Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 12, 1953, Page 9, Image 9

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Trappist Monks Buy 1200
Acre Site for Monastery
MrMinnvllln MPI TU ..j- . . . . I
nf Traoolst monk. nUn.VC" Sf wer! ? ? Terry. Otto;
day to establish . mona.tary on i SSb "ffif1
a 1.200-acre lite In th rlrh W Sl.-uY' ,mM B- and1
lametteViUley near here. The TramI,t rH., ,..,.-., i
jury, ii includes prleita and lay
wuuieri wnose dally hours are
divided between choral prayer
in the chapel and tilling the
land. The monks exercise no ex
ternal miruitry.
Oppose Tolls
For New Bridge
The itate highway commis
sion was accused of breaking
iaun wun the people Wednes
day as the senate hlshwsvi
mlttee heard opposition to the
Dm 10 impose tolls on the Portland-Vancouver
bridge to pay
the cost of a ICCOnH unan
George Webber, secretary of
mo upper aanay Boulevard
Boosters, said the commission
didn't let the legislature Irnnur
of Its toU plans until It had the
mu introduced In the legisla
Rep. Alfred Corbett, Portland
democrat, said the tolls would
work a hardship on residents of
southwest Washington who
unrlr tn DArllanil 1 i
Wednesday following an illness who cross the river to attend
. .kjiitt - .Anw T . Pnrflani)
Capital Journal, Salem, OreH Thum, March 12, 1458
Abbey on the West Coait.
An announcement from the
Abbey of Our Lady of Guada
lupe at Pecos, N. M., said the
community there would be
transferred to the site here.
Temporary buildings will so
tin soon, and a small mnn n
monlu will begin building for
eventual transfer of the others,
the announcement said.
The purchase of the land re
cently was completed by the Rt
Rev. Don M. Columban Haw
kins, C.S.O., abbot of the abbey
at recos, ana ft is procura
tor, the Rev. M. Christopher,
o c.s.o.
The lite i( three mile nnrth
of Lafayette, the bulk of the
properly purcnasea irom Harry
jiuenne ox vanvon. uiners leu
Tracey Newman
Services Set
Funeral services will be held
at the Virgil T. Golden compa
ny charjel Saturdav at 2 nVlnrlr
fnr Traeev B. Npwmnn whn
at his home at 14S7 D street work in Portland, and students
be in Belcrest Memorial park.
years at the Western Paper Con
vprtlnff enmnanv wni hni-n ViW
r u a r y 10. 1878. at Booneville
Missouri. At the age of six years
Washington and Oregon
z iik uGuicsi iriGiuuuai pain. 1 wii6iuu aiiu vriOI
Newman, a foreman for 25 would build the new bridge
i .k. ur4. n i Tki. lir --u ! . l i
The Washington legislature al
ready has pasted a bill author
izine the tolls.
He also rebuked the highway
he moved with his parents to a commission for its silence on
.nMnu .t TimM nMM tr. .1 u j j ... .. .
Actum a. TiMua, taux. XI c vauie luiuge plans umu ine leglS
iu i-uruajia m ivua ana was a uaiure met.
timber broker. In 1817 he moved
to Amity, where he farmed for
nine years before moving to Sa
lem. He was a member of the
Masonic lodge at Amity.
Surviving are his wife, the
former Delia Thomas to whom
he was married August 20, 1916,
at Amity; a daughter, Mrs. Hen
ry Fricke of Alliance, Neb.; two
grandchildren, Craig Fricke and
Tracey Fricke, both of Alliance,
Neb., and two sisters, Mrs. T. J.
Broidrlck of East Orange, N.J.,
and Mrs. L. L. Melsenheimer of
Beverly Hills, Calif.
Klamath Falls (IPi Th avt.
Lumber and Sawmill Workers
Union will seek a 20-cent hourly
pay increase in Northern Calif or
nia in negotiations oDenine
March 24.
Federal and Stale
1509 No. 4th SI. hM 35215
. . . Nancy Valentine Originals comes to Salem". . . and particu
larly to Miller's in an exclusive way. You know all about Nancy
Valentine Originals through magazine advertising and fashion
booklets, etc. Now you may see them at first hand at Miller
in their second floor dress department. You'll love the designs,"
the smartest of fabrics . , . the low Introduction price . . . $10,931
Come try them on now while stocks are complete . . , buy them
early and have a long season's wear!
Choice of
The Four Models
Sketched on This Page
Style No. 222 ..... .
Shimmering sculptured moire cotton . . . "Cinerama" ...
with a lovely third dimensional look of moire, it's neckline
a pretty scoop, shoulders easy-going, skirt an exciting whirl.
Contrast in shiny black patent belt and saucer buttons. In
your favorite shades. Regular and half sizes.
Style No. 206
Nancy Valentine Splashes
Shoe Polish'' Daisies on
Embossed Cotton -
should be
end not llder "l
u ' Minute tucks and ilV-
X"""" elegant lace pay fk V JV
& dtf 0,howyfa$WoB,fSbu'' vi$w
i"e if 'J to finest sheer batiste. Xv 1 TC?i96C
'l I .' Extravaaant in hand
) r"j detail, yet so modest vjfck).
Sv in price, you'll buy
SfeSlasV lit'
Cotton so crisp it almost stands alonel Wide scooped neckline,
lashed in pie-sections, climaxes the torso-hugging top with
Its flashing jeweled buttons. Wide and wonderful skirt
dances away from the sculptured hipline. The new spring
Style No. 208 .... .
Whirls Beneath a Torso-Hugging
Looks resort-fresh on Nancy Valentine's
glamour striped cotton. Cotton nubbed and
striped for fascinating surface! Throat of
this frock is stroked with tiny velvet bow.
Jeweled buttons lead into the tucked,
cinched midriff. Below, the rippling rhythm
of a diagonally striped skirt. Black and
white, red and white, blue and white.
No. 202 . : . .
The Cinched
A dress with a "patent"
look in "shoe polish"
dots, and showing a
body hugging torso.
Fine black broadcloth
top widens its revers to
middy size above a pert
bow. Little winged
sleeves are slit and but
toned. A fabulous dot
ted skirt ripples from a
whittled torso. Black
and white, blue or
(f ; Men! Here Are
.jfC: Good Pajaffi
Afe at. . .2 Price!
... three famous brands in men's pajamas go Into this odds
' ,4t. and ends sale this week at half prlcel Finest washable
JffiSyX fyk wearl Colorfu11 Patterns that tell him everything but to
J 1 come In out of the rain. See these in the men! dept., Main
NSitSif , 1 Vir J? V."hA so,e 0,1 over America of first I ;
ZZmYjAi' U&3 -" Beire-Sharmeer nylons ;. I
J7 fi''!iLS ,n every w?'9ht " ' every pro I 'i ; ' I
i "Yw'' A&JtlSr I "portioned lea size and foot ' Wil
sizes from 8 to 1 1 Vz . . . New I 1
I E.fl spring and summer shades.
J l i Buy now and save! ,
W en s Trouser
W 2 pairs for 1.59
. . . creose his trousers while they hang In the cioset!
AVA V:lAl It's easv . . . lust sliD In a pair of these L and R trouser
m. m v vmmm.Bm m t -nk --k -BiA iammi0 uiiii -i v a -nra rtT mnnu nrnwinrik. ni iu
""XvVVXVSi them on sale at Miller's this week.