championship nov:o ECHO, St Drain Thursday, . ' DRAIN, 41 ' Echo Friday, i:it Friday, T:I CHILOQCIN, Heppner Thursday, 4:11 ' HEPPNER, 41 Chlloquln laturday, $M Saturday, 2:31 Saturday, TM Fourth Place ThMIlaeo State Chasapaw Brownsville Thursday, l:lt Eight BROWN8VHXE, Si CONSOLATION ROUND ; 7 A , - r i LJi Now What? John Wright (No. 11), Jefferson hlfh school forward, hu Just taken a rebound off the . backboard, and' while flanked by two Knappa. players he "looks around in an effort to find a teammate to whom he "may pass the ball. No. 21 for Knappa is Mike Barendse. .Looking over Wright's shoulder is John Vlastelloa of Knappa. I Jefferson won the game 64-10, and will play in the semi -.finals tonight. , . ,' , betroit Team Rolls 3181 in ABC Tourney Chicago "v VP) A sensational 8,181, third highest series in the 50-year history of the American Bowling Congress, put the de fending champion Pfeiffer team of. Detroit in first place Friday in the' ABC's Golden Jubilee tournament. The Pfeiffers set two new ABC records in taking a 75-pin lead , over the Budweiser Beers of Cincinnati in Thursday night's final shift. ; The 2,137 score in the first two games by the Pfeiffers was the highest first two-game total in ABC history. Their 3,181 and last year's winning total of 3,115 gave them a record of being the first team to ever post two con secutive 3,100 ABC totals. The Pfeiffers, then the E. & B. Beers, won the 19S2 tourney at Milwaukee. Adding Color the ate B basketball tournament are the girl yell squads, like this one from Elgin. From left, Nicky . Simohsen, Joy Leonard, Ker rel Stowe, Joy Wade and Bet ty Haisey. tp n pi on innnim All First Round Games by Big Margins By CHRIS KOWITZ, JR. Oregon's class B high school basketball tournament swings into its semi-final round at Wil lamette university tonight, with Echo. Chiloquln, Elgin and Jef ferson still in contention for the state championship. : Those four teams won games in opening-round play yesterday, all of them by substantial mar gins...: .i. r Echo thumped Drain 58-42, Chiloquln rolled over Heppner 60-46, Elgin eliminated Browns ville 56-39 and Jefferson jarred Knappa 64-40. In semi-final games tonight, Echo meets Chiloquln at 7:30 and Elgin tangles with the host team Jefferson, at 9 o'clock. The two winners will meet at 9 p.m. Saturday to decide the state championship for schools with less than 150 enrollment. :. The consolation round was to get underway at 2:30 this after- noon with a game between Drain and Heppner. Brownsville and Knappa meet at 4 o'clock in an other consolation contest. One tournament record was established on opening; day. Don Amson of Elgin scored nine free throws against Brownsville, bet tering the old record of eight, held jointly by Larry Pryse of Prairie City (1950) and Art Wea therford of Wallowa (1952). 3 . - : I v (J W$0WP$iu& Stream 1 JM jjf7 j rfS!! FULLY AGED! - ECHO 58, DRAIN 42 The Cougars, bringing back the same lineup and oxygen tube they used In the 1952 tourna ment, looked classier than ever as they jumped into an early 9-0 lead and held the advantage all the way. Four of the five Echo starters reach the six-foot mark, and they proved yesterday afternoon that they are just as talented as they are tall. Ron Dorn, the shorty of the club at 5-7, can't be eliminated from the talented division, either. LeWard Collinsworth, Jim To- lan, Bud Graham, John Ramos and Dorn played together as a smooth-functioning unit, with 6-1 Collinsworth doing the "quarterbacking" from his posi tion behind the key. When Collinsworth wasn't di recting his team's .play he was sinking set shots from about 20 feet out.. He had seven for the afternoon, which, coupled with a pair of free throws, gave him 16 points, high for the game. Gary Dorn, who had 13 points, displayed a lot of ability in the ball-handling department, too, : Dave Swearingen led Drain in scoring with 11 points, though he was held to no field goals in the first halt - - After Echo led 9-0 after four and a half minutes of play, Drain shook its state tournament jit ters and closed the gap to 9-7. Collinsworth sank a jump shot to break the Drain streak at seven points, and Echo led 11-7 as the first period ended. - Drain was limited to two field goals in the second quarter as Echo took a 28-15 halftime lead. It was easy from there. CHILOQUIN 60, HEPPNER 46 With nice team play Ml around and a couple of potent scorers in Gene Gentry and Bill Vadan, who had 16 and 14, respectively, the southern Oregonians uncork ed a 14 point rally in the first period to establish a lead that Heppner could not overcome. Jack Sumner of Heppner put his team Into a 3-0 lead in the first minute of play with a field goal and free throw, but Chilo quln tied the count at 5-5 two minutes later. From there, Chiloquln turned loose its 14-point rally on seven straight field goals. It started with a two-pointer by Ronald Leggett. Then came a 25-footer by-Vadan, a bucket by JoJo George on a nice assist by Vadan, a set shot by Vadan, a field goal by Gentry after a pass from Va dan, a bucket by Vernon Joe on pass from Gentry, and a tip- in by Gentry. That gave Chiloquln a 17-5 lead. It was 18-6 at the end of I Friday, 1:11 ' Friday, IsM I v.'.;- J ' JEFFERSON, II nPP ' . Thunday, 1:09 Jefferson l ': . ' KNAPPA, 41 ' v.,,..,;. i7j.7.i-7 " ''XV Bgin; JeffilPliif Sepi-IFDiiiids , , , , . . i the first period and 28-19 for Chiloquin at halftime. ' Heppner got back in the ball game momentarily when Bill Hughes and Sumner hit field goals at the outset of the second half, to cut Chiloquin's lead to five points, 28-23, but Chiloquln pulled ahead from there to take a 43-29 lead by the time the third period ended. The fourth quarter was a loosely-played affair, with most of the action devoted to parading up and down the floor toward the free throw lines. LOCAL UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES Salem, Oregon, Friday, March 13, 1953 Pag 11 ELGIN 56, BROWNSVILLE 31 - Brownsville appeared to have the game in the bag at halftime. The Indians were leading 23-16; and had limited Elgin to a mere four field goals in the first half. But the tide changed, quickly in the third quarter. Elgin scor ed 11 points to Brownsville's one to move into a 27-25 lead mid way in the period. Elgin added to its lead steadily after that It was 34-29 when the third quarter ended. Good backboard work by El gin's "front line" of Elwyn Hug, Don Amson and Morton Gor don, and some sweet defensive work by guards - Edwin Hug (twin of Elwyn) and Larry Fitz gerald, proved to be big items! in Elgin's comeback. ' Amson added five field goals to his record-breaking nine free throws, giving him a night's to tal of 19, high for the game, Rudy Herr led- Brownsville with 14, despite the fact he was playing at an unfamiliar posi tion. Herr, regular forward, was switched to guard position be cause one of the starting guards, Dave Ward, was hospitalized just hours before the game with ap pendicitis. Ted Moehnke was moved into the starting lineup in Herr's regular position, and failed to score. Ward's absence from Brownsville's lineup was obviously painful to coach Har old Schuttpelz' club. JEFFERSON 64, KNAPPA 49 Jim Blackwell, Jefferson for ward, tallied 21 points, highest of the entire day's play in the tournament. He scored seven field goals in the second half- half of the Lions' second-half field goal total to salt the game away for coach Fred Graham's Jeffmen. John Wright and Dale Watten- barger, whose backboard work was a standout for Jefferson in last week's district 2-B title, were up to their old tricks last night and the large delegation of Jefferson fans on hand for the game loved every minute of it Lee Cameron, southpaw Lion guard, added spice to the evening with his uncanny set snots, uam- eron swished six of them from 20 and 25 feet out. The game started out close, with the score tied at 5-5 after two minutes of play. Cameron then swished two straight shots from far out, and.Wattcnbarger added a. free throw. That gave the Lions a 10-5 lead and Jef ferson was on its way. It was 17-11 at the end of the first period, 33-18 at the half and 49-26 when: the third period ended. :. Dmla Ml) ; M) ek ft ft it tB ' ft f I Bl tO WY,r,f Ills ClniwtM 1 I 1 If JOilyn.t S S I 1Mu,f 4 S 111 L'Orn4r, 4 I 10 On&m, S 1 3 1 J.Swran,l 111 Rmoi,t 4 1 t 10 u.Bwin.i 4 s u a.Dorn.t l l in WMpU.t 1(11 ftralth., till OltnM 1 1 BirriM 4 4 4 4 Brom.i l t t l. - Andenn,i s 1 4 1 8weM I t 1 Totals 14 10 11 il ToUU 91 11 II U DtUB 7 11 14 U Xoho : 11 17 17 15 M Vrt throw, atUMd: Drain 14. lebo t. OMetoli: Km Lilly w4 mm BoUm. Ouu T0U14 II M SM. Total! 17 4 MM Xllln 4 S II M M Brownvrtllo 11 II 4 10 n Ptoo throw mliMd: Bila 21. Browna- Yillo 10. Ottlcltlo: Kind tad Saltan. IWm 44) ' n ft sa tp (4) '. (44) H,r ft ft of to . - ft ft of tn LttMtl,! 4 114 CWint.f IIS nii,l ' 1 4 t I Knonm.f 41 Qtntrr.o . 14 4 It Stimnor.o 114 vden, I t lit Ciu.t 10 1 Joo.t " I 1 1 -1 Twlor.l 4 1 4 AndlTn,0 4 1 4 -1 Huthet,! 1 4' 4 Slemlu,! 111 Kivu.i 11 4 11 UM M 1 4 BlllIU I 3 1 Bunw.4 t Jenuo 4 4 10 UKtHr.1 4 4 4 0 KuhU ' (111 BlokwU 10 WrUht,t S WtnbtrA 4 Oftmron,g S C411tB,l,g S Ueri.l t Cotmn.t O ItorUtU WOUM 0 KlM ft ft Pf tp I 11 VlutlM.t 111 I 11 KmpiU4,X I S B 4 1 11 EUlott.0 1 4 11 I U BrndM.i I 1 11 1 t PerkUu.t 1 II Rtlwlt.i ! I 1 ( Pilmro.i till 1 Puokotm 11 1 Trior 1 Uudis Total 1 S IS 44. TottU S IS JOIItriOB 17 II 14 IS H Knippt .....11 7 It 4 Fro throwi mUud: Joffonon T. rum 10. ... otncMUi Luir uo KUsd. 11:0 J. 4.T 11:1 P.m. 4.7 11:11 M. 7.1 , 1:1 pjb. 1.4 1:14 jb. 7 l:ot p.m. tJ 11 . 74 1:01 pjn. II 1:1 u. 13 :,. 4:01 p.m. t.4 l U. 4.1 ' 1:11 p.m. 4.7 . M :S 1 4:1 I . :H pjb. ' ,7. J. -4-1 7:11 M - :M 4JK. -4.4 ' 1:11 M. , t J , I-.I7 u. 141 PJ. 14 r.a jv -4 :U H. U M mm. -44 1:H m.,itU TIDE TABLE Conecwl for St OH9nt4 kf V. 1 OCMSI QwwtMIt rvr. Fartltui!. Or. It Wkttn L Wttm Utrota - Tim Heliht 1 Tlrnt Hilsht 11 10:37 4V.BL 1.9 4:31 A.m. ! 11:11 p.m. fl.t p.m -. 14 ll:tt ft.m. l I.1B a.m. 1.1 Why Suffer Any Longer' wtm OMn fu. aoo n fitiwmi n raw. junsmng hmm nv Mn la Chlao. muter vtth vhM as mnta to r iimmi tonwi k an. Uwn tm smut, HButtta, bouv ttt. uuupn, rttontattam. nn n. n-uw Mmpmuv Total 11 11 SI 09 Chllooiiln Htppncr Froethrm nU4: nor la. Off Kid.: Cwl Kllitl ni H.rrr Son.. Ilfla (W) Total. II 10 II 41 .11 10 11 17 0 . 11 10 174 Chiloquln H, Hepp- : (S4) BtmuvIII H II DI ID f ft nf In Amion.f s ( 1 11 MMhni.f 4 ja.ur.i j l i 7 LAwiar.f ,991a Oordog, Sill Zuhrir, I S 14 uvj. III! Herr, 7 14 PlUlrld.t 1111 w.lmar.p 117 Croum 111 Coohl 0 0 KlrkM Hopl.,. 1 1 Caldr,r 1 1 UikinU 1 HUiUu4 WtlboU IS THERE ROOM IN YOUR VACATION PLANS FOR A SUGGESTION? r W'il Enjoy Explaining Our Prepaid Vatto Plan LODER BROS. YOUR OLDSMOBUE DEALER ' 46S Cantar : Pfco 4-2M1 IMPORTANT NOTICE Wi tr rooking lor rslltblt pirflw, mtn or womon, who wint tf tptrif I chain f imw coin merchandising machines. WE Will SECURE LOCATIONS F0K YOU and sal you up In buslrnis. This can bt hamflid hi tnt sprs ttm If ita art not amployed en Saturday H can bt handled In S r 4 ham work and be built up to i business thai should pay $5,000 and ip pat year when fully established. Physical condition tr tducatlM b of m greil bnportanca. NO SELLING OR S011CITING no waiting for f tr months ft build vp Hit business. It pays you i profit the first day. I THIS LS NOT A GET RICH-OUICK business but ft should give yet I STEADY. PROFITABLE Income for the rest ot your life. A CASH INVESTMENT tf SSHOO b all that b required, which Is secured by equipment. If yet can quality tnd have the necessary capital and I sincere desk lor financial security, then write it once lor i personal Interview, gluing age, past experience, address and phone mmrber to Box 12 Capital JtrMt. THIS WHISKEY IS 4 YEARS OLD 86 PROOF THE OLD HERMITAGE CO., FRANKFORT, KY. j 7.N 7M "y CAPITAL DRUG PRESENTS . : . MEN HERE'S YOUR INVITATION . . . ... to faattr, ctosor, mora eomfortobl thovet than you'vo m thouf frt pouitila! Chooto tho entlraty Now Sunboam SHAVEMASTtR, with tho Ikj. ger SINGLE Htad that give you double tho board coverage. Tho now SHAVE MASTER hoe greater CONTINUOUS-ROUND SHAVING SURFACE for FASTER WHISKER PICK-UP . . . yot tho thavor i emollor in tho hand, ooeier to handle. Try this revolutionary now thavor today. Youll enjoy taeo comfort, oonvonlanco, and cloio, quick ehavoe euch you'vo never . boforo. SATURDAY, MARCH 14, FOR ONE DAY ONLY A factory trained representative will be at our store to show you the Shavemaster. Bring yours in for a checkup. CAPITAL DRUG STORE . 405 STATE (CORNER of LIBERTY) . WE GIVE s2W GREEN STAMPS a