Paw 10 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oreron SAME SHILLELAGH h T . -r ? I 1 Yi JMSifr His father didn't bring it from Ireland but President Elsenhower admires the Irish Shillelagh which was pre sented to him by Rep. Fred E. Busbey of Illinois. (UP Telephoto.) -Johnson Heads JPTAat Keizer Xeizer Leo Johnson was . elected president of the Keizer PTA at a meeting Thursday vening. He succeeds George Slrlno. Other officers elected were first vice-president, Mrs. Lee Wlens; second vice-president, Mrs. Ted Scholz; third vice ' president, Mrs. Carmalite Wed V' die; treasurer, Charles Ronck; recording secretary, Mrs. Rob - art Blumenstein; corresponding ... I. ii f v m i . . me new oiucers wui De in stalled at the next meeting, Ap ril 6. ... Middle Grove Middle Grove The March home extension unit was held Thlirsdav in the hnmp nf Mrs William rinnnrr. Hprrui rnr ; Variety- and Accent was the project for the day and leaders ' were Mrs. Wilburn Wilson and Mrs. Mllo Kuhn. : i The nreaident. nt the fond ness meeting announced that the unit would exhibit tunc tlonal Housedresses at the nulnfl toBttiml m14V Kffwn On Vf. .Ilg AWDMVCIA W.M UOi AWJT aarger ana mra. wuiiam Scharf arranging the exhibit The special work for the unit will be making corsages with Mrs. Lewis Patterson and ' Mrs. Ernest Crum demonstrat ing. A flower and bulb sale was held. .. ! This unit has not held Its rug workshop meeting and Mrs. Fredscheaf and Mrs. John Cage arranged for one soon. Guests at the meeting were Mrs. Ura Tandy, Mrs. Paul Small and Mrs. C. T. Lorenzen with members Mrs. John Van Laanen, Mrs. Cleo Keppinger, Mrs. Emory Goode, Mrs. Pat terson, Mrs. Claire Swlnk, Mrs. Harry Phillips, .Mrs. Harold Beach, Mrs. Dale Van Laanen, Mrs. Cage, Mrs. Crum, Mrs. A. LeRoy Austin, Mrs. Lawer nee Hammer, Mrs. Barger, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Sam Eschle. man, Mrs. Kuhn and Mrs. Wil 11am Scharf. The Sugar and Spice 4-H lub held its meeting the past week with Jean Schofer. The demonstration was given by Joyce Chamberlain and Caro lyn Crum who made sponge cakes. Gaylene Van Cleave and Karen Patterson worked at the stock sale booth at Aumsvllle selling pop with the proceeds to be used in buying flags for the club. : Mrs. Van Cleave asked that the following foods be brought for judging at the next meet ing to be held in the school house: Custards by Jean Schaf er, Gaylene Van Cleave and Wilda Blankenshlp; cup cakes by Mary Alt, Gerald Gallagher and Linda Blankenshlp; bis cuits by Julia Blankenshlp, Janice Renolds and Joyce Chamberlain. Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich "Sorry to Intormpt youf coll, .! la an amaraency. Junior has boo mlpln Ms food again I". . . Good party- u .:uKnm mIaum the hnO for emergency calls . . . Paafio rrn "i r ' r 1 1 "" n XL , i 1 J 1 A TOE HERE rUSu-. "' J CAN WEAR V Wli? Vrf . Hi .OFTEN AS YOUR 'tjH ' : J " ?? YyS V ' ANYTIME, AOTWHEliEi.; JHf. v ' i'( y imOMWwoMm;t.iwiu,of.rAtM hach 9 j.M Come choose your favorite suit by famous Sacony. Crisp or feminine. Subtly toned or radiant. And wearable, wearable, wearable wherever you $ o, 'year-round. The tailoring is Sacony tailoring polished and fine. The fabric one-and-only Palm Beach, blend of rayon, acetate and wool that chases wrinkles away, quickly, dry cleans or washes beautifully, wears almost indefinitely. Good 1953 styling too: suitable for any occasion at the drop of a hat, a scarf, a jewel. .As seen in V 0 C U E and LIFE. It's a wonderful buy! Monday, March 16, 1953 4 m ucn , r, iit 135 N. Liberty AiceJ IT TNepnoo, ...