Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 12, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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2CapHal Journal Salem, Ore., Thursday, March 12, 1953
In the Valley
Edited bjr MIKE FORBES
Byron Edmundson and Mrs. Art
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Mulkey,
Lyons Mr. Elva Kuiken is Mr. and Mri. Glen Parrish, Mm,
announcing the engagement of
her daughter.. Miss Joy Eileen
Kuiken of Lyons, to Ray West
enhouse,, son of Mr. and Mr.
Kenneth Westcnhouse of Sclo.
No date has been set for the
wedding. Miss Kuiken Is a sen
ior at the Oregon College of Ed
ucation and Mr. Westenhouse a
on his fifth birthday anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Dee Ethridge
have sold their home east of Ly-
enior at the University of Ore-'ons to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L.
Bon in Eirnene. Roberts of Turner. Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Helemn, oy scout mas-jtinrjaise
Walter Parrish of Silverton, Mrs.
Alice Huber, Miss Norma Mil
ler and Miss Vivian Boyce were
Sunday evening guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. ponaia
Huber, honoring Dennis Huber
and children have
ter, with his Scouts will sponsor moved to one of the cottages
a sDaihettl suDDer in the All near the Southern Pacific depot
Purpose room at the Mari-Linnj where he is agent.
school. Sunday evening, March Sunday guests at the home of
19. Proceeds will go to buy tents! Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stevens were
for the Scouts. jMr. and Mrs. Ernie Szeimies of
The "Willcatha's," the new i Portland. They, with the Stevens
restaurant, will open Sunday, family, were dinner guests at the
March 22, with Mr. and Mrs. home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Lyle Thompson as propriotors. I Downing.
c..j no.i. t h hm rf' Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett
Mr. and Mrs. Art Olmstead were -and Cecil spent Sunday at the
Mr. and Mrs. Walter olmstead " """"
of. Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. Ed oiiua
t..j nv. onrf .tuiv nf rn. 'dents of Lyons-
burg, Mr! and Mrs. Byron Ed-1 Thursdar visitors at the home
n0M h n. f of Mr. and Mr. Lyle Burmester
Oak Grove. The occasion honor i" her parents. Mr. and Mrs J
ed the birthday anniversaries or '." """""
Walter Olmstead, Ed Olmstead, f
weiia&rwiuMi ua uuc new i.uur
m unity Methodist church has be.
gun. The first cement was pour
ed Saturday morning for the
foundation. Jerry Tharp has been
engaged as construction foreman.
E. L. Roye, O. S. Toland, Kev,
Feenstra and Hugh Johnston
helped place the forms..
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Lyons spent
the weekend with their daughter
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gis
ler at Marion.
Santiam Valley grange held its
March business meeting Friday
night with Gilse Wagner master
in the chair.
Robert Schmidt. Linn county
deputy, and Mrs. Schmidt were
' present and were escorted to the
master's station, Introduced and
welcomed as guests.
Santiam Valley received an in
vitation to visit Sclo March 17.
During the social hour Jerry
Coffman, lecturer, showed a
Mrs. W. R. Stevens and Mrs.
Leo Russell served refreshments.
OPEN 6:13
V. Tyrone Power
In Technicolor
Co-Fcatorcttel '
In Technicolor
"5 MONK 1.H7IS T
Clandette Colbert
Jsck Hawkins
Wild Bill Elliott
"FARGO ' ; '
Butteville The St.' Alexic
Hebekah lodge No. 233 Initiated
two new members at their rtg
ular meeting Wednesday night
in the Odd Fellows lodge hall in
The new members are Mrs.
Virgil Mayhew and Mrs. Lewis
Mrs. William Groshong, 81,
was honored with a special cor
sase of pink carnations and
green ribbon, the lodge colors.
Her daughter, Mrs. James wai
lace, made the presentation. The
new members also received corsages.
Visitors present from Frances
lodge at Monitor were Mrs. By-
ron Ballweber, Mrs. Floyd Pan-
tie and Mrs. LaVerne Norton,
From Home lodge at Woodburn
was Mrs. H. A. Lohse.
Mrs. Myron Anderson is no
ble grand for this year. Twenty
members were present. Refresh
ments were served by Mrs. Ben
Eppers. Mrs. Harold Reed, Mrs
Bert Solberg, Mrs. James John
son and Mrs. Charles Martin
Mrs. Les Hostetler is home
again from a few days of rest
and treatment In the Woodburn
Andrew Johnson is home from
Oregon City hospital. He is re
ported much improved and is
able to have visitors.
Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Townley and children,
Kent,. Beverly and Karen from
Lebanon, Neb., stopped to visit
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rus
sell Gotchall. They expect to
make their home at Albany,
Butteville Odd Fellows lodge,
chapter 59, installed four new
members at the regular meet
ing Wednesday night, March 4.
The new members are Walter
Racette, Chester Harper, Alvln
The annual father son ban
quet, sponsored by the North
Marion chapter of FFA, will be
held Thursday evening, March
12, at the school. William Haas
of Oregon City, state secretary
of the FFA, will be speaker of
the evening. Music will be fur
nished by Dale Callaway and
awards will be made by Elvan
Pitney, advisor.
The Hubbard Extension Unit
will feature a silent auction at
A. Price and C. A. Blake! James e T"1!? Wednesday March
Johnson is noble grand. Re-
Friday the 13th
Jinx Midnite
Show!.. At the
Grand Island
OPEN :15
Twa First Ronsl
Alee Guinness
Dirk Bofarde
Mat Dally From 1 P. M.
ad MY 6 CONVim"
Frank Finnicum of Grand Is
land, attended a dairyman's con
solidation meeting, held Wed
nesday and Thursday in Seattle,
Wash. Mrs. Finnicum and her
sister, Mrs. Chester Caldwell of
near Lafayette,' accompanied
him and visited relatives at
Marysville and Seattle.
Miss Delores Finnicum and
seven schoolmates of Pacific
university, Forest Grove, were
Saturday evening guests of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
This trip was a celebration of
the returning home from 1H
years in U. S. service in France
of one of the young men of the
group, Eldridge Staley, whose
home Is 13 miles from Forest
Mr. and Mm. Neil Riiflanll nrM
two small girls of near McMinn
vllle were Sunday afternoon
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nelson
Salem, Mr. and Mrs. James Day
hand son, Gary, and daughter,
: veiaa, oi Liaxe urove. were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Palmer.
Sunday was Gary's second
birthday anniversary and Fri
day, March 13 is Velda's birth
day. She will be three.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hunt
and daughter, Iris, of Salem,
;were other guests at the same
well family in Sandy Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Benefiel
were in Forest Grove Monday
to attend the funeral of' his
uncle, Tcie Killin.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dunham
of Hoquiam, Wash., visited Mrs.
Augusta Jensen and Mrs. S. J.
Beck over the. week-end. '
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Franklin
were in Salem Sunday to attend
a birthday dinner for her moth
er, Mrs. Alice Odom, at the C.
D. Hatfield home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Spencer
of Monmouth were Sunday
guests at the E. A. Spencer
Alex Chouinard of Tacoma,
Wash., spent the week-end visit
ing here with his daughter, Mrs.
Jack Gardner.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pearson
spent Sunday at the Arthur
Mulkey home in Silverton.
Mr. and Mas. Clifford Huddle-
ston of Salem spent Sunday wfth
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Huddle-ston.
Mrs. Evelyn Goldhammer of
Eugene spent two days with
Mrs. Ethel Read this week.
Ballston Mrs. Fred Edson was
hostess to the Home Extension
Unit meeting at her home last
week. i
Mrs. Malno Richert, the county
agent, gave a demonstration on
"Good Taste in Clothes." A pot
luck dinner was served at noon.
Mrs. Lizzie Blssel won the spec
ial prize.
The Farmers Union local met
Friday evening with the presi
dent, Eugene hlnnamen, presid
ing. R. W. Haferly of Amity
showed colored slides of the
Hills Canyon Dam site.
Ray Stockton and Marvin
Chrlstenson, who were delegates
to the state convention, gave re
ports. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gould, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Kaltenback, Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Kilmer and
Mrs. Hartey Moon attended the
FFA banquet in Amity Thursday
Members of the IOOF lodge
q rA ThAlfi xriram worn 0J&n a
Newt Smith is recovering at cnlcken iuppw Wednesday eve-
home from a stroke suffered
last week,
Mr. and Mrs. George Allen
spent Sunday in Salem visiting
with his brother, Willis Allen
and family.
freshments were served follow
ing the business session.
Randy Crisell, 7-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Crisell fell
off the farm tractor on which he
was riding with his father and
was run over. He was taken
to Canby for first aid and x-
rays. He is being cared for at
home. He is badly bruised, but
without serious internal injury.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson
are both confined at home with
The Butteville Women's Fel
lowship will meet Friday, March
13 at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil McCarthy in Donald.
Champoeg school district No.
32 at the regular meeting last
week discussed and agreed to
transport the grade school chil
dren to the Newberg schools for
the next ten years.
A. N. White is 111 at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. Dan Clark.
He has been ill lor some time.
Mrs. Raymond White and
Karla of Gladstone spent last
week here with Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Paine.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dickey and
family attended a reunion Sun
day at the Buell hall honoring
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dilley of Oklahoma.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brock
and Carl of Seneca were week
end guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. K.
Brock, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Wade of
Roseburg visited Mrs. Bessie
Barber Monday on their trip
home after visiting Mrs. Vesta
Glass In a McMinnville hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wooden
spent two days last week in
Warrenton with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Wooden.
Mr. and Mrs. James Buswell
and family visited the Ed Bus-
18, at 10:30 a.m. in the Rebekah
hall. Demonstration for the day
will be "Herbs for Variety and
Accent." Luncheon will be
served at noon.
Mrs. Paul Londershausen at
tended the Northwest Nut
Growers Open House in Port
land Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wright
and family of Portland visited
his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Wright Sunday.
Bob Wright had minor surgery
last Friday, the second time in
two weeks. He is getting along
nicely. '
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jones and
family have purchased the Clara
Hadaway house and have moved
into if. They are making many
improvements. Mrs. Hadaway
has been in the convalescent
home in McMinnville about a
year now.
Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Cary and children, accompanied
by Howard Wright, left Tues
day, March 10, for a month's
trip in the east.
The Carys will visit her mo
ther and other relatives at
Steinman, Va. Mr. Wright will
stop at North Platte, Neb., to
visit relatives there.
Mrs. Robert Magee and two
children have been here with
her parents the past week. Her
son Steve has been very ill with
measles. They went home Sun
day to Corvallis.
Miss Wesa Palmer spent the
weekend with Gloria Clark.
Gloria,' who is taking nursing
at Good Samaritan hospital,
took Wesa through the hospital.
Oscar Mell of Duluth, Minn.,
has been visiting the past month
with his daughter and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Phelps. He
left Friday for his home.
The Dayton Reading club met
with Mrs. Paul Londershausen
Friday, March 6, with a 1 o'clock
Mrs. Clark Foster, president,
presided over the meeting.
Mrs. Oscar Dower had a les
son on President Dwlght Eisen
hower and his cabinet, assisted
by other members.
Mrs. Carl Francis was elected
a new member. -
Visitors were Mrs. Harold
Whitney of Eugene, and Mrs. El
lis Brown of McMinnville.
The 'next meeting will be
March 20 at Mrs. Ernest Budke's
for a 1 o'clock dessert luncheon.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coburn
and family were Sunday din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Al
Bauman a Milwaukle. -
Webfoot Mrs. Rosen Pnherl.
of Webfoot district, who has
been receiving treatment at
General hospital in McMinnville
for pleurisy and after effects of
influenza during the past 11
days, was brought to her home
Monday. She will remain in
bed for some time.
Enjoy this
taste treat!
Tyrone Power
Edmund Gwenn GIi Perreaa
FHOMI 2-7829
fiiltl Optn 6:45
Hew it 7:15
1 fiiltl Optn 6:45 fir
t ,7:1 "J
I Technicolor HIU .
1 "Hongmon's Knot" f
Randolph Bcott af
"C7rribb7n" f
, .... iwiV'S) i jJt&j. " r
fVWVf ")MS!W ip,ti'l-X "
f - i i Ami
ning by the ladies of the Re.
bekah lodge.
Edna Tufford, Lucille Focht
and Hattie Brooks were in charge
of the arrangements.
Richard Lenz observed his
88th birthday Sunday at his
farm home. His children and
grandchildren came to spend the
day with him.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gregg of
Eugene were working on their
farm here last week.
They were Joined by their son
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Gregg of Hubbard, and by their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Keith Claycombe of
Portland for the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shafer
were week-end guests at the
home of their son, Clel, and wife,
of Grants Pass.
Earl Snow of Payette, Idaho,
Is spending a few days at the
home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Shade Snow.
Jesse Butler Is in the McMinrr
ville hospital for observation
and treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reece
and three children of Portland
spent the week-end at the home
of Norman's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jerome Reece.
Dickie, the two-year-old son of
Mr. . and Mrs. Bob Smith, was
taken to the McMinnville Gen
eral hospital for treatment of flu.
Miss Helen Kaltenback, who
is employed in a convalescent
home in Albany, is spending a
few days at the home of her parents.
Stayton A dinner featured
the birthday of the American
Legion organization by Post No.
59 last week at the American
Legion hall.
Mrs. Earl Allen of Lyons baked
a cake for the dinner.. She has
done this for a number of years.
Guests of interest were Mrs.
Harry Humphreys, district No. 2
president; Mrs. Fred Lucht of
Mt. Angel, department of child
welfare chairman; and Fred
Lucht, district No. 2 commander.
At the auxiliary meeting af
ter the dinner, Mrs. Lucht spoke
on child welfare. Flans were
made for the April meeting at
which members are asked to
bring a garment for a child un
der 18. These are to be sent
to the Roseburg hospital.
Unlonvale Ten members of
the Dayton Lions club attended
the retcular meeting held at the
U. S. Alderman cafe Monday eve
ning. A 7:30 roast beef supper
was served by Mrs. John Todd
and Mrs. Charles Pajala.
The district Lions governor
will be present for the next
meeting when the Dayton H.S.
basketball team and the wrestl
ing team will be honored.
Twenty-five members of the
Unlonvale Farm Bureau attend
ed the regular monthly meeting
held at the Pleasantdale Social
Center Monday evening.
A potluck 7 o'clock dinner was
served. '
Yamhill county Representa
tive Carl Francis of Dayton was
the speaker on the bills in legis
Housework and Spring Clean.
Mrs. Lloyd Keene was lead
er. The April subject will be
"Garden Planning and Plant
ing" with Mrs. Albert Mader as
Present were Mrs. Guy Keller,
Mrs. Lloyd Keene, Mrs. Cor.
nelius Bateson, Mrs. Albert
Mader, Mrs. Ralph Wilson, Mrs,
J. L. Amort, Mrs. Richard Mc
Kce, Mrs. Harry Way, Mrs. Har. :
ry Martin, St., Mrs. M. M. Mc
gee, Mrs. Barry and Mrs. Lee,
Fain lew
Falrvlew Charles Stephens
69, farmer of the Fairvlew dial '
trict, who has been in General
hospital in McMinnville with a
skull fracture received whllA
working in the woods on his
Lter W. Scoggan of Grand 'a.wabrught to his home
Island showed moving pictures
taken in Korea by his son, Ru
dolph Scoggan.
Unionvale Mrs. Robert Ma
gee and sons, Steven and Bruce
of Corvallis, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Louis W. Magee, all of
last week. - '
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Noble
were week-end guests of Mrs.
Archie Stoutenburg at Kelso,
Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Ersel Gubser were: Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Hogue of Taft, D.
Lynn Gubser of McMinnville,
J. W. Gubser, Lake Grove; Mr.
and Mrs. Marvin Lorenzen of
the Neck district
Macleay Mrs. Sherman Bar
ry and Mrs. Leonard Lee were
hostesses to members of the
Grange Home Economic club at
the Grange hall Tuesday after
noon. At the business meeting plans
were completed for the food sale
March 18 and for other activi
ties later in the season.
The study subject was "House
hold Aids and Streamlining Your
His son, Cpl. Donald Steph.
ens, in the U. S. Marines sta.
tioned at Camp Pendleton, Calif,
after one year of service in Kol
rea received a 13 days' leave to
come home and has received an
eight days' extension and will
report back to duty Thursday
March 19. '
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Marley of
Fairvlew were guests of her
father, W. V. Appleman, and
daughter, Miss Helen Appleman,
at Portland Saturday. .
Mr. Appleman, who was iser
iously ill recently, is much im.
Helen Appleman is ill with
Carl Rasaka of Fairvlew is
building a new modern residence
on the late John Rasaka farm.
Carl is recovering from an In
fection in his hand, caused by
a splinter.
Mrs. Andrew Sipola is in Gen
eral hospital in McMinnville, re
ceiving treatments for Influenza.
. A guest of Mrs. L. S. Lembkie
of Fairvlew for a week was Mrs,
Harry Felzer of Portland.
Guests at the same home
Thursday were her son, Forrest
Lembkie and his son, Fred, and
daughter, Janle, of Lebanon.
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