Monday, March 16, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Pate II Tele - a Radio-Television By DAVE Another UHF station has been granted to Lawrence A. Harvey, this time Channel 20 in San Francisco. The way it looks lorn here Harvey would build the Salem station before the San Francisco station as there is no competi tion here but there is in Frisco. But this gent is unpre dictable, so no predictions from this corner . ,,Rl.di0cS,ati0nT?:Pnn,?unces that they will broadcast all the Salem High School basketball games from McAr thur Court in Eugene during the state high school class A basketball tournament. . , . Chuck Boice will handle the mike for KOCO. . . Television stories are beginning to parallel fish stories. ' nS, eari. a gent the other night telling how good his TV reception was . . Bragging to beat the band. . . Then another fellow in the conversation, informs first gent that station was having trouble that night . didn't bother first gent . . . kept on bragging So finally second fellow, tells him station was off air for hour. . . . This made him turn all colors of the rainbow. Bob Greene of Mutual-Don Lee's West Coast news bureau, will help handle the radio coverage on the latest atomic weapons tests as the MWL, ABC, NBC and CBS networks pool their resources for this historic broadcast on Tuesday, March 17, Mutual-Bon Lee stations, KSLM will carry the program from 9 to 9 :15 a.m. Tuesday. This will be a taped rebroadcast. Bob Greene for MDL. Bob Trout for CRS Rnh r.aA for ABC and Morgan Beatty veeeeevaenwanwneAWAABnnnnnnnBBMjeBBABnnnnnaejj 3:30 . I :0 77 n? trrt PT n r?v rra 5i n n I 111 I ffll UJ Ul .A II 11 IL iv'- mi I I I! :0C S:M a 9:31 SrTi n . - 111 Trader Louie will give you top trade on your radio, furniture, tools, guns, in fact most anything. Just phone 3-8558 and he'll dash out to your home and give you the fairest offer in town. Trader Louie's Huge Trade-in Allowance Applies as Partial or Full Down Pay ment which may mean - "Two Convenient Locations" TRADER LOUIE TV 1870 Lana Ave. Phone 38558 ' OPEN MONDAY & FRIDAY EVENINGS VISTA VARIETY 3025 S. Commercial St. Phone 45103 OPEN EVERY EVENING Views BLACKMER for NBC, will all be on hand to report eyewitness accounts of these latest weapons in action. Greene flew to Las Vegas on Saturday, March 14, to join with the other broadcasters in a briefing session with members of the Atomic Energy Commission. ' . . . . YOURS FOR THE TELEVIEWING Chevron Theater at 8. "I Love You Truly," with Todd Karns and Karen Sharpe. A couple on their wedding night discover a body in the closet and Trudy's, former suitor hiding in the kitchen. Voice of Firestone at 8:30. James Melton, guest star, sings "Song of Songs." : "I Love Lucy" at 9. The girls want to go nite-clubbing and the boys want to see a boxing bout in celebration of the Mertz's anniversary. , Red Buttons Show at 9:30 will have singer-actress Gloria DeHaven as guest. Robert Montgomery Playhouse at 10. Joanne Dru in "Betrayed." A young girl torn between committing treason or losing her huband, a communist prisoner. 100-Year-Old People Wanted KPTV's Sunday program "Colgate Comedy Hour" Is cel ebrating Its 100th telecast on March 22 by starring all of its comedians, Abbott and Costel lo, Eddie Cantor, Bob Hope, Martin & Lewis and Donald O'Connor on one show.. In connection with this cele bration, there will be conduct ed, nationally, a contest to find the most beautiful lady cente narian and most handsome male gentleman 100 years of age or older. KPTV viewers are invited to send in the picture of contest ants eligible to enter this con test . .. . having reached his or her : 100th birthday is the only requirement. Local win ners will be entered in the na tional contest represetning the Portland area and national winners will receive many prizes, including $1,000 in cash; an all-expense paid trip to Hollywood to meet all of the comics and an appearance on the Colgate "Comedy Hour" In the event the winner is unable to travel to Holly wood, the presentation will be made locally, and another suit able prize will be awarded. All entries should be addressed to Centenarian Contest, KPTV, 733 SW ZOtn Place, Portland, Ore.-. INGRID TO QUIT FILMS Naples t.R) Ingrid Bergman says she is "through with films" and will accept stage roles in the future "only if I could be near my husband." of the destructive effect MMM BOY! BE ' . I. ..iel : Susan Eisenhower, 15-months-old granddaughter of the President, must take aft er her famous grandfather judging from her ability to "mug" for the camera. The three children of Major John Eisenhower, who is in Ko rea, are visiting the White House for the first time. (UP On Television KPTV (Channel 27) (Only protrama loheduleA In advance) MONDAY I noon The Bit Payoff i p.m. Welcome Traveller p.m. Kate Smith t p.m. Double or Nothing p.m. Strlkt It Rich . P.m. Matinee Theater p.m. Search for Tomorrow I p.m. Love of Life i P.m. Wild Bill Hlckok I p.m. Hopalong Cassldy I p.m. Telenewi i p.m. Time for Beany i p.m. Chance of a Lifetime I p.m. Abort Drama i p.m. Newe Caravan p.m. Chevron Theater p.m. Voice of Firestone t p.m. I Love Lucy - n. Red Button ) p.m. Robert Monte-ornery p.m. Candid Camera I p.m. Nite owl Theater MARR RADIO and TELEVISION INC Salem's Most Complete Television Center 2140S.Com'l Phone Day or Night 2-1611 or 2-4728 TUESDAY 13:00 13:30 1:00 1:00 3:1 3:30 1:00 4:10 4:30 5:00 3:00 0:30 :4S 7:00 1:30 1Ai 1:00 3:00 3:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 . Tht Bli Farotf Wtlcome Travelir . Kat Smith .-Bitty PurncM i. A. Godfrcr -Btrlkt It Rich . Uatlnet Thetr Mftrch for Tomorrow .Love of Life Howdr Doodr . Nitne'i tht flimt . couf Idwardi -Tlini for Beanr .Two for the Mooov i. DlDfth Bhoro . Newi CariTaa . Circiu Hour Plrulda Tluittr .Circle Theeter . Alen Toune Show BCOK Mullo Hell .Mr Little Menle . Nlte Owl Theater P 13 :w DUMO.JT now QUALITY TELEVISION Offers First With the Finest in TV See the Sensational NEW DUMONT All Channel Tuner GUARANTEED TO HAVE: Less "Snow" than all other models Clarity, clearer picture O Tone Unsurpassed Installed in Your Home for as Low as 2.95 per week Valley Television Center TWO VALLEY STORES" Complete sales, service and Installation. All sets sold and Installed carry full 90-day service. IN SALEM Baigley Bros. Furniture 2315 Fairgrounds Rd. Phono 2-5491 Heavy Rain Fall In East and West (Br The AjaoelateCi Colder, drier weather and fair to partly tloudy skies today lay between areas of substan tial rainfall along the East Coast, and the Pacific North' west and a large rain in South ern Texas. - The drenching of the Middle Atlantic and New England ar eas, the Weather Bureau said, represented the tag-end of a storm that spawned a series of tornadoes which ranged up ward from the Gulf of Mexico as far north u Iowa at the end of last week. One to two inches fell from Washington, D. C, to Southern New England, and lesser amounts to the north and to the south. Cheer Up; Tax May Be Cut by July 1 Washington U.R Today's in come taxpayers can get some comfort from the fact that they are almost sure to be relieved of some ol their burden this year. A tax cut of about five percent effective July 1 on the last six months of 19S3 is al most inevitable. . - Chairman Eugene D. Mllli kin (R., Colo.), of the senate finance committee is known to agree with House Ways and Means chairman Daniel A. Reed (R., N.Y.) that the tax cut is coming. They should be able to swing It. The Eisenhower administration opposes the re duction, with qualifications. Short of a president veto. however; republican leader are convinced now that Reed's tax reduction bill cannot be smoth ered in the house and that it will have an excellent chance to pass the senate. Some of them will bet you on that. This Jet Ace Won't Reveal His Identity Seoul, Korea (U.R) The Ko rean air war may produce an anonymous jet ace. Officers of the 4th Fighter- Interceptor Wing disclosed that the F-88 pilot who scored a MIG-13 kill today now has knocked down three MIGs, probably destroyed three more and damaged two. He still has some 30 or 40 missions to fly. Two more kills will make him an ace. The airman refuses to be Identified for "personal" rea sons. Find $10,000 Diamond Lost on Florida Beach Clearwater. PI, OJ.M It sounaea liKe an impossible as signment when Mrs. Myranda C. Lvons walked into nnllr-s headquarters and asked for help in finding a $10,000 dia mond ring she lost "somewhere on the beach." Detectives Frank Daniels and Paul Cason ronerl off 2M) square feet of beach in the area 01 tne loss and started shoveling sand through a screen. After two hours, the ring was found. You'll Get MATCHLESS PICTURE PERFECTION with Raytheon; PRALL'S Formerly Paul T. Willi Co. 220 N. liberty Phono 4-4742 INWOODBURN 171 Grant St. Phono 3611 To Air Testimony of Murder Case Tonight Roseburg, Ore., W) A tape recording made at a recent first degree murder trial here will be broadcast Monday night by radio station KRNR. The half-hour program, the first of a series of five sched uled to run nightly through Friday, Will be of testimony at the trial of Chester D. Crabb, 24, who waa convicted of first degree murder in the death last April S of Georgia Lang, 18. Crabb was sentenc ed to life in prison. , News Editor Robert Grant said KRNR had edited the programs to "conform with good taste and uphold the dig nity of the court." Japanese Liberal Faction Splits Off Tokyo VP Two of Jono. nese Premier Shlaeru Yoihida'i chief rivals in the Liberty par ty got together today to form a new political party for next monm s national elections. . The move cam nfrpi wuilr. end crisis during which parlia ment passed a no-confidence motion, 229 to 218, against the lusiuua government. , ine pre- ...... H.wTbU MIC ASIC. and called for new elections. Yoshlda expelled 34 mem bers from tho I.lhcrnl Pnvfu ... day in an effort to strengthen m iorces ior next month's test. Twelve of those expelled joined a new party being form ed ' bV IrJllM Hntnvnmn .Y. " .... H111B; TTUU long has disputed leadership of uurrui wiin xosiuaa, and Kozen Hirokawa, former agri culture minister $H 00 For Your Old Radio, Radio Phonograph, or Table Mod el Radio-Phonograph On Brand 1953 ADMIRAL EES Plus Super-Powered RADIO Plus Super "600" PHONOGRAPH All in One Beautiful Cabinet vwMtPSirW ---1 I Mwf tftl ' : j I ifSi-;' keS'. "'i f y v"'ir'3;vv,' ' ..-T"-,-'eA Complete with Both Salem and Portland TV Stations NO DOWN TiNifflAM OPEN FRIDAYS TH. 9 f.M. 2tS0 North Liberty WOULD CURTAIL "VOICE" Washington ) Sen.' Ful bright (D-Ark.) said today Voice of America broadcasts have long been overemphasiz ed t.nd should be curtailed in favor of other government ef forts to counter communist propaganda. LCGALS NOT1C1 OF STMET VACATION NOTICK BXRXBY U OIVZN ttut the common council or me city r seiem. Oreion. oa the Sth der of Februery, 1MI. Adopted a reeolutloa Inltletlm BToeeeduM to Tecete the porUon of the loiiowuf etreete And Allen herewith deeerlbed, to wit: All thet portion of South 13th Street from the eltenelon of tho Seutherlr line of the oiler runnln Beet And Weet Utrouth Block. 3 And M, tTnlreriltr Addition to lb dtr of Seiem. MArion Countr Ore eon (set Volume 1, Pete 33, Record of Town Plot, for .old county and otate), to the Northerly line of Kill Street, A. ehown on aaM plot. . All thet portion of Trade (Street itendins from lino drown pereJIel with the Weet lino of South 14th Street end 141 fee) Weelerly from tho Weet lino at South 14th Street to tho But lino or South 11th Street (See VoL 1. Pan 33, Record of Town Plata for ' Salem, If arloa County Oreooo.) ' All of the Alley In Block 17 And that portion ot the Alter In Block 34, which la bounded on tho North by Lot. t And 4 at .aid Block. And ontho South by Lota S And of eeia Block, all In Unlrarelty Addi tion to the City of Salem, Marion CounU. Oreton. (Sea Vol. 1, Pan 31, Record of Town Plata for .aid county and atata.l for tho reaaon that tho records do not cleerly ahow that the aald etreeta and alley, have heretofore been vaoated al thou.h they have Ions elneo been eon verted to private uee and aoae parte thereof are now covered by permanent bulldln.e, and the portlona of the aald etreete and alleyo could not be opened for ui. by the public, and there la no need or neceeeltr to retain them for public uee. The aald Common Council haa. filed the lid day of March, 10S3, at tna nour oi a:oo o'clock p.m. aa tho time, and the CouncU chambers in the City Ball In Salem, Orecon, aa the piece, for the hearlnt of the eatd pro eeedlnti and any And eU objection, and remonatrancee to the propoeod vocation. OtoJeetloona to eueh vaeatlon, If any then be, : ahould be made In writing and filed with, the City. Recorder of eld city prior to tho time ot the boar lni. BT ORDBft OP TRB COMMON COON CH. February t, 1063. ., ALFRED MONDT, City Recorder This New PAYMENT Gilbert Phono 2-0312 ti'i LEGA.LS Df TU CIECTJIT COCB OP TBI STATS OP OBSOON POB TBB COUNT I OP MARION m the Matter of the Eetato ot ADA WILBBLMIMA LTJNDBERO, Deoeaeed. I IN rROBATB NO. 14.IM MOTICB OP SALS OP REAL AND . PiatSONAb PROPERTY Pureuant to Order of tho Court here tofore duly made and entered ot record In tha Abovo entitled matter, tho under olnod will cell at 313 North Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon, frooa and after the lit day of AprU 1MJ, at private .ale tho foUowhtf reel and pereonal . property: 1 email lot of per tonal property. ' The followlnw real property: Parcel No. 1: All of Lot tl Is Block 1 In Cook'a Addition to tho town of Marlon ae aald lot la ahowm ' and deelenAted on the amended plot ' of Cook e addition on toe tn tho offtoe of the Recorder of Marios ' . County, Orecon. Parcel No. 1: A atrip of land tytnt between Block S of Plekard'a Addi tion and block S tn cook'a addl- . Ion County, Orevon, more partleular- . !r deeoiibed aa followai Beatonlna at ' the SB Corner of Block S of Pick- . ord'a Addition to tha town ot Marlon. Marlon county, Orovon, and running thence to foot more or leea to tho SW corner of Block S la Cook'a Addition thence N SO feet to tho ' NW comer of aaM Block 31 thence w SO feet mora or leea to the KB corner ot aald Block 1 In Plekard'a . Addition: thence S 30 feet te tha place at betlnnlnl. FOR CASS, to tho hliheit ntleraatorv bidder, and aubject to oanflniatlon br tna court. CHARUSS W. OMIOHTOW, Jit, Admlnlatrator of tho Batata ol ADA WILHAUONA LTJNDBBRGt, - Deceaaed. lis North Uborty Street, . Salem. Orecon Data of drat Publication: March S, 1UI Data ot laat Publication: March 33, ltu DPN March I, , la, 3, W3. Wfvnrn av wiirn . MRled sroDOitla will ba reaiMtir1 hv iht underlmed nntll aiahk o'clock P. U., Standard Oregon Time, on tho 7th dT or April. 1663. and tmmediatclr uurcalttr will tw publicly opentd by tha DUtrict Brhool Board af School Dlitrieft Mo. tl, Marlon County. Orecon, for tha purehaM. at not ltu than par and ac crued lnttrast, of tht neiotlabla gentral oomauon coupon do not oi aald dlairlcu In tha principal amount ol k)lH,0M, ' dated Mar L U53. In dtnomlnatlona af 1,000 tach. and naturlni atrlally In numerical order In principal iniUllmanta or V7.0W aaon on January l ol aach of tht yean lssft to IBB? lnciuiiv. of ai ooa tich oa January 1 of aach of tha ytara 1S6B to 19U incluiivt. and of 9,0O9 , BHaUMo' AV M wOW WJ HI eTBaUV urea to i97 ineiuma. Tha bond! of tha luua that aaatura on and afttr January 1, 1M, will ba ra dtamablo at tha onUon of tha dlitriA at par and accruad lntaratt upon sJann arr i, ibh, U4 upon any lntaratt data tharaattar. Tho bo&da win btar t&Uratt navahla ami annually on January X and July t ot aach yaar haroafttr, at auch rata at ratta In multlplaa of Kth of 1 pantnW not ticeedln 3V ptretnt par annum. at anau do apaeuua by u ineeawful Hdder. Both tha principal of and tho lntaratt upon tho bondt will ba paid at tha oillca ox waa county trtuurar of Marlon County. Or iron. ' Tha bonda will ba told to tht hlchon blddtr, hut tha dlatrlet aehool board rtatrvai tot risht to rtitet any or all bids. Unless ail btdi art rajtotod, tha bondi will ba awarded to tha bidder complying with the terms ot tha natleo of salt, and aubmltUns tha bid which provides tha lowest cost to tht school district.. Each bid must ba unconditional, mutt ba accompanltd by a oartltltd check or cathltr'a check tn favor of tha district. 1 ot or upon a bank doing bttsinosa in tha oiata oi vrrecoa, in rae sum oi St.Qw, I and must ba enclosed in a sealed on i vtlopt addressed to tha undtralgnod and j marked on tha outsldt "Proposal for i Bonds.' Ko Interest will ba allowed on tht dtposlt with tht bid, but tha check of tht tucctastul bidder will bt retained at part payment of tha bonda or to se cure tha school district against any loss resulting from failure of tht bidder to i comply with tht terms of tali bid. 1 Each bidder shall Include tn his bid a statement of the total cost to tha district if his bid be ssoepted, provided nooa of tht callable bonda of the Issue are redeemed prior to final maturity aaie. The successful bidder will be furnished with the written opinion of Wlnfrea McCulloch, Bhultr seyre. of Portland, Oregon, to tha effect that tha bonda constitute the reiki and legally binding oblitatlona of the aald aehool dlatrlet. Tha bonds will ba delivered eompleta. without undue delay, at tha expense af the school district at auch eitr la Oregon as tha successful bidder abaO namt. otneviave Oldenburg. Clerk, . . . School District No. M, . -Marlon County, Oregon. ' ' Address; toot N. Hirer Jtoea. Salem. Oreion Pint published; March la, 1HJ. Last published: AprU T, 1113. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO DCPBOTS PERRT STREET FROM TWENTTETB STREET TO TWENTY-FIRST STREET NOTICE HEREBY IS QIVKH that tha Common Council of the City af Salem Oregon, deems It necessary and axpedt ent and hereby declare Its purpnae and Intention to Improre PERRY STREET. from the east line of Twentieth Street to the west line of Twenty-first Street, in the eltr of Salem. Marlon County. Oregon, at the expense of tha abutting and adjacent property, except she street and alley Intersections the oxpense of which will be assumed by tho City of Salem, by bringing aald portion ot aald street to the established grade, provid ing street nrainage, constructing oemtni concrete curbs, and paving aald portion of said street with a 1 Inch atphaltta concrete pavement 90 feet tn Width, tn accordance with the plant and apeedflca tions therefor whleh were adopted by the Commoon Council March 1N3, phlch art now on flit In the office af tne city recorder ana wnicn oy uie referenct thereto are made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares Ita purpose and Intention to make the abovo described Improvement by and through the street improvement department. Written remonstrance against tha above proposed Improvement may bo filed with tht city recorder at any time within ten days after tha final public a tlon of this notice by the owners of tho property affected. Br Order of tha Common Council March l, 1853. ALFRED MTJNDT. City Recorder Date ol first publication hereof la March 16. 1953. Date of final publication March Je, March 18. 99, 30. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM TROVE RIVERVIEW DRIVE FROM KINOWOOD DRIVE TO LOT It, BLOCK S, KINO WOOD VISTA. NOTICE HEREBY IS OIVBN that tha Common Council of tha City of Salem. Orecon, deems It necessary and expedi ent and hereby declares Its purpose and intention to improve RIVER VI SW DmVS from tht north lint of Kins wood Drive o the west line or Lot 12. if extended northerly, Block 3, Klngwoed Vista, in tht city of Salem, Polk County, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and ad jacent property, except the street and alley Intersections tht expense of which will be assumed by tha City If Salem, by bringing said portion of aald street to tne esubusnea grade. nrovMina street drainage, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a JYt inch asphaltle concrete pavement jo xttt wide, in accordance with the plans and specif lea Hons therefor which were adopted by the Common CouncU March t, 163, which are now on file In tha office of the city reedtder and writer, by this reference thereto aro madt a part hereof. Tht Common CouncU hereby declares Us purpose and Intention to make the above described Improvement br and through tha street improvement department. Written remonstrance against the above proposed improvement may be filed with the city recorder at any time within ten days afttr tht final publico tlon of this notice by tht owners of tho property affected. By Order of tha Commoon CouncU March t. 1953. ALFRED MDNDT, City Reeordtr. Data of first publication hereof li aiaron is. 1953. Data of final publication Mareh M, 1953. March If, S3, 90, To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406