DENNIS the MENACE fly Kttcham FOR SALE itSCELUNEOUS FOR SAL1 MISCELLANEOUS AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES Capital Journal. 81m. Orty gaiariar, KaA 14, i:"Ui-1 r I'M TIRED OF WAUCIMQ, MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS D-DRIVI V MOVE TOURSILF 8AVI PICKUPS BTAKEB VAMS TEXACO STATION 411 COURT ST. PHONE 1-1931 PAOI STEVENSON and AL MEPFORD IlICTION TONIGHT 1:30, Uldwar Auction ?osj cnerrr Ave. - raw 8A1IM SAND ft ORAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearlm - Ditching . Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Dltchinc br the root Phone Dsra 1-9401 Cves. 1-4411 or 1-1411 Salem, Or Hon m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOOT CASES DR. HARRY 8EMLBR, DENTIST Adolpb Bids., staU At Commercial Sla. SALEM Ph. 3-3311 m UILDING MATERIALS YARD CLEAN UP SALE OP SURPLUS STOCK 1X4 TO 1X11, NO. 1. 1JC4 AND WIDER BOARDS, NO. 3. 1X10 AND 1X11 HOUQH BOARDS, NO. 1 AND BETTER. X ORADE K. D. DROP SIDINO PRICE 141 M WHILE PRESENT ITEMS LAST. SHIMS, 16.00 JITNEY LOAD H til - ' T. & O.. K. D. HEAVY DUTY FLOORINO CASH AND CARRY DELIVERY CAN BE ARRANGED COAST RANGE MILL WALLACE RD. AT BAS8ETT ST. WEST SALEM mill COAST OR MOUNTAIN CEDAR 'SHINGLES Ho. Si, 13 inches cltar, 16: No. 3, 8 lnehft clear, $4. No sap wood or culli. yComi and get them. Ted Mullen, Solera .vtf Independence road. Ph. Salem 21JSB, tf mi 1BUILDING? No. 1 cedar shingles No. t cedar shingles , No. 1 cedar shingles 3 tab composition roofing ..... Roll roofing New toilets complete New wash basins complete Nails, per keg New shower cabinets Mew weather stripped windows . New picture windows Used Camp Adair windows ... Painted Cedar shakes New doors, 3'8"x6'8" Watar proof wall board 4x8 .. Overhead Oarage Hardware . New Glass Doors Steal oarage Doors, complete . ...t 3.1S i. 5 25 ., i.m ..! 8.06 .1 1.36 ..129.60 ..817.60 ...110.13 ..143.00 . . .S14.30 ... 9.00 ...I 1.80 ...111.80 ...8 8.80 ....31.90 ,..(18.80 . 810.80 ...981.80 BARGAIN Kitchen sinks, bath tubs, water heat tot, pipe, septic tanks. PLYWOOD Mo acrapy pieces, 4x8 sheets, good ply wood, both Interior and exterior, bar gain prleea, C. G. Long & Sons Oct ml. north of Kelter, Ph. 45031 maa4 XOOFTNO Complete line. Call Western Auto, 3-7177, for free estimate. O am ble's Western Auto Supply Co., 301 N. Commercial. ma77 GARAGE Mill complete on your lot, 119.91 month, no down payment. Ton can tlx that dan or add that extra bedroom the aame war. Visit with ua soon) Portland Hd. Lumber Yard OPEN ALL DAT SATURDAY 1141 Portland Rd. Phone 44411 ma" WE NEED TO MOVE IT TO MAKE ROOM QUICK!! Cedar Siding Snorts 18.00 to 38.00 (good for small building) Hem. Sdg. Rdm. length (not bad! ttx8 89.80. Kx8 A 4xl0 89.80. ixl I' Bean Poles (a lew) Itte each - rou haul! Raked Cedar panels 18x18, some Terr good, some bad, from to ft. to He ft. Hop Pegs 1.00 If. tou haul. Garden Stakes, or what do rou need? To fence In the dog or ehlld "sticks for pickets" IVic Un. ft. . "YOCB BUUjDINQ SUPPLY FRIENDS" Portland Road Lumber Yard lf.49 Portland Rd. Phone 44133 NURSERY STOCK PRIMROSE, DELPHINIUM, lie, 1 for II. PHLOX and PEONYS, ten colors and rsrletln. STREAMLINER end UTAH STRAWBERRY PLANTS. HEATHER, AZALEAS. DAPHNE. BOXWOOD. MER RILL'S GREENHOUSE, BROOKS. mbas RHODODENDRON. Asaleas, Camellias, big list of shruha. Bee our evergreen shrubs for hedges. B. L. Pearcr Nurierr Company: location, turn left at Reiser, follow pared road four ml. to nursery. mb WWW 0f FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PATENTED NEW DESIGNED letter psl tarns lor pillow cases, blouses, etc. Ph. 18338. n8 laaa STEEL I" Irrigation plpa. Pierce couplers. Price reasonsble, W. A. Ham lin, IVa miles east of corvallls on Peoria road. Phone Correllis 14979. n5 CRT WALNUTS loc a pound. I0 Lan caster drlre. Saturday and Sunday only. n6&' Journal Want Ads Pay s CiAD. GmWJY WE SO FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MALL CnLLFOTinW nf fin. aIi oisoit. reasonable, call 3710 after p.m. n6 :. Gravel and Sand Anything In travel, wholeaalo and retail, vauuix BANU U unAvlb QO Ph. 24002. CEDAR TELEPHONE and elOOtrla DOlti. fence post, bean posti and atakta. Phillips Bros. Rt. e. box 491, I miles eaat of 4 corners. Ph. 43011, n ORGANIC FERTILIZER. Pre Of weed aeeas, ana oaoriess. Back or bulk orders delivered. Phone 3-8127. nU PLASTI-KOTI requires no wailni. ror join noon or linoleum yKATkH AF ruiANum cu 919 cnemeneta. BIF IIQEIATOR b, and used. XA JGK AarrUIAHCE CO., STI Cbtmfit- eta. n NrV IS the time to bur your 1U West- ingnouse auiomaiio arm at only AffLIANCB CO., 379 CntmSI' eta. n THE IDEAL fertiliser It's ortanle peatmoss, with poultry dropplnta, only no a sack, vaney Farm store. Pa. 4B2, n70 8ALEM DE1SKL Roller and ball bearings for trucks and tractors. 377b 6 liver ton Road. a EXCELLENT barn yard fertiliser. Phone 43907 or 38400. n6t FREE Westlnghouse sewing machines on all floor 6am plea. Save up to 40 XfSATEH APPLIANCE CO., 375 Cntmek eta. . ' n' Close - Out SALE on all reconditioned used appliance Come In and make us an offer on Your choice RANGES 3 Hotpolot Sleet. 1 Montgomery Ward HecL 1 Universal Elect. ...... 3 General Electric 2 Gas Ranges REFRIGERATORS 3 Montgomery Wards 1 Leonard 1 Jewett AUTOMATIC WASHERS . 0 Bendlx 1 General Elect. 1 Blackstone t Kurefca Vao. Cleaner Ralph Johnson Appliances 355 Center flt. Ph. 33138 n3 ! FOR SALE: Late model 7 H.P. Evanrude 1 outboard with neutral. Like new. Call after o p.m. or week-ends. Phone 3-43 33 4015 Btate Street. n4 BEST MAKE portable double action taso- llne pump with i It. hoie. Good ft, saw, 14 teeth and a drag. Call 1510 State. D94 EQUITY IN new Winter Sploette piano, (Mahotanr), reasonable. Ph. 46338. n FOR SALE: 300 amp. Hobart Welder, on wheels. 2-4088. n54 TWIN SIZE beby bum. excellent condl tlon. . Rt. x. Box 332, Silver ton. Rev. Mel E. Arn. n USED westlnghouse automatic laundromat, only 1139.95. Yeater Appliance Co 37! Chemeketa BARNYARD FERTILIZER, 12.00 yard. Cannon Feed Lots, one mile south of Airport, Turner Rd. Phone 39061. nu DEEPFREEZE home freezer. Y EATER AP PLIANC1 CO.. 375 Chemeketa. n FOB SALE M.E. garden tractor, excellent condition. 13-lnch. Phone i-mv. nes S-R.r. MflCULLOCB power aaw in good condition with 3 and 4-lt. ban and chains, at 3560 Portland Rd. "Johnson". nil 1 GARDEN ROTO-ETTE, $110. In good working shape, lfl-lnch rubber-tired lawn mower In good shape, 110. Ph. 48049. n63 REDUCED! $10 per day until sold. USED ONE I INCH DRUM TYPE FLOOR SANDER. 380 8HEOTS OP BPEED OBIT PAPER. THIS PAPER ALONE 18 WORTH 9180. Starting price Feb. 28, $575 MARCH 16, $425 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard PRONT ft COURT STS.. PHONE 19111 (We Olra S&H oreen Stamps) CFAFTSMAN 8t4-lnch saw. Inquire 318 B. Capitol. s-3aue. rracucanr new, una FERTILIZER Pulverized, rotted manure, delivered envwnere. -wit. vs .-ovi. n88 TOP SOIL River allt and fill dirt, prompt deliver?. 13, ALLOWED lor rour old wsur hesler on this new 42-gallon automatic alec trio water heater. Yeater Appliance aia rh.mekata. Ph 34311. n WE PAT TOP cash price for tour used furniture ana appliances. u. call. USED MERCHANDISE MART. J70 So. Liberty, phone 48371. n83 Organic Fertilizer Pre, of weed seeds, and odorless. Ssek or bulk ordera delivered. Phone 3-S1I7. n84' Mcculloch chain saws. g Edgewater. West Baiem. o b i r ui " -" ' ... . oin ,A. bbIb At r.nt a u Stiff Purlllturjco rnor' 'L FsfTd-wsihlns machines. 89 98 and up. TEATIR APPLIANCE CO, IT! Cheme LOOK, LADIES! SPRING REMNANT BARGAIN SALE FREE! . NO CHARGE FOR BINDINGS I POOTER 8il'8" orar Leaf Aimlnater. was 931.50 NOw 910'4" Orar Tone-nn-Tone leaf, was 149.80 .""'now aO'l" Cut Pile Aimlnster. Eelse Uaf. was 989.80 .......'...'"now 9x9 orar Leaf Pattern Aimlnster, was 189.90 . . NOW 9i9 Belse Wilton Beige CUp and Loop pile, was 988 M NOW txa'O" areen Tone -on -Tone Wilton, Clip and Loop Pile wa 3190.00 r ' MOW i.m a , Z. i , !r u ure,B w ..a.rwE.Bu dvuiiuicu milion, WSS 9103.80 WV Top Quality Wilton Tweed, waa 1131 9X98" Beige Prlesette, Heavy Weight, was 8130 00 . 9110 Rosa Prlesetu, waa 3139.93 1x31 AU-Unen Reveralble, Oreen and Beige, was' Hit 00 11 POOTERS llx8'4" High Pile Aimlnster Tone-on-Tone. Belie and Cinnamon, was 883.00 11x7 Beige Leaf Axmlnsur, was 9110.00 llxl Beat Quality Axmlniter, Oreen Leaf Palters Cut Pile, . waa aioe-ao , NOW 11x10 Rsd and Orar Leaf Pattern, was 981.00 .......7."".'.'lTOW tlrt'll" Bast Quality Axmtnater, Bella Ground, Multicolor Laaf, waa 9119.80 now lirrt" Best Quality AxmlnsUr, Bella Background Floral. " M .ICVW ......,,.,....., MOW !!?lf!.'..w.lU00 Loop pu' Tone-on-Tone Green, waa 3148.80. "now llxll'l' 'Tone-on-Tone AraLi.ter. Beua or Cinnamon Background, Waa 918O.00 ,( NOW 11x18 All-Unas Reversible, Oreen and Beige, was 'li.W'rOW llxll All-Rayos Azmlnster, Extra High Cut Pile, waa 8819.00.. NOW mw Scroll Dealis wutoo, very huh and low loop pUe. MOW HOGG BROS. WDXAMrm VALLXT'S LXADINO APPUANCI AMD KIB milMtail 110 S. Commercial us s. Commercial FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO TRADE, Beautiful diamond ring for piano. Phone a38i or write Box 19, Capital Journal. B83a DROP LEAP din. table chairs. 1 chroma braakfast table. Be at 1808 N. list. Ph. 1-1174. n OT POINT kitchen range, good condi tion: ' O. refrigerator, Ilka new; roll-a-wer bad and spring filled met traea. elngle aliei chest of 1 drawers; plu walnut bedroom aet and mat trass; double laundry tuba and laws mower. Ph. 14994. n9V GLENN WOODBT opes Prl. till 9 P.m. 1908 N. summer. nu- REBUILT IfW Washer, brass andirons, Heavy enrols cnairs, goo. in. easts. nil- SINGER ELECTRIC Portable sewing machine. New motor, leather carrying ease. Bargain, aimer wing CO., 110 M. Com'L Open Prldar tvanuig nt SEWING MACHINE Used electric, walnut cabinet round bobbin, guaranteed, only .M. mnt Bewlng Center. 110 M. Oom'l. Oven Prl dar tTcnini. nSI FARM HOMB GARDEN Rotted manure, composts, the same quality as last year, for home and gar den. PlagsUmai, red lara atone and other types for walls or gardens. Rustic cedar fencing and trellis work. Phillips Bros Rt. ft, Boi 491, aalem. Ph. 4-1081. NOTXCK OP BALK ' The Oregon State Highway Commission has lor sale an assortment of used cars, pick-ups, dump trucks, snow plows, loaders, asphalt kettles, paying plant, and other used equipment and scrap ma terials tceated at the Highway Depart ment Equipment Plant at Aalem. Ore gon. flcaled bids for the purchase of all or any one piece of this used equipment and for all or any data of the acrap materials will be received by the State Hie h war Commission In Room US, State Highway Building, ftalem. Oregon. til a:00 p.m.. Thursday. March as. 1953, at which time the bids will be publicly opened ana read, Proposal forms and full information for Didders mar be obtained in Room 331, maw Htgnwar Building, Bem, Ore son, and at the Equipment Plant a Salem. OREOON STATE HIOHWAT commission nes v WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED BOOK CASE and china cabinet. rnone 1-7539. naSS1 WANTED Walnut meats, and walnuts In aneii. Hignest cash price on delivery. MORRIS ELORFSIN PAOKINQ CO. 480 N. Vront St., Salem Ph. 17033 na ObDRY WANTS Planoa. Phone 1-9110. LOGS WANTED Stud Mill. Lengths I' 4" or 18 I". Di ameter to 16" Sawmill, Lengths in ana longer. Diameter I to M' Top prices paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Phone 113ft na ELECTRIC BANG El. Woodry'JL. Ph. E-S110. na HtRSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Oroup No. 1, sose n. commercial, rn, or i-esiT. Pfl6 SECURITY DETECTIVE Agency, private investigations. 139 racuie aidg. rnone 4-3348. Dfl AUTOMOBILES ltt BLUE FORD I Custom lined a door sedan. Radio & Dieter. Pordomatle drive, 15,000 actual miles. $1140. phone 33394 or see at 830 Warns Drive, qea 1040 BUICK. 2 door sedan, verr good eon- oiuon, w rubber, new battery, good running condition. Reduced to 4350. 1010 Electric Ave. Ph. 13606. q63 FOBD COUPE, clean. radio, heater. 483 Uake offer. 1577 Court. MODEL A PICKUP, 16-ln. Wheels, $49.00. wo n. Lancaster. e-27QT. qoo 48 PORD ton pickup, one of the best. Phone 4-1587. o68 FORCED TO SELL my equity. 1947 Btude- oaicer Btanunt coupe. Ph. 45694, or see at loo a. mn alter 6 p.m. q64 WILL SELL my 1375 equity In 1950 Oldi. aee c. j. Mcuau, nervate. qaj '58 PORD F-8 Logging Truck. Pierce trail er. .,uuq. s. r. sutler, aubllmity. Ore ton. phone Stayton 8F5. qd63 1N8 m 4-door Naih. Good tires, good condition throughout. See 640 8. Bum mer. oS4 1841 FORD Club Coupe. Oood condition .nroutnou.. some special features. 39868 after 5. Call anytime Saturday. q63 48 FORD Club Coupe. Ph. 4318S. Call eve. s west Madron a, an3 41 4-DOOR Pontiac Sedan. 1410 Bell Road. pnone 2-8104. 043 '4 PORD Deluxe Club Cpe., 808. '41 Olds seoanette. 178. 8388 Dallas Rd. e3 188 BUICK Special 4-door Sedan, l-tone green, runr equippea. urnailo, brand sew, no miles, new oar service. To highest bidder for cash or trade on real estate. Mrs. Ora Thompson, Rt. I. Boa as. Jenerson. pn. 331. q63 ILLNESS forces sale clesn 1048 Desoto Deluxe 4-Door Bedan. radio, heater, over- drlre. 3778. 1010 Wllber. PLTMOL'TR Deluxe Sedan. Radio. heater, undercoat, new seat covers, tires, law mileage. 1088 Mlckorr. q63 FOR SALS or trade for cheaper car, '48 DeSoto 4-Door Sedao. R.H.. automatic trans. 1808. 1101 Pine St., Sllrerton. Phone 4L 83 lino PORO. O.D., excellent condition. 31378. Rcr. Hel. B. Arn, Rt. 1, Box 131, Sllrerton. 088 1841 BL'ICK. hard top, radio, healer, de froster, fthlte walls, undercoated. This car la lilt broken in with onlr 8.000 miles. Best offer over 13300. Call 1.3078 after 4. q04 1881 CHET. 4-door aedan Deluxe Power Ollde, fullr sculpped. Priced 81888. Ph. 4-3138. q83 1041 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe, heater, 738 rerrr. pn. tsoio. q63 ournol Want Ads Pay 919.99) 919.98 813.8 341.8 941.8 949.9 989.91 989.9 919.9 999.8 999.W 109.3 Tone-on-Tone, waa Stl, NOW NOW NOW .NOW .NOW .NOW .NOW .NOW 949 8 41.98 9T9.9 9M.9 999 99 11. 11. , 131.9 149 AUTOMOBILES $ for $ You Cannot Beat Our Cars For Value PONTIACS 52 Sedan, hvdro. RAH .$2505 .$1999 31 Sedan, hvdro. R&H SO Sedan, hydro, RoVH ...$1605 ...$1395 ...$1295 48 Sedan, hydro. R&H 49 Sedan, R&H CHEVROLET 48 Sedsn, R&H . ........ $795 PLYMOUTH 49 Sedan, heater ........$845 BUICK 48 Sedan, R&H ......... .$695 Best For Less 41 Chevrolet, R&H . $295 40 Chevrolet, R&H ..$195 42 Chevrolet, R&H, Aero .$150 39 Chrysler, R&H $95 40 Pontiac, R&H -r .$295 KELLY OWENS CO. 650 N. Liberty Ph. 24113 WILSON'S FULL MEASURE S .. A T I S F A C T I O N 1951 BUICK SDN.. $2095 Special with Dynaflow. One owner, 28,649 miles. 4 We sold and serviced. 1951 BUICK SDN.. 2450 Super Riviera. Dynaflow, Easy-eye Qlass, radio with real seat speaker. One own er, 14,912 miles, we sold and serviced. 1951 OLDS. 98 SD.. 2450 Hydramatic, fully equip ped .Only 11,459 miles. 1950 CHRYSLER SEDAN 1795 New Yorker, Fluidmatic, premium white wall tires, clean and top condition. SPECIAL 1952 Ford F-2 y4-Ton Pickup. Deluxe cab, 4-speed, 8369 miles. Has not been used for hauling. ONLY $1495 1950 Buick Sedan .$1995 . 1295 1950 Ford 8 Club Cpe. . . 1949 Buick Super Sdnt.. 1948 Packard Sedan ... . 1495 . 995 . 795 1947 Pontiac Sedanet . . OTTO J. WILSON Company Commecial at Center Phone 2-3623 83 1952 RANCH WAGON V-t. Overdrive, Less Than 8.000 Miles 1952 WILLYS PICKUP 4-Wheel Drive 1952 INTERNATIONAL L-112 Pick-up. Like new 1946 INTERNATIONAL fc-Ton With Stock Rack 1949 WILLYS STA. WAGON with New Motor 1931 PONTIAC 8 Catalena. 11.000 Hilts 1950 CHEVROLET BEL AIR Puilr Equipped 1949 CADILLAC 4-Door. Drives Like New Mac 6? Don's USED CARS 1704 So. Main ' Lebanon NO DOWN PAYMENT (ON APPROVSD CRSDITI ', ' 21949 Oldi "88V 51 Kaiser 4 Door 51 Mercury, Mercomatic 4 Dr. 51 Ford Tudor 51 Plymouth Belvedere 49 Lincoln 4 Dr. 48 Chevrolet Club Coupe 49 Nash 4 Door 49 Stude. Business Coupe 49 Plymouth Spec. Dlx. 4 Dr. 49 Ford tt Ton Pickup 4 -Speed Traannlaaloa 41 DeSoto 4 Door 41 Oldi 8. Club Coupe ' Haw ratal 38 Ford 4 Door 35 Ford Coupe ACROt ntOM UAIUON SQUAR1 CAPFS 258 UNION PH. 8-6143 MUST SACRIFICE! 1982 MERCURY SPT. SEDAN This ear has oclr 1I,N actual sites, ' tin tad class, H., O.D., aett corera. will ba possible to arrange terms, will cos alder anr good cheaper ear as part fanneat. FOR MORI DtrORUATIOM CALL 26926 Altar lii p.m. tei rrrg fggrgff se.ipssjj AUTOMOBILES FREE! Thousands of Green Stamps with the purchase of A-l Used Cars. Exclusive 6 M0.-6OOO Mile Guarantee in Writing YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS COMBINATION. THURS., FRI. ec SAT.. MAR. 12, 13 AND 14, ONLY 1952 Ford Mainline Tudor. R&H, 13,000 miles . . $1795 1951 Kaiser De Luxe Sedan. H O.D., very clean. . 1495 1949 Fohtlac Conv. R&H . i ........ 1393 1950 Chev. De Luxe Conv. Heater. A dandy . . 1495 1951 Ford Victoria Ford-O-Matic. R&H, low mile- age 1951 Ford De Luxe Tudor. 1951 Ford De Luxe 6 Sdn. 1951 Ford Custom Ford - O 1949 Ford Clb. Cpe. A real buy ... . . 1949 Ford Custom, Sedan. ' R&H, O.D, . . 1950 Frod Clb, Cpe. A honey . . t 1949 Buick Super Sdnt. R&H, Dynaflow . , 1951 Mercury Sdn. R&H, Mercomatic . , 1980 Chev. De Luxe Sdn. R&H . . .... 1950 Olds, 88 Clb. Cpe. R&H, Hydra. Dr. 1950 Pontiac Sdn. R&H. Perfect ......... 1949 Ply. Sdn. Cpe. R&H MANY MORE A-l USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM. TERMS TRADES DON'T FORGET S. & H. GREEN STAMPS ON DIFFER- ENCE, CASH OR CONTRACT Valley Motor A-l Used Car Mart A-l Used Cars With a Personality PHONE 33147 l OF THE IRISH BEGORRAH Whether it's Monday or St. next Tuesday you'll be buying one of these smart you'll be if you'll be looking at these buys this weekend ! And we mean itl 61 FORD PICK-UP ???? Heater, onlr 10,800 miles, excellent con dition. 50 CADILLAC 62 Coupe, beautiful exterior and Interior, excellent In all respects. See thlsl THREE '62 CHEVROLETS Bel Air, fordor and a tudor ... all real eharp, clean and with low mileage. DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 31 N. COMMERCIAL ST. PHONE 1-1138 81 CHRYSLER ... Windsor deluxe Newport, ???? onlr $808 dn. 50 CHEVROLET ???? Striding deluxe 4-ooor sedan, onlr 8318 46 FORD ???? Custom V-l tudor sedan, verr clean, good motor, onlr 1180 down. Salem Automobile Co. IN M. Com'!., Phone S-4117 7 MM fwt os tnmrf Meooaaw. FORCED ' TO SELL! 1952 Mercury Spt Cpe, ItH, O.D., loaded with accessorial, mileage Is low, car la clean. Will take cheaper car In trade. Call arenlngs, PHONE 27559 a 83' MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS GIVE AWAY, hopped up 194$ Uustang aioiorcycie, sea. rn, sidst. qa83 U K HASLET. Illness forces sale. Ken- nun snider. 1180 N. Winter, Apt. 1. Phone 3-88T8. cja3 FARM EQUIPMENT CATERPILLAB TKACTO No. 30. Sale r sraaa tor rwnergeson and plow. 1030 Cross street. aoM IN rOBD tractor, large rubber, 1, 18" plows, disc, cultivator and grader. Com plete irrigation plant. 3.000 ft. of 4" plpa, pump and gas motor. Cell 10314. 4bes DAVID BEAD LIT tractor with oulUrator. piow, narrow, aiso. lies Ne Commer elal. abas AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BAVIN O BADIATOB TBOUBLZT Valler saoior co, eji perls wui son rou prob lems and ear rou mono?, rra aatt matee, speed? aanrlce. caster at Uberlr. 1H BOATS MUST 8Ii Immediately, 11-foot boat: ana is n r. motor, sicausnt condi tion. Sacrifice for 8180. 131 Wallace Rd. Phone 1-8141. ea3 FINANCIAL Lie S-11I and U-138 and rot a. snoioKS ntSURAIICI AND LOANS Bear "Top trades" U:M Dallg SSUI 1180 Em, OSNKRAL rat Alt CI OO. LOANS a. Commercial St. TaL. Mill us AUTOMOBILES 1895 1445 1545 169S 995 1045 1345 1245 1950 1295 1595 1545 1065 Heater R&H, O.D. - Matic Sdn R&H. . CENTER AT HIGH SALEM LOOK And BE LUCKY! yxmg '92 WILLYS PANEL .. .$159S Cleen, excellent original red finish, onlr 8,138 mllee. A real burl '51 HUDSON $2195 Commodore 6. overdrive, RH, -low mileage, excellent condition throughout. '47 PLYMOUTH $793 4-door sedan, RAH, new motor, new paint, gooa runner. SHROCK'S Where Chemeketa Does to Church '51 CHEVROLET $1495 striding apeclai fordor, heater, de frosters, aeat coven. '50 PONTIAC $1695 Chl.Italn deluxe sedan, fullr equipped, 3-tone finish. '50 DE SOTO $16R5 Verr clean, low mileage, excellent throughout, and Balem'e bast bur. WESTERN MOTORS 1113 Broadwar BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM A REPUTABLE ASSOCIATION DEALER Remember! NO SUNDAY SALES! The Weekend Specials ond Message Above Are Brought to You to You Con Look Leisurely Then Buy Later FINANCIAL CASH FOR TAXES LOANS UP TO $1500 on Signature, rumltura. Car u.V, AT PERSONAL If "res- promptlp te a. Ployed men or women. . 1-vlalt loan . . . phono first, You select beat pannent data. ' Between pardar loans. rnone, writ or com, ja TOO AT I ' Personal Finance Co. laa nrntv MKum nos. wise, aa-so ' wua. ... jvw UB. BO glOVST BXK1 BP SO 10 months I rapap made bp Personal Finance Co. of Marlon Countp tnadat the Industrial loan Companies Aet f Oregon. yaje in oa pott rum. cm or acrjuoiT bviw - Dbg. uc i r.r WB BOT Maaj eaUK siortgagae Je contrast. State Finance Co. in a. nigh st. Ph. sun STATE FINANCE CO. 5 ' SIMPLE WAYS TO END YOUE,;.:; . MONEY WOBIUES l4rurnltar Lou -Aut loan tUrtatock 1MB ..' ; 4 Oo-Uaktr Loan' , t aicnalors Loan . Maximum Small loan 830 " Maximum Auto loan MOO. 181 So, High St. lhona 14111 ill M-331 AQTO LOANS ' '' WnMlIBTrB CKBD1T CO. , - . , las South Church rrkln a-Plantr -ittT . Lie. No. M-U4, S-1M CHAPTER TWO When filially he oame to tii hilla. RJoitaud halted and scanned the plain behind him. The cavalry was Ion, way oft now, itning-ou't dots J18? r 01 d- "Adlos," he called, and was mildly sunried t the croaking tone ot his vok. It toutobq, ne uiougnt, wee tne tsreak- lng of rusty hinges on a corral fate, Riding up the first brush-fetiSed sunt of.the hills, he took hUbx- ings cnoee a past uiat should ?aiU?iHe,nuegler8 WeU" nd II WOUKI. It did. ' Near sundown RlmhajiKi U.v ftiu Gunfight length In hoof -packed mud anltro"ble. no matter how far he rkVe. drank choek to cheek with his horse, I Well, her xwcUcUon had tMen oor- American mua ana American water, It reminded him of an opinion Dur- ango had expressed this morning while he sucked the seepage outol ? A a dry river bed; "The sonuieju oi wawr is in snirst, ami- A aueer euss. Durantro. Th arm ot a wealthy landowner, he had risen to a position of power sec- hand up for protection when tn) ond only to Diaz'. Yet he had been ground enploded against his face so filled with pity for the down- For a brief, blank lntrrvni wim. trodden peons that he turned his balid WtthtaTit TrherThi back on the well-fed aristocracy. A became rtsnotelv aware of t-ouSi ? true Robin Hood, he had raidd th. iSliiiSrL JJaE?.?i , rich to feedepoor and won the highest acclaim a man could achieve: bandldo terrlflcol All the Blood and dust made a gritty mS poor ones had rallied to his call. . fF'JK mouth, and there was Presently he investigated the sad dlebag, and found seven double eagles remaining; a hundred and forty dollars. There had been up- wards of two ttousand doUars' oFihr .B.m b...b. " - w.u bbv wuvii, BTsiH-r. was mm Bvin-uAuitabo price ne naa paia for the privilege of living. "Cheap," Rimbaud said. Pocketing the seven gold pieces, he added, "Enough for a celebration in June Hon town," and wondered if Eve Odegarde still ran her little restaur' TI5 GREEN. UAR;BU4; Patrick's Day used cars, it'll be "fantastic" auto '52 PLYMOUTH $2295 Belvedere, 3-tone, RcVH, onlr 17,800. '50 DODGE $1395 Meadowbrook, UAH, white Idewalla, nice grer finish, fordor. '47 CHEVROLET .$795 9-door, R&H, runs like new. 3 LOCATIONS TO SERVB VOU EAS1LYI 80S North Hleh BIB Chemeketa 3110 Portland Rd. STAN BAKER MOTORS '49 PACKARD ,..$1195 Pordor sedan, nlcel terr clean, RAH, real 49 PONTIAC $1295 Tudor aedan. R&H, hrdramatle, at a Bargain price) 49 FORD $1095 Club coupe, R&H. overdrive, directional Bignaia, new seat covers. ARROW USED CARS 780 H. High if MM UW OU1 M'tSSyft NX. .UOOSCN FINANCIAL raiTATm Mooin nai aaiei aaa ts Oa Larger laa as EOT B. ' tM a OammevateJ su p. 1-olfl 5fo Interest " i Iwa have Ml ftmaai saetlng lavee aaaat, tkssa paw are Um tm al paraas ts wMs wa aan ks f sarvla. For over iu (lie team ww kn kaan helping: patssl 1 this seasesaallg find profit! work fa their sasssc. Duriag this parM we have piwtmptap paid 8 geaal e.aaal aaaanat parsuats totalUn tasutp Trioaienae f Deoar. We are ewrrentlr parais Wnbeuiart taadi trcaa M t 884W. , General t Finance Corpmtloa it e. eranantortL sr. fhaws) MMt HOUSE TIAILERS Bur . . . Barratns . . . Seal LAMA LAin TBAILM fffjABA Trade laa Lssuaster Ave- Racial ' 849 OUB sai'ITT In a Mle feat 101 Ansel w wwr. rn, earn, sxis vwitUM nsv WlIX SM. 8J tl-ft taVsals hais trauat lot H70. ra. atlls. a TsurWa Head. SBBeva rrrrgf rgggggii i iaj MACHINERY M-M K. SAWioii, psMhr. tW-k. abase! wviwi wMr pvEta m vuoMsbU Tbbv ' raaor ts ga. mi. mopewdeoaer vsi.eeese TAMTATION WOODBURK mas, stats atcplar, waste t ghra ride, asd aavestsea Ts flwa. To Place Classified Adt Phone 2-2406 er's Return laist next door to CWsbeH1 Tim . I viLl. ZTll .lJ7m7' petUln auidaeU-wumtferti tieeiHlSSowd SSnei TlSrV h5 ' Qod wasTomasTs bachafif taJUnetlon hnitde a bTat caurtln, ha, wlthrjXatitwex Bha had mned ' waSSui taSHl. hi didn't, and bad menUoned it onoi ' tn touaMiotuSSM. k. tSSS Stttotoodteat irrjnSS IZtTliLmS SSfl ; wife was the last thing heTd wimtaL Tiiiiiklng back torS5ht helS. I JiinoUnn. Rlmhaiwt iiZT is,. wv ; lOdegarde had wished him luck and aid soberly, "A drifter find onlr ' roc. m a lound tnuble aplentaT Oms past, two ytwrg, and llttla else ... Jim Rimbaud didn't aee the kxn : that OtSJStiSb bin? He heard it swish past his ears. I then felt the ronr, iZbThntZ .S as it vanked him hnui.inTVBf the saddle. He was trvinsi i. m. Afle?w"heer! toatU was lvtaw fx-. EzZrL?J - "1 le". fPfi knd HatlS (The roan stood cropping grass a 2zfn yards south of the highway, !tmeT?JT? ?A . zr.-m- r!t"u." n iw wssnt in tno aeiue! glancing as ' tiv, siw saw dooo taracas Waefw two men Dad carried him out here. Still dazed bv (list lmna-t nt t.l headlony fall Rimbaud got ikrwtr to his feet. Notlclnir that. hi. hnil .. ster was eJtnpty, he muttered, "So sra toy pockots snd my belly." Be wondered if ttia harMit. tZi wa him nougti to buy supper, and was astonished to find the exrren anad pteoes sjiona; with ome sUrer eolisi In his pocket. That baffler! .Tim tUmhaivt wosb had they waylaid hlmf And after vanrinBr Mm fm 4ub saddle, why had they carried hlsi out barer - Be tfaoturht about ttut: a. Wbb walked over to his roan, and could find no logical explanation, it iHrin- make sense. Two men had ambushwtt am who a rope, nasi earned him for a few feet, and then dropped him like a sack of grain. Rtmbaud fingered the bloody bruise on hie head and swore morosely as he rode into the dark defile again. Halfway throusrh Rlrnbojul heeaM the roan1 hoof strike metal, and, truessed Instantly that his run lay in the dust. Dismounting, he felt for the Bun tl tne and found It, and understood why he had been car ried out of here. The two men hadn't oeen roooers. Tney had mistaken him for someone else, and toted him Into the moonUirhr. for a lnnk a his face. He wondered who they had been after. Must be someone about nis size ana shape; someone they wanted to take alive. He was still thinkini about It ss he rode lnin Junction, The town looked sxactlv as Rim. baud remembered it. Sprawled In the moonlight. Its frame and adobe structures made an untidy pattern that began with a hop-epodge of stock pens here at the west end of Main Street and petered out near the base of Cemetery Hill to tha east. Observttw the lamDllt windows of Eve Odthrarde's restaurant Just beyond Oabbert's Livery, Rimbaud felt a high sense of anticipation. He tried to remember if Eves eyes were blue or grav. and was sur prised that he couldn't recall their exact color. But he hadn't forgotten how those eyes could warm a man, deep down inside. Wide set, they ' were, with long black lashes that had made aooty shadows on her lamDllt cheeks the nilrlit she atonrl over there in the doorway and said good-by. It occurred to Rimbaud now that Eve might have changed her ways a trifle In two years: mliht not ha so stralght-laced where men were concerned. Especially man she hadn't seen in a long, long time. For Eve had liked him. She'd shnwm that plain enough. Rimbaud smiled. This might be more of a celebration than he'd planned on. It Eve hap pened to be in a receptive mood. He was savorlnc the fine fla of expectation when a man toi the deep shadows of the stable doer way caUed sharply, '1 rrt you eot eredl" (To Be tJOsctJnued)