A. I 3 f Wed Recently Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Hallam (Dolores Joan Watts), above, were married recently. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Watts of Sublimity ,and Mr. Hallam Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Hallam, Sr., of Canby. (McEwan studio picture.) I " y S VN it 4 v Valentine's Day Weddtnr Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wesley Graves (Bernice Kremer) were married Valentine's day. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kremer of Marion and Mr. Graves is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Graves of Turner. (McEwan studio picture.) NEWS OF WILLAMETTE U Campus Awaits Freshman Glee; Dances Are Slated By BARBARA JACKSON Capital Journal Correspondent Freshman Glee began official ly on the Willamette campus during Tuesday convocation when Dave Weeks of Salem is sued the challenge of the fresh man class to the other classes. Vaughn Blankenship of River side, Calif., freshman class man ager, introduced the classes, who sang last year's Glee songs. The seniors entered the gymnas ium carrying a rowboat and dressed in slickers and raincoats carrying umbrellas. For the past two years this class has taken fourth place and has to swim the Mill stream as a result. Accepting the challenge of the freshman for the senior class was George Buland of Palo Alto, -allf. Gay Weeks of Salem,-accepting for the junior class, stat ed that his class, who has won for two consecutive years, would "win again this year." The chal lenge of freshman Glee was re vived for the sophomore class by Bob Alfred of Portland. Songs for the event have been written and submitted by all ilasses. The music and words for ;he songs must be original,, and they will be presented in the an nual freshman Glee March 21. The Associated Women Stu dents will present a song book of Willamette Glee songs and songs f the living organizations next week. This publication will be the first of its kind since 1932. Containing 26 songs between its modernistic cover, the song book nay be obtained by writing to the Associated Women Students, in care of Willamette university. Copies also will be available at ireshman Glee. Sheila Schuer man of Portland is in charge of :ompilation. Janet Strachan, al io of Portland, is in charge of irt, and Nancy Hanson of Ketch ikan, Alaska, is handling public ,ty. PI Beta Phi will give its house lance Saturday night from 9 to 12 o'clock in the chapter house. The theme of the affair is "Para lise in Plaid," and the motif will be carried out in pastel decora- Women Students was Nancy Lumijarvi of Astoria. Miss Luml- larvi has been president of AWS ind acting as their delegate to regllonal convention in Berkeley, Calif., last summer. She was mairman of the leadership train ing program last year, and is a member of Alpha Chi Omega. Leadership training was con ducted Saturday at the state cap itol, and according to Dona Mears of Roseburg, chairman of the event, valuable discussions and outstanding speeches took place, making the program a great success. Sigma Chi won honors in a song contest at their annual province convention in Tacoma Saturday by taking first place. . ENTERTAINING on Friday is Mrs. Linn C. Smith who has invited a group to her home for luncheon and bridge. Parish Dinner To Be Sunday Mt. Angel Preparation! are nearing completion for the fourth annual St. Mary's parish dinner Sunday, sponsored by the St. Anne's Altar society. The dinner will be served In the two large dining halls in St. Mary s school from 12 o'clock noon until 3 p.m. At the dinner last year, aproximately 1900 people were served, and prepar ations are being made to serve a larger number this year. Roast pork and dressing, together with all the trimmings, will be feat ured at the dinner. The co-chairmen, Mrs. S. C. Schmitt and Mrs. J. M. Wagner are being assisted with a .cen tral dinner committee who are Mrs. J. J. Penner, Mrs. Alois Ke ber, Mrs. W. A. Verboort. Mrs. Joseph Hassler, Mrs. Albert Diehl, Miss Elizabeth Keber, Mrs. Paul Wachter, Mrs. Norbert Butsch, Mrs. Al Lulay and Mrs. Bernard Schledler. They will be assisted with la dies of the parish to help with the cooking and serving, while the men from the parish will take care of the serving in the dining rooms and also do the dish washing. At Soroptimist Club Mrs. Charles A. Sprague was guest speaker for Salem Sorop timist club at the luncheon Wednesday noon, telling of her observations at United. Nations and the personalities there. Miss Nancy Lumijarvi, Willamette university coed of the month, was a special guest. Other guests were Mrs. Carl Guenther, Mrs. Harold Phil Hp pe, Mrs. John Burchan, Mrs. Lois Keeney, Mrs. Esther Konantz, Mrs. Helen Morrison, Tom Armstrong, George Todd, Mrs. Sidney Jones, Mrs. E. L. Gray, Sr. Social meeting for the club will be next Wednesday. Mothers Club Salem Heights Salem Heights Mothers club is sponsoring its annual chicken dinner on Fri day, March IS, at 8 p.m. at the Salem Heights school cafeteria. Mrs. Hale Mickey and Mrs. L. A. Clinker are chairmen of the dinner. Committee heads are hospitality, Mrs. Myron Butler tnd Mrs. John Ramage; tickets, Mrs. Francis Gaskins and Mrs. Paul Harvey, Jr.; waitresses, Mrs. Richard Chambers; decora tions, Mrs. Carl Harris; serving, Mrs. Marion Miller, Mrs. Charles Knytych, Mrs. John Driessler and Mrs. Ron Miller. Other chairmen are Mrs. O. K. Neilson, Mrs. Robert Hartman, Mrs. J. M. Ballard, Mrs. orvliie Raymond, Mrs. Kenneth Zwick er, Mrs. W. J. Noland, Mrs. Wil liam Rector, Mrs. Archie Mc Killop and Mrs. Louis Kurth. This dinner Is open to the pub lic, and the proceeds will buy equipment for the school. TWENTY-SIX attended the meeting of the Royal Neighbors of America Sewing club, Wed nesday, at the home of Mrs. G. Gamble. A no-host luncheon was served. The next meeting will be April 22 at the home of Mrs. Phillip Bouffleur. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thura., March 12, 1958 fr Gray Ladles to Be Given Pins Friday . Red Cross Gray Ladles who are doing recreational volunteer work at the State hospital will meet on Friday, March 13, at 10 a.m. at the home of Mrs. Wal lace Cowen in Manbrin Gardens. Five Gray Ladies will receive their caps and pins for their work at the hospital and at the visits of the Red Cross blood mobile. Mrs. Harold M. dinger, Gray Lady chairman, will pre sent the pins. The group will include the following: Mrs. O. W. Green, Mrs. B. V. Radcllffe, Mrs. Roy Ostrln. Mrs. N. K. Sanders and Mrs. Horace McGee. Special guests will be three new Gray Ladles who have just com pleted their training course at the State hospital. Family Party Salem Heights Husbands and children attended the family dinner of the Little Garden club of Salem Heights Tuesday at the Salem Heights Community hall, about 89 attending. Mrs. L. L. Bennett was the chairman and Mrs. Virgil Allen, co-chairman. On the decorating committee were Mrs. John Doug las and Mrs. Joe Van Cleave; On the program the group viewed slides of Yellowstone park and of the different gar den shows in the past. Honorary members attending were Mrs. Les Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Anderson, Mrs. C. A. Graham, Mrs. Ralph Cartwrlght, and Mrs. Mary McWaln and Mrs. Paul Acton. Guests were Mrs. Bessie Hutchinson, Rhea Miner, and Mrs. Isabella Kjel son. ' . Luncheon on Birthday Douglas Hampton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hampton, will be honored at a circus party on Fri day, the occasion being hi fourth birthday anniversary. Bidden for luncheon are Dennis Reitzer, Timothy Holte, Steven Jenny, Steven Schmidt, Chris Johnson, Curt Johnson, Arlena Baker, Margo Lee, Douglas' sis ter, and the honored guest. , Assisting Mrs. Hampton Will be Mrs. Norman Johnson and Mrs. Robert Baker. MRS. JOHN MEIER was hostess Tuesday evening for a pinochle party at her home. Mrs. Walter Carlisle and Mrs. Don Zollner won the prizes. A des sert was served. . .;,'.',, LEAVING Saturday to spend a few days on a trip north are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wenderoth and her sister, Mrs. Claude Bul man. They will stop at Belllng ham, ther. go on to Vancouver and Victoria, B.C. ' LEAVING Wednesday wera Pvt. and Mrs. George L. Wag ner (Patricia Long) for Fort Benning, Ga., where Pvt. Wag ner will enter officers candidate school. The couple visited Mrs. Wagner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Long, in Salem. lions. Jane Gray of Portland is in :harge of the event, and Mary Campbell of Salem is arranging refreshments. Alice Girod of Sa lem has designed the guest book, md decorations have been hand led by Jane Notson of Portland. Betty Coed and Joe College will be chosen at the Associated Women Students' dance, to be Triday night at Baxter hall from 3:30 until 12 o'clock. Candidates nominated for Betty Coed are Maxine Brown of Bend, nomin ated by Phi Delta Theta; Kay Sremer of Corvallis, Sigma Chi; Pat Sundstrom of Montesano, Wash., Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Teanne Holmes of San Carlos, Calif., Beta Theta Pi; Joyce Karn )f Tillamook, Baxter hall; and Charmalee Allen of Salem, Wil lamette independent town stu dents. Joe College nominees are Dick Moore of Bend, chosen by Lausanne hall; Dave Finlay of silverton, Delta Gamma; Bob Alfred of Portland, Pi Beta Phi; Bob Miller of Vancouver, Wash.; Alpha Chi Omega; Mike Taven- ner of Salem, Willamette lnde- jendent town students; Jim Wood of Salem, Bishop house; and Bill Briggs of San Carlos, Calif., Chi Omega. "Thirteenth Night" is theme of the dance, carrying out the Friday, the 13th, motif. Decora tions will include murals, lad ders, cracked mirrors, and other suitable superstitious objects. Sail Updike of Portland is in charge of the event. Young Republicans will travel to the coast March 28 and 29 for their convention with the Oregon college league of Young Repub licans. Bob Packwood of Port land, president of the group, has irranged for the trip. This summer Dr. Daniel Schulze will conduct tours to Europe for the students inter national travel association. He will sail on the Queen Elizabeth June 17. Chosen as coed for the month f March by the Associated ?tjR x . ZL!J v v" ii it rau - iw f n a v ins - jmsc m i' m n m a a m . m bbbbbb' ' -v ;.:av -iv" A-r w ur -t i & - I ROttVCK AMDCOl $tiJB M 1 f c if i rayon linen half-size frock $995 iCIever lines, clever contrasts 'to belittle the half-size figure. 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