-8ee. in,. Capital Jonnul, s.lem, Ore., Thurs., March 12, 1953 Lamb Plentiful, Western Cooks Know Many Ways To Prepare Popular Meats Western conVn n nuin- i the bountiful supply of western moid, umb growers tell that we will be performing a valuable service to readers by telling them (you) about the excellent quality iamb offered in local re tail markets. This is the time of year when the bulk of the winter-fed lambs reach the market. Supplies are unusually heavy and that means noticeable lower prices. Lamb is tender; practically every cut may be roasted, broiled or pan broiled. ' ' Most popular cuts are leg of lamb, cushion shoulder, rolled n o u l a e r, shoulder chops, trenched rib chops, loin chops, sirloin roast, crown roast, rolled breast. Curried Lamb Chops Wipe 6 shoulder lamb chops with a damp cloth. Combine 1 By ZOLA VINCENT irooai wnttr) cup fine bread crumbs, 2 tea spoons curry, Vt teaspoon salt, Vi teaspoon pepper. Beat 2 eggs. Dredge chops with crumb mix ture, then dip In beaten eggs and again in crumbs. Brown in hot fat in a heavy skillet. Add cup bouillon and Vi cup chopped 1 'fty ROWU& New Kind ofPuobfa JOU HOW TO LOOK! JUSTMOC WtTHMtUCt fVTTtV U V-ri';:;slJ Instant Pudding IfbtHkMrfhvor -r OtomkrTeiefurt spiced peaches. Cover and cook slowly for 40 minutes. Remove chops and add 2 tablespoons flour to the drippings. Stir un til smooth. Add 1 cup pickled peach juice (or juice and water to fill cup) and cook until smooth. Serve gravy over rice mounds made of perfectly plain saltad and cooked rice. Serve with pickled peaches. Lamb Roasting Pointers Leg of lamb will roast more quickly If the paper-like cover ing, the "fell , is not removed The fell should be removed from chops, however. It is not necessary to dredge a lamb roast with flour. Do not add water. Do not cover. A lamb roast should be placed on rack with the skin side down and the fat side up. Then it is not necessary to baste, for the fat runs over and through the meat, Searing is not necessary because it does not keep In the meat juices. A low oven temperature, 300 de grees is right for roasting lamb. Cushion shouder of lamb is made by removing bones from a square cut shoulder and filling cavity with a favorite stuffing. A cushion shoulder or a rolled shoulder are ideal for the small family. j Loin, rib or shoulder chops and steaks cut from the leg are suitable for broiling. Ground lamb, made into pat ties and wrapped with bacon are delicious when broiled. Lamb loaf baked in a ring mold is a new fashion with an old favorite. Lamb and fruit are a perfect team. Broiled pineapple slices. baked bananas or pears or peaches or stuffed prunes are appetite-appealing- in combina tion with lamb. Lamb Short Cake. Dice cold, cooked left-over lamb and com bine with a rich cream sauce. Add 1 chopped hard-cooked egg. Serve on hot baking powder 1 XHr: vOh J Lamb Season On These Curried Lamb Chops make mighty good eating. Serve with pickled peaches and spicy gravy over rice mounds as shown in picture. Eleven ways to fix lamb in the columns today. ' ' . biscuits. Breast of Lamb. Simply salt and pepper and roast in 300 de gree oven about IVi hours. Barbecued Breast of Lamb. Brush lightly with any favored barbecue sauce and roast in 300 degree oven about l'i hours. Turn and baste occasionally with sauce. Roquefort Lamb Chops. For variety in flavor, spread oven or Danbroiled chops with roque- fort cheese after turning and seasoning with salt and pepper. Allow 15 minutes for chops cut one-inch thick; 8 minutes on one side, 7 minutes on the other. Shrimp Apple Salad Maybe you never thought of combining shrimp with walnuts and apples for a salad and in case you haven't we suggest try ing it today. Our "Shrimp Ap ple Salad has a mayonnaise dressing accented with lemon juice and horseradish. It' ideal to serve now during the Lenten season but will make extra good eating any time of year. Srimp Apple Salad 1 large apple 1 cup sliced celery 1 cup cleaned cooked shrimp Vi small green onion cup mayonnaise 2 teaspoons lemon juice V4 teaspoon prepared horse radish cup coarsely broken wal nuts ' Lettuce cups Pare, core and dice apple. Combine with celery and shrimp. Chop onion finely and blend with mayonnaise, lemon juice and horseradih. Toss lightly with first mixture, and chilL Just before serving, mix in wal- Apple Sauce Nut Bread This is the sort of thing you fix up for a tea time or luncheon party and then find the family begging for crumbs. So why not just make some for the family in the first place? It's made with plentiful, bargain-priced canned apple sauce and a few other readily available ingredients. Apple Sauce Nut Bread 1 large orange Vi cup seedless raisins 1 cup canned apple sauce 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour . 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 cup sugar Vt teaspoon salt Vz cup chopped nut meats, wal- nuts or pecans 1 egg 2 tablespoons melted butter or margarine Squeeze juice from orange. Us ing medium blade, - put rind through food chopper with rais ins. Add orange juice, rind and raisins to apple sauce. Sift to gether flour, baking powder, baking soda, sugar and salt. Add fruit mixture and nutmeats. Mix thoroughly. Beat egg, add with melted butter or margarine, stir ring until thoroughly blended. Pour into greased loaf pan 8Hx 4x2V4 inches. Bake in mod erate oven, 350 degrees, 50 to 60 minutes. Remove from pan; cool on wire rack. Mice thin or thick; eat "as is", spread with butter or heap with cream cheese, peanut but ter or jelly. The Sauce Can Make The Dish ; Butter can be dressed up or varied to suit the occasion. Here! are a few ideas to start you off, Honey Butter - Warm 1 cup liquid honey in double boiler; add Vi cup butter, Vi teaspoon cinnamon and dash of nutmeg. Serve warm on waf fles, wheat cakes, rolls, etc. Mustard Batter . Heat 4 tablespoons butter un til golden brown. Stir in 1 tea spoon prepared mustard and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Serve with broiled fish. . ' Parsley Butter ' Blend 1 tablespoon of soft but ter with Vi teaspoon salt, Vt tea spoon paprika, Vi tablespoon lemon juice and 2 tablespoons minced parsley. Spread or dot over broiled or fried fish. Horseradish Butter ' . Heat' Vt eup butter to a golden brown. Add 1 tablespoon horse radish and blend. Excellent; for seafood. Garlic Butter Heat Vi cup butter to a gold en brown. Add 1 garlic bud peeled and cut in two. , Garlic may be removed just before serving. Cream Cheese Butter To Vi cup b'utter, creamed, add 1 oz. cream cheese. Season. Color with tomato paste. Add 2 table spoons finely chopped nuts. Use as canape spread or for stuffing celery stalks, endive blades, green peppers, etc. Blue Cheese, Roquefort, or Parmesan Butter To Vi cup butter, creamed, add to 3 tablespoons Blue, Roque fort, or Parmesan Cheese, rubbed through a strainer. Season. Lemon Parsley Butter Roll Vi cup (1 stick) butter 2 tablespoons minced parsley 1 tablespoon grated lemon . rind 2 tablespoons minced chives Dash of cayenne, if desired 2 tablespoons lemon juice Let butter stand in bowl until softened. Work with fork or spoon until creamy. Add all in gredients (the lemon juice a lit tle at a time), stirring until well Hush Puppies Of Corn Meal Tasty Dish There is an exceptional taste treat in store for you any time the table fare calls for a flavor ful bread to go along with t meal. Whether it's a party for friends or just an every day din ner for the famiy, you'll find Hush Puppies the corn meal food to delight hard-to-please appe tites. Whatever the occasion, pre pare Hush Puppies and you'll make meal-time so nice to come home to. Hush Puppies 2 cups white corn meal 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt Vt cup finely chopped onions 2 cups sweet milk Combine dry ingredients and sift together. Add onion and milk and blend well. Preheat deep fat to 365 degrees F., dip table spoon into hot fat and then into mixture, shaping each spoonful blended. Turn out on wax paper and shape into a roll about 1 inches in diameter. It's a topping that gives dis tinction to broiled meats and chicken as well as to fish and lifts vegetables, such as carrots, broccoli and cauliflower quite out of the ordinary. Softened, it's a delightful addition for spread ing the bread before adding the filling when making sandwiches. ! slightly to make fairly round. Drop into hot fat and cook until well browned. Yield: 15-20 hush puppies. To use yellow corn meal, de crease corn meal to 1 cups and add cup all-purpose flour. (Do. not sift yellow corn meal); decrease milk to 1V4 cups. If you rinse your egg beater in cold water right after you use it, you'll find no egg parti cles are sticking to it later on. Frankfurters in Rarebit Good This recipe is another wav fi serve ;the popular frankfurter!. Tomato-Frankfurter Rarebit ' (makes 6 servings) 8 frankfurters 6 tablespoons margarine or butter ' V cup flour 1 cup milk 1 cups (1 No. 2 can) tomatoM i vp iiiiguucu cneese Vi teaspoon salt , V teaspoon pepper 6 frankfurter rolls ; Margarine or butter for ; spreading ; Slice frankfurters Vt in.i thick. Melt margarine or butter In saucepan. Add flour, stirri. smooth. Add milk gradually stirring until thickened. Add t matqes, stirring, then cheese Stir until sauce is thickened and cheese is melted. Add salt and pepper. Fold in frankfurter slices. Heat thoroughly, then keep hot over gentle heat while toasting rolls. Split frankfurter rolls and spread with margarine or butter. Toast un,der broiler until golden brown. Pour Frank furter Rarebit over rolls and serve at once. Crisp radishes and celery and extra rolls are good with this. LOCKER BEEF Eastern Oregon white face Hereford beef bought direct from the ranch and hauled in our own trucks. Buy and save at Packing House Wholesale Prices. Cut ting and wrapping, smoking, curing. Free deep freeze service. Custom killing. , ' NOTHING DOWN 6 MONTHS TO PAY .LB. 33 LOCKER BEEF Front Quarter , J I ECU DCEr (' Wrapped 11 JT U. S. Graded Good ...... LB. LOCKER BEEF 36 Half or Whole ...LB. U. S. FEDERALLY GRADED SALEM MEAT CO. 1325 S. 25th Phone 3-4858 nuts. Serve in lettuce cups. Serves 4 to 6. NUCOA Is the one fo buy-Use coupon below and save 10$ i ran" " O .. flail"" U n I II Ml I 0 . . .the first yellow margarine wth food value in every single ingredient ! Exciting climax of the greatest nutritional research in margarine history! Everything in today's Nucoa is good for you! No benzoate preservative, do synthetic flavor! Even Nucoa's sunny color comes from Nature, from golden carotene, rich in vitamin A. We're so sure you'll agree that Nucoa is not only most nutritious, but sweeter, fresher tasting, too, that, for a short time only, we're making a special "Try-it-Today" offer. Use coupon below. Get 10(S off on a pound of Nucoa margarine! Once you try it, you'll dis cover how wonderfully different Nucoa is! IJUUw First In Quality! L1 Nutrition! Natural Flavor! gy Thrifty! This Coupon WORTH 10 ON A POUND OF NUCOA frmt MNt Fmfe Mhm. b. Iri. -j . . .,, Marit to llw mmt at lrl Ih. U.S. A. T1W !. ulo(! iMtPh A A A W A J J, A H . I II I i ii - - - - UTrillS'-v.v fe3 We Reserve The Right to Limit ft Owfa msk IFOOD. SAVINGS. FRANCO AMERICAN Spaghetti 2(,, 25 Tuna 4 tm 89' rT?ocSOUP Pofa.o Chips 19 LJl 1 VELVEETA Take MIX S':sacl R, cn Cheese 89' . 29c "oast Beef s 59 I i SHORTENING HSJTang ,., 49' 3 1 89' WWC000 WILSON'S jfT 3CAKES L v m MARGARINE j 25'- Pancake Mix 49 lb 23' SPCCALOFfER WattDtsaey'sPeterPM ADVINTURI MAP DURA PLASTIC STARCH Of. 67' FRESH QUALITY PRODUCE TOMATOES TBbe nnAnccnuiT u. VliHrLI HUM CALAVOS 3 29' New Potatoes io ibs. 69' 25' 49' RIB STEAK - 49c BEEF ROAST 39c CiKide Reedy to lit PICNICS 49c Pen-Reedy FRYERS - $1.19 Short Ribs or Brisket J9c WEST SALEM STORE NO. 2 ONLY SAVItMjEMT lit.