PS-. 14 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Monday, March 16, 1958 Gunf ighter's Return By LESLIE EJtNENWElN UP MvituturMI Chapter S At nine o'clock Eve Odegarde blew out two bracket lamps In a loom tnat Had once been the par' tar of a private residence but now Held half a dozen oilcloth' covered tables. Because steamy wannui euu nowea irom uie kit' onen, wnere umpy Smith was washing dishes, Eve left the street boot open. Eve stopped In the doorway for a aream 01 iresn air, ana recalled the talk she'd heard about Sam Mawen. According to Lew Strom' berg, owner of the Big Roman Four outfit, Malben had been caught red-handed with a fresh. killed yearling that had a plainly ooicnea orana. signea, won dering If posse riders still search ing for Mfclbcn would capture him tonight, and at this moment heard a man shout) "Roman Four I Ro man Fowl Stepping quickly out to the stoop, Eve saw a rider pulled up In front of Gabbert's Livery. His face was shadowed by a down tilted hat brfcm but she thought at once: Bern Malben I Astonished that Sam should how himself in town, Eve watched young Buck Aubrey ease from the table doorway with a gun in his band. She heard the Roman Four rider say, "You've butchered your lest stole beefl" . Lew Stromberg and Ernie Link same running irom uie tstuion Saloon. Other men came from Bteinfeld's stoop and the hotel 2446 jit SKIS Tpfl Spring Eneorel Diagonal detail does much to minimize the figure 1 This dress with its buttons swerved to one side could be finished as a short sleeve shantung, or cot ton; as a three-quarter sleeve Spring print. No. 3446 is out tn sizes 12, 14, 16, It, 30, 36, 38. 40, 43 44 and 46. Blze 18: short sleeve dress takes itt yds. 36-ln. or 3 yds. 39-in. Send 30c for PATTERN with NAME, Address, Style Number and Blze. Address PATTERN BUREAU, Capital Journal, 663 Mission street, Ban Francisco 6, Calif. Patterns ready to fill orders Im mediately, For special handling of rder via first elan mall Include an extra Be per pattern. . Just off the press I The new BOOK, agog from cover to cover with scores of the latest style trends, all translated Into delight fully wearable, easy-to-sew pattern designs for every age, every type, all sizes, all occasions. Send -now for this sewing Inspiration , , . lust 36c. Enjoy good chewing veranda; townsmen prompted by curiosity, and a few homesteaders from Spanish Strip grim-eyed men lute ai snumway, Bweae Severlde, and Charley Bonn, who were irienas oi turn Maioen. Sheriff RoblUarde hurried over irom the courthouse. "No shoot ing, boys I No shooting!" he warn ed. . And now, as Uie tall rider nudged back the brim of his bat' tered hat Eve Odegarde stared at nun in wiae-evea wonderment. The man sat high and lean-shaped in uie saddle use earn Maitwn, He wore a black, flat-crowned Texas hat and rode a roan horse, like sam, Even his moonlit face was familiar. But it wasn't Sam Malben s face. He had peered at Buck Aubery in irownuur silence ror a tons mo ment. Now he said, "Quit pointing tnat gun at me." Eve recognized him then. "Jiml" she exclaimed, and saw Aub.ev'i mouth go loose-lipped with puz zlement, one neara nun Diurt, "You ain't Malben " Lew Stromberg and Ernie Link came ud to stand Desuie AUDrev. Stromberg peered at Rimbaud in narrow-eyea nostuity, cemanding, who are you?" Rimbaud Ignored the ouestion With his right hand close to his bolster he said ranklv. "Oet out of my way." There was a moment of re sentment tightened Lew Strom- berg's high-beaked face: while men out in the street stepped cau tlonsly aside, leaving a wide lane beyond Rimbaud. The smell of trouble was that Dlain. Eve watched Stromberg, fearful inai ne would draw. Lew strom berg wasn't accustomed to taking orders. No man who knew him would be brash enough to give nun one, xor ne was an uncrowned king In Quadrille Basin. She called urgently, "That's Jim Rimbaud," snowing wnat uie name would mean to Stromberg and to every man who heard It. Thv might i an to recognize Kimoauo's wms-ker-ehagsed face here In the moonlight, but they wouldn't mis- taice uie name tnat nad become a gun-smoke legend on both sides of the border these past two years. ijew Btromoerg sieDDea aside. making room for Rimbaud to ride on into the barn doorway. "What you doing back here?" he asked. "Minding my own business." Rimbaud said. Eve watched him dismount, ob serving how gaunt and worn-out he looked; how much older and tougher and shabbier than when she'd last seen him. Like a border- Jumping renegade, she thought, and heard him say to Joe Gab- Den, -uive this none a double ration of grain and all the hay he'll eat. - "Sure, sure." Oabbert agreed : In the glib way of a free-talking man stirred up by excitement. "How's my old iriend francuco Dnran. go?" -ueao," ttim baud muttered. Lew Stromberg. who'd turned away, swung around In Jjitly and aemanaea. xou sure aoout tnat?" Kimoaud looked at Stromberg. remembering now that this man ownea tne itoman Four, which had supplied Durango with free horses In return for range privileges across uie jine. "Yes," Rimbaud said. "I was with him when he died." Far a moment no one moved nr spoke. It was as if every man on nis street was momentarily shocked to speechlessness. iw otromoerg cursed and said. very distinctly, "The revolution is lost and so is my Mexican graze." Jim Kunoaua could east v un derstand that part of It. Strom berg's reaction was that of an am bitious man who'd back a loser he nad noped would win. But Rim baud eouldnt understand why all these others, townsmen and home steaders, seemed equally disturbed by news of Durango's death. As he strode through the crowd, Run baud heard a man announce ap prehensively, "Now there'll be more trouble. Bad trouble." Rimbaud nodded a wordless ac knowledgement of Sheriff Robll larde's curt greeting and stopped in front of Eve Odegarde, Inquir ing, "Am I too late for supper?" "Not if you'll eat In the kitch en," Eve said, showing htm a com posed and unsmiling face. (To ne continued) WOODBURN VFW AUXILIARY Woodburn The local Veter ans of Foreign Wan auxiliary will elect officers at the regu lar meeting, Wednesday, March 18, at 8 p.m. in the Woodburn city hall. Mrs. William Stange and Mrs. Joe Walker, Sr., will serve refreshments to both the post and auxiliary. keep a package handy purs or DOCKOt CMIWINO QUM . I I Want to feel happier? Chew Wrigley' Spearmint Cuml at!. ... wrai a mte little lilt. ...a-.i.lnri Help. me pp1'"l1y. .pel1 ROOM ft BOARD HAVING A MUCH YOUNGER NOSE THAN THE OTHER ANTIQUATED BEAKS IN THIS HOUSE YOU HAVE A KEENER SENSE OF SMELL, SO TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK Of THAT EXQUISITE PExFUME SAMPLE... I LL NAME IT 'BREEZE OF BALI" BECAUSE HAS THE EXOTIC AROMA I OF FLOwER-AND- I . 'V.- 1 1 GOSH....TWS BRINGS TO MIND MV UNCLE RUDtfS PICTURE-FRAME SHOP. ...THE MINGLED smell of banana oil, AND PAINT , STEVE ROFER . Il nil I L7 -rr- - Tll AfwblocknT- I L -I, J EB -n LOCATE THE HOTI I P- am, , f1 f jffl F TO ABGUE MAKES ME Jl -AND WHEN I REDEEMEdVSLIN MARKET FOP. IaSI L ... 'I I I I ftVfl THIRSTyWHEELSV-DRIVE THE HIGH SCHOOL -'MONTHS, MB. ROPtKX "! .1 Cf M W a" f7 ME TO TH6 URtStSNI SJ.UW.' m STUDENT'S REPAIR "V- -Itucv'pc M It UkJZLW . -SaVl - THIS 15 WHAT I 60T J 1VTI MOVING IN,. $ HMfrlXr k V4 K 3TT1 J - rirTTTfe u, mimd (worn K Jsfofirv POGO i I Mtas sdN3UMT5l aw jwjlaicw MVlKXci. I Aasrwwnaa 3ij.wNTj.nayw3 ujfl4t.jna aima 1 Pw;r. 1 vm MON51 1 oHM'amwiiim sn d3i svh shutonomX m -fMKAwx&ii. riMUiHoa ximi MotHHh 3hI jo dN3i il xa aMWmH3M3-m 3HJ.I 't do iiinwni wiuiY y Nid32iN9aak jawtt'wl AA. - 1 J 1 , r u ..firnni' 1 1 I hev! OB'S better! y If . vep-looks as I helps themsb.ves,th6Y 11 feggri 0H,THfiu feeg- I DOC SAVS TH I QIBTL I THOUGH OUR PRIWBGI WfTOU YOURSELF SigJ THftMK gaS I IK I llVfl h. lfssJra AIM ill Wll I lrmm4i' AWir. LIL ABNEK ' r AM CftllsTT CLKKP A-WORWIN' I T SO AH CHECKED WIF I IF THET CUOUD WON'T I AH DONE ITf-NOW, YStJ, 'BOUT THET DARK CLOUP OVPSV-NOSE UEE.TH' 1 GO AWAV RJM OVER TH' 1 THAR L.L B1L NO BLACK . A-HOVERINOVERTH'&ABVSl , WITCH-WOOMINT SHE I CRADLE AH'lX SNEAK SHADOW HANGIN'OVER W, .CRADLE. NATCHERW AM SAVS ITS A SHORC TH' CRADL, AWAV FUM MM MAH PUTOREGRAN'CHILE, W POWTFALUrO'SILLV J SIGM O' EVAD UJCK . UNDER TH'CLOUD.r- fZMZZ, BI-ESS TTS UNBORN HOPALONG CASSIDY . ' ' ' " I. . f I PIPN'T I PRE6UME THE I PANT KNOW WHAT I THINK YOU ARE. SHALL A TRAVEL LONAHORN RIVERS 1 YOU'RE UP TO. ABIGAIL. I I I TELL YOU WUV T 1 L ASI&AIL . PAKLIH6 ITS WEST TO REVIVE 9LP ROMANCE. V)L1R6E HA4 BEEN BUT I'M NJT AOINA I kw -T "A l BEEN tO MANY YEARS. ) HR. JELLIiON OUR A6SIATI0N P1VERTEP A6 I THROUGH WITH IT. A I & T ' u 'SEfcX si 11 I'm mil 1 e , j,s3gan njjl" i - -asm i i a". 11 ni mott & jeff - 1 - tfryoijseMiiTTiiKinFP I If he releases the Kve butwmatI qui r V "nn"565S uJAIT UNTIL. MlITTb eACHOAR THERE: WILU J SPRINS WHICHTHROWSlBECOMESOF HAVE ANYTHINfl ) I O .-' cc m3 I BE A STRONG SPRING... H1S0AR 200 FEET IN JtHECAR IN !7, 1 PBCVEMT HEAn- X SEES ANOTHER (JAR fV STr WDPOrrt I THEY LEAVE SfSkr ffv fZPS PREVENT HEAD-i COMING, HEAD-ON. RIGHT UNDER IT I 1 "THE ROADI ffe T R C ) REX MORG. AN. P. ' feSEST JHANICVOO, REX.' Y WHAT'S WCONS, ) IT. . . IT'S ("f I f 1 8uT SOMETMINS 15 I'M FBELING SOHKV T A5 A HOUSEWIFE 1 SHEILA T NOTHINO I I I NNR0N6 OR VOO 1 FOR MYSELF AflAIN, 1 I THAT WAS A I COULON'T fEOEve -ZTr-y JBI .I uM,rxYu J I r i,.r. 'V KWONOERFUL MMl, 1 A N.CBR COMPLIMBhrT.'J I5sjf I Fl CRYING.' JT R6ALIIBP THAT iM ) sheila ac: , "J biIOifi I r IL Jy v .na y I PONALPDVCK I ' I I I A iLLiJ Tl KhEV.' WHAT SMr!p I ...8UTTEREP THE TOAST I t FEEL AWFUL. BOVS 'W 2 k.SSK.SSISi io m&i(m .at. teEW3 csj i . i i Mix. v. -v a ' Naasai i mi i in --w r- ii i i ux t . : i -v t a v " I s aai 0 ir"(v i "HOLD IT, fOUCS!. .tW TAKING fl FA AJ E5t ' 1 . I'D Pfc St w : I ALW5rftW5p2HI) ; . ' ." J s m" " RADIO PROGRAMS TUESDAY P. M. KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAE KOCO t HBO tl CBS IIH ABC 13W KBC ' US K. IIW tl -rihS Nw fMHirw T. TrdM SpMn N.m f. tal l LU Ctmt Ott II Nm Mill" Ntw Spldr . ,,:,r fttft I'm Bmm F.rlf OwtM G.j K'l s, dtr r. D. vl i'fti" Wl BiUUp K.rW.rt Jrt s.ldtr Hssta M.L :?! Sltll. DUu Oe.. rukw K WMl Blrkvu SplJtr Mailt ML .Jj Wia BT.W. Klrtku. Kr W.. J. S.bIU. 8pUr N. W.r to Ht. Birth.. K.r W.l Bull 8er .l. ! fijruta BUI MiLSpkla. C.lTlnnu Newt Spldtr . :TT r p. rsmli a. oif c.i iinntp Mutit spistp :io L. Juet A. G.dlr.T Uti Llkt a tlt SpWtP "l"1,' :Jj Daft Wlft S. Otdlrty MllUgntlrt Sktpptr Spldtr Mtltdr . WtlMtlt Oodlrtr Btrie Mult Our Towr, Jin Dtndj ' Mtl. "lis Trt.tUra Otdfrtr Bill Bint Indtptr-dtatt Sh Md. : Dr. P. Gtdlrtp Ptr Ikt Ntwt II- D.r,r M MtL I'.Js D. Otrrtwtr Mttttr Girl. rul. Sltct Shtw Mult MtL "ifsB Mult Boi Klrkhtn Tun Fnllt Unit Klddltt Bnir Wttld Ntwi i:?M..I. Btl Bath AtbltD Stilrrtl HtBlotwar Matlt Mart Btrt'tlt ttli J.'tn Matlr Baa Urn Waktlj Catt Carl Mailt? Mailt Mart Satond Latk iltl, Mailt Baa Tantfallr Hippy tlait Sam Biro Mailt Mart WatM ft "Via Ntwt Ed Marraw Mtrrlt Clrtli Sil. Prtilan Mailt Mart Shtwaaaa J:!? stmt Ntwt V. Plnkltr Bel. Pratlaa Mailt Mart Sbawtaia te L. MtCall , Warld ladaj C. Hanlltr Skp Kln Mailt Mart Valltr Tint jj ; i r i. Ptltrtap ' Jrank Pan Btb Garrtd Skr Blur Mailt Mart Star la Bttt. a.SAIBtlai Mailt LUt with Wtalhtrman IGaa. Btallar Mailt Mart ICaadltllthl STs Belai Mailt Laltl Kama Zd. KW Ntwt Slia 0(1 Candltlltbl t'Vt fibber Jl Mr Prltad Gttd antwtr Man Ntwt S:4. MaUr Irma Lliltnlnt Sam Uarat - Intamt Tar. 7.a Htrb Shriatr Pteplt Art Sllrtr Eat It Btparter Baiarp i'.S Btrb Shrlntr FanDT Sllter Eatll Bouadup mart Sins :in lana Pitktni Mailt Ball Mitbatl W Com Mailt I45 Jane Plektm Mailt Bill Bharnt Bambltn BPtrlt J. tn Maa'a Famil L. Thtmaa Srmphaatltt Blih Traek 149 i'-U Warld Newt On Spat Brmphanetlt Adrtalart traek HW i'-in Calraltada alMr. and Mrt Mttl liar Traek Met jlJ't Amerlea Narlh Nelrhbor Muilc Traek IIB THa Martin A Derlt Dar Tawn Glen Hard; Traek lltli a'-li Lewi. Darlt Dar Meellnt Fnlltn Lewli Traek l M Freedam OB Ja Stafford ' Tawn MetL Wbat't Cook Traek MM lt Fretdam PSJanlor Mln Monitor N. Ma.le World Ntwt liiS Btporttr 5 Star Final Final Ed. Behind 8lon Nit hi Bona ! '15 Bparlt Final ialem Danea Time Newtretl Niaht Sear 19'SO The Chaaa Inttrrltwl Danea Tlmt Ntwt Mailt ltid.a The Chata Narr Show Danea Tlmt Hammtr G Voa Waal 1190 Ntwt Ortan Dantt Time Hammtr Gui Noetarna liJS L. MtCaU Htltdlta Danea Time Mldniiht Naetarna 11:1(1 Wax - Treatarr Danea Time Melodlea Nottarna 11:4' Mtieam Band Danea Tlmt Mtlodlet ' Ntclarna U:aV Sltn Oft Sltn Off Danea Time Xlra Hoar I ISIu Of. Don't fret ever o dcwii payment. We take mott anything on a trade for a beautiful . Raytheon Set. See Us First for the Finest! TRADER LOUIE TV 1870 Lana Ave. ' ' Phone; S8558 , Open Monday and Friday Evenings WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 1 1 :45 A.M. f:M Mailt Time Ntwi Orettn Farn NW New. 1:15 Mailt Tlma BFD Orttti Hoar Tlmtkeepet Nook IS Mailt Tlma KOIN Kloek 0.e. Farm Ntwi . J 1:45 F.rm rime KOIN Klaek O. Term Hr. Marth Time Nook ' Hit) Canntrr Ed. KOIN Klatk Newt HtmlnawaT Brtakfiil ""'"?,, I IS I. L. WIUl Ntw. , M. Acrtniaj Bre.kf.ll Nook KOCO K ttfc 1:10 Ntw. Ntwt Bob Garrtd Gana KOCO Klaek 7:45 Knaa Man. H. Babblll Bob Him Sam Barn iook KOLO Klaek l-M Old Sanaa Can. Newa Ctoll Brown Jim Dndr 15 Old Sana. Newr Cl.b F.mllr Altai Jim D.ndr KOCO K oek 1:10 Mailt Baa Grand Slam Brtakfail Harm af Jim D.ndr KOCO Kltek g;4S Mailt Btl Bettmarr Clar Beil Jim D.ndr Newt an Mailt Bti W Warrtn I) A.M. Editor. Sword Btck Fenet '!"'",", i:l Mmlo Bas Aunt Jennr Todar'i Star Call Cmnlrr M.llnei Tana TIM t -10 Amtr. Trail Htltn Trent Break Bank Failor'i Call Back Fenet "' f :t V. Gal Sanday Brtak Bank Ban. Coanler M.Hnet Ertlrn K. 1(10 Hailtit Hie. Boad Life D. Gardner Glen Hardr Bek Feaea Bar. 1:15 Ha.te.1 Baa. Ma Ptrklna Chtl Hnntltr Telt Tut M.tlntt Keetrda It 30 Slrlkt II Dr. Malont Mr Trnt Amwtr Man Back Fenu R" 1B: Bleh Gold. Llaht 8torr Maile M.tlntt Bectrdt 11 Doable ar Mrt. Barton IVhliptrtna Ladlei Fair B.ek Ftnte Bart Ili; Natblnf Perrp Maton Girl Marrlei Ladlei Fair M.llnet Rteorda " l:jr Bob and Bap Nara Drake V. Oaten For B.ek Ftntt B.rl , 11 -4a Bab Hope Brlahttr Pal Barney Keep1 Dar M.tlntt Becordt FM Mer.i KOIN M 1.1, a.m. to It p.m. KEX in.!, 1 to p p r. PIAL LISTING, KOAC, S50 koac Tutdftr P.M. IS: W, Nen Polk Conotr Aicntf !:, Rldt Tm Cewbori 1:00, EtpecUlly tmr Women 4:00, World Bcvlewt 8:00, Chlldreti't Theft ttrt 6:00, Newt and Woatbori :, Oregon Lcfltlalnroi 7:18, IfnAP Wedneidtr A.M. 10:00, IXWnW N.Wi tnA We-thirl Villi, Eipcflallr for Women; 11:00, Orecoa School of Air. 12:15, Noon Farm Hoar. Evenlnr Farm Honrt 9:4s, Meditation i 10:00, Slrn Off. ML Angel ' . Mt. Angel Mr. and Mrs, Archie Hawkins and family ar rived here early Monday morn' ing by car from Eureka, Calif., to make their home on the for mer George Kruse farm, south' east of town. They were followed by trucks and trailers carrying a herd of 78 head of cattle, farm ing equipment and household goods. Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Meyers had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meyers and son, George, who were returning to their home in Saskatchewan, Canada, after spending the win ter in Los Angeles, Calif. They also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Al Meyers in Salem. The Mt. Angel 4-H club met at the home of Kenneth and Carl Buchholz. Virgil Diehl, club leader, gave each member a record book and application blank. Refreshments were served after the business meeting. GARSON LOSES GEMS Palm Springs, Calif. (AV Police reported today that screen star Greer Garson hai been robbed of more than $10,. 000 in jewels while vacation ing with her husband at thil fashionable desert resort. BUCHMAN SENTENCED Washington W) Sydney Buchman, former Hollywood writer-producer was fined $150 Monday and given a one year suspended sentence for snubbing a house un-American activities committee sub poena. He could have been jailed for a year and given a $1,000 fine. v ACROSS 1. Flat-bottomed boat S. Sleigh . B. Behave 11 Pulled apart 13. Story 14. Note cf a dove 15. Two halves 16. Fasten securely 17. Very small IB. Like 19. Rowboat 20. Boya 21. Expression peculiar to a language 23. Predicament 24. Upon 28. Decorate 27. Exclamation 28. Win. 28. Man's garment 80. Watch pocket 31. Grasp firmly 32. Previously 33. Sack 34. Valley 33. Sun god 36. Help 37. Headdress 38. Small pie 40. Contain 41. For 43. Fine fabric 44. Working im- .TitP.uort .. "spect 46. Heavy nail 47. Nuisance 48. Plunder 49. Type meas ures STTBEwliJgl tf '! 4 Solution of Saturdays Punle to. Solemn promise 01. Possesses DOWN 1. Greek portico 2. Regard 3. Native metal 4. You and I rZi 8 r I w. rr Jr -fr rr 5- -pjf rTr & 5T 1; f WW 0 JfvK If 5 5. Heavy rain 6. Thin and delicate I. Wild animal (.Down: prefix 9. Suur 10. Centralization II. Plaything 18. Diving bird 17. Strain 19. Sou 20. Be situated 22. Amount of medicint 23. White lie 25. Back of the neck 28. State posi tively 27. Mist 28. Sandarae tret) 80. Hobby 31. Happy 33. Fragment 34. Liquid measure 38. Clumsy boat 37. Grinding Im plement 39. Vestments 40. Army 42. Worthless leavings 43. The woman 44. Light repast 45. Plant 47. Italian rlve- 48. Behold MARCH II