12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Frldya, March 13, 1953 1 Viftft Jl. J. Xl-Lj JLS ly lob fcw- Steelhead in North Santiam Un arnuriri Mill fMtv nn ihn Nnrth Santiam. they have faying: "When the dogwood blooms, the iteelhead are in". We don't know if the dogwood In that part of the country U in bloom, but we do know that a few steelhead are making weir appear ance. The steelles that come up the Santiam are not, as a rule, as big aa the lunkeri that uie the coast streams. The - run itself is comparatively small, having to run the gauntlet i( all the way up from the mouth of the Columbia. How ' , ever, there's some good fishing to be had by the anglers who know their stuff. Incidentally, there is no season closure on Santiam steel head. The March 15 closing of costal streams does not apply, though the same bag limits are in effect. The North Santiam is closed to angling above the bridge at Gates, but below that, all and sundry are welcome to try their luck. The Santiam is potentially one of the finest trout and steelhead streams In the country. Unfortunately, rapid fluc tuations of water level In the past few years have all but destroyed the food suddIv In the river. Few resident trout remain in the stream for that reason. However, the Detroit dam may make a big difference in the future. A more stable water flow may bring this wonderful stream back to some semblance of its earlier glory. , , The steelhead picture will also be brighter on the Santiam as pollution in the Willamette is eradicated. In time, when migrating fish no longer must fight poison and lack of oxygen ., in the water, the Santiam can have a Spring steelhead run that will afford sport to thousands of anglers. Many iport Activities uue in aaem That Salem and vicinity is growing more outdoor sport conscious all the time is indicated by the line-up of activities here in the near future. On March 21, the State lVkA noias their quarterly meeting in Salem. March 28-29, the Third Annual Snnrtsmen'a Show makes its bOW. On April 8, the Salem Ike Waltons present their annual Spring Frolic. And, of course, the Salem Lions Club and Ike Waltons will conduct the Mill Creek Deroy lor Kias, as always, Apru . Two field trials will be held this week-end. One will be a Pointer-Setter trial, Saturday and Sunday at Camp Adair. Should be quite a spectacle, as the judges, handlers, etc.. will probably be on horseback, following the dors. Retriever fans, however, will disdain this trial for one of their own. The Willamette Valley Retriever uud wui meei at 9 am., Sunday. Location is "Conser Lake". Turn off 99E at the Millersburg-Conser road at the Picnic Area, about 214 11 iu A lu,, fnllnur ihA ftiffns. evuai rrecn-cuu iui . Only a few more days left on the coast for steelhead. How ever, most steelhead are getting pretty dark, and are best left alone to proagate next year's supply of fish. Lots of fun can be had, though, angling for cutthroat. Many fine fish have been taken, though the limit is small two fish per day, same as steelhead. No law against landing and releasing 'em, however! NCAA Play Opens Tonite Washington-Seattle Game Opens Corvallis Tourney By MATT KRAMER Corvallis, Ore. VP) From hun dreds of miles around the fans poured into this college town Friday to watch the most wide ly known little man of basket ball this year AU-Amerlcan Johnny O'Brien against one of basketball's best big men AU- Amerlcan Bob Houbregs. Room reservations long have been gone in this town of 16,000 and the overflow of fans is spill ing into hotels and motor courts in Albany, Eugene, Salem and other towns 40 miles or more away. The two will e 1 a s n O'Brien and his Seattle Uni versity teammates against Houbregs and the rest of the University of Washington team at 7:30 p.m. In the first game of the Far West regional NCAA tournament Friday night. This is the game the Pacific Northwest fans have been hop ing to see for two years. Both teams have been dominant in SCORES in the ALLEYS Capitol Alleys ladies crrr uaoui taitw BtM ( Bcott !, Gartner 102, Llndaer Ml. Muellhaupt 499, Adolph toll Salem NTlnllon (1) Miller 300, Masker 1S, Colvln 430, Oalletln 339, Pn- 491. Steleaman (D White 3S1. KlUmlUer 407, Bound, 401, Upilon 403, RlchM 401; Brd. lir Meat! 8 Doertler 453, Lowrr 393, Bunae 117, Bradley (09, Thompson 487. Bab Lewlesi Maeon. (1) Thruih 407, Lawlea. 439, wherley 415, Cerr 40, Ven derhoof 411! Geod HeaaekeeBliic Olney mm m 1" m a Vaisetz wins In First Round At Ashland Ashland VP) The Southern Oregon College of Education's invitational Class B high school basketball tournament ' went Into the semifinals here Fri day. Vaisetz meets Talent in the opening game and Jacksonville faces St. Mary's of Medford In the nightcap. Result of Thursday's rounds: Talent 72, Lorane 26. Talent 63, Butte Falls 43. Vaisetz 80, Paisley 82. St. Mary's 54, Prospect 29. Talent 78, Ophir 33. Jacksonville 53, McKenzie 42. 411, Albrich 471, Oardner 370, Jonee 411, PoneM 413. Handle OU D Amove 411, Brundldge 317, Hulf 300, Btalder 411, VanDell 414; Cupboard Cere 8 Vlttone 394, Olodt 431, Halaer ill. Peaae 430, Zwlcker 411. liaak Beallr O. (0) McElhener 319, ram 400, Puh 3H, Black 398, Kennedy 417; cmiek'a Bleak Hone. (41 Krelcl 434, Schroeder 479, NeUon 433, Clark 611, Oar- oarino on. Maiter Bread (0) MerreU 4M, Monmr jm. name s, Meoia 491, Herman 313; Shatlae'. Chataaa (4) chamberlain 3(1, Pollnikr 407, Curtla 411, Prime 433, Olbb Kith team same, Senator Hotel, tol; nun team aeriea, cnuck'a Bleak Houae. 3394; huh lml. lame, Gartner, 1091 hlih urn. aeriei, uarbarlno, 633. W YOU CAN'T BI THIRI II It ON NIW IIO SOWN SPJfltf 6jep4k9)tlokll Seattle Unlvenity Unlverirty of Washington Are laJecaor Aooiawioeeof Tone Control AntJ Rerlection Glare-Guard e Kaeor-Sherp Ileetro-Lock Toot hrmat 'Telnet Tarring - ' mi nil lAuufAii APPLIANCE CO. Ill Center St . Phone S-I11B MARR RADIO & TELEVISION, INC. 1171 1. Commercial ph. I-1IU Gill Defends Hoop Sport in B-ClubTalk Criticism being voiced through the medium of na tional nutgatines against the game of basketball doesn't set very well with Coach Slats Gill of Oregon State college. He said as much during a talk before the Salem Break fast club at the Senator Fri day morning, where several of the coaches of the state "B" teams were guests. Gill said he could see no point In the harping being voiced In many quarters against the court game, al though he believes the defense should be given a bit more protection by the rules com mittee. Stress on the offense, which has resulted in an in crease in foul shooting, is partly responsible for the as tronomical scores, said the Beaver coach. Gill had a good word for Larry Paulus, former Salem high school player, who was a member of the OSC fresh men team this year. He said Paulus had the muscular strength needed for competi tion among tall contenders. Gill stated that "Swede" Halbrook was an excellent prospect for varsity competi tion since he has the courage, the ability and extreme height necessary for the modern game of basketball. the area, Seattle as an indepen dent, Washington in the Coast Conference. Neither has met previously de spite the fact both schools are located in Seattle. The second game will fea ture the finalist of last year's regional tournament Santa Clara vs. Wyoming. Santa Clara won last year 56' 53 in an upset. Wyoming, cham pion of the Skyline Conference, is favored again this year, but Coach Ev Shelton is leary of Santa Clara's height. Santa Clara, an independent entry, averages 6 feet 4 inches. She! ton has 6 foot 7 Ron Rivers to help counteract that, but cannot match the overall height. Washington, ranked No. t In the Associated Press poll is . the favorite in the tourney. Washington has a record of 27 wins and I losses. Seattle (28 3) Is ranked in 14th place, Wyoming (20-8) is sixteenth. Santa Clara (19-6) Is unrank ed just as last year. The winners Friday night will play Saturday night for the right to go to the March 17-18 NCAA finals at Kansas City. Here are the complete pairing, for to- nllht'e rraion.le: At Kaieith, n o. Lebanon Tauer u-i .. Louisiana State 131; Wake Forest 30-6 va. Holy Croaa 19-1. At CnloafO In dian 19-1 vi. DePaul 11-7; Notre Dam. 11-4 ti. PtnnirlTania 31-4; at Manhattan, Kana. Kensae 16-6 ve. Oklahoma City 18-4; Oklahoma A61H 33-1 v.. Teiaa ohrli- tlan 14-7. At Corvallli, Ore Wa.hln.ton 37-3 vi. Seattl. U-ll Santa Clara 19-1 vi. Wyomlni. Fights Last Might (Br Tbo Auoclt4 Prut) MiflnHi -Corky Ooniftlat. U0. Dn- vtr, outpointed Chrley ZUlir, in, St. Louli, 10. . Detroit pat Utnil, HVtt, BTrMUit. outpointed Pt Lowrr. WO, ToImIo, t. W.uiiiniton aene emun. Hi. wmd- lnston, topped Ai Magllarf, 1S3, Bart lord, t. Fail River, hiii. Tommy smitn, ih, Provident:, outpointed Billy Andy, Ml, Providence, 10. New York (Btunyiloa Grnt Jim my McCoy. Portland. Ore., outpoint ed Mike Culuccl, 148K, New York, t. Newark, . J. Tony Martano- in, Brooklyn, outpointed Dej Shinier, U6, Jersey City. 9. Auvatta. Me. Larry orllfln, IIB. Lewlf- ton, Me., outpointed Terry Ryan, 144, Portland, Me., 10. Basketball Scores (Br United Fran) OaiOON "B" TOUBNET rirat BeanS cho M, Drain 41. Blltn M, Brownarlll. 19. Chlloeuln 60, Heppnor 46. J.fferioa 64, Knappa 40. DISTBICT 11 TOVBNSf Central Catholio 46, omham 40. SOCI TOUBNET rirat Kau4 Tal.nl 11, Lor.n. 36. Tal.nt 71, Ophlr 11. MoKinll. 63, Butte FalU 41. Jacksonville il. UcKenil. 43. Valiat. K, Faliler 93. St. llim (Mediordi St. Proipect 19, (Br Th. Aaeoel.tM Free.) NIT TOURNET Seml-Flnali at John'. (kn.) 64, Doouem. M. Baton UaU 7. Manhattan so. NAM TOUBNET O.arter-Finala Hamlin. 103. Mlaa. Southern 93. Bait Tax.. 73, Tenn A&I 67. Sprln.fl.kl (Mo.) 71. Ntb. Weilejan 74. Indiana State 106. Flndlar 70, OTHEB GAMES Dartmouth 64, Yale 60. Albanr (NY) State 19. Oeneieo 70. Arkania. Collei. 79, Hendrlx 66. St. Johns Pulls Surprise in NIT New York VP) What started out to be a national commuters' championship with only Seton Hall of South Orange, N.J., left to battle St. John's inspired Redmen for the NIT basketball title Saturday night. St. jonns benavea like a four-year-old at his own birth day party as it shunted aside visiting Duquesne of Pitts burgh, 64-35, and Seton Hall shook off Manhattan with a tre mendous fourth quarter dis play, 74-56, in Thursday night's play. Letters Awarded At Conby High Canby Coaches Charles Za- cur and Don Kingsley awarded 27 wrestling and basketball let ters in an assembly Tuesday. Letter winners for Coach Kingsley's basketball team were Bob Herman, Clarence Hepier, BUI Dawes, and Bob Kraft who finished their last year of bas ketball for Canby. Kraft was voted team captain. Junior win' ners were Dick Rayley, Arlan Bigham, and Clayton Christian. Two Sophomores were Bruce Darling and Bill Gleason. Dick Harms won a managers' letter, Coach Zacur awarded 17 let ters to his wrestling squad. Sen lor winners for their last time were Milan Conley, Harvey Han' son, Roger Montgomery, and Joe Klmm. Klmm was voted team captain. Juniors were Jim Enterllne, Lester Farmer, and Don Huston. Second year win ners were Clarence Connelly, Glen Harris, Joel Neuschwander, John Owings, Bob Schlel and Larry Wright. First year win' ners were Bob Dlnsmore, Ken neth Kirchem, and Jerry Miles. Exhibition Baseball (Br Th. Auoclatad Fraae) Buton (A) I, 6t. Loull (N) 6. Chicago (A) 7, Chicago (N) 1, 10 Innlntl. Clevelen4 (A) 7, New York (HI 6, 11 Innlnga. New York (A) 1, Detroit (A) 0. Philadelphia (A) 1, Brooklyn I. Portland (PCD 13, at. LouU (A) I. Boaton (N) 9, Waahlnfton (A) I. Cincinnati (N) 10, Philadelphia (N) 6. St. Louli "B" (A) 6, Seattle (PCD 4. Cuban et.r. II, Plttaburih (N) 10. Central Catholic Gcss to State Tournament Again Portland ) Central Cath- Ue ef rortland gained the Dis trict it berth in the state high school basketball tournament by downing G realism 46-4 Thurs day night That completed the lineup of the 16 teams which will compete for the state title at Eugene be ginning next Tuesday. Teams that qualified previous ly are The Dalles, Ontario, Lake' view, Medford, Marshfield, lu gene, Albany, Dalles, Hills boro, Astoria, Salem, Milwaukle, Clatskanle, Cleveland of Fort- land and Roosevelt of Portland. Gresham, No. 7 in the latest Associated Press poll, was de feated 62-89 by Central Cath olic Wednesday night. In the Thursday playoff, Vince Alten- hofen scored 16 points to lead the winners to the district cham pionship and their fifth con secutive trip to the state tourna ment. . The Philadelphia At h 1 e t i C s scored only three runs in the 1905 World Series against the Giants. The New Yorkers won the Series with four shutouts. three of them by Christy Mat-thewson. 19-Day NFL Trial Comes To Conclusion ruuaunivuHi V" ni..ui of whether the National rZZ hall 1IM rmr. ...., .'t-i - - " avBiriCl broadcaitinf 4nd televUing Acaicq n fLfJ U.S. District Judge A1I?$ Grim, sltUng without tThij. heard th vrinun A . "i government charsea th. violated federal antitrust hZ and televising of its gamee Mosconi Earns Billiard Title . San Francisco On Mosconi Friday pocketed 200 and a gold watch, symbol" of hU 11th world rkS6 Hard championship. T ine navenora, Pa., ah. shooter climaxed the 1953 toi nev Thurarinv i1fK4 k !" his eighth game without deft? victim, was Jimmy seven innings. Michigan State foothnii . ' I have scored 100 or more poStf in four different games, thelSI being an even 100 aeain.t mTl n 1091 " "l thJI Mril SPORTS SLATE FRIDAY, MARCH IS Oreeea Mate ejaai B tearaamenti Willamette nnlreriltr. Two eoniol.tlon'Mt. I la afternoon, .tartlni at T.X. Two leml-flnal .amei at nliht. atartlna at tV I " nvM au.i.au piarni.t onion State oUa. Coraliirl iw, .taruns at 7:16. Je,. 1 SATURDAY, MARCH 14 Oraeaa aaaia olaaa S haath&ll aHMmm, wm. ... ,. I fourth Pl.ee, S:io. Fl.roff lot third place. 7:30. Champlonahin .ami , a.S!2','i mST, tlrtE No?" eoU-' Co" t ' CAR & TRUCK RENTALS 394 North Church Phone 3-9600 Nov -You Can Buy This New-All New Dfc) $52-0 S . i I Month For as Little as WCIUDING INSURANCE 4-Door Sedan One-third Down If you eon buy ANY new cor, you eon own on All-New, Brand-New '53 Dodge. Why be satisfied with less? Find out how easy it is to enjoy big-car bonuses and famous Dodge dependability at these low, low monthly payments. Come In Tomorrow You'll Always Get a Better Deal From Your Friendly Dodge-Plymouth Dealer Lislen for "Hometown News," 8:55 p.m.-Mon. thru Fri.r KJLM STAN BAKER MOTORS Chemeketa and High Salem Phone: 2-2468 i"sagg""""T I r T I bwT I J-i:fi 1.1 V wo 1 : Web lliihihtunnniTL1 ! : w i rvi erJ "-- i s:i i-i'iu s 'tiu wAirr,ew X 0 830a 1 0-8001 TMf WEST'S OLDEST AND LARGEST RETAILER OF AUTO SUPPLIES leS., asm QGDllQ 'M'Utiii.nr'j'jiiM 12 $15.95 88 CATAIIHA SEAT COVERS Top qvoMy, pkntic ooaied, Itber aaxrt covers. Heavy cotton doth trim, scurT-proof leatherette headrest, plastic coated bead ing. Fode-rfstont pfatds. ALPINE PUSTIC SEAT COVERS Striarir 19.95 88 Mod of Saran ptaitic, Vmyl plattic trim. Won't stretch of shrink. Wash able, brtaht new eoton. 15' MONTEREY PtASTK SEAT COVERS Finest quality. Made of Umite Saran 24.S5 pki stic with enrboiKd hoort. Choic aeem mm of bright new eoteo, potterm. 7eOO Premium DELUXI Ui5 rpt Original )ulpnieee tcttf. M 100 ompere hour captKky, 45 plotet, 24 aranth anarsatM. REOUIAR 12 no. gw. Cr. 1 Exchang. ....,.,,., fj. SUPER ACTIVE 17.25 110 ampr hour ca pocfty, 5, plotHr 36 month auarant. Group I, Exdi..,,,.. TRACTOR BATTERIES 100 omporo hour copodrf, 4$ DlatM 24 loonMi flvorantoo. ixchoitva 1 8 ivtonm evoromott zxch. 5.99 IUY ONI TIKI AT OUR REGULAR LOW PRict AttD err your next twi roe ONI HALF MICE, OR ONLY . . . Th- W GIANT Flrrt Tlr. 11.08 ' NEXV Ilac o.4LY Ptw Ftdorol ToXf Exche 40014 61 ANT ROADMASTIR BmtVa UM 7 Ai NEXT THE ONLY.... 1.74 Urn Fedarol Tax, Exch. 400U SUPER CREST Pint IV. 0 QT NEXT TIRE ONLY.... 0.71 Ww Federal Tan, Ex. . t 12 Prlct UU Salt A 7fl Finrfvbo t,49 NoirtTubt liAV ft Pftn ftdtrml Kcur, btkmgt Tripod tacks 7.95 IMrenal "Sof-T-iHt". 1 Vi too capacity, M. 4y bum. Con be ew4 en uneven grovnd. SiiiImI eirTI Rfn. Spray SndsKj ?7tJ?tZ ZfZ?'" "- Handr.. again. Xbtl1: colJ2 lTJZ L!d4 r'J at sxtra chargs with Die 1 'I" il f " I purchai of 2 gallon ccm. I fSZ7! Ill jm. I Tri SUPBINH mata mm VFiliAlri Ml RmRH, QUARTS M1' VARCON Premium Quolitv Premium qoolrry. Contains ci m naavy awty reaemenh neaa Tor today 1 orrvmg. ipedal offer, Cleaner, Glaze 44c Ceeitokei ork-rsdudrj Sconev. Imy to opply, produeen e high prolatJIyci hnter, tarh longer. , ... ' n.i, .leiMaipii ALWAYS BITTER HUYS VuVcanlitrt 59c CMST hot potdi type, hckide. nibbef neb. kawd plotforai and 10 201 h. Commercial Commercial at- Court i 1; A