P 16 rOKSAUHOUSCS : HOLLYWOOD DIST. tu km w CathaUe nana, ut. uv, rm., lutptact, dir. la., kit.. Bih- MUlliT full Itebt kiul with sswdaet turaH l. tut, lu shraae ta4 ahad tree, with ftsead keek yard. A tovtlr baton. tll.Mt. On will ive very tood rmt. Ad FACET MoT ASLANT! lor MTV t , . CAR IN TRADE" VwiinMil money and went aaa. i ww use roi UtM HI) M 4rra Hnnl and On won ood Inu lb HIuh ler that l-yr.-eld boat, few, flit, In. lit. rm. with ttll-te.wall atrtwl, fat. kttthea dbUtte. 1 anas, bath, attutr. He. iituit (Sato. woats M mo init rat, so VUl PACKT MCPAELAND. ' "V DUPLEX, " eaa-BJL anlta tab' with uini. t-Tl-U. hwd. fir, tw, nm hot wawr MWi at f 'WT H tlBO. SIM. town. Un 1 ana ui 1st th. war atah la wmIi, Aat tor ' I'B.R. KOMI V k Stai t Wltk BaaMtelOT flTO Ut. hwd. Are,. knlt-lB kotk tharrtt. ttltaael nrati with raJlt.Ua, lvlr yaad, paved ttrttt Leee (baa I p. M. NWt. fJUu tars lat lor go ODWaUaW. . , . ., ! . JN .CNGLEWOOD 4-aV. home, tlmau., wind (or It. raate, ra. karat, with trait rm.. as, an. aw, sea uua nanvai- - a-Klal. BOOM W1U Ml baaat. swath o 1H acre. Chlaaaa bouae, frail. 1 L frea school, an paved total. (440. Ma ALLAN ! . AT BROOKS t A. with l-B.B. aouM, ur. rat, 41s. rat, kit. 4 nt, aid. Oood. elaen. OtM htm a poultry hats, oo4 wall, da. swap, cheep h N.iM. Ota poh WALL. Burt Picha rm a- aih at. on.: - Bras.: Pesky MaFsrlaad 1-0414, Alias P.lttthr l-IW Don Wall 4-MT, REAL BUY LovsJy Setting Juit Ltk New tt-Acre Lot In Keiztr Dlitrlct Extra Nice front and Back Yard . Insulated Real Cute Kitchen .Oil Heat, Insulated Good Fireplace Attached Oarage Paved Road French Doors Very Good Well -. Almost Imm. Pom.' Price Has Been Reduced to 111,300, Better Hurry) AL ISAAK, REALTOR 8038 Portland Road Ph. 43311 wot down, ato ttarnt 4 YBABS eld. s hodroca eas. boot. Ap pro. tOO M. ft. M A. Xanaad, MH, Allen C. Jones, Realtor sst a. ifcii n. stni art. 4iu WE NEED $10,000 ' : to ' . $20,000 HOMES SEVERIN REALTY sr TBAM or flATBraoToar .WALNUT PARK , 4 BEDROOMS Amu ftu hantt. btdrtoina atl wtth tm. S htaroaau tat htth mp. Larat Uflu and dlnlu nou. All tloart ttrrattd with Irs .00 par rard aarpatlaa. Vlnlihtd kuamant and 1 tu aarftaa. Ban It tint bout, built Brtwtr with katt auttrlal. It la Toura lor awtfar a oat. ubaUntltl aaortaaaa waa M irum lll.tw. SUBURBAN SOUTH A bant ml tnlor. I, too at. ft tr flat llThu. S ktdroowaa, S toaaltti hatha, UTibi tAd dlnlnt rtoot trt ttrpatajo. Itiniaaa ataai uaaa. Ltrtt partr rtom with tlrapltot, H tara tf ftnoMI laadnapacl lot, A lot wf homa lor too fil.BW. LITTLE FARM HOME 1M ttrtt tf ttpotn, frail, trtptt, ahiak Bond. WaU-buUt boat of 1 room a. II It lootttd tloa la and ttn yours xor ooip ttt.eot. lanna, 4585 CENTER ST. mat at IlMtltt. LTatP feowat ta ltadanptd M tara. Ltrtor a dlabw rooaa, ttrtplMt, tbaarftl kttah m with aook, S tood-alawl wadrtnat, ajtUlap At ttlatkaa ctratt. Oolr lltv OS. Moral ata aaa wt aaiaataa. JUDSON STREET aaath ttrla t-roaat watl-bwll haroa shtA m anoat aaa to appraolata at h wraat aatartd. Thlt It t nmr kaaM taaoa tht attBT Hat bona walav want ra at twonva. iwaxa in tlt,Ta. North 23rd Englewood Sm Me froa mrki. A trulr Am lull MHIUU m UTinv m amixuj wtui iMk. i fuO etvwUaM bumtni. Severln Realty Co. St a. aaa 4-Mli rw t-uts w nu. JWM Ur. HMO l-Tttl . ar tmtm kfUST aatrUKt, S - btdrwat hau am laraa aornar lot. ltrtt torn (ottthlt llTtat. Ttattlta kltnda Ibttothni tatultltd Ituadrr roota ta atlaehad larata. tmmadlau poaaat aloa. Matt tan. kVsok around tad atkt olfar. Any rtttoatMt tffw aoaaldtrad. Xaojulrt at Sltl Just Aft. or a all l.HM. CLASSimm ADTBBTUa for Wart Par W.ra, S Waa tar War. Uaaaa Ut Iwr W.t t aoath M Bafaada Mlalana IS Ward. Stnias Ta tal awt Oataaa Oalp, Par Wrd . Mlataaa IS Wtrdt T rue Ailn D7'' , Paper, Fttane t-MM Bwfwra It bjsu COMPLETED APPROX IMATELY 45 DAYS. axsawaaaawnwaai REAL ESTATE Grabenhorst Specials PAHIIIOOHT SltrnuoT-ia! toraar Ut, katulUaUp Itadatpad. fMdar alrlo hoalt la toad aoadltloa turnout, Naw aU (urn aaa lull ra aanllr Iruullad. A aaartrtahla laallp boat. Ortat U,M. Tl tat thlt CALL B. X. bATMOH, SALBBM AM ABOAIMI Pour kdrau. Owaar Iraaaianad. Haal 11. ra. wllh flra- Slaca, lo. ra, klttbaa wllh dlabw araa. mat at. atllllr ra.. S Ian atha, aihauat Itna la klnara and tali. And It atkt tali at aa.tr kartaln Btadlx waaotr tad drrw buludad la art a! I1I.IM. CKVL t. M. LAW, UUJbMAN . , ONAUinaa CAPS ODD BOIfB-atta aad apta. Skdrau. plui aa. flauhad upatalrt. Plrtplao. Prlaa KIH. OAU. ffna B. oanaaa. aAIXSaUM PUD a aaaX) aosWTSS ToraUd la antaUaat rtSar town, abowlat a fin troaa aalaa. Bualnaaa olllaa tad wtrabouat tpprox. 4S x St ft, Railroad apura, aoaplatalr aqulppad for U klod at elaaolat trladlat. . Prka 111,000, Blut Inraotorr. CALL O. B. ORAElNltORJST, J1., OO-OP. buokxr ...,..!.,. ' MM DOWN It AOWSrl Smill. Plat kouat. Hit Taara aid. Thlt wroa. rtr at wall louiad for auodlruioo. Prlt HMO. Par furthtr loftratiwa, CAU. B. X. LATMON, SALSBMAN , . GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS JM a. Ubartr St. .. Ph. s-MTt - ' Bvaalati At eundara can Paltr K. Oatirr 1-tMI . B. at. Urmoa S-ttol 1. B Law I-Slll I ANSWERS ' ALL YOUR REQUIRE-MINTS!! . A lot of bouaa for aaw, it a tuturpaa, tnara trt a aiaa uiad kadrooaa, a Una llrlnt room wllh fliapltot, apttlou kltabaa with atok (ploturt wlodowa), ta uouiualir alet utllltr rooa and larrt ttt. tarava. Lot at Kl I 111. AU. THIS POB U,tM I all Laa Obatrt tbs, nm It THB POtX PBICS aukivkas, l kadrooma, Aak tt aaa H. ton BBDUCBD TO SIMS I " ' A aodara S-kadrooa brat with aalUlaltad p, tl floor farntat, flra alaot, larit lot, tdtt tf ttwa. BIKTAIB PLATS oood s-badroaa flat dowa, 1-kadraoa apt. ap, tltat kt, douklt ta - ' rttt, slat tontar lot. U,MS. UTM XBOTTT PXNBf If Ton art a lorar tf prorlnelal, tblt ant I for roa. A vara aaai Sadroom homo la Bniiawood, kaautlfallr deoorttod for provlaeltl furnltura. Tht flropraot It aurroundad hp knotty plat ptaallng aad ' kookeaaaa. Taa, tharo la a dlnlnr room tad brttkfaat aook. It' hrd ' to find a mora tomforttblt, oay bona thaa tblt ont. Battar sir at a till; thay doa'l trow on trin. YOU'LL AOBCB-Tra BIATJTIPTJL1 - Oat of tht loraliott S-oadroom homat la tht Baatmoraland dUtrlet. Wondarful to a lot lot. all rpatlaf, ftrtpl aat and ltrabr flra plaet, mirror Ineludad. We'll thow you thru any tlma, OBADB "A" BATBT PABIf SI A. Oloit la. 114,000. SI ACRBB NORTH OENERAL VDRPOBB PABU Will. Irritation wall, Wm. all! loom, all crop land, aaa bt divided. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court Bt. Phast S411S - 111 It Bit.: Henry Tory and llsll Ted Ilorrlaon ItOaS LooM Lortaa SWW Ralph Uaddr 4M "The Vegetables Are Sprouting!" aARDENlR'8 P-ClAtt H A. North. 8ub. Lovtly rtrd. Family fruit btrrlM. Plui 4-rr.oi4 3-bdrm. rmbllng rnch itylt. Dbl. plumb. Dbl. lime. Xxcluilvt dtat, Excellint terms. price $U,M0 t OutituUaff In rrvnflment ud qutllty. Unujusl in strl ud llvtblUtr. J fluperb MtUnc south location. Tile roof, whlto atucoo txtcrior .anoloied patto, lolarlum, t fireplaces, dblt. plasttred carai . 16 x II master bdrm. plus lraaalng room. Ceramta tUa bath. Finished basement with oU forced-air furnace. Price $32,000 ' COMPACT BEAUTY I bdrma. U room with fireplace. D. rm. Seluxo kitchen, aaraco and oar port. Oood aouth location, near but fe markets. 12,500 down. Price $13,600 View PROPKRTT with tlbew room. S larg o bdrnu. Urlna rm. with birch book ahelvas and panaltd flrtplaco wall. Plotara windows. Dlnetto won darful kitchen. Inildt nUllty. Central halt Lot, 80 x 170. Berries, fruit, . nuts. Call us for an appointment. , Prlca $17,600 A. A. LARSEN, Realtor iti a. Hith Aady Halvoraea S710S Mra. Weill - S37IS Brei. a fiunday FOR SALE HOUSES S BIDBOOM BOUSE, north gtlrm. B. duoed prlo for quick tlt. privet party. Phono 9.8300. too DANDY 4-BB. oompletaly mdn. home orerlooklnt the ocean. Beautifully wooded laodioaped lent lot, full btemt. with oil piped furnace. Oood ralua at 111,500. Will conalder tood apt. houio la azchania. Br, tall ED 1-1704. BD LUK1NBBAL, BIALTOR, 4U N. HIQH. PH. I-e0. a5 lfTIX CUU property, pleasant older l-bdtm. borne with dlnlnt rm., close te Capitol ahopplnt diet. Oood value nt $9600. ITS. call MR. MavTZQER 4-1710. ED LUK1NBEAL, REALTOR, 4SS N. HIQH BT. 8-6880. aSft WCW, BKAUTIPUL $bedroom house. In xastmoreland. L-vrtrt double aaraaa. xv arr thine you need for comfort. $1000, Barl Seamater. Ph. 43S8$ for appoint ment, aef ON CUU Hear M. HUb. I Bed R., Kitcnen. utneue. nauL urine z... Hwd, W. Plr, Basement, Auto Beak 4b rue Pi. oar ace. avooo.oo. I unit Apt. House, $14,000.00. 4 unit Apt. House, $31,000.00. For Rent: 1 l-Rm. ft Bath Furnished Apt., $50.00. Ph. Owner 4-3143 After f p.bi. or seiora a a.m. aoa' 15,0M WILL BUT a 3 -B R. one-storr homo with n full dry basmt., oil piped fur., party rm., flrepl., din In a rm. RMtxwd aarx insm.. lire alarm an tarn, kte. laraaav aeparate bldt. eouM be used aa shop or stable for ridint pony, full acre. pvd. su bus ny door, Eve. 011 PBCK 3-6413. XD LUKIN- BEAU 1UALTOR. 431 N. HZOH. PH. 1-66B0. on BT OWNER I bedroom borne, llvlnt room, dlnlnt room, lane utility, at tached tarue. $7350. Keller District. Phone 3-3T53. ana 365 EAST RURAL Thla pra-war-bullt BatUab type Hob Hill home should appeal to a. borne twyar wanting a real well-built home of las tine architecture. 3 bedrooms or S and den. Uvlnt room with fireplace at. dlnlnt room with bullt-lns. There is e full -else basement with laundry 4b partr room. Automatic beat Newly decorated throout. Oar are and lovely landscaped corner let. Can you d up il ea) te it at $l3,$oor Ask for Dwk Barer in. Severin Realty Co. 8M H. HUb 4-M43I evaa. t-$ al $74. FVBNUHED I bedrooma, electiis heat, eiose to ecnooi and store, bus at door. Shown by appointment only. Call I-M39 after e p.m. a65 HEW B bedroom, FHA built, $MO0. Do your own painunt ana save on down payment. Phone 30987. aeo BT OWNER, 4 room modern bouse, m ac res. Fruit trees, berries, garate, ohloken houee. North. $3500. Fh. W63B. aee FOR SALE FARMS QOOD COCNTBT HOME North, 1S A. I-B.R., ll kit., Ur. rm, toilet a bath, . den, aleo. pump oa tood wall, pavad road, beat type WUltmett aoQ. Oaly 140. DON WAU. Burt Picha ITS M. Blah St. Bra. 4-4417 Pb.1 1-4047 . . . . . -, . I.nrf . kulHMI tlAIH. lea ao, w avw - - . . ltrtt barn, other bid. Oa Blthway Sis, mar Salem. Priced tor auiek aalt. JOHN J. nann, i"" ... w M, 11.1 Bra. 1147 Mike S7401. btoar SeJIS. Dana Oijtl Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE Tour awarr. If t Ph. 61S A. B. Btckett - Itstl ctt FOR SALE FARMS IS ACBE PABM, on pavement, for tola ay owner, ll aerea lovr. modera bouie, Artealan weU. Irrliatlon are tern, barn, ehlcktn houa, fruit bouae, traetor, equipment, aort paaoh orch ard. Bt. 1, Box 108, allverton, Oraoa. MS FOR SALE LOTS BT OWNER, 1 tracts at approx, A acre aaen, mL north or city limits, vir sln soil and food road. On baa new HT30 buUdlnc on It, ether ban aU naeeuary forma for foundation plus 6"x8" tlmbera for center sills. Priced at $1300 each with $30 down and $11 per mo, X. HDWARD8 Ph. 3-$71 181$ itb t. aaOt OHOICB VUW lot In SJniwood Heights, sswsis, wawr, tjKi. HniuiT priceo, aaay terms, can owner. Phono 1-8411. avam FOR SALE ACREAGE Center St. Realty TEN ACRES EAST Willamette loam. Picture your new noma on thla beautiful tract of silently rolllni lend. Only ten minutes out on pavad road. Near eonooL Tne price is 15350. VIEW ACRES JV4 acres with flue view of moun tains. Only $ mlnutaa form city en paved road. Picture your euburben home on thla tently elopint alta with ft bacuTOwind of nutdrona, fir, as and other tree. Also some old chard. The price It 11000. Center Street Realty 1T4I Canter B treat Phone 4-8831 Eve. Phones: Bright S-$Se3, Qles 3-T811 DDOO" 1-AORE BRAN TARD, ooulpment fur nianac, tooo contrast. At. 1, Box tf. aaumeviue. i REAL ESTATE $5350 (bedroom and basement. Large din ing room, plastered home. Cares e. Large lot with lots of flower and shrubs. Paved street. Olose to cue. IdcKinley district, NEW 3 BEDROOMS $73 per month mclodtnt In. 4b taiaa. Lovely ranch type borne In ft cjulet neighbor hood. A wonderful kitchen. All hardwood floors. Forced air oil heat. Large attached tarac. XniVde city limits. May take your ear as down payment, $53 PER MONTH New 3-bedroom borne lust ooanpleted. An extra tood dlnlnt room, lovely kitchen with extra space. All hardwood floors. Forced-air oil heat. Attached larag. Paved street and aeroee street from a nice city park. Very low down payment. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE 101 South Hleh Stmt Phone 1-1103 Phone tvtalnra: 4-1.71. 3 -last, 1-47, 4-Mlt, (-1344 m THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orcto- KEAi ESTATE mi -sii liii ,,aw WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES PLEASE THE POCKET BOOK a a ...!-.-.. fl..a,aia tttli. Ttl I OM wjtwwsaaia,. snp--" fty rcHtWs. Oil beat. Zwulawl. Vary ejuiet m. mwb iwww ' VVV. IQIt U TlaU in W aapiw. HOME SWEET HOME ADO II I lOTiJT. USI B Mivin V stu- am. ltafta tiom. Mew oil furnace. Plre- plaaa. Party room in baitmant. Ooiv feu wau io wau carpsu. r vkMAt. iu bithi, Lovalr draaen loel, Patl. Litis oornar lot. ruU prist $H,JW, STOP Here's Real Value S fetdrMBt aa ana floor. Juat like aaw. Poroad air u turatat. rira alaaa. Maar aua. atoro aad teheol. In- nlatad. V lawa ta ttd tr ahruba to vital, prica la anir iio.ho. LOCATED RIGHT AND IT'S CUTE Juat Ilka aaw. Vary wall built. Owaar laavlcr taU. OU heal. Atl. aaraaa. Bpaelout lot. Very rood turroundlxui. Lou f atorua tptea. Worth the tak- lat arlat at SW.M0. Batra furaltbad rooa mi strata. Iltoo dowa win htadia. caij. Port ur. Kiooixa, ivy. PH. 4-lM tr MB. OBAWPOKO, BVB. PH. a-ttao. If no anawar tall 4-33 W. 8 UNITS Tory slot. Just Ukt naw. Compltts lr furalshad. Zsstrablt lonatlon. Maln tananao and varhaad aatremsly low. Ownar WU1 avoaapt other property as part paymtnt Tama, Pull prle $W, HO. Money Maker Cafe In vary flood location, stabllshad for manr yeara. Wary yaaaonabla runt. Ltvlni ouarurs, 3 countarf, 7 bootha. Lars e varlsty of fixture. Full prlca lUttOO- WHOLESALE BUSINESS This require a rather luna Invest, sent Ko dead atoek. Bapid turnover. Lew operating expenses. Reasonable rent. No phone Information please. BRICK BLDG. Potential tncom $100 per no, In eod repair. Comer lot. Ownar will accept other property as part payment or food contract. Terms. Pull price HO.fOO. CALL POR DAN 10 AAK, IVt PR. 40$M. If bo answer oaU e33tf. S ACRES Bldy. alta. Oloat la north. Vary sood soil. Saalrtblt location for homt. Pull price only 3,ooo. 1 -ACRES ' With modern S bedroom house. Oood barn, ahlcken bouse. Located north. , Oood soil. v Pvd. id. Full prlca only i $8,000. 136 ACRES With IS under ouItlraUon. Modern very alaan a-room bouie. New SO by It barn. 40 by 40 machine ahed. Bnf e barn. Tractor, drill, mower, plow, dlae. bun taw. S wall plut city wa ter, erroral aorti la caneberrtee. owner will aocipt eitr property aa part paymtnt. Pull price only $16 000. CALL POR MB. LBAVBHS, BVB. PH. S-7. If aa anrwer eaU 4-IItl. MOBTOAOB LOANS K Year Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor omee rnonea: a-it or a-Teit I0M PORTLAND ROAD art. Phtmaa: I-4TP6, 4-eut 4-8030 or S-ItSl If bo anawer, phono 4314S tt NELSON $500 DOWN WHY PAY RENT?. A neat toty totttta la a tood aalb borhood. Ideal for couple. On pvd. at. clow to bat. Only 1900. Call Mri. Woottan. Near Hoover School $1500 Down An opportunity to own ft cheerful cosy borne, x bdrma., one la larger than average, well lighted lae. living rm.. food laundry facilities, quiet neUhborhood, Meal for children. Only g Two. cau Mrs. woottan. OWNER LEAVING FOR IDAHO Keep an ere on your children all the way to school from thla attractive fi rm, home. Oak floors, good heating fireplace, kit. with nice dining area. Nice neighbor who have found what you have been seeking. Priced to cell, $10,500. Can AL watts, 3-7285. JUST LISTED BEAUTIFUL DESIGN Attraetlvo ranch-atrled borne with red tiled roof. Outstanding corner fpiaca which can be enjoyed from ft lovely dining room. All hardwood trim, dream kitchen with birch bullt-lns. For a dtserlmlnlatlnt homaseeker de siring the best, aU for $14,500. Cell $-1350. 5 ACRES - SOUTH Wabtata, aharrl.i a prunoo. Livable t-kdrm. home. rWOO. 11500 down. Can Mr. Oallaehor. NELSON & NELSON peelalltln Realtor Ttt a, Hlih St. Ph. t-IMI 4 miii uini until tiiiini i (lllllllll (IIIIIIIM . iitiiini iittiiiiii Farms "asSSSaS" Homes llllllttllltllttllltl (Wtlllttl st (lllllllll lltlllll II SIIIUII SWIM M (11(11 SULLIVAN NEW HIOH SCHOOL dlatrlet Three kKlroom and a dan la thu lint larta home. Double tarate, aeparate loxM auut bouae with a fireplace. A real family horn for 111,100. Can Mr. Aradt, area. pb. 41709. (tot DOWN Two aorta north with mall two-hdrm. bouio. Balanc pay able (ft( a month. Thle le a lot better then payint rent, (s.ioo. Call Mr. ZlUewlts, eve, ph. 31337. SOUTH VILLAGE Quality plut In this aaw S-bdrm. home with a lull baaemeaa, two flrepleeea, party room, and S-car aerate. Built by prominent aalaa builder. 111.000. tl aores wultmette toU. Won derful 1-b.drooa home with dea. Dal. plumblnt. Paved road and aaly thraa mlla from aalaa. 1.000 fret of Irri tation pip. and a IM-h.p. pump. Call Mr. Eltawlth, evaa. pn. suit. APARTMSSrT nnraWTMEirT Half a bloat from Capitol Bhoppltit canter, Hardly aver a vacancy. Sunt apta. Yearly lncomt IMM. Rack bottom prka (31,000. Pine ruiurt potential. Cau Bok Davit, tvas. ph. MTI4. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR UM Part land Road Pa. 4 -toll Branch off. 17 N. Hllh Ph. 4-431 (4 S Ba HOUSE, basement, furnace, fenced yard, furnished, 71M Terms, call S-tltS araalatt, WANTED SALESMAN INTERVIEW FOR TIRE SALESMAN will be held by the Oeneral Tire a Bukw Co. at lit Btttt al. ta Mareh IS, IS, 14. IS, I roa I to 4 Salary and ktnue. BtMrieaet aalplul bat aat tattalltt, Steady taployaual aaund. PH. J-2459 STATE TIRE REAL ESTATE POR SALS EY CWNBS S new i bedroom hwa la bow dlitrlel, blreh kitchen, each bavin 15.000 ft. Iloor area, 1(40 Ladd fct. S44I Bill St., all tht 1400 Block Bvertreen. 4a Buaunsa PROPERTY NBAB OLD HIOH aCHOOC. ta tuU ttaadlni ommrelal location, auiubl for eaveral typee ot buelneai la a feat rowlnc ra. Lot 101111. Per particu lar, tea Mr. Jehnlon, ED D. POTTER, Realtor sis a. Hiib at., Ph. -iino or i-tn ctl WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED- to it aerea with tood home, tlott la. Al latak, Bit, phone 4-Jlll. If no anawer, 4-3341. aa" KOTICSi If your property li for atla, rant or eachenie. lut It with u. Wt have all klnde of caah buyera. STATS FINANCE CO.. BBALTOIta in a. Hith st. WE ABE la aad of tood houaei to all, la or near ftaltm. u you with to lut your property for tale, ee ORABENHORST BROS.. BEALTOMI. Ut a. Liberty Ph.' H-M71 a EXCHANGE REAL. ESTATE TBADI SMALL farm for Salem prop- nr. John Bern, at. I, Box its. Hut bard, ebti WILL EXCHANOI a ldrm. boott and a 3-bCxm. houa for a l-kedroom bouae In aouth atlem. Bouim bow drawlat reatalt of 10 aad 190 par month. 37 N. Winter. ebM BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GARAGE , . and Service Station CONCRETE BUILDINO 10 X 60; two pumps; compressor! hoist and com plete equipment. Also good 6-room home with le acre of ground. This is in a very tood business area. Price $30,000, Owner will consider tood 1-badroom home for part. No phono In formation, please. Center Street Realty 1784 center 61. Ph. 4-0431 cd4 Opportunity Knocks! UP-TO-DATE VARDJTY 6T0RB Choice loo. in Valley faiteat-grow- lnt amaller city. Mod. bldt., low rant. Reported troie of (20,000 per yr. Only 13500 plue lnv. Itock. REDUCED TO BELLI InvutlMte TODAY I OWN YOUR HOME PLUS INOOMB Attractive mod. a-bdrm. homo plus PURNI8HED 3-unlt court. On 80B. Easy price Eaay term. Higginbotham Real Estate FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE Downtown Pint Ntt'l Bank Bldt. Office 7JU Woodburn Eve. 01(1 Cd44" MODERN motel In wonderful location on ws. Aocommodatlona for on or family troup. 3bedroom llvlnt tuar ter. Room for ekvenalon and owner want to retire. Take bom or du plexes and com oath at part pay ment. Phone 1-7110. ed4' POB LEASE, a tood major On Co. aery ice atation. cau 4-445. eds4 'aa'..a'a'.a INCOME PROPERTIES INCOME tSN per month. S unit fur nished apartment. Three nlc lots, olose to eebool, but, and ator. Must be een to bo appreciated. (30,000. Phone 3-0014. - of(7 MOW BUYS this DUPLEX of t rms. each. xacn tide hat llvlnt rm. with flren .. Ik, dlnlnt rm, kltohen, S bdrma. bath, full basmt. with 1 sate of laundry trays, 3 elect, wtr. htre. on aeoarata meters, one aide furnished, bus by the door. Tnl is not Junk, and wlu enow 10 on Investment. Br, cau RAY DAVIS 1-0017. ED U7B2NBEAL, REALTOR, 431 N. HIGH. PH. J-4f0. etIS .a......a.a WANTED FURNITURE WANTED Oood used furniture and appliances. Phone 3-0008. daa IKlIrQtM. SI p sac AUCTIONS Auction OP FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TUESDAY EVENINGS 4140 CENTER ST, SALEM LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKEB BEEP White face Hereford. Ho. Looker pork, too. Nothlnt down, s moe. to pay. Custom kuilnt. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co, 1133 a ISth. Ph. !-4tel. ea RABBITS WIND NEEDS BJaBBITS-lIM State. 43111. eon CALIFORNIA BUCKS and doea. Phone 4-10(1. 4410 Claxter Rd. eos7 BABBITS WANTED, Any li and ruan- tltr. Aleo purebred breedlnt stock lor ale. Phon 1-7107, b7( JOE PALOOKA da I P7 AAN...Arr IT 6000 fWKt MUST TSEE l.ANO. WE 6UR6 H BE THE I BEEN OVER A tOTTA J FAMOUS ' "UHc --V HAITCH-TrVO-OH.'-T SV0NEV PLANS - ... 'KrS I HARBOR CARRYING C-aTS. y v V BRIDGE. AND HIS sZMJPSl S& s palsstoppeo roC. tf., ir ?2Wr!- ATtANTON i'i,Pv on the last wtff3r ruKL 'j lEQOflTS ttfffiT'ijt XXElEaiai JOURNEY EKHL 1T1 lilYV15i,i TO SYWEY. WANTED SALESMAN W. V. "PAT LYTLE SERVICE PETS MOOBE TBOPICAIi PISH, equipment, auppllei. 1 auet rraa uneatiar an Maalaay road. Phone 4-1171, Claud Wedneadaya. ettf BOIXYWOCro aquarium ml McCoy, one block east of N. Capitol. 1st Hock aorta of MadUoa. Ph. 1-1117. ac7C CHOICE canaries 1140 chemaketa at. Ph. 1-4115. Ctt fUEL BUY ANDEBSON'S bandplckad lak- wood. now s eorda (14.00. Phone s-7701 or 4-43(3. eoTt Capital Lumber Fuel Co. risk ap your presta-tota, snauoti and Wood. IIS Bo, Com'L, phono 1-7711. ae' Oregon Fuel Co. ' SLAB AND SAWDUST S. & H. Green Stamps Phone Mill 1017 Broadway Capital Lumber Fuel Co. BT WLTlALi port ao OATW Planer IrlmmlaM, M load. Phone 17711 aa Hiway Fuel Co. Sawdust tubt aarvlee, tU kind at wood. Phoaa 1-4444. . WALNUT latUI, 10 aaeka for (1, or a ton. ,s toa a.uvrreo in lown. Mor rU PUorfebt Pscklnt Co, 400 North Pront. ee West Salem Fuel Co. BLOOKWOOD, 10" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood lias Ediewttar Phone Salem 1-4031 FOR SALE POULTRY OIANT TOULOUSE toou wt. T. B. Jonensen. til west Bowdea Lane. 4-1(00. fit TEARLXNQ HEATT bens, 30e lb. Ph. X-U.70. tti WANTED Colored fryers, colored and leghorn bona, Highest price. Lee's Hatchery, phone 3-3181. f FOR SALS Twice weekly, day-old chick in New Hampshire, Pernunter, Red,. Whlto Leghorns. Atutra-White, Whlto Rocks, Whlto Wyandotte s, Par menter cockerel. Lee Hatchery, phone 3-3841. 1- SPECIAL New Hampihlr. pullet. IS t. valley parm store. Ph. 4-401. flo WHITE LEGHORN a, Ailitra-Whlu, and new uampaair emeu, tit hundrd. Ph. 3-S343. palmer' Poultry Perm. Brook. ' f70 GOLDEN BROAD and New Hampihlr. onicti, natonao .very Monday ana Thursday. Our thick trow faster. Fox'i Hatchery, 1U0 State St. Ph. 1-40N. f PRODUCE ORGANIC GROWN TREE - BtTENED orante and trapcrrult. Potatoes, on ions, apples and null. PHlppxp BROS. PARM market, uto Lancaster Drive. Phone 1-110S. ft HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED poultry processtni help. ootn mai ana xernu. aiv ruu d UIU first latur. Box IS, Capital Jour nal, ttt HELP WANTED MALE EXPERIENCED furniture and floor cov ering salesman, permanent position, salary and commission. Apply Hogg Bros., 340 Btate 8L a64" EXPERIENCED fry cook. Day shift. Apply in person, d. , crive-in, 3330 Falrgroundg road. ga8s WANTED Experienced paint clerk, State age and experience. Excellent opportunity xor right man. Box 14, Capital Journal. ta64 WANTED SALESMAN EXPERIENCED salesman for roofing and swing, commission only, cascaae kooi- tnt Co., 710 Cross, call between t and 13 Tuesday. g84 NEW YORK CORPORATION Will hire 9 men for Salem area. Above Average earnings, pleasant dig nified work contacting prospecta who are Interested and want our service. Sales experience helpful but not nec essary. Car needed. Present Job may be held during training period. Age no handicap. For Interview, contact Mr. Mar, 4-6351 or 4-43S3 between 10:30 and 13:90 week days. tg64 HELP WANTED fEMALE WAITRESS Woodroffe'e San Shop, 3400 Portland a. ho pnone cans. go CAR HOP Woodroffe's San Shop, 34O0 Portland Rd. No phone call.. eb' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Good Jobs P Rcpt., typ. 1 bre (170 P Caihler, typ., part tlma ...11.00 nr. P Oen. olc. apt., flit. ...11.00 hr. Pcashler, ten. ofc (1.00 hr. P FBJT. operator (170 P Steno., bkkpr., part tlmt 1160 P fiteno.i.receptlonuit 1300 P teno., knowledte bkkpi. ,,.(aoo 1 Btcno., ten. ofo. 10-40 (330 M Acct. Ser. Tax exp (43( M Sales trainee, yount mech. inc. open. The Beat Way to the Best Jobs COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT ORE. BUX. PH. 41111 Also, Portland Oft, SOS Corbett Bldt. 14- WANTED POSITIONS BEMTONE PAINTINO very reasonable. Clean up your room now. Ph. 16331, CHILD CABE In mr home. Call 4BB71, he,!' CLEANING, WASHING, Ironlni, by day. Ph. 11310. he CUSTOM BOTO-TUUNO, II" machine at (I an hour. CaU 4-3(70. hoi1 PAINTING. Prea aatlmatea. 15 yean ex perience la Salem. Phone 1-7553. hh CUSTCal ROTO HOETNQ (4 par hour. Ph. 1-17S( PLOWING and dlaclnt. Orovar L. Ha mann, 1401 Blossom Dr, Salem. Phone 11111. nee- A pcRccrr LANDING AIRPORT, AND A LAR6E CROW ' WAITING TO MEET THE WORLDS HEAVYWEIGHT ruaupmu AfttnuA THE PI5TIN&UISHEP 6REETERS ARE GOVERNMENT OFEIClALS, THB LORD MAYOR, FRANK PAOER AND LEADING P4WSPGURE5. EDUCATION TELEVISION NEEDS ; TRAINED MEN!! : PAY $3 TO $5 AN HOUR ; applications "? '"S? obam wax not nrnxrm wrnt tour present " TV FURNISHED ; TVS TRAIN YOU WTTH ,l0"Jg?r FtSfiSi ARE SINCERE AND AMBITIOUS TO ERBAH INTO TODAY S PABTEST OROWINO INDUSTRY WRITE TODAY I WRITE TODAY USE CLIP COUPON Sure ! I want to enter the 1 Television SERVICING and MAINTENANCE Rush me full information NAME .... ADDRESS CITY . PHONE ... HOURS I WORK. MAIL TO TELEVISION TRAINING, BOX 11, CAPITAL JOUKJNAb . ' ' L;V,.a,w.a WANTED rUJI I rvni i .w.aw nwlTP.r. WTTWA-Val Train for a plaot la thlt ftnlnatlat yield. Leaeoni come to you by meU followed by thorl resident trilnlnt. Olamour and Personality Davelopment Included. Write for PREE Information about thle well-pttd Held. Wayne School, Inc., Bos le. Capital Journal. h(o PLOWINO. rMMFTJIATl lervlol. I-MO0. NEW lawa a. Rotary hoelnl. Pre tttl- aaltl. tyuaa. vroieo... a-non. a-...,. b(T EXPaTBTENCED WOMAK wants tronlal or ciaanmt. u aitar - oasltol. hot OOOD CABS tlvea thUdren. My borne. . KI . u . k.M jtai.rcncea. raaam rani . WANTED House tlataist, P. baby emin. raoaw a-aww nrowi. mww iii.iu Mji.nnifl v. m w.t.. prooiaa py puawrioa. riu.. ., shone S-UM. bll PAPER HANGING;, palatini, frM - . k i,... ma.H. wn umn, cm. .-wm. ,- MRS. UICXENHAU'S DAY NURSERY Stat, licensed and Inspected. Ph. a-7(M GARDEN PLOWING PHONE 2-3041 B74 OABDEN. PLOWS B bad and lawn pra. p.i.'"i , rammst uw, w.uia, rototlUu. Sarvlca Owhtar. Phon. 4MII. hTS THJNG WITH new M.B. ROTARY TIL LER, phon avanlnt 1-8313. not LIGHT CRAWLER, doaln. dirt level- In, tradint. Phono s-iiio. LANDSOAPB matntananoe, p r aa 1 n a, trlmmlnv, piantlnt, lartuiautl. aarv lee enter. Phon 4-1171. hTr WILL DO CETLrNG, tot wall ar entire house. Do au kinds of pain tint, aruah and eprar, furnish referenoee, by bour or contract. Ph. 4-1144. h(4 CUSTOM WORE plowlnt aad dlaeln. Phont 3-4340. lavs Btreawood sr. h!4 TREE WORK. Topplnr, trlnuxunt, re- movini. Insured operator. John payaa. Ph. 1-6(11. b7t BOMB BUILDING and carpenter work. Ph. 4-1130. noo- CABPENTEB Oablnet work, hotaa re- mod -an , oa estimates, cau i-wn. 4-1133. bM RADIO TV SERVICE TV ANTENNA bonded and licensed ape- clallat. Instauad 110, plut material. Call any tlme.Prm Mtlmttt. Phon 4-3303. hall EDUCATION IaEARN WEIsDlNa Bit demand, and apportunltlaa for trained welders in Important, modern Industries, start training now In few apart houre weekly 1 Are, acetylene weldlnt. metallurgy, otner Basic in atructlon. Easy, practical; no time wastao. aet run xeeu. nuuuea mat 17, Capital Journal. hhfl6 f OR RENT FOR RENT on Airport Road, 30x00 building on concrete elab. Concrete for parking area. Contact owner, SOB n. High st. jtis- WANTED TO RENT 1 OR S BEDBOOM house, bo children, permanent. Telephoaa cmptoye.. Ph. B. Stridor. Senator Hotel, 3-4131. Jets S BEDBOOM HOME. Telethon em ployee. Permanent. Phon WUUam O'Maller, Senator Hotel, 1-4161. )a(5 COUPLE and a children need 1 bedroom unfurnished home by aoth. WUllnc to pay (70 to (71 month for aloe place. Phone 14141. lau S-BIDBOOM HOME with reasonable rent. April lat. S-t(7(. Ja4 FOR RENT ROOMS NICE SLEEPINO rooms, hot a oold wa ter. 4(1 N. Hith. Pay by week or month. IkM' WARM, CLEAN, tlost la. Reasonable. (S3 N. Hlih. JkM SEVERAL ROOMS eleaa. very nice, near etatt bulldlnts, (S per week, (10 per month. Phone 4-1711. )kstr PLEASANT SLEEPING room cloae In. Man. 04t N. collate. Jkos NICE CLEAN comfortable ileeplnc room, 714 N. Cottace. Ph. 1-M71. Jktt LARGE, beautifully furalshad rooms. Available March II. Alt. S - room apartment. (It H. Winter. iklt DOWN-TOWN ileeplns room. Hot and old water. Reasonable. SM Center. Ikl9 SLEKPINO BOOM tor 1 T 1, 700 N Church. Ph. 1-4111. jkS4 LARGE WARM furn. room for man, with kitchen a beth. (31.00. 1474 Court evenlnis. lk(4 FOR RENT HOUSES PUBNlTURE POB SALE with houie for rent, ISO, oU heat, t.p, bw. fl.. aU furniture or by p!Me. No reasonable offer yertued. Ph. 1-0411 saorn, or S-0471 titer . tor appointment. )m(4' S-REDROOM house, tomt furniture. 3310 Portland itoad. jmei" AT MASCOT Mondsr. March 16, 1953 EDUCATION TflZ Ty""? h1 , nne- .f.Hirrrf ' . hh4e rAD BCalTUAIKK rvn r.ui- , .vrj?. L-BEDROOM houia, with loU of cloeet epace. Electric rente, reiriaar.tor. Oarata. Soma utilities. Inquire lm( N. Kth. SMALL PUBNISBED COTTAGE, clean. eotr, reaionaoia. nice tor pjuw.. -N. commercial. jm(. CLEAN, 1-BEDROOM iurnlshsd oottate. launrry, terete, inquire joto roruana Road. mM S-BE9B00M unfurnished houie, Its. Ill lalrvlew. Ph. 41711 or 10(41. lm(( S-BOOM modern. Burtl district. Garden plot, irult. Bear ecnooi. a-iiuo. .-" 3m94 CLEAN AND neat 1 bedroom unfurnished house, attached aerate, lane uvint room, Venetian blinds, aleotrlo beat, (M. Nt pats. VI mile Baal 4 Comers. Phono 4-107S or ask for ken at 4tr State. 31' NICE 1-BKDROOM unlurnuhed house. Bleotrle heat, Benoix wasner. iuobo in. Ph. 11717. . ln YEBY NICE l-bedroom furnished ren tal, sewer, clean, ana neat, eoo per mo. Call Bawllni Realty, 1-ltll or 4-1101. lav S-BOOM modern boa at Roberta Su tton. Phon jmeo- EXCEPTION ALLY nice, l-bedroom ren tal IB a Btc cuatric. ta waa. amino. h. - m ..n n.vi.n, wjaitv. t-saa or 4-1761, Jm CLEAN PUBNISBED 1 bedroom bom. Otrate. AOUlte. no pete, a-a.oa. JmM YEBY NICELY tumlshod duplex, AU pri nt. Near Forestry ouuuini. t-ooso. Jm(7 wood noors, tiectrw seat, nice vara. 14(1 7th Bt. Jmet BINGWOOD HEIGHTS. Small unlur- Blshcd a bedroom house, with rani, and xtfrltarator. Ml. Phono a-4038. . Im60 S BOOM In Salem furnished. 130, water included. Phono 3-7070, If no answer call 4-1004. - ImOl NEWLY DECORATED I bedroom, llvlnt room, kitchen, dinette, elec. refrlg. At etove, water At oanltarr aerrlce fur nished. Att, tarast. (41. ph. 3-1330. Jm6( S BEDBOOM home or will trade for email acrcato cleat In. (46 Brey Ave. Ph. 3-1137. JmM S-BEDROOM home or will trade for small acreata dost In. 646 Brey Av. Ph. 3-1137. att PARTLY FURNISHED l-bedroom home dote to bus, etores, taraie. 4-B1SO. JmlS OFFICE FOR RENT S OB S-BOOM SUITE, 1 Untie. Oreton Bulldlni, Phone 1-4114. Jo" GROUND FLOOR olllce or etore spec, for rent. Call at Pitt Market. loi FOR RENT APARTMENTS SHOPPING CENTER, attractive furnlth d apartment. Utilities. Private bath. 765 Marlon. Jp66 FRONT FIRST floor, furnished 1-room apartment, utilities except electricity. 353 N. Liberty. Ph. 1-7124. JpS7 S ROOM furnished apartment. Private bath, refrlserator. 555 N. Liberty. (34815.) jptl. I. In. Only 3S. Lady preferred. 041 AVAILABLE SOON, nice apartment with bedroom and bath, tood heat furnish ed. State etreet, tlost to Capitol, 147.5a. pi. 1-4170. jpst CLOSE IN, nice modern 3-room furnish ed apartment. Adults only. Phon. 36410. jpa. 1-ROOM FURNISHED apartment, In oludlnr etove and refrigerator. Clos. In, north. 120.60. Burt Picha, Inc., 370 N. Hlih. Phone 1-4047. jpeo S-ROOM apartment In West Salem. Pri vate entrancPh. 41611. jp. FURNISHED 1ST floor, 1 room, (3S. a room (25. Ph. a-4070. 1680 N. Com mercial. Jp67 FURNISHED email court apartment. Newly decorated. Close In. Ph. 30714. IP6" LARGE S ROOMS, bath, basement, and serine, averythlnt lurnlahed. (60. Ph. a-0010. juat. 1 ROOM furnished housekeeplni. (97 N. Liberty. jPB4 S ROOM FURNISHED, .round floor, oil lurnace. launarr lacllltles, adult. 1855 a. vapitoi. ro. S-B77B. Jp64 CLOSE IN, 2nd floor, to quiet couple, 1 room, heated, completely furnished S ROOMS a bath furn. Tile bath a dram boards, tlsseed In porch. Also beeement room tt back yard. Adult. 145 00 1307 S. ComX Ph. I-Mi T day 1-6254 eve. S ROOMS a bath furn. Utlmiet paid icept iu. Available Mar. 10. Adulte. " '?," a Com'l. Ph. 1-60S? dayw. lofl. ATTRACTnx, dean, unfurnlthed 1-bedT W " Nortn' """u- r BEAUTIFUL furnUhed tpartment. Pre-' V...'Z'Zmnl- " cot. JR.RM '"rl'il apartment. B 1 1 h." . . ,..u, sj-aajy. fjQ. JpOv 3 ROOM apartment, close in. 7i s. I Church. ....h jpOl- By Ham Fisher