Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 12, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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Capital Journal. Salem. Ore.. Thura., March 12. 1953M;0n Auxiliary
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Meefs of Silverton
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National President Sue Mrs. Rae Ashton of Vernal.
Utah, national president of the American Legion auxiliary,
Is to be a visitor in Salem, Saturday, March 21. A banquet
la planned in her honor that evening by local units of the
auxiliary. Active in the AL auxiliary since its early years,
Mrs. Ashton was president of the Utah department in 1935
and was national vice-president in 1943. She was elected
national president at the convention in New York City last
For Bride-Elect
Willamina Miss Doris Dee
don was honored Tuesday eve
ning at a bridal shower, given at
the home of Mrs. John Buswell,
With Mrs. Oliver Harper and
m mania 1
(MNDiamnnii I
Dorothy, and Miss Anita Allen
assisting. The hostesses served
refreshments. Invited were Mrs,
Virgil Deedon, Mrs. Martha
Bowen, Mrs. Earl Dickey, Mrs.
John Hamilton, Mrs. Gordon Al
ley, Mrs. Orville Harper. Mrs.
Frank Moreland, Mary Lou Nai-
men, Ruth Henthorn, Pat Bart
lett, and Verlee Higgenbothom,
Mrs. Johnny Johnson, Gretchen
Harper and Ellen Flansberg. j
Silverton Mrs Robert Allen,
president of Delbert Reeves unit
No. 7, American Legion aux
iliary, named the members of
her nominating committee at
the week's meeting of the unit.
The first report is to be at the
second Monday meeting in
Chairman of the nominating
committee is Mrs. Ralph Franclii,
assisted by Mrs. C. J. Towe and
Mrs. John Demas.
Mrs. George Hubbs told of
the progress of making ready
for Girls State to be held at
Willamette university early in
the summer, and the selection
of at least two young women to
attend from Silverton.
The annual report of the sew
Ing club work, Mrs. Victor How
ard, chairman, was announced
by the secretary-treasurer, Mrs.
Ralph Francis, showing more
than 300 hours work. Articles
contributed to veterans' facili
ties from the club, were ditty
bags, valued by the hospital
headquarters at $77; scuff slip
pers, $39; pillow tops, $21.25;
National Georgraphic new mag
azines, $63.80. This week's
meeting ef the sewing club, will
be Thursday at the rural home
of the president, Mrs. Robert
A Gold Star Mothers tea is
being arranged during the
month of May with other de
tails announced later. The unit
voted co-operation with the
members of the post in putting
on an old-fashioned basket so
cial later in May to increase the
roof budget fund for the hall,
providing the men assist in
selling tickets for the Dinty
Moore dinner, the annual af
fair, with Mrs. Ralph Francis
as chairman, on Tuesday eve
ning, 8:30 o'clock at Legion hall.
Members were urged to attend
the Salem banquet when the na
tional president, Eve Ashton,
will be present Saturday, March
Wednesday, March 18, Mrs. R
E. Wik, 913 S. Water; Elizabeth,
Friday, March 20, Mrs. Herman
Christenson, 225 Phelps; Rachel
Friday, March 20, Mrs. Al Le-
gard, 1202 N. Water. Each meet
ing is to begin at 2 p.m.
All Ladles Aid members are
invited to attend the WMF meet
ing at Immanuel Lutheran
church on Thursday, March 19.
Circles Meeting
Silverton Trinity Lutheran
Ladies Aid circles have sched
uled meetings as follows: Naomi,
Tuesday, March 17, Mrs. Olaf
Anderson, 257 Mill St.; Miriam,
Star Chapter
Stayton The new crown
and sceptre purchased by Acs
cia chapter, Order of Eastern
Star, was displayed at the recent
meeting of the group.
Visitors were present from St.
Marys chapter at Corvallis, Bar
zlllia chapter at Albany and Eu
clid chapter at Jefferson. Spe
cial guests were Dorothy Dar
lington, worthy matron of Bar-
ziilia chapter and Mrs. W. P.
Lessard, worthy high priestess
ot the White Shrine of Jerusa
lem, Willamette shrine No. 2 of
After the meeting, refresh
ments were served in the din
ing room by Margaret and Mar
ion Cunningham, Worthy Bur-
mester and. Vera Roach. The ta
wes were decorated in a St.
Patrick's day theme.
On March 17, members will
visit Chad wick chapter in Sa
lem following a short business
Betrothal Told
Mill City The engagement of
Miss Neoma Wilson of Roseburg
co jouis verbeck, Jr., is being
toia in iwm city toy h Barents.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Verbeck. Sr.
Mr. Verbeck is a graduate of
Mill City high school and has
been employed in Rosebure. The
couple is planning a summer
WILLAMINA Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Gardner were surprised
this week on their 27th wedding
anniversary. Guests arranging
the party were Mr. and Mrs. H.
Hanson, Mickey and LeRoy Han
son, McMinnville; Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Osborn and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Hanson and fam
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Han
son and family.
Shower Given for
Miss Darlene Dozler
Stayton The Ernest Dozler
home was the scene of a bridal
shower for Miss Darlene Dozler
Saturday evening. Miss Dozler,
daughter of Mrs. Dora Marking
and the late Dr. Albert Dozler,
is to be married to Ronnie Mei
er, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Meier ot Sublimity April 11.
Hostesses for the evening
were Mrs. Mary Dozler, Mrs.
Art Cristianson and Mrs. Robert
Hartman. Mrs. Leo Odenthal
took the place of Mrs. Hartman
who is in Hawaii.
Bouquets of pink and yellow
spring flowers decorated the
room. The evening was spent in
playing games. Prizes were won
by Sally Ashby, Dora Marking,
and Elenor Jones.
Invited for the evening were
Mesdames Bryce Dozler, David
Sutton, Paul Dozler, John Doz
ler, Harry Jones, Jerry Marking,
Dan Meier, Ernest Dozler, Leo
Odenthal, Art Cristiansen, Clara
Raucher, Mary Dozler, Mary
Meier; Misses Eileen Dozler,
Joyce Grimes, Sally Ashby, Eu
nice Geek; Mesdames Jack
Steward, Ray Huggins, Robert
Hartman, George Child, Lou
Doerfler, Joe Peters, Emma
Schlies, Jennie Boedingheimer,
Loretta Berry, Elenor Stephens;
Misses Mary Marking, Cleo Ad
ams. Gay Leslie, Jeanette Klntz
Sharron Meier, Louann Schlies
and Lela Boedingheimer. He
freshments were served by the
hostesses after the opening of
the gifts.
WILLAMINA A farewell
and birthday party was given
for Bobby Hulett in Sheridan,
Sunday, by his mother, Mrs.
Harry Pickar. Guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Hespack of
Kernville; Mr. and Mrs. Vincent
Turnidge and sons, Mr. and Mrs.
Woodburn Garden
Club Plans Show
Woodburn The Woodburn
Garden club met Tuesday at the
library club rooms with 18 mem
bers answering roll call on "my
favorite border combination ' as
the tooic. Plans were made for
the spring flower show and the
date set for May 16. Mrs. Ralph
Balr of Donald will be general
Mrs. Ray Glatt was program
chairman and colored slides
were shown of eastern Oregon
scenes and local flower gardens.
Cup and saucer arrangements
for Oakland, Calif., to partici
pate in habeas eorpui hearing
to be held there upon demand
ot John Bob Sturglll, wanted
here on a first degree murder
charge. Sturglll is accused ot
causing the death of Lot Hughes
Gilmore In a hobo jungle fight
here last month.
Calvin Turnidge and Mr. and ' were featured with the prize go-
Mrs. Walter Buswell and family
all of Willamina, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Turnidge of Otis and Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Buswell and
sons ot Sheridan. Hulett leu
Wednesday for service with the
was hostess to the Pinochle club,
Tuesday, when prizes were won
by Thelma Mulford, Helen
Loomis, Kay Sparks, Avis
Brock and Helen Tharp. The
next meeting will be at the home
of Thelma Hillin, Sheridan,
when "secret pals" will be revealed.
ing to Mrs. lEdwin Johnson. Re
freshments were served by the
hostesses, Mrs. H. F. Buttertield
and Mrs. Mark Thompson.
The next meeting will be April
14 when the final plans for the
flower show will be made.
HOSTESS last evening for a
group of legislative friends was
Mrs. Stewart Hardle, guests in
cluding wives of members ot the
legislature who were being en
tertained at their annual party
at McMinnville.
Canada was united under one
government in 1867 although
there previously were govern
ments in separate parti of the
Fights Extradition
Albany Sheriff George Mil
ler will probably leave Monday
Say tene of thousands who have tx
perlenced the miraculous affect and
rallaf from ASTHMA symptoms
BRKATHBA8V hai fivan. Try
tha original BREATHKA8V nabullalnv
method on a money back arransement
that leavea no room for doubt. You era
tha Judte you muat ba aatlafled. No
matter how many yaara you have
auffared no matter If you have "tried
them all" BREATHE AS Y muat
work or It coata you nothing. Don't
wait . Try BRBATHEASY today I
Pay Less Drug Store
484 Slits St. Islam, Oregon
. S. V U"aW V'f !
Snaitak Cinil Tt SutUtbt Cow WUU aVInnU lira. aknHM whnl din ud aUmdinlai Unud iUa ,
opUotinl kl titn, rat.
Artul photograph
the New 1953 Studebaker
(j? moitfuamcatt cat tvitd ite (tmteat Ao4
It's almost unbelievably low! It's impressively long and wide!
It has the sleek-lined smartness of a costly foreign car
and it's right down to earth in price!
It's lesi than five feet high! 1953 Studebaker hard-top!
A brand new type of Power Steering
A StudebaWr sxclutlvo avolldble In Commander V-l
I moderate antra coil
Hugo now expanses of tafety glais
AH modeli Champion! and Commander V-8i hove one-piece
rear windows ai well at windshields
The completely new, ncnsationally different 1933
Studebaker unqucslionnbly is the most daring step
forward of our times in automobile design;
Here, first by far in an American car, ia the continental
cbarm of Europe' most distinguished cars an im
prcssively long and racy-looking new Studebaker that
is so very low most people can see over its top!
Come in and find out about the exciting new 1953
Studebaker the car of dramatic verve and flair-breath-taking
in beauty inside as well as outside;
Find out how down to earth in price it really is;
Learn for yourself what a buy every 1953 Studebaker
represents every superbly fashioned sedan, coupe
and hard-top every Champion in the lowest price
field every brilliaully powered Commander V-8.
11 1 Formerly 129.95. Save 20.00!
U large Sloroae I
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5.00 Down,
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For oll-oround economy it's tops! Now you con enjoy thrilling now cooking conven
ience and ease ... at the Lowest Price in yeort! Beautifully designed, this range is
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Now You Can Save 20.00!
Kenmore 38-in.
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Reg. 199.95 SAVE 20.00!
5.00 MiversA
e Seven heat switch positions
e Two large storage
e Rullt-tn lamp
e Polished chrome doorwlde
e Fiber glass Insulated oven
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S.00 down, 9.00 month
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370 N. Church St.
Salem, Ore.