Monday, March 16, 1958 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ala, OrtfM Buena Vista Buena Vista Mr. and Mrs, Perry Wells had dinner Bun day at the Marion hotel and In the afternoon culled on Mn. Alda Smith at Salem Memorial hospital. She it improving alowly. They alio called on Mr. A. Stetson at her daugh ter's home in West Salem. Mrs. Stetson has had two strokes and is In bed all the time. She came to Buena Vista church lor several years when she lived with her daughter, Mrs. d. donnsmirg. Merle Tucker of Seattle, Wash., spent Thursday and Fri day at the Ferry Wells home. He. is Mrs. Wells' brother. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Prather, Mrs. Georgia Prather, Mrs. Maud Johnson were Sunday guests of the George Godwins In Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Elza hong, their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Lavota of Port land, drove to Hlllsboro Sun day to visit Mr. and Mrs. Wally Grleb. Candy Grieb came home with her ' grandparents to spend the week. 'Mrs. Ferry Wells was a guest at a shower for Mrs. Monte Wells at the Bill Fritz home in Salem Friday evening. Don Wells of Modesto, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wells of Corvallla were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brooks of Lawrence, Kara., spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Elza Long. The Brookses made the Oregon trip to see their son, who is a doctor in the state hospital, Mrs. Norman Hukari of Hood River spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cec il Hultman, also Miss Helen Holderly of Salem. Saturday, Mrs. Bill Bryan of Hood River was a guest at the Hultman home. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Prulett of Albany were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Prulett. Recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Ward were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foster and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Hahn of Blodgett. Mr. and Mrs. Park Franks of Salem were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Graber Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Johnson of Boise, Idaho, were here last week at the Victor Bride home as guests. They came because of the death of Mrs. Johnson's mother. Mary Tomilson. Mrs. John Schirman, Mrs. Jim Wallace and Harriet Mc Daniel were Joint hostesses for a bridal shower for Lois Rob ertson recently at the hau. Attending were Mesaames W. W. Gray, John Niccoli, Art Ackert, J. K. Tann, Georgia Prather, Emily Bersin, John Drazdoff. L. N. Osborn, Colie Cook. - John Schirman, Jim Wallace. Charles Breedon, Mar tha McClain, Grace Perkins, John Wheeler, Joe Cook, Ku rort ChristODher. Jack McDan- lei, Art taOK, tnaries ausuu. Cliff Robertson, Alice Pulse, Cecil Bookley, Earl Stroble, Paul Cook, Nell Kihn, Harold Busby, H. Thurston, Misses Janet Busby, Juamta uirisw hner. Jean Mode. Kay Wallace, LuElla Schirman, Eva Kaba- toff , Janet Perkins, Juoy imna- rmre. Dorla Dawson, wnaa and Donna Gray. Word has been receivea nere of the death of Mrs. Mable Willet In Oakland, Calif. sne was the daughter of Richard Wells and was reared in Buena Vista and attended school here and in Independence. Mr. and Mrs. Harold jonn- 4 : V. I m son- gave a recepuuii parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Johnson, on their golden wed ding anniversary at their coun try home.- Mrs. Tea uerquisi oi oniew served the cake. Mrs. Walter vsinn was at the coffee urn. Mrs. Id Burgess presiaea ai the punch bowl, and Mrs. John Wheeler took charge ot tne r.i Minn Sharon donnson, cranddaughter of the couple, had charge of the guest book, others assisting were Mrs. Alvin Marr. Mrs. F. L. Catton, Mrs. E. G. Hakanson, au oi oa-iom- Mr. and- Mrs. Cecil Hult man and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wells were among the after nnnn Odllprtt. Mr. and Mrs. Bill uacon m Albany were recent oinner Buests of Mr. ana Mrs. xiarum Withrow. Buena Vista Woman's dub met at tht hall Wednesday aft ernoon. Clara Graber read tha open ing number. It was voted to purchase new curtains for the hall and Rose Krauger and Elm Hultman wtra appointed to report at tha next meeting about material. Federation was announced to meet April IS at Oak Grove. A letter was read from Mrs. Fickle in Oklahoma, a former member; and an Invitation was given to all for an April 1 luncheon at the Methodist church in Independence at 1 P-m. .. , : Mrs. Evadna Prather and Re- tha Johnson served lunch. , Willamina Dayton Dayton The Dayton Gar den club met Monday with Mrs. L. Phelps. The co-host esses were Mrs. Arne F. Will ion and Mrs. Clotis Sloan. . Guest speakers for the af ternoon was Mr. Storehow of Corvallis. Mrs. Stephen Taylor was In charge of the afternoon In the absence of Mrs. Roy Edwards, president. Mrs. Dan Todd was guest. A family gathering was held at the Roger Veach home re cently for potluck dinner. The group . was honoring Mrs. Veach on her birthday anni versary. There were about 30 present and all enjoyed TV. Mrs, Vic Berggren and Mrs. Hugh Veach of Sheridan were hostesses for a pink and blue shower, held at the home of Mrs. Roger Veach. The honor guest was Mrs. Gordon Cook, of Albuquerque, N.M. Mrs. Cooke Is a sister of Ro ger Veach. . Mr. and Mrs. Harley Beal of Portland visited in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. George Beal and his mother, Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Freeman. Dewey Williamson, Jr., of Roseburg, spent some time here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Williamson cently. He spent one day In Portland at a Telephone Co. school. Mrs. Harry Gray was host ess to the members of the Kro- weldeen Bridge club last week for 7:30 dessert lunch. Special guest was Mrs. Harold Whit ney of Eugene. The high scorers for the eve ning were Mrs. Vernon Foster and Mrs. Harry Sherman. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Tem ple and children spent the weekend at Nehalem, on the coast, visiting friends, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Lent. Recent visitors at the Roy and Leonard Will home were Dr. Clinton T. Cooke, and daughter, Margaret of Port land; and Mr. and Mrs. Zane Yoder of Hubbard. The Bob Stilwell family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Williams and family. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Paris returned this week after spend ing a week on vacation in Cal ifornia. They visited his broth er, Harold Paris. The girls stayed home under the care of Mr. and Mrs. Merrltt Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coburn had dinner Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson and Norman. In the afternoon they visited her sis ter, Mrs. Walter May in Web foot district. The Mays are building a new home. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sherman were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitney and children, and Bill Sherman of Eugene; and Miss Barbee Sher man of Monmouth. Mr. and Mrs. L. Phelps had their children home for din ner recently. They are Mr. and Mrs. . Ellis Phelps and daugh ters, Dayton, and Mr. and Mrs. Willamina The Willamina Garden club if planning late spring flower show, to to held on May 20. This was decided at tha recent meeting at the home, of Mrs. Virgil Helder, when 17 members, and on new member, Mrs. Billi Sheet, were present. Mrs. Jack Newton will be hostess for the April z moating. Two students from the Wil lamina area have recently been elected officers of Phi Kappa Tau, national social fraternity at Oregon State college. Wil bur Harris, Junior In agricul ture from Willamina, is secre tary, and Robert Biuson, soph- omore in pnarmacy .xrorn Grand Bonde, la serjeant-at-arms. Harris is th son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Harris, and BUlson Is the son of Mr. and Mr. Joseph BUlson. Charle D. Kepford of Grand Ronde will begin military training at Camp Robert, Calif. He ha been assigned to Battery B, 440 Division Ar tillery. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Kepford. The FL club held the March meeting at the Rebekah hall with Avis Brock and Ethyl Ta- torn hostesses. Past president Jere Boundy presided at the business meeting. A game was played with Evelyn Neely winning, and she also won the special prize. Th April meet ing will be at the home of Vi ola Slsk In Sheridan, with Net tle Wis co-hostess, Members attending were Joan Shetterly, Gladys Slsk, Viola Sisk, Nettie Wise, Nancy Canby, Jere Boundy, Marjorle Blackwell, Evelyn Neely, Ann Denton, Jackie Hurland, the hostesses. Mrs. Edna Graham was host ess to the Bunco club at her home Wednesday with a lunch eon, followed by an afternoon of bunco. Attending were Mrs. Arleta Delker, Mrs. Lorraine Crone, Mrs. Clarl Spangler, Mrs. Violet Kihlstadlus, Mrs. Jessie Trotter, . Mrs. Margaret Franklin and Mrs. Ruby Toll- ver. Mrs. Karl Lentz was hostess to the Friendship club mem bers Wednesday, when decor ations were in the St Patrick' day theme. Attending were Mrs. Frank Smelser, Mrs. W. lr4. aT ONCE to KWteve CROUPY NIGHT COUGHM& CAUSED BY CPU T rfS) Asians1 3ffD Tremblay. Mrs. Earl Rich ardson, Mrs. Roy Durham, Mrs. K. Brock, Mrs. Clin Rugg and Mrs. Bessie Lamion. Miss Bonnie Schwab was given a farewell party at the horn of Sally Lenocker last week. Th Schwab family will soon move, to Burlington, Wash. Other hostesses were Marietta Rogers, Jeanette Johnson, Nancy Mishless and Harlen Baker. Guests were Betty Schwab, Nancy Schwab, Donna Rainboth, Ted Cook, Ed Forbes. John Stout, Patsy Park, Nancy Mlshler, NeiJ Mlshler, Harlene Baker, Guy Baker, John Rogers, Pet Rey nolds, Dorothy Harper, Anita Allen, Howard Wilmarth, Bob Patterson, Dick Johnston, Phil Mitchell, Leo Stamphill, 6bar- Fletchall and Gary Len ocker. : Over 00 students from the Willamina eighth grade plant- 0000 fir trees Wednesday near Boyer on state forest land. Th project was sponsored by the Willamina Garden club, as listed by donation from the Kiwanls club and the Commer cial Planing mill. A lunch was served at noon. Donna Newktrk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Newklrk of Willamina, ha been named chairman of the stage clean-up committee of the Associated Women' Student Spring Fol lie program at Linfleld col lege. She is a freshman English major. The Follies talent show highlighted each year with the announcement of the Lin field May Queen. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Codding- ton and tons left thi week by train for Iowa to visit relatives. They will also pick up a new car, driving home by way of Texas and California. They plan to be gone several months. Pedee Pedee Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ballantyn of Portland visited at th C. L. Bur bank horn Fri day afternoon. Th BalUntynes lived in th community 10 years ago and owned what is now the Ronald pomeroy I arm at Cherry Grove. They were on their way home alter spending th winter in Old Mexico. . Mrs. Nelda Burrls and daugh ter, Marcia and Tamara, and Mrs. Lura Trueax of McMlnn- ville spent Sunday at the Ro land Trueax home. Miss Barbara Soehung , exchange student from Ger many, who Is attending high school in Dallas, was th guest speaker at the PTA Friday night, and a film "Ola Mexico" was shown. Th primary room received the book for having the largest attendance of par ents present. Mrs. Carl south, president, Mrs. Glen Edwards, vie president, Mrs. C. R. Mc Cormack, second vie president and Mr. E. M. Cate. secretary and treasurer, were nominated for respective office. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ronco, and small son, Bradley, and Charles Ronco, drove to New- berg Sunday and were dinner guests at the Albert Ronco home honoring Alberta Ronco's birthday. In the afternoon Mrs. Paul Ronco, Bradley, Arthur and Alberta Ronco visited Mrs. Bertha Applegat in Portland. Bradley is a great grandson of Mrs. Applegat. . Mr. and Mrs. Almo LeFors and Marsha, and Miss Barbara Soehung of Dallas were dinner guest Friday evening at the J. W, McCormack horn. ' Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Burbank and Mrs. J. W. McCormack spent the week end In Portland as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lovell Van Doom and family. Sunday Mrs. X. A. Burbank was honored with a birthday dinner. Mrs. Gus Burbank remained for a visit with her sister, Mrs. William Chestnut Mr. and Mr. Donald Hall and children of Portland were week and guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sheyth. Jack Blankenbakw oi Mon mouth wa recent visitor of Eucen Burbank who la on furlough from San Diego naval training base. Jack ha a 30- day furlough and Is at th horn ol his parents, Mr. ana mm. i. D. Blankenbaker at Monmouth. He has just returned from duty in Korean water. Woodburn WSCS Woodburn Mrs. Leote Por ter will be hostess to members of th Woodburn Women' Soc iety ot Christian Service of th Methodist church at th month ly meeting Tuesday, March 17. Th all-day session will begin at 10:30 am Members are to bring sack lunches and coffee and dessert will be served by Mrs. Porter, assisted by Mrs. Myrtle Hall and Mrs. Arthur Burt, co-hostesses. 3ssssw .laSBaag -i APPLIANCE REPAIRS Fh. 2-5655 UNITED REPAIR CO -25S N. U5SITY Authorized Repair on All Major Appliance and All Small ' Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery o Larg AopllanoM '. ' Ivan Roys and Walt Clam, Owners - APPLIANCE SALES Ph. 39412 SAUMUOKTIHfJ A AmiANCf CO., 183 N. HIGH ST. "BETTER LIGHT FOR BITTER SIGHT - New Star Across from Court Houae Squar Small Appliances Lighting Fixture ol All Kind - AUTO WHEEL ALIGNING Ph. 2-1 CO 1 UNITiD WHEEL AUOMM6NT 1905. 12rh Now Under New Management C H. "CUFF" XRICKSON W specialize in Wheel Aligning, Balancing and Brake Repair, . Wheel and Axle Straightening. Call U tor Estimates or . . Pickup and Delivery - Phone 4-1451 195 S. Commercial AWNINGS-TENTS-TARPS Ph. 3-4788 SALEM TENT t AWNING CO. 729 N. LIBERTY -." ' CanvM Goods of Every Description "ANYTHING MADE TO YOUR ORDER" Wilbur Maldenwald and son of Portland. Mrs. ' Anna Woodward left Wednesday for a short visit with her daughter and family, Mrs. Lester French in Corval lis. . Mr. and Mrs. Dale Massey and family plan to attend the wedding of her niece, Miss De lore Saddles, and Bill Beck ett at the First Congregational church in Salem. Dr. Clinton T. Cooke and daughter - Margaret, of Port land, visited with Miss Lena Stilwell and Mrs. Mamie Ran dall recently. mm lis NM0WAM ,. J STORES... X. VOtYWHOlE hi WATCH IDRSTER ... . ,V"1H BALL . A Or IK BRICK WORK Ph. 26545 FJlANK'SSfRVKflNSWIoirdOiFTSfDI Fireplaces, patios, planters, brick steps, etc Abo patch : - plastering. Chimney tops. ALL WORK GUARANTEED CHINESE FOODS Ph. 2-6596 CHINA CAff 2035 fAlRGROUNOS HO. Specializing in Chinese & American Foods Featuring "Good Food - Wall prepared" - Bring th Family Call for Reservations for Dinners and Parties CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 37324 MOR.TAMJESS BUCCX CO. 14rh 4LH0YT Approved - Reinforced - Rectangular Precast Septic Tanks Manufacturers of Mortar Blocks - Interlocking Blocks . . . In Pumlc or Concrete Also Chimney Blocks Equipment Soles-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOIWSERMOS, U85S.T2thST. ' Garden Tiller Power Mowers Paint Sprayers Air Com pressors - 8anders - Plumbing Tools - Power and Hand Mower Sharpening -Repairs on All Small Gas Engines If it's fine taste ye're after join the parade to todays SCHENLEY ...the best-tasting whiskey in ages ! Have a bcllle on hand for the holiday I Nehira't unhurrM goodiwu Schenley's anmelchea skill Ike beiMaiHiif whiskey In tl n BLENDED WHISKEY 86 PROOF,. 65 GRAIN NEUTRAl SflRITS. SCHMEY DISTRIBUTORS, INC, NIW YORK, N. Yi FLOOR COVERINGS Ph. 4-5751 CAmOinjOCCCVlN&--217S.HIGHST. - Armstrong & Congoleum-Nairn-Asphalt and Rubber TIM ntlal.1 Residents , Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets . Estimate Gladly Given) IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTUR SUPPLY CO. -1810 LARA AVt Water Systems Deep Well Turbine , Aluminum mil RW1 irrigation Pine --- WATJEK WJ&ULiXEBi'UtlU y Pumping Equipment Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WA' Complete Service on Any . MOTORCYCLES Ph. 2-1423 SHROCK MOTORCYCLES SALES 3007 PORTLAND U. American & British Motorcycles Indian, BSA, Matchless, Triumph Cushman Scooters If it has Wheels and a Motor we can BUY, SELL or FIX IT- MOVING & STORAGE Ph. 3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER SALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT ; - -"A Complete Shipping Service" Office 1120 N. Liberty Whse. 290 S. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES Ph. 3-5584 Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS u CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 531 COURT R. W. "JOE" LAND ' - - OIL TO BURN Ph.2-4151 TAXPAYERS CHOOSE S. E. & S. RY. Long-form taxpayers ... short-form taxpayers . . . all . . . receive the joint return of travel luxury and economy when they choose S.P.&S. Ry. Go S.P.&S. and relax in the spacious club-lounge car . . . enjoy the deli cious budget-priced dining car meals. File for your return of travel pleas ure today. Through Pullman and money-saving coach accommo dations to Spokane, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Chicago. Convenient con nections beyond. Pr Informorlsn cell Oreo on Electric Railway Co. J. D. Surles, Oregon Electric Freight Depot Oanaral Offlci! Amrlcon Bank Blda., Portland, Or. SPOKANE, PORTLAND and SEATTLE RAILWAY COMPANY Ship and travl th Northwtt't own railway 4 1 .4HgiY ) 1 rt y Mf i l r r n ROAD OILING 1174 Edgewater St WEST SALiM TWEEDIE FUELS OILS STANDARD OIL DEALER OR 3-5749 ROAD OILTNO Pointing Contractors Ph. 3-4783 F. O. REPINE CO. 2585 PORTLAND ROAD Residential, Commercial, Spray or Brush WE GO ANYWHERE... ANY SIZE JOB Call Us for Estimates and Color Planning Service PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 . NELSON SROS. PLUMBINC t, HEATING Repairing 355Chemeketa Contracting Residential Commercial ' Industrial Ph.3-9123 PRESCRIPTIONS iS We give Penny Saver Stamps THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph.3-3157 130 S. LRmt 310 (our), Dnrntova 2440 6mr,. Medial liirtsr 24-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Dally 8:00 A. M. to 11:00 PJH, ISO S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 2:00 P.M. and fl:00 PM. to 9:00 P.M. All Sundays and Holidays Radio Repair 8rPn. Ph. 3-7577 MITCHELL'S Radio-Television 1880 Stot Motorola Dealers for IW General Electric Pick up and Delivery V " TELEVISION Ph. 4-2271 H EIDER'S RADIO 4V TELEVISION 39S N. HIGH Home and Auto Radio and Television Specialist Willamette Valley for 28 Years SERVICE . IN$TAJUTkON tMUfril