Monday, March 16. IMS DENNIS the MENACE THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregoa Pact 1? bU REMEMBER THOSE SILLY HANDCUFFS VOCJ&VE PENI ENNIS, HENRY? VVBU, HERE'S WHAT HAPPENED. . . FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED, very attractive t rooms In modern private home on Mill Creek, lots ot built lni, garbage disposal, VTNE3T LA KGB 8-ROOM With bath, unfurnished, with garden plot. Ph. j-1117. JpM FrIY'ATE THREE ROOM furnished court apartment, clean. Adult. $50. 3680 peruana a IkvERAL furnished apartments, Rood V TT V T. Stiff Vl1Hlt,IH Phone 3-9165. Jp inrELT FURNISHED apartment. Am- .ntrtmi.nil SKA N. flilm. D1IHUH . . --- , T mer. Lee Apts. Sslem's Most Distinguished Address Fouowing tmiwi vmu v. auuwn ww. j-Bdrm. Available Now 110.00 1-Bdrm. Available Now 79.00 1-Bdrm. Available Now 17.00 1 Bachelor Unit. April 1 01.50 For luxury living at moderate rate call at on rt. winter ck. ro. -,oi. JP LOST & FOUN D LOST BLUE Parakeet In West Salem. LOST Lady' brown-framed, sold-trimmed glasses, between Nohlgren's and Montgomery Ward's. Call Mrs. Warner it Wsrd's office. Phone 3-3191. k66' FOUND Small brown and white female doc with red harness, or will give war if owner doesn't claim. 4-4391. k4 MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS D-DRIVE MOVE YOURSELF SAVE V, PICKUPS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION 11 COURT ST. PHONE 1-1831 PAOI STEVENSON and AL MEPFORD m SAUDI SAND & GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing - Ditching Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Ditohlng by the Foot Phone Dart 1-0408 Eves. 3-4417 or 3-7(1! Salem. Oregon a DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARVEY SEMLER, DENTIST idolph Bldg., State Ac Commercial Stl. SALEM PH. 8-3S11 m' BUILDING MATERIALS GARAGE Km complete on your lot, llf.ll per month, no down payment. You can ibt that den or add that UNI inUIWUUI ... O BUI It flilt with ue aoonl Portland Road Lumber Yard OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY IMS Portland Rd. Phone 4-4438 ma GARAGE Complete On Your Lot to your apeetflcatloni, as low as $11 .per month, no down payment, BORKUAN LBR. HDW1. CO. 1460 State St. Ph. 1-1701 ma64 TiT TTT TT Ma I cedar shlnglei Ho. a cedar ahlnglei Ho. 1 cedar shingles 1 tab competition roollng Roll roofing few tclleti complete jew waah basins complete "ills, per keg Jew ihower cabinets new weather stripped windows . Hew picture windows oud Camp Adair windows ... hinted Cedar shakes new doors, 3'8"x6'8" Water proof wall board 4x8 .. pierhead Oaraie Hardware . Hew .llaes Doors Heel Oarage Doors, complete . ...I 1.75 .. I 5.35 ...I t.n ...I e.n ...I 1.36 ...631.60 ,. .117.10 ...110.76 ,..143.00 ...IH4K) ,..t 100 ...I 7.90 ...111.50 ...I 5.60 ...818.50 ,. 510.60 .. .157.50 BARGAIN Kitchen sinks, bath tubs, water heaters, pipe, septic tanks. PLYWOOD No scrappy pieces, 4x1 sheets, good plywood, both Interior snd exterior, srgaln prlcee. C. G. Long & Sons One ml. north of reiser. Ph. 4-6031 maOe YARD CLEAN-UP SALE Of Surplus Stock t to 3x13 No. 1. 1st en wider boards, No. 1. 1I0 si nil rough boards, No. I Jt better. J. Orade K.D. drop skiing, frlce 645 M. while present Items last. Shims, M.oo Jitney load ISM 1 T. a, o., K.D. heavy duty flooring. Cash carry delivery oan be ar ranged. Coast Range Mill Wallace Rd. at Bassett St. West Salem Sael4 By Ketcham BUILDING MATERIALS BOoriNQ complete line. Call Western . -1H7. ior tree estimate. Oam bias Western Auto Supply Co., 301 N. Commercial. ma77 Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles No. 3i, 11 Inches clear, 16; No. I. umw clear, ... no sap wood or oulla. Come, and get them. Ted Midler. Salem-Independence Road. ph. Salem ma' WE NEED TO MOVE IT TO MAKE ROOM QUICK!! Cedar Siding Shorts 16.00 to MOO (good I or small oulldtng). Hem. Sd. Rdm. length (not bad) t4x4 50.60. x as 4xio 58.00. Ill ' Bean Poles (a xewi sic aacn you nauil Raked Cedar penelg ltall, dona very looo, some ota, Rom so n. to uo It. Hop Pegs 3.00 M. you haul. Oar- den staku, or what do you need To fence In the dot or child "sticks lor pukets" ltbe lln. ft. 'YOUR BUILDINO SUPPLY FRIENDS' Portland Road Lumber Yard 1545 PorUand Rd. Phono 4-4433 ma NURSERY STOCK PRIMROSE, DELPHINIUM, 38ft t tot $1. rHiaOA ana fsonys, ten colors ana varletlei. STREAMLINER and UTAH STRAWBERRY PLANTS, HEATHER, AZALEAS, DAPHNE, BOXWOOD. MERRILL'S OREENHOUSE, BROOKB. mbffi COME IN and tvee our line of cardan cup- puee, anruDi ana oeocinc pianti. Mid die arovn Nuriery, 4830 Sllrerton Rd. mMi RHODODENDRON, Aialeu, CamelUai, dic nn 01 BnniM. nee our evercreen shrubt for hedce. H. L. Pearoy Nur iery Company; location, turn left at Kelier, follow pared road -fur ml. to nursery. mo For Salt MISCELLANEOUS PATENTED NEW DESIGNED letUr Pat- terns ior puiow cases, Blouses, eto. Ph. 1-5335. - nog DRY POULTRY RBTILIZETs Is Tery good ror lawns and easy to spread. By aak or yard. Phillips Bros., Ph. 430!1. a SINGER drophead treadle lewlni machine, A-l oonojuon, oniy ruiiy guaran teed, fllncer Sewlnt Center. 110 N. Com'l. nM FOR TEXTILE paint klU and braahat, I ic urines palnu and bruihea, atenelu and transfers, Trt-Chem tube paints. See our leleotton. Instruction free with purchase. Handicraft Supplies, 163 So. Liberty, upstair, Rm. 10. nM UN STEEL 3" Irritation pipe. Pi tree coupler, price reaaonabie. W. A. Ham lin, 3tt miles eut of CorrallU on Peoria road. Phone CorrallU 3-4879. DT WALNUT! lOo a pound, IMS Lan caster Drive, Saturday and Sunday only. nM Used - Appliances No Down Payment ' USED HOTPOINT REFRIGERATOR Apt. House site, very elean, new paint. JOB 4t VEGETABLE ORtSPER, only an.5 USED NOROE REFO.-4 n. ft. slse, small but very clean at. perfect run ning eondltlon. Quiet operation, only KIM USED NOROE REPO. S CU. ft. A real buy. It's very clean 4s quiet, only66i.05 USED GENERAL ELECTRIC REFG. Very good eondltlon. Large family also, sliding shelves. A real buy, only 350.06 USED OEN. EL. WASHER Large family slse. complete with pump. All-porcelain tub, de luxe wringer. A real good machine. Only 460.05 USED WHIRLPOOL WASHER De luxe with pump. Only one year old, clean as new one. Only 109.93. Reg. 1149.95. USED DE LUXE EASY SPINNER Only ued 3 yrs. A very clean & good wash er. Only 38100 USED DE LUXE CU. FT. GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR Looks like new. Interior Usht a. vegetable crisper. Only 580.95. No down paymt. TinkhamGilbert GENERAL ELECTMIC APPLIANCES 300 N. Liberty Phone 1-0313 n64' CHROME SET $28. Zenith radlo-nhon. combination, $49 .86, baby bunr $7.60, daveno $17.60, coffee tables $4.96 each., cotton mattresses 16.00 each. Snook's Bargain Center, 1288 Broadway. Ph. 41736. 551! SINGER electric portable sewing mechlne, foot control, sewing light and new carry ing case. Special today, 619.50. sinter Sewing Center, 130 N. Commercial SMALL COLLECTION Of fine Old vio lins, reeson.Dir. PIANO, hardware for garage overhead door, reasonable. 3357 Beacon Ave. no. l-WHEEL service cycle with all attach -i, pnnni ?di.i. -"- BABY GRAND piano, recoivdltloned, 45. Frank Holoubes. Rt. U oo". HE mw For Sola MISCELLANEOUS Used Radios ftl of them. Prom super de lusa thret apeed combination radio and record player to a little table model for wnten w won't reiua any reaaonatue offer. All radio were traded In on either the Raytheon TV or the Peelfte Mercury TV. We n stlU tradta but we must make room ao all radio are offered at bargain prlcee. Will trade your old radio on either a TV or hi her priced radio. Even traded In a Piano and It' for sate, too. An upriiht crand In dandy condition at $317. W are open until I p.m. every day. Coma In and see the fret TV ehow and pick out your radio. PRALL'S M N. Liberty St. Telephone 4-4743 net ONE laU BUG, aU wool, 560; 1 radio phone., table model, 135; one lady's suit, sua 10, beautiful material, 436. 4-4776. not Gravel and Sand Anything In gravel, wholesale and retail. VALLEY SAND O RAVEL CO. Ph. 1-4003. n YOUNG'S TIOUT FARM, good fishing. S mllea east of Oates on Linn County aide. nos ERE! Westlnghouse sewing on 11 floor Samples. Sara up to 40. YEATER APPLIANCE COh 376 Che mekete. n IWIN BED complete, 11.60. Oleen Wood ry, 1606 N. Summer. n64 FOB SALE Lata model 7V H P .Eten rude outboard with neutral. Like new. Cell p.m. or week-ends. Phone 3-4333. 4015 State Street. n4 Best make portable double action gaso line pump with ft. hose. Good 6 ft. saw, 14 teeth and drag, Call 1610 State. nf USED Westlnghouse automatlo laundro mat, only 6139.55. Yeater Appliance Co., 376 Chemeketa. na EQUITY IN new Winter Splnette piano, (Mahogany), reasonable. Fb. 4-6335. n64 FOB SALE 300 amp. Hobart Welder, on wheels. 3-4056. nS4 CHESTS O' DRAWEES, 7.50. Olenn Woodry, 1505 N. Summer. nS4 PLAST1-KOTE requlrea no waxing. For your floors or linoleum. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n CEDAB TELEPHONE and electric poles. fence posts, bean posts and stakes J-IUM1P. oro.., nt, o, mi mile. east of 4 Corners. Ph. 4-3061. n ORGANIC FERTILIZER. Free Of Weed seeds, and odorless, sack or bulk or ders delivered. Phone 1-6137. nS4 BEFBIOEBATOBS, NEW and Used. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 3T5 Che meketa. n THE IDEAL fertiliser It's organic peatmoss, with poultry droppings, only 08o a sack. Valley Farm Store. Ph. 4-4434. n70 SALEM DIESEL Roller and ball bearings for trucks and tractors. 3775 SUverton Rosd. n EXCELLENT barn yard fertiliser. Phone 4-3007 or 1-1400. nea- NOW IS the time to bur your 1053 West lnghouse automatlo dryer at only 5309.05. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n O. TUB Maytag washer, 35.00. Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. nS4 TWIN SIZE baby buawy, excellent condi tion, as. Rt. 1, Box 333, SUverton, Rev. Mel E. Arn. nM DEEPFREEZE home freeaers. YEATER appliance CO., 375 Chemeketa. FOB SALE M.E. garden tractor, excel lent condition. 12-inch. Phone a-5510. n65 LARGE CEDAB Chest, 10.00. olenn wooqry, loot h. summer. n64' REDUCED! $10 per day untU sold. USED ONE 1 INCH DRUM TYPE FLOOR SANDER. 30 SHEETS OP SPEED ORIT PAPER. THIS PAPER ALONE IS WORTH 3180. Starting price Feb. 26, $576 MARCH 17. $415 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard FRONT A COURT STS., PHONE 3-9111 (We Olve S4iH Green stamps) n tils WOOL RUO, 39.96. Glenn Woodry', leoii h. summer. n64 CRAFTSMAN ft -inch saw. Inquire 338 S. Capitol. 3-3806. Practically new. n6B FERTILIZER--Pulverised, rotted manure. aeiiverea anywnere. 3-0774 or J-wna. n66 TOP SOIL River tilt and fill dirt, promptly delivery, mono i-i7t. ms law ALLOWED for your old water heater on this nsw 43-gallon automatlo eleo trlo water heater. Yeater Appliance. 376 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4311. n Organic Fertilizer Pros of weed aeeds, and odorless. Sack or bulk orders delivered, phone 3-0137. not LADIES' BIKE, 13.30. Glenn Woodry. n04 McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS, OoB Edge water, West Salem. Salem Logging Sup ply. Ph. 4-1641. n HOSPITAL BED for aale or rent. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-0156. n USED washing machines, 30.06 and up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 376 Che meketa. n DROP LEAF din. table a S chalra. 1 chrome breakfast table. Bee at 1605 N. 3Ut. Ph. 3-3474. n66 HOT POINT kitchen range, good condi tion; 4' O. E. refrigerator, like new; roll-a-way bed and spring filled mat tress, single else; chest of 4 drawers: 6 piece walnut bedroom aet and mat tress; double laundry tuba ftnd lawn mower. Ph. 3-4684. n6V 0 YEAR maple crib it mattress, 19.50. Woodry, 1600 N. Summer. n64 GLENN WOODRY open Frl. till 1 p.m. 1605 N Summer. net FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted manure, composts, the earns quality as last year, for home and garden. Flaei tones, red lava stone and other types for walls or gardens. Rus tic cedar fencing and trellis work. P hill I pi Bros.. Rt. 6, Bos 493, Salem. Ph. 4-3061. n" Wanted MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Walnut meats, and walnuts In shell. Highest cash price on delivery. MORRIS KLORFEIN PACKING CO. 460 N. Front St., Salem Ph. 3-7513 na WOODRY WANTS Planoe. Phone 3-5110. LOGS WANTED Stud Mill. Lengths 1' 4" or ll I". Diameter 4" to 10". Sawmill. Lengths 13' and longer. Diameter 1" to 50". Top prlcee paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner. Ore. Phone 1135 na ELECTRIC RANGES, Woodry'a. Ph. 1-euo, na To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. O.-OUP No. 1, 1041 N. Commerelil. Ph. 1-411 ir 3-4637 ECUBITY DETECTIVE Agency, prlraU Inrettlgatloas. 13 Paclfls Bldg. Phone 4-3346. AUTOMOBILES MODEL A PICKUP, 14-ln wheels. W W. 4153 N. Uncaster. 4-3707. a5a U POBD V ton pickup. One oj the best. Phone 4-1657. 4' FORCED TO SELL my equity 1147 stude bakor Starlight Coupe. Ph. 4-5W4, or eee at 150 8. 15th after 5 p.m. 54 1040 too 4-door Nash. Oood tires, good condition throughout. See 440 8. Bum mer. 064 lou FOBD. Ot., excellent condition. 1376. Rer. Mel E. Ara, Rl. 3, Boa 333, SUverlon. qU IMS BU1CK, hard top, radio, heater, de froster, white walls, undercoated. Tnit car la Just broken In with only 5.000 mllea. Best offer over 53600. Call 3-3014 after 4. 0.64 M lost F-J sls-cyllnder Pord dump truck. 0-foot box. Excellent condition. Can see at 8336 PorUand Rd.. Salem, if MUST SELL Make any offer. '46 Kaiser Traveler. Radio, heater. 3-535. q6t $ for $ You Cannot Beal Our Cars For Value PONTIACS 52 Sedan, hydro, R&H $2595 51 Sedan, hydro, R&H $1995 50 Sedan, hydro, R&H $1695 49 Sedan, hydro, R&H $1395 49 Sedan, R&H ..$1295 .CHEVROLET 48 Sedan, R&H $795 PLYMOUTH 49 Sedan, heater $845 BUICK 46 S'Sdan, R&H $695 Best For Less 41 Chevrolet, R&H ..... .$295 40 Chevrolet, R&H $195 42 Chevrolet, R&H, Aero $150 39 Chrysler, R&H $95 40 Pontiac, R&H $295 "ALWAY'S THE BsWT FOR LESS" KELLY OWENS CO. 650 N. Liberty Ph. 2-4118 qOt 1949 DODGE sedan In first class con dition, low mileage, one careful owner, $1160. Terms If desired. Bmll Lung berg, 730 No. 17th street. Q69 FOR SALE 1S4S Chev. a door deluxe or 1B60 Ford 3 door, see at 1740 wauer. 066 1952 RANCH WAGON V-t, Overdrive, Less Than 6,000 Miles 1952 WILLYS PICKUP - - 4-Wheel Drive 1952 INTERNATIONAL L-112 Pick-up. Like new 1946 INTERNATIONAL 4 -Ton With Stock Rack 1949 WILLYS STA. WAGON with New Motor 1951 PONTIAC 8 Catalena, 16,000 Miles 1950 CHEVROLET BEL AIR Fully Equipped 1949 CADILLAC 4-Door. Drives Like Mew Mac & Don's USED CARS 1704 So. Main Lebanon FARM EQUIPMENT CATERPILLAR TRACTOR No. 10. Sale or trade for Ford Ferguson and plow. 1030 cross Street. b04 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING RADIATOR TBOUBLBt Valley Motor Co. experts will solve your prob leme and aare you money. Free esti mates, apeedy aervlce. Center at Lib erty, qc SPECIAL AUTO USED PARTS Motors, radiators, fenders, ax les, bodies, gears, batteries, etc. Acme Auto & Truck Wreckers 3555 Portland Road NEAR SAN SHOP DRIVE-IN FINANCIAL LOANS UP TO $1500 on Signature, Purnlture, Car AT PERSONAL it's "yes" promptly to employed men or women. 1-vtslt loan . . . phone first, You select best payment data. Between payday loan. Phone, write or oome In TODAY! Personal Finance Co. . 103 S. HIOH ST.. SALEM State License No. S-123, U-16S Loans over 1S00 up to $1600 and up to 30 months to repay made by Personal Finance Co. ot Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Companies Aot of Oregon. r76 Lie. 8-133 and M-138 and ROY H SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Har 'Top Tredes" 13:08 Dally K8LM 1390 Kc. OKNERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS 13$ Bo. Commercial St. Tel. 3-B161 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. IB 2 South Church Parking aPlentr Ph. 3-3457 14C No. M-180, 8-154 I FINANCIAL FOB SALE 47,000, sales contract, well eeoured or real estste. pnone sossg. ret BEE US FOR FARM, CITY OR ACRSAOK LOANS BEST OP TERMS WE BUY Heel estate mortgages 4 toe tracts State Finance Co. 107 So. High St Ph. 3-4111 r STATE FINANCE CO. 5 SIMPLE WAYS TO END YOUR MONEY WORRIES I Furniture Loan 1 Auto Loan - s Livestock Loan 4 Co-Maker Loan 5 Signature Loan Maximum Small loan isoo Maximum Auto loan 6500. 147 SO. High St Phone 14131 M-131 r!4 PRIVATE MONEY Special Ratea and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Time Payments ROY H. SIMMONS ' 111 So. Commercial St. Ph. 1-1111 5 Interest If you have Idle funds seeking In vestment, Ujen you are the type of person to whom we can be of service. Por over Twenty-five Years we have t been helplnc people In this community find profitable work for their money. Durlnc this period we have promptly paid SO aeml-annal Interest parmente totalling many Thousands of Dollars. We are currently paying 6 INTEREST on funds from $600 to $6000. General Finance Corporation 136 B. COMMERCIAL ST. Salem. Oregon Phone 1-0161 r HOUSE TRAILERS BRAND NEW 14 foot trailer house. Used just 4 weeks. 1808; 1430 N. 35th St. ta6B OUB EQUITY In 35ft foot 1953 Angelus trailer. Ph. 4-5731. 3316 Portland Rd. taes MACHINERY 10-u M. SAWMILL machy. 330-h.p. dlesel motor, edger, pond eaw, unloading rig, to., ready to ao. 103J, Independence. V70 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented, repaired. Roen. 466 Court. Ph. 3-4773. BULLDOZING Burtdoalng road, clearing teeth. Virgil Busker, 1O10 Falrvlew. Ph. 1-3146. . O60 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash registers. All makes, sold, rented, re paired. Roen. 450 court, pn. 3-0773. o DRESSMAKING Alteratlona, hemstitching, buttons, buckles covered, buttonholes. Sirs, fi. M. Allender. 3-9011. 000 DRIVING INSTRUCTION Learn to drive the "Easy Drive" way. Call or cee Mr. Rlckard, Valley Mo tor Co.. Salem, pnon. 3-31.7 or a-5174. o EXCAVATING Ben OUen ft Son. Excavating, trad lng, land clearing. Phone 3-3080. O80 INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS Fork-lift trucks. Inside and outside work. Hyster, Clark, Mobile lift, 3000 nd 4000 lb. machines. By day, week or month. Ph. 3-3431. Capital city Transfer. INSULATION Insulation, weatheratrlps, screens. Free estimates. T. Pullman. Phone 3-ooss, 086 BfATTBESSES Capitol Bedding, renovates. Full line new mattresses. Ph. 3-4069. OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files, filing supplies, safes, duplloatotrs, supplies, desk lampa, type- writer stands, Roen, 456 Court. o SEPTIC TANKS Kernel's aeptle tanks cleaned, lln serv ice. Guaranteed work. Phone 3-7404. 073 uik.'a senile Service. Tanke cleaned. D'rooter oleana sewers, drains. Phone 1-1404. Q'4- Sewer, septic tanks, drama cleaned. Ro-to-Rooter Sewer Service. Phone 3-1337. TV Sales, service, Antenna, 1170 Lena Ave. Phone 4-6631. o65 WINDOW CLEANING "B 4 Z" Window Cleaners, paint scrap ing, floor waxing and general service. Besldentials our specialty. Oo any where. Ph. 1-7931. Acme Window Cleanere. Industrial floor waxing, houseoleanlns. Phone 3-1317. 347 Court. TYPEWRITERS Smith, corona. Remington, Royal, Un derwood portables. All makes used meohlnes. Repairs es rent. Roen, 456 Court. " LODGE SALEM LODGE No. 4, A. F. & A M.( Wd Mar. 18, F. O. dree, 7:30 pm. 68 Chicago Lives teck Chicago (rPH-Uvw how passed another rung Monday on their upward climb In wi4i a tain at 122.10 was the highest since Aug. 31. Most sales were 38 to 60 cents higher, although demand for light er welshu or nutcners coniinura cattle Jumped 30 cents to $100 on the Huh Kit Monday run since Nov. 34 but sheep failed to establish aa early mar- Most butcher hogs sold at $3100 to $33.00 and sows from $17.80 to $10.60. Clearance waa good on the 8,000 hogs on aale. Oood to prime ateers and yearlings sold quickly from $31.00 to $38.00. Oood and ehoiee heifers were 120.00 w i.i.ou. cows topped at 111.00 for a few young commercial grade offerings, bulls were $30.00 and below, and vealers $30.00 downward. Estimated arrivals Included 13.000 cat tle on publio aale, 300 calves, and 3,600 sheep. Portland Uveeteek Portland OJA Cattle: 3100; glow, steady to weak; good-choice heifers 31 31.76; oholce fed alters np to 34; utility commercial ateers 18-31.80 low good light steers 33; canner-eutter sows 11-14: shell down to 7.80: utility oows 16-18: commercial oows 17; commercial bulls 18-30. Calves: ISO; market not established; choice vealers 30-33; good-choice stock ere 30-33. Hots: 1000: 3S-60C hither; choice 1, a 180-336 lb. butcher 33.50-34; choice 380 lbs. 33; choice 300-680 lb. sows 30-31; lit Mer welihts to 31.80. Sheep: BOO; steady; choke-prime 108 lb. lambs 31; good-choice 19.50-30.80: good feeders 17, fleshy heavy feeder of shearing type 1918.80; good-choice slaughter ewe 8.50-8.50; utility 6.50; lltht culls down to 4. ewes Portland Eastilde Market Portland tub a .mall lot of field grown strawberry rhubarb sold for 13.10 a 16-lb. box today on the Portland Eait elde Farmers Wholesale Produce mar ket. Other offerings were sesree snd prices nomlnsl. Chleei. Onlens Chlcsgo (AV- Onions: Open High Low Close March 4.31 4.51 4.11 4.00.44 Marion County Native Passes Funeral services will be held at the Clough-Barrlck chapel Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock for James H, Herren, Marion county resident aU hit life, who died at a local hos pital Sunday after an tllnesi of several years. Interment is to be In the City View cemetery and offi ciating at the services will be Rev. W. Harold Lyman. Herren, who for 25 or 30 years was an employe of Mar lon county, retiring in 1933, was born at Donald, Ore., May 1, 1868, and was the son of Noah F. and Adaline E. Her ren. He attended schools in the Willamette valley and for some years prior to being em ployed by Marion county as a chairman with a surveying crew was a steam engineer at Salem institutions. In 1912 Herren was married to Bonah King, who preceded him in death in 1941. He was a member of the Court Street Christian church and of the Woodmen of the World. Survivors -include two daughters, Mrs. Pauline Rich ards of Salem and Mrs. Gene DeNial of Seattle; a son, Dar rell H. Herren of Salem; and seven grandchildren. M A R K E T QUOTATIONS PORTLAND PRODUCE LIST Butterfat Tentative, subject to Im mediate change: Premium quality, maxi mum .36 of one ner cent acldltv da- llvered in Portland 68-73o lb.; first qual ity 67-700! second quality, 04-67o. Valley routes ana country points, a oents less. Batter Wholesale f.o.b. blk cubes to wholesales grade AA S3 score, 61 oi A grade, 83 score. 60 o: B, M score, 64c: C, 89 score. Mo. Above prices strictly nominal. Cheese Belling price to Portland wholesalers, Oregon singles 48 H - 48c; Oregon 8 lb. loaf. 48tt-61tt, triplets, ltto less than single. Eggs to wnelesaiers Candled eni containing no loss, eases Included to.b. Portland, A grade large, 64V-B5Vfee; A grade medium 83K-S4Wei B nada lam. irTTj-ovrtt. Portland Dairy Market Batter Price to retailers: Orada AA print, 72c; a carton, 73c; & prints, T3ei carton, ise; a prints, esc. Eggs To retailers. Grade AA larae, BBct A large, 66-B7o; AA medium.. B7oi A medium, 68-80ct A small, nominal. Cartons, 3c additional. Cbeese Price to retailers. Portland. Oregon singles, 46Vfc-80e! 64b. loaves, 62-83c; triplets, ltto lasa than sin gles. Premium brands singles, : HViei loaf, 80 Ho. Processed American cheese, 8-lb. loaves to retail 4$V-46Vi lb. Poultry Live Chickens (No. 1 quality, f.o.b. Plant.) Fryers, 2-3 lbs., 800 1 3-4 lbs., 30c; roasters, 4H lb., and over, 31c: heavy hens. aU weights. 36-370: light hens, all weight. SS-aoet old roost ers, le-isc; Dressed Chickens Fryers. 3-3 lbs, 43-4 5c; roasters. 43-44ct light hens. 31- 32oj heavy hens, 36-37oi out up fryers, an weisnts, 3-4c. Rabbits Average to growers: Live Whites, 4-B lbs., 36-37ci 8-0 lb., 33-360 lb., old doe, i)-14oi few higher. Fresh aressea iryers to retailers, 61 -04c; cut UP, B8-6BC. Country Killed Meats Veal Top quality, 40-43e lb soma to 4wj: rougn 35-33C. nogs Lean blockers. 30-33ci sows. light 30-280. Lambs Top grade springer. 40-43c; other grades, according to quality. Mullen Best awes and wetners. iff- 1B0 lb. Beef Utility cows, 38-330 lb.t canner- euners, 3&-27C. Fresh Dressed Heats Wholesalers to retailer: Dollar per owt.: Beer steer, choice, boo-700 lbs.. 39.00- 41.00; good, 37.00-40.00; commercial, 38.00 38.00; utility, 33.00-38.00; cows, com mercial. 31.0O-33.0C1 utlity. canneri-cut- ters, 28.oo-3i.oo. Beef Cuts (choice steers) Hind quar ters, 47.00-61.00; rounds, 46.00-48.00; full loins, trimmed, 63.00-73.00; triangles, 33.00-38.00; forequarters, 36.00-38.00; Chuck. 38.00-43.00; ribs, 49.00-53.00. Veal oood, $43.00-84.00; commercial, Calves Choice, $48-86; commercials, $38-49. Lambs Prime springer, to-BO lbs., $43-48; good, $40-44. Motion Good choice, $21-24. Pork Cute Loins, No. 1, $-13 lbs., $83- 67; shoulders, 16 lbs., $36-38; spareribi, 148-49; fresh hams, 10-14 lb., $86-89. Smoked HamsSkinned, 657-63.60, Re fined lard la drums, $11.60-18; alab bac on, $48-56.50. Portland Miscellaneous Celery CaU flat crate, I-IM, doa.. $3.35-4.35. Pew to $4.60. Or., $3.26- $3.50. onions eo id. sacas west Oregon yel lows, medium, $3.76-4; l-lnchtt $478- No. 3s, $3-35e; boilers, 10 lb. sacks, 45 -4 7c; Idaho yellows, large, $3.80-3.76; No. 1 large, $3.38-3.76; whit med. large, $4.36-4.50; large, 84-4.35. Potatoes Ore.-Wasb. russet, No. I, 4.00-4.50; few down to 878; baker, 6.00-as; 36 lbs., else A, 1.16-30; 10 lb. mesh, 80-65c; paper, 49-83oi No. 8, 80 lbs,, $1.00-1.40; Idaho russets, bales, 6-10 lb., $3,90-3-00 100-Ib. sacks, $4.78-6.00; 38 lb. No. 1, tl.ft. Hay U. 8. No. 3 grsen alfalfa, de livered car lots f.o.b. Portland, nominal ly 136-36 ton; Seattle, $17-36. Wool Willamette valley mostly nomi nal at 45o lb. grease basis. Hides Calves, 18-31o lb. according to weights; green kips, 17-lc; bulls, 4-5ci green butcher cow .lldes, 7-9c. Pilberta Wholesale sailing price No. 1 large Barcelonas, 24 -26c lb.i grower prices, orchard run, 14-15c lb. Walnuts Wholesale selling price, first Quality large Franquettes, 33-330 lb.t grower price, orchard run, 16-160 lb., lew best to 18c, SALEM MARKETS Compiled from report, of Selcm dealer, ..for the luldenee af Capital Jearnal readers. (Revised dally.) Retail Feed Prlceei R.bbll Felleta 51.06 (50-lb.) bag), 84.60-6.70 1100-10. bagl. Egg Muh 86.M-88.45. D.lry r.ed 11.66-1.91 180 lb. baa), 14.00-6.4t (100 Wt.l. Poultry Baying Prlcee Colored fryers, 30c; old roosters, 16o; colored fowl, 30oi leghorn fowl, 36oi roasters, 10c Etsst Buying Prices Eggs. AA, 48c; large A, 44-60O medium AA, slot medium A, 41 40c: small, 37c. Wholesale Prlcee Egg wholesale prices generally 6-70 higher than the prices above, Larse grade A generally quotwl at 65ci medium, 61c. Butterfat Buying prloe: Premium, 71 73c; No. 1. 40-700; No, 3, 47s. Batter Wholesale grade A parchment, 73c lb.i retell, 77c Chleaga Grain Chicago lV- Oram, eased at the tart, made a futile little attaraot at a rally and then retreated to new lows for the day let. In the session on the Board ot Trade Uonday. Russlsn Premier Malenkov'a concilia tory speech In the Ruulen Parliament brought moderate aelllnc Into all cereals. Rain In Ksneas over the weekend creat ed light pressure on wheat. Wheat closed 1 to I lower, March 53 3S4, corn S-. lower, March ll.M, oat, tt-st lower, March 74S-tv, rye 3 to J '4 lower, May 61.76S-tl.771'.. soy beans l",-3 lower, March tlOlVi-H, and lard unchanged to 10 cents a hun dred pounds higher, March 110.67. . St- ft Freddie Has A Smile for Mamie Freddie Wilson, the 1953 , Easter Seal boy, has a smile for Mrs. Dwight Eisenhower as t the first lady stoops besides his wheel chair on the White ' House portico, Freddie, who is bine, was flown, to Washing ton from his home in Reno, Nev., for the opening of the annual appeal for funds to help crippled children. He was born with both arms and legs crippled. Freddie holds a sheet . of seals and Mrs. Eisenhower an enlarged copy of one of them. (AP Wirephoto) - Mid-Willamette Obituaries Mrs. E. K. Selfridge Monmouth Mrs. Elizabeth Kempsey Selfridge, 86, daugh ter of a pioneer Montana fami ly, died Saturday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. E. Forbes of Monmouth. Mrs. Selfridge was born June 18, 1886, at Gran Valley, Calif., the daughter of James and Mary Kempsey. When a small girl her family moved to Butte, Mont., where she lived until 1951, when she moved to Monmouth to live with her duaghter. In 1889 she married Dean W. Selfridge, with whom she celebated her golden wedding anniversary in 1939. A family service will be held Tuesday morning at 10:30 in the chapel of the Smith Mortuary, with Rev. George H. Swift officiating. Inter ment will take place at Butte, Mont. Surviving are: Mrs. L.- E Forbes, Monmouth, daughter Mrs. John Harvey, Butte, daughter; and five grandchild' ren. Her husband and only son preceded her in death. Marvin D. Reed Hubbard Marvin DeLong Reed, 75, died at his home in Tito Reaches Britain, Greeted by Edinburgh London W) President Tito of Yugoslavia stepped ashore Monday to begin an historic visit the. -lrst ever made to Britain by any head of a com' munlst state. His arrival on British soil had been delayed four hours by a typical British weather phenomenon fog. Greeting him at Westmin ster pier in the shadow of Parliament were the Duke of Edinburgh, Queen Elizabeth's husband; Prime Minister Win ston Churchill and Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden. Tito was attired In a naval uniform. Smiling broadly, he shook hands aU around. STOCKS (Br United Press) Amerloan Chemical American Can , Anaconda Copper A T and T Belhelehem Steel Caterpillar Tractor Chrysler Corp Crown SelUrbeeh Continental Cart Curtis Wright Du Pont Eastman Kodak C-eneral Eleotrio Genera Foods General Motors Oeorgla Pacific Plywood ... Oraham False Homestske Mining ......... Inspiration Co Kaiser Fraser Kennecott Copper Lockheed Aircraft M and M Wood Montgomery Ward Katy Pfd New York Central Penneya J. C Penn RR Radio Corporation Rlohflsld Oil Socony Vacuum Southern Paolflo South Co, Standard California standard Indiana Standard N. I Sun Mlnee Texaa Gulf ..,. Trans America .. 74 .. 0Vt .. tav. ..159H .. 55 .. 43 .. II .. sou .. 11 .. 9U .. 97 .. 40)4 .. 78 .. sty, .. 07tt .. 17 V. .. ay. .. 40V. .. 37 .. 444, .. 77 ... 35 " oy. .. 63H .. 34i .. 47f, .. 35H .. 3414 .. 40 ... 30H .. 49 .. 10 .. 63H .. 76U .. 74S .. OS .. 08 ., 3, .. 1814J .. 17 .. 70(4 ..11341 .. 38 .. 30 H ... 30 ... 4314 ... 41 Trans West Air TrI-Contlnental Un Carbtd Union Paclflo United Air UAL U, 8. Rubber U. S. Steel Youngstown S 4, T P.rUaad Grata Portland () Coarse grams uneuoled. Wheat (bid), to arrive market bails No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft White 44t aoit white (excluding Ren 9.44 White Club Hard nd winter: Ordinary 1.47Vli to per cent 1.47Vki 11 per sent 1.47: U per vvn, ...I y,, Hard white baart: Ordinary 1.44; 10 per cent 1.441 II per cent 3.441 11 per cant 3.50. Monder'a ear receipts: Wheat 84: h.r. ley li flour Hi eom Hi oats 1; mill feed so. I w Hubbard Saturday, March 14, . of a heart ailment. Mr, Reed was born at Rutland, Perm., Oct. 23,. 1879, where he lived ' untU 1899. In 1921 he married Ida K.' - Peterson at Buckley, S. D. i, Mr. Reed came to Portland in 1934, and later lived at -Sprlngdale for two years. He -had lived at Hubbard for the . last five years. Surviving are his wife, Id E. Reed; three daughters, Mrs. Vera R. Salesky, Portland; Mrs. .-. Florence N. Nibert, Spring- dale; and Mrs. Pauline R. Scott,- Portland; a son, Harry v M. Reed, Hubbard; and two sisters in the east. Funeral services wiU be at 10 a.m. Tuesday, March 17, at the Canby Funeral Home with the liev. Evelyn Bennett of -Portland officiating. Interment will be in River- view cemetery, Portland. Mary Ellen Raabe Mt. Angel - Mrs. Mary Ellen Raabe, 62, resident of Mt Angel for four years, died -at SUverton hospital Friday afternoon. Recitation of the Rosary will ' be held Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the linger Funeral Home here, and Tuesday night " at 8 o'clock at St Mary's Cath olic church. Funeral services will be Wednesday morning at 8:30 at Convent Queen of the Angels chapel, with interment in Cal vary cemetery, with the Linger Funeral Home in charge. Mrs. Raabe was born June 7, 1890, in Denver, Colo., daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Neary. She was married Aug ust 20, 1920, in Sacramento, Calif., to August Raabe. She is survived ny ner nus- band. Martin Raabe of Mt Angel; daughter, Sister Augu- " ata Marie, OSB, of Convent.'. Queen of the Angels, Mt Angel; a son, George Augusts ,.' Raabe of Santa Barbara, Calif.; -brother, WiUlam Neary, and sister, Anastasia McNulty, both , of Denver. Ralph Santee Gedney ." Sweet Home Ralph Santet Gedney, 88, born in Center- -vllle, Iowa, Jan. 4, 1887, died March 15 at Sweet Home. Sur- ' vlved by widow, Stella Ged-. ney; three daughters, Mrs. ; Isabella Nutman and Mrs. Paul Robertson, Lebanon; Mrs. For rest Fulton, Salem; seven, grandchildren. Funeral serv- Ices at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the. I Houston chapel, Sweet Home.. DEATHS Louis. Jane King Ixuise Jane King, at Log Angeles, . California, March 11. Survived by . daughter, Mrs. Walter Eberhard, Salem: , aeveral brother, and elsUr, In lows: . one granddaughter and thret great grandchildren. Servlcea will be held In the Virgil T. oolden Chapel Tueeday, March 17. at 1 p.m. with interment t Belcrest Memorial Park. - Oeerg. Lawrene. Boblnsen George Lawrence Rooinsoa. law rest . dent of 11 Hawthorne Ave., Medford, Ore., at local hospital. March 14. Survived by wife, Mrs. Ions X. Robinson, Msdiordi son, Lynman w. Rootnaon, -Mwdfordt daughter, Mrg. Richard H. Armond of Klrksvllle, Mo., brother, Vera J, Robinson, Medfordl three grand children, Shipment will be made to Croxford Mortuary, Oreat Falls, Mon- . tana with Interment at Highland eeme tery, under the direction ot Clough Barrlck Co. Jamcja . Herrea Jameg H. Herren. late resident af 1514 Stat St., at a local hospital, March 15. Survived by daughters, Mrs. Paulina Richards, Salem, and Mra. Oene De. .. Nlse. Seattle, Wash., and a son, DarroU H. Herren, S.lem. Also survived by Mr en grandchildren. Servlcea will bo held weaneeaay, March 1. at 1:30 p.m. In the Clough-Barrlck Chapel with Utter, ment at City View cemetery. Rev. W.. Harold Lyman officiating. - , Olvle V. Bach Mra. Olive V. Ruch, late resident at 170 N. Winter St., In this city, March 14, at the ace of 07 yeara. Survived by husband, William H. Ruch, S.lemt bro thers, Ira Spencer,-twtlWOna-aTftjest Spencer, Vancouver, Waah, Announce ment of servlcee will be mad latet by aha HowoU-Edwarda Company,