12CapitaI Journal, Sakm. fORSAUEHOySES OPEN HOUSE ; ' SUNDAY 2:00 TO 5:00 3 BEDROOMS ::' S0S5 LANSING AVENUE J0S5 LANSING AVENUE BEAUTIFUL ARCHITECTURE AND " EXCELLENT WORKMANSHIP ' Out Sunnyvlew to Lansing, Turn North Vi Block OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 2-4115 OPEN BY OWNER SATURDAY $1,000 WILL HANDLE Two-year-old two bedroom home, lane rooms, hardwood (loon, plas tered, Venetian blinds, Insulated, wcatherstrlpped. eleetrlo heat, 70x170 lot, patio, lawn, shrubs, bulbs, tood (OIL 310 KENWOOD AVX. tt mllo out ol Four Corners. PHONE 30217. milrrrrrrrrrrr FOR SALE HOUSES Open House 1 to 6 P.m. Saturday and Sunday 560 WILDWIND DRIVE New view home, daylltht baaement, 3 bedrooms, two llreplacea, 3 blocks from McKlnjey scnooi, price Dejow appi...... j. w. Ricks, Builder. Ph. J86J0. BY OWNER Spacious 3 bedroom homo In NE aalem. Over 1700 sq. ft. floor apace flus attached (erase. Landscaped 93x110 ot. Price, tis.000. Call 1-7434 for par ticulars. n83 1500 DOWN, ISO MONTH a YEARS old. 3-bedroom sub. home. Ap pro. 000 aq. ft. 33 A. Immed. pass. Allen C. Jones, Realtor 331 N. Blah Ph. 3-5838! Evee. J-8848 ec ,WE NEED $10,000 to $20,000 HOMES SEVERIN REALTY 37 YEARS OP SATISFACTORY SERVICE WALNUT PARK 4 BEDROOMS Among fine homei. S bedroom and bath down, 3 bedrooms end bath up. Large living and dlnlnr: xmm. All floori carpeted with $35.00 per yard carpeting. Finished basement and 2-car garase. Bera U a Una home, built prewar with belt material. It la yours for under coat. Substantial mortgage can be ai ranged. 117,900. SUBURBAN SOUTH A horn a you'll enjoy. 3,000 so, ft. of fine living. 3 bedrooms, S complete baths, living and dlnlnf rooms are carpeted. Stainless steel kitchen. Large party room with fireplace, acre of fenced landscaped lot. A lot of home for only $13,600. LITTLE FARM HOME ltt acres of garden, fruit, trapes, duck ' pond. Well-built home of 7 rooms. It Is located close In and can be yours for only $11,600. Terms. 4585 CENTER STREET East of Lancaster. Lovely 6-room home on landscaped la acre. Living b dining room, fireplace, cheerful kitchen with nook, 3 good-alsed bedrooms, utility b attached garage .Only $10,800. Mort gage can be arranged. JUDSON STREET Ranch style 6-room well-bull I borne that you must see to appreciate at the price offered. This Is a newer home among the many fine homes being built In this section. Yours for 110,760. North .23rd - Enerlewood One block front market. A truly fine home consisting of living es dining rooms, fireplace, work-saving kitchen with nook, full daylight basement, love. ly yard, and garage. This li an out standing oargein at sia.&oo. 365 EAST RURAL This pre-war-built English type home should appeal to a home buyer wanting real well-built homo of lasting ar chitecture, i bedrooms or 2 and den, Living room with fireplace A dining room wiwi nuiii-ins. Tiiere is a full sue basement with laundry ft party room. Automatlo heat. Newly decorated thruout. Qarace and lovely landscaped corner lot. Can rou duplicate It at $13,000? SEVERIN REALTY CO. ' an N. Hlsh 4-59431 eve.. 3-esti Mr. Klent 3-3301 Mr. Moon 3-76H3 . ' .( t BEDROOM HOUSE, north Balem. Re duced price for quick aale. Private party. Phone 38300. afl5 . OWNER MUST sacrifice, 3-brdroom home on larae corner lot, lane comfortable llvlnt, venltlan blind, throuehout, In eulated laundry room In attached e er ase, Immediate possession. Must sell. Look around and make offer. Any rea aonable offer considered. Inquire at 3740 June Ave. or Call 3H550. a64 Mew S bedroom, bionda hardwood snroutnout, l't bath, dble. taraie, FHA appraised. 1180 Greenwood Dr., turn X. of Y at Xelser, 317,000. Bulklers i-none a-oojs. a03' ON CREEK Near N. Hlah. 3 Bed B. Kitch en, Dinette, Bath. Llvlnt R, Ilwd W nr. Baaement, Auto Heat of Fire PI, Oaras., O'ooo.oo. t unit Apt. House, OU.ooo.oo. 0. unit Apt. House, 831,000.00. For Rent: 1 3-Rm ft Bath Furnished Apt, 800.00. Ph. Owner 43043 After o P.M. or Before A.M. a5 COMPLETED APPROX IMATELY 45 DAYS. CLABSirttD ADVKRTTBINa Par Ward ae Par Ward, I llmee It. Per Word, ( lleaee IB. Per Word, I taenlh OOe Mo Beftade Ml.te.eaa 10 Ward,. KADERS la Laeal Newt OL Oalr. Per Word It Mlnba It Were. Ta Place Act In Baune Daj'l Paper, Phone t-2406 , Vtrfnr If a.m 1 Ore, Saturday, March 14, 1953 FOR SALE HOUSES HOUSE -SUNDAY PRICE $8790 "" FOR SALE HOUSES REAL BUY Lovely Setting Just Like New ' Vi-Acre Lot in Keizer District Extra Nice Front and Back Yard Insulated Real Cute Kitchen Oil Heat, Insulated Good Fireplace Attached Garage Paved Road French Doors Very Good Well Almost Imm. Poss. Price Has Been Reduced to $11,300, Better Hurry! AL ISAAK, REALTOR 3035 Portland Road Ph. 43311 KLUMPP'S BUYS LIKE 'EM LOW? LIKE 'EM NEW? LIKE 'EM MODERN? If m, call us to show you through this brand new a bedroom home with at tached garage. Comfy living room, chic kitchen with dining area. Abundance of, bullt-ins and closet space, S0xl35 lot, hardwood floors, weather stripped and Insulated. Near transportation and school. It won't last at 16500. Ask for Evelyn J. Boyd. NOT JUST A PEEK! But a Sweeping View With this i Bdrm. horn, with daylltht basement, also lncludlnt lane llvlnt room and dlnlnr room with hardwood floors. A nice lane kitchen with plenty of bullt-lna. A verr nice den with fire place, double plumbing with forced alr ,at, 00x130 ft. lot, 3 bits to school. All this for 113,500. Ask for Richard Klumpp on this one. "Best Suburban .Home" With amall acreatt for tha family. 3 Bdrm. home with fireplace, double ta res., beautiful treee on a knoll, outdoor barbecue. Beat soil, food well, view. Paved atreet. North. A steal at 39.OOQ.oo. "Family 4 B.Rm. Home" Near Kelxer aehool. Sep. din. rm. At utility rm. Lt. lot. Is. tarate. food well, paved atreet. A real bur at 33,950.00. Terms. Ask for Clrdo Poulk. L. E. Klumpp Realtor 3050 PorUand Rd. Ph. 3-7643 Ere, or Bun. 3-3834 3-7843 e63 BY OWNER 3 bedroom home, llvlnt room, dlnlnr room, lsrae utility, attach ed taraie. 8TS5D. Kelser District. Phone 33753. aw 37OO0, FDRNISUED 3 bedrooms, eleetrlo heat, cloee to eohool and atores. bus at door, shown by appointment only. Call 38830 after 8 p.m. aa. FOR SALE FARMS D acre FARM, on pavement. 7 mllee eoum. want Balem noma. Rt. 3, Box 790, Salem. Phono 4-2838. b03 Farms & Acreages BUILDERS ATTENTION t OOOD BUILDING LOTS plus about 3 acres, no house. Earn 38x38 ft. Some filberts, walnuts and crapes. TOTAL PRICK $7000. ft dn. JXJBT OFF FISHER KUA1J. 230 ACRES 100 A. in cult, on hlihwey. 4-bdrm. older modern home plus 100 head ltTt stock. TD6 tractor. All farm tools for on it iia.ooo, SPECIAL IT-sere DAIRY FARM near Hubbard SUBURBAN - $3500 with 8300 down. Nice on-bdrm. auburben nom. locaiea on Idaho Bt. SEE T. T. ANDERSON EVE. PH. 43714 OFFICE DIAL 4-f4494, 2-4552 DOT 15 ACRK FARM, on pavement, for sale or owner, li acres ctovtr, modern noune. Artesian well, Irrttatton sretem, barn, chicken house, fruit house, tractor, equipment, acre peach orchard. Rt. 1, Box jss, flHrerton. Oregon. b5 FOR SALE ACREAGE MAKE A.V OfTKR oo $ acres strawberry land worth $1,000 an acre, IS minutes from Salem, n mile from hwy. sn House, barn, fruit and shrubbery. Rt. S, Bos 44$. bb3 7-ACRE MAN YAMD, equipment furn. lihed, good contract. Rt 1. Bok M, AumsTlile. bb9 FOR SALE LOTS BT OWNU. I IIKII el Wproi. K N each, ti ml north of city limits, Tlriin sou ana t ooa road, oot bu new u iw bulldlnt on It, other hea all MHiurr fonni lor foundation plug r'xl" tlmbera for center elila. Priced at 91100 each witn izw oown ana tza per too. H. KD WARDS n. writ tsii Ma t. MM OOOD LOTS, 110 down, lit mo., with wat.r, electricity, close 10 iioro school. Oenerol Hel Sale... 343 Conttr. Ph. 33360. u CHOICE VIEW loll In Klnxwood Helxhti. eewera, water, et. Sensibly priced, a.r terme. call owner, rnone s-mis. eaor REAL ESTATE iiiii. IMKtll 11S 811118888 3MU8SS88 itssiims tsiiiii Farms .".."i,.,...M Homes 8lll(tt3U8383 6631831818 81 811183861 I6MIII1 81 8I8I8888 tttlS 88 883318 01 38 SULLIVAN FAUUtOUNT BILL ThU la your op portunity to move up a notch into 8a alms' most exclusive district. Full base ment, four bedrooms, walk-in cooler and aeepxrecse. van ssr, atwh eras, enov, THREK BEDROOMS East, Close to school. Inside utility, living room 18x19. Lame double games. Lot 100x300. Owner will take ear aa part down. Only $13,600. Don't miss this one. Calf Mr. Feene, eve, 26070. DUPLEX DBrvr Beautiful 9-bedroom home plus a den surrounded by several oak trees. Fireplace, IV baths, separate dining room. View property, south. Call boo iJeTis, eves, mm, CONVENIENT CTTT LOCATION Here la the older roomy house you've been looking- for. a bedrooms and a sleeping porch. 7iU dry basement. I block from school. Price $9600, or will trade for oupiex. cau Mr. Nelson, eves. 4-flWJ. 100 ACRES Folk county. All fenced. Oood 7-room home. Outbuildings In fair condition. 100 head sheep and some farm implements Included. $36,000. $16,000 down. Call Mr. Zltiewlti ,eves. 31337. CAPITAL ZONK APARTMENTS 6 lx rental units at $35 North Summer St. Owner will trade for Income m-aDertv. $,000. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR 3305 Portland Road Ph. 4-6M3 ' Ph. eves.! 3-1337, 3-607,6, 4-6B33, 4-1760, 3-0794 - o3 i BR HOUSE, basement, furnace, fenced yard, furnished. $7960. Terms, call 36169 evenings. o EXCEPTIONALLY nice, 1-bedroom rental m a nice district in wast eaiem. 850 per mo. Call Rawlins Realty, .3-4804 or 4-1701. e VERY NICE 1-bedroom furnished rental. newer, clean ana neat, s&o per mo. cau Kawllns Realty, 2-4084 or 4-1781. COLBATH HAS THE BUYS . DON'T SLEEP ON IT! LIVE ON TTI No matter where you look It will bo hard to find a 3 bdrm. home all on one fir. plua un finished upstairs. Lane LB, DR, bath, utility porch. Larse farase. Paved at. In city. ONLY 34950. A FAMILY HOME YOU CAN AFFORD. TERMS. OLD TIMER THAT'S A FINER. When you walk Into tne iron, coor you win see a large uv Ini rm. with wall-to-wall car pa tine. ornamental brick fireplace, colonial DR, 3 bdrms., kitchen with French corner cupboardi, Urge basrat., sawdust fur nace, party rm. with some furnlehlnss, unfinished upstairs. Small 2-car ga rage, landscaped corner lot. ONLY $7930. TERMS, $2760 down and $30 per month. LOOK TILL YOUR'RE 8ILLYII Then set this new lart. 3-bdrm. home (RANCH STYLE RAMBLER). Select hdwd. fire., wonder ful LR-DR combination, kitchen with many bullt-lna, nlce-alied utility room, 34x34 double oarage. U acre, water aystem. blue trass lawn. MAN. THIS IB A BUY FOR 311,0001 IF YOU CAN'T BUY IT, TRADE IN YOUR SMALL HOMB OR ACREAGE AND MAKE A DEAL. KEEP WARM IN THIS COZY COTTAOE with oU piped furnace, lane llv, rm., cheerful kitchen with corner nook, corner windows, bath, utility, ltt bdrms. Lane lot with trees. Paved at. north. ONLY 33350. MIGHTY NICE FOR A LOW PRICE. YOU ARE WEL COME TO SEE THIS LATE-BUILT lino 3-bdrm. home with lovely LR, hath, hdwd. fire., nice kitchen, dinette with bay window, extra larte attached terete (room for your work shop). Fenced yard, larte lot. Nice district on OREGON ST. Price 87050, with 81000 down. EVE. PHONE CALL DAVE LAZENBY . 41703 or MRS, OOLEBBES - 30373. OFFICE DIAL YOUR CHOICE 9 bdrm.. very close to McKtnler school. x3 lot. fruit, berries, shrubs and earden space. Paved street. Five rooms with extra room In basement with saw dust fr. A real buy at $9350.00. Terms. OR 1 bdrm., nearly new. attractive home In Kelser diet, with city and school bus by door. Low monthly payments. Hurry on this one. OR 4 bdrm. home on 75x100 lot In West Sa lem, all fenced. Bey ownere equity and pay only 350 per month. OR wivwr suburban home on 30 A with 'i"10'1' ,prln beautiful view. This Is a iso M home at only who term. For Mors Information, Call DON RETNZ With Walter Musgrave Realtor mi sdtewater St. Ph. 3-1100 .4) ' ceJ' TRADE Owner of a new S-bedroom wishes to reduce his investment, wants one or more acres with livable house. His ,. wo iiet.vw, wim commiunent oi $9400. $500 DOWN B R. house northeast on paved St. Asktnv Price 58oo. AUo a laie-bullt S bdrm. home on larse lot south for t'OOO. WM. BLIVEN & CO., REALTORS 347 North Hl,h St. Ph. 3-3817 tvo. Holmea 3-4773 col TRADE 1ST acre, sheep, train, fruit farm, ..v. ,,,,. 1t,a oKits., tood lo cation. 831500. Would ronilder motel, duplex, or mnd-tn home In trade. Rt. I. Bo 888, Dallas Ota. M3 a 44494,2-4552 REAL ESTATE "The Vegetables Are Sprouting!" HARDENER'S BPECIAL H A. North. Sub. Lovely rard. Pamllr fruit a, berrlee. Plua 4-rr.-old 3-bdrm. raBiblinf ranch atria. Dble, plumb. Do!., f araae. Exclusive dlst. Kxcsllent terms. prlea 118,000 I Outstandln, In arrans.ment and eiualUr. 3 Unusual In euK and llrabiutr. 3 superb settlnf-outb location. Tile roof, whit, etucco exterior .enoloaed patio, solarium, 8 fireplaces, dble. plastered f area. 10 a 10 master bdrm. plua dreaslnf room. Ceramle tile bath. Plnlahed baaement with oil forced-air furnace. Price 333.000 OOUPAOT BEAUTT 3 bdnna. L. room with fireplace. D. rm. Delua kitchen, taraaa and car port. Oood south location, near bus markets. 83.000 down. , prle, 113,000 VIEW PROPERTY with elbow room. 3 lane bdrme. Unni rm. with birch book abelraa and paneled fireplace wall. Picture windows. Dlnelte won derful kitchen. Inside utllltr. Central hall. Lot, 00 z no. Berries, fruit, puts, call ua for an appointment. Price 317,000 A. A. LARSEN, Realtor 101 a. uish Andr Halrareea 3T188 lira. Walla - 33118 3rrea. 8, Aundar Grabenhorst Specials KAUBLXNO BROWN 6HAKS RANCH BOUE-Oomfr two bdrm. horn., nice uUUtr room, fireplace, oil heat, breeaewar and double larese, M block to bus. Price 813,000. CALL FBTER) it. OUSER, SALQUtAN. CHOICE HOME IN CHOICE LOCATION Oualltr, charm, convenience In this 3 bdrm. home, partlallr floored attlo that could bo flntahed Into 3 more bdrme. A bath. Lovelr llv. rm. with Roman brick fireplace, kitchen with dlnlnf area, full bath with shower, utility room, lie. alntl, aaraie. Auto-oll forced atr furnace. CALL J. X. LAW, OALES&1AN. ICE CREAM 8 TORE in ftno location. Dolnf food business. Oood leaie. If rou wont to own rour bualneea see this first. FOR DETAILS CALL O. H. ORABENRORST, JR., CO-OP BROKER. WALNUT PARK ADDITION A, terr neat 3-bdrra. home In a pleaeant and frtendlr neKhborhood. LIT. rm., din. rm., bath, kitchen, brkf. nook and Inside utility room. Price 083M. CALL H. K. LATMON, BALEBUAN. COURT INCOME Two Tears cud Neat and clean. 8 units. S furaleried, ) eareees. Price 313,000. CALL PETER H. oeiser, SALESMAN. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS ' 131 South Liberty St. Ph. 3-3471 Evenlnre Ac Sundays call ' ' B. K. Laymon 3-8480 . J. E. Law 3-0113 Peter H. Oelser 1-0BSR t REAL ESTATE APT. HOUSE TRADE T furnished apta., 8 baths, line heat ing plant. Low overhead, close to the Capitol, always rented. Owners leafing city. Will take s tood clear house for equity. Income $330 per mo. Price $23, $00. LIKE A GARDEN" Ice. city lot N.I. on bus line. Nut ft fruit trees. Strawberries A garden spot. Lee. late -built 5-rm. house with at tached garase. If you are hard to please you should see this home. Price $10,500, RENT-BEATER 3-B.R. furnished home on a fine corner lot In W. Salem. Price 33750. 3750 dn. WALTER MUSORAVE REALTORS 1311 Edtewater 3-5109 Eves. 3-0030 C03 1 .3 WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES PLEASE THE POCKET BOOK Yet It has S bedrooms. .Separate utility room. Oil heat. Insulated. Very aulet 8t. Extra large lot. Fireplace. This Is real value for $97&0. Terms. HOME SWEET HOME And It's lovelr. One of Salem's finest locations. New oil furnace. Fireplace. Party Toom in basement. Gorgeous wall to wan carpets. 2 car garase. itt natns. Lovely drapes lncl. Patio. Large corner lot. Full price $23,250. STOP HERE'S REAL VALUE S bedrooms on one floor. Just like new. Forced air oil furnace. Fireplace. Near bus, store and school. Insulated. No lawn to seed or shrubs to plant. Price ta only $10,500. LOCATED RIGHT AND IT'S CUTE Just like new. Very well built Owner leaving state. Oil heat. Att. garage. Spa clous lot. Very good surroundings. Lots of storage space, worth the asking price of $10,800. Extra furnished room over garage. $1000 down will handle. CALL FOR MR. KIQOINS, EVE. PH. 4-M94 or MR. CRAWFORD, EVE. PH. 4-5030. If no answer call 4-2248. , 8 UNITS Very nice. Just like new. Completely furnished. Desirable location. Mainten ance and overhead extremely low. Own er will accept other property as part payment. Terms. Full price $55,000. MONEY MAKER CAFE In very good location. Established for many years. Very reasonable Tent. Liv ing quarters. 3 counters, 7 booths. Large variety of fixtures. Full price $12,&00. WHOLESALE ' BUSINESS ' This requires a rather large Investment. , No dead stock. Rapid turnover. Low operating expenses. Reasonable rent. No phone information please. BRICK BLDG. Potential Income $100 per mo. In good repair. Corner lot. Owner will accept other property as part payment or good contract. Terms. Full price $10,600. CALL FOR DAN ISAAK, EVE. PH. 4-3533. If no answer call 4-3248. 3 ACRES Bldg, site. Close In north. Very good soil. Desireable location for home. Full price only $2,000. lia ACRES With modern 7 bedroom house. Good barn, chicken house. Located north. Good soil. Pvd. rd. Full price only 15,000. 136 ACRES With 85 under cultivation. Modern very clean r-room house. New 30 by 38 barn. 40 by 40 machine ahed. Ranee barn. Tractor, drill, mower, plow, disc, buxs aaw. 3 wells plus city water, several acres In caneberrlea. Owner will ac cept city property aa part payment. Full price only $18,000. CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS. EVE. PH. 3-4735. If no enswer call 4-3218. MORTOAOE LOANS 30 Year Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phones: 4-3S1I or 3-7830 JOTS PORTLAND ROAD Eve. Phones: 3-4735 . 4-54,4 4-0030 or 3-3558 If no answer, phone 4-3318 FOB SALE BY OWNER 3 new 3 bedroom homes in new dis trict, birch kitchen, each havlnt 15 ooo ft. floor area, 3to Ladd St., 3043 mils Bl- " 'he 1400 Block Evenreen. c5 . .j .. ..... rnuruiii NEAR OLD HIOH SCHOOL, an out elandlnt commercial location, suitable for several types of business In a fast jrowln, area, Lot 80il5. For particu late are Mr. Johnson. ewrwcu ED D. POTTER, Reellor 310 8. Hlth St.. Ph. 3-3810 or 3-8318 C85 niUIUMa ...... DUPLEX Close In and extra living quarters, in. come of $85 per month, completely furnished total of 45 pieces, can handle with email down payment. F. H. WEIR, REALTOR 1247 6. Commercial To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 mm I REAL ESTATE Pa. 38030. . I. Beckett . 34001 REAL ESTATE St. Vincent 4-bedroom. Large llvlnr room, large dining room, good plastered home. Newly redecorated. Some furniture Included. Bus by door. Extra large lot with fruit and nut trees and lots or flowers. Pos stole $1000 down. Only $850. NO DOWN PAYMENT Pay only $800 for lots of good furni ture and get, a dandy small home on easy monthly payments. Really a good lot on bus line In N.E, Salem. Paved street, close to school. TRADE your farm for a good Income property within walking distance of down-town eaiem. snowing a good steady profit. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS & INSURANCE 301 South Hlth Street Phone No. 3-0303 Phone evenlnta: 4-1071, 3-3868, 3.4878, 4-0313, 3-3304 COS WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED (V to 10 acres with good home. close in. Al Isaak, Rlt phone 4-3311. li no answer, e-a24B, ca NOTICE! If your property la for sale, rent or exenange, us. ic witn us we nave an kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 158 B. High St. ca WE ARB In need ot good houses to selL in or near eiern. 11 you wun to list your property tor sale, see ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty ' - Ph. 2-2471 ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TRADE SMALL farm for Salem property, aionu norn, u. l, box. iiuooarcu cb$8' FOR SALE OK TRADE 40 aCTCS, $ acres airawoernes. x moaern nouses, i wells. cows, pigs, sheep, milking machine, el ectric separator, tractor, machinery. Phone 4-2555. osbSS RESORT PROPERTIES BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAIN RESORT LODGE With dn. room. Seats 40. Bathhouse and 30 housekeeping cabins all fur- n nn mi and operating. 1 hydraulic Plant and gravity water system. Price $56,000. Wll ltake other property as casn vraae in. F. H. Weir, Realtor 1247 6. Commercial, Salem Ph. $-9411 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Opportunity Knocks ! UP-TO-DATE VARIETY STORE Choice loc. In Valley's fastest-irowlnt smaller city. Mod. bldt.. low rent. Re. ported tross of 330.000 per rr. Only (3500. Plus Inv. stock. REDUCED TO BLL,i investltate TODAY. OWN YOUR OWN HOMEPLUS INCOME Attractive mod. a-Bjtm.. home plus ruKNlBHED 3-unlt court. On OT-E. Easy prlce Easy Terms. HIGGINBOTHAM REAL ESTATE FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE Downtown First Nat'l Bank Bldt. Office 7711 Woodburn Eve. 5151 cd3' MODERN motel In wonderful location on vc. Accommodations lor one or fam ily troup. 3-bedroom llvlnt Quarters. Room for expansion and owner wanta to " nome or duplexes and some cash aa part payment. Phono 3-7130. Cd84- roR LEASE, g good major Oil Co. service " cd84 INCOME PROPERTIES INCOME 83.K per month. 0 unit furnish er apartment. Tnree nice lots, close to school, bus, and store. Must be seen to be appreciated. 830.000. Phone 30084. rmiijj.rrr.nnit,,,,.,,,,'.?!'. FURNITURE FOR SALE 4 PC. BEDROOM set. nice for sao. K. Sunday. Phoue 33909. dt)3 LEAVIVo TOWN. W1U aell lane Olbson i.initretor witn ireeier for balance of contract. Cash or payments. Ph. 3-3000. dS Journal Want Ads Pay JOE PALOOKA flATTERSAL'S, THE FAMOUS SPORTING CENTER. M SYDNEY, 6 BUZZING, THERE'S NO PLACE IN THE WOftlP AtORE SPORTS conscious THAN AUSTRALIA. WANTED FURNITURE mssmm WANTED Oood used furniture 1 Phono 30003. appliance, da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FAT BTEEB. CaU 08-F-33 Balem, or 1-3383, efll riVKTCKwTNTED"" LOCKEB BEEF White faco Hereford, 38o. Locker nork. 30c Nothlna down. S nos. to pay. Custom kllllni. Trailer loaned free. Balem Meat Co. 1338 S. 3Slh. Ph. 34868. "a RABBITS CALIFORNIA BUCKS and does. Phone 4-3081. 4410 Claxter Rd. eb87 BABBITS WANTED. Any else and quan tlty, also purebred breedlns atock for eale. Phone 3-7107. ebla PETS MOORE TROPICAL FISH, equipment, supplies. 2 miles from Lancaster Macteay road. Phono 4-3773. Closed Wednesdaya. tc88 TOUNG'S TROUT FARM, tood flshlnt. 3 miles east of Oataa.on Una County aide. ocOS1 HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1038 McCoy. one block cast of N. Capitol, 1(4 blocks north of Madison, Ph. 3-8837. ec76 CHOICE CANARIES 1340 Chemeketa St. Ph. 34385. C84. BOXER PUPS A.K.C. champion sired. 700 Hawthorne. Phone 83533. Olenn Hocnatetier. .cea FUEL BUZ ANDERSON'S handplcked alabwood, now a corn sit.uo. rnone a-7751 4-4353. ae7B Oregon Fuel Co. SLAB AND SAWDUST S. & H. Green Stamps Phono 36533 - 3087 Broadway ee Capitol Lumber Fuel Co, Pick up your Presto-Lots, Briquet, and wood. 198 bo. com'l, phone 8-7731, Capitol Lumber Fuel Co, HPEUIAI, FOR 30 DAYB Planer trjlmmlnis, 38 load. Phont 37731 OS Hiway Fuel Co. Sawdust tube service, all kinds of wood. Phone 3-8444. ae WALNUT SHELLS, 30 aacta for 31. 83 ton. 13 ton delivered In town. Morrla Klorleln Facklnt Co., 400 North Front. ee West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 10" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood 1535 Edtewater Phone Salem 3-4031 FOR SALE POULTRY GIANT TOULOUSE loose etta. T. B. Jortensen, 011 west Bowden Lane. 41908. f5 YEARLING HEAVY hens, 30c lb. Ph. 30376. 165' WANTED Colored fryers, colored and lethorn hens. Hlthest prices. Lees Hatchery, phone 32861. f FOB SALE Twice weekly, day-old chicks In New Hampshire,, Parmentera, Red, White Leonoras, Austra-Whlte, White Rocks, White Wyandottes. Parmenter cockerels. Lee Hatchery, phone 32861. f' SPECIAL New Hampahlre pullets. Itc ea. vauey farm store, Ph. 44624, 170' WHITE LEGHORN, Austrawhlte, and New nampanire emexs, 310 hundred. Ph. 30343. palmera Poultry Farm, Brooks. ne GOLDEN BROAD and New Hampshire chicks, hatched every Monday and Thurs day. Our chicks trow faster. Pox's Hatchery. 3830 State St. Ph. 34960. f PRODUCE ORGANIC GROWN TREE-RIPENED or- antes and trapefrult. Potatoes, onions. applet and nut,. PHILLIP BROS. FARM MARKET, 5000 Lancaster Drive, Phone 3-1195. ff HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED poultry prooeeslnt help, both male and female. Olve full details first letter. Box 15, Capital Journal. 164 HELP WANTED MALE EXPERIENCED furniture and floor cover ing salesman, permanent position, salary and commission. Apply Hogg Bros., 260 State 8t. ga64 WANTED: Experienced paint clerk. State age and experience. Excellent opportun ity for right man. Box 14, capital Journal. ga64 WANT someone with power saw to saw some iJnch wood. Henry Rasmussen, Phone 4-2728. Rt. , Box 2B9, Salem. ga63 Gang Trim Saw Operator for nlsht shift, 5 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. See Mr. York at West Salem Lumber Co., 1180 Wallace Road. sa EXPERIENCED CLEANER, preaaer or spotter. Oood waxes, steady work. Dallaa City Cleaners. Dallas, Oreton. ta63 WANTED SALESMAN OPENING FOR roofing salesman. Selling experience absolutely necessary, salary and commission. Apply Monday between snd 10. R. L. Elfstrom Co., 280 So. Liberty. fgfis NEW YORK CORPORATION Will hire 2 men for Salem area. Above average earnings, pleasant dignified work contacting prospects who are In terested and want our service. Sales ex perience helpful but not necessary. Car needed. Present Job may be held dur ing training period. Age no handicap. For Interview, contact Mr. Mar, 4-6361 or 4-6352 between 10:30 and 12:30 week days. g(64a ournal Want Ads Pay "mcFARLANE NOTr THE 'VtVW.T ARE TPALOOKAS T 0l6&EP. BOOV "1 I Bl"5"3av1" nirilll l. "1 ONLY HAS WON J BETTINU I THE COOS? J TWO TO ONE I PUNCHING WILL WEAR I'N I. &EORGI6 . 1 S. WANTED SALESMAN ' INTERVIEW FOR " TIRE SALESMEN win bo held br the Oentral Tiro Rubber Co. at 110 Statt St. sn March 13, 13, 14,' II, from 8 to 4. Salary and bonus. Experience helpful but not , ssentlal. Steady employment assured. PH. 2-2439 HELP WANTED FEMALE WAITRESS woodroffe'a San Shop, 3400 Portland Rd. No pnont cans. to' CAB HOP Woodrofft's San Shop, 3400 Portland Rd. No phont calls. lb' WALNUT IHELLEBS A whole winter's work. Morrla Horrent pactum tso N. Front. id Registered NURSES for part time, sterlings, mornings, et S or 4 hours day, variety of serrlees, O.B., Surgery, general duty. Call 1-4126, Superintendent of Nurses. gb63 GIBL OB WOMAN for general housework, care of 2 children. Live in. Phone 25350, t)03 WANTED POSITIONS CUSTOM BOTO-TILLINQ, It" machine at 34 an hour, call 43075. HOUSE-CLEANING and Ironlnt by hour. Ph. 34668. h03' CARPENTER WORK, repair. Ph. 33586. h63 FAINTING. Free estimates. 30 yeara ex perience in Salem. Phono 3-7553. hBS1 PRACTICAL NURSE available, diabetic preferred. Writ, Box 10, Capital Journal. noj' BOTO-TILLING, 85 per hour. 448 S. 15th. raone 39664. hes CUSTOM ROTO HOEINO 34 per hour. Ph. 33768 PLOWINO and dleclnt. Orover L. Hamann, hbo jsiossom or., eaiem. Phone 3-1111. has' PLOWING, IMMEDIATE SERVICE. 3,1300. h87 NEW - lawns. Rotary noelnt. Free esti mates. Duane Woleott, Phono 3-8137. h87 EXPERIENCED woman want ironlnt or eleanlnt. Call after 0 p.m. , 093 S. Capitol. net1 GOOD CARE tlven children. My home, References. Phone 4-5608. h87 WANTED House eleanlnt. exp. baby tit. tint. Phone 33900 tvenlnts. h04 BOTO-HOEINO, , call after 6:10, 3-9425. hS3 CUSTOM Rotary hoelni 34 an hour. Phone 3-72SB alter a p.m. h63' PATCH PLASTERING, basements water proofed by plaaterlnt. Frank's Service, Phone 36045. h8r PAPER HANGING, painting, frea est!. mates. Don Lucero. Ph. 35523. h73 MRS. MICKZNHAM DAY NURSERY State licensed and Inspected. Ph. 27890. h67 Garden Plowing Ph 23041 TAX RETURNS prepared in your home, ressonaDie rates, rn. 4ZQ3J. nes" GARDEN, FLOWER bed and lawn pre paration. Flowing, oOLscing, leveling, ro totaling. Service Center. Phone 43973. h76 INCOME TAX BLANKS prepared reason' amy. rn. aooij. nss TILLING WITH new U.E. ROTARY TIL LER. Phone evening S-83SS. h84 LIGHT CRAWLER, dozing, dirt leveling. gracing, mono a-aaao. mv LANDSCAPE maintenance, prunlhg, trim ming, planting, iertmsing. service Cen ter. Phone 43573. hit" WILL DO CEILING, one wall or entire noose, do ail kinds of painting, brush and spray, furnish references, by hour or contract, ra ne' CUSTOM WORK plowing and discing. rnone a-3. ibvs Bircnwood Dr. h84' TREE WORK. Topping, trimming, remov- ing. insured operator. John Payne. Ph, 36628. h7S HOME BUILDING and carpenter work. Ph. eaise. h3' CARPENTER cabinet work, home re modeling, free estimates. Call 2-8411, 4-1623. hflft RADIO TV SERVICE TV ANTENNA bonded and licensed apt. clause installed 310. Plua material. Call any time. Free estimates. Phono 4-3263, ha66 FOR RENT FOR RENT on Airport Road, 30x60 building on concrete slab. Concrete for parkins area. Contact owner. s N. Hlsh St. 15 WANTED TO RENT OR 3 BEDROOM house, no children. permanent. Telepnone employee. Phone a. strader, senator Hotel, 34101. Ja65' BEDBOOM HOME. Telephone employee. remanent, pnone William O'Maller. Senator Hotel, 34151. JaOS' GOOD FARM LAND within 30 miles of saiem. Wayne Ooode .Rt. 0. Box 167. Phone 3-3964. 1063 BEDROOM HOME with reasonable rent, April 1st. 3-9876. Jat FOR RENT ROOMS NICE SLEEPINO rooms, hot At cold water. eei N. Hlth. pay by weex or month. Jk66 SEVERAL BOOMS, clean, very nice, near atate bulldlnss, 35 per week, 820 per month. Phone 41713. Ik66 PLEASANT RLEErlNG room close In. Man. 548 N. Cottate. IkSS NICE CLEAN comfortable sleeping room, a n. uoiiage. rn. 3&7i. jicss LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms. Avail able March 16. Also 8-room apartment. 63S n. Winter. Jk64 SLEEPING ROOM for 1 Church. Ph. 34336. ?M N. Jk64 LARGE WARM furn. room for man, with kitchen fe bath, 29.00. 1474 Court eve nings. jk84 FOR RENT HOUSES FURNITURE FOR BALE With house for rent, 850, oil heat, f.p.. hw. fl., all furniture or by piece. No reasonable offer refused. Ph. 39412 morn., or 20471 after 9 for appointment. Jm64 S-ROOM modern. Rural district. Oarden plot, fruit, near school. Phone 4-1110. Jm84 CLEAN AND neat I bedroom unfurnished house, attached garage, large living room, Venetian blinds, electric heat, 635. No pets. H mile East 4 Corners. Phone 4-1976 or ek for kers at 4676 State. Jm67s WANTED SALESMAN W. V. "PAT" LYTLE STATE TIRE SERVICE , aYI FOR RENT HOUSES CLEAN FUBNlsmtD 1 bedroom home. Oa rate. Adults. No pets. 4.6168. Jrnoo VEBI NICELY furnished duplex. AH prt rate. Near Forestry bulldlnt. 35085. Im87. WEST SALEM i Clean 1-bedroom, hardwood i floors, tleotrle heat, nice yard. 1491 I 7th St. jrnoo J NEWLY redecorated 3-bedroom house, close a in. 800 mo. Phono 3-6504. Jm63 FOR RKNTt 4room house. 133 mo. llin .8. Winter St. See Sun., sip a.m. to 4 4 P ' Jm63 J KINGWOOD HEIGHTS. Small unfurnlsh- ! ed 2 bedroom house, with range and 1 refrigerator, g55. Phone 24538. jm66 f S BEDROOM duplex. 4 years old, hard wood floors, fireplace. all electric, yard work, close In, adults, see to ap prociate. fa. aroao, neo Trade, jmsa ROOK In Salem furnished. 135, water Included, Phone 37870, If no answer call ! 42904. jmae- NEWLY DECORATED 1 bedroom, living room, kitchen, dinette, elec. refrlg. t stove, water & sanitary service furnish ed. Att garage. $45. Ph. 2-1329. Jm68' BEDROOM home or will trade for small acreage close In. 640 Breys Ave. Ph. 3-7- Imffi CLOSE DOWN TOWN. 2 bdrm., clean. newly decorated. Also furn. cabins. 483 6. Cottage, ph. 34697 or 35509. Jm6S -BOOM APT. First floor. 3-room apart ment second floor. 1328 N. Winter. Jm63 BEDROOM furnished. Clean, modern, adults. Inquire 1138 Huge, Ph. 25277. Imss PARTLY FURNISHED 1-bedroom houa J& close to bus, stores, garage. 4-5155. " Jm85 CLEAN, 1-BEDROOM furnished cottaie. laundry, garage. Inquire 3845 Portland Road. irr.au OFFICE FOR RENT OB 0-EOOM SUITE, I tlntle. Bulldlnt. Phone 84114. Oreton Jo GROUND FLOOB office or store apace tor rent. Call at Pitta Market. - t. r-rrrrrrirwwim.M FOR RENT APARTMENTS FBONT FIRST floor, fumlahed 3-room' apartment, utUltlea except electricity. 360 N. Liberty. Ph. 37134. Jp07 FURNISHED 1ST floor, 1 room, $35, 1 room 336. Ph. 34070. 1880 N. Commercial. Jn07. LABOE l-BOOMS, bath, basement, and tarate, eventhlnt furnlehed. 300. Ph. 30090. jp04 BOOM furnished housekeeping 507 N. Liberty. jp04 BOOMS FUBNISHED, tround floor, oil furnace, laundry faculties, adults. I860 N. Capitol. Ph. 38778. Jp64 CLOSE IN, Snd floor, to Quiet couple. 3 room, heated, completely furnished . apartment. 698 N. Cottaie. jp67 BOOM furnished duplex apartment. Nice and clean. Full basement. Holly wood. 3-8036. ' Jp63 I BOOMS At bath furn. Til, bath At drain ooaros, tiaasea in poren. Also basement room At back yard. Adults, 45.00. 1207 S. Com'l. Ph. 36050 days, 36254 eve. JP64 8 BOOMS At bath furn. UtUltlea paid ex cept aas. Avauaoie Mar. 30. Adults, 37.50. 1207 8. Com'l. Ph. 36050 days, 3-6264 pltes. ips.. ATTRACTIVE, clean, unfurniahed 1-bcd- room duplex. 340. North, adulte. Ph. 3-4708. pe4 BEAUTIFUL furnished apartment. Prefer permanent resident. 444 N. Cottate. , Phone 2-1887. jp. j 8-ROOM furnished apartment, bath. 1 Phone 3-3530. 835. Jp64 Adults. BEDBOOM furnished duplex. All elec tric. Laundry. 1002 Perk Ave. Phone 4-4685. Jp83. FUBNISHED duplex. 3 rooma and bath. tarate, utuitiea furnished, ph. 3-5367. - Jp63 AVAILABLE SOON, nice apartment with oearoom ana oatn, tood heat furnished. State Street, close to Capitol, 347,50. Ph. 3-437C. Jp83. 3-BOOM brand new apartment, all fur- nisneo. utility- paid, private bath, en trance. Inquire 3372 Laurel, jpes FURNIsnED, very attractive ( roomi In modern private home on Mill Creek, lota of built In,, sarbate dispoaal, close In, adulta, Ph. 37405 Eve. jpes- ROOM Church. apartment, close In. 074 N. Jp64 '-' uus auua with bath, un- .uruuneo, witn tarden plot. Ph. 31117. )n4 PRIVATE THREE-ROOM furnished court .jyar.nicnt, Clean. AOUlta. ,50. 3560 Port land Rd. SEVERAL furnlahed apartments, tood lo- canon, inquire n. u Stiff Furniture. ; JP NICELY FURNISHED apartment, Ambas- owuor .partments, 050 n. summer. 1P77 LeeApts. Salem's Most Dlatlntulahed Address Followlnt rentals can beahown now: 3-Bdrm. Available Now 110.00 1-Bdrm. Available Now 79 00 1-Edrm. Available Now 77.00 1 Batchelor Unit, April 1 81.50 For luxury llvlnt at moderate rates call at 685 N. Winter St. Ph. 41641. )p FURNISHED 2 rooms, bath, private en trance, utilities Included. 145. 495 . 8. 31st. Phono 3-6867. JP83. UNFURNISHED 1-bedroom court anaJH ment. Light, water, sanitary service, stove and refriserator furnlehed. Herd wood floors, modern, close to bus and Store. Call Sft.r R Phnn. ....4. iirrHiiin'inTi, LOST & FOUND LOST BLUE Parakeet In West Salem, MS- 31550. Reward. LOST Ladles brown-framed. .nM.trfm- med tlasses, between Nohltren'a and Montgomery Ward1,. Call Mrs. Warner oiiice. a-none 33191, k65 IOST 1940 FBAZER hub cap. Call 4-4370r k3" ".'i.""0 MU ""Int. Ph. 37830 or Eve? If... FOUND, amall brown and whit. r.:tr dot with red harneta, or will tlve awav owner doesn't claim. 4-4361. k64 rnrrvn d.i. -. 1 . : 1. i. urown nom rim tlasses ... ... .-.JIB. .A.. To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 By Ham Fisher 0 li i