t Sec, m. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thurs., March 12, 1958 Cooking Suggestions for Those Economy Beef Cuts Beef contlnuea In abundant supply, with many cuts wearing extremely attractive price tags. Here it luminary of some of the best buys In beef and how to cook them. Good Buys in Pot Roasts Beef pot r o a s t is a favorite choice for he-man dinners in many households. The most po pular buys in pot roasts are as follows: Blade, round bone and boneless chuck roasts (from the shoulder), rump roast and heel of round. . Follow this simple procedure for preparing a tempting pot roast: Flour the roast and brown thoroughly In a little hot fat in a Dutch oven or other large, he vy utensil. Sprinkle well with salt and pepper and add any de sired seasonings (onions, celery leaves, herbs). Slip a flat rack under the meat and add a small amount of liquid (about V4 cup) such as water, tomato juice or bouillon. Cover and simmer over low heat until meat Is very ten' der, 2 to 3 hours. If desired, vege tables may be added about an hour before the meat Is done. Economy Beef Steaks Steak every Sunday and often Tuna, Olives and Peas Delicious Trio There's plenty of bargain- priced tuna; plenty of low-priced canned peas and plenty of those ripe olives at reasonable prices. Let's combine them with some evaporated milk, and a can of mushroom soup and pour it all over shortcake. A fine lnexpen give, satisfying main dish that needs only salad, dessert and beverage to make a good meal Tuna-Olive Short Cake - Gradually combine - Vt . cup evaporated milk and 1 can cream of mushroom soup in saucepan. Stir in 1 can flaked tuna, cup pitted ripe olives and 1 can drained peas; heat to serving temperature. Split shortcake (re. cipe below or make from pack aged biscuit mix); spoon cream ed mixture between shortcake halves and on top. Six servings. Shortcake Recipe: Sift togeth er 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder and c teaspoon salt. Cut in 6 table spoons shortening with two knives or pastry blender. Beat together 1 egg, V cup evaporat ed milk and V cup water; stir into flour mixture. Knead 10 strokes. Divide dough in half. Pat half into a greased 8-inch cake pan; brush with melted but ter. Fat out remaining dough to fit on top; brush with additional milk. Bake in a hot oven, 42S degrees, 20 minutes. . during tne week can be your motto If you choose from these Round and blade bone chuck steaks, round and flank steaks. These steaks should not be broiled like their fancier cousins, the - porterhouse, T-bone and club; they should be braised. To braise, follow the directions glv en for preparing pot roast. Use Vt to V4 cup liquid and add little more as it cooks away. Penny-Wise Stew Meat A hearty stew is one good an swer to big appetites. For rib' sticking goodness, prepare your stew this way: Cut the meat Into 1 to 2 inch cubes. If desired, the meat may be floured before browning. Brown a few cubes at a time In little hot fat. Add seasonings and cover meat with liquid. Cover plan and cook over low heat un til meat is nearly tender. Add vegetables, such as onions, pota toes and carrots, and continue cooking until these are done. Be fore serving, the meat and vege tables may be removed and the liquid thickened with a flour and water paste. Into the Grinder and Out In any review of economical beef buys, ground beef usually tops the list. Here are some thrifty cuts to have ground for use in meat loaves, patties, sau ces and casseroles: Flank, chuck, shank, plate, rump and heel of round. First Step to Economy To start you on your way to wards planning good tasting and economical beef dishes, here's a tested recipe for pot roast cook ed with sour cream; Serve with cooked noodles topped with the gravy. Swedish Pot Roast with Noodles 3J4 to 4 pound pot roast 3 tablespoons lard 2 medium onions, sliced 1 clove garlic, minced 1 teaspoon salt M.plnt sour cream (1 cup) 1 cup water 4-ounce package noodles In a Dutch oven or other hea vy utensil, melt lard and in it lightly brown onion and garlic. Push to one side. Rub meat with salt and brown well. Combine sour cream with water and pour over meat. Top meat with onions and garlic, cover and cook over low heat for 2 ft hours, or until tender. Remove roast, skim off all but 4 tablespoons fat. Into fat, stir 4 tablespoons flour; gra dually add 2 cups bouillon or water and the sour cream mix ture spooned from top of roast. Cook, stirring constantly, until thickened. Season to taste with salt, pepper and paprika. Serve sauce on cooked noodles. si Ladle tomato sauce (condensed tomato aouo) over crisp brown broiled fish for a heavenly fish dinner. Sauce is simple blend of tomato soup with lemon juice, mustard. Broiled Fish Good With Tomato Sauce The French had the word for it about fish: "It's the sauce that makes the fish." One fish sauce to sing about .tomato soup pointed up with lemon juice and mustard. . Fish glorified with sauce comes into its rightful place at Lent. A good time to remind yourself of all the advantages of these gifts from ocean and lake. Fish can be simply prepared, to taste like the fanciest fixings. And usually your market carries a kind or two at a bargain price. So plan a fish platter for dinner tonight. Broiled Fish In Royal Red Sauce 1 Vi pounds flounder fillets or other white fish Salt and pepper 1 can (IVi cups) condensed tomato aoup 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 teaspoons prepared mustard Brush fillets with melted but ter; sprinkle with salt, pefiper, and a little crushed marjoram if desired. Broil about 15 minutes or until done and golden brown; thick fillets may- need to be turned and broiled on other side. Serve on hot platter with sauce made this way: Blend together soup, lemon juice, and mustard; heat. Pour over fish. Danish Pastry For Breakfast Delicate Danish Pastry fash ioned for you by your baker is delightful for breakfast. Serve it with that rlght-from-the-oven freshness by arranging the pas try in a heavy skillet. Place the skillet on the surface of the range and let it stand over high heat for about a minute. Turn off the heat and allow It to stand for about two minutes. Bring the Danish Pastry to the table immediately and have plenty of whipped butter for spreading over eacn golden-brown roll Whipped Butter ;3 tablespoons butter ' 3 tablespoons margarine 2 tablespoons evaporated milk or cream Whip butter and margarine to gether until light and fluffy. Add milk slowly, and beat vig orously. xieiu: Approximately cup wnipped Butter. . Vegetable Casserole For Dinner Entree When your entire dinner en tree Is on the light side, sup plement it with this satisfying "Vegetable Puff Casserole, Mashed cooked carrots, chopped ripe olives and parsley are blend ed with a fluffy egg mixture and baked about 45 minutes. Even though you happen to have someone in your family who doesn't like carrots, this will still be a favorite. Vegetable Puff Casserole . 3 tablespoons butter or mar garine 3 tablespoons flour 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper 1 (4 Vi -ounce) can chopped ' ripe olives 3 tablespoons chopped pars ley 2 cups mashed cooked car rots 2 eggs Melt butter and blend in flour. Add milk and cook and stir until thick. Blend in salt, pepper, ol ives, parsley, carrots and beaten egg yolks. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour into greased casserole and bake in moderate oven (350 deg.) about 45 min utes, or until set. Serves 4 to 6. 1 1 1 2H Vt Cereal Foods Essential on The Day's Menus Cereal foods as a class are important sources of energy. They also contain protein, but not of the same quality as meat, milk, eggs or cheese. However, when combined with a little of these high quality protein foods, cereals and grains offer a very good quality protein. Whole grain cereals . . . those with the germ and bran ... make Important contributions of Iron and the B vitamin called thiamine. Hot breads are a special treat for the family, and here's a re cipe for muffins which offers a whole grain cereal and the flav oring of sweet unsulphured mo lasses. Molasses Bran Muffins Vt cup shortening cup unsulphured molasses egg cup bran cup milk cup sifted all-purpose flour teaspoons baking powder teaspoon salt ft cup raisins j Blend together shortening and unsulphured molasses. Add egg; beat well. Stir in bran and milk: let stand until most of moisture Is taken up. Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Add to molasses mixture with raisins, stir only until blended. Fill greased muffin - pans full. Bake in moderate oven (350 de grees F.) 30 minutes. Yield: 12 small muffins. Here is n hearty, meatless main dish loaf where protein comes from macaroni, cheese and unflavored gelatine. Molded Macaroni and Cheese 1 envelope unflavored gelatine ft cup cold water cup hot water 1 cup grated American cheese 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon salt . 2 teaspoons 'grated onion 2 tablespoons chopped " - parsley -1 tablespoon chopped pimiento ft cup diced celery lft cups cooked broken macaroni ft cup mayonnaise or salad dressing Soften gelatine in cold water. Add hot water; stir until gela tine is dissolved. Add grated cheese; stir until cheese has softened. Stir in lemon juice, salt and grated onion. Chill un til mixture is consistency of un beaten egg white. Stir in pars ley, pimiento, celery, macaroni and mayonnaise. Turn into large or individual molds and chill until firm. Unmold and serve with salad greens. Yield: 6 servings. . BIGGEST LITTLE MARKET IN TOWN Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half AGED CHEESE 54c u. Our Famous Cheese CAPONIZED FRYERS Large $149 R.I. I eoch Reds Pan Ready Ground Beef 45c ib. Pure Beef BEEF TONGUES BEEF HEARTS 23 STEAKS AND ROASTS CUT AND WRAPPED FOR YOUR LOCKER 5 lbs. Boneless Round 83c Ib $4.1 S S Ib.s Rib Steaks 59c lb.. ..... 1 . . $2.95 5 lbs. T-Bone Steaks. .... .85c Ib $4.25 15 lbs. Chuck Roasts 53c Ib $7.95 All Well Trimmed Total $19.30 GUARNANTEED. SAUSAGE 35c h,. Pure Pork BOILING BEEF 29c Lean Meaty ROLLED PORK ROAST 47c ib. GARDEN-FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES POTATOES CELERY POTATOES We S:Xv.r' 10 ib, 39c 15c bunch 25 .b, 89c Flowers, Rote Bushes, U.S. No. 2 U.S.No.2 Garden Seeds HOT SAUCE DGFD BISQUICK SWIFTNING 5 Of- J cansZdC OQ. DC cans 35C Ploy' 3.biefln . Tasty Pak 40-ei. pkg. HONEY cai.cdidaiit SALMON PWEM c 1L , QQ- SAUERKRAUT 0Q luncheon Moat Ib.pailOTC y y m ffC can Bradihaws for XJC Pacific Rose -Columbia 39C Cot. Brand 2'i Sixt River Chinook Uoi.ean !F , . Sunshine Kritpy CreamStyl. TUNA CRACKERS SARDINES 3.45 .... 00f. oe 3 as. 303 Site 4rfC reg.tiie JLDC cant JLOC Cott. Brand Light Meat, Cott. Brond lib. box Main Coast T, u , - The Home of Guaranteed H BROADWAY MARKET MU22L;ISH IifJ a iv Broadway and Market SI. EGGS BREAD Store Hours 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. Every Day WCISL 4 p.m. every day No Limits Buy All You Want GUARANTEED Except Tue. and Sat. Prices Good Frl., Sot., Sun. rangy Cheese Sauce Goes Over Greens Cream sauces with tangy cheese have converted many a disliker of greens to uncondi tional surrender and sometimes a simple melted butter or marga rine dressing will turn tne itick for the fellow who imagines that all greens are dewy from the watery depths of the saucepan. It simply isn't so. Good cooks nowadays know, that "greens" require no water whatsoever be yond that clinging to the leaves atfer washing; know too that ten der greens require only a few minutes steaming; other greens slightly longer. Available greens include beet tops, carrot and radish tops (add to other greens), collards, kale, mustard greens, outer leaves of chicory and escarole, outer leaves of lettuce, swlss chard and tur nip tops. . ' Greens with Cheese Buy 2 pounds of greens for 4 servings. Select greens that are fresh, crisp, tender. Simply grate some cheese into a thin white sauce, add to greens and toss gen tly. Top with crisp bacon or tiny croutons or chopped hard-cooked egg, if you like. Toasted Egg Fluff Appeals Make breakfast beckon even the hurrier or the skipper by .....Jim ihm mpnn even thouKh you keep to such a simple theme as eggs and toast. A quick and simple way to add a new note to the serving of eggs for break fast is to serve them as Toasted Egg Fluff. Those who are real ly hungry will, enjoy an extra hot toast to no with the second cup of fragrant, hot coffee. Toasted Egg Fluff 4 eggs, separated Vt teaspoon salt 4 buttered rounds or rusks Whin ih oaa whites and salt until stiff enough to hold a peak. pii tlio hpntpn eee whites on each toast round, making a de pression in tne center oi eacn. Place 1 egg yolk In each depres- ltn n-lrn In n h&llfYJtf. THTi In ' a moderate oven (330 F.) for 20 minutes. Yield: 4 Toasted Egg Fluffs. If you pit and out dates fine, you'll find that a pound of this unpltted fruit will give you about one and three-quarters cup. Puts On Blue Bonnet To Get Most For The Money! ' MRS. SOI CONSIDINI You, too, will love Blub Bom. Margarine', delicate. sunnyS ftavorl Blue Bonnet makes bread toast, hot rolls, and vegetables tu belter than everl You'll appreciate Blub Bonnct'i nutrition, tfnlike most other J! garin, Blub Bonnet contain. Vitamins A and D as much vi-ir. round Vitamin A and D as you l In the high-priced spread for bread! Yet Blub Bonnet Mareirin. "ff ?4n s much a. he high-priced spread. So put on Blub Bonnet and be eure of "all 8" Flavor, Nutrition, Econom-e-e! FRESH &M C?O0CD J fOR LENTEN MEALS . .. FRESH FILLET OF SOLE ..Lb. 59 FRESH FILLET OF PCs FLOUNDER Lb.DD FRESH FILLET OF RED SNAPPER ..Lb, 35' FRESH FILLET OF DEEP SEA CUT FISH 35 SKINNED SOLE Lb. 35' BY PIECE LING COD .....Lb. 29f STEAM CLAMS Lb.35f FRESH, DEEP SEA 0Jm CRABS ; tb 39 Fresh Oysters FSTTS FISH AND POULTRY MARKET 216 North Commercial FREE DELIVERY PHONE 34424 ' Pinf 59' Oven Ready Hens "49 Pan Ready Fryers 67' This new "Qoli-Beaf" Cake saves 150 to 300 strokes KM With lighter SNOWDRIFT, onty 2 minutes beating made this luscious cake. r less beating than leading cake mixes. less than most quick-method cakes. I I Only SNOWDRIFT glvu you this IMPORTANT: Far beil ratulli when hand mixing, De lure to uie x -i.i.. oneeftheia , ,, big slots Have ingredients at room temperature. In Urge mixing bowl, break up VkfuplNOWDIirT Important: use only Snowdrift, it's pre-whipped for you Add a ta gi Vi tup milk , .. I IK tvpi ilftad cat four Sift all I auiMrmta'ublM(riM together baklne sewew over above I Iftcvptauier I 1 toot pom Mh Blend ingredients, then beat ltt minutes, scrap ing sides of bowl frequently. (Count 225 strokes m nana nesting, witn electric mixer use low r tnrit nr . -gW4 0 l til t ii II speed, scrape sides during beating, scrape beat en after beating.) Add Vitvp milk wit ft 1 lMtMt vmHI Blend, then beat to smooth out batter, about 75 strokes minute, electric beater). Turn Into 2 greased 8-inch layer pans, lined with paper. Swirl fork through batter. Bake In moderate oven (375 F.) 25 to 30 minutes. CHOCOUTI ALMOND ICINOi Blend 5 tablespoons Ntwf lighter! SNOWDRIFT I onowonji witn Vt cup njtti cocoa. Add 3 Cups tited eonecMoner' tugar and Vi teaspoon salt th A WfiCC AH Ail I -alternately with cup milfe. When smooth, ,nB 0n VII add 1 teaspoon almond flavoring. Frost cake. CL.t.. I Decorate with lIanh( alnuMud dllOrTenlllO I .VI Bi--11- MBBB(iB 0 19S3 by Wtison Olt t Snowdrift Co., IneJ nr