UW.Bronc Houbregs Hits As Huskies Win Dream Game ' Conrallis, Ore. Washing ton'! racehorse Huskies, fresh from setting new individual and team 'NCAA basketball playoff records, and Santa Clara's upset minded Broncos collide Saturday nlrnt for the NCAA Western re gional crown. The winner will represent the rar west m the four-team na tional championships at Kansas uiry next weeic As prelude to the climax game Saturday night, the victims or many mgnvs opening round Seattle University and Wyom ingmeet in a consolation affair. Game times are 7:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. Washington, with All-America Bob Houbregs proving his greatness, made a runaway of the curtain raising "dream game" Friday night with a St 70 victory over cross-town rival Seattle and All-America Johnny O'Brien. Unranked Santa Clara, the Cinderella team which won the NCAA Western title last year, put itself in position to pull an other shocker by turning back the Skyline Conference champs from Wyoming, 16th in the na tion, by a score of 67-52. But the Washington-Seattle game was the one which had had Gill Coliseum sold out for three weeks and left a capacity crowd of 10,200 limp and hoarse. North west fans had been clamoring for three years for a meeting of the two Seattle powers. Washington, Pacific Coast Conference Cham pion was ranked No. 2 in the last Associated Press poll, while Seattle, another at-large entry, was tied for 14th. The Huskies didn't leave the Issue In doubt long. They PIN PATTER By BENN VALDEZ - dust tooBy ana tomorrow until miu-nue u u uic ww left to enter in the annual city tournament and so far the entries i - i j i . ... a n . . neve -come in in preuy gooa hwjjc. nearly m wauii. aiv uci Ditely in and with several others still on the fire and indications point to a larger turn-out this year than last year's fifty teams. Still room on every squad but they will fill up rapidly and we are turaia someone may ue uuuiicu uchubc vi wiiuiv.uii vw..- inlttmenta. Your city secretary will be at the Capitol Alleys all day today and tomorrow to accommodate those not entered as yet. Seems like we were just talking about him last week, . j Til 11.1. ..aU 1. Uan1l i""rvwi enlr iftTllf of the Valley Oil team in the TOOK All xeam to me state luuriininciii, wucie nwj uiuu ii A. J.- TT.l ...jkll .11 ka AX A nr In rt tin si 4Via rlaaa VOO WBllt aft lUf Ami) W CiA sw wiw vaq "B" all-events champion with 1740. It's nice to win any event In the state but the one they all covet Is the all-events cham pionship because that shows consistency throughout thn nine games ana is a Detter indication oi h uuwiu . u uwn . - i 4 1 ...lH nnA ...Ant Cnrnlrln rr nt all.evanta fhn man 10 Ret now tuiu niu v.ic cvtmi - Gerllneer Carrier's had two of the first five men in the class . .... .... .. 1 1 .i i c. "A all-events list. Mine merreii tiea omuney oyiveaiei u Portland for second with 1822 while Brownie Valdez finished - --lij ...iii, 1019 innnnii in iha tint time within memory that two men from the same team vent. r.-1 . 1 J . In 4hA Old Misers captured the class "B" lsning second, saiem naruwurc iuiuui, uu finishing fifth. Down the line a little farther was Talem Title Co., so Salem just about locked the "B" team payoff. Highest anyone finished in doubles waa sixth, the spot landed by Mike McFarlane and Boy Farmer. In Class "A" Pinky Hartwell finished high among Salem bowlers In the singles with 819 and Bth place. In seventh with e'B was Brownie Valdez while several others finished down the line to 570 which was low. Know what your correspondent shot In singles? That's right, 589. ... , . Things are beginning to move rather smartly in the Ragtime mixed doubles tournament at the U-Bowl with entrants coming in from all over the Northwest. Last nite, we were by there and found some Seattle couples shooting at the weekly high score and the grand Jackpot. Leading the parade to date are Jan-Hoodin-pile and Jim Furlkawa from Portland. This Sunday, reservations have come in for 7 parties from Portland which will make the not boil. Don't miss this tournament, as it is possible for a guy and a gal to win several weekly high awards as well as placing ' in the money and winning the tournament. Laughs this week is on the gang down at the Capitol Alleys. Seems Dean Henderson, one of the better bow ers of yesterday to Salem, wanders Into the Capitol period cally and I gets tato the pot games. Every time he does he walks off with mos of the money. Either he has a jinx on those- who bowl against him.Telse he can shoot better there than anywhere else. How ,bOUStateDCha7mplons: Doubles: Ed Birdsell 195, 195, 203-591 Pi! I Yundt 194. 187, and 218599 both of whom are class -5' bowled from Koseburg. Singles: Stan GUford of Portland i.u oaa im dh 247 for 684. All-Events: Stan Glfford from Portland wl heafin uU 521 in doubles, and 684 in the singles. nn't foraet the city tournament and if requesting lnfor :matlo ?caVDu ne Custoan at the Capitol Alley, or Frank Evan. at the u-Bowl SCORES in Capitol Alleys CAl-IIAL MSBCAVf 1T.J J.rton-. ( - leker M. B. Sralt . m 413. MlUir 501, W'"1".51,., 474 rl.T-B P.o (4) Aiblll M, Bow 474 ThlM.il 383, Pleni. JM. Bhflton lit. RMUr (0 LllwllUT 430. Htr 430, BowlM 41S. Kir. 430. roulln til. rrr-i.n Enttrprlti (1 "oW"01 403. Ad.M 410, Dtvli 400, -" D.Cu 001. TwniUtt - B. Thlet I9, WMttlkW 413, OrthMB 400, "VhrrJ-i-i () - lrono B37, Turnbull 431, omor 400, WebS 010, Olntr 0J. Northwnl GroMrr (3) Aml 480. Jpneo 478. ordn.t 0S1, Ounn 35, Lon !. t'h.ppell.i (3) Wlcklier MB, Chp- Pfll. 443, HMt 430, B-kr 408, JorT 440. luiia (1 Unnlioo 81S, Btnlt 375, Manner 447, Ornt.ttir 444, Wlllttl . 501. Hllh ttm lima Bhrrocki. 33. Hlth Um i1m HorUiwe.! Oncm, 358 Him lnd. (ma John tmnt, SIS. HUB lnd. oerlei Btx Bhellon, 5- CAPITOL M1NOBETTE tEAOI'B (InlOer Ilectrlo (4) M. Hooter 367, J. Mclreri 01, D. Betla 410, T. Bolton 1, it. Tex 388. Cllno n4 Jobnilon ro4 S in. a ft.- m u Unnner 347. M. Rtimuuea 181, P. wtttler 318, M. WUlett Mirltn Cmairr l) V. Puiri i Its, V Mtmmr ina. J. Vlenatr 339. C. BUCK 441, h. Hukliu 383. Amltr Mi J,,k, I3 If. Hem 8, M. Merreu Wilcox 441, L. cm 118, H. Htmmetittn 7 PiShiI Onto Amner (4 D. Cooler SJ3, M. Kirk 317, M. Rlckerl 338, I. uri llul 300, D. Wlium 330. Telephem Olllei 1 I. TurnbuU 371, 18. Douthertr 347, O. Beltr lit, M. Burch 380, C Feirun 408. UUi Market 8) B. Pranoe 333. O. CMtero 130, X. riMMlllo too, (V Boai 300. 45 Points broke fast for a la-U first quarter lead and finished with a new high for NCAA tourna ment play of 12, cracking the It posted only a few hours earlier by Louisiana State In its win ever Lebanon Valley. And Houbregs 45 topped the Individual record of 44 set last year by Clyde Lovellette, all America shotmaker of Kansas' 1952 NCAA champs. The 6-foot-7 center had been taken out with 3 minutes and 15 seconds to go and 43 points, Suddenly there was a bustle on the Washington bench as some one tipped Coach Tippy Dye that Houbregs was within one point oi Loveuete's record. Back went Bib Bobby with In structions from his coch to "get his bucket and call time out." He did as the clock showed 2:08 on a twisting, driving lay-up. He was cheered to the echo as he left the game Immediately after. One of the players who rushed over to olfer congratu lations was Seattle's "great Donald Mercantile Nears First Place Donald Donald Mercantile moved up to within two points of first place in the inter-city bowling league Monday night, March 9, with a shutout 4-0 vic tory over Lacey's Men's Wear of Woodburn. Goodburn garage held top spot by splitting a 2-2 series with Jones-Zundel, while Bernards topped Woodburn Feed 3-1. C. Jones took Individual scor ing honors with a 244 game and 541 series. Donald captured team honors with a 1014 game and 2880 series. University Claisic league. Hal finished in the top five in that .. .... , minim all.arnunri. Knrr'l F1VC toga with Trallways Cafe fin- the ALLEYS B. Bleiler 318. W. C. Orer .04 Sa t 1. DvU 309. M. Bcotl 417, A. Outlerru 387. A. uavie 20. a. ood ... .. u. ...1 (it r UeNell 400. . ... p. PhllllM Jfll, p. Pllei 340. connoliaalel Preleht- wara (1) I atorier ana. r. R. Lon 374, H. Slewarl 331, 11. Maekair "varna Plata (3) - Voa 137, O. Hout 340, O. Amunda 353, at. Adama 309, J. Walker 383. Salem Lariere Sapplr W w. am li naar B, Amen .... -- - ----- 354. P. Nolan 303. B. cunnlnaham 354. Hloh team acnea onm., ,v.,n. 1800. Hllh team lama Marlon Cream ery, oo. man iiiu. 443. Hllh lnd. lama Itarlyn Bcott, 11 - University Alleys MP'S CITT LEAOCI . ... - -..a i , i T. ft . .. n . Ilea 418. L. Cappa 434. H. Olrod 413. C. Mevena 408, u. uanisaori r... cara (l) I Kiuinier 503, J, Coltln 383, R. UwU 431. B. Pettll 418. Mathla Braa. Ill . arnai.r u, v. Klelnerll 441. A. Todd 433, B. Ooodle 119 - . a..il. n avatsrai fan t'a ft! ill rnB r . o n a a aa aaa 450. o. athaehoilek 440, T. Maaier 499. Harden a capital viir ninaarr mi NkhoU 480, w. Harden 413, P.. Raboln 373 P. Ada 449. B. WllUar 417. Mailer Bread (I) C. Smith 483, It. Gardner 918. P. Junta H7, W arowB w. rmu -wv. Oil Pfard'e (81 1. Pallen 388, H. Pel . " ki ti nrr ate That ledie 4 J. Johna'on 431, J. Nora? 414, K. Johnion 111. a. Amundeon 887, O. J'!,D ". e u-r.i.... aaa I aioeae ioa . ' - w 0. Aleiander 411, X. Hedlne 179, ft. Direr 508, J. Declare, aea. t,aawaii un ,i, v . . .. - ... n r-nnlA. aaa n. Amrraa 111. IjUKV w-"" . T .'" " J. oannon 009, C. Orabentiorll 405. Hllh lnd. lame ana eerice . 141 and 409. H:ah team lama and aerlea Uoota Udia, 984 and 3717. i :s Win in little man," l-l Iehnny-0 wbe was second high with II points) bnt could .not penetrate tb tight Washlntton defense. Houbregs hit an amazing 20 of 39 shots from the floor, and Washington also had Its hottest night with it oi t ior a .oao percentage. Seattle, badly off, had only .284 on 25 of 81. The Santa Clara-Wyoming game wis alow by camparison as both clubs used a more deliber ate, set-style of attack. The Broncos led 26-24 at the half and pulled away from a 35. Springfield, Homline in NAIA Finals Kansas City () Defending champion Springfield of Mis souri state and Hamllne univer sity of St Paul meet Saturday night for the national intercol legiate (NAIA) basketball Cham plonshlp. Both finalists got there the hard way. Springfield dumped Indiana State of Terre Haute, 84- 78. Friday night with only four players in its lineup at the fin ish. Hamllne, which has won three of the small colleee tournaments representing teams from every section of the country .won its semi-final match, 73-71, over East Texas State of Commerce. East Texas and Indiana state will meet for consolation honors. Coach Bob Vanatta's Spring field Bears put on perhaps the nreatest finish, .from the fans' viewpoint, in the history of the small college tournament. They wound up with four players and a 72-72 tie with three minutes re maining. Gov. Declares Wildlife Week March 15-21 Gov. Paul Patterson today designated March 15-21 as Na tional Wildlife Week In Oregon, 'The fact cannot be stressed too' much or too often that all life is dependent on soil and water, and there is greater need for more Intelligent planning of development to secure the greatest possible value from all resources," the governor said. "Protection of the wildlife species, such as the native Amer ican prairie chicken, or pinnated grouse, which is rapidly beconv ini extinct, should be one of our fundamental responsibili ties.!' Kahut Defeats Ross at K-Falls Klamath Falls OT Woodburn heavyweight Joe Kahut, weigh. ing 185, won an easy 10-round decision over Chuck Ross of Port land here Friday night. Boss weighed zoo. - The highlight of the card was a scheduled six-round prelimln ary in which Ralph Wleier of Beatty knocked out Ace Heskln, Portland, in two minutes of the first round. Fights Last Night New Xark Chlco VaJar. 153'.. Stem. ford, Cona. outpolnttd Vlnea Martlnci, ii9. Faitereon, it, j. 10. FUeenlit Arte. Jimmy Hlrtlnel. Ill, Olendale, Aria, outpointed Jeait ruentat, iob, ijoa Aniaiea, 10. Waal Palm Baaab, Pla, Xmoraon Butcher, 140, Rock liland, 111. outpointed Olan Handarahot, 149, Btnthamton, H. T., 10. Slnranara Mel Brown. 10T. united Btitee, outpointed Hanrr Brer, 183, pui. 10. CLASSI'IED DIRECTORY ADDING? MACHINES AU makaa tiaad maehlnaa told, rented, repaired. Roan, 450 Court, Ph. 1-8711. o' BULIDOIINO Bulldoalni road, olaarlni teeth. Vlrill Huaker, 1010 palrtlaw, Ph. 1-3148. not' CASH aSOISTEBS Irutent dellverp ol new RCA caah lea Utera, All makaa, lold, rented, repaired. Roen. 450 court. Ph. 3-8173, o DRESSMAKING: Alteration!, hematltchlnf, b u 1 1 0 n a , bucklea covered, buttonhole!. Mra. H. M. Allender. 3-9911. o80 DRIVING INSTRUCTION Learn to drive Iha "Ea Drive" war. Cau or aea Mr. Rlokard. Valler Motor Co.. aalem. Phona 13117 or 45174. EXCAVATING Ben otlen & Bon. Excavatlnt, tradlna, land clearlni. phone 3-3050. oOO 3NDUSTBIAL TRUCKS Pork-llft truckj. Inalde and outilde work. Hratar. Clark. Mobile lilt. 3000 and 4000 lb. machinee. Br dor. phi or month. Pb. 33139. Capital CUP Trana ler. Inaulatlon, weatheretrlpa, acraena. Prat aatlmatea. T. Pullman. Phona 1-1985. OI8 MATTRESSES Capitol Beddlna, renovataa. Pull line new nattreiaei. Ph. 14088. o OPPICE Pl'RNITURE 4V SUPPLIES Oeak cbalra, iilaa, films auppliaa, aalea, dupollcatora, auppliaa, deal lampa, trpe writer atenda. Roen. 458 Court. o SEPTIC TANKS Hemera aeptlo tanka cleaned. Una aarv Ice. Ouaranteed work. Phona 17404, 071 Mlke'a Beptle Service. Tanka cleaned. D'rootar deane aewera, dralna. Phona 1-1488. OH- Sewer, eeptlc tenka. dralna cleaned. Ro-to-Rooter Bewer Service. Phona 1-5337. TELEVIRIOV TV Belee. Bervlce. Antenna. 1171 Lena Ave. PBono 1-8933, 041 WINDOW CLEANINO "B at Z" Window cleenere, paint acrap Int. floor waxlnt and tenerea aervlce. Realdentlela our apeelalty. Ot anywhere. Ph. 9-7131. 041 Acme Window Cleenere. tnduitrlal floor wailnt, bouieeleanlnt. Pbont I-333T. 147 Court. TYPEWRITERS Smith. Corona, Rlmlntton. Royal, Un derwood pcrtablee. All makei seed ml. ahlnee. Repalre 41 rent. Roen, 451 Court VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Canfiald'a Laundry. Repairs. RelinUh Int. 111! 8. 13U. Ph. 4-3401. Pltk-up. otuvtir. tw- NCAA 35 deadlock in the third quarter to finish the period ahead 49-39. Santa Clara continued to pull away and reserves finished out the final five minutes. Bill Sharp, Wyoming forward, was high with 23 points, Ken Sears led Santa Clara with 18. Wajktaftaa 09 (74) Seattle u U'Cielia.t S It pf tp la It pi tp 4 s is momiu.i less S S Dohartr.l t SO Johaun.1 S 1 4 S 19 Kellr.l 1 1 S S 4eUnlord. I I 1 I III ainu.a It I 1 31 43 1! PohaleM 0 4 13 1 1 II E.O'Brn.t S S 4 S 1 J.O Irnj I 18 S It I PareoM.t I Aptland.1 U'Ciarr.1 S Want! RbreiM 14 ciprne.1 - Koon.l S Elliott.! Helle.l S ToUla II 14 IS II Totala II M IS VI Wllhtnatoa ...14 S3 II 3493 Beettl 11 31 II 3170 me throve Mated: irumniioa wo Clenr I, Houbrau I. Clprlino I, Kra, Piraoa I. Seattle Sanlord I, I. O'Brien, J. O'Brien I, Oloarukl t, Pahinlek. WraaalM (98) (41) Santa CUrs 11 II PI p - ii pi tp 1 eeara.f I s 10 Burnl.f Sharp.! 13 Youna.r S Oalieri.f S S s til S 1 10 Moore.r Riveras Jorinen.i fflnt. a Uulrhlf Kuaka,s 4 0ehneta,t u MOUSl.t I OrlbUU.t 1 Soarea.t 4 S S SIS ess e Bndatltt lit Totala 17 II 34 U ToUil II S H 47 Wromlni 17 t It 11-43 Santa Clara 10 33 1847 Prea throw mlleed: Wrdmlnt Rivera t, Jortaneen I, Moort I. Sent Clara ae-.ri, Tount i, oattert, Mount I. Berg's TO-Stroke Lead Doesn't Bother Pung Augusta, Oa. W Jackie Pung, the stubby 212 -pound Honolulu golf queen, isn't dis couraged because she trails pace- setting Patty Berg by 10 strokes In the ' Women' Tltleholders tournament. , -. "I'm improving," she said aft. er posting a 156 at the midway point of the 72-hole tourney Friday. ... She 1 in a four way tie for sixth place, a big Jump from the tie for 14th she had after the first round. Mrs. Pung, 1952 national amateur champion, has been climbing steadily in each of the five previous tournaments she ha played sine turning pro. Miss Berg' second round 74 gave her a 148 and a 8-stroke lead - over - challenger Betsy Rawls of Spartanburg, S. C. Basketball Scores (Br The Aaaoeutaa Preil) Oaaaaplaoahl BawaS Echo it, aTBiiotuin sa Klein 19, Jalleraoa 41 Caneelatlaa BaaaS Knapna, to Brawnimit at Heppner 91, Drain 41 VtleeU 14, Taunt 93 jaekaoMlUi 41, St. Marr't Milferd 40, The Aeeoelatad Plllll HCAA Bealonal Bllmlnatlona Bolt Oroea II, wake porait lit uuiiiua, huh tp, Uhmna Vlltaa . Noire Dame 89. Pennwlvaala 5U In diana 13, DePaul 10. Oklahoma A it M 11. Teaaa Chrlitlan ll.i Kaneae 73, Oklahoma Cltr III Waahintton 93, eeattla 70s Suit Clara II, Wromlni "naJA Tourner eeml-llnele Sprlnitleld, Mo. 14, Indians State Hi Hamllne 71. Cut Tavai 71. 949 0 WO LEGALS NOTICE OP INTENTION TO IMPROVE W1LBWIND DRIVE Nonce hereby u OIVEN that the Common Council of tha Cltr sf Belem, Oreion, deema It nacaeearr and aipadlent and harebr declarea III purpoae and In tention to Improve W1LDWIND DKIVI. irom int teat una f Ulah Street to tha weet Una of Bum mer Street, In tha Clip of Salem, Marion County. Oreeon. at tha entente of tha abuttlna and ad jacent prapcrtr, aicept Iha ttrtet Inter eectloni the expenae of which will ba aa aumed br tha Cltr ot Salem, br brlmlni laid atraet to tha aatablUhed trade, pro rldlnt dralnava, conatructlnt cement con crete curbe, and pavlnt eald portion ot laid ilreel with a IMi Inch aaphaltlo con crete pavement 30 feet wide, In accord ance with the plana and epeclfleatione therefor which were adopted br the Com mon Council Pebruary 33, 1933, which are now on file In the office ot the cltr re corder and which bp thla reference thereto are made t part hereof. Tha Common council harebr declarea Ita purooea and Intention to make tha above deacrlned Im provement br and throum Iha atreet im provement department. Written remonetrance tialnat tha above propoied Improvement mar ba filed with tha ettr recorder at anr time within ten dare after tha final publication ot thla notice br tha owners of tha properly af fected. Br order of tha Common Council Peb ruary 31, 1151. Alfred mcndt. Cltr Recorder Dttt of flret publication hereof la Peb. 17. Data of aeoond publication March I. Data ot Ilnal publication March 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1 have been appointed Executor of tha aetata ot Aamuel Herbert Boardmen, de ceeaed, br order of the Olroull Court of the Btata of oreion for Marlon County and have outlined. Periona havlnt clelme aialnal nld eatete hereby are notified to preaent eame duly verified to me at 403 Pioneer True! Bulldlnt, Salem. Oreion, with ilx monthi from data of flret pub lication of thla notice. Deted and flret publlahrd Peb. 31,, 1133. ALBERT MIPPORD. Eaec. I. O. STADTER, JR. Attorney for Exec. Belem, Oreion Peb. II, 31, March 7, II and 11. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice le hereby alven thai tha under. elined hat been appointed admlnlitrator oi tno eitete oi Charlea William Volkman, l deeeaaed. by an order made by tha Hon- j orable Res Klmmel. Judta of tha Circuit Court ot Marlon County, Oreion, on the 4th day of February 1153. All pereone havlnl clalma aialnal eald aetata are re- i auiren to preaent tnem to me under, alined, duly verified, at Room 401. put. naer True! Bid!., Salem, Oreion, sn or before en month! Irom the dett of the flflt publication of thla notice. OejCAK OOSCKS, Admlnlitrator of the aetata ol Charlea William Volkman, deceased. WILLIAM H. TRINDLI, Attorney for tdmlnutratdr. Data of lint publication Peb. 14. Data of lut publication March II. Feb. 14, 31, 31, Mereh 1 II or T T. Lam N O Dr O Chan. N O DBS. CHAN ...LAM CHIN BSE NATUROPATHS UpiUlrs. 141 North Liberty Offlct open Salurday only 10 ajn. to 1 p.m.. ( to 7 pJn. Con ultaUon, blood preeiure and urlns teits are tree of chsrgr Practiced itnce 1917 Write fr -ttrsrtlvs slit No oblljatlon waoBWi i ii ii TRAINING CAMP NOTES San Diego. Calif. CUJD The San Diego Padre held a 3 to 1 lead today In their series with the Tokyo Giant after a 10 to 4 win over the Giants last night The Padres cut the same on ice in the first inning with five runs oft Hideo Fujlmoto, who blanked Hollywood last week end. Tom Alston and Dlrtr Vh,. led the Padres attack with home runs. Dick Kashlwaeda hom ered for the Giants. The series continues tnrtnv anil winds up tomorrow. m m 1 ui L- R) il TffafpfatFWKrj for Your Conenlent Our Store Is Open Sundays From 12 Noon to 1 P.M. FOR EMERGENCIES Can , 38543 39579 CAPITAL DRUG STORE State and Liberty "Toor Prescription Store" Pay less Drug Store SERVE YOURSELF and PAY-LESS OPEN SUNDAY 11 A.M. 'til 8 P.M. PAY LESS HAS EVERYTHING Ferrill's Nursery Shrubi, shads, flowering and fruit trill. OPEN I0A.H. SUNDAYS Vi Mi. Eost of KEIZER Phone 2-1307 Is Open Sunday 10:00 s.m. to 7:00 p.m. H'tr GREEN STAMPS 1240 N. Cipltol SI. J M aAaSSS Now . . . 24 Hour Drug Service! OPEN 8 A.M. TO 11 P.M. AND DUTY PHARMACIST ON (ALL 11 P.M. TO 8 A.M. Just Phona 39123 or 42248 QUISENBERRY'S PRESCRIPTION STORE 130 So. Liberty taoaaoBi Glendale, Calif. (UJD The Portland Beavers meet tha Hol lywood Stars again today after scoring their third straight vic tory over the Twlnks with a 7 10 2 win. The Beavers coasted to their win yesterday after nlUnc un four runs In the opening inning on doubles by Frank Austin, Fletcher Bobbe and Jim Gladd, a single by Eddie Baslnskl, a walk and a fly. Monterey. Calif. U.R)Tli. s. Iramento Solons exploded in a 14 Don't Be in Doubt CHECK THIS SPOT FOR Salem Business Establishments That Remain , OPEN SUNDAYS! 1 BERGS In tha Capitol Shopping Center 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Every Day SAFEWAY OPEN 126S 2120 : 93S ' Center Foirgroundi Rd. S. Com'l 8-10 9-6 9-9 SAME LOW Capital Journal, 8fem, Ort., hit attack to wallop1 tha Oak- lanaiana uaKs iz to 2 in an exhi bition baseball gam her yes terday. ' ., i .: The Solon outburst Included a homerun by Ray Dandrldge, a triple by Bob Dillinger and dou bles by Lenny Attyd and Johnny nacet. Jim Marshall's homer and a triple by Harry Bartolomel were the only bright spots in tha Oak land attack. San Francisco OIJB That SO Louis Browns defeated tha San Francisco Seals last night, but It took 13 innings of tough, hard baseball to do the job 8 to a. Even at that, the Brown pulled ahead only by the two San Francisco crrnrn In 4ha Innings. Satchel Paige pitched five Shutout innlnei fop tha Brnnma The Seals made their three run 1 LADD'S MARKET 1705 S. 12th OPEN 24 Hours Doily, Inel. Sun. GOLDEN PHEASANT OPEN It Noon Til 8:81 SUNDAY SUNDAY DINNERS OUR SPECIALTY US North Liberty Phone 3 8733 , SUNDAYS PRICES ALWAYS Howser Bros. Equipment1 Soles I Rental Senrlco 1185 So. 12th Phono 3-3646 Salem, Ort. k k Saturday, March 14, ItSS ii on tha next tnan . up, Bobbia Cain, who was larked nut M,. Ilin Stuart cam In and wound up war aauuer. ... Palm Springs. Calif. J9 itw,. attle Rainier Manager Bill Sweeney said he probably will send burlers Art Del Duca and Pet Hernandez: to the mound in today game with Los Angeles here. ; Tha Rainier went throueh strenuous batting and fleldlna! drill yesterday.: in preparation for the tiff. ; ' or na AjeeclaUd vraaal ' IMStp's aatrat at. iaia lav s. Ma PTinciaco (PCL) I fll taalaia). Boetco U S, tMrolt U) 4 Chieatt) (A) 11, CMvelasd (A) 4 Brooklyn in s, Xew Tort IA) 4 ' ' Wauktnttaai (A , Phtladelphla () a at. Lsula INI 1. ClaolnaaU Uf ) S (IS fnnlnta) Chicato (it) 4, ntv Tors no . Pllteburi (H) 1, Cuban Stare I San Slats (PCL) 10. Tokyo Oitata 4. I Senator Hotel Coffee Shop We Speelallsa in SUPIRB SUNDAY DINNERS Open Sundays 7 .m. to 9 p.m. Dally 6:30 a.m. - 9 p.m. Baleaa'e fapalar Caffee Slias Corner Coart A Blf b , rbaos 1-4161 , Hocker; Hardware 990 South Commercial Wall Paper, Paints and '. Sporting Goods Ph. 37031 Phone 22406 To Place Open Sunday Advertisements .LADD'S MARKET 1705 S. 12th OPEN 24 l Hours Dally, Inel. Sun. Chicken in a Box Detieloui Pan Fried Chicken Dinner and i Hamburgers to Go ' 2190 S. Commercial PInn 4 1452 . . Dellvary Servlco Opoa Snoday '' n 11