5PHal Journal, Salem, Ore., Saturday, March 14, 1953 In the " Valley Edited by MIKE FORBES Hopewell turn Independence Independence Rev. Paul Boomer, Herman Chappell, and MM. Jamei Drew, attended the annual convention of the Con' aervatlve Baptist Association of Oregon, on March 9, 10, and 11 This convention was held at the Calvery Baptist church In Baker, Ore., with the Rev. Ed Stauffer as host pastor. Mr. and Mrs. Vernor Go wen, Vernor, Jr., and Chester were tuMlrnH ctinatB nt Mr ntlri Mrs. Gerald Given oi Salem. Rev. Walter Nyberg Is an nouncing activities of the Meth odist church for the coming week. Regular services will be held on Sunday, with Rev. Ny berg speaking on "The Man Who Could Not Be Moved." The sac rament of infant baptism will also be observed during the wor ship hour. Tuesday at 8 p.m. the Irma Health circle will meet. On Wednesday, the Mary Smiley circle meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, -Wal ter Reed. At 7 p.m. the Youth Fellowship will meet and at the same hour, choir rehearsal. At 8 p.m., there will be a meet lng of the church school teach ers. Friday evening at 4 p.m. the pastor will hold a preparatory membership class. The annual' flower show of the Independence Garden club will be held Friday and Sat urday, March 20 and 21. This show will be held at the M.& F. 1 store. The club, has chosen the "Parade of Flowers" as t h e theme of the show. ' The show will be divided Into two parts. Division I will be ar rangements and Division II will be Horticulture. All entries must be In on Friday morning between 9:30 and 12 o'clock noon, ana must be removed by 8 o'clock Satur day evening. In connection with the flow er show, the Garden club will hold a cooked food sale. The American Legion will celebrate Its 35th birthday at the Legion hall Wednesday, March 18, at 7 o'clock, when a ham dinner will be served. Mn. Eva Humphries, pres ident oi district No. 2 and de partment officers of the Amer ican Legion will be present. Tbe past presidents' team of the Monmouth American Legion auxiliary will initiate new mem bers, Members of the Legion will bring their families, and as this will be a no-host dinner, are re quested to bring a salad or vege table dish, . Mr. and Mrs. Hersel Peyree and family, and Mr, and Mrs. William Peyree, were Sunday dinner guasts of. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Green of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Green are the parent of Mrs. Hersel Peyree. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mills have been First Lieut. Ber nard A. Smith and his family from Camp Roberts, Calif. The Smiths are visiting friends In Portland for a ' few days, but will stop In Independence before reutrnlng to Camp Roberts. Rev. Daniel B. Wessler, who Is now completing a two-year post graduate course at the St. Mary's university In Scotland, has been chosen by the congregation of the Calvary Presbyterian mm San Francisco Theological Sem lnary, from which he was grad uated In May, 1981. The faculty of this Seminary chose Rev. Wessler to attend St. Mary's University in Scotland, where he Is studying Systematic Tneology. Rev. Wessler served ' four years In the United States navy as a commissioned officer. In 194B he served as interim pastor at the . Presbyterian church in Harlem, Mont. Rev. Wessler served as interim pas tor in various churches in Scot land, and in 1952, he spent the summer under the tutoring of an outstanding theologian In Switzerland. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Robbie this week were Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Noyes of Baker. Miss Leonora ' Gulnazzo, 11- librarian and language teacher at Central high school; has been admitted to the Emanuel hos pital In Portland, because of virus pneumonia. There will be a PTA leader ship training course held In Cor vallls Monday and Tuesday, March 16 and 17. The meetings will begin at 10 a.m. and will close at 8 p.m., and will be held at the Lincoln school. Those at tending are requested to take a sack lunch. Sco Sclo Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thurston and Donna Le Bard attended the music contest in Corvallls Saturday. Several from the high school participated . in the solo contests. Rev. Elvin Fast and Mrs. Fast, Mrs. John Hatfield, Mrs. Harold Pynch and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thurston left Monday for Baker to attend the annual Conserva tlve convention. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Merrltt and son, Allan, and Mrs. Walt Massle of The Dalles were recent Sclo visitors. Two dinners were given in their honor. One was at the Johnny Merrltt home and one was given by Christine Benes. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Greenly of California are visiting rela tives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sims visited Sunday at the Floyd Johnson home In Salem. cnaries Christiansen is now home following his recent ap' pendectomy. Robert Davis has been ill with pneumonia. The Tumbling Aces, three lit tie girls, Sandra Pierce, Mary Miller and Marilyn Walker, from tne filtn grade, will represent Scio at the talent show in Al bany Friday night, Robert Nave and Gene and John Gabrielsen were home re cently from their school work In Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shlmanek have received word that their son, Laverne, was injured in an accident off the coast Arabia where he was an ambassador's bodyguard. He is in a hospital on the Is land of Cyprus and has a com pound leg fracture, broken foot and a broken nose. No details concerning the ac cident were given. James Ruby's Holstein herd set a new high record for an nual production for Linn county in luois lor oom tmtterfat and milk production of 18,916 lbs. average per cow, which was also the highest In the state of Ore gon The Hopewell Missionary so ciety held an open meeting at the church Tuesday evening, with Mrs. Wakeman of Amity, a former missionary to Africa, as the guest speaker. Sunday, March 22, Is Gideon day at the Hopewell EUB church with Elmer Wldmer, of Albany, brother of Rev. H. E, Wldmer. as guest speaker. Wld mer is a Gideon, and will take part in the Gideon rally In Mc Mlnnvllle the same day, with dinner at noon and an after noon meeting. The prayer meeting this week wlU be held at the Tom Kirk- wood home. Mr, Kirkwood has been In Portland visiting bis brother, John, for a couple of weeks. Delbert Smith was In charge of the Youth Fellowship of the Hopewell EUB church Sunday evening. Mrs. H. E. Wldmer s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M, D. Evers of Veneta. Ore., near Eugene, cele brated their 68th wedding anni versary, March 8, with a recep tion for their family, friends and neighbors. They have made their home in Veneta for 60 years. A large wedding cake was presented to them, as well as an electric coffee percolator, many potted plants and cards of con gratulation. They are the parents of six children, and have 46 grand children and 24 great-grand children. The . Hopewell Community club held its. March meeting March 6, with Mrs. Art Reed, president, In charge of the busi ness meeting. There was a re port by the fire district commit tee, and a vote to have a pie so cial following the one-act play to be presented April 2, with a candy sale also. Colored pic tures were shown by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stephens of Get tysburg, N.C., Florida and New Orleans. Solos by Dean Brown and Jack Larson, accompanied by Mrs. Fred Withee, Jr., were much enjoyed by all present. : The Hopewell Home Exten sion meeting for March will be held at the home of Mrs. Steph en Tarter, March 25, with a les son on frozen foods by Mrs. Thelma McKenney and Mrs. Tartar. A potluck dinner will be served at noon, and the busi ness meeting will be in charge of Mrs. Chas. Van Dorn. Mrs. George Polvi was sur prised on the afternoon of March 8 when a group of ladles came to celebrate her birthday with her, Mrs. Carl Pajala made a cake with candles. Those who enjoyed the party were: Mrs. Anna Snellman, Mrs. Amanda Nlskinen, Mrs. Carl Pajala, Mrs. David Olke, Mrs. John OJua, Mrs. Rose Setala, Mrs. Mae Polvi, Mrs. James Mc Kenney, Mrs. Mary Loop, Mrs. Carl Loop and daughter, Judy, of Bethel. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Terrill had as Sunday visitors, Mrs. Avie Condra and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Condra of Salem, mother and brother of Mrs. Terrill, and Mrs. Lena Jack of Portland, aunt of Mrs. Terrill. George Sutton of John Day, Ore., was a house- guest for several days. He Is Mrs. TerrtU's son. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Imlah, Jr., are the- parents of a son, John Lawrence, born March 3 at Salem Memorial hospital, weighing 9 lbs. H oz. Mrs. Im lah and son returned to their home Friday. Mrs. L. G. Wil liams of Los Angeles, mother of Mrs. Imlah, has been with the family for several weeks. Mrs. Harry Felzer of Portland was a house guest of Mrs. May Lembka on Walnut Hill for sev eral days last week. Lt. James Gllkey, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gilkey, who has been stationed in Lanstirg, Ger many, for two years, docked at New York Sunday, March 8, and will drive his own car home. Mrs. John Geisler, Mrs. Steph. en Tarter and Mrs. James Mc Kenney are the Hopewell Red Cross representatives, and re port good success. Mrs. Arthur Warnock, Mrs. George McKinley, Mrs. Stephen Tarter, Mrs. Ross Rogers and Mrs. Howard Stephens were among the Hopewell and Fair- view residents who attended Dr. Stolte's lecture on Health at the Methodist church in Amity on Friday afternoon. Arthur Warnock is working in Longview, Wash., on the new at. Johns hospital. Detroit The Detroit Wnmpn'i rii. club re-elected three officers in the recent election, including inrs. upai vrnne, president; Mrs. Spencer Moore, vice nroaMont- and Mrs. Earl Layman, treasurer, Mrs. Gordon Skldmore was elect ed secretary.. Flans were discussed fn th Dre-Easter dinner rhpHnlH in April 3. Mrs. Raymond Sophy. chairman, will Bnnniinrfli.nm. mlttees later. Mrs. Gordon Skidmnr re viewed the book, "The Silver tnaiice- alter the meeting adjourned. Hostess?! were Mn nil. White and Mrs. Ray Johnson. Mrs. Frank Moore has returned home with her Infant daughter, Elizabeth, who is reported to be doing very well after spending several aays in tne uorvams hos pital for observation. "- Fruitland Frultland Fruitland Home Extension unit held Its meeting at the home of Mrs. George Van on Tuesday, starting at 10:30 a.m. Mrs. Cecil Miller and Mrs. Ben Newell were the project leaders, "Herbs for Variety Accent" were demonstrated. Mrs. Arthur Daike, chairman, was In charge of business meet ing. Mrs. Larry Wagnor gave a report on "Industry in Norway." This unit will demonstrate "Herbs for Variety and Accent" at the Spring Festival to be held April 25 at the First Christian church In Salem. Mrs. Cal Schlador reports that a trilllum Is glooming in her yard and that a shrub of the Scotch broom variety is also flowering, indicating unusually mild weather for the Detroit area. . Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ket- tleson will spend next week In Salem where they will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beard. Mr. and Mrs. Soencer Moore and family will entertain forest service friends from Medford this week-end, Mr. and Mrs. verus Dahlin and their four chil dren. James Stock, former minister of the Detroit Christian church. will return to this Sunday in an exchange wtih Richard Hake. Mrs. Roy Jones Is chairman of this committee. . The Fruitland group will be the cleanup committee after the festival this year. Nominating committee for new officers is Bernlce Strawn, Addle Cooter, Josephine Lucas. Mrs. Martin Langan has invited this unit for the next meeting. Mrs. Roy Grettie showed tex tile painting and a class was organized. Mrs. Grettie will teach the painting they will have the first meeting, March 23, at the home of Mrs. Larry Wagner at 7:30 p.m. Present for this meeting were Mrs. Larry Wagner, Mrs. E. C. Cootes, Mrs. Arthur Dalke, Mrs. Anthel Riney, Mrs. Rosie Knapp, Betty Shamberger, Dorothy Rieckman, Elsie Verburg, Clara Fischer, Mrs. Melvin Klampe, Mrs. Cecil E. Miller, Bernlce Strawn, Mrs. Mike Lucas, Mrs, M. J. Langan, Ada Karr, Phyllis Newell, Flora Strawn, Gladys Cockren, Pearl Jones, Lena Kleen and the hostess, Elsie Van. Norman Gydeson has re ceived word of the serious ill ness of his mother in Nebraska and has gone to visit her. Alan Harman, who spent sev eral weeks visiting relatives In California, has arrived at the home of his mother, Mrs. Myrtle Harmon, in Fruitland. Mr. and Mrs. Al Kearns and children and Mr. Kearns' father of Lakeside were week-end guests at the home of Mrs. Kearns' mother, Mrs. Rosie Knupp. I OF DELIUDLC FIDCJSJ V WFM ay r.M.Calr. W44 J ; APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITED REPAIR CO. 255 N. LIBERTY Authorized Repair on All Major Appliances and All Small Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery on Large Appliances Ivan Roy.se and Walt Claus, Owners APPLIANCE SALES Ph. 39412 SALBM LIGHTING A APPLIANCE CO., 1 83 N. HIGH ST. "BETTER LIGHT FOR BETTER SIGHT" New Store in Court House Square Small Appliances Lighting Fixtures of All Kinds . MILL CITY THEATRE SUNDAY AND MONDAY Btlir Draki "am lor Oat Km" IHOl T.Hbt JM BMW "LOV NEST" rial "BOSS. OF CIMABBON" church, to fill the pulpit thisL Mt"h2.7'' thtdate enby ,min. rvinw. ithe hiK.h achool to present the Rev. Wessler, who Is 29 years old, ia married and has two daughters. He Was graduated from the University of Califor nia at Los Angeles, with a B.S. degree in law. He attended the DANCE OVER WESTERN AUTO Adm. 60o Tax Inc. Dick Johnson's Orch, . 259 Court St. AUMSVILLE PAVILION DANCE romantic musical comedy "The uypsy itover." Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bilyeu arc visiting relatives at Fort Bragg, Calif. They left for Callforlna Saturday. Four local boys have recently been inducted into the armv and are now at Camp Roberts. They! are ucan music, Kicnard Quig ley, Ben Moore and Jack Martin. Carl Zurfluh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Zurfluh, Is visiting his parents here on leave from the navy, i i Evert Saturdar Nlsht 19 Ml. Southeast at Salem Muslo by LYLE AND HIS WESTERNAIRES Broadcast KSI.M 7:30-8:00 P M. Amity FREE! DANCE LESSONS TIL 9 SAT. (Prior to our regular dance) CRYSTAL GARDENS Professional Instruction by Mr.Trlplcttand staff of specially trained teachers from the JON MARK STAFF Flu Gala Floor Shew f Am Modern and 7 Am C Old Tim. ' C Amitv Mini Marv rcloH... Turner of Madera, Pnllf u. week-end guest of her parents ai ocmei, roiK county. She arrived on the Shasta Fri day evonlnu and retumirf Sim. day. The Junior class of Amity hlffh tchnnl. hit mimim, 4t, Capital room at the Senator ho tel, aaiem, for the junior-senior prom. A banquet and danaclng Is planned. The date Is April 8. All juniors and seniors are expected to attend. Casablanca is believed to be the fastest growing city In North Africa. Piftimiri ENDS TONIGHT OPEN 6:00 "PONY SOLDIER" And "BONZO GOES TO COLLEGE" Starts Sunday Cont. 1:43 CMffil SUSAN MORROW UWL HANSON y JOAN TAYLOR Aim Strrllns Harden "FLAT TOP" r phcms s i-s7ta . Tyrone Power In Technicolor "MISSISSIPPI GAMBLER" Co-Featurettet In Technicolor "MOST BEAUTIFUL , GIRLS IN THE WORLD" F PHONI 1-J4.7 Esther Williams , Victor Mature In Technicolor "MILLION DOLLAR MERMAID" Dennis Morran "CATTLE TOWN" HONS a-3721 Two First Buns! Alee Gulness "MAN IN THE WHITE 51)11" Dirk Bogarde "STRANGER IN BETWEEN" DRIVE-IN THEATRE "fHONt 2-7829 UlliH 0AUINS, HI0HWAY ft Cales Open 6:45 Show al 7:15 Ends Tonight, Saturday! 2 Technicolor Hits "HANGMANS KNOT" 4 Randolph Scott Plus "CARIBBEAN" John Payne SUNDAY Gates 6 Show 6:45 STARTS SUNDAY In Technicolor "APRIL IN PARIS" Doris Day Plus In Color . "STOP YOU'RE KILLING ME" Broderlck Crawford HARD TIMES Benefit Dance Macleay Grange SaL. March It Music by Eddie's Sllvrrtarlng Rangera Sponsored by American Legion Post No. 17S of Aumsvllle DAMW60 T0 12:10 1.50 PER COUPLE SOc Itdlit-RifrtihfflMb "BEST ACTRESS OF 1952." NewYoHrMmCrWcs SHIRLEY BOOTH caught In ffi wrtkaa cf a ihcrffarcdovtl Starts Wed. ENDS TODAY (Sit.) OUTPOST MALAYA" "fARGO" MATINEE DAILY FROM 1 P.M. Starts Tomorrow! Hi Dp IF YOU KNEW WHAT HI KNEW WHAT WOULD YOU DOT isiiriiiiuiiti; AH its rtlfntltss ucitimant fflnwi in Canada's cotorful Onto bj WARNER BR01 MONTGOMERYCUFT Anne b mfP ilMAIN Ll (Bin! mm uiuni n l 1 L CNEtJ PLM tl GEORGE TABOR) m WILLIAM ARCHIBALD avsic composed mo conduct ti u omito tioiu Osl If wavaruniNa manv off warmer rY)J Vtf0 PAMOQg CARTOON STARS rA-Tvo. Hf Airmail II, Kl Jffl News! AUTO WHEEL ALIGNING Ph.2-1801 UNITED WHEEL ALIGNMENT 190 S. I 2th NOW "UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT C. H. "CLIFF" ERICKSON we specialize in wneei Aligning, Balancing ana tiraxe itepalr, Wheel and Axle Straightening. Call Us for Estimates or Pickup and Delivery AWNINGS - TENTS - TARPS Ph. 3-4788 SALEM TINT It AWNING CO. - 72 N. LIBERTY Canvas Goods oi Every Description "ANYTHING MADE TO YOUR ORDER" BRICKWORK Ph. 26545 FRANK'S SERVICE INSIDE and OUTSIDE Fireplaces, patios, planters, brick steps, etc. Also patch plastering. Chimney tops. ALL WORK GUARANTEED CHINESE FOODS Ph. 2-6596 CHINA CAFE . 2055 FAIRGROUNDS RD. Specializing in Chinese & American Foods Featuring "Good Foods - Well prepared" Bring the Family Call for Reservations for Dinners and Parties CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 3-7324 MORTARLESS BLOCK CO. 14h E. HOYT ' Approved- Reinforced Rectangular Precast Septic Tanks Manufacturers of Motar Blocks Interlocking Blocks In Pumice or Concrete Also Chimney Blocks Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph.3-3646 HOWSER BROS. -, 1 185 S. 12th ST. Garden Tillers Power Mowers Paint Sprayers Air Compressor . Sanders Plumbing Tools Power and Hand Mower Sharpening Repair on All Small Gas Engines FLOOR COVERINGS Ph.4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HIGH ST. Armstrong & Congoleum-Nairn-Asphalt and Rubber Tile Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets Estimates Gladly Given! IRRIGATION -PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO 1810 LANA AVE. ' Water Systems Deep Well Turbines Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING -Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment MOTORCYCLES Ph. 2-1423 SHROCK MOTORCYCLES SALES - 3007 PORTLAND RD. American St British Motorcycles Indian. BSA. Matchless, Triumph Cushman Scooters ' "If it has Wheels and a Motor we can BUY SELL or FIX IT" MOVING & STORAGE Ph. 3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER SALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT "A Complete Shipping Service" Office 1120 N. Liberty Whse 290 S. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES Ph.3-5584 Typewriters. Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 531 Court R. W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN Ph.2-4151 ROAD 1174 Edgewater St. OR 3-5769 OILING WEST SALEM ROAD TWEEDIE FUELS OILS OILING STANDARD OIL DEALER PAINTING CONTRACTORS Ph. 3-4783 F. O. REPINE CO 2585 PORTLAND ROAD Rciidentiol, Commercial, Spray or Brush WE GO ANYWHERE ... ANY SIZE JOB Call Us for Estimates and Color Planning Service PLUMBING SERVICE Ph.3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING 1 HEATING Repairing Residential 38S Chemeketa Commercial Contracting Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS Ph. 3-9123 24 HOUR savin We Give Penny Saver Stamps THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph. 3-3157 ISO S. Ubtrtr 310 burl, Dtwfttowa 2440 frier, MtdkH Cantor Z4-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience. FREE Delivery Dally. 8:00 A. M to 11:00 P.M. 180 S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 2:00 P. M. and 0:00 PJJ. to 9:00 P. M. All Sundays and Holidays RADIO REPAIRS. MfdZ&h. 3-7577 MITCHELL'S Radio-Television 1 880 Star Motorola Dealer tor General Elactrlo Pick up and Delivery TELEVISION Ph.4-2271 HEIDER'S RADIO A TELEVISION . 395 N. HIGH Willamette VaUey for 28 Years SERVICE INSTALLATION SALES Borne and Auto Radio and Television Specialists in tha