AUTOMOBILES See Lee's NEW 1953 FORD $200 DISCOUNT 4-DOOR CUSTOMLINE SEDAN rw4-o-uut aUo 6) R.eter 8 Turn signals Essr-Ere Olass See Lees See Lee's I NEW 1952 MERCURY $500 DISCOUNT HARDTOP MONTEREY COUPE Overdrive 1100 Aetual MUU 9 Heater BeeutUul two See Lee's 240 N. CHURCH Another List OF MONEY-SAVING PRICES You Can Afford to Buy with Confidence from SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. 1951 Chrysler Windsor Deluxe Newport Orily $595 down. and 78.81 per mo. Has R&H. Nylon and leather - interior. New white wall tires. Really nice. 1951 Plymouth Cranbrook - aown. - and 52.03 per mo. Guaranteed mileage only 10, 000. Like new. Lots of nice equipment, including fresh air heating unit. 1950 Chevrolet Styleline qxjo aown. and 47.47 per mo. R&H, seat covers, low mite age. Clean inside and out. :1947 Chevrolet Stylemaster down. and 41.56 per mo. New paint, good tires. Runs fine. 1946 Ford Custom V-8 2-Dr. Sdn. Only $180 down, and 36.34 per mo. Very clean interior, nice paint job. Good tires. Motor runs fine. 50 OTHER GUARANTEED USED CARS 50 To Choose From Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER 435 North Commercial (Your Dealer) FINANCIAL i.Wi,ij.iM:7TnnTMHTnnn EBlJt.M.HJ.WlJmrP-f.1HlJl.t.l.H.I LOANS UP TO $1500 on 8 .mature, Furniture, Car AT PERSONAL it's promptly to em ployed men or women. 1-tUH loan . . . phone first. . You select bett payment date. Between payday loans. Phone, write or come In TODAY. Personal Finance Co. IN B. HKJH ST., SALEM flUte License No. 6-123, M-165 Loant over 1300 op to $1500 and up to 30 months to repay made by Personal Finance Co. of Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act of Oregon. rta 5 Interest If you hare idle funds seeking invest- - nent, then you are the type of person to whom we ean be of service. For over Twenty-five Tears we have been helping people In this community ' find profitable work for their money. During this period we have promptly paid M semi-annual interest payments - tnoiiintr mnnv Thouiands of Dollars. We are currently paying 5 INTEREST on funds from sauu to iouuu. General Finance Corporation US 8. COMMERCIAL ST. utM nrrnn Phone l-BUl STATE FINANCE CO. 5 SIMPLE WAYS TO END YOUR MONEY WORRIES 1 Furniture Loan S Auto Loan 1 Livestock Loan 4 co-Maker Loan 8 Slsnature Loan Maximum Small loan MM Maximum Auto loan ItOO. 1ST SO. Hllh St. Phone 34123 S-J18 M-121 r4 AOTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 Bouth Church Parking a-Plenty Ph. 1-3417 Lie No. M-150, S-154 r BOATS YDRAPLANE, 8(4 feet. Excellent con. dlllon. Needs repairs. As Is, $M. Phone 4-1082 alter 4. qq64 MUST SELL Immediately, 12-loot boat km f i H P. motor. Bxcellent condi tion. Sacrifice for $160. 2368 Wallace HA. Phone 3-6146. 00" 00000000000000000000000000'"' MACHINERY M-t( M. SAWMILL machy. 320-h.p. dleiel motor, edser, pond saw, onraamn. . .., .,. loaj. Independence. " ' -V70 TRANSPORTATION WOODBL'RN man. state employe, wants to share rides and axpentea w 1-4811 nosings. u AUTOMOBILES See Lee's Undercoat c"s. Njloo veahabla Orerslie Tim Back-up Llihu Wtodo, Washers - White Wen Tltu RuMn aiiu Undercoat - tone paint See Lee's PH. 2-1527 4-Dr. Sedan Only $495 Deluxe 4-Dr. Sedan Only 4-Dr. Sedan Only $195 PLYMOUTH Phone 3-4117 AUTOMOBILES 41 BUICK SEDANETTE Motor, trans- mission overhauled. In good condition. Also 'S3 Ford 2-door, 18" wheels, '41 Mercurr motor. 1074 So. Liberty. qaa FORCED TO SELL mr enultr. 187 Studs baker Starlight Coupe, ph. 45884, or see at 160 S. 15th alter S p.m. q4 WILL SELL mr 1375 equltr Is iseo Olds, See C. J. McCaU, Qervala. qo3 '12 FOBD F-S LokIot Truck. Fierce trail, er. 17,000. E. F. Butler, Sublimity, Ore ton. Phone Starton 5F5. qd03 1848 4-door Nash. Oood tires, cood condition thTQuihoQt. see 040 S. sura mer. q64' 1941 FOBD Club Coupe. Good condition throughout. Some special features. 39858 after 5. call anytime Saturday. q03' '40 FORD Club Coupe. Ph. 43189. Call eve. 435 west Madrona. q83 '47 JEEP station Wagon, with overdrive, 325 and our payments. Phone 4-6440. q63- (2 4-DOOR Pontiac Sedan. 3410 Bell Road. Phone 3-8104. q03 40 FORD Deluxe Club Cpe.. 885. '43 Olds Sedanette, 875. 5585 Dallas Rd. 063 1953 BUICK Special 4-door Sedan, 2-tone green. Fully equipped, Dynaflo, brand new, no mllei. new car serrlce. To hlfheit bidder for cash or trade on real estate. Mrs. Ora Thompson, Rt. 1, Box 56, Jefferson. Ph. 331. q83 4 PLYMOUTH Convertible, new tires, radio and heater, In excellent condition. Call 870 Kluwood Ave. or Ph. 3-3740. q83 1948 8TUDEBAKEE Commander Starlliht. A-l condition, will sell at any reason able oiler. Call 4-8157. q63 ILLNESS forces sale clean 1948 DeSoto Deluxe 4-Door Sedan, radio, heater, over drive. 877S. 1010 Wllber, qS3 '48 PLYMOUTH Deluxe Sedan. Radio, heater, undercoat, new seat covers, tires, low mlleaie. 1055 Hickory. q63 FOR SALE or trade for cheaper car, '48 DeSoto 4-Door Sedan. R.H., automatic trans. 1895. 1101 Fine St., SUverlon. Phone 41. Q3 1050 FORD. O.D., excellent condition. 81375. Rev. Mel E. Am. Rt. 3. Box 333. Bllverton. 085 1M2 BUICK, hard top, radio, heater, de froster, white walls, undercoated. This oar Is Just broken In with only 5,000 miles. Best offer over $3500. Call 3-3076 alter 4. M' MM CIIEV. 4-door edan Deluxe Power Glide, fully equipped. Priced 11095. pn. 4-3136. 03 1887 CHEV. Pickup. Rubber 60 per cent, motor recently overhauled, lie. to No vember. Leavlni Salem Sat. $75. Ph. 3-1851. 375 Hood. Q63 1841 PLTMOUTn Club Coupe, heater, 738 Ferry. Ph. 45978 . 03" MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS GIVE AWAY, hopped up 1048 Mustani Motorcycle. 149. Ph. HOSI. qa3' 43-48 HASLET. Illness forces sale. Ken neth Snyder. 1350 N. Winter, Apt. 3. Phone 3-8876. qs6J' FARM EQUIPMENT CATERPILLAR TRACTOR No. 20. Sale or trade for Fordlerseson ana piow. Cross street. 1bB 1949 FORD tractor, large rubber, a, l plows, disc, cultivator ana ersaer. com plete lrrlsetlon plant. 3.000 ft. of 4" pipe, pump and las motor. CaU 30374. qb63 RRAIII.EY tractor with cultivator. plow, harrow, saou. uuv cu,ir, .i.i ob3 00000000000000000000000000000' AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING RADIATOR vmuti Motor Co. expert win hit m " i.r.. mnA t.v you money. Free enl- mate, speedy, orvlce. Center ftt Llbrrtr HOUSE TRAILERS d... n.rc.lni Sell LANA I.ANB imunn J""" , Trsde 1940 Lancaster Ave. Ren Ul ..- aill 31. It Liberty house trailer lor $3700. Ph. 48118. 850 Taywn laybli U821 Road. AUTOMOBILES WILSON'S FULL MEASURE S A T I S T . A C T I O N . 1951 BUICK SDN.. $2095 Special with Dynaflow. On owner, 28,649 miles. We' old and serviced. 1951 BUICK SDN.. 2450 Super Riviera. Dynaflow, Easy-eye Glass, radio with real seat speaker. One own er, 14,912 miles, we sold and serviced. 1951 OLDS. 98 SD.. 2450 Hydramatic, fully equip ped .Only 11,459 miles. 1950 CHRYSLER SEDAN 1795 New Yorker, Fluidmatic, premium white wall tires, clean and top condition. SPECIAL 1952 Ford F-2 -Ton Pickup. Deluxe cab, 4-speed, 8369 miles. Has not been used for hauling. ONLY $1495 1950 Bulck Sedan $1995 1950 Ford 8 Club Cpe. . . . 1295 1949 Buick Super Sdnt.. . 1495 1948 Packard Sedan .... 995 1947 Pontiac Sedanet . .'. 795 OTTO J. WILSON Company Commecial at Center Phone 2-3623 WESTERN MOTORS w GUARANTEED USED CARS Bank Terms 7 One-Owner Cars ' '81 Ford Victoria. R&H. Ford O-Matic drive, very clean, as low as $540 down, $49.34 mo. '51 Chevrolet Styleline Special 4-door Sedan. Heater, de frosters, seat covers ... as low as $450 down, $41.12 mo '51 Dodge Coronet Sedan. R&H, gyromatic drive, seat cov ers . . .as low as $510 down, $47 mo.. '50 Dodge Custom Club Coupe. R&H, automatic transmis sion, seat covers ... as low as $555 down, $52.25 mo. '50 Ford Custom V-8 Tudor Se dan. R&H, very clean . . . as low as $420 down, $40.80 mo. 46 Chevrolet 4 - door Sedan. Heater, just overhauled . . . as low as $265 down, $33.15 mo. 50 Pontiac Chieftain De Luxe Sedan. Fully equipped, 2 tone finish ... as low as $565 down, $52.25 mo. 48 Chevrolet Aero Sedan, R&H, very clean $995 48 Chevrolet Coupe. R&H. 790 41 Buick Special Sedan. very good motor, 15 inch wheels, drives per fect 850 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM WESTERN MOTORS 1283 Broadway Ph. 3-9622 q62a '52 DODGE i2-T0N PICKUP LOW MILEAGE Used only ai puisncer ear. Condition So like new we will five It same guar antee aa naw. Equipped with Nylon Jiffr Top, 6.50x16 6-plr tire. rmJio. heater, euitom cab with alrfoam cush., e!ec. awl pen, bumper tuarda, Calif, type rear bumper, back-up Utea, wlndahled wuher. Sold new for 12300 Somebody's loins to aet a real bur on this one. Come and set It. Stan Baker Motors B35 Chemeketa 1110 Portland Rd. Ph. aa 461 Ph. 37364 q62 FORCED TO SELL! 1952 Mercury Spt. Cpe. RAH. O.D., loaded with eesseorles, mlleaie Is low. car ll clean. Will takl cheaper car In trade. Call eventaas. PHONE 27559 AUTOMOBILES DeSoto-Plymouth . QUALITY USED CARS This Week-end's Specials 1947 PONTIAC STREAMLINER 8....$ 895 4-door sedan. R&H. 1948 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE ..... 975 3- door sedan. R&H. 1950 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION .... 1295 De Luxe Club Coupe. R&H, O.D. 1951 PLYMOUTH CAMBRIDGE...... 1595 4- door Sedan. Heater. 1950 DE SOTO CUSTOM 1750 4-door Sedan. Auto, trans., R&H. MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM W. L. Anderson, Inc. 554 N. LIBERTY THIS WEEK END EVERY CAR A BARGAIN SAVE! BANK FINANCE. ALL POST-WAR CARS GUARANTEED 100 1841 Chevrolet Bel Air. Loaded with extras. Ui. new. 1891 Ford Sedan. R4sB, ft reallr nice car. 1880 Mercurr Clb. Ope. Tt&H, O.D., a, aharp one. 1W0 Bulck Special Sedanette. R&H. low mllease. 1048 JPord i-dr. R&H. a clean car. 1848 Plrmouth Sds. RAH, nmr motor, sharp. 1847 Chevrolet Aero. RAH, reallr nice. 1S4T Chevrolet Son. RAH,' clean as a pin. . 1847 Plrmouth Sdn. RAH, new mi tor, guaranteed. 1941 Plrmouth fldn. RAH, a clean car. 1841 Hash Sdn. RAH, runs food. 1141 Chevrolet 1-dr. RAH, overhauled. 1841 Pontiac Sdn. RAH, real food. 1941 Chevrolet Sdn. RAH, new motor. 1941 Dodca Sdn. RAH, new motor. 1840 Char. Coupe. RAH, '48 motor. 1980 Stude, 1-ton tnckup. Radio A heater, nice ANDERSON'S 240 CENTER ST. . TO SHOW MY HEART IS ON THE RIGHT SIDE I'M GOING TO GIVE YOU "Penny Saver Stamps" With Every No Trade Deal THURS. . PRI. - SAT. - ONLY 1M1 FORD TUDOR. Dove gray, heat r, 34,000 mile. 1M0 FORD. Hitter. RkUo. ' A rctl da an ear. W CHbTV. BKDAlt. Radio, heater, boautiial. One owner, 18,000 ao tual mile. 1MI CH1TV. FLTBTLINt; SEDAN. Ra dio. heUr, 47,000 mile. A real black beauty. 1046 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. Radio, heat er. One owner. 30,000 mile. Hon est folki, this Is a Sweetheart) Wolverton's Used Cars 2955 So. Commercial (NEXT TO THE RICHFIELD SERVICE STATION) PHONE 4-5712 , MAJOR STATE 1949 PLYMOUTH This is 1st Series Club Coupe. finish, white wall tires and new set oi canarsiripea seat cover, a veiy desirous automobile at this low price. 1946 BUICK SEDAN 895 You cn have the luxury f a verr late model car In thlx Immaculate 4-door sedan. This car Is fully equipped . and the previous owner will endorse Us excellent mechan ical condition. 1947 CHEVROLET SEDAN 795 ThU 4-door sedan has a custom radio and underseat beat er, Is painted an attractive two-tone green. 1946 FORD 645 A well-cared-tor automobile with the orlilnal dark blue finish and a custom radio heater. A lar above averaaa car. 1941 BUICK i 395 A Special 4-door Sedan, fully equipped. A truly orlilnal car throushout. 1941 CHEVROLET '.. 245 A bronie-colored Special De Luxe Club Coupe. A very clean car at this low price. 1941 DODGE 245 This Is a Luxury Liner Sedan with a cuxtom Interior and fluid drive, A rare model for so little money. 1941 FORD 295 A clean Tudor model with an excellent motor and tires. no down payment on some cars terms to butt and budoet MAJOR MOTORS STATE STREET PHONE 2-0513 LOOKie! LOOKie! Just What You've Been Looking For! A PRE-WAR USED CAR LOT Get them as-ls . . . and buy them cheap . . . trade-downs from our other two lots . . . plenty good transportation left in these cars. KANNIER MOTOR CO. NORTH SALEM LOT B20 HOOD ST. Pormerlr Melr Motor location H. J. (H1NET1 NEUFELD, Manaser Opta Iron 1:19 ta Fhoaa 19881 dare taalas 41881 AUTOMOBILES PHONE 4-3491 SAVE! ft PHONES 33734 1046 FORD TUDOR. New seat covers. Radio, heater, food tires, maroon finish. 1040 PONTIAC SEDAN. Oood heater, .tun vUor. 1949 motor, miles st miles of perfect driving left ta this one. . 1941 CHEVROLET SEDAN. Radio, heat er, nice blue color. Lots of food transportation. Even to the Bast coast. MOTORS STREET 895 It has beautiful dark ireen COME IN And see what you can buy For $65 Down Mil Ob. Cluk Coupe. BAB 888 m, lull price; 1N 1941 Prrasuht Clnb Coup. 888 dn.. full mica 8184 141. caev. eiuo coupe, sen 888 n., lull price 9199 1941 OLda Convertible. RAH, Hrdra. t dn. full prMa 9191 lit roc Use Sedanette. RAH e dn.. lull prka 8198 1941 Par 1-4 Coupe. RAH 888 dn., run prlee 9198 Aynbee Motors 94 Union Ph. 1-OT08 MKht Ph. 1-1181 or 4-301 . ; LOOK! 0 BUY! SAVE! 49 Ford Clb. Cpe. Radio, heater, rebuilt motor. $ 905 49 Pontiac Tudor Sedan. Radio, heater, Hydra. 1295 '48 Ford Conv. New paint, good top, sharp! 795 '48 Mercury Clb. Cpe, Ra dio, heater, o'drlve... 945 EASY TERMS LOW DOWN PAYMENT. Over 30 Cars to Choose Prom ARROW USED CARS 700 N. HKJH . PH. 41481 a"' I Stan Baker LUCKY BUYS! Whether It's Friday, the thir teenth, Monday, or Tuesday . we have the car you want, the deal you want, at the price you wantl See us todayl BUICKS '50 Sedanette Special. Dyna flow, R&H. '48 Fordor Sdn. Roadmaster. R&H. 47 Fordor Sdn. R&H. CHEVROLETS '51 Tudor Sdn. Fleetline. Powerglide, R&H. '48 Fordor Sdn., Fleetline, . R&H. '47 Fordor Sdn. Fleetmaster, R&H. '47 Tudor Sdn. Fleetmaster, R&H. '41 Club Coupe. CHRYSLERS '48 Club Coupe, Windsor. Hy dramatic trans., R&H. '46 Fordor Sdn., Windsor. Hy. dramatic trans., R&H. '42 Fordor Sdn. DESOTOS '47 Fordor Sdn. Custom. Tip toe trans., R&H. '41 Fordor Sdn., Custom. Tip toe trans., R&H. DODGES '52 Convertible Cpe., Coronet. Gyro, trans., R&H. '51 Fordor Sdn, Coronet. Gy ro trans., R&H '50 Fordor Sdn., Meadow, brook, R&H. '48 Club Coupe, Custom, R&H '48 Fordor Sdn. Dlx. R&H. '47 Club Coupe, Custom. R&H '41 Fordor Sdn. Custom. R&H '41 Fordor Sdn. Custom. R&H 'ORDS '50 Tudor Sdn. Custom, over drive, R&H '49 Fordor Sdn. Custom. R& H. '49 Fordor Sdn. Custom. R&H '49 Tudor Sdn. Custom. '41 Fordor Sdn. De Luxe. OLDSMOBILE '49 Fordor Sdn "88", Hydra, trans., R&H PLYMOUTHS '52 Belvedere Cranbrook. R& H. '50 Fordor Sdn. Special De luxe. R&H. '49 Fordor Sdn. Special De luxe. R&H. '48 Fordor Sdn. Special De luxe. R&H. 48 Tudor Sdn. P luxe. PONTIACS '50 Fordor Sdn. De luxe, R&H '48 Sedan 6. R&H STAN BAKER MOTOR CO. 3 LOCATIONS To Serve You Easily! tn North Hleh t Chemeketa 1110 Portland Rd. MUST SACRIFICE! 1952 MERCURY SPT. SEDAN This ear has only 11.004 actual miles, tinted Haas, H., O.D., aeat eoers. will be possible to arranse terms. Will oon skier any aood cheaper car aa part payment. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 26926 Alter l:M p.m. 41 Capital JoirrnaL galtni, Onx, AUTOMOIILES Warner Motors .QUALITY! SERVICE! DEPENDABILITY 1 PREMIUM CARS S A F E B U Y S 19S2 MERCURY SPT. 1952 MERCURY SPT. SDN. GLASS ...;... 1851 MERCURY SPT. SDN. PED 1950 MERCURY SPT. 1950 MERCURY SPT. 1949 FORD CUSTOM SDN. R-H, TU-T0N2..S MS 1949 FORD CUSTOM CLB. CPE. R-H, O.D... 9B 1950 CHEV. CLEANEST CAB ON THE LOT. . 1348 1949 MERCURY CLB. R-H. O.D. 1949 MERURY SPT. 1947 BUICK SUPER TOWN 1946 BUICK SUPER MORE 1946 FORD V-8. SUPER DLX. SDN. AVERAGE 1946 FORD V-8 SUPER DLX. TUDOR. A REAL : ' . BUY , 698 1950 LINCOLN SPT. SDN. R-H, HYD. A CAR LIKE NEW. YOU'LL ENJOY A RIDE IN THIS 1898 1949 LINCOLN CLB. CPE. R&H. HYD., TU- TONE. CLEAN INSIDE AND OUT ...... 1498 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM Call or ask for: ' Jack Bowydon 27850 Dick Scandllna ................. .26926 Thurman Zeltler 23506 Your Lincoln Mercury Dealer 545 CENTER ST. - - PHONE 8-3012 FREE! Thousands of Green Stamps with the purchase of A-l Used Cars. Exclusive 6 M0.-6OOO Mile Guarantee in Writing YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS COMBINATION. THURS., FRI. & SAT.. MAR. 12, 18 AND 14, ONLY 1952 Ford Mainline Tudor. R&H, 13,000 miles . . .$1795 1951 Kaiser De Luxe Sedan. H., O.D., very clean. . 149S ; 1949 Pontiac Conv. R&H 1398 1950 Chev. De Luxe Conv. Heater. A dandy , . , . 195 1951 Ford Victoria Ford-O-Matlc. R&H, low mile age 1898 1951 Ford De Luxe Tudor. Heater 1445 1951 Ford De Luxe 6 Sdn. R&H, O.D. 1543 1951 Ford Custom Ford-O-Matic Sdn. R&H.... 1695 1949 Ford Clb. Cpe. A real buy 995 . 1949 Ford Custom Sedan. R&H, O.D. ......... 1045 1830 Frod Clb. Cpe. A honey 1345 1949 Bulck Super Sdnt. R&H, Dynaflow ........ .' 1245 1951 Mercury Sdn. R&H, Mercomatic 1950 1950 Chev. De Luxe Sdn. R&H 1295 1950 Olds. 88 Clb. Cpe. R&H, Hydra. Dr. ...... 1595 1950 Pontiac Sdn. R&H. Perfect 1545 1949 Ply. Sdn. Cpe. R&H 1065 MANY MORE A-l USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM. TERMS TRADES DON'T FORGET S. & H. GREEN STAMPS ON DIFFER ENCE, CASH OR CONTRACT . Valley Motor A - A-l Used Cars With a Personality , PHONE 33147 CENTER AT HIGH SALEM CONFIDENTIALLY YOU'LL DO BETTER AT CHEFFINGS 1951 Cadillac Cpe. Deauvllle. Extra sharp $3895 1953 Ford Ranch Wagon. Loaded with extras. New 2895 1950 Bulck Special Fordor Sedan. White wall tires 1695 - 1951 Nash Rambler Station Wagon. Overdrive . . . 1595 .: 1950 Pontiac 6 Sedanette. Radio, heater, jet black. 1495 1950 Ford Tudor Sdn. 8 cyl., overdrive, sharp ... 1495 1949 Oldsmobile Fordor Sdn. Extra clean 1495 1949 Chev. Fordor Sdn. New seat covers, two-tone. 1295 v 1949 Plymouth Spec. Dlx. Fordor Sdn 1195 . 1949 Chev. Special Club Cpe. Original black ... 1195 1948 Dodge Fordor Sdn. Low mileage (23,000).. 1095 1949 Ford Club Cpe. Good 995 1947 Dodge Fordor Sdn. Radio, heater 795 " 1948 Chev. Tudor Sdn. One owner, sharp, only. . . 795 ... 1947 Nash 600 Fordor Sdn. Original paint 695 1948 Bulck Spec. Sedanette. Two-tone color 895 1946 Chev. Fleetmaster Fordor Sdn 695 Most all of the above cars have radio & heaters'. Some can be bought WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT! " THESE CARS LISTED BELOW CAN ALL BE BOUGHT ON OUR NO DOWN PAYMENT PLAN (on approved credit) ' 1948 Kaiser Fordor Sdn $595 1941 Olds. Fordor Sdn. Radio, heater, Hyd 295 i. 1941 Chev. Fordor Sdn. Radio, heater, new paint. . . 295 1941 Pontiac Fordor Sdn. Radio, heater 295 . 1941 Ford Fordor. Hot motor 365 1941 Bulck Sedanette. Radio, heater 395 1941 Pontiac Sedanette. A real junker 93 I 1940 Chev. Tudor Sdn. Radio, heater 95 1936 Chev. Tudor Sdn 43 " 1941 Pontiac Fordor Sdn. If you can prove to me that you absolutely need a car for your work 1 and are over 21 years of age, I will sell you this car for full price $19.98 Buzz Cheffings Motor Company ' ACROSS AND SOUTH OF THE LEGION CLUB 1848 S. COMMERCIAL ST. GORDON SINES AND "POP' CUmrlMOS TtC - y. t AUTOMOSILU CPE. R-H, O.D. CLEAN. $1M5 H., O.D., TINTED 2599 FUU.Y EQUIP- , SDN. R-H, O.D, TOPS. SDN. H , OX., A STEAL. 1975 1698 1595 CPE. LOW MILEAGE, 1248 SDN. R-H, O.D., TOPS. 1S4S SDN. CLEANEST IN 898 SDN. WORTH LOTS 898 ABOVE . 798 l Used Car Mart PHONE 41611 CHETFINOS NOW ASSOCIATED WITH MOTORS a i- It it It IS t- l I. I. If V d y ii it a ir 5 in al M Si lt, ar its bf U id 10) I M 1 to , a ' ' V lw . I a,. ' A in" ,. a a.. ... i. :X t . A