14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Friday, March 13, 1953 Gunfighter's Return By LESLIE ERNENWEIN IAP New.lestursll ChaDler 1 Durango died at noon. He didn't ay a word. Didn't even grunt. He Just lay down and died. Jim Rimbaud crouched holding a Dioocuy Damage he nad been aa Justing for Durango. F&tlmie slouch' ed Rimbaud's lean-shanked body: it marked his angular face and was a dullness In his eyes. Beyond him. propped on trembling legs, stood two urea norses. Rimbaud peered down at Dur ango's elack-Jawed face and re membered how this dead man had dreamed of becoming president of all Mexico. But he'd had one weakness. Women. And one had betrayed him for a pouch of federal gold. He faced southward, observing a long smear of risen dust above the barren plain. That would be the federal cavaltry coming to do the Job it had failed to accomplish last instnt at can seDasuan. It was characteristic of Jim Rim. baud that he didn't e lance at Dur. ango again. The smoky years had given him a gambler's fatalism. Dur ango was dead. Finished. And so was Ills laouious dream 01 driving ror flro Diaz from the palaclo naclonal. There had been some chance of winning the revolution while Dur anggo lived, but now there was no chance at au. Calculating the distance between this dry river bed and the oncoming riders, Rimbaud decided that It was not more than three miles. A mat ter of minutes. A man couldn't make a stand here. Nor anywhere this side of the border hills. Rimbaud plodded over to the horses and gave the flown -headed animals a squini eyed appraisal. There seemed little choice between them, for they were both close to being foundered. "Wore out," Rimbaud muttered, "like me." Moving without hurry, Rimbaud untied Duranso'a saddlebags and transferred them to his rat-tailed roan gelding. The cavalry, he sup posed, had obtained fresh horses from some friendly hacienda this morning. There would be no chance of the roan's outrunning them to the border hills, which were up wards of fifteen miles away. Yet, because he possessed a thorough ItHIGIlTEiV TUB HOOTS! knowledge of his pursuers, Rimbaud retained a cynical confidence. The power of gringo gold was great In Mexico. It might buy him the time he needed to reach those hills. So thinking, Rimbaud rode north prodding the reluctant roan to a slow trot. Presently he opened the flap of a saddlebag and brought out a nanaiui oi goia pieces American double eagles, which in Mexico were worth five times their face value. He droDDed one to the ground, and seeing how brightly It shone in the sunlight, understood the temptation I It would be to poorly paid soiaaos. He tossed a gold piece to the left of the roan s tracxs ana anouier 10 the right then flipped two more farther out on each side. Cro de Ubertad, Durangn. had called It; gold for the liberation. A small fortune of it. Jim Rimbaud smiled thinly, hoolng that the double eagles would last long enough to liberate a gringo drifter whose sole ambition was to reach Arizona Territory alive. ' Rimbaud looked back, curious to know how close the cavalry was. The group had pulled up. one man was already on the ground Now an other. They were all quitilng their saddles! Jim Rimbaud loosed a gusty sigh. "Or, de Ubertad." he breathed. For a tune then, wnne ne xepi the roan to a shuffling Jog. Rim baud watched his back trail. The cavalry was farther off each time he looked, the lead riders stopping to pick up gold pieces while rear ones raced on to the next nest of glittering double eagles. "Like hoes huntirur acorns. Rimbaud mused derisively, and flung another handful, spreading the eold of liberation wide, as a I man sowing seed on fertile ground. I Rimbaud tilted the brim of his 1 dust-peppered hat low over his I achins eyes. He contemplated the miles at nine or ten. There was a sorlne due north on the southern slope; Smuggler's Well, they called it. And the town of Junction lay a few miles beyond the divide in Quadrille Basin. He had once spent montn in junction, recovering! from a bullet-slashed tendon In I his left leg. Thinking back to that) occasion. Rimbaud tallied the date and was surprised that it had been I scarcely two years ago. He had i done a lot of drifting since then. "Too much." he muttered, and saw himself for what he was: a I cynical drifter disillusioned by lost causes. At twenty-eight his chief possessions were a Buntline model revolver and a wornout horse. That, plus a puckered scar where a bullet had Roused his right cheek, and an other scar on his thigh, was what ten years oi iree-iance iignung naa got him. Softly, in a way of a man making a solemn vow, Rimbaud said, "I've! had enough, by God. More thani aplenty.' (To Be Continued freshens taste-gives Chew to eT'i ATymx WanttobeatboredomK . j Bffl awes- ti.t p. time p.Py; R,freih(. .. anywhere. Enjoy it w V AHI41 ROOM & BOARD Ay BEDROOM 15 ACROSS N FROM YOURS, AND I SEE YOU FIDDLING WITH SMALL BOTTLES, MEASURING GLASSES AND EYEDROPPERS...MY WIFE SAYS THAT DURING THE DAY SHE N GETS WHIFFS OF ICKT-SWEET SHELLS WAFTING OVER. AND 1 5AID MAYBE YOUTJE WORKING ON A FLY SPUN! 7 NO, MORGAN . . . .THOSE DELICATE ODORS ARE FROM MY EXPERIMENTS IN CREATING A NEW PERFUME... IT MAY BE QUITE POSSIBLE ONE DAY YOU'LL PAY J 25 AN OUNLt r(JK IT AS A GIFT FOR YOUR. GOOD WIFE 4 J A ACROS 37. Automobile 1. Quantity 39. Military 5. Rebul! student 9. Piece of cloth 40. Valley 12. Dismounted 42. Measure of 13. Motion of the length sea M. wecinnea 14. "Little 15. Part played 16. Not dressed 18. Narrating 30. Employment 21. Is defeated 23. Fastener 26. Pertaining to Arius 29. Tear on a seam SI. Untruth 32. Foul-smcllIng 84. Hotel 36. Room In a harem finrucle ler SO. Record of a document A3. Sea eagle 64. Not in 55. Nobleman 56. Bound together 57. English river 58. Prophet 59. Olden times DOWN 1. Market 2. Medicinal plant Solution of Yesterday's Punlo Foundation timber Starry Bewilders Tarry 7. Put with ' ' ' I' r.','i1 ' I" !- i- il f ; ' fsfes SrfS ti"W m&in'' r?jr n JT"'T?jT" 33T JT"-" 3rr ir",7t" - 3J TT 32" S ' ;' v'M'l 37 T i"3 4't"tit'Uim tsyt tt ?j rt t??? g?j 57 -gar "LUGER LOUIE'CAUSj f OR, MAYBE Z SHOULD) LOUIE. YOU 'MEANT TO V ) C CSL THE SHOTS--. CLOSE YOU UP JZl ONLV f IS BOSS HEBE PASS JDffT ry I'M GLAD YOU STOPPED, TELL YOU WHEN FOR GOOD? JT MEANT TO I C6T M WORRY ABOUT COPP6R5 y T LOUIE-IVE BEEN PASSIN L" yOUR SHOP V wv" J -- I it&o'wnsan'&oW f MMPAf PoeM THAT t WBOOf THUNWA67 .-1HeU COLD.THBU COLD T OgMMffOOLf If mltvt I O f " BaWrSTirHaJWN 'OPWHITe-OFrtHlTe. IMcKJ ni!)Y 1 S nrr f ruxmmm ; r n O HM-M-W6LL, t BELIEVE H I I SAW KIT IN TH' I I OUT DOORS- I fes&S;.5a TO f I HOTGOOB I HE-S-AH-HOLONQ HIS I II I HALL WHEN DOC IV "V HffilSr-SrrSVS S3 K eH,BOCy I OWN-DOINS ALL WE I CAME OUT O" I SHE WAS jaafegrrfEr--sg' . I. f 1 3-K-63 1 1MX if" I II l.le r.B U-.3V I MJmifttfXW VWMdKtts?4 1 iff if l i 41 IUHt,V-f Uk J II E - " " " IWEHEERD LI'U INCUOODIN' I I OH, TH 'THANK If WHV, SHECKS-"! I sOa.l-TMAR.r ??"-WHUTS TMtT Tf WETRIED-BUT IT WON'T H fS?!?1-''1- A VO-V AH'u. J us FUTURE I I AH D-DIDNT STANOE.DARK WHOOS'-EVLVT WHV i.5SSPS?5v,S55HO? I IViZTP C.RM '2??ENrS 1 1 WAMT VO'TOciUBA-HOVtRIN1 WORF?? AH THINKS. N I IS , r m,ZrWrX csV whar is th" A W t-tTW iFTm HiW IsriO HOLP, YOUR A -SOPf.' HOW'D PON'T VOU REC0SNIZEAND T i u WZZZu, , at a . ,r-Tr JT5 FIRE .' THE , VW6ET , HIM, ME6fi?UITE' ITS USED TO I H yla'WOWWHATAI-IEADACHE.jtV FAME'S OVERf HERE ? AN THE LA6T OP THE THINK IT O H THE.,?S(V.?L-iNDN,ES 16 Jk W y WHO ARE V3U CARVER BROTHERS. WA6 THE V BUT FJ ifn. TALKIN' T0 ? I CAUGHT UP WITH MOUNTIES ifl u 'OH 60SH (VWHATS WEU.,1 FIGURED J WELL, WHAT I V I KNOW.THAT& -- NOW I WON'T ) ' Van MEANtS0Re SmPV THE II OUT THE TAX (ABOUT IT? JUST IT' I USED BE ABLE TO SAVE U nwTAUCTjV0uftElH S MATTER? 'ON A MILLION J VOU AIN'T TO SAME fV6,375.6Z'z ANYTHING BECAUSE ) T dw aO 16 THE LOW DOLLARS (GOT A DIME INCOME TAX A I WONT - imOvjc-av Hl U INCOME IS MUCHLESS VEARBECAUSEI HAUETOPAVANV''CV jliill . "Ta yESj"?-, ; 1 ITS ALMOST S6VBN!TtHATS RIGHT.' VOU INDDBNTALLV, BBX, I CINg.' Tea v R a,a u, v . V MesAN I DIPNT K6ALI2B IT 7 HAVE A DINNER FINALLY REMEMBERED 1 ME ASOUT IT I C n Y "-tn!! rf' r WAS SO LATE .' y-C APPOINTMKW WITH WHERE I'VE SEEN A. TOMORROW.' ) jillf TRTURNEjTJ WKvpy eiffiARfniR d ni i in n mi 11 r- r lEIsrsaAlitElAUplfMy " conne. and (V-O , -V YinesO i d I Kr i vj l I f; ir,-(K: v.'L'j 1 i " I u teaBSasjBiaST" ll Pn good).)ne quick t.,. J S cuff and dr.thackery?-"! jut r I ii TO LA6T TILL 1 . Ju A3 5AW THEM OUT THEREiLIBBY.'-.TALKING! I A vou ffMJtVoBOBy coulo object, a cyM?tMt( aUIxlVfB011"5 5Ht WAHLP roTHEJTEPjy j CARR.VINGON A MML-ORDER 1 COULD THEY. TOMY GOING Hill . fi rr R COURTSHIP RIGHT UNDER IHl) T Vl 11.. lfe3ygS?W Tilt WNOLt STUDENT RGHT..iUPtW YOUR 47" Y- A ; Rll vfefK1"!! 1 mfS Y "GAME OF POSTOFflCE' - j'jL' Gene Ahe A NOW.JUDGE. LET HIM HAVE IT FOR. WHOLESALE 3-11 RADIO PROGRAMS FREE TV THEATRE Watch TV at our Television Theatre. Sao them in action before you boy. PackordrBell, Emerson, Raytheon, Wettinghoute OPEN FROM 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY Open Other Evenings by Appointment YEATER APPLIANCE & TELEVISION CO. 375 Chemeketo Phono 3431 SATURDAY -P. M. KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAEK0CfT ttt NBC T CBS 119 ABC 1W MBC HM a., utt . Stodenl Ntws ' Mis. Opr Qar M Eolu llnuli JTr- 15 K:W rmm K.rmF.dl M.t. Open Km BtnnXt i.-TI JJ:15 LUlenlM ' Portl.oJ Met, Opr. tun N.n. Nxl J!""" -.' I?:? """" "" "' "n B.rcn.a. f Miiile 8. Ct.li Met. Optra Mu.lc . It,. n.,-- ri-2!2. I'-CSmusU BsndiUni Mel. Opera Mailt Bee. B,, u '" J:'? Mmle Klikham Mel. Opera Mini. Bit. tum .""'N I -45 M"" Klrab.a Met. Opera Masle Bee. Ba ajjjj' vSii Bit Cltr US Air Ferei Met. Opera Mmle JIb DaaaT 77r J:V? Serenade Bene Mel. Opera Muile Shew "uii, :I3 Aethor Speal Let's Pretend 8ler Time Meile Jim Dtaor ..'" t:45 Pb' "'" L"' '"tend Oe Te Tewn M.ile ghov Suff fhi Multnemeh News Selenee Meele Jim Dandr iu?rr S:?S Port. Mu.lc UN Beeerd Our Tewn Musle shew i NBC Kid Critic. Ne Schoel aeorsla llm Oandr .. '!" 3:45 Srmphenr Quest Stir Todr Cracker shew iV(u' "JOO NBC Klrkbam What's New Musle Little show 2 i'.tH Srmphonr Farm Facts Heme News Uemln.rwai' Little Shew u " J'-in Bamparl . lenr School CIO and Yei Musle Little shew n.V. ;4JS Bempart And Yen Industry Musle Utile Show fttn KAA Kallenborn Correspnd. Navr Hour Little Shew tT,, S:' News Hllrwd DaU Nar Hour M'sle Little Shew "'"" t:i2 T. L. hfcCallDanir Aheae ABO News Cb. Science Utile Shew m..i Slilf Vets News Frank Oess Musle Hall M.le Utile Show 5,JJ,' . . Perls Tartan Sports Editor Hawaii Call. Utile Shew n2 . S:?VSIir Time Tartan Home Editor Hawaii Calls Situ Oft S:in Pet Wee Ountmoke Good Western v.. ' 6 :4 1"' Oun.meke Llttenlnt Bambltrs J .... Western Vaushn Batter Seal Muslt " jr Z:J! Theater Monroe Varletr Ljle and , "2 " et Grand Ole Spade C'oolei Adrenturer Westerner. t 7:45 0""r Good News Lone Baater Musle JJJjJ j S.ru Eddie Arnold Washington Lone Banrer Musle Eddie Arnold L'SA Herilese Musle "" ', T" Wllllami Qene Antrr Heritage Musle Dl.lrl.1 i i:4!l T Wllllami Gene Antrr Por.pectlra Musle iumu, S:M Western Gengbusters Perspective Newt oiit,ll 9:15 Jamboree Gansbustcrs Adventurer Serenade Toim.. ! :?n Happy Vllr s. Craig Sho Old World News Dl.lrM ! t:K Bench Bob Cro.by P"ee Mnslo Tetrstr If) .(in News Sat, Final Final Edit. Movie Quls Dsate tm 10:1s Sports Final Look Ahead Dance Time Movie quia Dents rtm 10;?n Banco Oreb. Desert Inn Dance Time True er Dsaee Fini 10:45 DaneeOreh. Orchestra Dance Time False Dsnce flit, ll'OO Danes OrehT" Organ Dance Time Danee Party ' Dsate r l -15 city Coancll Organ Dance Time Dance Party pIrl 1 11:S0 Clly Council Trees. Dance Time Danee Parly D.nt. 11:45 City Council Bandstand Danee Time Danee Party p,rtr 12:00'Slgn Off Tlent Dance Time Open Hoase "7 j FM Meg.l KOIN 10 1.1. ( a.m. to It p.m. KEX K.l, S te t p.ss. Don't fret over a down payment. We take most anything on a trade for a beautiful Raytheon See . Us First for the Finest! TRADER LOUIE TV 1870 Lana Ave. Phone 385SI Open Monday and Friday Evenings Efr Set SUNDAY 700 Chureh In Church at Concert Hall f 715 Home Air Concert Hell 730 Musle for Church a! Guest Story Melody . 7 :45 Sunday Air Here's to Vet Journey m.nn News Boom Sail Laka News First Baptist Go.pel el Gee. Wrtr : !.i Mu.le (or Ttbernaclt Betearch First Baptist Christ New. : '30 Sunday Invitation to Light a Life Back te God T. Powell Ceotrsl 45 Mu.lc Moods Learning Light a Llle Back te God Christian L.tbitn g.iin Ncm Europe Story Uncle Bob Bible Class T. Boberls bTtjI ' ; S:Ve Rsdlo Pulpll Europe Story Top e' Mem. Bible Class T. Roberta Orgsa ltd t'SO Glenn Sbelly H. K. Smltb Ue.sage el Volet el Willie Club Ave Mull V 9:45 Glenn shelly Hewt Israel Prophoey Wofllc Club Bes. . in .mi Bridal Hr. St. Fran. Negro CoL "ewe Penteseeslal F'es. 8mta i it.Ti Shower Univ. Explori Choir Tour Dome Penteseeslal Sserte-to lA'tn Proudly HaU Jewish Faith National Lutheran Waffle Club ttma 10:45 Proudly Hall Medal Honoi Vespers Hour Walfle Club Bemcrgwi Art Living Symphonetle Parade ef Frank-Ernest Calvary Isl BiiiaT li.ii: News Symphonetle Hits Mo,l Baptist 1st BrM 110 Eternal NewVork Parade el F," .. , Calvary 1st B.HW 11:45 Ueht Phllharmonlt Hits Methodltt Baptist ''t BMM ; TiTiui Intermeno New York News N. W. News Sunday Newt f le'.IR U Never No Philharmonic Gard. Talks Canaries Serenade Mercy ' ii ii'.w B Comluine N" York Christians Mu.le Sunday Cutt.l. k lllis Elmo Boper Phllharmonli In Action Musle Serenede Cell. I News News Revival Hem Lenny Boss Sunday Salts fj .- Gay PO's Pleasure Revival Hour Mae Serenade Attilel .'.tfl Meredith Godfrey's Revival Hour Faleon Sunday Sender 1 45 Wilson Digest Revival Hour Falcon Serenade Cartels 1 ..n GI Joe Ooilfrey't Voice ef The Shadow Sunday Mule f .ie GI Joe Roundtable Prophecy The Shadow Serenade Ms.le i-ii Mind Hyd. Story Greatest True Sunday Mule j:45 Manners rftws Story Detecllve Serenade Mailt .an Hy Gardner Star Theater Billy Nick carter Yoath Hour Mu.lo ; 3- 15 Meet Veep Shew Graham Nick Cartel Youth Hour Mu.le J:S0 Challenge ef Wakely Herald ef Official Reeerd Boom Made S45 Prisons Show Truth Detective Btcord Boon Mu.le 4- 00 Challense ol Jack Benny Chnreh la Affairs of Record Boom Sunder i'15, Prisons Jeck Benny Home Peter Salem Becord Boon Msile :$0 Aldrlcb Amos Ji AndiLook to Skies N.W. Artists Record Boon Sunder 4:45 Family Amos di And) Bnnday Edit. N.W. Artists Recard Boon Mtile 5:00EdHaeker Bergen and Top Gny Newa Record Boon World Nrei B:15 Top Story McCarthy Top Gny Cunningham Becord Boon UN Sttrf B :S0 Theater CBS News Mel. U Never Kno Becord Boon Mu.le Itr 5:45 Guild CBS News Auditions Bible Hour Becord Boom Amtrles fj :00 Theater Playhouse Wlnchell Concert Record Boom Wsrwlck :15 Guild Playhouse Jimmy Fldler Musle Sign Off Waraltk 6: SO Youth Views Escape Taylor Grant Concert ' News :45 The News Escape n 8.elll Mosle SL Frsstll 7:00 Dragnet Portland Paul Harvey Little Mu.le 7-15 Dragnet Symphony By road Symphony Ms.ls 7:30 Phil Harris- Whistler Intereollege Music Honor MeJsl 7:45 Alice Fare Whistler Forum TV Cllnle Nst'lOsirl 1:00 Starlight Our Miss Drew Pearson 211 Questlens Prcduly Sil 1:15 Starlight Brooks Mon. News eo Questions Proudly 111 Symphony Little chet Hunlly Moon Gerd DsB Sleetrl 1:45 Hour Margie Mu.le Hall 1 anj sense Pea Bt.ir.li :00 Symphony Bergen and Careers News Dob Stresn i:15 Hour McCarthy Sac. Heart Land We Lovi Don Sltwul t:sl Junior Jack Benny Portland HI. Edit. Speak. I! Never N. t:45 Symphony Jack Benny Time News Health Ceia 10:OtB. Beporter 5 Star Final Final Edit. Musle e Ms 10:15 Story Teller Musle Faith Times Musle Ave Msrls 10:S0 Cathello Slaart Craig t. Cooke Cburch ef Reverie 10:45 Hour Bdr. My Beat Concert nr. Air Kererle 11:0(1 Nesva Bdr. My Beat Concert Hou Concert Sign O'l 11:15 Sundav Mu.le Concert HouiConeert 11:30 8ymphony Treasury Concert HouiConeert l;4n Symphony Bend Concert HouiConeert - -;,,i. SB 3 -..it MONDAY S A.M. TO 1 1 :45 A.M. I. Conntrv in South America 9. Revoked 10. Hail 11. Mining chisel 17. Remnant ot combustion 19. Greek archi tecture 22. Take chair 24. rather 25. Confined 26. Footless animal 27. Impolite 28. Pcrlainlns to the Italian Greeks 30. Steps 33. River em- bankment 35. Assortment 38. Renege 41. Buildinn sit 43. Masonic doorkeeper 45. Grows sleepy 47. Set of three 48. Heavy blow: slang 49. Interpret: archaic 50. Seed container 51. Resret 52. Hint mi :M :1S :M 7:00 7:15 30 45 Mastc Time Musle Time Music Time Farm Time Country Ed. J. L. Wills News Manning 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 iNewe RFD Ore. Block Block Kloek News Newe H Babbit Old Sengs Old Songs Musle Bos Mu.lc Bot Moelc Bes Mu.le Boa Mu.ie Boa V. Llndlahr llo.less n.e, llo.tess Il.e. Strike Blch Strike Blch 11:00 Double er 11 :l; Nothing H: 10 Bob a Ray 11:45 B.b Hope Farm Hoar Farm Hour Farm Hoar Farm Hr. Isl Edition Agronaby (iarred lfa.cn New. iNewe Grand Slam Roarmsrr W. Warren Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Gal Sanday Road Life Ma Perking Dr. Melons Oalde Light Mre. Barton frerry Mason North Drake Brighter Day News Timekeeper News News Harmony Hs Rrkrst Gang Brkfst Gang West. Musle Brkfst Club Brkfat Club Brklsl Club Brkfst Club Cecil Brown Family Altar Bible Bible p a.m. Ed. Stars Today Break Bank Break Bank pon Gardnei C. Rentier True Story True Story Whl.perlng Olrl Marries V. Uadlahr Baraey Keep iBreakfast Neok Breakfast Nook Breakfast Nook Breakfaet Neok NW News Cap. Com. Pastor CaUs Bar. Counted Newe Telle Test Answer Man Masls Ladles Fair Indies Fair Qa. for Day On. far Day Jim Dandy Jim Dandy Jim Dandy Jim Dandy Back Fenee Serenede Back Fenee Serenade Back Fenee Serenade Back Fence Serenade Back Fenee Serenade Baek Fenee Ray. Betstd. Rays Errors. School Vacations at Woodburn Slated Woodburn Woodburn pub lic schools will ho day, Tuesday and Wednesday, iMurcn id, i t ana is, to permit teachers to attend the Oregon Education association conven tion in Portland. Classes will be resumed Thursday, March St. Luke's parochial school will not take a vacation while the public schools are closed but will have a spring vacation April 6 and 7. The North Marion high school will be closed all next week for spring vacation, re-opening n March. 23. a.