sWevrn. tiijuy.f . Capital Journkl. Salem, Ore., Saturday, March 14, 1853r RADIO PROGRAMS Tele-Views MONDAY P.M. Radio-Television ; KOIN KEX I ljaaiir-4atI. THAT 8H USOSS THE STTiEET TWf POLICE SHOULD BeI WHENEVER VOU SWT IDEAS ABOUT 11 I I -t J.jfe "WfROMriNB roe a very . JwEse any minute now F OLurrrw. balpv, .just look at that f KIT SAID W GAUSD iriLTHY OUN3, DWFT -s WFU. BE IN AT THE KIUJ Leaf sWOKPLATt-AHO REMEMBER ITS A ONB-Wky 1 T FOR A CAMERA, STEVt- SELUNS FIREARMS TO Mi .. UA. TKXET C2 JUS. C&BM ti2U$ VmI KSLM 11N to KGAE K0C0 i i i By DAVE BLACKMEB TOD Tfllpcrino S.ti.... :ui. j . . .. . aired by Portland's KPTV. Time is 9:30 to 11:00 p.m. This nAiL?"8 ?08 ,utatandins telecast of the year. : No doubt the Rose Festival will top this if telecast j S j tUI 41,6 'inal cheers of the basketball tourney are i faded away another top feature is on tap for the local tele- j viewers. This being the atomic bomb blast in Nevada, i Tuesday morning. - j TELE-VIEWS will present an on the scene report t . from the atudios of KPTV. A contingent of newsmen ; are slated to gather at the studio for the history mak- i ing event. !. j Reports reveal that if for some unexpected reason the : f?ot. ,18 de,aved longer than five minutes, authorities say ! the blast will be postponed until the same time the follow- j ing day. So let's hope the blast goes off on schedule for ! the sake of those of us that will be up at that early hour ; watching. I would, hate to get up that early two mornings : in a row, wouldn't you? i j A visit to the radio station in Salem that hires a grand ; slam total of four disc jockeys brought a chuckle. For a mike holder they are using a Christmas tree stand. Of ; course this must have given them the Christmas spirit back in December. . . . But, now it's almost Easter, fellas, I let's change that to an Easter Bunny or basket. . . . j Speaking of the boys over at the downstairs station at I the hotel on Commercial, Spider does a nifty job on Sat i urdays from a record shop in Dallas. . . . Over 100 requests ) came in last week. . . . Wow, what a job being a dee jay 3 a I YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING.SATURDAY I i ALL STAR REVUE at 6 will have Fred MacMurrav. ; Wally (Mr. Peepers) Cox, and Cab Calloway as guests of ; Tallulah Bankhead today. . - j ROCKY KING DETECTIVE at 10:30 p.m. Gangland warfare and invasions of racketeers' territories in New York and Chicago will be the plot in "Stranger's Doom." ; SUNDAY PRIVATE SECRETARY at 4:80. Ann Sothern's boss i squeezes into his Army Air Force uniform when he misin ; terprets a wire from" his former commander as a summons to active duty, in "Old Soldier." . ' COMEDY HOUR at 6 featuring Eddie Cantor with '. George Jessel as guest star. i MR. PEEPERS at 6:30. A traveling theatrical group arrives for "Romeo and Juliet" and an old flame of Mrs. : Gurney's appears in the cast. RED SKELTON at 7. Red presents his version of ; Achilles the Greek hero, assisted by Lucy Knoch, Mike j Ross, Ed Penney and Gil Perkins. On Television KPTV (Channel 27) (Only prccrtBU whtdaUd Im tftvaiMt) m obi New torn CM II Batata ranr neate Parly val Bata1 ftf YraBaa useaa iiwwww JM owm on tta ' Jaak Ovew iMaate I1M ABO Bar West WW l W Kir . TllHI Oal flaaar Ittwt Hum Marrte Clntoi Cket atattr smtL Hulilml BUI Blast fee Iks WrW fat Ik Metis Sashni Oaael ImwhI OaaJi mmr ires Hes. 141 Uw OHi Us teeUat . BaaaelOtalS I a BaasJ Ilk ISM. iliMi afcaaaeaftkat Tela ai - xMintt hlMto kWUM InMut' Neste Maile Irtael lalllei IM Bias Bat Tie it- VaSMt TIM Da tlsta BOoTm Mb to'M Me. BBS BM, TUESDAY A.M. T0 11 :4SA.M. . E, Kas ICBI am Ferae Beat m Bsaakfaet IWwL MeW Mute h in Omm Farat Beers tl.itomi NMk Meet. Make US? IS? SSH ii'T? N" Bwaklaat r zr ff w BOW BIWk Wum Iw Btn.-kTBw.Nxll ' Wr If! !inJJh 5 " mim ni "lankktMt ' Imwiuiuh" :T JtkmarWUI Nm H. ArukT ImUia KMk iwIM, I'H 2'1vv... ain4 Qui BmklHt (wIM tiUBHwIki B.BrtW M Mm njm t)-k tElk :M "'J Ctm. Mm ImUut Crt Bnm llm Pull imim :U '' Si turn Bmklut Bn 1 ItoDuar . kmBJkB lift 2,,w? ? BUI. Nam BMk Kw ginkw !:!! ''' BrMkBkrt ruwi OH Buk liw JEuj fil tl:W a"4 Ul D. Otrtew a .a auT Bwk Fau urt & I'M link U Dr. ! Mr tm a-mm mm Bk Vmmc . . 8:M D"" " . BkruJ1 WkUmto. Lriw raw Baak FaM Ban " :lj Turr Olrt Marriaa Lkktaa Vatr Mrut B.iarka '.S 52 Ow ar BMk raw Ban IW Bk H.aa iBrtiklir ParlBaraar Ba Par frarrmaka Baaarw 4TCBD4T 11:00 Kldi and Co. 1:00 Talent Patral 1:30 ur Hero 1:30 Victory at Sk 1:00 Lon Bamar :io Arthur oodfrar , 4:00 TV Taen Club 4:30 Bishop Bheen 1:00 AU Star Revua ' 6:00 show of Showi 7:30 Hit Parade i:00 Jaekla Oleaion 9:00 Dangerous AsSlgnmenft 0:30 Tournament Finals 10:00 Balance Your Budsst 10:30 Roekr Kink 11:00 Boston Blackla 11:80 Nash Theater 13:00 Approa. aim Off MARR RADIO and . TELEVISION INC Salem's Moit Complete Television Center 2140S.Com'l Phone Day or Night 2-1611 or 2-4728 11:00 13:11 11:10 1:00 1:00 1:10 1:00 4:11 4:M :00 :30 1:30 :I9 7:00 7:30 1; 1:00 1.30 :00 1:90 10:00 11:00 11:80 11:00 MONDAY p-m. Bit Payoff p.mDhia Ii Ufa p.m. Walsoma Trarslflra p.Bs. Kata Bmlth p.nDoubla or Nothini pro Btrlka It Bleb pro Matins Theatsr pro aaaroh Tomorrow pm Lot Ufa p.m-WIld BUI Hlckoek p.m. Hopalons Caasldp p.m. Telenawa p.m. Tlma lor Baaor p m. Chsnca of Llfatlm p.m. Short Drama p.m. caravan New p.m. Cherron Theater p.m. Voice of Plreitone p.m. x bar iiuer p.m. Red Button Shaw p.m. Bobart Monlaomirr p.m. Candid Camera P.m Nil' Owl p.m. (Appror.) Blrn off DIAL LUTDIO KOAO. KQAC IMU' ' l'1- Now aV.Wamami i0, Oraar. Basattani liU Maatai nmaaii taita waasairr saw taaMlall, Waaurni 11.00, SakMl Pain UtM, Cavaari kill lMkt, now ai wtaiaaai una, Baak tana Baari till, Bakaat el Alri 1:0. Paw Keizer ONDAT 10:30 k.m. Frontier of Faith 11:00 a-m. Candy Caralval 11:00 p.m. ThU Is the 141 13:30 p.m. Uf Beilu at 10 1:00 Art Unkletur 1:10 Hour of Decision 1:30 Omnibus 3:00 Thre OuCSSSS 3:18 Madison Square Garden 3:30 See It Now 4:00 Invitation to tearnloi 4:30 Private Secretary 8:00 Comedy Hour 4:00 Fred Warlnt 6:30 Mr. Peeper 7:00 Red Skflton 7:30 What' My Line! :00 Studio On 1:00 TV Playhouse 10:00 Th Doctor 10:30 Th Web 11:00 Tales of Tomorrow 11:10 Miss Chicken Delliht 11:00 Racquet BQuad 11:18 (Approi.) Sim. Off Keizer Mr. and Mrs. Otis Mitchell of Churchdale avenue. ana their daughter and her hus band, Mr. and Mrs, George Rob ertson of Portland, motored to Corvallis last weekend for a visit with another daughter and her. family, the BUI Rushes. Children in the home of Mrs. Paul Lenaburgs, 735 Churchdale avenue, sect a get well message and Christmas card to Richard "Red" Skelton during his illness at Christmas time. Recently tney received an answer from Mr. Skelton thanking them. At the election held by the Keizer Rural Fire Protection Dis trict on March S of the 58 votes cast SB were for the proposed fire code and two against. J. C. Mount, secretary of the board. said tne code is for control of fire hazards. Private Richard Bagger h a s i been home from the army on I visit to -the home of his parents, Mr. ana Mrs. uwrence Bagger. MUM ON RED CONNECTION Washington (U.R) Dorothy W. Douglas, former wife of Sen. Paul Douglas (D-Ill.), refused to tell House Investigators today whether she has ever been a communist. Built-in All-Channel Tuner Standout Picture With Interlace Installed in Your Home for as Low as v $35.00 down, $3.50 per week Valley Television Center "TWO VALLEY STORES' Complete sales, service and Installation. All sets sold and Installed carry full 90-day service. IN SALEM Baigley Bros. Furniture 2315 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-5491 INW0O0BURN 171 Grant SI. Phone 3611 PSSL Ha" Sa 10U lSr ' Lm rafuVJl V fKaw I fr ytj ' tU 1 J" Tr U: Ua4 l LUe iw i m WW '. .. . i- -T.-am r v i i jl w r i ea p w I iv s i .a-u it I q.V Vt-aTS" Ji . M 1 a lit aSS.-: rV IVaMUlVnP"! Ma.X 1 I'?!!""" Bst Isa l WmfiwwXTm1) II. , - KMaVFrujrvSXfE'iWH I I 5rW3aVia9r Ml If !? Uai JaatlaaJ i a - - - ' irmjm i aa-" sv rr i i i ; . smin, . iuu 1 .'' ' '- " L. ii. i in r nro mr , , :Up.y. mFe orer sfUUMslr, LL --4- '-UjUi-lJ- l"SgMMaaaaaBae-sj ' ISfl ijj"" " 0 ' pff'iriai foi'-fsrsfn12-- pRpfoietfO SHUCVI 1 4 '"' t4P REOW IT ! " 'ease SaiaaiVr Msu P VI?512!:' Bvi '"ISS'SJii WaV-ORWWK? J WNCEIWBSTHffT M PWfW HELP? I DID ANY HARM? jfli cns?gM Ok..'!?, Hr3HN jr lslUatar rra r inr ; ? K:'n SLEEP LAST NIGHT; UP. A JUD-MUL- SAW- EVERNa AWAY. J hSrWTOTAl lC - woftpryiM iviut thet Cr, owu MotvucAHB, Ipvjl ixcjtvwtbao-I IT'S BAD PC-NWS1. ) . si- s4 DARK CLOUD HANG IN SCl HAN-THIS'U.BipvK jVC ssuStKB OAImTjA INFlalW-JlV " L 0j0UAW: . si TeaafS. Ov a iiir-Taran-.Y. n i . rycjn sna i i I I - r it: aaa e" isa i I n r TT. T J-w I II II IL I 1U I I 1 111! Wf ' 1 k MHM. ' " 1 W ' . I : 1 . i T-inminai i . . BY CARL ANDERSON . WHO'S A PUCHE5S QR-CXP THE hOTEL'6 A CO WU CALL THIS IWCW1UZE9 I o , r Tltap wyTriissr i : ir U P" ' llr.' V DID He LEAVE YTHAT WAS THE TROUBLE I NOW HE LEFT I I ) I " I . MUTT' Y5U KN0W uel T', HIS WIFE MUCH? J HE LEFT HER . , T HER FOR V , , , U I MR. B060ATA? HE H5.52eD) 1 1 600D1 ZA EVERV NIGHT-rn ! I , ' 'JSSsWC-.'tili T I PASSED MY WAY A I i T fb 1S I IK ' ; II 5iv I 9mm ii HtF II u n 1 F7I 7?IF I I .' rt - . II I e t4-nrT-,,Trr-T!l. Aitr 1(a I, IWijA w TaUs CVaMaaaf'uKllHJ ULI ' rC r ax rlnV? "A I . I ! i - 1 sr . v 1 r ea f TSS2Z"SS' ...... 'I B l..&. T E-Ennn TUIK r unrr IM Bi tiu I ui I .0 ufc . m i.'l I mesa'. M.M m..i l. . u I I fori nh nni n.mn I" " "T I inni II II -aaan IB .. . . T Hi -i". ., l tnu. xie wirJltR, caiuiib Mfc pocToaa I I CANT IWCBKSTArlp 1 to ESCAPE IT. : WHATEVER SUSPICIONS HUERIEPLV. PR. JUirJ Ikr DOCTOK T . Vsw .ia.ua M j i aev-urr vnn v u.,i AliZ 10dm b 1 E ffex MC?OAM AAV MA1IE 1 -AOKSAN.' I HOPE JJ IV. J UOKSAM...SOW 1 rr' THarr A idav I Isf!! P I X I HAP AOOT SHEILA IL700 "JTl I WVB BtKAIW i MST ANYtXS WHO LIUlNl 111161 taUiCQ H TueNB- a i.i fe.-yr..f .rZL II JSn.--rlV., ' SrV'SPlSl tir -RKiae y iitttostbp mb II . H .un.e.uT' S?? J I TClKBrmn 1 11 f cSSVSSS Eraf ,'" W&0Z&mT TT1 sslWII IV Hill I IVIIIVI i i- ei " siwTa r- -I-- m si aw .tL tjw-avaAi ii aur1 'v. . i u,. r Wif." w r'-r jr k i K Bt' I II fcsesSM Vl -OWNVi f I I siffl- iry fTMiT f (la-r-il? r tV.U.aV -- II ti II laajal i mi ZJ 1 1 (l is Bv I I1JJ -i.Tr--- Y ri - I I 111 II lil II i. II I 11 ZWM II .L:r.v:l I i) " 'f ii m ii f i 'ffii rt ii rffinr, i I as feA ouAiNTra Pfcw I r'ZLS.XeuGSEST j rfS73 S ',5SSn1 fKi lr5siv i ri ia raaffi P.f room board i r a tv-tH- vvyv'vyw .n in v rA a i v w i i -s-'i i ,i ip i'w..-i.i- j -v--ti ii i ssmm ir uvi2f.. ii fMOf'e ri4i,w ) ; : . : n hurktmel Kewa OstlsJala. latOaJre! irallaa lat-siel Out Ma Baa Baree lUt B. 0. r. l. BaVal ". Hassssv nesrl tlarti Mat (Mart Mak pan ssai. Ussa Daaa f Ska (Masts Haa, pfass Hel. BiSa Karats ssasia Mars Bfasla ttati Maat Marl Sul Mart Masl Mast Mass Mart A. Wee Iraitaa Uwts am uaaaa Maal eklaS SUM Mateai Nrwl Newi .. . . Ball Faalaay MMalla MetaSlea . sm on i Off .Meals WerU BatM weat I keweaaa IksvaM Tall aiha t CaaValtfk. IWarM Km mum ICaaaWlaM fcaaaialls ht Bfasla hnwela Bart. hrraak liat fTiaa ltM Irraak law hrraah 1W Trae lis fTraah MM rrraak its CasaiHM Oksf'1 Nllkt Beau Maal Tea Waal Nlfkl I INK! I Nllkt I Bltkt Ssata I 1b Baa" j SiM, Ca. liana's Tkaalari lit. Baaka aa : raasbi :U Oram' tatlaUtuai 1:11, Bi Barsa Baari SiM, V. at Ore.l tiH. Maaa Modesto. Calif. U.FD A 58- year-old Modesto man denied to day he talked his teen-age son into Killing the boy s mother, in what police called "the worst case of premeditated murder ever seen in this area." The youth. 13-year-old Clar ence Eugene Simpson, told po lice yesterday he had shot his mother, Mrs. Vivian Simpson, 43, in the chest with a .22 caliber rifle as she stepped from the back door of the lamlly home last Tuesday. Undersherlff Cecil Kllroy said the father, Henry Simpson, "kept Canadian Paper Left Out Stalin Death News Flln Tlon, Man. U.R tT om Dobson, owner and publisher of the Dally Reminder, said to day his paper did not carry a story on Stalin's death "because it wasn't worth it." Dobson said Editor Dory Thicker felt "there was more Important news." '. The Reminder's main story of the day dealt with the death of two local boy in a fire.' telling Clarence his half-brothers were turning hit mother against him and that hi mother might even klU him." By Gent Ahem JOVEI FIND Tpyiu m -OCA-rr a NEW PERFUME A MOST FASCINATING bUOMi-tf.... THINK THAT ONE IS MY ' CCCTVCT 1 un I'll mum- n- i i l i, r in iT rsrvvwno 1 1 f NEAPOLITAN N0CTURNE?...6IVES0NE A MENTAL IMAGE OFA SOFT, ROMANTIC iiauan Niorll THE SOUND OP SONG AND LUTE A NO A MAID'S r lYPirAI l ai kutcd Inl It . 'Ot i-"'ti IB MIGHT BE W HEAD COLD. Ri rr I nnu-r GET IT THAT WAY... SMELLS UKE THAT STUFF A DENTIST. . PUTS IN A TOOTH BEFiDRF RrviKl IM THE COTTON . 3f