PaT I THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, OreVon Monday, March 16, 1953 I Wi t ' 'I i In -the Edited by MIKE FORBES Voodburn FFA, Parents, Feast Woodburn More than ISO members, parent and guest were present for the annual parent-son banquet of the Fa tare Farmer of America of Woodburn high school Thurs day night at the high school gym. ' The banquet was served at 7:30 p.m. by the FHA girls un der the direction of their in structor, Mrs. Al Ringo. Sever al members and their instruc tor, Al Ringo, of Gervais FFA, were among the guests. The' regular opening cere mony was put on by the FFA boys, the address of welcome was given by Stanley Johnson, president of the local group, and Rev. Arthur Goble gave the, invocation. , Entertainment was furnish- ed by Glen and Henry Krae sner in Instrumental and vocal selections and by the high school sextet. Misses Marilee Parker, Alice Chamberlain, Sue Paulson, Karen Magna son, Barbara Baumann. and Mareia LaBarr, with Miss Dol lie Cummings as accompanist Parents and guests were intro duced. A financial report was giv en by Robert Gregory and chapter achievements by Philip LaBarr. Speaker of the evening was Robin McKlnley of Gervais, district president of FFA Hon orary memberships were pre . sented to Dave Dryden' and Miss Leona Hopkins. Albert Schalock, instructor in vocational agriculture, pre sented the better farmer award to Bob Dryden,' sponsored by the Oregon Kiwanis and the farm mechanic award to Ro bert Meinlnger, sponsored by the national foundation. Tom Rice of Salem, representing Safeway stores, presented ini tial progress awards to Glen McLaughlin and Ronald Gar aero. . A corsage was presented to Mrs. Al Ringo and a gift to the FHA girls who served. The closing ceremonies was put on by the FFA officers. ' BTJNNYSIDE MEETING Sunnyside A special meet ing of residents of the Sunny side school district No. 98-C will be held in the school house t 8 p.m. Monday, March 23 to discuss a proposed bond Issue for an addition to the school. New Shewing Open 1:45 Charlatan Hettoa THE SAVAGE" Also Storting Harden "FLATTOP" SoUm Community PRESENTS LILY PONS TUESDAY, MARCH 17 8:15 P.M. Salem High Auditorium - 14th and D Sts. Admittance by membership only. Tickets for next year may be obtained following the Francescatti concert March 24 You've Never Seen Anything Like It! CUTS OVEN GREASE llttEMOitr WOOL!" It's Amasinfll Just spread on this non-flamma-StW, claaiMflMllinf "miracto" jelly . . . then wipe oil with warm water! One application re saoves even black, hard-crusted, "baked-on wi worn on any Kind ol oven . . . pore Ma-aanMl, iron, steal 'Get iasv-opf today. a.Jer 694 economy EnECI Handy, Time-Saving, Plastic i III! applicator brush Free ef extra cost with purchase ol 98c jar ( Easy-Off 1 'Valley Butieville Butieville The flower ar rangement class of the Country side Gardeners club met lor their seventh lesson Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Vernon Eilers. Mrs. Jack Bartlett of Brooks Is the Instructor. Color and color combinations as they are used in flower ar rangements and color effects of backgrounds were aiscussea, Arrangements were made from home-grown flowers daffodils and flowering shrubs predominating. The hostess, Ruth Eilers, was surprised at the end of the les son with two blrtnaay canes. Those present were Mrs. Vernon Eilers, Mrs. Dan Clark, Mrs. Loren Giesy, Mrs. J. W. McClure, Mrs. George John son, Mrs. John Rasmussen, Mrs. Claude Shaffer, Mrs. George Eilers, Mrs. Henry Moore, Mrs. Jack Bartlett, Mrs, Beryl Breithaupt, Mrs. Jennie Ad kins. Mrs. Edward Jones has been ill with flu for several days. Her twin sister. Mrs. Glen Yer gen, has been assisting by car ing for the children. Vernon Eilers is recuperating from painful leg injury re ceived while working a pow er lawn mower. First aid in cluded 14 stitches. The bone was not injured, so he will soon be "on his feet" again. Mrs. Jennie Adkins, who will be SO years old in July, is pack ing her bags for a trip to Cal aarv. Alberta, to visit her son. She is now at her daughter's, Mrs. Vernon Eilers. , - Though she thinks she could manage the 'whole trip alone, Mr. and Mrs. Eilers plan to take her to Vancouver, B. C, and let her go by train from there. Mrs. Karl Engleman and Mrs. Charles Wilson of New- berg were on duty at the Daughters of the American Revolutoin Memorial Pioneer Mothers cabin in Champoeg park recently. In the morning iney super vised the replanting of the collection of old pioneer roses, and a spring cleanup of the grounds. The cabin is opened by ap pointment for schools or other interested groups at any time. Beginning on Decoration day and continuing through the summer months, the cabin will be open every Sunday after 10:30 a.m. with hostesses on duty being supplied by differ ent DAR chapters in turn. Mrs. Karl Engleman returned home Tuesday night from Klamath Falls, where she had been to attend the state con ference of the Daughters of the American Revolution. She attended as a delegate of the local chapter and also as a member of the board of gov ernors of the DAR Pioneer Mothers Cabin Memorial in Champoeg park. The regent of the Belle Pas si chapter of the DAR, Mrs. Lester Keller of Hubbard, ac companied Mrs. Engleman on the trip, which they made by train. Concert Association "-ws Jor 984 Silverton Schedules Spring Opening Friday, March 27 Silverton ' The annual Spring Opening has been sched uled for Friday evening, March 27... . , .... .. The committee planners from the Chamber of Commerce are Craig Clark, Bob Duncan, Ted Burlan, Gordon Elwell, Char les Mason and Clint Weiby, The Junior Woman's club- sponsored fashion show Is an nounced for Wednesday eve ning, March 25, at the Palace theater. Silverton Silverton Martin Hannan is reported showing slow Im provement at Silverton hospi tal under treatment, for a heart condition. Judge Alf O. Nelson and Mrs. Nelson accompanied the family of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Burch and Jon, to Salem, Tuesday from where the Burches entrained . for southern ' California -for a month's vacation. At the Dewey Allen home in Pine street as house guest during the week have been the Morton Bakers of Monmouth, formerly of Silverton. . ' Mrs. George Gang (Bernlce Hannan), returned to her Se attle home Wednesday follow ing a visit with her parents, the Martin Hannans. . Mrs. Henry Jackson sub mitted to major surgery at Silverton hospital . Wednesday morning. Her condition later was reported, as "normal." Mrs. Cora Dolan, also a sur gery patient, is making satis factory improvement. Mrs. J. P. A. Hansen of South Water street, though in her 8Bth year, has many house guests. Returning home Thurs day afternoon after a 'week's visit at the Hansen home is Mrs. Inta Gifford of Portland, distant relative. Week-end guests were Mrs. Grace Burch and son Vernon, now of To ledo, and the families of two of her sons, John Fredericks, who spent the winter in Mexico and Arizona, and the Alfred Fred ericks who are making their home in Silverton. House guests at the I. L. Smith home for several days have been their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Boucher (Louise Smith), at Trinity Lutheran church. Ben nett Nelson of Salem was an additional Sunday guest at the Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morton and daughter, Naomi, were Wednesday evening TV guests of the Tom Lathrops. Silverton James Ekman of the local firm of morticians left last week for San Jose, Calif., where he will have a part on the program of the National Selected Morticians meeting, his topic, "Funeral Service. . Accompanying Mr. Ekman to California for a ten-day stay are Mrs. Ekman and their two older children, Stevie and Kim. ' The senior member of the firm, Ernest R. Ekman, and Mrs. Ekman arrived home the I first of last week from an ex-1 tended tour of the islands of the Pacific, Tryphena Rebekah lodge of Silverton met Thursday eve ning, March 12, with Mrs. John Beala, vice grand, acting as noble grand. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webb of Spokane were visitors of the evening. ' Mrs. Harry Riches sang two solo numbers. A skit was pre sented by Mrs. Allan Foster, Mrs. Bert Peron and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor. Mrs. Lawrence Lier : man was the accompanist. I Initiation will be held for j three candidates at the next meeting. . i -': - ! Committees appointed were: i Decoration, Mrs. Lial McClure, ; Mrs. Robert Renwick and Mrs. iL. Sawyer; refreshments, Mrs. Tom Bentley, Miss Ruth Lor enzon, Mrs. Lawrence Taylor and Mrs. Barney Robstad, Scotts Mills Scotts Mills Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson have returned from a visit at the home of their son-in-law and daughter and children, who live In Lebanon Mrs. Bethel Schoenbeln and Miss Ruth Boyce of Portland came to visit the Russell Nelson family and Mrs. Addle Smith Sunday. Mrs. Marlon Groshong and Mrs. Sid Pownall attended the funeral of Mrs. Henry Goodman in Silverton Wednesday. A PLEASANT FORM OF TREATMENT FOR THE OVERWEIGHT PROBLEM 'MELOZETS' kin ATPTC WAFERS NOW YOU CAN EAT AND REDUCE MELOZETS offer aa effective mechanical means ot satis fying the feeling ol hanger and emptlnesa . . . becanse one wafer taken IS mbiates before meal with adequate water expand elfht times the slse of the wafer, pro ducing a feeling ( (alines. fred Meyer Drum fo Fwmtv gun g W M8 North Liberty Much talk is in evidence that Silverton is to have two drive' in theaters, one reportedly al ready under construction in the North Silverton area, and the other said to be nearing that stage just west of the city limits. Details of the plans were not immediately avail able. ; The Silverton Izaak Waltons are seeking a new rest home for migratory fowl in the local area. This they plan to be a 79-acre lake secured by dam' mlng Drift creek, affording a safety section for fowl and making the lake a fishing re sort and waterway for boat ing. The official plans are to be discussed at a meeting of the group at the club house on Bethany road at 8 p.m. Mon' day. One of the pleasure attrac tions of Silver Creek that flows through the business section of town for the past three years has been the flock of several scores of ducks, an Izaak Wal ton project, under care of George Christlanson, ex-mayor and past official of the Izaak Walton club. The annual Western Horse show for Silverton is being dis cussed by Elmer Lawrence, continuing chairman of the show, who is looking forward to a first class event, bigger and better than ever. The ten tative date has been set for Sat urday, Aug. 1. This will be the seventh ' annual show for Sil verton under direction of the Chamber of Commerce, for merly directed by the Silverton Rotary club. Salt Creek Salt Creek The Ladies Mis sionary society met at the church with Mrs. Jessie Dar row, Mrs. Ben Lange and Mrs. Lloyd Stouffer as hostesses. Present were Mrs. John Aebl, Mrs. D arrow, Mrs. Frank Fast, Mrs. Gus Fleischmann, Mrs. Dave Geisbrecht,. Mrs. Abe Haas, Mrs. Charles Hart, Mrs. Gld Hevner, Mrs. Ben Lange, Mrs. Bertha Markwart, Mrs. Otto May, Mrs. Carl May, Mrs. Ernest McCulley, Mrs. Richard Nallinger, Mrs. Walter Schmit ke, Mrs. Katie Schroeder, Mrs. Lloyd Stouffer, Mrs. Law rence Tilgner, Mrs. John TUg ner, Mrs. George Voth, Mrs. Jake Voth, Mrs. Al Voth, Mrs. Leonard Webb, Mrs. John Weibe, Mrs. E.' Wolff, Mrs. Green and Mrs. John Radke. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon .McCul ley and Gaylene were dinner guests of. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McCulley) Wednesday. .' .' Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Ed wards and Larry of Lebanon called at the McCulley home Wednesday evening. Visiting at the Marvin May home were Mrs. May's moth er, Mrs. Reck, and her brother, Max Reck and son, of Eugene. The Ladies Missionary socie ty had its annual program' last week with Mrs. Lois Ahrens, missionary of the Cameroons, as speaker, Calling at the Ernest McCul- ly home Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McCulley of Lebanon, Mr. arid Mrs. Gordon McCulley of Dallas, Miss Betty Springer of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Clark and Jack Clark. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Miller have been ill the past week. Rev. and Mrs. W. D. Pierce are at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. MiUer. Rev. and Mrs. Pierce plan to sail May 10 for their mission field in Africa, Grand Island Grand Island Seven mem bers attended the March monthly meeting of the Grand Island Mothers circle, held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Finnlcum, Wednesday afternoon. Election of officers resulted in Mrs. George Asher being named president; Mrs. Susie Douglas, vice president, and Mrs. Victor V. Scoggan, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. George Asher and Mrs. Jacob Tompkins were the com mittee named to plan for a supper and program to be giv en at the Grand Island school house Friday evening. March 20. . Refreshments , carrying out St. Patrick's day theme were served. The next meeting will be held at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Tompkins, $1.35 t-oi. pkg. Sheridan Sheridan Walter Hagen of Sheridan has fbeen elected conductor of the Llnfield col lege chapter of Phi -Sigma Kappa, national lettermen's so cial organization. He is a freshman In liberal arts at Lin- field. Pvt. Emil McKenzie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rod McKenzie has been transferred from a small Island near Japan, to within eight miles of the fight ing front in Korea. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dawes of Los Angeles, Calif., are the parents of a daughter, Vlckl Lee, born Feb. 24. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Sechrist are the baby's grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bozeman had housewarming last week, when guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hibbert, Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Swails, Mr. and Mr. E. E. DeLarm and Dr. and Mrs. W. I. Wilbur. Vincent Roger will report for army duty April 3. Mrs. Aubrey Lavender gave a party for her daughter Pat ty's seventh birthday last week. Guests were Myrna Grosser, Patty Pelzer, Sharon Lawrence and Gary Lavender. Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Shlvalv and family of Bellevue, Wash., are visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Shively. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Daniels and children of Tulelak, Cal., were guests this week at the Orin Daniels home. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Topp and daughters have returned from a three-weeks trip to Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Trice have returned from a trip to Cali fornia, and are now in Yakima, Wash., visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Jole of Centralis, Wash., were guests at the M. R. Jole home last week. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Sargent of Santa Cruz, Calif., were guests of Mr. and Mr. Ira Rogers last week. Raleigh Francis entered St. Vincent's hospital In Portland last week for surgery. : Donna Puckett, small daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Puck ett, has been removed from the Isolation ward at the Mc- Minnvllle hospital, since It has been determined she is not suf fering from a contagious dis ease. The winner of Portland's Ford foundation teaching fel lowship for this year is Miss Carlie M. Gilstrap, who. was born In Sheridan and attended schools here.. Her father, Drs v. o. unsirap, practiced medi cine in this area, later moving to Portland, where he Is now retired. . . s ' ; Mrs. Benny Miller was hon ored with a pink ' and blue shower at the home of Mrs. Clayton Atwood last week, witn Mrs. victor . Berggren, Mrs. Ralph Kadelland Mrs. Robert Bainter of Wluamins co-hostesses. ' Bonnie Ellis." ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ellis of Sheridan, has entered the University of Oregon Medical school of nursing. She will be gin her studies March 30, fol lowing a three-day orientation period. Miss Ellis is currently a student In pre-nursing sit A reunion was held at the! Buell hail last week honoring Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Dilley of Carmen, Okla. Present at the family reunion were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Frack and son of 1288 STATE ST. RANDALL'S FINE MEATS ALWAYS THE BEST MEAT VALUES These prices effective till further notice. Buy with confidence! We guarantee yon the best value for your money always. Flan to buy a week's supply! Any of our retail cuts double wrapped for your locker FREE! Eastern Oregon Hereford Eastern Oregon Hereford Arm Blade Rump fMSd Round and T-Bone . . BEEF ROAST ..... Lb.39 BEEF STEAK u.59 RIB STEAK SPECIAL While They Last... Lb. 49c Freshly GrounC ff44 I Fresh Country Style fA4 HAMBURGER ,,b.391 SAUSAGE u39 BEEF HEART or TONGUE Lb 39c Extra Lean I Lean Tender 0d Ground Round ,h 59 I BEEF CUBES ,h 59 PLUMP YOUNG HENS Dressed and Drawn Lb. 49c BEEF FOR YOUR LOCKER FANCY EASTERN Front Quarter Half or Whole 32 '36'K FANCY U. Front Quarter Wb Portland; Mr. and Urs. .Earl Frost. Yamhill; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hinshaw, Grand Rondc; Mr. and Mrs. Ed HaU. New berg; Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hall and daughters, Stayton; Mr. and Mrs. Wood Krumbah and sons of Eugene; Bob Mclnnis and daughter, Albany; Roy Merrltt, Grand Ronde; Mr. and Mi. Earl Dickey and family, Willamlna; Mr., and Mrs. Lyle Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Frack and family, Sheridan. Talbot Talbot Mrs. Leo Weddle entertained members of the Talbot Woman's club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Ethel Bllnston, vice president of the club, presided over the business meeting. . Mrs. Gladys . Cochran won the prize. ' Mrs. Claud Miller gave a re view ot the state of Maine. Mrs. Albert Cole furnished a religious game. The prize was won by Mrs. Henry Turn ldge. Mrs. Delmer Davidson and Mrs. Claud Miller were ap pointed a game committee for a pink and blue shower for Mr. Keith Keesecker. Mrs. Jake Gilmour and Mr. Henry Turnldge were appoint ed to arrange the lunch. At the close of the meeting, Mrs. Leighton Weddle assisted the hostess in serving Mrs. John Zehner has re turned home from the Salem Memorial hospital where she spent the past nine days for treatment and observation. Many families of this com munity have measles, scarlet fever and flu. Mrs. Oscar Haven is mak ing a satisfactory recovery from recent surgery. Broadacres Broadacres Pupils of the 7th and 8th grades of Broad acres school and their teacher, Mrs. F. A. Osborn, went to Sa lem Friday to visit the legisla ture and several business firms. O. C. Jackson provided trans portation for the group. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Green and son left Friday night for a nine-day . trip to California. While there, they wlU visit Mrs. Green's father, Charles C. Lin- denmeyer, at Los Angeles. Mrs. W. O. Green is clerk at the North.. Marion Union - High School. "A POWUtFUL FILM, SUM UNCAITI STARTUNOIY IFFICTIVI." ,"' "-IoimIo PonoM BURT LANCASTER V k ...fitd to en woman . ,..terirnttd by anoihtrl St flgftS R jJAAlliJl Wed. SALEM, OREGON S. GRADE A GOOD LIGHT I Half or Whole ' Monmouth Monmouth A group of former members of Delve class of the EUB church attended services .at the Lafayette church recently and later en- Joyed a covered dish dinner with the Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Lonsberry and - Helen in the church dining room Attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Steb bins and Jean, Mr.' and Mrs. Oscar Groves, Mr. and Mrs: Lowell Brisbane and Mr. El freda Evan, Monmouth; Dr. and Mr. Lloyd Hockett, Sa lem; Mr. and ' Mr. Bernard Seller,. Banks; Ml. and Mrs. Orval White, Forest Grove, i The Baptist Missionary so ciety met at the home of Mrs. Charles Moore Tuesday with devotions led by Mrs; Pat Ball entyr.e and special music by Mrs. Hal Snair. Mrs. Ben Owen was guest speaker and showed slides of her work in the Su dan interior mission of Ethi opia. . The Chamber of Commerce and Civic club joint banquet was held Tuesday at the Mon mouth hotel. Singing by the OCE quartet preceded the din ner .James Curtin, principal of the elementary school at In dependence, sang to his own guitar accompaniment. Mrs. Ermine Gentle, president of the Civic club, and Q. L. Jacob son, president of the Chamber o Commerce, spoke briefly, as did Mayor Howard Morlan. Guest speaker for the Mon mouth Luncheon club was Paul LltUe, president of the Llnfield college student body, and one of four members of the college oratory team that is leaving soon on a months' tour and will compete in the national orator ical contest. A new key-making machine IRIVE-IN THEATRI PHONE 3-6489 OREGON HEREFORD Hind Quarter 38'- STEER BEEF I Hind Quarter 51' lb. DRIVE-IN THEATRE V -""Thou! 2-7829 J 1 UIISH 0AIDIHJ, HIGHWAY 9 f kW . Gate Open 8:45 ffi - Show at 7:15 MZ r ENDS TUESDAY! f 2 Color Hits i M 1 "APRIL IN- .. it PARIS" I M ' Doris Day M I "STOP YOUR f has been installed at the Spen-cer-Heckert hardware store and they can now make dupli. cate keys in a few minutes. Mrs. Louis Horn, now a res ident of Monmouth, a native of Jerusalem, told of that city and the country round about and showed pictures at the Social Hour club at the home of Mrs. Clares Powell. ' - . . WeWoof Webfoot Mrs. T. Lyman en tertained the Webfoot Social Service club at her home Thurs. day afternoon and assisted one of the members work on a cro cheted lace table cloth. One visitor, Mrs. Michael -Smith, and seven members at- tended Mrs. Ralph Curfman, Mrs. Dell Morgarledge, Mrs, Clayton Richards, Mrs. A. if, Vernon, Mrs. Arch Shafer and Mrs. Ames Hcldrcdge. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Dell Morgarledge. Fruitland Fruitland Mr. and Mrs, Daryel D. Johnson were hosts ' for a family dinner honoring Mr. Johnson's brother, Ardau Eldon Johnson, and - Allan Dahl, who left with 33 others March 11 for induction at Fort Lewis. l- t .. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson and Bob Johnson of Silverton, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Johnson, parents ot Ardell Johnson. SNEAK PREVUE TONITE8:45! AT THE ELSINORE In Place of "Most Beautiful Girls in the World" . PHONE S-S7ta " Tyrone Power 1 . In Technicolor "MISSISSIPPI GAMBLER" Co-Fealurette! In Technicolor "MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRLS IN THE . WORLD" - Anne Baxter : Montf omery Clift ."I CONFESS" " . ' Co-Feature . Bugs Bunny's Big CARTOON REVUE! PHONC 1-3721 ' Two First Runs! Alee Guinea "MAN IN THE . WHITE SUIT Dirk Bogarde "STRANGER IN BETWEEN" Matinee Daily from 1 P.M. BIDS I00AT "Million Dollar HernuM" 4"taHleTown" TOMORROW! AT BARGAIN f RICES! A UFETIME Of HAZARD AND DOUIT IN 72 HOURS) 1 r I CO-HITI jy L hodTak ! -.1 J