"""IS Capital Journal, Balem, Ore, Friday,' March 13, 195S 3 FLOOR 7) MR V flfl Warn I Wonderfully new and different even atk "sS ; ; Cbrol a steak e 2?. ..J iliiiiiaoKi Wonder Ovon" Electric Range FRIGID AIRE : THE BRAND NAME YOU Vt greatest Improv h Kwe In y.or.l "WonHar Own" provloei on. .xtm-toro. ovn-or momm In on., each wMi Hi own controls. Lifetime foreota fW.;.Cook-Malr Oock Control. ..Th. dor Dmp-wH Cooker. ;.WoraAo Drawer.;. Sp- Reg. 389.75 NOW 349 FUU-WIDTH SUPER-FREEZER OffiST AND AIL THESE FEATURES I . Fn 9 LiH I. I Mi - - 1 odSusf Mo the e IflfM aBeLk4ewlaMW BflBeeeala " "TWf 'rpriiwini 1 1 y uivtvt eFJej"JWWpreje fBvvtaBf"VfffBBJt7 infcnninni KicclwBvrvA Qvtdtvbo lc Tivyt aynd Loowy ItyHm Reg. 259.75 N0W 22975 Home Jl5J Liberal Terms Hare this wonderful labor-saver delivered to your home now. Come in. Ask about IC Wef mok. terms to euft yoe. Automatic-Electric Clothes When you own q Frtgidofro Aetcenotic Electric Oolhes Dryer Ihe heavy work of wash-day vanishes and anytime hi dry tig time! Al yoe do h pet in a woshertvl of dothes, set the timer, and hi about Vi hour clothes come out soft, fluff-dried, sweet-smeHing, ready for immediate ese or damp-dry for ironing, as you prefer. Reg. 249" N0W l$995 ii ii ii ii j m in irs a-"--''"';;- FOOD FREEZER AND REFRIGERATOR COMBINED ! ''.4 UrgtTwbiMbmllNlOfn Hfe-time Percedin ThenHMDete-WeMoolier Look at All These Deluxe Feahiret: S'SpeedledienfebeUnlb ' Hindi Apalfanca Outlet Wilsthlgh (roller muiimi nuiri luimi imiHU i iiu nuuiut SALEM OREGON CITY mm mm Reg. 448.75 WHILE THEY LAST! JC r New, exclusive - j&Zq CYCLA-MATIC A fffl DEFROSTING f J jL ... ',- Y : , In the refrigerator! , ' I ft Gets rid of frost be-; ' V II - . 'fe " ,v,n t0"ech'i .'... jr , ' ' No clocks, tlmers,coun- 1 J . lers, or heatersl 'yX New end exclusive , CYCLA-MATIC LEVELCOLD! Zero-zone Levelcold In the Food Freezer I Super-Safe levelcold in the Refrigerator end In the Hydrators ngardlpst of outside temperatures! New and exclusive : ROLL-TO -YOU SHELVES I All shelves roll out full length put all food right at your finger tipsl And you get all these exclusive Frigldalre features, toe I , All-porcelain interior. 1 Famous Meter-Miser mechanism One-piece Steel Cabinet Qufckube Ice Trays e Raymond loewy Styling genuine 40-inch jCifilDDtii Here's your chance to own a full-sized genuine Frigidaire Electric Range w'rth all the wonderful basic frigidaire advantages.' This low-priced, brilliantly styled range will add beauty to your kitchen besides giving you many, many years of real cooking enjoyment. So come In today see this wonderful Model RO-10 Frigidaire Range and ell the ether exciting models of America's Meet Beautiful Electric Range. Regularly 209.75 NOW 189 75 Comer Stale and Commercial Highest Trade-in Allowance Friendly Terms ' " " . Open Friday Night 'til 9 P.M.