
ever . . . Assisting in greeting
and serving the guests were
Mrs. Paul Oeddes of Roseburg
and Mrs. Dean H. Walker ot
Independence ...
A charmingly arranged
spring tea on Saturday after
noon was that given by Mrs.
O. Herbert Smith at her home
to honor Mrs. Edwin Franklin
Snider, a recent newcomer to
Salem . . . The reception room
very attractively decorated
with spring blooms . . . The
tea table a symphony in pink
and white . . . The cloth was
an embroidered linen one with
border of lace . . . The center
piece an arrangement of pink
tullos. pink carnations and
branches of cherry blossoms
almost ready to burst into
bloom, tiny little birds perch
ed here and there on the
branches . . . Pink candles In
Mr. Conklin attended Uni
versity of Michigan and was
graduated from the Illinois In
stltute of Technology, receiving
his bachelor a degree in elec
trical engineering. He recelv
ed his master's degree from
Harvard university, alio in eiec
trical engineering. He is a
member of Delta Kappa Epii
Ion fraternity. Tor three years
he served in the U. s. navy.
Both young people are em
ployed by the California Insti
tute of Technology )et pro
pulsion laboratory in Pasadena
she as a secretary, he at a re
search engineer.
Miss Crandall plans to arrive
in Salem the first of May to
spend a month here, then will
return to Pasadena, her parents
to accompany her for the wed
niece of the bride, was flower
girl. She wore a pink taffeta
frock with overskirt of net, and
carried a nosegay.
Larry Bivkovlch, nephew of
the bridegroom, was the ring
Donald. Kowitz,. Centralis,
Wash., brother of the bride
groom, was the best man and
Chris J. Kowita, Jr., another
brother, was groomsman. .The
ushers, were. David Dezotell,
David Van Dyke, William Ban-
gert, Bud Lafky, Gene Katke,
cousin ot the bride.
. The bride's mother wore a
navy blue dress with pink ac
cessories. The : bridegroom s
mother . wore a soldier blue
dress with pink accessories.
Both wore corsages of pink
The reception also was at the
church. The bride's table was
set with a lace cloth, the cake
for the centerpiece with candles
at either side. ; Mrs. Ai Katke
of Portland and Mrs. Noel
Dickey ot Dallas, both aunts of
the bride, poured. Cutting the
cake was Mrs. Dudley Strain.
Assisting at the reception were
Miss Janice Obert, Miss Celia
Weaver, Miss Betty Andreson,
Miss Donna Vogt, Mrs. Robert
Stewart ot Turner, a cousin of
the bride; Mrs. Earl Noble, also
a cousin; Miss Beverly lock
ard, Miss - Susan Youngquist,
Miss Ramona Powers, Miss
Karen Thomas, Miss Edith
Tripp, Miss Eileen King, Mrs.
David Dezotell, Miss Avis Dezo
tell. Miss Lois Dezotell, Miss
Margaret Cooper, Miss qreta
Schrengost, Miss Shirley Bee-
be of Portland.
Tor traveling the bride wore
black and pink tweed mixture
suit with black , accessories,
pink hat trimmed with blue
veiling, a white topper and cor
sage ot white orchids.
Mr. Kowitz will be leaving
soon for army service. The
bride will remain in Salem
with her parents.
.By M. L. F.
silver candelabrums at either
side of the centerpiece . . .
Among guests greeted in the
line during our call late in the
afternoon, Mrs. Charles H.
Heltzel, Mrs. Oliver T. Mans
field, Mrs. William Crothers,
Mrs. C. Ronald Hudklns, Mrs.
Gus Moore, Mrs. Sigfrld B.
Unander, Mrs. John H. John
son, Mrs. Ronald Jones, Jr.,
Mrs. William R. Shlnn, Mrs.
Robert D. Gregg, Mrs. Elmer
O. Berr, Mrs. John Lewis, Mrs.
E. W. Butler, Mrs. Frank Shaf
er, Mrs. Chester Loe . . . Among
those assisting that hour and
visiting with the guests, Mrs.
Harmon Harvey, Mrs. Ralph
E. Purvlne, Mrs. Horace Mc
Gee, Mrs. Maynard Shifter,
Mrs. Feter M. Gunnar, and as
sisting in the dining room, Mrs,
Robert F. Anderson, Mrs.
Ralph Schleslnger, Mrs. Wayne
Hadley, the latter chatting of
news from the long letter re
ceived that day from her
mother, Mrs. Douglas McKay
. . . McKays just ready to set
off on a trip to Puerto Rico,
Secretary of the Interior Mc
Kay to conduct a tour there in
connection with his office . . .
GOING TO Eugene on TueS'
day will be the Misses Alice
Joy- Miller, Lynn Miller and
Margaret Roth who will at
tend the state high school bna-
ketball tournament there. All
are seniors at Salem high
school. The girls will stay with
Miss Clara Belle Roth, Mar
garet's sister, who Is a teacher
at the high school in Creswell.
PIONEER post No. 14S, all
woman post of American Le
gion, will meet at the Ameri
can Legion club on Friday at 8
p.m. Reports will be given by
members of the nominating
Dr. Will J. Thompson
OptaiMtrlst. Office Reopened
at Rlmrdale
Examination in Afternoon or
Eve. by Appointment
FtrAppelnhMnt Phone. 4-4057
. Edited by MARIAN
College Duo
Are Engaged
From Portland comes an
nouncement of the engagement
of Miss Carol Jean Glesy,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. U. S.
Glesy of that city, to .William
Theodore Roubal, son of Mrs.
Irene Roubal of Silvertom
No date is set for the wed
ding. Both Miss Glesy and Mr. Rou
bal are seniors at Oregon State
college where Mr. Roubal is a
member of Pi Kappa Alpha fra
ternity. Miss Hilfiker and
Mr. Gunn Are Wed
Exchanging their vows Fri
day evening, March 8, - were
Miss Carole Hilfiker, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Reubin Hil
fiker, and Raymond Gunn, Jr.,
son of Mrs. Bessie DeMarais.
The wedding took place at the
Court Street Christian church
with the Rev. W. Harold Ly
man officiating at the double
ring ceremony. Miss Coralle
Doughton was the soloist and
Mrs. Ivan Osterman, aunt of
the bride, the organist. Light
ing the tapers was Miss Patricia
Ethel of Portland.
The bride, given in mar
riage by her father, wore a
white satin wedding dress,
fashioned with a torso length
bodice, long sleeves and a Pe
ter Pan collar, the very full
satin skirt ending in a court
train. ' Her fingertip illusion
veil edged in Cbantilly lace cas
caded from a crown of seed
pearls and irridescent beads.
Her bouquet was of pink rose
buds and stephanotis.
Mrs. Leland Fish of Emporia,
Kansas, sister of the bride, was
matron of honor and brides
maids were Mrs. Darwin 'Mich
aels and Miss Shirlee Decker.
Judy Guthrie and Barbara
Herberger were flower girls
and Michael Robert Hilfiker,
brother of the bride, was Jun
ior attendant.
Billie Amen was best man
tor Mr. Gunn. Seating the
guests were Floyd Guthrie,
Glenn Jones, Robert Dyer and
George Herberger.
The newlyweds greeted their
guests at a reception at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Herberger. Pouring were Mrs.
Robert Dyer, sister ol the
bridegroom, and Mrs. Floyd
Guthrie. Cutting the cake was
Mrs. George Herberger. Joyce
Guthrie and Geodell Herberger
passed the dream cakes, and
Mrs. Glen Jones was in charge
of the guest book.
When the couple left on their
wedding trip, the bride wore a
crimson , knit suit ana brown
tonoer.' : Her corsage was of
cymbldium orchids. They will
make their home in Salem at
745 Ferry street.
Dinner Sponsored
By Mothers Success
Salem Heights The annu
al dinner, sponsored by the
Salem Heights Mothers club,
was well attended on Friday
evening at the school cafeteria.
Mrs. Hale Mickey was the
chairman of the dinner, and
Mrs. L. A. Clinker, co-chairman.
Waitresses were Mrs. Rich
ard Chambers, chairman, Mrs.
Del Ramsdcll. Mrs. Virail Al
len, Mrs. Kenneth Graves, !
Mrs. Louis BartlettMrs. Irwin
Wedel, Mrs. A. K. Epper-
ly, Mrs. George Tandy and
Mrs. Oscar Berg. On the bis
cuit committee were Mrs. Wil
liam Tntni (thnlrmnn nc.ifit-
...... ., .......... , !
ea Dy Mrs, crancis unapp, ivirs.
Paul W. Harvey, Jr., Mrs. My
ron Butler. The pie committee
chairman was Mrs. Fred Cords,
assisted by Mrs. John Clark.
On the kitchen committee were
Mrs. Walter Noland, Mrs. Louis
Kurth, Mrs. John Dreissler,
Mrs. Walter Scheffee, Mrs.
Vernon Wadsworth, Mrs. L. A.
Clinker and Mrs. Hale Mickey.
Coffee committee included
Mrs. Kenneth Zwicker, Mrs.
Ed Lewis and Mrs. John Lew
is. Serving were Mrs. Charles
Knytych, Mrs. John Dreissler,
Mrs. Marlon Miller, Mrs. Ron
Miller, Mrs. Warren Clark,
Mrs. E. A. Bamford. Salads
committee included Mrs. Ro
bert Hartman, assisted by
Mrs. B. R. Knox, Mrs. Tom
LaDuke and Mrs. Cecil Stev
ens. Mrs. Louis Kurth was the
publicity chairman.
with osoim
rl C5aV
OTTH fef
Events for Ixaak .
Walton Auxiliary Set
Izaak Walton League suxil
iary has a busy schedule for the
next few weeks.
Club members will serve a
luncheon at the club house on
March 21 for state directors as
sembled for the quarterly meet
The group is also planning to
sponsor a refreshments stand
at the Sportsmen's show at the
armory, March 28-29 and again
at the club s Spring Frolic in
Regular meeting of the group
will be Wednesday, March 18,
at 8 o'clock.
ON TUESDAY evening Miss
Ilene Allen will be hostess to
Cascade chapter, National Sec
retaries association, at her
home, 873 South 12th. The
group will meet for dinner at
8:80 o'clock with a 'business
and social time following. Co-
hostesses are Miss Helen Ruett
iers and Mrs. Wilms Burchell.
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AL Unit to
Kingwood unit, American
Legion auxiliary, will enter
tain members of Kingwood
post, No. 81, at a no-host din
ner on Thursday at the Ameri
can Legion club at 6:30 o'clock.
The event celebrates the birth
day of the American Legion,
the anniversary being on
March 17.
Mrs. Ray Higgins and Mrs.
Emmett Dickson are in charge
oi the kitchen and making ar
rangements for the dining room
are Mrs. Verne Axelson, Mrs.
Elsie Noteboom, Mrs. Ira Note
boom and Mrs. Elizabeth Hoff
man. Club Entertained
Mrs.- Joe Zajic and Mrs.
James Sunderland entertained
members of the Friendship club
on Friday afternoon at the
Sunderland home. Mrs. Ches
ter Johns was a guest. The
luncheon tables were set with
St. Patrick's green and white
decorations, and members dis
played Easter hats they made
themselves. Mrs. Erie Hall
won a prize for the most orig
inal creation. .
court? street store
Present were Mrs. Johns,
Mrs. Henry Melchert, Mrs. Rob
ert Wellington, Mrs. B. Miller,
Mrs. Grace Wilson, Mrs. Nora
Cole, Mrs. Anna Hagey, Mrs,
Cora Scott, Mrs. Hattle Curtis,
Mrs. Erie Hall, Mrs. Sunder
land and Mrs. Zajic.
The group will meet again on
April 10 with Mrs. Cora Scott.
sulting school psychologist with
the state department of edu
cation, was speaker at the
Washington school Mothers
club on Thursday. The pro
gram was given by students.
Assisting Mrs. Mose VanDell
and Mrs, Gerald Stuckllk with
the refreshments were Mrs.
John Taylor, Mrs. Edwin Lyle,
Mrs. Harold Klein, Mrs. Irv
ing Larson, Mrs. Harold Rehm
and Mrs. Charles Straw,
will be hostess to the American
Gold Star Mothers at her home,
1043 Ruge, next Thursday at
8 p.m. Assisting will be Mrs.
Martha Harrington and Mrs. J.
B. VanCleave.
WOMAN'S Fellowship of
Knight Memorial Congrega
tional church is meeting Wed-j
nesday for dessert at 12:30
o'clock at the church,, a busi- j
ness session following. I
Maytag Service is dependable service.
Our skilled men are trained by May
tag, and they use only genuine Maytag
part. You'll like our prompt, expert,
low -cost service.
Salem Woman's Club
Entertained Friday ;
A successful event was the
benefit card party given by the
Salem Woman's club on Friday
evening. Proceeds are to go
towards the group's pledge of
$900 for the Salem YWCA.
The program featured a hair
style show, with Mrs. Val
Sloper of the Candalarla Beau
ty salon as commentator, and
hats copied from those worn at
the inauguration made by Mrs.
Deena Mack of Portland.
Models for the show were
Mrs. John R. Wood, Mrs,
George Hill, Mrs. Maynard
Shifter, Mrs. C. Ronald Hud
kins, Mrs. Owen Miller, Mrs.
Robert Golden, Mrs. Aleck Co
hen, Mrs. Ronald E. Jones, Jr.,
Mrs. C. A. Schafer, Mrs. Rex
Grabenhorst, Mrs. Arthur Bed
doe, Mrs. Russell Kanz, Mrs.
James Collins, Mrs. Robert
Cannon, Mrs. Ed Lewis, Mrs.
Max Denton, Mrs. Willis Ross,
Mrs. Henry Hanzen, Miss Jan
Call as for prompt and expert
work on all appliances
Mare Appliance Repair
Phono 4-Setl HI State St.
Come in
Give and Redeem
ice Coffel and Miss Echo Yea
ter. ;
Winning at canasta were,
Mrs. H. H. Henry and Mrs.
Mitchell, bridge honors goln
to Mrs. Don Smith, Mrs. Gene
Vandeneynde, Mrs. Robert
DrlscoU, Mrs. Arthur Jones,
Mrs. Roy Rouck, Mrs. Carl Em
mom;, Mrs. William Newmyer'
and Mrs. Howard Sargeant. A"
special prize was won by Mrs, r
Dennis Patch.
BECOMING members of the
Neighbors of Woodcraft by0
transfer on Friday evening-)
were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hen, j
sell of Albany and J. Andre wa ;
of Newberg. , Guests wera
present from Oakland, Calif...:
Sllverton, Newberg and Ali,
Public installation of officers a
will be on April 20 at May. '
flower ball. . . m
us today!
Green Stamps