I Who Let the Men In? Mamie Eisenhower poses ior ; photographers Just before the start of her first press con . ference since entering the White House. Though the confer - ence was intended primarily for women reporters, several i male reporters were in attendance. (UP Telephoto.) Mid-Willamette Obituaries Charles Wardrip Lebanon Services were held '.Friday at 2 p.m. from the Jost McHenry funeral home for ' Charles Wardrip, 64, who died Tuesday at the community hos- pital. He was born in Missouri, November 13, 1883. Since 1934 he has been employed in lumber ing at Corvallis, Silverton and . Lebanon. He was a member of Silverton lodge AF & AM No. 5. Survivors are his children For ,'rest Wardrip, Bremerton, and Mrs. Carol Rawlins, Richland, Wash. Mrs. Bell Dunlap Albany Mrs. Bell Henderson Dunlap, 75, RFD No. 1, a resi dent of Albany and vicinity for 16 years, died at her home early Thursday. Funeral announce ments will be made later at the "Fortmiller-Fredericksen Funeral 'home. Mrs. Dunlap was a native of Benton county, Ark., and spent her early life in that state. She later moved to Colorado ,. where she was married to Sam uel P. Dunlap. She is survived ' by her widower; five children, Garland, Greeley, Colo.; Eugene, Weir, Kans.; Mrs. Goldie Curtis, Salem; Mrs. Georgia Lundberg, Huntington Park, Calif., and . Mrs. Sarah Brinkley, Albany. Seven Polk County Youths in Service Dallas Reporting to Polk county Local Board No. 1 Thurs day for Induction into the armed forces were a detachment of sev en men. Included were: Darwin Em ett Leahy, Dallas; Junior Max Fischer, Falls City; Lloyd Rob ert Smith, Independence; Thom- - as Benjamin Haight, Sheridan; Robert Eugene Sexton, Salem; Duane Leon Henderson, Dallas; and Burton Lee Hart, Salem. After reporting to the local board Thursday, the group trav elled by bus to Portland where . they were inducted and sworn into the service on Friday, March 13. Solon Not Interested In Sale of U.S. Dams ; Washington (ff) Proposals for the sale of government-built . power dams on the Columbia riv er to private utilities will get ' little attention from Congress, "'Rep. Mack (R.-Wash.) predicted Friday. "The Columbia is too great a ' ctrpam to bp develoDed bv Dri- vate interests," he said in his weekly newsletter. "Dams on , this river involve flood control and navigation developments as well." QUARANTINE 400 HOGS Portland CP) Four hundred hogs from West Fargo, N. D., ' ' were placed under quarantine at the North Portland Stockyards Thursday. Federal and state vet- erinarians said they were in '"' fected with vesicular exanthema a virulent hog disease. MILL CITY AUXILIARY , Mill City Mrs. Eva Hum phries of Stayton will visit the Mill City auxiliary of the Amer ican Legion at a meeting to be held at 8 p.m. March 16. Mrs. Humphries is district president. Mrs. Delores Stewart is pres ident of the Mill City unit. SCHAEFER'S RECTAL OINTMENT 75c TUBE (With Applicator) Why suffer Ihe discomfort of irritating and itching of piles? Sold Only at SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Opn Dull. 7:30 r..m. H P-m Sundays. 9 s in. - 4 p.m. 135 N. Commercial ' Jack R. Wells Dallas Jack Russell Wells was born Oct. 25, 1905 at Grants Pass, Ore., and died March 11, 1953, at Pedee. He was the son of Herbert Wells and Abbie Moore, and married Katherine M. Powers on June 1, 1935, at Vancouver, Wash. During his life he lived at several places, including Califor nia. From 1937 to 1940 he lived at Alrlie, Ore., from 1940 to 1943 at Hoskins, and for several years before his death at Rt. 2, Box 137 Monmouth (Pedee), his resi dence at the time of death. He had worked as a logger all his life until four years ago when his health forced him to quit. Since that time he had driven the Pedee school bus, Mr. Wells was affiliated with the Luckiamute Lodge No. 150 A.F. and A.M. of Falls City, and the Rhododendron Chapter 152, Order of the Eastern Star, also of Falls City. Services will be held at 2 p. m. Saturday at the Bollman chapel in Dallas with Rev. Del bert Dow officiating. Cremation will take place at the Mount Crest Abbey, Salem. Surviving are: Katherine M Wells, wife; Russell Dean Wells, son, and Kay Frances wells, a daughter, all of Rt. 2, Box 137, Monmouth; Dan E. Wells, broth' er, Roseburg; Bessie A. Wilson, sister, Glide, Ore.; and Abbie R. Wells, mother, of Roseburg. U. S. Loan Sought for Alaskan Paper Mill Washington W A govern ment loan for construction of a newsprint plant using timber from Tongass National Forest in Alaska was proposed Friday by Sen. Case (R.-S.D.). He said a bill he has prepared for introduction would authorize the loan and would save timber from the forest in Southeastern Alaska for this purpose. N. Y. JUDGE UPHELD New York 0J.B The Slate Supreme Court appellate divi sion in a split decision today up held the ruling of General Ses sions Judge Francis L. Valente in excluding the press and pub lic from the Minot F. (Mickey) Jelke vice trial during presenta tion of the state s case. ROBERTS DANCE SATURDAY Roberts There will be a dance at the Roberts Grange hall Saturday night, March 14, giv en by the Mothers club. Music will be by Harvey Schuebel's orchestra. Chlcaso Grata Chicago Wl Soybeans led en upward move In grains on the board of trade Fri day, ending with Rains running to more than 3 cents, other grain came ahead in the final mlnutei to close strong In sympathy with soybeans. Wheat showed strength In early dealings on an announcement record supplies of the grain were tied up under government price support plans. The early gains were reduced In view of a forecast for more moisture Friday In Kansas and Oklahoma. Wheat closed 1 to IS higher, March 83.26.; corn V. to 1 cent higher, March 81.5614; oats M- higher, March HS-H: rye Vi-ltt higher, May Sl.7tV4-ll.ia, soy beans 2V314 hliher, March 83.06Vt-3.08. and lard 3 to 10 cents a hundred pounds higher, March 110.47. Portland Grain Portland W) Coarse grains, no bids. Wheat Ibldl to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft white 3 44: Soil White (excluding Rex) Z.44; White Club 3.44. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 1.474; 10 per cent 3 474: 11 per cent 3.4714; 13 per cent 71",. Hard White Baart: Ordinary 1.44; 10 per cent 3.44: 11 per cent 3.44; 13 per cent 3.44. Car receipts: wheat 71; barley 1; flour 3; corn 1; mill feed 4. Stork Market Mew York 0P The stock market held to a fairly narrow course Friday with trading on the quiet side. Price c hansei ran from around a point higher to fractions lower In the main body of the Hit, with a handful of ex ceptions. Trading came to an estimated million and a halt shares, a below average figure, as compared with 1,780.000 shares traded Or. V t. tarn. N D Dr a. Chen. NJ. DRS CHAN ...LAM CHINESE N vrUROPATHS Upstairs. 241 North Liberty OHlce open Saturday only 10 am to 1 P.m.. 6 to 7 p.m. Con sultation, blood pressure and urine test are free of charge Practiced since 1P17. Write for attractive Rift No obligation o y. ft ,4 MAR K E T QUOTATIONS PORTLAND PRODUCE LIST Bultcrfat Tentative, subject to Immedi ate change: Premium equality, maximum ,35 to one per cent acidity delivered in Portland 69-720 lb.; first quality 6770c; second Quality, tU-67c. Valley routes and country points, S cents less. Batter W hoi ms is f.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesalers trade AA 93 score. 67c; A trade, 93 score, 65c: B. 90 score, 64c; O, 19 scoro 64c. Above prices strictly nominal. Cheese So 11 in a prlct to Portland whole salers, Oreson singles. 43tt-48c. Oreion 6 lb. loaf, 4961ttc; triplets. 14c less than singles. Essa to Wholesalers, candled eggs con taining no loss, cases Included P. O. B Portland, A grade large, 64Vt-55ttc; A trade medium 63-64Vc; K trade large. 49V4-50j. : Portland Dairy Market) Butter Price to retailers: Grade AA print, 73c; A carton, 13c; A prints, 72c; carton, 73c; a prints, flsc. Eggs To retailers. Orade AA large. 59c; A large, 56-57c; AA medium 57c; A medium 65-5Bc; A small, nominal. Cartons, 3c additional. Cheese Prlct to retailers. Portland. Oregon singles, 4Stt-5oc: ill, loaves. 62-63 Ho lb.; triplets, itto test than sin gles. Premium brands stokles, 56 4 o; loaf. 60 He. Processed American cheese, 6 -lb. loaves to retail, 45'i-46V,o lb. Poultry Lire Chickens (No. 1 Quality. F. O. B. Plants.) Fryers, 34-3 Ibi., 30-31c; 3-4 lbs.. 30-31c; roasters, 4H lbs., and over, 30-3ie; heavy bens, all weights, 35c; light hens, an weitnts, aac; old roosters, 14-15C Dressed Chickens Fryers. 2M-3 lbs.. 43- 46c; roasters, 43-44c; light hens, 31-32c: heavy hens, 3B-37c; cut up fryers, all weights. 43-44c. Babbits Average to growers: Live wnites, 4-b us.. 2S-27c: - lbs. 30-34c lb.; old does, 10-12c, few higher. Fresh dressed fryers to retailers, 61-64c; cut up, OO-0kiC. Country Killed Meats Veal Ton Quality. 41-43o lb., some to c; rougn neavies. as-ioc Bogs Lean blockers. 30-33c: tows, light 25-28C. Lambs Top grade springers. 40-42c; Other grades, according to quality. Mutton But awes and wethers 1B-I8e lb. Beef Utility cows. 20-32o lb.; canner- cutters, 2S-27c. Fresh Dressed Meata Wholesalers to retailers. Dollars per cwt.: Beef Steers. Choice. 500-700 lbs.. 39.00- 41.00; good, 37.00-40.00; commercial, 36.00 38.00; utility, 33.00-36.00; cows, commer cial, 31.00-33.00; utility, 30.00-33.00; C sa ne re-cutters, 28.00-31.00. Beef Cats (choice steers) Hind Quar ters, 47.00-51.00: rounds, 4fi.00-49.00; full loins, trimmed, 63.00-78.00; triangles, 33.00 - 36.00; forequatters. 35.00 - 38.00: chucks, 38.00-43.00; ribs, 49.00-53.00. veai uooa, i49-; commercials, 138-49, Calves Choice, $45-56; commercials, alB-V. Lamba prime springers, 40-50 lbi. 143-45; good, 940-44. Mutton Oood ohoice, I31-Z4. Pork Cuts Loins, Mo. 1, 8-12 lbs., $53 57; shoulders, 18 lbs., 835-38; sparerlbs, $45-49; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs., $56-59. Smoked Hams Skinned. J5l-$S6; slab bacon, 843-51. Refined lard In drums, $17 118.50; slab bacon, 338-845. Portland Miscellaneous Celery Cal. flat crate, 3 -3 '4 dor.., .3.36 14.25. Few to $4.50. Ore., $2.26-12.50. Onions 60 lb. sacks West Oregon yel lows, medium, $3.75-4; 3 -Inch, 34.60-5; No. as, 3.oo-25c: boilers, 10 lbs. sacks, 45-47c; Idaho yellows, la rue. 13.50-3.75: No. 1 large. 83.25-3.75; white med. large, 14.25 4.50; large, $44.26. Potatoes Ore.-Wash, russets. No. 1. 4.00-50; name brands to 4.85; bakers, S.OO-35; 35 lbs., sice A, 1.16-30; 10 lb. mesh, 50-55c: paper. 49-53c; No. 3. 50 lbs.. $1.00- 1.40; Idaho russets, bales, 5-10 lbs.. 3.00- 25: 100-lb. sacks, 5.00-35; 25 lb. No. Is, I 40-60. Bay tr. 8. No. 3 green alfalfa, deliver ed car lots F.O-B. Portland, nominally $37 ton; Seattle, $38-40. wool Willamette valley mostly nomin al at 45o lb. grease basis. Hides calves. 16-lBc lb, according to weights; green kips, 10-12c; beef, 10-12o lb.; bulls, 3-4ttc; green butcher cow hides. FilbertsWholesale sel Ins price No. 1 large Barcelona!, 24-26c lb.; grower prices, orchard run, 14-15o lb. Wa mats Wholesale selling price, first quality large Franquettes, 33-33o lb.; grower price, orchard run, 15-16o lb., few best to 19c. Chicago Onions Chicago oj.r Supplies moderate, demand slow, market dull. Track sales 50 lbs.: Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa yellow Olobes fair condition with occasional 90 per cent U.S. 1. 65 per cent 3lnch and larger, from local storage 4 cars 3.40; Idaho Spanish U.S. 1, 3-lnch and larger, oar 6.00. Street sates (50 lbs.): Idaho, Oregon and Utah Spanish 3-lnch and larger 4.85-8.16; Mexico Crystal White Wax 3-lnch and larger 6.00-6.10; Michigan Whltea 3 to 3 Inch 4.00; midwest medium Yellow Globes 4.00-4.25. few best 4.35-4.40; Michigan cartons twelve 3-pound cellos 3.50-3.65. Portland Eastalde Market Portland U.tt Top quality Willamette valley cabbage sold tor 82.75-3 a crate to. day on the Portland Eastslde Farmers Wholesale Produce market. Other otierings were limited and prices were nominal. DEATHS Traeey B. Newman Tracer B. Newman, at the resioence. 1457 D street, March it. Survived by wife. Mrs. Dells T. Newman of Salem; daughter, Mrs. Henry Frlcke of Alliance, Neb.: 2 grandchildren, craig mcice ana Tracy Frlcke, both of Alliance. Neb.; 2 il iters, Mrs. T. J. Erotdrick oi east Orange. New Jeney and Mrs. L. L. Mel- senhelmer of Beverly Hills. Calif. Services will be held Saturday. March 14 St 2 p.m. In the Virgil T. Oolden Chapel with Inter ment at Belcrest Memorial Park. The caxket will be open for friendi until 1:30 p.m. Saturday. Rev. firth Huntington will officiate. Please omit flowers. Leslie Jane King Louise Jsne King, at Los Angeles, Cali fornia, March 11. Survived by daughter. Mrs. Walter Eberhard, Salem; several brothers and sisters In Iowa; one grand daughter and three great grandchildren. Announcement of services later by Virgil T. Oolden Co. rn.4-333 I STOCKS (sly The Associated Press) Admiral Corporation, Allied Chemical Allls Chalmers American Airlines American Power ft Llgb'. ,. American Tel. A Tel ,,,, American Tobacco , Anaoonos Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel , Boeing Airplane Co. Borg Warner ,,, Burrows Adding Machine,,,,,.,. Cat Horn la Packing Canadian pacillo Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation .. Cities Service Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vulteg Crown seilerbach Curttts Wrignt rouelas Aircrat Du Pont de ltvmourg ... Eastman Fodak Emerson Radio General El ec trio General Foods General Motors Georgia Pae. Plywood Ooodyear Tire ... Homestake Mining Co. ......... International Harvester International Paper Johns Manviile ...,.... Kennecott Copper Llbby McNeil Lockheed Aircraft Loewes Incorporated Long Bell Montgomery Ward Nash Kclvlnator New York Central Northern Paclflo Paclflo American Fiih Pacific Gas it Electrlo Pad tic Tel. A Tel , Packard Motor Car Penney, J. C. Pennsylvania R. R Pepsi Cola Co , Phileo Radio , Radio Corporation Rayonler lncorp Rayonler lncorp. Pfd Republic Steel , Reynolds Metals Richfield Oil Safewar B tores Inc. Scott Paper Co Sears, Roebuck & Co. Socony-Vacuum OH Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif. Standard OH N. J , Studebaker Corp Sunshine Mining Swift tb Company Transamerlca Corp Twentieth Century Fox Union OH Company Union Paclflo , United Airlines United Aircraft uniUd Corporation United States Plywood United States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel Westlnthouse Air Brake Westlnghouse Electrlo Woolworta ... 3ft; ... 1 ... M 14S ,.. 7'i ,..15B I ... 74 ! ... 43 ... 99S i .. a&vt, .. 46S , ... 83 ; ... 1 ,.. 36 ... 11 V, 10 ... !!! h ... 31 ... 61 ... 8 ... 6ft ... 97H ... 46 ... 13 V, ... 73S ... 54 ... 87 ... 17 ... 58 ... 40 ... 30 ... 54 ... 71 ... 7fl ... ... 35 ... 13 ... 31 ... 60 ... 34H ... 234 ... 7$ 1!! 39 ...118 ... 6 ... 87 ... 13 ... 13 ... 34 ... 36 ... 39 504 ... 55 ... 81 ... 34 ... 58V. ... 60 ... 33 ... 48V. ... 56 ... 74y4 ... 40 ... 9 ... 39 Vk ... 26 ... 17 ... 41 ...114 ... 30 ... 38 ... 5 ... 31 ... 41 ... 15 ... 40 ... 37 .... 48 ... 45 VIVIEN'S EXHAUSTED Hollywood (P) Emotional ex haustion from a 72-hour air trip from Ceylon has interrupted Vivien Leigh's film acting, a source close to the English star has disclosed. Paramount Pic tures said earlier that the pic ture "Elephant Walk" would stop shooting for a few days be cause of her illness. SALEM MARKETS Compiled from reports of Salens dealers for the galdanee of Capital Jowrnal readers. (Bevlsed dally.) Retail Feed Prlees Babbit Pallets JJ.W (80-lb. bag). 14.80- 5.85 (100-lb. bag). Egg Hash 85.30-18.45. Dairy Feed 13. 55-3. B0 (80 lb. bag), f4.65-fi.45 (100 WM. Poultry Baying Prlees Colored fryers, 30c ; old roasters, l&o; colored fowl, 35c legnorn iowi, sac; roasters, sic. Eggs Baring Prices Eggs, AA, 46c; large A, 44-QOc; medium AA, 43c; medium A, 41' dc; smau, S7& Wholesale Prlees Egg wholesale prices generally 5-To higher than the prices above. Large grade A generally quoted at osc: medium. Bic. Batterf at Buying price: Premium, 11 72c; No. 1. 68-70C: NO. 3. 67C. Batter Wholesale grade A parchment. 7?e io.i retail, 77e. Chicago Livestock Chicago fP The smallest run since May as, 1951, jumped prices on butcher hogs 40 to 50 cents higher Friday. Sows. cattle, and sheep were steady in mostly nominal trading. Butcher weights conseouently sold from $20.76 to $21.65 In most cases. A top of 121.79 was tne nisnest since Aug. 22. Sows SOM from $17.00 to 319.85. A few loads and lots of his).. commercial to low-choice steers and yearlings sold irora sio.oo to jaa.w and a lew choice steers went to $32.50. Oood and choice neuers orougnt si,w to $21.00. With loadloti absent from the sheep pens, only small olts af ilauehtcr timhi sold from 932.50 downward. Ewr brought siu.ou and oeiow. Portland Uvstock Portland tUR) Cattle: For week aaAiv steady to weak, some late sales all classes sngntiy lower. Calves: For week 380; lower desolte smaller supply. Hogs: For week 1060: steady to 3&c nigner out closed mostly steady. eneep: rot week laeo. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ADDINO MACHINP.a AH makes used machines sold, rented. repaired. Koen, 458 court. Ph. 3-8773. o' BULLDOZING Bulldoslng road, clearing teeth. Vlrgtl Huskey, 1010 Fair view, Ph. 3-3146. oflB CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash reg isters. All makes, sold, rented, repaired. Roen, 458 Court. Ph. 3-6773. o DRESSMAKING Alterations, hemstitching, buttons, buckles covered, buttonholes. Mrs, H. M. Allender, 2-8911. o80 DRIVING INSTRUCTION Lesrn to drive the "Essy Drive" way. CaU or see Mr. Rlckard, Valley Motor Co.. Salem. Phone 33147 or 45174. oa EXCAVATING Ben OtJen A Son. Excavating, land clearing. Phone 3-3080. INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS Fork-lift trucks. Inside and outside work. Hyrter, Clark, Mobile lift. 2000 and 4000 lb. machines. By day, week or month. PU 32436. Capita) City Trans fer. INSULATIOV Insulation, weatherstrips, screens. Free estimates. T. Pullman. Phone 1508!,. o86' MATTRESSES Capitol Bedding, renovates. Full tine new nattresses. rn. 3wo9. OFFICE FURNITURE 4 SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files, filing supplies, safes, duplicators, supplies, desk lamps, type writer stands. Roen, 456 Court. o RFPT1C TANKS Ham el's septic tanks cleaned, Una serv ice. Ouaranteed work. Phone 37404. o73 Mike's Septic .Service, Tanks cleaned. D'ropter cleans sewers, drains. Phone 3-9468. 084 Sewer, septle tanks, drains cleaned. Ro. to-Rooter Sewer Service. Phone 8-3337. o TKLEViniO.V TV Sales, Service, Antenna. 1870 Lena Ave. Phone 4-5933. o65 WINDOW CLEANING "B Si Z" Window Cleaners, paint scrap ing, floor waxing and general service. Residential our specialty. Oo anywhere. Ph. 3-7931. o63 Acme Window Cleaners. Induitrlal floor waxing, bousecleanlng. Phone 3-2331. 347 Court. o TYPEWRITER Smith, Corona, Remington, Royal, Un derwood portables. All makes used ma chines. Repairs as rent Roen, 456 Court e FOR SALE HOUSES OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & SUNDAY - 2 TO 5 P.M. AT 4580 NORTH Nice ranch type bungalow with attached garage. Hardwood floors, lovely large living room with combination dining room. Fireplace, alas utility room, lane kitchen with many bullt-lns. Bedrooms with large closets. Fine sandy loam soil. Lot 61 Vis 176 ft. deep. Won -residential owner oayg saorlflce at only 9t50 on easy terms. CLAUDS H. MURPHY. AOINT KENT OFFERS THREE LOVELY HOMES NO. 1. Over 1,100 square feet of spacious living. Two large bedrooms, at tractive living room with paneled fireplace wall, dining room, kitchen with dining area, beautiful lot In s district you will bo proud of. Carpeting Included in the special price of 11,000. 4 loan can be assumed. MO. I. Non-resident owner forced to sU this nearly new 3 -bedroom home. It has a living room-dlnlog room combination, work-saving kitchen with corner sink, utility room, large lot with fenced back yard and patio, paved street. Asking 311,600, but quick sale Imperative, . Look this over and make, an offer. Large i loan can be assumed, i NO. J Here Is an Ens It wood home with everything you have been wanting. ' lshape4 living and dining room designed for entertaining, model kitchen with breakfast bsr, 1 large bedrooms, lovely den, full base ment with party room and fireplace, oil furnace. 113,760. Terms. Owner will consider older house In trade. Murphy & Kent, Realtors Mortgage Loans 456 North Church Eves.: Mr. Kent 3-2780 OPEN BY OWNER SATURDAY $1,000 WILL HANDLE TwQ.year-oM two bedroom -homa, larg, rooms, hardwood (loon, plas tered, Venetian blinds. Insulated, weatherstrlpped, electrlo heat, 10x17. lot, patio, lawn, shrubs, bulbs, aood soil. 310 KENWOOD A VS. mil, east ol rour Corners. FHONK 10117. FOR SALE HOUSES WE NEED $10,000 to $20,000 HOMES SEVERIN REALTY 37 TEARS OF SATISFACTORY SERVICE WALNUT PARK 4 BEDROOMS ' Among fine homes. S bedrooms nd bath down. 1 bedrooms and bath up. Large living and dining room. All floors carpeted with 835.00 per yard carpeting, Finished basement and 2-car garage. Here is a line home, built prewar with best material. It Is yours for under cost. Substantial mortgage can be ar ranged. $17,900. SUBURBAN SOUTH A horns you'll enJoy. 3,000 sq. ft. of fine living . 2 bedrooms. S complete baths, living and dining rooms are carpeted. Stainless steel kitchen. Large party room with fireplace, H sere of fenced landscaped lot, A lot of home for only 113,500. LITTLE FARM HOME 1W sores of garden; fruit, grapes, duck pono. weii-ount nome or 7 rooms, it located close In and can be yours for only fll.SOO. Terms, 4585 CENTER STREET East of Lancaster. Lovely 8-room home on landscaped acre. Living St dining room, fireplace, cheerful kitchen with nook, S good-sited bedrooms, utility & attached garage .Only 810,800. Mort gage can be arranged. JUDSON STREET Ranch style S-room well-built home that you must see to appreciate at the price offered. This Is a newer home among the many fine homes being built In this section. Yours for 810,750. North 23rd - Englewood Ons block from market. A truly fine home consisting of living & dining rooms, fire pi ace, work -saving kitchen with nook, full daylight basement, love ly yard, and garage. This Is an out standing bargain at $12,500. 365 EAST RURAL This pre-war-built Kngllsh type home should appeal to a home buyer wanting a, real well-built home of lasting ar chitecture. 8 bedrooms or 3 and den. Living room with fireplace & dining room with bullt-lns. There Is a full site basement with laundry ft party room. Automatic heat. Newly decorated thruout. Oarage and lovely landscaped J corner lot. Can you duplicate It at I 1 13.500 j SEVERIN REALTY CO. US N. Hlsh l-mi) eves. 1-ntts Mr. Klant 1-1311 Mr. Moon 1-71 , 94 A. In city. Well-built bungalow-type hse. with large rooms, 3 B R,, L.R., D R., kitchen with nook, hdwd. firs., fire place. Beautiful shade trees. Full price SBOOO. C. W. Reeve, Realtor I860 Mission St. Ph. 84590 Eve. 3vS36 or 42405 s82 NEAR LESLIE 8CH Dandy 3-br. home, iioors, nice ana ciesn, smsu lot, 6750. Ca Ray Davis, eve. 4-5917. ED LUKINBEAL, Realtor, 438 N. High. Ph. 3-6680. afla $1000 BOWN 3-bdrm. home, large living rm.. lovely lot with shrubs and fruit trees, 740 Oregon 8t. C. W. Reeve, Realtor I860 Minion Bt. Ph. 34590. Eve. 89636 or 42495 S62 OR TRADE for small house in West Balem, -ucuruum nouH, i acre iruii, oerries, l shrubs, a chicken houses, valus 14000 St ssooo. 18945 ft.w. view Drive, Oswego Blackstone 18842. mi LEGALS EXECUTRIX NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that NKI- LIE V. LAND has been, by order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County, appointed executrix of the Estate of Reginald W. Land, Deceased. Any penone having claims asalnst said estate are requested to present them, with proper vouchers, to said executrix at 310 rioner Trust Building, Balem. Oreson. within six months from the date of this nonce. Dated this nth day of March, 1961. NELLIE V. LAND Executrix of the Estate of Reginald W. Land, Deceased, RHOTSN, RHOTEN SPEERSTRA Attorneys at Law 310 Pioneer Trust Building Salem, Oregon Attorneys for Executrix March 13, 30, 37 Apr. 3, 10, 1953 1 have filed my final account as execu tor of the Estste of Charles Henry Wrlsht. deceased, in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County and ssld court has used 9:00 a.m. of March 23, 1953, and the courtroom of said court as the time and place for hearing thereon E. O. ST A DTE R, JR., Attorney at Law 402 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Balem, Oregon r a,w4 Vj Feb. 10, 111 alar. 6, 13 FOR SALE HOUSES RIVER ROAD Construction Financing HOUSE - SUNDAY PRICE $8750 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER Spacious I bedroom home In NI Salem. Over 1700 ao. It. floor apace plus attached carats. Landscaped 93x110 lot. Price, 116,000. CaU 1-74M tor par ticulars. a8S IS0O DOWN, ISO MONTH 4 YEARS old. 3-bedroom sub. home. Ap pro, boo eo. ft. 33 A. Immed. poss. Allen C. Jones, Realtor 131 N. Hlsh Ph. 1-SS3I; Eves. 9-M4S aot OR TRADE, 4 bedroom house near Rloh. mond school I7S0O. 4tt B. lth. atl KLUMPP'S BUYS LIKE 'EM LOW? LIKE 'EM NEW? LIKE 'EM MODERN? If so, call us to show you through this nrand new a bedroom home with at tached garage, comfy living room, chic kitchen with dining area. Abundance of num-ins and closet space, 60x185 lot. hardwood floors, weather stripped and Insulated. N e-a r transportation and school. It wont last at 18500. Ask for jEveiyn j. boyo., NOT JUST A PEEK! But a Sweeping View With this 3 Bdrm. home with daylight basement, also including large living room and dining room with hardwood floors. A nice large kitchen with plenty of bullt-lns. A very nice den with fire place, double plumbing with forced air neat, wxno rt. sot, a biks to school. All this for 818,500. Ask for Richard Kiumpp on this one. "Best Suburban Home" With smell acreage for the family, 8- Bflrm, home with fireplace, double ga rage, beautiful trees on a knoll, outdoor Daroecue. nest soil, good well, view. Paved street. North. A steal at 89,000.00. "Family 4 B.Rm. Home" near Keixer school. Sep. din. rm. St utility rm. I, lot, lg. garage, good well, paved street, A real buy at 85,950.00. Terms. Aik for Clyde Poulk. L. E. Kiumpp Realtor S05S Portland Rd. Ph. 1-1841 Eve. or Sun, 1-3884 3-7842 aRS OWNER MUST sacrifice, 3-bedroom home on targe corner jot, large comfortable living, venltlan blinds throughout, in sulated laundry room (n attached gar age, Immediate possession. Must sell. Look around and make offer. Any rea sonable offer considered. Inquire at 3745 June Ave, or Call 39560. a64 ON CREEK Near N. High. 3 Bed R, Kitch en, Dinette, Eath, Living R, Hwd W Plr, Basement, Auto Heat st Fir pi, Oarage, $9000.00. I unit Ant. House, $14,000.00. 4. unit Apt. House, $21,000.00. For Rent: 1 3-Rm & Bath rum I shed Apt, 150.00. Ph. Owner 43643 After 6 P.M. or Before 9 A.M. a6( 3 BEDROOM, Vt story home. All spacious rooms, hdwd. firs., mahog. woodwork, fireplace, dining area In kit., basement, automatic heat, covered patio, double garage, 1045 N. 31st. Evenings S .Sun days. B63 COMPLETED APPROX IMATELY 45 DAYS. FOR SALE FARMS Farms & Acreages BUILDERS ATTENTION 1 GOOD BUILDING TXXTS plus about 3 acres, no house, Bare 38138 ft. 8ome filberts, walnuts and irapes. TOTAL PRICE 17000. V. flu. JUST OPK riSHER ROAD. 230 ACRES 100 A. In cult, on hlxhwav. 4-bdrm older modern homa plus loo head live stock. TTJ6 tractor. All farm tools lor on 17 fis.nou. " SPECIAL 37-aere DAIRY FARM near Hubbard ror oniy f n.ooo. SUBURBAN - $3500 vltn $900 down. Nle, on.bdrm. suburban nom, located on Idaao Bt. (EE T. T. ANDERSON EVE. PH. 43714 orricB DIAL 4-,4494,24,r52 f (MM Capital Journal, Salem, Ort., DENNIS the MENACE WM3I IT WHEN VOaO TUB KIP 6RA8S 6TUFF Off REAL ESTATE APT. HOUSE TRADE 7 furnished apts.. 6 baths. Pine heat-' log plant. Low overhead, close to the Capitol, always rented. Owners leaving city. Will take a good clear house for equity. Income $330 per mo. Price $23,500. LIKE A GARDEN? Lse. city lot N.B. on bus Une. Nut fruit trees. Strawberries 8s garden spot, Lse. late-built ft-rm. house with at tached garage. If you are hard to please you sho'iid see this home. Price $10,500. RENT-BEATER l-B.R. furnished horn, on a fine corner lot In W. Salem. Price ,3750. 1750 dn. WALTER MUSORAVE REALTORS 1111 Edeewater 1-llOt Eves, 3-tt Ce3 TRADE Owner of a new 8-bedroom wishes to reduce his Investment, wants one or more acres with livable house. Bis val ue lia.bOO, with commitment of $9400. $500 DOWN S-B.tt, house northeast on paved at. Asking vrlce 85800. Also a late-bum 3 bdrm. home on large lot south for $6000. WM. BLIVEN & CO., REALTORS 47 North Hlsh St. Xve. Holmes Ph. 3-sen J-47TI cJ DUPLEX Close In and extra living Quarters, In come of 885 per month, completely furnished total of 45 places, an handle with email down payment. F. EL WEIR, REALTOR 1247 a. commercial cw ATTENTION builders and Investors. nice lots and very good 1-bdrm. home with full basmt. Located close la on1 fltate St. No, 3 gone, Ideal court alt, 115,500. Eve. call Peck 8-5418. KD 10 K 1NBEAL, Realtor, 435 M. High. Ph. 3-6680. C83" St. Vincent 4-bedroom. Large living room, large dining room, good plastered home. Newly redecorated, some xurnuure mciuaea. Bus by door. Extra large lot with fruit and nut trees and lots of flowers, pos sible 81000 down. Only 98950. . NO DOWN PAYMENT , Pay only 9500 for lots of good furni ture and get a dandy small home on easy monthly payments. Really a good lot on bus line In N.B. Salem. Paved street, close to school, TRADE your farm for a good Income property within walking distance of down-town Salem. Showing a good steady profit, REIMANN REALTORS LOANS & INSURANCE 301 South Hlsh Street Phone No. 3-0303 Phone evenlnu: 4-1871, 8-3898, 1-4878, 4-S31, 3-3384 c83 NELSON Trade for 3 Bedrooms Opportunity to get that cosy 1-bdrm. home with step-saving kit. Economical fuel bill, extra lse. gar. Englewood diet. Price 88260. Call Mrs. Wootten. PRICED TO SELL Over 1100 so. feet In this well-built V-yr, attractive 3-bdrm, home. An ex cellent landscaped lawn (72 x 137), paved street .extra bldg. 12 x 17 on concrete foundation In rear. $10,900 will make this splendid home yours. Csll Al. Wattl, 3-7205. 9-Unit Residential Court Downtown district, easy to main tain. Very small vacancy lots due to reasonable rent schedule. Priced to sell. 888,600. Call Mr. Schmidt. SOUTH I BEDROOMS St DEN Only 8 yrs. old, all on one floor. A really good homo for a family. Lo cated off main road with largo lot. Ideal for gardening. Only (10.500. AT BROOKS VERY ATTRACTIVE BUY t acre plus. Oood well St water sys tem. Nice 4-rm. home on concrete foundation. Oar., soma furniture St tools lnculded, all for 12960, call Mr. Galla gher. NELSON & NELSON SPECIALIZING REALTORS 703 N. Hllh St. Ph. 1-3980 c3 FOR SALE LOTS CHOICE VIEW kU In Klnswood Heights, ewers, water, etc, Aenslbly prked, eaiy terms, can owner, prtone 3-84is. ssso FOR SALE ACREAGE 168-ACRE Irrigated floe ranch. Oood soil St location. Fully equipped. $49,000, isrms. MOTEL, new units. Qross $8000. Its A. H down. rEOPLE'8 E7CCHANC1B REALTORS, McMINNVILLE bb83 FOR SALE FARMS 48 ACRE FARM, on pavement. 7 miles south. Want Salem home. Rt, 3, Bos 790, Salem. Phone 4-3838, bM 80 ACRES plus farm equip. Including trac tor. $ A. prunes. Oood hse. Machine shed. Barn. Trade for small grocery. Price $10.(80. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 1880 Mission St. Ph. 14989 B. 30618 or 43845 b03 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Friday, MutA 13, 1. . , 4 Btidz WST "BWT CAR P0K WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES For four best returne, Invest la Salem real estate. HERE IS VALUE worm canine ouu. 1-uvuiwm lih nnfiniihed UDlUlrs. WaU-tO-WaU carneU In living and bedrooms. 98 3oo lot inside city. Several fruit Oarage, roil pries oniy savou. BUSINESS ZONE 138-ft. frontage. Plus a good 4-bdrm. , home. Oarage. Floor furnace. Corner lot. We consider this a very good buy lor $9,500. Terms arranged. TOP VALUE ' Knglewood Diet. Real cute. Ideal Saw a rental or If you don't want too much yard. Insulated. Weatherstrlpped. Near high and Englewood school. Pries $8750. - KINGWOOD Just like new. Well built. Breesewar. Insulated. Fireplace. Oil heat. Separata utility room. pvd. st. race oas seen i duced to 11,000. F.B.A. terms u elred. CALL FOB MR. CRAWFORD, IV S. FH.1 4-0030 or MB. KIOGINS. Fh. I-47I0. If no answer, call 4-3348. , - i 3 HOUSES on cms lot. Almost new. Very modern. Very clean property. Enough room to build another home. Terms. Full prtcw only 914,500. : NET OVER 10 on this Income property over and abflvw all expenses. This property Is very easy to maintain. Desirable location. Vaean. cles are almost mil. Completely fur-;v nlshed. Rents are very reasonable. Only 89000 down. Pull pries $33,000. Your ln- All you do la tend to business. This has proven to be one of the largest money-makers we havt) ever had our books. EaulPtnent Is the finest A streamlined operation that you'll bo proud to own. Pul pries $70,000. Mo phone Information. CALL FOR DAN I8AAK, EVE. PH. 4-153$. If no answer, call 4-3348. GRADE A SET-UP 82 acres with all equipment necessary for a grade A dairy. Oood 5-room home. 16-stsnchlon barn and milking parlor New chicken house. New Cass eom bine, tractor, disc, drill, harrow, spring tooth, corn planter, rake, mower, 2 milk machines, manure spreader, garden tractor with all attachments. 91 piss, S heifers, 2 calves, 35 hens. Kverythlnr goes for $15,800. Better hurry. Will accept nome on tne coast up to sc.uvu. 6V2 ACRES Close In east. New garage. Good well with lots of water. Very rich soil. Only 2Vt miles from Salem. Full pries $5750. 1 ACRE Close In north. Modern, clean 3-beoV . room home. Verr aood welt Att. aarase. Chicken house, Pvd. rd. Pamtlr berries, fruit and walnuts. Lots of flowers and shrubs. Pull price $8250. CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS, EVE. PH. 1-4738. If no answer, call 4-3348V.- - .' MORTOAOE LOANS 30-Year Maturtlr Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phones: 4-3311 or 3-183 3039 PORTLAND ROAD ' Ire Phones: 1-4738. 4-5404 . , 4-B030 or 3-J5S8 If no answer, phone 4-3341 COLBATH HAS THE BUYS DON'T SLEEP ON JTI LIVB ON Til No matter when ,ou look It will be hard to find a 3 bdrm. home all on one fir. plus un finished upstairs. Lara, LR, DR, bath, utllltr porch. Laree aarase. Paved at. In city. ONLY 50. A FAMILY HOM1 YOU CAN AFFORD. TKRMS. OLD TIMER THAT'S A FINER. When you walk Into the front door you will see a Urge liv ing rm. with wall-to-wall carpeting, ornamental brick fireplace, colonial DR, 2 bdrms., kitchen with French corner cupboards, largo basmt., sawdust fur nace, party rm. with some furnishings unfinished upstairs. Small a -car aa rase, landscaped corner lot, ONLY $7950. TERMS, $2760 down and $50 per month. LOOK TILL TOUR'RE BILLY II Then see this new Urge 3-bdrm. home (RANCH STYLE RAMBLER). Select hdwd. firs., wonder ful LR-DR combination, kitchen with many bullt-lns, nlce-slaed utility room, 34x34 double garage, H acre, water system, blue grass lawn. MAN, THIS 18 A BtXY FOR $11,5001 IF TOO CAN'T BUY IT, TRADE IN YOUR SMALL HOME OR ACREAOI AND MAKE A DEAL. KEEP WARM ' IN THIS COZY CCTTAOB with all piped) ' furnace, lane Uv, rm., cheerful kitchen with corner nook, corner windows, bath, utility. IV, bdrms. Lane lot with trees. Paved st. north. ONLY ISJM. MIGHTY NICE FOR A LOW PRICE. YOU ARE WEL COME TO BEE THIS LATE-BUILT large 1-bdrm. home with lovely LR, bath, hdwd. firs., nice kitchen, dinette with bay window, sitra large attached garage (room for your work shop). Penced ysrd, large lot, Nice district oa OR Ed ON ST. Price $7950. With $100$ down. WE. PHONE CALL DAVE LAZENBY 41703 Of MRS. OOLESBEK . IKS 71. orrici DIAL 44494,24552 yj i inn REAL ESTATE J. . 4, .,.JL .(. . ,J, l.