im aoonaO EOgincii Clssh dod M Tountoir.. fob TofiigbK Chiloquin, Jefferson Meet for Third Place CONSOLATION ROUND CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND ' Echo and Klein, a couple Bull Mheolt from north eut Oreioa, eluh at I o'clock to night at Willamette antoertdty for tho atate elaasj B high eehool Mketball championship. Echo defeated Chiloquin 86-88 and Elgin downed Jefferson 89- 41 In feml-flnal game last night It was the 38th eonaecu tivo victory for Echo. Chiloquin and Jefferson col lide at 7:30 tonight to decide third place. A playoff for fourth position started at 2:10 this afternoon be tween Heppner and Knappa. Heppner defeated Drain 99-47 and Knappa bashed Brownsville 00-40 in consolation games yes terday afternoon. The all-state team will be announced following the championship- game tonight. The all-state five will he pick ed by sports writers covering the tournament. The perfor mance of potential all-staters In tomorrow's game will have an effect en the selections. Zither Elgin or Echo, or both, could feasibly break the exist ing record for number of points scored in three tournament games. The record, set by Echo's fourth place team last season, is 173. So far in this year's tournament Elgin has 115 needs 69 points tonight to break the existing record, while Echo needs 60 points to up its own mark. was favored to win the consola tion round after losing to Echo 88-42 in the opening round Thursday, but the Drain team appeared listless against Hep pner. Heppner did most of its dam age in the second period. Hep pner led only 14-13 after the first quarter, but stretched its J advantage to 28-20 by halftime. ine two teams piayea on sdoui even, terms through the second half, but Drain was never able to overcome the bulge establish' ed by Heppner in the second quarter. ' Drain hit a lapse in the fateful second period, going field goal' less during the first seven min utes and 20 seconds of that period. 1 Jack .Sumner, Heppner cen ter, led his team with 28 points, highest single game performance of the tournament so far. waver n) H n pi tp Oruit,f I I 111 Wearer.f Kononn,f S Bumnr.e 10 farlor.g Cum s Hae,f J Huchei.t s Jenaen.r BUUWd.1 ECHO 86, CHIOOQUIN 16 Ward Collinswortb, rangy Echo veteran who gets around the floor as if he were twins, turned in another scintillating performance, dripping in nine field goals and a free throw for 19 points. Teammate Bud Gra ham also had 19. Seven of his points came on free throws. . Echo's defense, sometimes moving into- a compact zone, proved effective last night. Echo players time and time again stole the ball from Chiloquin. And they did It with-a total of only seven fouls tooted against Echo. - Echo got a quick 4-0 lead on free throw by Graham, a field goal from in close by Jim Tolan and a gift shot by ColUnsworth. Bill Vadan Interrupted with a Chiloquin field goal to make it 4-2, but Colllnsworth hit two buckets from the side and Tolan sunk a free throw to give Echo a 9-2 lead, and the Cougars had control of the game all the way aiter that. It was 12-8 at the end of the first quarter, 27-17 at halftime and 42-31 when the third period ended. Gene Gentry, held to four points in the first half, showed just the only spsrk Chiloquin had In the second half as he scored 11 points, giving him a night's total of 18. , Chiloquin scored only two free throws In the ball game. The Panthers had 11 chances. Echo wasn't too hot in the free throw department, either, hit ting only 14 out of 32, but their potency on field goals more than made up for their ineffec tiveness from the charity lane. ELGIN St, JEFFERSON 41 Jefferson lust plain didn't have it last night, while Elgin's play was as smooth as a fine watch. (No commercial Intend ed.) Even at that, the Lions put up whale of a battle during the first quarter, and through the first four minutes of the second stanza. The lead changed hands three times and the score was tied four times in the first quarter alone, with Elgin leading 12-10 when that period ended. No more than two points had se parated the two teams in the first quarter. As the second period got un der way. Dale Wattenbarger. in top form last night, scored five consecutive points to give the Jeffmen a 18-12 lead. But Elgin bounced right back with five straight points to take 17-18 lead. Jim Blaekwell of Jeff tied it up at 17-17 with a shot from the key. By then, the fans had forgotten all about announcements from the NCAA regionals playoffs at Oregon State college, and were concen trating on the game before their eyes. But right then and there El gin started walking away from the Lions. From a 17-17 tie mid' way in the second period Elgin boomed to a 27-19 lead by half- time, and Jeff never threatened In the third or fourth periods. It was 39-28 when the third quarter ended. Wattenbarger, who had scored '13. of Jefferson's 19 points in . the first half, fouled out of the game with one minute gone of , the fourth quarter. He had not played much of the third period ; because he had four fouls on '. him at the half. His absence ; from the lineup obviously hurt ' the Lions. Wattenbarger fin ; ished the" night with 16 points, ; same number as scored by El - gin's top man, Morton Gordon. I HEPPNER 89, DRAIN 47 i Drain, rated as one of the ; powerhouses of the tournament, KNAPPA 65 BROWNSVILLE 40 Knappa got off to a 8-0 lead, Brownsville bounced right back with three field goals to take a 6-8 lead. Knappa then went back Into the lead, 8-6. The game set tled down after that, with Knap pa steadily increasing its lead all the way. At the end of the first quarter it was by three points, at 12-9. At halftime it was by 11 points, 81-20. At the end of the third quarter it was by 16 points, 41-25, and at the end of the game it was by 25 points, 68-40. " Brownsville fouled out three men, Charles Lawler, Rudy Herr and John Weimer, by the time the third quarter ended. Richie Perkins and Mike Barendse led Knappa's scoring with 18 and 13 points, respec tively, but top honors for the game went to Marvin Zachary of Brownsville, with 16. ECHO, 61 Drain. 47 Heppner Fourth Pises Tharsdsy, !:St DRAIN, 48 Echo, (6 Friday, 8:30 Heppner, 59 CHILOQUIN, tt Thursday, 4:81 HEPPNER, 46 Friday, T:S ChUoqaln, SI Saturday, t:tt ELGIN, II Brownsville, 40 Knappa Thursday, T:8I BROWNSVILLE, 39 Chiloqaia latorday, T:36 Jefferson Elgin, 89 Friday, 4:00 Knappa, 65 JEFFERSON, 64 Thursday, 1:11 KNAPPA, 41 Friday, 1:01 Jefferson, 41 Eehe Saturday! 9:01 Third Place Elgin State Champion Loser: 2nd Flace (47) Drata fl ft pf tp S 7 Joilra.f 1 is Xj'OnMM S i JBwrcn.t 1 DSwrcn.ff t Sweser.f Oetner.f 0 Andran,t 0 Brown.e Whipple, 1 4 14 Total! 11 30 17 SO Heppnar Drain Free throw muied: Official!: Kllfil and BoUan. Totals 17 11 12 47 It 37 41 19 IS 30 SJ 47 Heppner 19, Drain Brawirrllla (to) ) Knappa H ft pf tp It it pf tp Monk.,! 0 O 0 Vls.llca,f 1 3 S 4 Lswler.r s 1 S 7 Kmpult,,f T 1 ill Zachary.a S 4 1 II KUott.o 3 111 Herr.! 4 1 0 Barnase.e; 4 a 13 Weimer SSSO Perklni.. a 1 ll Bwrer,f 1 S S 1 Fucietf a S 3 cocnel.t 1 4 S S Tiler,! 1 S S 3 HoplM SSSO Macnsnk S 1 0 S Welbel, 0 1 Helwli.l 0 10 1 RIckard,f S t S PUmn.f 10 0 3 Total! II 10 S3 40 Totals 33 II 13 II Browner 111 , 0 39 30 40 Knappa 13 31 41 s Free throws, mleeed: Brownnlll 11. Knappa. Mfn (41) n it pt tp Blaakwl.t w runt, i Wtnbfr.e camron,! Cauihltt Mere, i TIM!,! Cotman,a Marina WelU.i 3 IS AwBon.f 3 I Bl.HU!,! I II Oordon.e 1 0 ntnrkti 4 1 OrowjeM 0 1 Bd.Huu 0 0 Cilder.i 1 0 DlsllDS.S 1 4 Cason, 0 Townsnd (59) Klein Ii It pf tp 4 I 3 11 4 10 3 IS 1 10 Total! II I 17 41 Total! 34 11 14 M Jefferson 10 I I is 41 SlUn 12 II 13 30-S9 Fret throw! missed! Jeffereon 12. Klein 31. OHIeliU: Kllsal and Llllr. M Cliiwlh,! Toian,x araham.4 Ramor.v Q.Dorn,f smith,! ft ft pt tp S II Leiett,f S I Corte.f 0 10 Oentrr.e S I Vaden.c 1 I Joe.t 0 Andran.s aiemni.i OltM J Barney,! Bartler, (St) Chlleaaln IC ft pi tp 1 0 1 B 3 IS 4 13 1 4 I 0 0 0 4 0 O 0 0 Total! 21 II 7 IS Total! 17 3 It IS cno 12 is Chiloquin I 13 Free throwa mused: rcho quln I. Officials: aoUara and Lilly. IS It. IS, National AAU Tournament Starts Sunday Denver VP) Defending cham pion Peoria, 111., Diesel Cats and the Bartlesvllle, Okla., 66ers last year's runner-up, were top seeded Saturday in the pairings for the national AAU basketball tournament opening Sunday. The pairings, all times moun tain standard Include: Sunday beatve, wash. Papooses vs. Mitchell Air Force Bae, N. Y, Monday 1 pjn. Indianapolis Arm strong Venders vs. Eugene, Ore. Everybody's Drug. 3:30 pjn. San Diego, Calif, Orlhalvo Motors vs. Pullman, Wash. DeSoto. M LOCAL UNITED WISS ASSOCIATED WESS NEWS AND FEATURES Page 10 Salem, Oregon, Saturday, March 14, 1953 Graham Grabs Bud Graham, captain of Echo high school's basketball team. leans high Into the air to get his hand on a rebound in last night's semi final game with Chiloquin. Echo won the game, 56-36, for Its 29th consecutive victory, and will play Elgin for the state class B championship at 9 o'clock tonight at Willamette nnl l versity. Vejar Defeats Martinez; Hopes To Do It Again New York (U.B Chico Velar said today, "I licked Vince Mar tinez with my Improved body at tack and I can do It again." Chico of Stamford, Conn., was elated with his upset unanimous 10-round decision over Martinez of Paterson, N. J. last night be fore 11,184 In Madison Square Garden. The loser was favored at 17-8. Chico broke his opponent's 13- bout winning streak en Friday- the-13th. Home-state admirers of Vejar, 21, and Martinez, 33, swelled the gate to $49,779, largest at the Garden in 17 months. "Sure, I'll fight him again," said Chico, with a white patch over a cut under his right eye. "Winning this bout, which I was expected to lose gave me a lot of confidence. Chuck Davey lick ed me twice last year with body punches; so l ve improved my body attack in every one of my eignt ngtits since then." Chico, a student of dramatic arts at New York University, al most missed his cues last night in the third and seventh rounds when he suffered severe batter ings. But otherwise he stuck pretty well to his prepared script oi -lert to tne Dooy, left to the head left to the body, right to the head. Br CBBIS COtVRZ, isw oaprtal Josrca) Sporta Sdltot fcQfflCf Tourney tattle: . Sharpest quip heard during the first two days of Oregon's state class B basketball tournament: JVhen public address system announced that the Brownsville bus was to leave at 10 o'clock, somebody In the balcony queried, "For where?" Newest Chiloquin Fan When Chiloquin coach Frank DIClio was handed a tele gram just seconds before the tipoff for Chlloqnln's first tournament game with Heppner Thursday afternoon, Frank figured Is was a well-timed good-luck message from a fan back home . . . instead, It turned out to be a telegram Informing Frank that his wife had Just given birth to a baby girl . . . Chlloqnln's team helped Frank celebrate by defeating Heppner 60-46. Echo Gals Back In addition to bringing back the same basketball team which appeared in last year's tournament, Echo high school brings back another group of ace performers from the 1982 tourney . they're the 25 girls who comprise Echo's all-gal band ... the bright blue-clad strutters put on a halftime entertainment so entertaining that the Coke stand suffers . . . star of the show is Carol Ann Wigglesworth, baton twirler who turns somersaults, cartwheels, back bends,, etc., with her baton going all the while the other 24 girls carry instruments, including live drums and a pair of cymbals . . . which all adds up to a lot of noise in the confines of the WU gym. TV Takes Toll Television's toll en attendance at ball games was felt at the B tournament games last night ... the crowd, 1000,' would have probably been substantially larger had It .not been for the televising of the regional NCAA playoffs at Corvallis . . . many basketball fans of the Salem area who would otherwise attend the B tourney games, stayed home and watched the Washington - Seattle natural on KPTV instead ... the NCAA tournament, which was a sellout anyhow, pocketed a hunk of cash for TV rights . .'. while the' state B tourney, which was nndonbtedly hurt at the gate by the telecast, got nary a penny. Benches a la Beavers Brownsville high school's team uses canvas camp chairs to sit on during time outs, a la Oregon State college ... the Browns ville' coach, Harold Schuttpelz, is an OSC grad. Many Alma Maters Incidentally, the eight coaches of teams playing In the 1953 B tournament studied for the coaching profession in eight different colleges . . . Brownsville's Sehuttpels, as we mentioned, went to OSC . . . Jefferson's Fred Graham Is from Willamette . . Knappa's Howard Kauffman, Pacific . . . . Drain's Del Dungey, Oregon . . . Echo's George DeLap, WSC . . . Chlloquln's Frank DIUllo, Superior State (Wis.) . . . Elgin's Calvin Tace, BYU . . . Heppner's Stephen Trnk oslts, Idaho. Rose City Pro TIDE TABLE Corrected for Tttt 0wtlt by V. R. Ctut , rrtland. Or. Hit Water Low WUra lUrel Tim. Helcht Tlm Ho It tit n: a.m. i.b :a& t in. 8;5 p.m. -0.S MB. .T :31 p.m. 0, Valsetz Meets Jacksonville In SOCE Finals Ashland VP) Valsetz will meet Jacksonville here Satur day night in the championship game of the Southern Oregon College of Education invitation' al Class B basketball tourna ment. In Friday night's semifinals Valsetz edged Talent 84-82 and Jacksonville defeated St Mary's of Medford 49-40. Talent and St. Mary's will meet in a preliminary game Saturday night for third place. i $ f I L4 : . '. ...i Roger Putnam, long - time member of the Men's club at Salem golf club, becomes pro at Rose City golf club in Portland beginning April 1. Putnam has shot four holes In one at the Salem golf course, and is co-holder of the course record of 64. ANNOUNCING BUDGET BARGAINS IN THIS WEEK'S CDffiB NOW A CHOICE OF 4 INSTEAD OF f QiroM-iMSTAiunow for yosr carl v., ALL WITH GIANT A'xr SPEAKIR! Your Choice of Tuning "N nd Power ... . 1M LUXI (-Tub Powor Micro-Max Manual Tuning 2M IUXI (-Tuba Powir Lok-Set Pushbutton Tuning 3001DIN VOIC1 l-Tuba' Powtr, with Micro-Max Mar ual Tuning 400SDIN VOICI l-Tuba Power, Lok-Sot Pushbutton Tuning .- ' . , . Including Rectifier . CONTROLS MATCHED TO YOUR CAR'S DASHI FINEST TONE AND PERFORMANCE! 8 Tubes NO MONEY DOWN $4)00 Per Week Mm Installed k. Aberdeen Meets Renton in Wash. State Finals Seattle VP) A band of ball- control artists from Renton and determined Aberdeen outfit meet Saturday night in the fi nals of the state Class A basket ball tournament, with both teams shooting for their first pennant. The Renton Indians provided the upset of the 1953 classic Friday night as they slowed the Elma Eagles down to a walk and held towering Gary Nelson to 13 points in gaining a 34-30 win in the semifinal bracket. Aberdeen had a longer row to hoe before they weeded the Longview Lumberjacks from title contention, 47-37. Renton s win over Elma, pre tourney favorite and previously unbeaten this season, was fash ioned in a strictly keep-away game that, in the opening min utes, saw the ball bob around like a drop of water on a hot griddle between Renton players before a field goal attempt wns made. SPORTS SLATE IS THERE ROOM IN YOUR VACATION PLANS FOR A SUGGESTION I1 We'd Enjoy Explaining Our Prepaid Vacation Plan LODER BROS. YOUR OLDSMOBILE DEALER SATURDAY, MARCH 14 Oram aiata alua B taakttkall tmraamt: WlUimelt, snlviraltr. PlaroH tor fourth plaea, 1:10. Plaroff far third PI, l:to. Cbamplonatup 111111, a'aloct. wtlaaal NCAA kaakitkall rUreffii Orel on ante colleie, CorriUIe. Two amea, itartlnt at T:S0. MAR. BRAKE SPECIAL FREE BRAKE INSPECTION! Complete Brake Reline ' Top Quality Lining All work guaranteed Cart Called for BATDORF'S FIRESTONE STORE 1 6th 4 Statt St. Phone 3-9512 Bonded Lining Slightly Higher wtGivtiwr GREEN STAMPS That phone number is . . 3-3131 FOR THE BEST Hauling Storage Fuel raw it tt LARMER TRANSFER and STORAGE 889 No. Liberty "Oar repuUtloa It your security" ECONOMY 'ALMN-0NE" MODH 401 A Lowest cost, highest quality! Compact unit with self -con-talned speaker, con iroi neaa. tvonatr ful tone, powerful . -reception and con stmt volume everywhere. $1.25 Weekly EXTRA POWIR Model S01 A Loni-ranft jjaiau S.' reception, f aaaaaa23 2ualltytonal Mm ailly In. Ill tailed eon. Ilfl trolhtadandlll 1 on It wtthlll ZS lirgebullt-ln ii wl'25 tJ SUPER POWER MODELS Extra power for exceptional recep tion range and tone quality. Compact power and tuner units with aeparat Alnlco V speaker, control head, push button tuning. r MoM 701-S-tube power ehauls, Including rec- tlfler. "tua.r.S" Modal S-rub. power chassis. In eluding rectifier. Nothing Down $2.50 Weekly . WE INSTALL WHILE YOU WAIT MASTER Service Station Inc. TV It Radio Salei & Service 365 N. Commercial Ph. J4HJ 465 Center Phone 4-2261