New Low-Calorie Foods Sensational; Desserts, Fruits, Dressings Listed Colorle-consclnin fnlfe .j there are plenty of them are halllne the new line nf lm.r.,.,1 orie, diabetic type foods put out hy tne riotmii Products Inc., a firm headed by the noted busi ness woman. Tillie T.ui ti.. new product has brought about a zu,uuu,uuu a year canning business for Miss Lewis. This new line takes the nain from dieting, too. The foods are very tasty. Outstanding arc the dietetic fruits In .,. heavy syrup that keeps the fruit jirm ana iuii or. llavor to the extent one eating them does not know the difference between them and the regular canned fruits. The line of fruits Includes apricots, unpeeled and halves and whole peeled ones; apricot nectar; light and dark sweet cherries; Kadoka figs, sliced and halved peaches; fruit cocktail; pear halves; prunes; plums and applesauce, And not only are there fruits, but gelatin desserts, creamy puddings and salad dressings as well as jellies in this line. The desserts and pudding mixes duplicate their caloric counterparts, but are low cal oried. As illustration, the va nilla pudding mix in this new line has only 30 calories when made with skim milk, against the 225 calories In regular pud ding. The puddings include choco late, French custard, vanilla nnd butterscotch. The gelatine desserts Include strawberry, raspberry, cherry and lemon. The salad dressings are some thing out of this world and I j they do not use oil. They range "uui one-caiorie per tablespoon type on up. , The summary on this deal 1: This new food process cuts out as much as 67 per cent of the Calorie OverlnaH fin1 kplnn. htl. quality food to the table, too. "o me rooas cost just a trifle more than nrrilnnro jtlatoiln foods. Aidinff thlt rnnlim tn Iraan COUnt. the numhF nf intram n4 each food Is listed on the can or pacxage. . To make it acquainted with this line, the company nas arranged tor gift Certificates far A frM nnMrnffA of the new low calorie products. 10 ooiain tne tree gut certifi cate, write to Tillie Lewis, Stockton, Calif. Sandwiches Made With French Toast For Supper Treat The following is a late supper offering. French Toasted Sandwiches (Makes 6 servings) 12 slices day-old bread ' ' ' ; Margarine or butter for spreading 1 cup peanut butter cup jam 3 eggs 1 cups milk 3 tablespoons flour teaspoon salt Margarine or butter for frying Make sandwiches by spread ing slices of bread lightly with margarine or butter. Spread every other slice with 1 table spoons peanut butter and 1 tablespoon jam. Cover with plain buttered slices. Cut sand wiches in halves diagonally, making triangles. Make batter for dipping as follows: in shal low pan, such as cake pan, beat v eggs with fork. Mix flour into thin paste -with a little of the milk. Add to eggs, with rest of milk and .alt. Mix well.. Dip sandwiches, first one side then the other, in batter.- Be careful not to let them soak. Fry in margarine or butter in hot skil let or on hot griddle, turning sandwiches once to brown both sides.- Serve hot with margar ine or butter and warm sirup or honey. With these serve a bowl of creamy cottage cheese and fruit compote. ; ,i When : you grind dry bread, tie a paper bag on the blade end of the grinder so that crumbs will drop into the bag as they are ground. If you want f fine bread crumbs for a dish, sift the crumbs through a sieve and store the coarse dry and fine dry crumbs in covered separate containers. Orange.Juice Sauce Tops Pancakes ill, Forty days hath Lent, and this year everybody's going in often for the ten habit of good revered Len pancakes, so uni versally popular. This special variation of pancakes will de light everyone combining orange and creamy cottage cheese. Right now, the market stall are filled with oranges, easy to section, and full of Juice to use In adding tangy goodness to many foods. Try this for a lucheon main dish or dinner dessart to intrigue your family and friends the sauce is better than syrup, the section of oran ges good, and chewy, and there's plenty of nutriton in both the oranges and the cot tage cheese. Im you're in a hurry, use a package pancake mix and the sauce. For main luncheon dish use 2 cups cottage cheese; as a dessert use 1 cup. panuake Stacks with Orange Sauce iy cups sifted all-purpose flour 2tt teaspoon, baking powder teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons sugar See. in, Capital Journal, Salem, On, Thank, Mar, U, lV- 1 egg, .lightly beaten . V cup milk i cup orange juice . 3 tablespoons melted butter or margarine 1 to 2 cups cottage cheese Sift together dry ingredients. Combine slightly beaten egg, milk, orange juice and butter, Stir into dry Ingredients. To make 4 large pancakes, bake on hot griddle, one at a time .using cup batter for each pancake. Stack pancakes, spreading cup cottage cheese between each. To serve cut into wedges; spoon or ange sauce over top. Yield: 4 to 6 servings, Orange Sauce 1 tablespoon cornstarch cup sugar Vt teaspoon salt 1 cup orange juice 2 teaspoons grated - orange rind -. -. ., 1 orange, sectioned Mix together, cornstarch, Eureka Cracked Crab" The west coast crab and lti meat is unsurpassed. Cooked or chilled, it makes wonderful eat ing. Ask your fish market man to clean and crack, a cooked jumbo crab. Place on a bed of lettuce. Serve with lemon, salt and pepper, mayonnaise or this seafood sauce. Each eater helps himself, does his own shelling and dunking. , ' .... . , Combine V eup tomato catsup. 1 tablespoon vinegar, 2 table spoons lemon juice, 1 teaspoon grated horseradish, teaspoon celery salt and 3 drop tabasco sauce; blend well and chill. sugar and salt in a saucepan. Blend in orange juice gradu ally; add orange rind. Cook over medium heat until mix ture cornel to a boll, stirring constantly. Add orange sec tions; heat. , Yield: About 1 cups. .... midget markets 351 State St. 1128 Center ITS A PLEASURE ... to shop the Midgets. Our courteous meat cutters are right on the job to serve you with the cuts you select. No semi-frozen, ready wrapped package, with the less desirable cuts hidden underneath. YOU SEE IT WHEN YOU BUY IT AT THE MIDGETS. PORK ROASTS - 37c PORK STEAK W . - 53c LOIN ROASTS : 53c CHOPS ah ci ............. ....... ..-ib. 65c VEAL STEAK 59c CORN FED STEER BEEF We have just prchased a load of the nicest young steers we have seen for a long time. They are top quality. The meat is tender and flavorful. Try tome. It will please you. Midget meats are well trimmed. You do not pay for a lot of waste. BEEF ROASTS 53c BEEF ROASTS- 49c PLATE RIB .... a 29c PORTERHOUSE STEAK - 75c SWISS STEAKS 69c BEEF CUBES- "59c We Buy the Livestock, Process It Ourselves. When good meat is sold for less the Mid gets will sell it. SLICED BACON - -35c BACON SQUARES 15c LEAN JOWLS 25c PURE LARD - 10c WIENERS -45c POLISH RINGS -49c BOLOGNA -45c MINCE HAM m -45c CAPITOL FISH CENTER In Our Center SI. Location Our Fish Department it making a hit. A tempting dis play of OCEAN FRESH, cured and smoked varieties. It't a Real Fish Market! Particular People Patronize the Midgets Community Builder Stores reserve Special Prices Effective March 13-14 the rignt to limn quantities Kitchen Queen MM. 1 10-lb. Bag Breakfast Delight lb. Pkg. Hoody Creamy or Chunk !5) PEANUT 12-oi. Glass LZVy vurruid v . ELSINORE SOLID PACK 25c Tunas k2:25' ARMOUR'S ROAST 93'HBeeb 53' Cascade Pork links Grade A Good Beef Roast REYNOLDS Foil Wrap . 29 SCOTT. Towels r 20' H HOUSE OF LORDS SMOKED. OYSTERS Snowdrift U.S. No. 1 Potatoes Sweet, Juicy ies4 Green Top 2 bun. Orana 'v if lib. can DENNISON'S Chili 2, "s 29' DENNISON'S Meat Balls 37' BORAXO os. tm 17c BORAX POWDER .. ....... 2&33c- BORENE SOAP POWDER Thrift pkg. ; . 53c DIAL COMPLEXION SOAP. , 2 for 37c DIAL BATH SOAP 2 lor 37c WRIGHT'S SILVER CREAM g0I ,,25c GOLD SEAL GLASS WAX .,....,.. 59c AIR WICK Small bottle ... 69c SOILAX 18.0,PKr .27c BRILLO SOAP PADS ,, . .23c KURLY KATE PAD 10c ENERGINE 16., 53c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 for 27c SNOWY BLEACH 20-OI. pkg. ...... 49c DvAAinr &rown Beauly $1.89 DlOOlTlS Hansco $1.59 SHAMPOO .. 67c i$ MORE than an bleach! jtb v :. ..w m rim j m m REACHES REMOVES STAMS DEODORIZES and '2-Gal. Jug 29' Highland Market BERT CARR, Owner Delivery Twice Daily 800 Highland Ave. Call 3-9403 Lemmon's Market ORAL LEMMON, Owner S78 North Commercial Carter's Market REED CARTER, Owner Delivery Daily 17th ft Market Call 3-6171 VVourm's Market GILBERT' WOURMS, Owner Stayton