Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 13, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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    Cupitri Balem, Org., Friday, March 13, 1958
Lady Huggins
Here Monday
"Shall Slav, Anglo-Saxon, La
tin or Oriental Inherit the
Earth?" will be the lubject of
Lady Molly Huggin'i lecture at
next Monday nlght'i dinner
meeting of the Salem Knife and
Fork club.
Dinner will be served at the
Marlon hotel at 6:30 and E. Har
old Tomllnson, president of the
Club, will preside.
The wife of Sir John Huggins,
the former governor of Jamaica,
now living in Great Britain, she
Is considered one of the busiest
and most dynamic women under
the Union Jack.
Born in Malaya, educated in
England and Scotland, i
young woman of 21, Lady Molly
returned to Malaya where she
met and married John Huggins,
a young captain in the diploma-
. tic service. Later they served
four years in Trinidad and then
were sent to Washington.
Before coming to the United
States to fill her lecture dates,
Lady Huggins made a tour of
the We3t Indies so as to be able
to report what is going on in
Panama, Trinidad, British Gui
ana, the Barbadoes and Puerto
Rico. ' .
Methodist Women
In Dallas Luncheon
Dallas The Mary Royal Clr-
. cle of the Methodist church met
at the home of Mrs. Clark Lea'
mer for a covered dish luncheon
on Tuesday, March 10. Mrs.
Pearl Shaw served as co-hostess
with Mrs. Randall Buell assist
ing. Spring flowers were used to
decorate the tables.
During the business meeting,
conducted by Mrs. R. G. LeFors,
president, plans were made for
purchase of additional furnish
ings for the powder room. Mrs.
E. W. Jacobson, who Is chairman
of the redecorating committee,
An announcement was made
that there would be no general
meeting of the women of the
church for March, but that all
women were invited to the ex
ecutive meeting to be held on
Bfarch 17 at the home of Mrs.
G. Brandll at 2 p.m.
Devotions for the meeting
were led by Mrs. Burt Campbell.
Guests at the meeting included
Mrs. C. D. LeFors of Battle
ground, Wash., Mrs. Bessie Clan
field and Mrs. G. W. Matheson.
Attending in addition to the
guests and others taking part
were Mesdames L. L. Fotts, Wal
ter Williams, N. L. Guy, J. W.
Shattuck, Otto Henning, A. F.
Martin, Roy R. Livesay, Mabel
Salrymple, B. L. styles, Chris
tina Benneth, T. B. Hooker, A. L,
Coot, Fremont Faul, Allle Hen-
Christians Schedule
Swegle Church School
, A Bible school will be or
ganized and church services held
Sunday at the Swegle school
east of Salem.
The project has the backing
of downtcwn Christian churches
and a building will be construc-
ed on property recently pur
chased in the area as soon as
arrangement can be made.
Christian & Missionary
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. "THOU SHALT
6:30 p.m. A.Y. Fellowship
7:30 p.m. "CHRISTIAN
Saiem & GiurclieA
Kalthl Hesserlal CeaeveraUeaal Louli
I. Whit. minister. Bundw actual :
a.m. Classes for all mi. afonuoa wor-
iMd 11 a-m. Sermon bv tbe minister.
Th Happiest llu." Cunp Pin Olrls
and Bluebirds U1 attend thu aervlee In
observance of Camp Fire Sunday. Filarial
Pellowsnlp aroupt a;IO p.m.
CkrlsUaa aa Mlulaaarr AlUanea Worth
Ith and oalnss. Rev. Paul W. ountner.
paator. Sunday Khool S:41 a.m. Worship
service, ecrmon topic: "Thou Shalt Not
Corel," 11 a.m. Alliance Youth Fellowship
e:30 p.m. 'Christian peritenon" v.M p.m,
Both, sermons br the pastor.
Pint CaureteUeaal-Wt Marlon street.
Beth R. Huntlniton, minuter. Church
school 1:30. alornlna worship service 11
iImb Train Center 341 chemeketa.
Sunday school 10. Service 11. Topic, "Use
Your Mind as Jesus Deed Bis." Rev. OUre
Church el Jeeas Christ at Utter Dar
Saints (Mermen) Filth and Madison BU.
John Salisbury, bishop. Priesthood meet-
ihf 0 a.m. Sunday school 10:30 a.m. Sac
rament service a: p.m.
First Chareh el Christ, Scientist lib
erty and Chemeketa ttreetl. Sunday school
at 11 a.m. Moraine service at 11. Lesson
sermon subject: "Substance." kTvenlni ser
vice at s. Lesson-sermon subject: "Bub'
Baerfaalsed Chareh at Jeeas Christ at
Latter Day Salate elevenieentn ana.vne.
mess' streets. George W. speed, pastor,
Church school 0:46. Moraine worship 11.
Wlllard L. HartnelL speaker. "The Place
and Need of Prophets." Evening worship
a. William c. Bwaln, speaier.
St Vincent do Paal Catholic Columbia
and Myrtle streets. Masses at a, i.. e:ee,
10 and 11:15 a-m. Confessions Saturday,
4:30 to 0:30 and 7 to :30 p.m., and before
The Salvation Army 941 State street,
Ualor chea. Bennett, officer in eherie.
Sunday school 0:40 a.m. Holiness meeting
11 a.m. Young people's Legion a p.m. om-
vatlon meeting 1:30 p.m. Week went
meetings every night during the week
Monday through Saturday at 7:30 conduct
ed by the "Oood News Heraldettca" from
Ban Francisco.
First Chareh f Oe Cottage and Hood.
B. 1. Mclntlre. minister. "Christian Bro
therhood Hour" Sunday morning (:3O-0:3O,
KOAI. Sunday school 10. Morning wor
ship 11. Young people's meeting 0:41. Eve
ning gervlce 7:30.
First Christian Marlon and Cottage.
Church school 0:40 a.m. Morning worship
10:40 a.m. Evening worship 7:30 p.m. Com
munion service, alnglng and sermon by
Dudley Strain.
Cear! Street Christian Seventeenth and
Court streets. W. Bsrold Lyman and a.
Philip Hurt, ministers, Bible school as
ssmhly 0:30 sun. Morning worship 10:00
o'clock. Sermon by Mr. Lyman, "Boly
Things." Youth hour 0:30 p.m. Evening
serrloo 7:30 o'clock. Sermon by Mr. Burd,
"One of Twelve."
Chareh af Christ Chemeketa and Cot-
Use struts. Choice L. Bryant, evangelist.
Sunday morning "Bible Program" (KOCO)
0 to 0:10. Sunday Bible school lo. sun
day morning worship service 10:60. Sun
day evening young people training class
0:30. Sunday evening preaching and wor
ship service 7:30.
St. Mark'a Lathersn 34! N. Church St.
Bev. . John L. Cauble. pastor. Bunder
school 0:30 a.m. Dlvlna eervlce 11 a.m.
Sermon by the pastor. Adult instruction
class meeta at 4 p.m. Intermediate Luther
League at 0. Senior Luther League g:w
p.m. Lenten service Wednesday evening
at 7:30.
Christ Lutheran State street at lltb.
The Rev. T. M. oebhard, pastor. Sunday
worship services: 1:40 and 11 a.m. Sunday
school 10 a.m. Fellowship club s:30 p.m.
Lenten Vespers, Wednesday 7:40 p.m.
Klngwead Bible 1130 Elm street. Sun
day school for all ages 0:40 a.m. Lord's
Supper, communion eervlce lo:4D a.m, ttev.
Alei. H, sauerweln will bring the message,
Youth meetings 0:40 P.m. Gomel team
from the EMB ohurch, Dallas, will pre
sent the gospel In song and words i:w
aires Chares, af the Naearene Thlr
teenth and center etreet. churoh school
0:40. "That They Might Know Him" 10:00.
Youth devotional hour 0:30. "Lire's Great
est Necessity" 1:30.
First Baalist Marlon and Liberty. Dr.
Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Rev. Thorn
ton Jansma, assistant pastor. Sunday
school 0:40 a.m. Morning worship 11
o'clock. "The Bellevere Consecration."
Pastor Lloyd Anderson. Portland Youth for
Chrlot choir 3 p.m. Youth meetings 0:10
p.m. Evening aospel service 7:30 p.m.
Quest sneaker. Rev. Charles Losle. Mid
week prayer eervlce, Wednesday, 1:30 p.m.
Few Comers Baalist State and Kim
streets. Rev. victor L. Loucks, pastor. Sun
day aehool 0:40 a.m. Morning worship 11
o'clock, pastor sneaking. Young peoples'
League g:30 p.m. Evening gospel corvice
7:30 p.m. Mid-week prayer service, Tnure
day 1:30 p.m.
aej ill IJ, gaheeaeaaavaaaaaaaeaaaaaw
sewaswaeafcet, rial! It ej sk JeBaeeaaseseaama
Bev. J. S. Watklns now
conducting meetings at Cal
vary chapel, 1143 North Lib
erty street. He will speak
each night on subjects deal
ing with current events of
the. day. Highlighting each
service will be instrumental
and vocal numbers.
St. Joseph's Calhelle Chemeketa and
Cottage Bte. Rev. Joseph E. Vanderbeck,
pastor. Messee 0, 7, 0, 0, 10 and 11:10.
Saturday confessions 0:30-0:30 and 1:30-0.
ChemektU at Winter
Salem, Oregon
Sermon by Dr. Poling
Identical Services 9:45-11 a.m.
KOCO (1490) 10 to 10:30
Paul Newton Poling, DX.. pastor
B. J. Holland, Assistant Pastor
St. John'e Lutheran (Mo. Synod) 10th
and A Bte. H. W. Qroet, pastor. Serv
ices at 0 and 11. Sunday school at 10.
Lablih Commanltr In Leblsh Village.
B. M. Books, BJ3.. pastor. Sunday school
10. Preaching at 11. "How to Create
Faith." Junlora meet 7. YPB 1:40,
Preaohlng 0:30,
Seventh Day Adventlst Summer at Hood
Bebbath school 0:30 a.m. Topic: "The
Orgenlsatlon of the Church of Christ."
Sermon 11 a.m. by pastor R. a. Bchaffner.
First Spiritualist Woman's Club Bouss.
too N. Coltaie. 1:30 p.m. speaker, Bev,
Maslne Roberte. Topic: "The Spiritual
Hopewell BUB RTe H. I. W!dmtf. PM
tor. 10 ft.m. Bundar lehool. 11, morning
wonhip. T p.m.. youth fellowship I,
renint worship.
Or Iter Anitrtvn
7:30 P.M.
207 Jefferson St.
Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson
SUNDAY, March 15 "Ambassadors for Christ"
MONDAY, March 16 "The Peril of Consecration"
TUESDAY, March 17 'Man's Recommendation to God'
WEDNESDAY, March 18 "The Call of a Thief"
THURSDAY, March 19 "The Promises of God"
FRIDAY, March 20 "The Beleiver'i Position"
(No Meeting Saturday)
Popular Choir
Here Sunday
Choral singing at its best will
be heard Sunday afternoon at
2 o'clock when the Youth lor
Christ Choir of Portland, con
sisting of 45 voices, the majority
high schoolers, appears In con
cert at the First Baptist church,
Marlon and Liberty streets.
With the choir will be Bill
Carle, bass-bailtone soloist, who
has answered command per
formances in the White House
and abroad, and his accompan
ist, Jim Brewer.
An interested and diversified
program has been planned
ranging from well-kncvn ne
gro spirituals to devotional songs
of the church.
The choir, under the direction
of Robert Barber, Is the project
of four years work and Is heard
every Saturday night in Port
land, They have done motion
picture, recording and radio
work along with many personal
appearances. Tlyeir most recent
tour took them into the Inland
Empire . of Washington, and
these two weeks cf appearances
will take them as far south as
Los Angeles.
Dr. Frank C, Phillips, direc
tor of Portland Youth for
Christ, will bring a brief Gospel
Special Service
For Norwegians
A special service for people
who understand and enjoy the
Norwegian language has been
arranged by Grace Lutheran
church for Sunday at 3 p.m. The
traditional Scandinavian Luth
eran service will be used togeth
er with hymns to be sung by the
audience. The Rev. O. F. Braa
ten, semi-retired minister of the
Lutheran church, who resides in
Salem will conduct the service
and deliver the message.
Mr. Braaten was born in Nor
way, received much of his edu
cation there, graduated from Lu
ther Theological Seminary in
St. Paul, Minn., and became a
missionary to China. He has
made a special study of Norse
literature, and has written ar
ticles and features for various
Norwegian publications. It is ex
pected that older people from
Silverton, Woodburn and other
communities as well as Salem
will come for this service which
is open to the public.
Working together with the
Rev. Braaten in making ar
rangements for the Norwegian
service are the pastor of the
church, Rev. L. W. Holte, and
the congregation s board of dea
cons: Henry Hanson, Julius Slat-
turn, Carroll Aust, Merle Peter
son and Marlln Voiding. .
Salvation Army
Training Group
A group of Woman Cadets
from the Salvation Army Train
ing college in San Francisco,
will be visiting Salem on March
The Cadets will be conduct
ing a series of Evangelistic
meetings each evening during
the period at 7:80 p.m. at the lo
cal Salvation Army hall at 241
State street.
The Brigade is known as the
"Good News Heraldettes" led by
Sr.-Major Erma Garman, Wom
en's Chief Side Officer, and for
many years a member of the
Training college staff.
This group will bring to Sa
lem, special music, both instru
mental and vocal, enthusiastic
testimonies and good preaching.
All meetings are open to the
Presbyterian Aid
In Anniversary
Woodburn The 03rd anni
versary of the organization of
the Presbyterian Aid society at
Woodburn was observed at the
regular meeting Wednesday af
ternoon, March 11, in the church
social room.
Mrs. Alfred Moon presided
and the opening devotional serv
ice was led by Mrs. H. F. But
terfield. A history of the so
ciety from March, 1890, to the
present was read by Mrs. J. W.
Richards. The society with eight
members and the first president
was Mrs. F. A. Ford. Mrs. J. E.
Day was vice president, Mrs.
Mary C. Voorhees, treasurer and
Mrs. Jacob Voorhees, secretary.
The other four original mem
bers were Mrs. M. M. Rice, Mrs.
Maria Bradley, Mrs. Charles
Moshberger and Mrs. Henrietta
Roll call was answered with
Bible verses and reports were
given by the secretary, Mrs. E.
J. Allen, treasurer, Mrs. H. F.
Butterfield and courtesy chair
man, Mrs. Frank Wright.
Mrs. Harris Nelson was in
charge of the program and pre
sented the high school sextet In
vocal selections. Members of the
sextet are Alice Chamberlain,
Marilee Parker, Sue Paulson,
Karen Magnuson, Marcia La
Barr and Barbara Baumann
with Dollie Cummings as accompanist.
An invitation was read to the
golden wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rogers on
March" 22 at the church. Mrs.
Harris Nelson was appointed to
decorate the church for the
month of March. t
Refreshments were served
featuring a beautifully decorat
ed birthday cake. Mrs. R. L. An
derson presided at the coffee
urn and Mrs. E. C. Payton
served the cake. Hostesses were
Mrs. Clarence Wampole and
Mrs. Margaret Johnston.
For the next meeting, April 8,
Mrs. Fred Rogers will lead the
devotions, Mrs. Frank Wright
will have the program and host
esses will be Mrs. Harris Nelson
and Mrs. J. W. Richards.
Baptist Council '
Installs Officers
The "Men's Council," men's
organization of the First Baptist
church, will Install their newly
elected officers Tuesday, March
17. Jack Spong, retiring presi
dent, will install the men who
have elected to the following of
fices: President, Donald Heinz,
Sr.; vice president, Gay lord
Sherman; secretary - treasurer,
Ingvard Hansen; and Sergeant-at-Arms,
Kelly Bonney. The
meeting will be a dinner serving
elk meat and will be held at
6:30 p.m. at the Mayflower hall.
No tickets will be void. Feature
of the meeting will be "A Day
With the FBI," a film depicting
the work of the Federal Bureau
of Investigation, and guest
speaker, Special Agent Oliver
T. Mansfield. The public is invited.
Rev. Anderson to
Speak in Dallas
Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, pas
tor of the First Baptist church,
will begin a two-weeks series of
meetings in the Grace Mennon
nite Brethren Church of Dal
las, Sunday night. Services will
be conducted each evening at
7:30 p.m., with the exception
of Saturday nights. Pastor An
derson will fill his own pulpit
during the Morning Worship
hour at 11 o'clock. Guest speak
er at the evening service will be
Rev. Charles Losie, of the Con
servative Baptist association of
Trinity Lutheran 10 ajn.
Sunday school. Bible classes. 11
a.m. Sermon: "Jesus Can Use
You." Both junior and senior
choirs will sing. After worship
the fellowship dinner will be
served by Mr. and Mrs. Law
rence Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Olaf
Anderson.'- Mr. and Mrs. J. v.
Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Nybakke, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Palmquist, Mr.. Viola Kjos and
Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Brenden.
7:30 p.m. Luther League. Topic:
"The Divine Mystery" to be pre
sented by Phyllis Lively. Tues
day. Sunday school staff at the
Jamea Phillips home, Rt. 2, 8
pjn. Bible teaching film strip
will be shown. Ladies Air cir
cles meet Tuesday, Wednesday
and Friday as announced else
where. Wednesday, choirs: ju
nior, 7 p.m.; senior 8 p.m.
Thursday, Lenten worship, 8
p.m., - theme "Sanctlfication."
Saturday, confirmation classes,
9:30 and 10:45 tun.
Bible conference, March 22-
26, each evening at 8 p.m. at
Trinity church. Trinity Broth
erhood, Friday, March 27, 8 p.m.
with guest speaker Dr. Stanley
Morris, Vancouver, Wash., a Lu
theran Medical missionary to
Africa who is now on furlough.
"I Beheld His Glory " a fea
ture-length film In color, will be
shown at Immanuel Lutheran
church Sunday evening, March
IS at 7:30 p.m.
"Church and State" is the
topic of the Rev. F. W. Side of
Milwaukie, Ore., who will be
the featured speaker at the
meeting of the Men's club of
Immanuel Lutheran church on
Tuesday, March 17.
The ' Silverton Methodist
church will hold a smorgasbord
dinner April 7 at the church.
The proceeds from this dinner
will go towards the purchase of
the oak pews for the new church
Gunther Concludes
Sermon Series
Sunday morning at the 11
o'clock service, Rev. Paul W.
Gunther, pastor of the Christian
& Missionary Alliance church,
North 5th & Gaines, will con
clude the series of sermons on
the Ten Commandments. He will
preach on the tenth Command,
"Thou Shalt not Covet" Evi
dence of keen interest in the
sermon series has been shown by
the steadily increasing attend
ance week by week. Sunday
night at 7:30, Mr. Gunther will
preach on the topic, "Christian
Perfection." ,
Lutherans Set
Bible Course
Silverton A series of Lenten
Bible studies sponsored by the
three local Lutheran churches,
Calvary. Trinity and Immanuel,
will be held at the Trinity Lu
theran church Sunday, March
22, through Thursday, March 26.
Calvary church, the Rev. Ar-
vtd L. Hokonson, pastor, will be
the host church though the
meetings will be held at Trinity
because of its larger seating ca
pacity. Rev. R. H. Rismiller, a
member of the faculty of the
Lutheran Bible Institute of Se
attle, Wash., will be the guest
Rev. Rismiller will use a ser
ies of Lenten studies from the
Book of Isaiah, with the 53rd
chapter of Isaiah as a basis.
Meetings will be held each eve
ning from Sunday through
Thursday at 8 p.m. -
Rev. Rismiller will occupy the
pulpit at Calvary church at the
11 o'clock service on the open
ing day, Sunday, March 22, with
the Bible studies beginning that
evening at Trinity church.
Guests are asked to bring their
Bibles and are urged to bring
guests to these meetings.
Bishops Fund for
War Victims Due
Woodburn Using the theme
"Charity Is the Only Answer to
Hate, the Only Way We Can Ex
press Our Sentiments in a Way
That Is Clearly Understood," St.
Luke's Catholic church of Wood
burn and other Catholic parishes
of western Oregon will conclude
the 1953 campaign to collect
$35,000 for the relief of overseas
destitute on Sunday, March 15.
This amount is the area's share
in the $5,000,000 sought nation
ally in the Bishops' Fund for
Victims of War.
Collection envelopes have
been forwarded from diocesan
headquarters to all ' parishes.
Checks should be made payable
to "Bisnops fund."
Four Corners
Four Corners The Well
Child Conference in the Com
munity hall Wednesday afternoon-had
Dr. A. Lalley in charge
with public health nurses, Miss
Ruth Ingram and Miss Claudia
Donnelly assisting.
Eleven children from Fruit-
land, Lincoln, Swegle, Bush and
Auburn were examined ana lm-
m u n i z e d. Assisting volunteer
mothers were Mrs. Leo Dumler,
Mrs. W. E. Crane. Mrs. W. C.
Tahl, all from Hoover PTA and
Mrs. Loren Richey from Auburn.
Felicitations are being receiv
ed by Mr. and Mrs. Wade Howell
(Dolores Pieretti) upon the
birth of a son, March 9, at the
Salem General hospital. The
little boy has been named Jeff
rey Wade and weighed nine
pounds and six and one half
ounces. His grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pieretti of
Portland. Mrs. Lutie Howell, El-
kins, West Virginia. Great
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Gainer, Montrose, W. Va.,
and Mr. and Mrs. William How
ell, Elklns, W. Va.
Mill City Churches
riret rreakrtertaa Bev. Noble stneter,
minister. Sunder echool 1:41. Youth
fellowship t p.m. Services 11 and
First Christies Rev. Hush Jutt, pastor.
Sunday school i:tt. Church services 11
and s. C.I. CM.
St. Catherine's Cathetle Bar. Maurtoe
Oremmontf, pastor. Morn Ins mats f. con
feeelons heard before mass. . .
Free Methodist Hev. C. B. Brewer, paa
tor. 0 under school CM. Church services
11 and 1:10.
feeaasanlir Rev. Lea Joiner, pastor.
Sunday echool 10. Church services 11
and, I.
Assemble af Oed Rev. W. D. Turnbull,
pastor. Sunday school 10. Church ssrv
lces, 11 and 7:30. Yotlni people 1:30.
Ctrlailan ScUHteo Sunday, 11 a.m.
Guest Speaker at
Englewood Church
Guest speaker at the Engle
wood Evangelical United Breth
ren church on Sunday evening
will be Rev. T. R: Buzzard from
the Green Lake Mission church
near Seattle. :
Rev. Buzzard will explain the
problems and progress of this
growing mission project near a
metropolitan area. Colored pic
tures will trace the history of
the mission from its hardship
beginnings to its present success.
The Englewood church has gen
erously supported this mission
during the past year.
At the Sunday morning serv
ice the pastor will speak on
"What the Bible says about Bap
tism." Mr. and Mrs. Lester Or
ton will provide the special mu
sic' " ..
Salem Unitarians ;
inc nev. ureorge . MCDOfl
miffh. baa-tor nf that IrhifMn ..j
Lane County Unitarian church.
wiu speax on -we uiants Who
Are Children" at the services of
the Salem Unitarian Fellowship
in the Woman's clubhouse? at
10:45 a.m. Sunday.
UDon graduation from the,'
Starr Kimr school for thn mlnla.
try at Berkeley, Calif., in 1950?
jvir. rvicuonougn was assistant
pastor at the San Francisco Unlr,
tarlan church. He became pas
tor of the Eugene church in
March, 1952. . ,.
Prior to entering the minis-,
try he served 34 veara in thi
Engineer Amphibious Corps of
ine Army ana ma research woile
at the Woods Hole Oceanography
ic Institution. Woods Hole. Man'
He was present, as an ocean-
grapner, at tne JUlklnl test of the
A-bomb. He is a graduate of the
University of California anrl nf
Johns Hopkins university, hj,
, ... r
Amity Baptists to
Hold Revival Meet S
Rev. William P. Braypastor
of the Baptist church, is an
nouncing two weeks of evangel
istic meetings beginning Sunday,"
March 13 with Rev. Nick Neu
f eld of Stayton, evangelist.
. Meetings will be held ev'tV
nings except Saturday, at 8
o'clock. Civic and local groutis
will be honored guests. . 7
Bethel Park
Bethel Park Snrlnff Imnrnva.1
ments are in progress in the
park. Roads are being graveled
and tfrounda are hiner rtlnwnH
preparatory to seeding to grass.
jvirs. uem runups is acting
nurse for Mrs. Clarence McGee
of Salem, who recently suffered
a stroke.
Mr. anrl Mrs. 7) rtvsrhu1 CO-
and daughters, Roxie and Sandy,
all of Salem, visited at ftio H w
Fite home Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Nelson were
among those who attended the
sectional fellowship meeting at
Newberg Monday evening.
nev. ana Mrs. Robert Swope
entertained Sunday in honor
their son. Bobbie's first birth-
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. John
Liebenow and sons, Ernest and
Larrv of Compllna. Mr inH Mrs
Olaf Soderstrom of Aloha, and
miss rauline swope of Aloha.
Amity Churches
Bavtlst WiUltm P. Bray, paator Bun-
day school 10. Worship 11. Rev. Nick
Neufeld, nut speaker. Krenlnt itrvlcea
Chareh of Chrlit Robert V. Powell, paa-
wr. Bioiv avcnooi iv. worsmp 11, Her
aide of Faith, KMCM, 6 p.m. Younr peo
ple 6:30. service 8.
HethodUt David Poind ex ter, minister.
Sunday aehool 10. Worship 11. Youth fel
lowship 6:30. Evening service 8.
Oak Oreve Chapel David Polndexter,
minister. Mornlni worship 9:45 a.m. Sun
day school 10:45 a.m.
Assembly tf Gad Frank K. Mapes, pas
tor. Sunday school 9:45. Morning wor
smp ii. evening service 7:30.
3 Capital Drug Store lllfa
State & Liberty Phone 3-3118 f
More Proteins
For Better
By J. H. Wlllett
Doctors find that many older
adults and children, too, would
improve in health by a diet con
taining more proteins.
In children a lack of proteins
in the diet causes poor appetite,
irritability, frequent stomach
upsets, pallor, and susceptibility
to infectious diseases.
Older adults with low protein
diets are apt to be subject to
constant fatigue.
You should not change your
diet at will however, the advice
of a physician is most important
in determining a well balanced
diet for you.
Depend upon a reliable drug
gist to supply any medication
' your doctor recommends.
This is the 765th of a series '
of Editorial Advertisements ap
pearing in this paper each Fri
day. '
,e)enfai.a,e, ,. n nils el
We give iWf Green Stamps every day
on all cash sales of prescriptions
Rev. Ivan Correll
To Leave Lebanon
Lebanon Rev. Ivan Correll,
pasior ot tne First Christian
church, will deliver his final
messnRes to congregations Sun
day, March 22. He will enter the
evangelistic field next week, de
I llvering his first sermon at Stay
ton Wednesday evening.
The retiring pastor will be re
placed here by Rev. Orlo Brls
i tow of Eugene. Correll has serv
ed the Lebanon nariih for 1R
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