anuai journal. Kaiem. HEAL EST ATI Grabenhorst Specials ICB CREAM DfUVB-nt Wonderful location, all new eculpment, long lease. Plenty of otf-ttreet partial. A goad hualneaa that showe food profit. Cu b bought for 1 10,000. Tartu. CALL H. r. Latuon, salesman CANDALAWIA I roomy barms, lovely lit. lit. im. with baatolator fire place, 1m. din. rm., kitchen vita loU ef hullt-lng, utility rm. Single (arua with attached, beautifully landManed. If you want privacy, Una la It. 11,600. CAU. 4. M. LAW, SALESMAN TOT1L Bl PROUD TO OWN tola epacloue late-built soma altuated In tha Knglewood district. Thtaa delightful Mrma., aeparete din. rm.. atuitr rm., fireplace, hdwd. (in. 114,600. CAU. rcTZR H. obbxh, salesman UBORBA1C MAST-1 bdrmi. na. old, lot U St z M. 1M bath, vtllltr a im., patio, fenced yard, amall Van, fruit Ai walnut treoa. A very alca amall Plata, CAU, K. X. LATMOK, aULBBMAH ; GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS Hi South liberty at. Pn. 1-1471 t- Bv en tags auadeyg tall M. K. Layman l-MM J. B. law 14111 Peter . I-IOM HURRY! SMALL DOWN PAYMENT DRIVX BY 528 S. 24th ST. 2 bedrooms, bailment, fireplace THEN come In and lee how -J eaiy It ia to own Lai Ohmart A41M BTJY8 IT l-bedroom noma, flraplaea and saraga good bur for the monir. HOW IT CAN BE YOURS That BRAND NEW homo rouTa ban wasting for to long It'a vary com plita with 1 bedroom, dining room plsa nook to kitchen, flraplaea and plpad on furnace. Loaatad adf of town an blacktop atrtet. Laria lot, too and priced to tail at llo.eoo. MOT KNOTOH BOOM f Why not aaa tbla saw E-feadrooaa noma with part baiamant. Til, It'a rarr nloa with auto, heat, fireplace, In tha Bnglewood tohooi dut. Hen la waU built homo rou will Da proud or low prtea of 61I.160 makea Ihla home g bur. Vtbw-oh warr ami op turn d bedrooms, full baaamant, lam lot watt landscaped, plenty room every where. Our beat bur for only fie, 000. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 4TT Court at. Phona 141 It - 141 1 Bti.: Loula lornu HIM Ralph uaddr U4M Hinrr Tonrend 13031 Tad llorrlaoa 19049 "The Vegetables Are Sprouting!" OAKDKim'a aWKIALH JL North. Bub. Lovely yard. F-mflr fruit 8$ fcerriM, Plua -l-rr.-oM 3bdxm. mnbJlng ranch itrle. Dbl. plumb. Dbi. f aran. ExltulTt dial, dctlltnt ttrma. Pttct 15,600 1 Outitantllnv In arratigement an4 eualltr. v f Unuaual In atria amt Urabllltr. Jf uprb aetllnt utb location. Tilt roof, whlto atuooo axtarlor .tneloaad patio, lolarlum, 1 fireplaces, dbl. plaiterad larai. 16 x II muter bdrm. plua dreulni room. Ceramio tUe batn. nnlabed baaement wltb oil forced-air furnace, price W,000 OOMPAOT BlAtmr I bdrma. I, room with fireplace. D, rm. Deluxe kitchen, aaraaa and tar port. Oood aouth location, near bui it market-. 2,600 down. Price 113,600 VIEW PROPERTY with elbow room. S lana bdrnu. Uvlnjr rm. with birch hook ihelvea and paneled fireplace walL Picture window. Dinette b won derful kitchen. Inalda uUIItr. Central hall. Lot, 80 x 170. Berrlea, fruit, nuta. Call na for an appointment. Price 117,500 A. A. LARSEN, Realtor mi a. High Andy HalTorien . 17191 Mr.. Well. - 13711 Vre.. at Sunday REAL ESTATE Ittlll 8HIII Itlttllt llllllll lllllllltl tltltliai ttlltllllt Mttlllltl Farms Homes UtltllllUIUtlHIM Itllltltl II IttllIMM lllllllf It aaiiiitl 111 91 MMII I It SULLIVAN PAIRMOUNT HILL This as rour op portunity to mova up a notch Into Ba alim most aielualTa dutrlct. Pull base ment, four bsdrooms, walk-In cooler and deapfreeia. Call Mr. Arndt ar... 41781. THREE BEDROOMS East, close to gchooL Inside utility, living room 16x11. Large double garage. Lot 100x300. Owner will take oar aa part down. Only 111,900. Don't mles ihla ona. Call Mr. raene, ere. 38078. DUPLEX DRIVB Beautiful t-bedroom tiome plua a dsn .unrounded by aevaral oak treee. Plreplace, ltt bath., wparata dining room. View property, goutn. Call Bob Davis, eve.. I0TSI. OONVEOTKHT CITT LOCATION Ben la the older roomy house you've be.n looking for, 1 bodroom. and a aleeplng porch. Pull dry basement. 1 block from ortcol. Prle. WSM, or will trade tor . duplex. Call Mr. Nelson, eves, 4-6931. 300 ACRES Polk bounty. All fined. Oood 7-room horn.. Outbuilding. In fair condition. 100 head khtep and Mm. farm Implement. Included. 139,000. 616.000 aown. uau asr, zitiewita ,evel. 31337. CAPITAL ZONE APARTMENTS Six rental unlta at 639 North Summer St. uwner wut trade for Income property, 65,000. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR 1306 Portland Road Ph. 4-6931 Ph. area.: 1-1337, l-uni, l-ecn, 4-1761, 1-1704 093 B BB, HOUSE, basement, furnace, fenced yard, furnished. 17090. Terms, call 19160 DRIVE BY 399 COLUMBIA BT. This home with 1 bedroome, basement, furnace, garage, only 87790. DRIVB BY 660 CUMMIN OS LANE This 3 bedroom home In excellent con dition, in. lot, only 11390. DRIVE BY 4039 BAILET BO. Thla attractive home with I large had rooma, att. garage, I.e. lot only 11710, DRIVB BY 1180 HOOD ST. Thle home with I bedrooms, baeement, B.D. furnace,' only $7300. 1 ACRE OOOD BOIL 11800 BKE OUR PICTURE OALLERY OT OVER 300 HOMES FOR 8 ALB JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 411 N. High St. Phona 4-1411 Xvet. 3-1476 3-82111.7401 cei kxcEPTIONALLY nice, l-bedroom rental In a nice dletrlet In weat Salem. Ml ner mo. Call Rawlins Realty, 1-4664 or 4-1761. e Very NICE 1-bedroora furnished rental. newer, clean and neat 161 per mo. Call Bawllne Realty, 1-4664 or 4-1781 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 16-ACRE ehleken and berry ranch, for North Salem suburban property. PEOPLE'S F.XCHANOE REALTORS McMINNVILLB cbtl FOB SALE OB TRADE 40 aeraa, 1 aora. atrawberrleo. 1 modern houeoe. S wella. Cowa, pies, ah..p, milking machine, el actrlo ..parator, tractor, machinery. Phone 4-3869. obdl .LAHPIED ADTEBTISDIO Per Ward 4a Per Ward, S Na Per Ward, lie Per Ward. 1 oaoatk We Na Befunde Minimus 11 Werda. FADER la Local New. Cat Omlr Per Ward te Mlaletaat 11 Wardo T. PUca Ad In Sung Dart Paper, Phono I 1406) Before It aim. Hrt.. Friflnv. Man 1 1iR9 REAL ESTATE thii home. Rudy Calaba Ph. uoao A. a. Beckett iteoi WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED House In Dallas to trade for hoUHln Salem. WANTED House In B.Ira to trade for nousa in corvaiua. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 1660 Mbulon Bt. Ph. 14900 Eva. 10936 or 42041 c.ei WANTED I to 10 acres with good home, close in, Al laaak, Rlt., phona 4-3311. If no answer, 4-3246. ca NOTICE: If your property la for sale, rent or axenaoae, net u wun us. w. n.v. ail xinoa or caan ouyere. STATE PINANCB CO., REALTORS 193 8. Hlin St. ca NEED USTINOR OP all kinds. If your piece ia lor sal. or trad., call ma. Prompt action. JOB NOONCHESTER REAL ESTATE 1901 N. cottage Ph. 4-3901 day or nits. WB ABE In need ol good houses to sell, n or near oeiem. 11 you wisn to usl your property for aa)., .ee ORABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty - Ph. 9-3471 ra. a.aa BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MODERN motel In wonderful location on gK. Accommodation, for on. or fam ily group. 1-bedroora living Quarters. Room for expanelon and owner want, to retire. Take home or duplex, and aom. eash a. part payment. Phone 3-7130. Cd64 GROCERIES, gas. cabins, good business. iw 11. mgnway xrontaga. Total price 19900. PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE REALTORS McMINNVILLB Cd63 FOR LEASE, a good major Oil Co. aervlce etation. call 44498. odo4 INCOME PROPERTIES EfialiUKNTIAt court, 6 Individual 2-br, unlta, a garaaea and central utility ee., built In 1940. 132,000. Eve, call ED 9-8704. KQ LDKINBEAL, Realtor, 433 n. Hiih. Ph. 2-ceao. ctea- 1NCOMR taa per month. 9 unit turn Lill et, apartment. Three nice lots, oloie to achool, bui. and atore. Muit be aeen to bt appreciated. $20,000. phone 29084. ctoT CL08K IN apt. lioiuo, built m an apt. nee. in iv7, aooa couu. throughout, vacancies almost nil, sound Investment at 139,000. Eve. call Mr. Met&eer 4-3715. CD LUKIN11KAL, Realtor, 433 N. Hlfth. Ph. 3-6660. rffil- FURNITURE FOR SALE TRADER LOUIE OPEN FRIDAY EVKNINO d2 WANTED FURNITURE WANTED Oood used furniture and appliance. Phona 39098. da AUCTIONS AUCTION TONIGHT, 7 SO. Midway Auc tion. 13 Cherry Ave. dd82 AUCTION TONIGHT, 7:30. Midway Auc tion. 386 Cherry Ave. drifl2 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FAT STEER. Call tt-P-13 Salem, or 1-3263. LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEF Whit. lac. Hereford, 18c Loek.r pork, 38c Nothing down, 1 mos. to pay. Custom ktlltni. Trailer loaned free. Bales Meal Co, 1329 8. 39th. Ph. 419. aa RABBITS CALIFORNIA BUCKS and dooe. Phon. 4-iou. 4410 ciuter tut. eoer KARHlTfl WANTED. Anr .Is. and auan tlly, also purebred breeding itock lor all. Phone 1-1107. eb71 44444444444444444444V44'444 PETS UOLLVWOOU AqUABIUM 1131 McCoy, ona block tail 01 n. capitoi. iva oioc.i north of Madison. Ph. 1-6601. II MOOSE TROPICAL PISB, OQUIPmCnt, supplies. 1 mllea from Lancaster on Mackey road. Phona 1-7311. Cloud Wednesdays. ace CHOICE CANABIES 1141 ch.m.k.ta 0t. Ph. 14316. aci' 1 YEAR OLD mala Boitr. Pawn aolor. AIU registered. Phona l-eocn, mr BOXEK POPE A.KC. ahamplon ilrad. 700 Hawthorne, Phono 11833. Olenn Hoeh.t.t r. ac9- 44444W4 444 FUEL Htiv aMtiKRanM'a handokikad alabwood now 1 aora tlf.oo. rnooa a-no. 4-4293. OI7I Oregon Fuel Co. BLAB AND BAWD08T S. & H. Green Stamps Phona IU3! 1MT Broadwar Cattitol Lumber Fuel Co, pick up rour Praato-LorJ, Brlauita and Wood. 101 Bo. Com'l, ppona a-7iai. Capitol Lumber Fuel Co, SPECIAL POR 10 DATS Planar trimming., I load. Phona 11711 Hiway Fuel Co. Sawduit tuba aerrlaa, all kind, af wood. Phone 1-6444 ae WALNUT IDELU, 10 eacki for II, or II ton. as ton delivered in town, motto Klorfeln Packing Co, 400 North Pront. West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD. H" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood 1510 Edaewatar Phona aalem 1-4031 FOR SALE roULTRY WANTED Colored fryer., colored and legnorn aeui. m.uc. v.iw -nah.rv. Dtaone 32801. I ros SALE Twice weekly, day-old chlcke In New nampemrea, rwiuuiwii, ivou, White Leahorni, Auetra-Whlte. White Rooka, White Wyandotte.. Parmenter oocker.ll. Lee Bateherr, phone 13991. SPECIAL New Hampihlre pulleti, Uo a. Va er Farm store, pn. oae. ni,- WIIITE LEGHORN, Auatrawhlte, and New Hampshire cmcki, fie nunorea. rn, 38343. Palmer'a Poultry Parm, Brooka. m GOLDEN BBOAD and New Hampshire ehlcka, hatched arerr Hondar and Tnuri dar. Our ehlcka grow faster. Pox's Hatchery, 3B30 state St. Ph. 14081. PRODUCE ORGANIC GROWN TREK-RIPENED or ange, and grapefruit, potatoes, onions, applea and nuts. PHILLIP BROS. PARM MARKET, (000 Lancaster Drive, Phone 3-1109. II" HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED poultry prooeislng help, both male and female, aire itui aeuus first letter. Box IS, Capital Journal. KM HELP WANTED MALE WANTED! Experienced paint olerk. State age and experience. Excellent opportune ltr for riibt man. Box 14, capital Journal. gaol' WANT someone with sower aaw to saw Rome lo-inca iraw. nvntj nwu.H.,. Phona 4-1716. Rt. , Box lot, Salem. ga63 Gang Trim SawOpratorl for night shllt, I p.m. to 1:30 a.m. an Mr. Tork at West aalem Lumber Co., 1190 Wallace Boad. gaol EXPERIENCED CLEAN KB, preaaer or potter. Oood wages, ateadr work. Dallaa citv oieanera. Dauai. oreson, ww HELP WANTED FEMALE WAITRESS woodrolfe'a San Shop, 3400 CAR HOP Woodroff.'. San Shop, 3400 Portland Rd. No pnon. cam. go- HOUSEKEEPER About 39, for man and 1 boy. May hav. 3 children, rn. a-aouo. gb61 WALNUT SMELLERS A whole winter'. work, Morrle Klorl.ln packing CO., N. Front. gb Registered NURSES for part tlm., evening., mornings, or 1 or 4 hoars a day, at urvtc.s, O.B., Surgery, general duty. Call 1-4126, Superintendent of Nurse., gb83 GIRL OR WOMAN for gen.ral housework, care of 3 children. Live In, Phone aoa&o. WANTED SALESMAN NEW YORK CORPORATION Will hire 3 men for Balem area. Above average earnings, pleasant dignified work contacting prospect, who are in terested and want our service, sale, ex perience helplul but not necessary. Car needed. Present Job may be held dur ing training period. Ace no handicap. For interview, contact Mr. Mar, 4-6361 or 4-6393 between 10:30 and 13:30 week daya. " LARGE FEED CO. needs aalesman In Polk- Yamhlll-Llnn cojiium, Mun oe nnan clally resopnslble. Home nlihts. Ade quate field tramini . rraier marries man between 3S 60. affuat have car. Replr to box 13 In care of thta paper. efl2 WANTED POSITIONS HOUSKCLEANINO and Ironing by hour. Ph. 14568; ncj- CARPENTER WORK. r.Palr, Ph. 1SS88. mi' FAINTING. Fr .stlmatM. 29 years ex perlence In Balem. Phone 1-7693. hsS' PRACTICAL NURSE available, diabetic preferred. Write Box 10. capital Journal. ne.r BOTO-TELLING. 19 per hour. 449 S. 19th. Phone 39804. h03 EXPERIENCED child care. All aaea to 8 rear.. My horn.. 1340 Wllb.r. lies' CUSTOM ROTO HOE1NO 84 per hour. Ph. 32798 ri.OWINQ and dlKlna. Orover L. Hamann, 3409 Blossom Dr., Salem. Phono j-llil. h86 PLOWING, IMMEDIATE SERVICE. 3-9.100. h67 NEW lawns, Rotary hoeing. Pre. estl. matee. Duane Wolcott Phone 3-8197, till EXPERIENCED woman wanu Ironing or rleanlna. Call altu 0 p.m. eaz b. Capitol. h64 GOOD CARE given children. My home. Reference.. Phon. 4-6866. h87 CUSTOM TILLING Bm.U garden plou Call 37684 after 6 pm. h62 wanted House cleaning, exp. baby sit' ting. Phon. 33980 .renins.. h64 ROTO-HOKINQ. call after 1:30, 9-K23 h6S CUSTOM Rotary hoeing 14 an hour. Prion. 3-7238 after a p.m. ne3' PATCH PLASTERING, basementa water proofed by plastering. Frank, service, phone 36919. h81' WAKEFIELD LINO Interior decorating. We help you plan. Phone 1-393I. h6l PArrn HANGINn. painting, fre. estl. met... Don Lucera. Fa. 11121. ;! IAUCTIONS Big Close-Out Sale! NEW and USED FURNITURE Big store going out of business. Sacrifice, yes, I'll say, it goes for cash at auction! 8 Big Sales t weeks to clear starting Sat., March 14, 10 a.m. and 7 p.m., at Scotty's Auction House 4840 CENTER ST. - SALEM LOOK! 6 Bedroom Sets, twin and double. Refrigerators, good ones, too. Five Elec Stoves. IS Oil Stoves. 20 Box Springs & Matts. Twin & doubles, new Sc used. 8 Radios. 5 Sewing Machines Youth Beds Baby Beds Baby Buggies Go-carts, etc. 15 Washing Machines 10 New Chrome Sets, all colors SO New Linoleums 25 New Floor Lamps 10 New Swing Rockers Livestock Sale at 2 p.m. Weanerpigs, calves, veals, cows, bulls, or any you have. Come, bring 'em in. Chickens, rabbits, geese. Free Drawing for Prizes at Every Sale. DON'T MISS THESE BIO SALES. BIO) CROWDS ATTEND Aj LOTS OB OOOD MZKCHANDI8B Col. Ernest E. Scott PH. 46433 WANTED POSITIONS MRS. MICIOINKAM'8 DAY NURSERY State licensed and Inspected. Ph. 37999. h07 Garden Plowing Ph 23041 nit- TAX RETURNS prepared In your home, reasonahla rates. Ph. nmi. nj- OAHDEW, FLOWER bed and lawn pre paration. Plowing, discing, levenns, ro totlllng, Servloe Center. Phono 43573, h76 INCOME TAX BLANKS prepared reason ably. Ph. 39641. noj TILLING WITH new M.E. ROTARY TIL LER. Phono evening S-833J. noe UGB.T CBAWLEB, dozing, dirt leveling, grading. Phona nvr LANDSCAPE maintenance, pruning, trim ming, planting, fertilizing, service cen ter. Phone 43973. h79 WILL DO CEILING, one wall or entire house. Do an ainoa oi painting, oruia and apray, furnish references, by hour or contract. Ph. 439(4. h64 CUSTOM WORK plowing and discing. Phon. 3-4349. 1809 Blrchwood Dr. n- LADY WOULD LIKE to care for children In ner nome only, ti a day per cnua. 3019 Kapphahn Road. h63 TREE WORK. Topping, trimming, remov ing. Insured operator. John payne. n. 36628. h79 HOME BUILDING and carp.nter work. Ph. 43129. h65 CARPENTER Cabinet work, home re modeling, free estimates, call 3-ku, 4-1823. h80' PRACTICAL nursing. Will go out of town. Phone 3-4464. h82 RADIO TV SERVICE TV ANTENNA bonded and licensed ape. alalia'. Installed 610, plug material. Call any time. Free estimates. Phone 4-3363, ha66 -444444'44449444 WANTED TO RENT GOOD FARM LAND within 30 miles of Salem. Wayne ooode ,Rt. 6, box 107. Phone 3-3964. la63' 10 TO 19 ACRES with modern house and barn, near balem. H. E. rieas, 4-1074. Ja63 1 OR s BEDROOMS, unfurnished, clean, modern, garage. Prefer northeast end. 1 child t years. Ph. 3-4037. Ia63 l-BEDROOM HOME with reasonable rent, April 1st. 3-9876. Ia64 FOR RENT ROOMS NICE SLEEPING rooms, hot Ai cold water, 461 N. High. Pay by week or montn. Ik86a NICE CLEAN comfortable sleeping room, 734 N. Cottage. Ph. 30971. lkoe LARGE, beautifully furnished roome. Avail able March 16. Also 3-room apartment. 830 N. winter. met' BLEEPING ROOM for t Or 3, 790 N. Church. Ph. 34336. JXM LARGE WARM fum. room lor man, with kitchen At bath. 39.00. 1474 court eve. nlngs. Jk04 ROOMS FOR girls, kitchen privileges, use entire house. 649 N. winter, rn. s7z or 39490. 1192 FOR RENT HOUSES 5-ROOM modern. Rural district Oarden nlot fruit near achool. Phona 4-1110. Jm64 CLEAN AND neat 1 bedroom unfurnished house, attached laraee, lane mint room, Venetian blinds, electric heat, $55. No pete, Vt mile East 4 Corners. Phone 41075 or await lor Keys ai 7& mate. jmur CLEAN Fl'KNISIlED 1 bedroom home, On rage. Adults. No pets. 4-5165. jmoi VERY NICELY furnished duplex. All prl vate. Near Forestry building, sbobo. Im87' WEST SALEM: Clean l-bedroom, hardwood floor., electric heat nice yarn. ni 7th St. Im64 NEWLY redecorated 3-bedroom house, close In. 660 mo. Phono a-B&o.. jmoj- FOR RENT: 4-room house, 135 mo. 2320 8. Winter Bt see Sun., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. jmoa' kingwood HEIGHTS. Small unfurnlsh ad 3 bedroom house, with range and refrigerator, 6S5. Phona 34533. Im99- 1 BEDROOM duplex, 4 yeara old. hard wood floora, an aieciric, no yard work, do. In, adults, see to ap preciate. Ph. 38536, 1460 Trade. Im63 4-ROOM APT. First floor. 3-room apart ment second lloor. 1326 N. Winter. lmS I BEDROOM unfurnlahed house, 815 per month. 810 Pslrvlew Ave. Ph. 41738. Jm3 I BEDROOM furnished. Clean, modern, adulta. Innulre 1131 Ruga, Ph. 25277, lm68 S BEDROOM, eome furniture, 198 mo. 3380 Portland road. PARTLY FURNISHED l-bedroom houae close to bus, .tores, garage. 4-5155. lm! 1-REDROOM In r.sldentl.1 court. Clr.n, unfurnished .xcept stove, refrtsfr.tor. Inquire garage, corner Lee, Mission. Im64 CLEAN, l-BEDROOM furnished cotta.e, laundry, garage. Inquire 3848 Portland Road. !m63 ALMOST NEW I bedroom house, electric ranee, hardwood floora, automatlo he.t. Insulated. 3331 Maple Ale. Im63 OFFICE FOR RENT or 1-ROOM SUITE, 1 tingle. Oregon Building. Phone 14114. jc GROUND FLOOR office or store epace for rent call at Fltta Market Jo' AUCTIONS S New Davenos Dressers Tables Chests, Drawers Beds and Springs Garden Tools Garden Tractors Cultivators New Hide-a-bed 5 Dinette Sets Lots of Misc. of aU kinds Duncan Phyfe Dining Ta ble Large Plate Glass Mirror 9 by 12 Wool Rug, 10 by 10 Wool Rug Desk Potatoes Carrots Onions Apples AUCTIONEER FOR RENT APARTMENTS FRONT FIRST floor, furnUhed 3-room apartment, utuitlea except eieciriour. 391 N. Liberty. Ph. 37134. 1p67 FURNISHED 1ST floor, 3 room, 631, 1 room 639. Ph. 34070. 1090 fl. commercial. JP97 LARGE t-ROOMS, hath, baeement, and garage, everything xurnisnea. w. rn. 29080. JP64 1 ROOM furnished housekeeping, 167 N. Liberty. S ROOMS FURNISHED, ground floor, oil furnace, laundry raciuuee, aauite. jeoo N. Caultol. Ph. 38776. Jp64 CLOSE IN, 2nd lloor, to aulet couple, 1 room, heated, completely xurnun.o apartment. 196 N. Cottage. Jp67' S ROOM furnished duplex apartment. Nice and clean, ruu casement, xiuiu- WOOd. 3-8038. iP'l S BOOMS at bath turn. Tile bath A, dram board., glassed in porcn. Aiao casement room At back yard. Adulta, 49.00, 1307 & Oom'l. Ph. 16090 daya, 16391 ave. 1P64 S BOOMS & bath fum. Utilities paid ex cept gas. Available Mar, 10. aouiu, 37.60. 1307 s. Com'l, Ph. looto day., 3-6254 nltas. Jp64 ATTRACTIVE, clean, unfurnlahad 1-hed- room duplex. 940. North, adults, rn. 3-4708. JP64 BEAUTIFUL furnished apartment. Prefer permanent resident 444 N. Cottage. Phone 2-1887. JP I-ROOM furnished apartment, bath. Adults. Phone 3-3830. 838. JP"- i fn ij rM.U .,,n.t..H rfnl. All al r trie. Laundry. 1003 Park Ave. Phone 4-4688. JPei FURNISHED duplex, 1 room and bath, garage, utilities furnished, ph. 1-9167, 1P63' AVAILABLE SOON, alec apartment with bedroom and batn, good neat lurouneo, state street, close to Capital, 147.60. Ph. 3-4370. JP63 :-ROOM brand new apartment all fur nlshed. Utility paid, private bath, en trance. Innulre 2373 Laurel. Jp63 FURNISHED 1 room basement apartment private bath, entrance, refrigerator. 848. 3-S248, 660 Union. Ip63 NEW FURNISHED 3 room apartment near state hospital, 140 N. 33rd. 3-9896. 1P63' FURNISHED, very attractive 1 room, in modern private home on Mill Creek, lots of bunt Ine, garbage dupcaal, close in, adulta. Ph. 37495 Eve. Jp68' 1 ROOMS, partly furnlahed, adults, mid dle-aged ladr, aoutn. a-S92i. jpeg 1 ROOM apartment, close In. 174 N. Church. IP64' FINEST LARGE 1-ROOM with bath, un furnished, with garden plot. Ph. 11117. )P14 PRIVATE THREE-ROOM furnlehed court apartment clean. Adulta. 860. 3860 Port land Rd. 1P78' SEVERAL furnished apartmenta, good lo cation, inquire H. I stiff Furniture, Phone 3918S. IP NICELY FURNISHED apartment Ambae- aador apartmenta. 850 N. Bummer, JP77 Lee Apts. Salem'a Most Dlatlngulshed Addreaa Following rentals can beshown now: 3-Bdrm. Available Now .110.00 1-Bdrm, Avallible Now 70.00 1-Edrm. Available Now 77.00 1 Batchelor Unit, April 1 11.90 For luxury living at moderate rate, call at 985 N. Winter St. Ph. 41041. IP' FURNISHED 3 rooma, bath, private en trance. Utilities Included. 849. 406 8 31st Phone 3-6867. 1P831 UVl I RMSHED l-bedroom court apart ment. Light, water, aanltary service, stove and refrigerator rurnianea. Hard' wood floors, modern, close to bua and store. Oil after 6, Phone 3-3336. )p63 LOST & FOUND LOST, gold bell earring. Ph. 37830 or Eve. 34673. ' FOUND, small brown and white female dog with red harness, or will glva away It owner doesn't claim. 4-4351. k64 FOUND Pair of brown horn rim glasse. on N. cottage. 1-8776. !' MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRIVE MOVE YOURSELF SAVE St PICrUPS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION 111 COURT ST. PHONB 1-1111 PAOB STEVENSON Ud AL Mil FORD m JOE PALOOKA rtii'Mtt you TWOHIUWE.' V I'M N KXT STOP CANTON IStA.NP..,THEN FIJI. MISCELLANEOUS AUCTION TONIGHT 1:0, Midway Auction, 3H1 Cherry Aaa. ' WARO'a INSTALL THB FOLLOWING Oultera Mtcarta dralnboard. Roofing - Plastic Tile, cabinet, lo- .tellatlca aiding - Free aetlmatea. Come IB aereeca - or phone. MOrlTOOMXRY WARD A, CO. IM N. Liberty .Ph. l-llll m63 BALEM BAND At a RAVEL COMPANY Contract Work wad Clearing Ditching aVwer and equipment Rent.1 Ditching by Ih. Fool Phona Daya 1-1401 avaa. 1-1417 or 1-7411 Seism. Oregoii an DENTAL PLATE REPAIR -KJt SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. BARRY 8EMLER, DENTIST Adolph Eidg aula a Commercial at. ALEU Ph. 3-9311 B 0444444 BUILDING MATERIALS COAST OR MOUNTAIN CEDAR SHINGLES Na. li, 11 thchia cl..r, 86: No. 1, S Inehea clear, 64. no cap wooo er cuue. Come and get them. Ted Mullen, Salem Independenc road. Ph. Salem 11196. ma BUILDING? No. S cedar ahlnfles No. 3 cedar ehlnsles No. 1 cedar ehlnglea t 3 tab compoeltlon rooflnv .... Roll roofing. New toilets complete New waeh baalu completa .... Nalla, per kei . New shower cabinet New weather stripped windows Mew picture windows Used Camp Adair windows . Painted Cedar shake New doors, YV'xt'6" , Water proof wall board 4iB , Overhead Garaia Hardware New Olaas Doors flteel Oarai Doors, complete ... 315 ...I 5 35 ... 9.7i ...I 8.9t ...I 2.25 ...129.50 50 ...110.76 ...143.00 ...9 8.00 ... 7.50 ...111.50 ...I 5.50 ....fl.80 ... 111.50 .,.$10.50 ...157.50 BARGAIN Xltehen alnki. bath tube, water beat en, pipe. Jeptlc tents. PLYWOOD No ecravr pieces, 4x8 aheeti, food ply wood, both Interior and exterior, bar gain prleee. C. G. Lone & Sons One ml. north of Kelxer, Ph. 45091 meC4 KOOriNO Complete line. Call Western Auto, 3-T177, lor free estimate. Oam ble'e Western Auto Bupply Co., 301 N. Commercial. ma77 GARAGE 14x33 complete on your lot, 118.36 per month, no down payment. You can fix that den or add that extra bedroom the aame way. Visit with us aoonl Portland Rd. Lumber Yard OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY 3848 Portland Rd. Phon. 44433 ma. WE NEED TO MOVE IT TO MAKE ROOM QUICK!! Cedar aiding Bhorta 16.00 to 35 DO (good for amall building) Hem, Sdg. Rdm. length (not bad) Mx6 69.50. Kxe & 84x10 40.60. 1x3 1' Bean Pole, (a few) Itto each - you haull Raked Cedar panel 16x16, eome very good, gome bad, from 60 It. to 130 It. Hop Peg. - 6.00 M. - you haul. Garden Stakes, or what do you need? To fence In tha dog or child ".tick for pickets" IVio lln. ft. YOUR BUILDIrlO SUPPLY FRIENDS" Portland Road Lumber Yard 15(8 Portland Rd. Phone 44433 ma" FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Gravel and Sand Anything ' In gravel, wholesale and retail, valley sanu a ukavih, -;u., Ph. 34003. n CEDAR TELEPHONE and electric poles, i.n, heart omitj and at.Kea. Phillip. Bros., Rt. 5. Box 403, 1 mites east or 4 corners, rn. ,jum. ORGANIC FERTILIZER. Free of weed eeeda, and odorless. Sack or bulk orders delivered. Phone 3 6127. n64 PLASTI-KOTE requires no waxing. For youi floors or linoleum, yeater ap pliance CO., 375 cnemexeta. IEFBIOERATOR B, new and used. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 875 Chemrk- eta. n NOW IS tha time to buy your 1953 West- inghouee automatlo dryer at only 8209.95. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Cnemex eta. n THE IDEAL fertiliser It'a peatmoss, with poultry droppings, only 950 a sack, valley Farm store, r it. ,02.. n70- BALEM DE1SEL Roller and ball bearings for trucks and tractors. 3779 Sllverton Road. n EXCELLENT barn yard fertiliser. Phone 43907 or 38400. MI' FOR TEXTILE paint kits and brushes, figurine paints and brushes, stencils and tranfera, Trl-chem tube palnta. See our selection. Instructions free with purchase. Handicraft Supplies, 183 So. Liberty. Upstairs, Rm. 10. n62 FREE Westlnghouse sewing machines on all floor Samples. Save up to 40. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 376 chemek eta. n Close - Out SALE on all reconditioned used appliances. Come In and make us an offer on Your choice RANGES S Hotpolnt Elect. S U on ta; ornery Ward Elect. 1 Universal Elect. 2 Oeneral Electric a Gas Ranees REFRIGERATORS 3 Monti omery Wards 1 Leonard , 1 Jewell AUTOMATIC WASHERS Bendlx 1 Oeneral Elect, I Blackstona 1 Eureka Vac. Cleaner Ralph Johnson Appliances IBB Center flU ph. 33139 na WANTED SALESMAN . INTERVIEW FOR TIRE SALESMEN win U held bp tha Oeneral Tire a Ruaoer Ca .1 716 lute at on March 11, 13, 14, 18, (ram 1 ta . Salary ud koaua. Sxpcrlanc. helpful but sot aaestlal. steady employment assured. PH. 2-2459 STATE TIRE FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR YOUB. convenience, Trader Loula ca Lana Ave., open till p.m. a-ruey ova- ntn. Hal. FOB 1ALE: Lata modal VA nr. Bvanruda outooara wito huwk. after p.m. or w.-and. Phona 1-433!. 4015 State Street BEST MAKE portable double action taao- lino pump wltn f iw noe vwu m ... ... i. and a drat, can 1610 atat. n64 EQUITY IN sew Winter aplnotte piano, (Manocanyr, wmwiw. m. w FOR SALE: 300 amp. Hobart Welder, on wheela. 3-4008. TWIN SIZE baby buggy, excellent condi tion, na, nt- .u "" Rev. Mel X. Am. n04 USED westlnghouse automatlo laundromat only 3139.99. Yeater Appliance Chemeketa. h BARNYARD FERTILIZER, 32.00 yard. cannon rata ov., uu. n.u ..... . Airport Turner Rd. Phone 39151. nil DEEPFREEZE home Ireesere. YEATER AP. PLIANCB CO., SID unemeae.a. n- FOR SALE M.E. garden tractor, excellent condition. 13-lnon. Foone s-eoi.. nee S-H.P. McCULLOCH power aaw In good condition with 3 and a-it. oare and chains, at 3560 Portland Rd. "Johnson". n63 CHILD'S WARDROBE CHEST. Call 38253. ner" MONTGOMERY WABD Inner, 160. 75 S. 19th St. nes I GARDEN BOTO-ETTE, 3110. In good working .nap., la-incn runner-urea l.wn mower In good chape, 310. Ph. 45049. B63" REDUCED! $10 per day until sold. USED ONE 1 INCH DRUM TYPE FLOOR SANDER. 160 8HEECT8 OF SPEED ORIT PAPER. THIS PAPER ALONE IS WORTH 1160. Starting price Feb. 26, $578 MARCH 14, $435 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard FRONT At COURT STB., PHONB 31111 (We Otve cUtH Green Stamps) n CFAFTSMAN 6tt-lnch saw, Inquire 338 s. Capitol. 1-30UO. nacticauy new. ne FOR SALE, Zenith trans-ocean portable radio, oood batteries. 350. Radio-phono graph combination, 320. Table model radio. 810. 530 N. 17th. ns2 ADblNO MACHINE, cash register combi nation, auo Itemising cash register. Ph. 35375. n63 FERTILIZER Pulverized, rotted manure, delivered anywhere. 3-0774 or 3-9073. n96 TOP SOIL River slit and fill dirt, prompt delivery. Phone 3-1749. n7B 130 ALLOWED for your old water heater on this new 42-gauon automatlo eiec trlo water heater. Yeater Appliance 375 Chemeketa. Ph. 34311. n WE PAY TOP caah price for your used furniture and appliances, uive us a call. USED MERCHANDISE MART, 270 So. Liberty, phona 46371. nfl3 Organic Fertilizer Free of weed seeds, and odorless. Sack or bulk ordera delivered, pnona 3-8137. n4" MCCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS, 808 Edgewater, West Salem. Salem Logging Supply Ph. 4-1541. HOSPITAL BED for sale or rent. H, L. stiff Furniture Co. Phona 39185. n USED washing machines, 19.05 and up, YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 376 Chemel eta. n" 1S CAMERA for 1100, new. Voltlander Vlteua with F.l lens, etc. 1-401)7. ne KEITH BROWN SPECIALS Special IS Oval Car.. D trade 02ft it, Mould Inn Shorts price Vjx8 RL Clear A Cedar Bldlnt,.ilftO U. 1x4 em c .Si Btr rit fioo aa. Flats - Bo 4"x8"Jrt8,, (perfect plant starter boxee) .... aa. Your choice - 10 colora In stock - 18" Carton packed - hand dipped snaKea No. 1 VQ - These are beaut nun Still eome colora in Texollte...$2.00 ial. Pabco Masonry b Shake Paint.. 15.08 ial. Pront Door Locka Sarient a..5.50 ca. Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Phon. 3-8111 Front At Court Sta. WE OIVE BAH OREEN STAMPS Bunk Beds. $44.50 5--Pc. Bedroom Set, $149.50 5-Pc Dropleaf Table Break fast Set, $24.50 Solid Oak Hlde-a-bed, $15 Baby Bed, complete, $14.95 7-Pc Walnut Dining Set, $69.50 High Chair, $2.00 Bunk Beds, $44.50 Strollers, $6.50 9 x 12 Grey Rug, $29.50 Washing Machines, from $9.95 Platform Rockers, from $16.95 270 SO. LIBERTY PH. 46371 n62 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 VP rai i rn THEY'RE LEAVING FOR CANTON IM.ANV. nc wiw JtKRY s AN&RV AT KNOBBV THT1CP TWO ARE ALWAYS FIGHTING, WANTED SALESMAN W. V. "PAT' LYTLE SERVICE FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GLENN WOODBX open Prt. till t PA. .www ... mumir. B84 .REBUILT MW WMher, bras, andiron a.' b... uui. uiu, , .oa. rn, aaj.aa nil' SINGER ELECTRIC Portable sawing machine. New motor, leather carrying eass. Bargain, 643.60. atnger Sewing Co.. 130 H. OomL open, Prlday evening. n63 NEW MOTOROLA radio . ohonn.r.i,' combination, regular 130..96. noar 1168.18. Will. Music Store, 433 atate. . n62 SEWING MACHINE ' Used electric, walnut cabinet, roun'd bobbin, guaranteed, only 838.60. Singer Sewing Center, 130 N. Oom'l. Opaa Prl day evening. n. FARM HOMF fJAnniiiM Rotted manure, compost., tha tarn duality aa last year, for home and gar den. Placstonas, red lava stone and other typea for walla or gardena. Rustlo eedar fencing and trellla work. Phllllpa Bros.. Rt, 6, Box 483, Salem. Ph. 4-3081. Used Appliances No Down Payment USED HOTPOINT REFRIGERATOR. Apt. uwu. !., f.rj ci.en, new paint. JOB ds VEGETABLE CRISPKR only 989.99 TJ6ED NOROB RKFO. 4 eu. ft. alsa, amaU wu. . ... ciean ana penect running con dltlon.' Quiet operation only 899.91 USED NOROB REPO. 1 cu. ft. A real buy. J.e very clean as quiet only ...669.91 USED OENERAL ELECTRIC REPO. Very aoou conouion, large family else, slid ing ahelvea, a real bur, only .,,150.1 USED OEN. EL. WASHER. Large family -..., .uu pump, au porcelain, tub, da luxe wringer. A real food ma chine, only I68.M USED WHIRLPOOL WASHER. Da luxe wun pump, only one year old, clean aa ft new one, only 189.95, reg. 1140.95. t USED DE LUXE EASY SPINNER. Only u.du m jr.. a very clean ana good wash only I61.0S USED DE LUXE 6-FT. GENERAL ELEC. miv nr-iuuxiKAiun. Looks like new. Interior light At vegetable crlsper. Only 189.09. No down payment. Tinkham Gilbert GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCE S 360 N. Liberty Phone 3-0311 n83 Used Radios 31 of them. From super de luxe three ipeed combnaltlon radio and record players to a little table model lor which we won't refuse anr reasonable offer. All radios were traded In on either tha Raytheon TV or the Pacific Mercury TV. We're still trading, but we must make room so all radios are offered at bargain prices. Will trade your old radio on either a TV or hlaher-prlced radio. Even traded In a piano and It'a tor sale. too. An upright grand In dandy condition at 217. We are open until 9 p.m. every day. Come In and sea the free TV show and pick out your radio. PRALL'S 330 N. Liberty Street Telephone WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Walnut meat., and walnut. In aneu. tunnest cash price on delivery, MORRIS KLORPEIN PAOKINO CO. 460 N. Front at, Salem Ph. 17631 na WOODRT WANTS Planoa. Phona 1-6111. na WANTED second growth fir loge, Caa naui, or you naui. top price., diva us a try. Rak & Bates Lbr. Co., Aumsvllle. or call 1014 or 4-1770, Salem. na63 LOGS WANTED Stud Mill. Lengths 6' 4" or 16' 8". Di ameter 6" to 16". Sawmill, Lengthg 12' and longer. Diameter 1" to 80". Top prices paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. phona 1135 na ELECTRIC RANGES. Woodry'a, Ph. 11-6110. na PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Oroup No. 1, lioua N. commercial. Ph. 2-8419 or 3-4637. P65' SECURITY DETECTIVE Aiencr, private investigation!. 131 Pacific Bldg. Phona pes 44404444 444444 FINANCIAL SIX US POR PARM, CITS or ACREAOB LOANS - BEST OP TERMS WE BUY Real eatate mortgage. St contract.. State Finance Co. 187 a. Blrh 8U Ph. 34111 Lie 8-133 and 11-328 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear "Top Trades" 12:TO Dally KSLM . 1300 Ka. OENERAL PINANCB CO. LOANS 131 S. Commercial St. TaL 3-110! PRIVATE MONEY fipeclal Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Time Payments ROT B. SIMMONS 196 ft. Commercial St. Ph. 1-8161 By Ham Fisher cenu ununi in 11 THEY tOrfT MEAN IT. THEY'RE AWFUL GOOD FRIENDS.,, I'M GONNA MAKE OOULA5H :TTV OVAJLnn. 1