gy CARL ANDERSON Henry ow.m,i,apran journal, Balem, Ore., Thurs., March 12, 195S K'o oath, My Darlinc! I ' By AMELIA REYNOLDS LONG 5 ' UP mwifMtUIH) I TWTl st . .. ... .... , u I i7fjia I 1 I' I T; ... J SELLING OVERSIZE SHOOTING KONS THESES QNE CUSTOMER WHOV J I rVl RgL; I 1 WHEW A LLK5ER IN THE Y$S " & TO UNDER-AGE HOODLUMS J- LOOK OUT OF PLACE AT Ajy T LOAFER NO VMONDERTH6 )fe ' ll NICE BACKET jkJSr- " jfcXbtt SIVT TO! , on jive johmsom's nk"- I T" K v -w 'l'fJSSia-M.ih I riXtV"ssMBUj ' Chanter II Within an hour the sheriff bad can . and collected hla prisoner, whom he had charged temporarily with attempted murder of Aunt ' Delphlne and myself until the rest of the ease against him could be drawn up In proper form, "But what made bun do k?" Bobby exclaimed. T ttmrht he was- in love with- She stepped In sudden embarrass ment. . "No 'Bnhbv. not In lore with Pick," Amedee corrected. "In love with the fortune be knew anea in herit once he'd put the rest of us out of the way. "Fortune?" pick repeated, pus sled. "What fortune could I peed . bly Inherit" "None of us ever seriously con sidered the land as a motive, for the killing," he replied, "and so tt never occurred to us to ask our selves who would Inherit tt once there was no more male heirs. Pick, of course would have been "Bu?"what Is there about Hie land to make It worth a fortune?" Beau inquired skeptically. Oil," Henri put In. "That was why Orandpere sent for me along with Claude and Mr. Duval He'd found out that Haye was having the place prospected for oil; and since I'm m that line of business, he must have wanted to consult me about it." u "You mean be was counting on pick's Inheriting along with the rest of us?" Beau asked. "Partly that," Amedee replied. "But T think he was planning as Miii a Hnv Aiifc Haunt of the rest of tin. orobably mortgaging Pick' share to raise the money. That was why he had to keep the whole thing quiet, and why he killed Orandpere wnen ne jewuacu wu - had found out." Exactly what was It that Uncle Etienne had found out?" Cousin Jeff inquired. "That's the thing that's been puzzling me from the beginning." "Im not sure," Amedee answered, "but I believe he must have heard some of the dynamite shots. Haye hunt tried to convince mm that it was all his imagination, and that was why he consulted theear specialist ana me paycnuivrun.. j either he or Aunt Delphlne discover ed the rea tags. n on nto. T interrui Tell me what those three little strips of red cloth meant, and why everybody acted so mysterious about them!" tta ffrlnnnf At me. "Those three little red flags are the signs the prospectors pui up w mark, a spot for dynamiting. Even Claude knew tmai; wmcn pivrcu to Lewis Haye that arandpeve must have told him about the oil that first evening after he got here.'' Cousin Jeff wisely turned the conversation to other matters. "What about Aunt Derphlne and Peter?" he asked. "They didn't stand to inherit under the will. What did Haye have against them?" "I can explain that," I put to. "He tried to kill me because I walked in before he could do any thing to Aunt Delphlne; and he wanted to kill her because she knew that he had killed the others." "But did she know?" Bobby asked. "T thought she believed that the vax behind everything." "That the whole rjoint." I said. "When we thought she was saying Loup,' meaning the Loup Oarou, what she was really saying was Lew' ehort for Lewis." I had the satisfaction of seeing even Amedee look surprised at that. "He'd tried to keep her quiet that morning by threatening to kill you, Dede, 2 she told," I went on. "But when got me mea alter you a left for New Orleans that something had happened to you and demanded to see uie anerui, ne anew nea have to silence her permanently. So he slipped out and set fire to the stables to draw the rest of us away" Lewis Ham at first nrotested his innocence of the murders. But when a thorough autopsy upon the bodies of Claude, Lee, and Orandpere Dumont proved that they had all died of oleander poisoning, he broke down and confessed everything. He had suspected about the oil ror a Jong tune, and had made ar rangements to have the land pros pected secretly. But Orandpere had heard the dynamite shots again as Dede and I had guessed and had started to ask questions. Have had attempted to convince uie old man that he was suffering from hallu cinations had almost succeeded, in tact. But when Orandpere, upon his return from the visit to New Orleans had aocidentlally come upon some oz tne prospectors at work ana had threatened to discharge Haye ror his underfaandedness, Haye had realised that his only chance to gain future control of the land was to dispose of the old man at once. He had acted accordingly. "And then Beau Just about ruined everything for him by suggesting tnat uncie kaoui ana nan oom committed suicide because they've discovered there was insanity in the family," I added. "And Pick refused to marry him." "I doubt whether Pick would have married him anyway," Amedee de clared, "although the colossal con celt of the man had made him take that for granted. However, I imagine that was an even worse blow to him than Orandpere's will." I "SDeaklng of marriages." he said. "I still thing that idea of mine about I p and wedding was a gooa one." "After ell those murders?" ' I shook my head, "I'd feel that we were Jlnxed. Let's wait until Uie smoke has cleared away a little, if you have no Objections." "I have, but I dont Imagine thevH do me anv good." he said glumly. Then he brightened. "What about Christmas?" he ask ed. 'That's always an auspicious occasion." I could think of no objection to that. In fact, I didn't particularly try to una any. Ready fo Train TV Operators Eugene VP) A television transmitter, complete with cam era and other equipment, will be available within a few days for training radio students at the Eugene Vocational School, Di rector William Cox reported Tuesday. He said the complex piece of electronic equipment using 80 radio tubes will be used in two fields of Instruction: Radio serv icing trainees will be provided with a reliable test signal essen tial for making adjustments on TV , receivers, and students In the school's radio communica- He said the complex piece of tlons course will use the equip ment in their work. Other possible uses of the equipment include training In television studio techniques in such fields as lighting, staging ana program production. Cox said present plana call for operation of the television transmitter on a "closed-circuit' basis confined to the school building. CONSOLIDATION MEETING Eldriedge A public meet ing will be held; at the Eldriedge school at 8 p.m. Thursday, March 12, to discuss proposed consolidation with the Waconda and Mission Bottom schools. The election will be held in the re5 spective schools at 8 p.m. Mon day, March 16. Carol Curtis Pattern Two-Part Harmony t This little cooped neck dress takes cover with the bolero for street wear. Picture it in your favorite ginghams and other cottons to guide you through the new seasons with comfort and style insurance I No. 3668 la cut in alses 10, 13, 14, 18, 18 and 90. else 18: 6)4 yds. 36-ln. Send 300 for PATTERN with NAME, Address, Style Number and Sise. Address PATTERN BUREAU, Capital Journal, 653 Mission street, Ban rcancisco e, uaiu. PiiUrna read la ful orders Im mediately. Far special handling at order via first class mall include an extra so per pattern. price Just 38c Just off the Dress I The Spring-Summer Fashion Book, agog from cover to cover with scores of the latest style trends, ail trans lated into delightfully wearable, ea-ay-to-aew pattern designs for every age, every type, all alses, all occas ions. Send now for this sewing in spiration , . , just ate. Sarin Pastel Set for Girls) For teen-agers and high school girls who like an easy-fitting hat of the calot type, a smart-iooKina wooered baa Quickly and most Inexpensively! crocheted of cotton rua varn the I set can be done In pastel pink, blue, I yeuow, ume green ana trimmed with the big, flat crocheted flower (MDarately made) or it can be done in navy and red, red and white for sports wear. Bag is C" inches in I diameter, is crocheted in two pieces and then joined totrrther over a stiff cardboard backing. Send 30c for the Crocheted Sltoul-1 der Bag and Matching Cnlot (Pat tern no. im) complete instructions. finishing directions, sketches of all stitches used, YOUR NAME, AD DRESS. PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, Capital Journal, S3 Missloit street, San Francisco S. oaiu. . Patterns ready to fill orders Im mediately. For special handling of order via first class mall Include aa extra Se per pattern. : 6mLAMi?A jm&fmwa lvjW5Sr &$JLA .aSS. Inl II -i.l Ss I II- a ; LT iJ Jbi lllrr jL'-S a vi' I viw i, a ii 1 1 t a itsi' 'i i x w?s i " l mi k i i i , . m v-j s m au) 1 1 i --v t m Ml ( S2SSvx?fc TrjLsw I XSSl'? t'i!!r' 5tiAt rll th baby's r2ksa- i - sv wj. - ggr yyare -, - mZTa i V-JiJVh ' 8 U-UJX USYnri K""-, r ( viA 4 w a gS2LA-r jl i it immimhiri L" " " s - f w-w J I jtr'rPL I I -MTXi?omBOW'& cam A H JF7W N THE HeSN g&ktfF Ji n ( OUcSWTA, WUpCAS,sipY UNTIL A TH' MOUNTIES' Ho2IeA Z2lS TjJmm r rjiv WT ' taf!t, travel! N mr3j3rirttmm u ' L rS"'T-r2E?ESlt,,:y0W Iweu...M3oU WHY VII HOW BLSECOULDl U CAR, rrfBI60AKTREEByrrHERE( PRIVEN liifAT TREE3ARE, QljM laim Safi-. PJNNIN T 'TCFFpPjlKErnn3 T WONT i-DPP? I MUTT.THEV !lUN, J3Tt Ji dr INTO THE ' r'y ' T, "Z3 fwHCT A80trr'iwg57MIF"io.' ges)P69,rBlxt V trrs gat now what would R Fto4T euSur r ,7X7 ""U?, TUKNBR, COCTOa: PK CHAN0SD MINP I I k A 6RJBVIN8 Y0UN6 WIDOW WBAje V" E I IS, r.Sii?-0!: V' BAKNeSi SMS KNOW THAT WO ABOLT HER.' r'M -41 L IF SHE WANTS P A HANDSOME ' I StLJSA 22STC I T . TT HAD CONTACTBP OS AFKAlP IVB DONE HK BL VOUNG DOCTOR TO FOROeT -T M SSS I BUT- I GRADUATE IN JUNE - - WHICH ISN7 1 u&ur vnil FFM m(F? J iJ m 7 limi" I FAR AWAY J SUPPOSE WE D1DNT MET--- I HAVL 'ou 5ttN tu"J HE WA 0AK1NG J A ftl ADMIT MXfltl RIGHT, AMri a i nuc ArrA.o ' AlONE?SUPttE WE ONLV PHONED- -AND ?7TUtSm4r wrm DR-THACKERV " OWEN! A TEACH ER-5TU0ENT k uad rvD vfuirl? WROTE LETTERS..-TILL VfnlL WHEN THE UGHT5 WENT B ROMANft WOin riRF J5 HARDER K) HIDE rojAMrwrrMfUT riAv... T3iT I TT lt5 occ.i iRRVL.t HAVENT A Y WLBOTHN".?F'''?La ' VOUNO.CLIt'f! J L- -VlV 1 IM Jl R ;ilP1 1. viva mM Yi ra - 7ft, IMF- ii ZHL W A 'ax I irf 4 1 I It I I ( MPM B"TT jj, JSSbaassaaMiakH-sMSi Hazel Green ilazel Crreen A nn uu. born to Mr. and Mrs. Bud Low- erV Of Rt. fi. Box 24S In the Sa. lem Memorial hosnital Marrh a They have named him Rodney ueorge. a sister, Liinda, awaits his arrival home.The nstpmul grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. jii. w. ijowery of BrooKs and the maternal grandparents being Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Le Mav nf Salem. Mrs. Lowery was able to come home, but the baby will be m tne nospitai lor awhile. The Hazel Creen Mnthpr'o club met Thursday night, March 5, at the school to hold a month ly meeting and election of officers. Officers, unanimously elected were Mrs. Bon Zielinskl as pre sident for. a second term anil Mrs. Glen Looney as secretary ana treasurer lor a second term. Mrs. O..P. Cotner wsa oWtpH vice president for her first term. Holding that office last term was Mrs. Ted lowery. The business meeting was de voted to makinff final arranep. ments for the carnival and the votine on the extension nf tho hot lunch program until May 8. A film was shown. "Fears of Children," by Mrs. L. E. Mars chat from the Marion County Tuberculosis and Health Assn., from' Salem. Refreshments of cake and coffee were served in the base ment by Mrs. Harry McKlbben and Mrs. Clarence Zielinski.. . . A group of men from this community went to the Red Cross and donated blood to re place what Glen Looney had ' used during his recent serious operation in the Salem General hospital. ' . , , Mrs. Elmer McClaughry en tered the Salem General hospi tal Sunday and underwent' sur gery Monday. ' . s..V, .. ' The upper room of. the Hazel Green school -visited' the state buildings Monday, March 9. Donald Sundav evening. March IS 7:30 a ffroun from CnnrnAt al lege in Portland will present the piay, -ne uame seeing" at the Nazarene church in Donald. Rev. Parnell, who has been sup plying the Donald church, Is a member of the cast. - Jerrv Yereen. inn nf Mr tnil Mrs. Norman Yergen, is home lor a few daya leave. He arriv ed last Tuesday and must report to Bremerton. Wanti.. this. n,Ir I He has completed his schooling ana oeiieves that he will be as sighed to the carrier "Essex." Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vmmrf of Hermiston stopped at the E, W. Christopherson home for a short time Mondav ovoninir They were on their way to itosepurg. Shawn PMer. -juiyi nt Mr and Mrs. Warren Feller, celebrated ms mrtnday last week. Helping him celebrate were Mrs. Eddie Jones, Gary and Carta, Mrs. Vir gil Scherette, Vickie and Cheryl, Mrs. Francis Ryan, Mike and. Steven and Mrs. Barney Feller, Lia and Jim, Cupcake, lea cream and punch were served. ACROSS 34. Great desert 1. In addition to 38. Norse god B Alack 87- Allow , acK . 39. Clear profit 9. Any monkey 40. Opening 12. Fish's breath- 42. Laterally ing organ 44. Of the 13. Placed end motion of for end the sea IS. Pertaining to 46. Cotton fabric oil 47. Land of a 17. Mentally comic sound , opera - . 18. New England wizard state: abbr. 48. Rendered fat 19. Spirit of a of swine community 80. Snares 21. Wrench S3. In furious 23. Irregular . haste voter, ' 88. Greenland 28. Serpent' settlement '- 27. Unity 87. English 28. Makes an letter ' infusion 88. On the 30. Small fish ocean , 32. Chide , 89. Refuse LlAIPrEINIOiWriANiEISI c v c. icmfcjy yffM j it- Solution of Yesterday's Puule DOWN 1. Self 2. Gypsy pocket- book 3. Slumberer 4. The pick 8. Metric land measure rrrrprrrpprrr t IP pf" yl P jj s- --pjr f tr mv w pn psrlr -mn W p WW "" "" 2 '" ' " "" 53 sT'Ji TT j?r mr fwVWVTBjTWVS 8. One to whom Iiroperty is eased T. Topaz hum mingbird 8. Dispatched B. Symbol for arsenic 10. Sweats 11. Prepare for publication 14. Launder again 18. Pure 20. Aquatic ' ' animals 22. Exists 23. Garment 24. Endues with activity or vitality 28. Live 29. Evident or , manifest 31. Tropical fruit 33. Dismay 35. Enliven 38. Center 41, Advertisement 43. Telegraphed: colloq. 44. Small Euro pean shark 48. Tibetan monk 49. Thing: law 81. Broad opto vessel 52. Timid 54. Place of the seal: abbr. 55. Exclamation ROOM & BOARD By Gen Ahern ' I HOPE OUR SUPPER OF GABUC BREAD AND SPAGHETTI HASN'T BLUNTED VCHiR KEEN SENSE OF SMELL CHATM0RE, BECAUSE I WANT YOU TO GET THE DELICACY" of That subtle scent I'm CALLING IT 'BALLETAS IT BRINGS TO MIND THE ETHEREAL CHARM ; AND GRACE OF THE BALLET IT'S ENCHANTINSjW I STARTED HIM OH THESE EXPERIMENTS TO CREATE A NEW PERFUME, SO I HAVE TO CHEER HIM ALONG.... BUT THIS SMELLS LIKE AN OLD DOLLAR BILL A H HI l-m-JW amUlHMHs.aMaMnHBMi-smLS I