LINDSAY SELECT RJK LBV nr MILK 2 S AW (6 SsW ld( Whifi Kt Tuiiax25' Mek a ript Ofive-Tuno Ring today - Swansdown CAKE FL0UL4C IGA SNO-KREEM SHORTENING Spreckeit Brown end Powdered FOR THE FINEST IM IMEATS 4 PRODUCE IGA MARLINE SUGAR 2,1, 25 i Margarine 2 Finest Quality ln v . ,toA i""M -5 z- r c f. - a . n-. - mM-. mm. i ir a ..-"sw a r m r mm sv k m m m v saw. v w . n s i rL will" i . m viir . j : .... VM .z ! 'Srss- -cr March . Hf ftt s0tZZ" .Tr- i 113-14-15 ialJ Mlhm Tl 4fi? : A n"'000 Campllre V" i Star Klat 4 it Vz MarshmoHowsx-b .350 TUNA Chunky $h 33 " "Htf Makes Perfoct Meringue and Fretting PENNANT r.1arshmal-o Crcmc Lb. can Vermont Maid SYRUP 24-oz, bottle a? 53' Hershev COCOA. IGA ENRICHED M-lb. pkg. Roman Meal MUFFIN MIX pkg. HQ Roman Meal CEREAL Large fljltt Pkg. Hershey BAKING CHOCOLATE 8 oi. m 4Q' 26 Lb pkJ 50 10-lb. bag Zee Paper c TUNA Chunky size ci KINS Of NORWAY - . 1 KIPPERED SrMCKS ; 33 DATES Dromedary ........... ,7'i-o. fi SALT ISA Plain or Iodized ...... 2 Pk9'' 19 PRUNES ISA Sonto Clara Dried 2-!b. pk. 43 APRICOTS ISA Medium H-oi. pkg. 43 FLOU R Pillsbury 10-lb. ba3 SPRY Shorten ing ... . .3 93 CRACKERS NSC Snowfioke Lb. pkg. A. J Hifi e. IB, CiplUl ienraal. trine, Of, Ba Wirtti tlr fflt t Menu and . Recipes for St.Patrick's Swine th Mm icirfb r ct PW:k'f Iter Into your i!fn- menu acd iee the ttfornett witk 01 which your ftmlly eU k (tmpj everyday njeai For ujr decora. ' tion swke pict utUk bottle " toto eailliag Irishmen by turnlnf e drinking cup over the bom top to aak a fcat , v A psper thimrock out fro derk greea Pper deccrstet th -het, You eta trce wound th peper cup on. whit ntoer tt-. know how large to mske tb bet ' brtm. Cut the isoe. mh and pips from white paper and V: elue them In place. Keen the decorated, milk bottle in Ihe fHgerater uam ttae to tervf'. me mm wim loa iestive meat Baked Chicken SfeUIelagh j f Mr. Murphy' Chowder i Shamrock Saiad : Cracker Butte ' Mtat Ice Cream - - . Chocolate Milk ; Coffee . Baked Chickea CUUalBCkt . s Taoiespoorj nr.ely chopped ; onion ...,''"v;,:.,;. ; a tablpooafflaftf chopped .i. green pepper , Vi cup chopped celery . ' 2 tablespoon chopped mud room ,:' v -. ... . - 1H tabiespoong butter ; - 1 3-ouoce can boned chicken. .diced - Juices fronj' chicken plut . .. . milk to make H cup liquid 2 tablerpoont ail-purpoje : . Cour - . 1 egf yolk, eUfbilr beaten ' - -Vk tup cream vf- ; -i- Sait and pepper io teat : 1 teblefpooa minced parti fy 1 package pie crurt mix 1 Chop firet four iamedtenti and ' : pan-fry io hot butter until on-".' tea ia dear. Open can et boned ! chicken. Drain chicken iuieet r:rf- and add milk to make yt eup . usaua, but liour tots paoJried t fflgreaiena, Am the cup lio- ... aid and lata thickened. T Blend to the beaten egg yolk and cream. Season to teste. ASi the diced chicken and minced per."':' ley. Preheat oven to 47S degree r, tvery aot oven). Mix pit crust as directed on package. Boll oat to H thicknes. Cut "-1 dough Into 8 to B rectang;e:. IV x TO. Put about a table. V" spoons thicken HiHng in center 'i oi each rectangle. Wrap doueb around ttlllnj preuisg opeai" edges oi dongb together with iirw :r gers to make the shUlelagh - leak-proof. Place ahilleiaeht oft an uBgreesed cookie aheet witk., ; seD-iioe oowa. aruan eaets wttn .fork to allow (team to escape. Bake 15 to 20 minutea or until ,. delicately browsed. Maktt (ttu - . .. . Skaaveck Salad - . I package lime- flavored gel . ri atin . 1 cap boiling water 2 tablespoon orange peel . v" Zl Vi cup seeded graphs "T '.4 cup 'orange aec'.iont J- cup pineapple chunks - o W CUP BUU - ' " Vt cup pineapple Juice , Diisolve gelatin to hot water, m Add pineapple juice, CbilJ until i and nuts. Brush inside of sham ' rock-shaped salad moid. Pour gelatin-fruit mixture Into the oiled molds. Chill. When firm, usaold on salad plates or serv ing platter. Frost with dressing; Garnish with wedges of green maraschino cherries,- Fills S shamrock molds or 1 S-inch square mold. , : cup whipping cream ': 2 teaspoons Hoquefort cheese 4 tableapooni mayonnaise . Whip cresra. Add crumbled cheese and fold mayennsUe into whipped cream. Serve on salad. CRACKERJACKS 6 pkjs.i&S'1 28T Crackersi.s' Syrup m Grii CANDY WHITE KING Soap Powder L-g. pkg. , . . 30c Giant pkg. . . 57c WHITE KING WATER SOFTENER Pkg. 25c Scotch Cleanser 2 can, 25C 2 2? M-D Toilet liSSli 10 rolls 9' Parson's Sunday AMMONIA Full Quart 7' A CAT FOOD adds the PIUS A k3fihtF, Hand- vfN yew ssd floffioneiif tea? Pound can Recipe given en Keizer Community Hour ever KSLM on Saturday, February 21, by Tom Pomeroy S e. SHI. wn Down C. ri.r. 1 Imwn brtliif Mwlir. H tom Mil. H e nnUtk ibttnln. I t. lr. if. aiikntaa. t I Hum Bikn. ni..l,nt. tb.ltl, m.llrt. t lunui Tni;i. I IT I 4ran n c.l.r n U tMMii HIK!"1- ' Bltt flour one nut. da to"'".' J Own rtorlnlni nd ui.r itfuHr. no crf.m JonUwr unlil lUht nd liallr. Add mi. on. t tlm., uminr w.ll n.r ch; ihtB d! .hotom. 4Bd blend. Add Hour llirnHI Willi milk btlM .ll .ll.r eh .ddltlon. Add vanilla, ptppetmlnl. nd colorln., mutni 1. Turn Into two r luna lined wits n.Mr and areaed. ...... ,. , ,i. Bak. In a S dnrn otfn alarllnf at JJI lor A or H mlnt.a tfeaa r.l to JSO drama (or X mlnutra. Ckwalala r.di. r,illnf . ... . Malt 3 or . anuarta unatfned enocolat. and add I UbHwoora butter or margarine, meltlnl all. Ml 3 cupa tonfactlonH'a amar and Vb teanpoon aalt. 1 tableipooni milk and 1 teaapoon nnUla add ll't and butter, 1 .ll and let at.nd. .tlrrmt occaakinalli, until ot th. rltht conilatentr to anread on take. Sliredded nuta mair M added, a Jew drew ot peppermint will pick up the ehocolate nator. rr VISTA (UPMARKET YOUR FRIENDLY ISA STORI AT 3045 S. COMMERCIAL State Street MARKET Your Friendly ISA Store at 1230 STATE STRUT ISA Reserves ih Sight To Limit Quantities ORCUTT'S MARKET Yeur Friendly IGA Star et 4200 N. RIVER ROAD Grapefruit Aids Those on Diets; ' Dressing Good ; urapeiruit, because of ia lew calorie and high vitamin C value is an excellent food to include in slimming diets. A low calorie Grapefruit Diet Dressing is de licious. Use the smaller grape fruit lor Juicing and you eta. squeeze them on your reamer Me oranges. Diet Dressing' : ' cup water - 2 teaspoons cornstarch, ; cup grapefruit Juice ' 3 tablespoons salad oil teaspoon saH 1 teaspoon sugar teaspoon paprika - , H teaspoon dry mustard ' teaspoon tabasco , cup catsup , j i clove garlic, optional V Blend water and cornstarch; cook, stirring constantly until " thickened. Remove from heat; ' add grapefruit Juice, salad oil, salt, sugar, paprika, dry mua lard, tabasco and catsup; beat until smooth, Add garlic Shake ( well before using. Remove gir- lie. Makes XV cup dressing, " "When you are arecslng ess 3 for cake, apply the fat with a : clean soft bit of paper and us just enough to cover the pan surface smoothly, evenly and; lightly. Or use melted fat and ' a pastry brush to coat the sur !sce i the pan. , When a reels cUs for shred ded cabbsg you can use either & sharp knife or s jrtter..: .