Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 14, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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    Junior Woman's
Benefit Hat, Bridge Event Thursday
Thft Children' TTnmttfll aehnnl fit Eu
gene will be the beneficiary from the
proceeds of the annual Easter bonnet
bridge benefit planned by Salem Junior
Woman's club next Thursday evening.
The party will be at 7:30 o'clock in
the Capitol room of the Senator hotel.
Features of the evening will be a hat
tyle show, the hats from Miller's, and
little girls' fashion show, clothes from
Margwen's. A special feature will be
modeling of hats made by the Salem
YWCA millinery class.
Mrs. James T. Brand is to be com- ,
mentator for the hat and style shows.
Miss Evelyn Johnson is providing the
music. ,
Modeling the hats will be Mrs. Ted
Jenny, Mrs. Bill Clabaugh, Mrs. Virgil '
Ekstrand, Mrs. Robert Price, Mrs. Terry
Randall, Mrs. Frank D. Ward, Mrs..
George W, Dewey, Jr., Mrs. Sam C.
Campbell, Mrs. Fred Joehnke, Mrs.
Harry Ewing, Mrs. Albert C. Gragg, Mrs.
Miller Hayden, Miss Sue Syrlng.
Modeling the little girls' attire will
be Marcia Jenny, Sally Clabaugh, De
nise Ward, Karen Joehnke and Judy At
wood. Reservations Made
Among those making reservations for
the party are Mrs. Donald Griswold,
Mrs. Ted Morrison, Mrs. William Hugh
Cirque Club
A dance party for next week-end
will be that of the Cirque club on Sat
urday evening, at the Senator hotel.
The social hour will be at 8:30
o'clock, the dinner at 9:15 o'clock.
On the decorating committee are Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Wells, Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Pence, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham
of Jefferson, Gilbert Allen, Miss June
Haugen, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne H. Stru
ble. New members of the club are:
Mr. and Mrs, George C. Alexander,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clabaugh, Mr.
and Mrs. Newbury Close, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
Flook, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom,
Jr., Mr. and Mrs. William Hughes, Mr.
nd Mrs. Richard Lankow, Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Loveall, Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ramey, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Richards, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Scandling, Mr. and Mrs. John
Slanchik, Ralph Taylor, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Webber, Mr. and Mrs. Lakin
Westphal, Mr. and Mrs. James R. White.
Due to arrive home next week-end
from Stanford university to be here for
the Easter vacation are Wallace Car
son, Jr., son of the Wallace Carsons;
Michael Deeney, son of Mrs. W. E.
Deeney, and Robert Doughton, son of
the Preston Doughtons.
: , 1- '
Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce is to entertain
for her bridge club on Wednesday eve
Ding for supper and eards.
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BRIDE AT ln'Pf'ive rltrs In
arentnf WM Mr.. lUrold H. Jltmn
Club Sets Annual
McElhlnny, Mrs. Andrew Foster, Mrs.
, Bill Clabaugh, Mrs. Vincent Fletcher,
Mrs. Gerald Kendall, Mrs. Frank Guerin,
Mrs. Fields Merck, Mrs. George C. Hug
gins, Jr., Mrs. Lloyd Hammel, Mrs. Jerry
Anderson, Mrs. Brooks Wescott, Mrs.
Robert M. Brownell, Mrs. Edwin H.
Armstrong, Mrs. Gordon Graber, Mrs.
Jack McLaughlin, Mrs. Ted Stook, Mrs.
John Martin, Mrs. Dick Swain, Mrs. Vir
gil Ekstrand, Mrs. Howard Elwood, Mrs,
Clifton Boehmer. Mrs. Elwln Hakanson,
Mrs. Dale Esch, Mrs. Donald Daugherty,
Mrs. Leonard Howe, Mrs. C. L. Cox, Mrs.
E. D. Bartruff, Mrs. Eugene Kokko, Mrs.
Willis Ross, Mrs. Vere McCarty, Mrs.
Fred Joehnke, Mrs. Clifford Wimberly,
Mrs. E. F. Wood, Mrs. W. J. Leeper, Mrs.
Lawrence Barnard, Jr., Mrs. Tim Berry,
Mrs. Charles Baughn, Mrs. Stuart Dow,
Mrs. Jack Frisby, Mrs. Dean Pfouts, Mrs.
Dclmar Dewey, Mrs. Robert Parks, Mrs.
William Vanderpool, Mrs. William Raw
lins, Mrs. Joseph Curran, Mrs. Ted
Jenny, Mrs. George Meier, Mrs. Paul A.
Hale, Mrs. James Clinton, Mrs. Archie
McKillop, Mrs. George Patterson.
Mrs. Abner K. Kline, Mrs. Clorinda
Topping, Mrs. Albert C. Gragg, Mrs.
Walter L. Spauldlng, Mrs.' Carl W.
Chambers, Mrs. Roy L. Houck, Mrs.
Henry M. Hanzen, Mrs. L. C. McLeod.
-ONORING Mrs. Paul L. Patter
son, Oregon's first lady, Salem
alumnae of Gamma Phi Beta
sorority are meeting for a dessert party
next Thursday evening. Mrs. Patterson
is an alumna of the group.
The party will be at the home of Mrs.
Hollis W. Huntington, Wallace road, at
7 o'clock.
Among hostesses of next week will
be Mrs. Grant C. Rogers, who has In
vited a group to her home for lunch
eon and bridge on Friday afternoon.
Bidden to the affair are Mrs.' James
T. Brand, Mrs. Arthur R. Jones, Mrs.
Earl T. Newbry, Mrs. Sol Schlesinger,
Mrs. George Rossman, Mrs. G. Herbert
Smith, Mrs. Merle D. Travis, Mrs. Paul
H. Hauser, Mrs. William L. Phillips.
Sr., Mrs. Walter E. Martin, Mrs. Estill
L. Brunk, Mrs. Don F. Smith, Mrs.
David H. Cameron, Mrs. Charles A.
Sprague, Mrs. I. M. Doughton.
Leaving on March 27 for a European
tour will be Mr. and Mrs. Hollis W.
Huntington. They will take the train
; to New York City and will sail from
there on the Isle de France. They will
tour England, then the European con
tinent countries, including France,
Spain, Italy, Switzerland, the low
countries and west Germany. Tbey
will return in late July.
During their absence, Mr. and Mrs.
Delwyn Kleen are to occupy their borne
on Wallace road.
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(KniMU-nill ttaiU pMtutt)
the Multnom.h hotrl hllrmm lt Sunday
bov, th( former Hulh Kl.lti. Holl,mn,
N event for next Thursday eve
ning will be the no-host supper
for which Kappa Alpha Theta
lumnae are entertaining at the horn
of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Stone to honor ;
State Treasurer and Mrs. Slgfrid B.
Unander who have moved to Salem to
make their home. Mrs. Unander is an
alumna of the sorority,
Mrs. Charles H. Heltzel, Mrs. Charles
' D. Wood and Mrs. Donald McCargar
are on the committee with Mrs. Stone
to arrange the affair for all alumnae
and their husbands. The dinner will be
at 7 o'clock. i -
Leaving next Friday for San Fran
cisco will be Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Thomas
and their daughter, Mrs. William J,
Cook. The Thomases are going south
for a few days for an insurance meet
ing. Mrs. Cook plans to remain in San
Francisco two months or so, her hus
band, Lt. William J. Cook, who has
been at sea, to return to be stationed
in the Bay area for a time. -
Oh Tuesday evening, Mrs. Cook is
entertaining at a bridge party at the
Thomas home, honoring her cousin,
Mrs. Walter Bauchman of Corvallls.
Bidden are Mrs. Bauchman, Mrs. James
R. White, Mrs. P. Dixon VanAusdell,
Jr., Mrs. Vern Gleaves, Miss Ruth Skin
ner, Mrs. W. E. Ritchie, Mrs. Warren
Ling, Mrs. Darrell Gemmell, Mrs. Don
ald McNeil, Mrs. Gordon Krueger,
Mrs. Hillary Etzel, Mrs. Clarence Gil
mer, Mrs. Kenneth Buchanan,
Sigmas plan their annual founders
day luncheon and initiation for next
Saturday, March 21, at Chuck's Steak
House. The party is at 1 o'clock.
Special guests will be the Sigma Chi
sweetheart of the year at Willamette
university chapter. Miss Joyce Karn,
and her two court members, Miss Jill
Gellerman and Miss Maxine Brown.
Eta chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Is
meeting on Wednesday evening at the
home of Mrs. Clinton Patterson, Mrs,
Bruce Thompson and Mrs. Norman
Vaughn as co-hostesses. .
i Chapter G of P.E.O. Sisterhood will
meet at the home of Mrs. Ivan Stewart
next Thursday afternoon at 1:15 o'clock,
Mrs. Brown E. Slsson and Mrs. Charles
Flitten as co-hostesses.
Alpha Chi Omega alumnae arc to
meet Monday evening at the home of
Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr., at 8
o'clock. Mrs. Paul Heath is to give a
talk on flowers.
Co-hostesses are Mrs. George Han
auska, Mrs. Gordon Cooley, Mrs. Cor
nelius Lofgren and Mrs. Lawrence Ber
nard. ' i
Salem alumnae of Theta Sigma Phi,
Journalism honorary, are meeting Mon
dir evening r.t B o'clock at the home
cl IEjs Vmita Howard, 563 Court street.
Tbeff Sevenon, who recently came to
Siiesa ta bead the Oregon Journal bu
rsas ben, is to be guest speaker to dis
cos bis experiences in newspaper
United Commercial Traveler! auxil
iary is to be entertained for a salad
luncheon at 1 o'clock on Wednesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wayne
Domes, 1055 Wilbur.
Kappa Kappa Gamma alumnae plan
their monthly meeting for Monday eve
ning at the home of Mrs. Lester D.
Green, 395 Jerris avenue, at 8 o'clock.
Co-hostesses are Mrs. Roger Schnell,
Mrs, William Hugh McElhlnny and Mrs.
Walter E. Snyder. '
Meeting Monday afternoon . will be
St. Anne's guild, St. Paul's Episcopal
church, at the home of Mrs. Glenn S.
Paxson, dessert to be at 1:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Theron Hoover, Mrs. Fred B.
Moxley, Mrs. L. E. de Weese and Mrs.
Walter Kirk are co-hostesses.
It's a busy week ahead for Governor
and Mrs. Paul L. Patterson.
On Monday they will be in Portland
for the dedication of the Oregon Edu
cation association building and the
luncheon planned in conjunction with
the dedication.
Wednesday evening, the Pattersons
again will be in Portland to be special
guests at the annual banquet of the AAA
at the Benson hotel.
During the latter part of the week
the Pattersons will be moving into
their home, 426 North Winter, They
plan to occupy the house the following
Arriving next week-end to be with
them for a week will be their younger
daughter, Miss Virginia Patterson, stu
dent at Stanford university, Easter va
cation being on then for the school.
Next Saturday evening, Governor
and Mrs. Patterson will be among the
honor guests at the banquet to honor
Mrs. Rae Ashton of Vernal, Utah, na
tional president of the American Le
gion auxiliary, who Is to be a visitor
in Salem that date.
Mrs. Douglas Hay will entertain the
Jaycec-Ettes on Monday evening, Mrs.
Stan Schoflold, Mrs. Thomas W. Church
ill and Mrs. Don Richardson assisting.
The group will meet at the Hay home,
2780 Englcwood, at 8 o'clock.
Delta Gamma alumnae plan their
meeting for next Thursday evening,
March 19, Instead of the usual Tuesday
date. The meeting will be at 8 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. Tinkham Gilbert
with Miss Lorena Jack and Mrs. Vern
Shay as co-hostcsscs,
Theatre Arts group will meet at the
home of Mrs. Melvln H. Gclst on Tues
day, dessert to be at 12:45 o'llock. Mrs.
E. J. West Is to give the program, read
ing "The Constant Wife'' by Maugham.
r '
'Timber!' Call
Highlighting entertaining for the
' legislature members next week will b
the "second setting" for the Timber
Party, given by senators and represen
tatives from counties in the Fourth Con
gressional district, Oregon's timber
area. The party was launched in the
1951 session as a traditional event for
each legislature. The party is set for
8:30 o'clock at the American Legion
The affair will be carried out In tra
ditional timber theme, features only
known to those in the lumber Industry
to mark the affair. Guests will enter
the club through a special pole bower
arranged through two logging trucks
being set at the entrance. "What hap
pened to Paul Bunyon's Babe the Blua
Ox" will be revealed.
Guests will include all members of
the senate and house of representatives
and their wives, also members of the
board of control and their wives.
Representative Loran Stewart, Cot
tage Grove, Senator Paul Geddes of
Roseburg and Representative Robert
Root of Medford head the executive
group arranging the party. Mrs. Root
will have charge of invitations, Mrs.
Gene Brown, wife of , Representative
Brown of Grants Pass, is in charge of
decorations. Others assisting In ar
rangements include Irv Liuten, Arthur
Priaulx and A. E. Gerimonte.
Social meeting for Salem Soroptimist
club is planned for next Wednesday
evening at the home of Mrs. Edwin
Johnsen, River Crest drive.
Mrs. Alton Brannon, Miss Hattie
Bratzel, Mrs. Eleanor Barbour and Mrs.
Ira Darby are co-hostesses.
Kappa Delta alumnae will be guests
ef Mrs. H. B. Collins, 1280 Peace street,
for their meeting Wednesday evening.
An event for Sunday evening will be
the at home for which State Senator and
Mrs. Frederick S. Lamport will enter
tain at their Ben Lomond home, guests
being invited to call between 5 and 8
Mrs. Dean H. Walker and Mrs. Paul
Geddes will assist at the affair.
Miss Jane Trojan, sophomore at Uni
versity of Washington, has been named
charm and etiquette chairman at her
sorority, Alpha Chi Omega, for the new
year. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Trojan of Salem.
Dance on Friday
A dancing party for Friday evening
will be that of the Bonheur club, at the
Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. Danc
ing starts at 9 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Geoige Malstrom are
chairmen of the committee and serving
with them are Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Bork
man, Mr. and Mrs. John Falk, Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Crosr, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scnz, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Mootry.
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(Juten-UUIer itudio vloturt)
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Etokta woman's club is meeting on
Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Henry Carl, 965 E street, dessert to be
at 1:15 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Smith are to give
a travelogue and show pictures on the
national parks.
Co-hostesses are Mrs. L. R. Springer,
Mrs. E. L. Stow and Mrs. Arthur Ups
ton. Going to Spokane on Friday for
executive meetings of the western juris
diction of the Woman's Society of
Christian Service were Mrs. J. Edgar
Purdy and , Mrs. C. W. Stacey. Mrs.
Purdy Is treasurer of the association
and Mrs. Stacey is secretary of promo
tion. Mrs. Ernest P. Goulder and Mrs.
L. A. Walworth will leave later for the
conclave. Dr. Paul N. Poling of the
First Presbyterian church in Salem will
be one of the speakers at the meeting.
Mrs. Guy Newgent, Mrs. Dean Tucker
ana Mrs. N. E. Shaw were elected the
nominating committee at the West Sa
lem Woman's club on Thursday eve
ning. The group has planned a card
party for their next meeting, April 9.
Welcome Wagon club will meet for
luncheon Wednesday, March 18, at 1
o'clock in the Cherrian room at the
Senator hotel. After luncheon mem
bers will make flowered hats for Easter
with Mrs. Eugene Kokko In charge.
Those not wishing to work on hats
may make Easter favors for two cot
tages at Fairview Home with Mrs.
A. Kenneth Smith In charge.
For reservations, members are to call
Mrs. E. H. Gormscn, 4-5173 by noon,
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Easter 'Bonneti Time
APPROACHING Easter time reminds one it's time for the new spring bonnet
and Easter outfit. 1
Salem Junior Woman'i club members have planned their annual Easier bonnet bridge
party for next Thursday evening, March 19. Also featured will be children's fashions.
Among the models to show hats are the three ladies across the top of the layout
above, left to right: Mrs. Harry Ewing, Mrs. Bill Clabaugh and Mrs. Fred Joehnke,
Two of the young misses to model children's clothes are pictured below, Sally
Clabaugh at left, and Karen Joehnke at right.
The child study group, school age,
American Association of University
Women, will meet Wednesday a 8 p.m.
at the home of Mrs. Glen Wyalt, 1174
Ruge. Co-hostess is Mrs. Karl Olson,
The film, "Fears of Children," will be
shown. Those outside the group in
terested in seeing the film may con
tact Mrs. Robert H. Hamilton,
Meeting Monday for luncheon will
be the P.E.O. Sisterhood council, at the
Golden Pheasant at 1:15 o'clock. Visit
ing and unaffiliated P.E.O. members
are invited. Reservations should be
telephoned to Mrs. James P. Smart.
General meeting for the Marion-Polk
County Medical Society auxiliary will
be next Tuesday evening at the home
of Mrs. .Dean K. Brooks, Grecnway
drive, state hospital grounds. The
meeting is to be at 7:30 o'clock.
Clyde Foley, executive secretary of
the Oregon State Medical Society, is to
be the guest speaker.
Co-hostesses are Mrs. Gerald Bur
' roughs, Mrs. Stephen Sherman, Mrs.
Herbert Nelson, Mrs. John Meadows,
Mrs. Joseph Trelaven, Mrs. Russell
(jMtm-MUHr itudio plcturt)
90 9
Sweet Briar club is meeting on Wed
nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Duane Gibson, 695 Orchard Heights
' Salem friends soon will be saying
farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Put
nam and family, Roger, Jr., Marcia and
Stephen. They are moving to Portland
to make their home, Mr. Putnam to be
professional at the Rose City Golf club.
Meeting at 6 o'clock at the Golden
Pheasant on Thursday will be Cheme
keta Toaslmlstress club. Miss Nancy
Stuart will be toastmistress and speak
ers will be Miss Hattie Bratzel, Mrs. W.
E. Brown and Mrs. Jamas W. Tindall.
Bethel No. 35 of Job's Daughters will
meet in the Blue room of the Scottish
Rite temple at 7:30 p.m. on Monday.
Hostess committee for the Mothers
club of Job's Daughters, bethel No. 35,
which meets on Thursday includes Mrs.
Eldon Cone, chairman, Mrs. Marvin
Rasmussen, Mrs. Gerald Fisher. Mrs.
Ward Graham and Mrs. Jasper Button.
Luncheon is to be served at noon in the
Muonlc tempi.
p r
(Jesten-MIUer ttudlo picture)
Decorations will feature a St. Pat
rick's day theme at the annual bosses'
breakfast to be given on Tuesday morn
ing by the Credit Women's Breakfast
The speaker will be Robert Hands
who came to this country two years ago
from Scotland, and was formerly with
Scotland Yard in that country. Mayor
A. W. Loucks will introduce Mr. Harris.
The party will be at Nohlgren's res
taurant, beginning at 7 o'clock.
Hal Hibbard auxiliary, United Spanish
War Veterans, will entertain members
of the camp at a no-host luncheon at
12:30 on Thursday at the Woman's club
house. Members and guests who have
birthdays during January, February and
March will be honored.
Hanna Rosa court, Order of Amaranth,
will meet for a social time next Satur
day, March 21, at 9 p.m. at the Masonic
temple. Mr. and Mrs. Flynn Faught are
chairmen for the evening.
Y Wives will not meet during March.
Next meeting of the group is scheduled
for April 16.
Mrs. William Knower will be hostess
to the West Salem Lions club auxiliary
at 8 o'clock on Monday, the group to
meet at her home, 8H Cascade Drive.
Members of Willnmctle shrine, White
Shrine of Jerusalem, will elect new of
ficers at their Monday evening meeting.
Business will begin at 8 o'clock.
Woman's Relirf corps will meet Fri
day at 2 p.m. at the Veterans of Foreign
Wsrt ball.
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Juttn-MMr ftudlo r Iclurrt
AUXILIARY to the Salem down
town Lions club is meeting next
Thursday evening at the Fair
mount Hill home of Mrs. Ralph John-
eon for its regular monthly meeting and
program. The meeting Is set for 8
k Mrs. Everett Holmes is chairman of
the committee of hostesses.
Serving with Mrs. Holmes will be
Mrs. L. J. Stewart, Mrs. Bruce Van
Wyngarden, Mrs. George Grabenhorst,
Jr., Mrs. Deral Jones, Mrs. Carl Aschen
brenner, Mrs. Cornelius Lofgren.
American War Mothers chapter No. 1
will meet on Tuesday with Mrs. C. M.
Hixon, 170 North 25th, for a social af
ternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Martin Viesko
is chairman of the hostess committee,
Mrs. Walter Herberger, Mrs. P. M. Hil
moe and Mrs. W. J. Beard assisting.
Sunshine circle of ihe West Salem
Methodist church will meet with Mrs.
Emily Tallman, 1542 Elm, for a sack
lunch at 11 o'clock on Wednesday. Mrs.
Laurence Walworth will assist the
The third annual Willamette Valley
Square Dance roundup, sponsored by
the Capltol.O Square Dance club, is to
be at the Salem armory on Saturday,
March 21, starting at 8:30 o'clock. The
club Is starting its fourth year under the
leadership of Ted Riches, president.
Other officers include Kenny Robinson,
vice-president; Mrs. Phil Ade, secretary,
and Joe Lucas, treasurer. The club,
which is open to interested couples,
holds its regular meetings on the first
and third Mondays at the hall at Cot
tage and Shipping streets.
Committee chairmen who are com
pleting arrangements for the dance in
clude: Decorations, Reva Sharp; conces
sions, Lloyd Hughes; publicity, Ken
King; floor, Frank Senz; financa, Joe
Lucas; host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs,
Ray Beard, and program, Fred Halvar
son. Music will be by the Wagon Wheel
ers Square Dance orchestra of Salem.
Invitations have been sent to all clubs
In the Willamette valley and Portland.
The balcony of the armory will be re
served for spectators and anyone inter
ested is invited to attend and watch the
colorful new and old round and square
Past chiefs will be honored by Cen
tralla temple No. 11 of the Pythian Sis
ters on Wednesday at 8 p.m. In Beaver
Carousel Dance
March dance for Carousel club Is to
be next Saturday evening at Izaak Wal
ton League club house, dancing starting
at 9 o'clock with Urs Wolfer's orchestra
Mr. and Mrs. David Reynolds arc.
chairmen for the evening and on the
committee are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Todd,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaw, Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. Fields
Merck. Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Hicks, Mr.
Bnd Mrs. James Welch, Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Croghan.
N anticipated event on the coming
week's calendar is the program
of Lily Pons, famous Metropoli
tan Opera coloratura soprano, who sings
here next Tuesday evening, March 17,
for the Community Concert association
series, The program will be in the
Salem high school auditorium at 8:15
o'clock for members of the association
only. Program for the evening is as ,
Dites que faut-11 faire , . . . Anonymous
Amarilll CaccinI
La Caplnera ................ Benedict
Charmant oiseau, "The Pearl of
Brazil" David
. ' III.
Vocalise Rachmaninoff
The Rose and the Nightingale
Come Unto These Yellow Bands
("The Tempest," Shakespeare) '
Bird Song (Victor Hugo) .... LaForge
Je suis Titania, "Mignon" .... Thomas
" V.
Los Roses D'Ispahan .......... Faure
Fantoches Debussy
Romance Debussy
Green , . Debussy
Mandoline Debussy
Air Vif Poulenc
Caro nome, "Rlgoletto" Verdi
Past matrons of Order of Eastern
Star will entertain their husbands and :
other guests at a no-host dinner on Wed
nesday evening. The event will take
place at 6:30 o'clock on the fifth floor
of the Masonic temple.'
Mrs. C. L. Blodgett, Mrs. Fred Keeler,
Mrs. Floyd Thompson and Miss Frances
Byram are in charge of the dinner, and
for the program, Mr. and Mrs. Don F.
Smith will present a travelogue of na
tional parks and the eastern seaboard,
.. -
General meeting of the Woman's So
ciety of Christian Service of the First
Methodist church will be on Wednesday
In the Carrier room of the church. Mem
bers will assemble for a sack lunch at
12:30 p.m., the meeting to begin at 1:30
o'clock. Mrs. E. E. Gilbert will direct
the worship service.
Mrs. Ivan Fowler will give a review
cf "Cry, the Beloved Country," while
recorded selections from "Lost In tha :
Stars," based on the book, glv a musi
cal setting for the review.
Royal Neighbors of America, Oregon
Grape camp, will have Initiation for new
members at 8 p.m. on Wednesday at the
Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. Re
freshments will follow the ceremony.
Hostesses for the social afternoon club
of Salem chapter. Order of Eastern Star,
on Wednesday will be Mrs. Ray Kaser,
Mrs. J. J. David, Mrs. M. F. Grub and
' Mrs. Frank M. North. Luncheon will
be served at 12 o'clock at the Masonic
temple. :
- ,
Mrs. Earl Hill, who is here during the
' legislature - with, her husband. Repre
sentative Hill, has Invited a group of
legislative friends for coffee Tuesday
morning. The Hills, of Cushman, are
at the Capitol Plaza.
' Edna Holder circle of Leslie Method
ist church, Woman's Society of Chris
tian Service, will meet at 1:30 p.m. qn
Wednesday with Mrs. C. S. Orwig, 425
Mission. Miss Doris Orwig and Mrs.
Charles Vlck will assist the hostess.
Mrs. H. F. Pemberton will lead the
worship service and a review of the
book "Postmark Moscow" will be re
lated by Mrs. W. S. Ankney.
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(Arts ttudlo plcturt)
WED LAST Saturday In HI. Mark's Lutheran church were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
William Burger (Anient Betty Mejer). The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Adolph B. atersr and Mr. Bnrpr Is tha son el Dr. and Mrs. Fred W. Burger,
Miss Caccia of Italy to Speak
For AAUW Luncheon Saturday
Miss Giulia Caccia of Italy, graduate
student at University of Washington
on an Internationa) study grant of tha
. American Association of University
Women, will be in Salem next Satur
day to speak for the Salem branch of
the AAUW. s
. The local group has a luncheon ar- :
; ranged at the American Legion club at
1 o'clock that day, Miss Caccia speak
ing following the luncheon,
, Miss Caccia Is studying In the depart
ments of American literature and
, drama. Her background Includes study '
at Berchet Classical Lyceum, Bocconl
university In Milano, the American
seminar in Salzburg and work in the
British museum In England where she.
collected material for a dissertation on'
the Jacobean playwright, John Ford.
She received a degree in English lan-
-EETING next Thursday, March
18, will be the Willamette uni
versity Faculty Women's club.
at the home of Mrs. John Lewis at 2:30
On the committee are Mrs. Ralph H.
Dobbs as chairman; Mrs. Herman Clark,
Mrs. Roy Lockenour, Mrs. W. E. Moore,
Mrs. Phyllis Goakey, Mrs, Robert M.
Haley, Mrs. Carl Hall, Mrs. Robert C.
Hartman, Mrs. John Rademaker, Mrs.
Ernest Richards, Mrs. Charles Sherman.
Dinner meeting of Insurance Women's
association of Salem will be at 6:15 p.m.
In the Marine room of the Marion hotel
on Thursday. Don Baldwin of Portland
will be the speaker, his subject being the
functions of the' Oregon Insurance Rat
ing Bureau. A question and answer '
period will follow.
Mrs. Amy Seidler will review busi
ness and social activities of the regional
convention at Long Beach last month
which she attended as a representative
of the Salem group.
At a recent board meeting, a nomi
nating committee was named. Commit
tee members who will select names for
election at the April meeting to be in
Albany are Miss Nila Cluett, Mrs. Amy
Seidler, Mrs. Walter Werstlein, Mrs.
Opal Lewis and Miss June Davis.
Judge Joseph B. Felton will speak
about "Juvenile Delinquents" at the St.
Joseph's Mothers club meeting on Wed
nesday evening. The meeting will be
gin at 8 o'clock and will be In the base
ment of the school. .
Members of the WCTU will meet with
Mrs. J. R. Carruthers, 920 North 19th,
at 2 p.m. on Tuesday. Mrs. E. A. Young
will lead devotions and Mrs. Hugh
Rogers of Independence will give sev
eral readings.
Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern
Star, will be host to several visiting
chapters for friendship night at the
Masonic temple at 8 p.m. on Tuesday.
Guests will come from Euclid chapter
of Jefferson, Victoria chapter of Tur
ner, Marilyn chapter of Mill City and
Acacia chapter of Stayton.
Woman's auxiliary of St. Paul's Epis
copal church is meeting next Friday
at 1:30 o'clock at the parish hall. For
the program, Mrs. J. E, Law is to re
view Maxwell Anderson's play, "Lost
In the Stars."
gage and literature, maxima cum laude,
from the University of Milano and be
came an assistant for English on the
faculty of modern languages at that
university. Because comparatively few
young European students come this dis
tance to continue their education, tha
visit of Miss Caccia to Salem is antici
pated with interest.
Past presidents of tha Salem branch
of AAUW also will be honored at the
Saturday luncheon. '
Hostesses will include Miss , Carol
Sherman, Mrs. J. A, Jelderks and Mrs.
A, F. deLespinasse. Decorations will .
be provided by Mrs. Kenneth Bush and
Mrs. Paul Frost. j
Members who have not been con
tacted about reservations may call Mrs.
J. B, Beck by Thursday evening.
Women Golfers
Salem Women's Golf association
starts its new year next Wednesday, ;
March 18, at Salem Golf club.
Brunch will be at 11 a.m., golf games
following. This year, the women ara
arranging their weekly day for Wednes
day. :r.:;v:V.
Mrs. Kenneth Potts Is captain of tha
. 'group this year.
Reservations for the brunch should
be in by Monday noon, telephoned to
one of the following: Mrs. Glen Stev
enson, Mrs. Reynolds Allen, Mrs, Rob
ert Drager, Mrs. Rex Adolph, Mrs.
Woodson Bennett, Mrs. James Sheldon,
Mrs. Richard Chase.
Monday evening at the American Le
gion club, Capital unit No. 9, American
Legion auxiliary will entertain tha
post at a no-host dinner at 6:30 o'clock.
The event is in celebration of the 8th
anniversary of the founding of tha .
American Legion, which is now com
posed of nearly three million veterans
of three wars.
General chairman of the event Is Mrs.
Charles Greene, community service
chairman.' Other committee heads ara
Mrs. Earl T. Andresen, program; Mrs.
Malcolm Cameron and Mrs. Roy Rey
nolds, decorations; Mrs. A. D. Apper
son, Mrs. Anson Ingels, Mrs. Walter
IL. Spaulding, 1 Mrs. Edward V o i g t,
reception; Mrs. A. G. Forman, Mrs. Lu
cas Vogt, Mrs. Walter Osborne, Mrs.
Howard Smalley, Mrs. L. C. Elofson,
Mrs. S. G. Hinkle, tables; Mrs. Fred
Gahlsdorf, Mrs. John Wood, Miss Hilda
Curry, serving.
Invited to the birthday dinner are
Governor and Mrs. Paul L. Patterson,
and Mrs. Robert S. Kreason of Dallas,
department president of the American
Legion auxiliary. Members are asked
to bring a hot and cold dish. The birth
day cake will be presented to Post Com
mander James Garvin by unit presi
dent Mrs. A. D. Apperson.
On Thursday, March 19, there will be
all-day sewing at the home of Mrs. An
son Ingels on Wallace road, a no-host
luncheon to be served at noon.
Ainsworth chapter, Order of East
ern Star, will meet at 8 p.m. in the
. Blue room of the Scottish Rite temple
on Wednesday. Mrs. Paul RIffey and
Mrs. Leonard Howe will be in charge
of the social hour following the meet
ing. Young Matrons club will meet on
Wednesday evening at Mayflower hall
at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Carl Neibel, Mrs.
Maynard Nelson and Mrs. Wilbur Tripp
will be hostesses during the coffee
For the program Miss Hattie Bratzel
will show slides of pictures she took
during the Nurnberg trials in Ger
many, i
Christian Women's Fellowship of tha
First Christian church will meet at 11
a.m. on Thursday for a program and
worship service. After the showing of
the film "In the Footsteps of the Witch
Doctor," luncheon will be served at
noon, with a business meeting following
at 1 o'clock. There will be a nursery
for children.
Following the theme of home mis
sions and human rights, a film entitled
"We Hold These Truths," will be shown
to the Women's Association of the First
Presbyterian church on Monday eve
ning, March 16. The group will meet
for dessert at 7:30 o'clock on Monday
rather than on Wednesday as originally .
Dr. Helen Pearce will give the wor
ship service after which songs will bo
presented by Mrs. Wolf von Otterstedt,
accompanied by Mrs. Ralph Dobbs, and
Miss Hope Jaquith will play violin
Altrusa club's dinner meeting and
program will be next Thursday eve
ning at the Pine Inn. Mrs. Addison
Lane Is chairman for the program, the
public affairs committee being in
Board of directors for the third dis
trict,' Oregon Federation of Women's
clubs, Is meeting in Salem next Tues
day, the event to be at 10 a.m. at the
home of the district president, . Mrs.
George Rossman, Following the meet
ing, Mrs. Rossman will be hostess to
the group for luncheon.
Mission Study club of the First Con
gregational church will meet next
Wednesday at 2 p.m. with Mrs. S. J.
Butler, 432 South High. Mrs. Homer
Heaton will be co-hostess and Mrs. R.
F. Shutler will discuss the book 'These
Rights We Hold."
. ' '