On Television KPTV (Channel 27) Only sraeraaa lelndolia la adVftDu) II HI .l J rl H ranuT 00 P.m. Ttl, Big P.roff M p.m-wlMau TrartUrs 00 p.m. Ku Smith 00 p.au Doubl or Nothing JO pm. Btrlk, It Rich 00 p.m MitlaM Tbutar II p.m.-ttreh lor Tomorrow ' 30 P.DLLOTt -of Ufa ;M p.Hv-4ull KKx . , so p.m Rot Rocirt 00 pm cuoo Kid 10 .ak-Joiif Sdwuoj 45 p.m. Tlm for Bmbp 004:30 -llCU ToannmoBl so p.m-tir. ud tin. North 00 p.Bv oonnli 0r 10 p.dv Adolph MtnJn 10 p.m Ulo at Kiln MARR RADIO and TELEVISION INC. Salem's Most Complete " Television Center 2140S.Com'l r Phone Day or Night 2-1611 or 2-4728 . SiTCBDAT 41:00 Vsv-JCMi ud c. 11:10 p.m. 67 Kbit 1:00 p.m. THrnt Patrol j J:?o p.m. Vlotorr at Bea lilt P.m. Too Art Thtro PHILCO First In Public Demand! Open ie p.m. I II 1120 CENTER t. S0 jn. In Salem MA qrrTWB'mmqammmmrrg- Tele-Views 4:00 p.m TV Tftvn CIqV 4:10 pa Btehop Bhtn :00 p.m ill atw IUtw 0:00 p.m a how ot ahowo 1:J0 p.m. Hit FuUt :oo p.m. Juku aiuua P:00-W M B.BL NOAA ItamuMl 1mI. 11:00 p.m. BMh Pmnlm ThMUr 11:10 p.m. "Lait of ttia Mohicau" 110 PA. (Appro.) Slra Off 10:10 p.au (Approx.) sin Oft Flannagan Appears At Janlzen Beach Rfllnh Flannaffnn finil Vila . citing band will make their roruana aebut at Jantzen Beach Ballroom Saturday night. TELE VIEWS Will nrnt an W.f. view with Flannagan In next weens column . . . Evewitness account of the. history-making- Atomic ex plosion to be detonated by the Atomic Energy Commission at Yucca Flats. Nevada, Sunday. March 15 and Tuesday, March 17, will be seen over KPTV. The blast which is slated lor Sunday, juarcn id at u to 11:30 a.m. is a preparation blast for the biff one due Tuesday. The televising' of the preparation blast is not definite yet as KPTV has to dispose of a network program before they can go ahead on the telecasting. The Tuesday morning event will show the actual blast and the televising will take place between 6 a.m. to 5:80 a.m. Blasting time will be 5:20 a.m. on the nose Tuesday morning. The Amazon river is 400 miles wide near its mouth, mwwwpwwww. .jaBawaj Radio-Television By DAVE BLACKMEB TELE-VIEWS will present on on-the-ecene report di rectly from KPTV studios Tuesday morning. So watch for our story Tuesday on the atomic bomb blasts. This will save you the trouble of getting op that early. . Another blast, the third and final one will be held Tues day afternoon at 1:45 to 2 p.m. However, this is just an other minor blast. The AEC test, part of a series being held by the govern ment organization, will essentially show the effect of an atomic bomb upon a small city, graphically demonstrating the results of the concussion, heat and radiation of a deton ated fission bomb when applied to typical family dwellings, furnishings and motorcars. The awesome weapon will be mounted upon a steel tower surrounded, at varying distances from 'Ground Zero" by test buildings and automobiles. A joint network committee, formed to produce the show, consists of Producer Frank La Tourette (ABC-TV), Bill Whitley, assistant producer (CBS-TV), and Film Producer Ray Neil (NBC-TV). The atomic test will be directed by Klaus Landsberg (KTLA), who is responsible for setting the relay to trans mit the history making event from Yucca Flats to nation wide points. . , News Commentators Chet Huntley (ABC), Morgan Beatty (NBC), and Walter CronMte (CBS), will describe the AEC's eighth series of postwar atomic tests. Following the morning atomic blast, supplementary re ports will be seen over KECA-TV and the ABC-TV net work as soon as the radiation level has descended to a safer geiger count level As the newsmen move into the blasted area they will collate many aspects of the destructive force of the bomb upon the typical "dummy city" and present their reports to nationwide viewers on a continuing basis during the telecast day. KPTV audiences will not only see the bomb in full deton ating force bnt will be fully informed on the results of the fission blast. Staff Doctor Talks to Group Dr. Rudolph Bosenielt staff physician of the TB unit ot the State Mental hospital talked to the board of directors of the Marlon County Tuberculosis and Health association at their meet ing in the hospital Wednesday night. A tour ot the hospital was made by the group. Dr. Rosen felt aralalned hi tMatnutnt to the natienta and aald hti uaa nf the new drug lsonicotinlc acid hydrazlde had helped many of ue cases, ur. Kosenxeil said He had Used th drutf alnna with other therapy for the past nine monina wan iso patients who are in the new TB ward at Ore gon State hospital. , Dr. Dean Rrooks. aaalatant aii. perlntendent at the hospital, told the group members the common belief that nno tm. tlent is admitted to the hospital no never gets out Is false. Forty-four per cent of the admis sions are voluntary, he said. About 2.500 natienta ar art. mltted each yea; and 3,100 dis charged. The next meeting of the asso ciation will be March SO at 7:30 pjn. which will be the annual meeting of the ansnolatlnn .nrf open to the public. It will be held at the Knight Memorial church In Salem, and Senator Robert Holmes will sneak on 'Legislation and Public Health." court street store FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! ft M TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON THIS ADMIRAL TV COMBINATION! A sensational trade-in offer by Admiral and Roberts Bros, for a limited period. Just imagine, '$100 trade-in allowance on your old CONSOLE RADIO or your RADIO PHONOGRAPH COM BINATION on this beautiful Admiral 21" TV Radio Phonograph Combination illustrated! This is the TV buy of the year! Limited quantities, so make your decision now! ;We Give and Redeem Green Stamps T I : Complete home entertainment in a hand some mahogany cabinet Super 21" TV with new 220 tq. in. Dyna-Ray picture tube... pus super-powered radio built right into TV chassis . . . plus super "600" phonograph that's the simplest, most de pendable changer for all records. MODI I. 1110X16. ,.tquippd with ell VHF and Chonntl 27 UHF $ 529 95 less $100.01) Trade-in You Pay HERE'S HOW ADMIRAL TURRET TUNER Brings You UHF UHF reception is provided by means of inex pensive snap-in tuning strips. A new UHP tuning strip, pretuned to the exact frequency, is simply snapped into the place of an unused VHF strip ... that's all there is to it I No outside converter or cumbersome tuning device will ever be necessary. And remember . . . Admiral Turret Tuner is already equipped with all 12 existing VHF channels. No additional expense will ever be necessary for VHF reception I NO DOWN PAYMENT ON APPROVED CREDIT It's the Picture thor Counts! Woodry Furniture Co. 474 J. Commercial Phone 4-2111 This Family Has Unusual War Record Three sons ef a Paynes. vllle, Minn., mother who has sent a total of eight boys Into military service la recent wears, are currently living In Salem and the Willamette val ley. , The mother Is Mrs. Alvlna Heraberg and it la believed her record Is a high mark In connection with military serv ice throughout the entire country. Gordon K. Heraberg, ef 1911 North Church street, In construction work, Is one of the eight sons who have set tled In the west The others are Bhelnholdt of WUUmlna, whoso wife la a teacher In the schools of that community; and Noble ef Lane county. Erwln, Norman and Arthur Heraberg, also lived in the Willamette valley. Three of the sons are still In military service. Canada was united under one government In 1887 Airline Hostess feiaiiMw.-'MAi Airline Hostess, Bette A. Vautrot, says: "it was great to discover the new 'Bveready D-89 flaanUght batteries. I can depend on them to outlast standard cells. ..to give more brilliant light They're leak proof, tool" Capital Journal, Baltm, Ore TrUay. Xt. a 1 ARABS KILLED IN MINE FIELD Tel Aviv, Israel An U- raeU military spokesman said Thursday aa undetermined number ot Arabs were killed in s a mine Held Wecmesday night after infiltrating the Is-raell-SgyptUa armistice boun dary. . One type of antennae for the new ultra high frequency TV channels la shap k, a . made ef two teianulr i. about the siaa of a shet o.' writer -papers ' . Fti:r:ltJS::!r TUKitcn9ir icaA.nscus f50f Rt.k$t MMtl-SKS r new used such fine fuel. PrCO'tO'lonO,oftoiirl CAPITOL LUMBER CO. phoni s-tut I j Hss the high cost ol Jiving prevented you from getting things you want and aeedr A cash loan will provide the money to take advantage of cash purchases and you can select from many pirmtni plans lbs one to fit your budget. i CASH LOANS . $25 to $1500 In 1-TRIP I iMm. Sm. at tarn anch and f-!7 i "when.'' Complets the In j youlint cone u. I : X D. WAlXn. Mar. ' I ----. ----JL one t f.i Bf.W.W I I ei 4AeaMMiAef YEATEE? kWt. says: 4 OUT OF 5 PICK MS ffOB WrVBIiPIHPICf TV RECEPTION 4 eat of S ew vMerhkgheM TV ewwers thoes H en acMce ' t friends who red a vyeerlwQheejee oe a o TV efeareeis voceMMiiclatfow. Tfce Ciflrert crntm WESTUtCHOUSI moocu SlW I i. torn" flatter,011 m . .vr. Save gZ1Z All-""" NWtMett Costs Mra IndecWs rederwil Tex Mi WMTonty whh ffvtl i on Pltlor Tiiboe OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 YEATER APPLIANCE & TELEVISION CO) 375 Chcmeketa St. Phone 3-4311