I THE HOUSEWIFE'S HANDY f ' food section Edited by Marian Lowry Fischer alent J Authentic 9ccc( (juide to Setter fitiny CapitalJomraail Salem, Oregon, Thursday, March. 12, 1953 LATEST IDEAS FOa YOUn ARKETING Published Thursday Each Week it wk' St. Patrick's Sonffle Salad . . . Party touch. a Broiled Ham Slice . . . Quick and festive. (AP Newftfeatures) Here's1 a pretty pale green molded salad to serve for a St. Patrick's Day lunch or sup per. It's made by a tricky "fast frost"1 method that enables you to have It ready. In I 'to-114 hours! - With the .-alad, bring on a slice of broiled ham; one slice If there are four to serve, two slices for eight. An uncooked ham slice inch thick will need 20 minutes on each side placed 2 inches from the source of heat. If you're using a fully cooked ham slice Jiave it an Inch thick, and broil it only about 4 minutes on each side placed 2 inches from the source of the heat. Slash the edges of fat ham at 2-inch intervals to prevent curling and insert a whole clove at each slash. St. Patrick's Souffle Salad Ingredients: 1 package lime flavored gelatin, 1 cup very hot water, cup cold water, Vi cup real mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, Vi tea spoon finely grated onion (juice and pulp), Vi teaspoon salt, ; 1 cup mashed , avocado (1 avocado), 1 cup finely diced peeled apple, 'A - cup - finely diced peeled apple, cup finely diced celery. Method: Dissolve gelatin in very hot water. Add cold water, mayonnaise, lemon juice, onion and salt. Beat with rotary beater until blended. Pour Into refrigerator freeezing tray, Quick-chill in freezing unit (without changing control) 15 to 20 minutes, or until firm about 1 inch from edge but soft in center. Turn ' mixture into bowl and whip with rotary beater until bubbly. Fold in avocado, apple and celery. Pour into . 1-quart mold. Chill until firm in refrigerator (not freez ing unit) 30 to 60 minutes. Unmold; if desired garnish with slices of unpeeled apple: dipped in lemon juice to pre vent browning, and salad greens. Makes 6 servings. Marketing Tips for Best Buys The food and grocery indus try is in full accord with the government's recent removal of price controls on meats and cer tain other foods and with the ad- ministration's conclusion as to the uselessness of general price controls at this time; according to Paul S. Willis, president of Grocery Manufacturers of Amer ica, Inc. It is refreshing to this foods writer to note also that with the price of food falling, Washing ton is not rushing forth to buy up surplus stocks and force up the price. It is also interesting to . observe that meat growers and packers, who have long cried out against controls are not now calling for help as prices go down, For some time it has been apparent to women shopping in food markets that many hun dreds of grocery items are being sold below ceiling prices and be low last year's prices. The consumer and the food in dustry seem agreed that full freedom of competition is the best way of assuring good values for consumers. Beef, Pork, Lamb Lower Cattle on feed on January 1 was 16 per cent larger than last year and the largest on record. Beef supplies now top pork which is almost unprecedented. Lower prices are reflected' on practically all beef cuts with especially attractive prices on pot roasts, short ribs, ground beef. boiling beef and stew meat. Many good pork buys are to be found: the thriftier cuts being pork shoulder roasts, pork shoulder steaks and pork hocks. Good buys in our good western lamb are available in all cuts includ Ing legs of lamb and rolled lamb shoulder. ... . - .x- -Vegetables and Fruits 1 raarKeis are nuea with an abundance of colorful good things; cabbage, cauliflower, cel ery, lettuce, onions, potatoes, rhubarb, parsnips, topped car rots, with good supplies of arti chokes, spinach, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, bunched vegetables. Fruit buys Include loose ap pies, white grapefruit, small oranges; with reasonable prices markf.-ig wrapped apples, avo cados and bananas. Good market ing! Fried Chicken and Inevitable Gravy Frying size chickens are among month's best buys, and whoever heard of fried chicken without gravy?. Here we use canned peas to give the gravy a new spring- like flavor; use evaporated milk to make the chicken coating crustier, gravy creamier. Pour over a 3Vi pound cut-up frying chicken, one tall can evaporated milk, undiluted.- Dip chicken pieces in a mixture of flour, salt and pepper. Fry in fat, Vi inch deep.. When brown and tender, remove to warm piatter. Chicken Garden Gravy Drain liquid from a can of peas. Combine with milk left over from chicken dipping. Add enough water to make 2 Mi cups of liquid. Drain off all but 3 ta blespoons of fat in the skillet. Blend in 4 tablespoons flour, 1 teaspoon salt, H teaspoon pep per. Add the milk liquid and cook, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens and comes to a boil. Add drained peas, 1 tea spoon minced chives and 1 tea spoon chopped parsley. Heat to serving temperature. Serve with chicken. St. Patrick's Day Tuesday; Special Recipes Noted For Occasion This Colorful Salad Especially for Menu On Big Day for Irish Corn-Rice Custard Dish Always Good This dreamy custard of rice and corn is as high as can be in flavor, so supreme that the family will stampede to the table like a herd of elephants when they hear this extra spe cially good rice and corn oven dish Is coming their way, Like the elephant, they will never forget the goodness of this "stir-together-quick, pop r into-the-oven" meal treat. Gay bits of red plmiento add cherry flav or and sparkling looks to. a rice and corn custard which will regularly fill the vegetable spot on lunch or dinner menus. Rice-Corn Custard Ingredients: . 2 cups cooked rice lVi cups cream style corn z cups milk 2 eggs, beaten 2 teaspoons salt teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons chopped whole St. Patrick's Day Menu Suggested Doesn't take any more time or trouble than an ordinary meal to plan a St. Patrick's day meal. You know the secret, of course. Just - make everything as green as the hills of Killar ney! Tint the grapefruit juice with green coloring; nestle in dividual meat loaves in a liber ally green-sprinkled rice-ring; serve a green salad of course and pale green pistachio ice cream. Even the coffee cups "go green" with delightful little shamrock mats, an idea for you to copy with emerald crepe pa per. Here's no feat for the eye alone, either. This recipe pro duces a succulent meat loaf, given a suitably Irish lift with a touch of horseradish, a dash of tabasco, a luxury mushroom sauce. The salad is treated to Roquefort dressing, and the cof fee is . . . well . . . the coffee is its welcome, fragrant, steaming self. Add a pale green table cloth, a deep green paper frill for the green and white 'spring flowers can't you almost hear the pipes? Here's to the eatin' o' the green! Erin Go Bralgh. St. Patrick's Day Dinner Minted Grapefruit Juice Individual Meat Loaves Mushroom Sauce Rice with Green Peas Tossed Green Salad Roque fort Dressing Pistachio Ice Cream Sham- Ocean Perch Piquant .. Cut 2 pounds perch fillets into serving pieces; add 1 teaspoon salt and monosodium glutamate. Combine 1 tablespoon prepared mustard and Vs teaspoon curry powder and spread evenly over lean side of fish. Place in lightly greased pan and bake covered in a 400 degree oven for 15 to 20 minutes depending on thick ness of fillets. ' I rock Cookies ' Coffee Minted Grapefruit Juice: Add a few drops peppermint extract to fresh or canned grapefruit juice. Tint green with food col oring; chill, r Individual Meat Loaves 1 8-oz. can tomato sauce 1V4 lbs. lean beef, ground 1 teaspoon salt Few grains pepper Vi teaspoon monosodium glu tamate Vi teaspoon tabasco 1 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce 1 tablespoon prepared horse radish lVi cups soft bread crumbs 1 egg, beaten 1 medium onion, chopped Combine all ingredients; mix thoroughly. Pack into greased custard cups. Bake in moder ate oven 350 F. 1 hour. Unmold. Makes 6 to 8 "loaves." Mushroom Sauce , Add Mi cup heavy cream to 1 can condensed mushroom soup; blend; heat. t Breakfast Special Appetites will quicken when this morning meal special is served. Plan a Sunday break fast around fruit, cereal, milk, bread and butter, then add the "something special" softly scrambled eggs topped with a sprinkling of crisp corn soya shreds. If you want to avoid curdling homemade tomato soup, add the Irish or Not, Everyone Goes For Corned Beef There's many a corned beef and cabbage lover besides Jiggs and Maggie, though we'll admit they've made the most money at it. Tasty corned beef dinners with steaming, colorful vegeta bles are not limited to the comic strips, to the Irish nor to the New England states. Let's fix one right now. Nothing to It. Buy a corned beef brlske around four pounds (wonderful sliced cold). Wash thoroughly and cover with cold water. Bring slowly to. a boil and cook for minutes. Skim, add a tablespoon of mixed spices If you have them otherwise a bay leaf or two, 6 or 8 cloves, a chopped up clove of garlic. Cook, barely simmer ing, for 3 to 4 hours or until very tender; allow 45 to 50 min utes per pound. Add additional hot water as needed Remove cooked corned beef to warm place; add any favored root vegetable (potatoes, turnips, rutabagas, onions, carrots); cook; until tender, adding cabbage sec tions during last ten minutes of cooking, Serve with plenty of fresh, potent horseradish and maybe some cornbread and the meal is complete, ready for a simple des sert. Corned Beef Hash Corned beef makes such good second day eating. Many look forward to it and are mightily disappointed if none shows up. Use equal parts of chopped cooked corned beef and chopped cooked potatoes. Do not chop too fine or hash will be too compact, Moisten the mixture with cream, tomato juice or diluted catsup, tomatoes to the milk a little at Add finely chopped onion if you a time, stirring as you do so. I like. Toss gently In frying pan Don't add the milk to the to-1 over low heat until crisply maioes: Browned. Setoe MISSION for mm ns! Only Macaroni offers such menu variety! Add appetite appeal to your menu by serving many of the different macaroni dishes, And, for finest flavor, use Mission, the quality macaroni that always cooks better and tastes more delicious! GET MISSION'S DANDY FREE RECIPE BOOK! Now! New. unuiual. difUrni Ipti, plui hard-to-And authentic Italian rarlMt bm imuh lnt iL- aiding! For your FREE copy, just writt a pott card to Million Macaroni, Stattlt 4, Waif) j. Writ todayl , Olives in Macaroni Dot colorful wedges of olive through a casserole of macaroni, using 1 can of the macaroni with cheese sauce (15Vi-ounce size). One-fourth cup of chopped ol ives, either ripe or stuffed, go well with the macaroni. Heat the casserole about 15 minutes in a hot oven. Nice menu to serve with this is green beans in a hot vinegar sauce, crisp cornmeal muffins, and lettuce salad. Wrap canned drained pine apple chunks in bacon and broil until the bacon's crisp; serve hot as an appetizer. canned plmlentos Method: Combine the rice, corn, milk, eggs, sa't, pepper and plmientos. Pour into a greased 2-quart cas serole. Place in a pan of warm water and bake in a 350 F. oven for 1 hour or until a knife blade comes out clean when run into the center of the custard. Serve immediately, ' This recipe makes 8 servings. Pistachio Ice Cream St. Patrick's Dessert Rich, pleasantly flavored pis tachio Ice cream is an elegant but easy-to-make St. Patrick's Day dessert.' No need to stir this Ice cream while it's freezing. Just follow the simple directions on the freezing mix package, fold in chopped pistachio nuts, flavoring and coloring, and your dessert is ready for the refrigerator. Here's the complete recipe: Pistachio Ice Cream 2 cups light cream 1 package vanilla freezing mix Vi cup chopped pistachio nuts 1 teaspoon almond flavoring Few drops green food color ing Whip light cream In a deep bowl until a deep layer of foam forms. Takes 1 to 2 minutes. Add contents of package of freezing mix. Whip 1 more minute to dissolve. Fold in chopped nuts, flavoring and food coloring. Pour into freezing tray. Freeze until firm but not too hard. Asparagus-Cheese Soup A green-gold soup, right in March mood, is an asparagus cheese combination. Blend 1 can condensed cream of asparagus soup with 1 cups milk. Stir in 1 cup. shredded ' American cheese and a dash of pep per. Heat till cheese com- pletely melts. Grand for a St. Patrick's luncheon with a sham rock of watercress atop each bowl of soup. Egg salad sand wiches on toast are good to eat with soup. . Here's some hand v kitchen arithmetic: There are two cups of granulated sugar in a pound; four CUDS of sifted confection. era' sugar In a pound. "Never a baking failure for Oregon homemakers!" These recipes are for you and your neighbors! Please try them. See for yourself how easy failure-proof baking can be! How much safer to use Sperry Drifted Snow "Home-Perfected" Enriched Flour . . . and only Sperry for all recipes! For if you don't agree it out-performs every other all-purpose flour you've ever used, send grocer's sales slip showing purchase of Drifted Snow to Sperry Flour, San Francisco, 6, California and get double your money back. Remember! Only Sperry gives you failure-proof recipes! ' "X'" "A m"m ' " 1 1 -.y Plrectof of Sperry Heme Service LivVT T pji ;) -v -7 Mrm -' 7 v j corvallis asparagus-chicken casserole- I I t Ssfl A hearty tupper dish you'll terve often because folks love it! Martha ' I l, . j- m$?J "jSrS Meade's easy recipe calls for Drifted Snow Flour. Success depend f?"V. ' itS ' C upon ! 1 iJZ- All measures are level. Sift flour before measuring . ! X. f ' t ' Measure into a large saucepan wP&tj&rS 1 V4 cup minced onion , ! K'''m0 ' Vi cop butter or margarine' if Cook until onion is soft bat not browned. Blend in !i V4 cop itof Sperry Drifted Snow J Wm mill -iim i'T m iimhhmiii .mmmmm sssJ Quickest lemon pie yon ever made! Nice lemon flavor all the way through, even in the meringue. And just firm enough to quiver at the approach of a fork, Martha Meade's pastry is delicious; Drifted Snow Flour guarantees it! DESCHUTES EASY LEMON MERINGUE PIE All measurements are level. Sift flour before measuring In a small bowl, blend with rotary beater until smooth Vt cup sugar Vi cop cornstarch Va teaspoon salt 2 egg yolks, unbeaten Vi cup strained lemon juice 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind In a medium-size saucepan bring to a boil 1 caps water 3A cup sugar 3 tablespoons batter Slowly stir esg yolk mixture into the boiling liquid. Bring Bffain ! to a boil and cook 2 or 3 minutes longer, stirring constantly. anvu mixture ib inicitonea ana smooin. itemove trora neat and measure out cup filling to be used for meringue. Pour re maining filling into a baked 9-inch pie shell lt stand until filling is cool. Junt before Berving spoon Lemon Meringue in mounds around edge of pie. Place under broiler until meringue is a golden brown, about 1 minute. Watch care fully so it does not burn. It is best to serve this pie within an hour as this type of meringue may "water" slightly upon long standing. 6 servings. Lemon Meringue Beat to a moderately stiff meringue 2 egg whites Vi cup sugar few grains of salt Carefully fold in the Vi cup cooled lemon filling Spoon meringue around edgo of cooled pie. Pastry Stir together in a mixing bowl l'i cups sifted Sperry Drifted Snow "Uome-Perfected" KnrirhnH F 1 teaspoon salt Measure in same cup and add all at once H cup (Vi cup plus 2 tablespoons) Wesson Oil 8 tablespoons cold milk Stir with fork until pastry clings together. Press into a ball, flatten slightly and place between 2 sheets of waxed paper (12 inch squares). Roll out gently until pastry circle reaches edges of paper. Peel off top paper, then pick up pastry and bottom paper by one edge (they will cling together). Place paper-side up, over a 9-inch pio pan. Then loosen pastry at edges and carefully peel off paper. Ease paBtry snugly into place. Build up a fluted edge and prick bottom and side thor oughly with table fork. Bake on lower rack in a preheated vorv hot oven, 476, for 8-10 minutes, or until golden brown. ' Enriched Floor A hearty tupper dish you'll serve often because folks love it! Martha Meade's easy recipe calls for Drifted Snow Flour. Success depend upon ill All measures are level. Sift flour before measuring Measure into a large saucepan , Vi cup minced onion ' Vi cap batter or margarine' Cook until onion is soft bat not browned. Blend in Vi cap sifted Sperry Drifted Snow ''Home-Perfected" Enriched Flour 1A teaspoons salt Stir in gradually 3 cups rich milk Continue cooking over moderate heat, stirring frequently, until - . .. . i i . r, - . rt r i i . uiuMj.D ta uiKuuiw, nwuk iv minuMjB. mnon mm neat ana add 2 cape diced cooked chicken or turkey 2 caps cooked asparagus stalks (or other vegetable) Vi cap grated American cheese (optional) Turn mixture into a baking dish or pan, 8x8x2 or 9x9x2 inches. Place in a preheated hot oven, 426 to keep hot while making - Pastry Topping. Then arrange pastry strips, lattice fashion, over top of hot filling. Bake in same oven, 426, for 25 minutes or until pastry is golden brown. 6 servings. Pastry Topping Stir together in a mixing bowl 1V4 cups sifted Sperry Drifted Snow "Home-Perfected" Enriched Floor -1 teaspoon salt Measuref in same cup and add all at once cap (Vi cup plas 2 tablespoons) Wesson Oil 8 tablespoons cold milk Stir with fork until pastry clings together. Press into an oblong shape and place between 2 sheets of waxed paper (9-inch squares). Roll out gently until pastry reaches edges of papor. Peel off top paper and cut pastry into strips about yi inch wide. Twist each strip several tunes to make a spiral shape and ar range over top of hot filling in baking dish. Silverware Coupon in every sack. Redeemable for lovely "Queen Bess" silver ware marie by Oneida Com munity Silversmiths. Cou pon values in 26 lb., 10 lb., and 6 lb. sacks now dou bled. Look for them, save them! Start your set of "Queen Bess" today. Eas ier to get when you bay ths larger sacks! More recipes In the bas; . . . easy, new failure-proof ways to use Drifted Snow Klour in Martha Meade's famous western recipes. Look for them! $K2Gy DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR "HOME-PERFECTED" ENRICHED Another fin product of Sperry...for 101 yean a leader in the West i rS3S In MIWT.M 'WMFTtO MOW." "HO "MAftTMA HtUM" AH imimtttD MML IMUJ, inc.