n .-J FOR RIOT APARTMENTS S-BOOM brand new .p.rtmeht. all furl ntshed. utility p.m. miS taS. .: trance. InQUlr. 1171 Laurel, jpej ruBNUHED room bewment apartment! private bttfe, entrenoe, refrigerator. 349. a-asee, sou union. jDi w Furnished I room .part-neat aear FUBNI8HED, very .ttrectlre I room, tat modern private home on Mill Creek, lots of built Ins, garbag. disposal, close in '" IMS' I BOOMS, partly furnished, adulu, mid. die-aged lady, oulh. 9-1131. jpc I BOOM furnished apartment, adult, 1939 Center. , NICELY FURNISHED. ClOM In. C1B b. somen! apartment. Refrigerator, "n bath, exullint bod. Suitable (or on. worklnf gentleman. All utilities furalibtd, 331.00. 141 Union. Phone 4W lP3l I BOOM apartmant, Church. do, in. 114 M. 1P44 FINEST LARUE (.BOOM wltb both, tin furnished, wltb eerden plot. ft. Jim. )p44 KEWBB 1 badroom ranui on quiet atraat In Wait Salem. Tllo bath, rang, and re frieerator furnlahad. 150 par month. RAWLINS REALTY Ph. 41711 lp FURNISHED NEWER 1 badroom rantal.' V.rr nice and clean, tllo bath, lit par month. Call Rawllna Realty. Ph. 41141. IP FBIVATE THREE-ROOM furnished court atcvafrwaaeavaei olaan s.leW AAA ahataiA . WHlBt 1VH( WHIM. 4UVe 9999 .TW- Uad ltd. JpTt SEVEKAL furnUhed ptrtntaU, food 1. cation. Inquire H. L. mtt Pornltart, Fhent MISS. f KlCILT FUENI8HED apartment, jtwbu- dor apartment. IW H. ommar. JpTI Lee Apts. Salem's Moat DtaUntuUbed Addrew Pollowlnf rintili can bwbown now: 3-Bdrm. Available Now 110.M 1-Bdrm. Available Now 79.00 1-Edrin. AvalUble Now 77.00 1 Batebelor Unit, April 1 i.bo For luxury livlnx at moderate rate call at m N. Winter fit. Ph. 41841. ip FURNISHED 3 roomi, batb. private en trance utllttlei Included. 148. ttB a. 3 lit. Phone -8B7. jpaj ITNiTUBNIiRED 1-bedroom court apart mtnt. Llfht, water, eanlUry aervlce, itove and refrlserator lurnlehed. Hard wood noon, modern, close to bu and tort. Call after 6, Phone 2-1526. ipsa LOST & FOUND LOST, told beU earring. Ph. 1780 or Eve. 14673. MS LOST Mother 4ob, leaving two 6 day on pup. reae return to laou n. 4th. Ml FOUND Pair of brown horn rim flute on n. cottiie. a8778. kei MISCELLANEOUS WARD'S IN8TALL THE FOLLOWINO Outtan - Mlc.rta dralnboarda Rooting - Plaitlo Tile, cabinet to. .tallatlon Sldlnr - Free .atlmatea. Come In Soraen. - or phone. UONTOOMERY WARD A CO. W W. Llbertr Fh. Mm mM BEE'HIVB TR00K8 D-DHIVR MOVE YOURSELF SAVE Vi FICTDP8 STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION ll COURT ST. PHONE J-1H1 FAOI STEVENSON and AL UEFFORD ALXM SAND At GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing - Ditching Sewer and Basement Equipment Rantal Bitching bp the Foot Phone Dan l-ttol Braa. 3-4417 or 1-7411 Salem, Orel on DENTAL PLATE REPAIR t-BR. SERVICE IN MOST OASBB DR. HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolpb Bldg., SUt. Oommerelal SU. SALEM Ph. Mill m SPECIAL VALUF Conpon offer on page 13, today. Cap ltal Journal. n o0 a BUILDING MATERIALS COAST OR MOUNTAIN CEDAR SHINGLES - No. if, 19 Inches elear, 15; No. 3, I Inches clear, $4. No eap wood or culls. Com and get them. Ted Mullen, Salem Independence road. Ph. Salem 31 1M. ma BARGAINS WRECKINO HOUBT2 4M CENTER STREET Windows and doors, plumblnt 1 good hot water furnace Including ratlitcred and sump. MADflON WRXCKINO CO. ml BUILDING? No. 3 oodar ahlnglaa 1 1.71 No. 3 cedar ahlnglaa a No. 1 cedar ahlnglei 3.39 3 tab eomooaltlon roofing I 1.34 RoU roofing 3.31 New tolleti complete t.B0 New wuh basin, complete I17.M Nails, per keg 313.11 New shower cabinet ttl.OO New weather stripped window. 114.30 Used Camp Adair wlndowe I 7.M Fainted Cedar shake. 311.B0 New doors, 3'l"xt"S" 3 3.30 Water proof wall board 4x3 31.30 Overhead aarate Hardwar. ....313.30 New Olaaa Doors 310.30 Steel Oarag. Doora, complete ....It 7. to BARGAIN . Kitchen sinks, bath tuba, wstar heat- are, pipe, geptic tank,. PLYWOOD No icraor nieces. 4x3 sheets, good Ply wood, both Interior and exterior, bar gain price.. C. G. Loner & Sons One ml. north of Keller, Fh. 4fi0tl m.84 GARAGE 14x33 complete on your lot, 113.33 per month, no down payment. You can fix that den or add that extra bedroom the ..me war. Visit with ua soon! Portland Rd. Lumber Yard OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY JStS Portland Rd. Fhon. 44413 ma' WE NEED TO MOVE IT TO MAKE ROOM QUICK!! Cedar Siding Shorts 19.00 to 00 (good for email building) Hem. Sdl. Rdm. length (not bad) ttxl 31.10. x3 4x10 as. 50. lx t' Bean roiea a "i 3fcc each - you hautl Raked Cedar pant-la ltxia, some ery good, eom. bad, from 8o ft. to 13c ft, Hop Pegs 3.00 M. you haul, oarden Stakee, or what do you need? To fence In the dog or child "itlcks for picket." 10 lln. ft. "YOUR BUILDING SUPPLY FRIENDS" Portland Road Lumber Yard J543 Portland Rd. Phone 444J3 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS OLENN WOODRY open Frl. till 3 pm. 1303 N. Bummer. "u REBUILT MW Washer, br.ss .ndirons, 4 heary chrome ohelra, 3S. Fh. 4M BEAUTIFUL rarper Slellh .Ola. Moss edte frlnee. ThU ouailtr sells new today for 433.00. A real bargain to the let buyer at Just 130 00. Don't miss It. Olenn Woodry, 1303 . Bummer. "" Trade., TOK IALI MUClLLANfOli SINGER ELECTRIC i Htwauie. new Motor. ,ih.. , I. opan nil "S5fS ? ".. "M. Woodry .7 " M '"t."""0"OM - Phooogrph .1.:.. IKS. ". now ........ wma miuw awn, 433 state. nei ,0M.i; sagCTauc M.in, aiMhlnt: .v.w. iimiN, if.go up. Olenn Woodry, HW H, summer. o, SEWING MACHINE Ujed electric walnut cabinet, round Jewini Center. 1 N. Com'l. Open Frl- firoini, D63 TWIW BEDS complete, 11.79. Olann Wood wvi n. miooht. 041 iVm garden tractor, exctilent j-miwm. -u urn .-my. nee ?J TKBL wuw. 00. Clean Woodry" t'w n. oummer. all l-B.F. MeCPLLOCa powar uw In ood ""'"w wivn i ana -n. pari and enatna. at WeO Portland R4. "Jobuon". nn WITABXI KABX atroUir, 10.00. Othin ftag-ijir, iWV n, aummer. nti OnOt WAJtSEOBE CIEIT. CU 2I2S2. nn FDn iiiiTn.nAMn ..ki..n .. i.wv. iag.Ej rmaioi. i.ua uo. Wenn Woodry. ltot N. summer. ni MiaU CMAlB, 13.00 USED MERCHANDISE v ao. usenr, rnone wii. nsi" USED KEFBIGEBATORS, eleciric ransee, ww vrici. a-a urmo, travel. wna wowrr, leoe if. summer, nei .P. WISCONSIN enflm with clutch. mm uvw. 'tw w. arownmi. pnone ties CHEBTI O PEA WEE 8. 7.M. Olenn Wood n. oummer. nol" rc. BEDROOM SET. I14I.M. TJ3ED McnutiAnuiSE HART, 270 80. Llbertr. rnone t037l. nel TRADE YOUR uied on new Uvenoi, rock- . viuvni (uiiviwM, Hmpi, low pricei, M tenu at oieco WoodrT. 1603 N. Summer, agi- NONTGOMIR'f WARD troner, loo. m 6. SOLID OAK Hldc-A-Bed, $15.00. USED wBDA,nnnwiOB aUfli, Z7Q SO. UDCrtr St., phone 46171. n61a IBJIAM FIBH1NG BOAT. Fine eonldtlon. uk man m price, se. Olenn woodry. 160S N. Summer. n81a BEAUTIFUL BLOND Zenith radio nhono, graph combination. Will lacrlflce. Call 3BS08. n61 BABY BED complete, ,14.85. USED MER CHANDISE MART, 370 So. Liberty, phone 4B371. nBl WALNUT FINISH chest desk (drop lid), new. Soc. 13.B0. Olenn Woodry., 1605 N. Summer. nsi 1 OABDEN BOTO-ETTE, ,110. In good working shape. 13-Inch rubber-tired lawn mower In good shape, 310. Ph. 49043: n3 1M.B3 BUYS new 3 pc. solid m.pl. bed room aulte. This ! an axc.ptlon.1 value. Terms-trades. Olann Woodry's, 1S0B :-!. Summer. nBl 7-FC. WALNUT DINWO aet, Itt-BO. USED MERCHANDISE MART, 310 So. Liberty Fhon. 46171, nil REDUCED! $10 tier day until sold. USRD ONI INCH DRUM TYPE FLOOR SANDER. 3B0 SHEETS .OF SPEED ORIT PAPER, THIS PAPER ALONE IS WORTH ,130. Starting price Feb. 26, $575 MARCH 13, $445 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard FRONT COURT STS., PHONE 33111 (W. Olre SkH Oretn stamps) n AST IPBtDBY washer. Frl. a PC. as.SB. onaranteed uaytass, 33.00. others, 13 00. Olenn Woodry., 1B08 N. Summer. nBl BUNK BED,, 344.90. USED UERCHAN- DISK MART, 370 SO. Liberty. Fh, 46371, . nil 345 a. 17-Jewel lis In wrUt watch com Plat, wltn .xp.nslon bracelet, slightly nopworn,.speoial ,34.79. Hartman Bros., 333 State. nil tUFBIOEBATOR and washing machine, outer noueehold articles, cheap. 3330 Townaend W.y. nBl STROLLER, 13.50. USED MERCHANDISE MART, 370 60. Liberty, phone 4S371. ntl' HOC8EHOLD FURNISHINGS, linens and dishes. 309 8. 13th. Fh. 3B307. nBl ROYAL PORTABLE typewriter, like new. 37B. Also by 13 apong. rubber rug, pad and rug 3. Phone Monmouth ,373. nBl OFAFTiMAN ttir-lneh sew. Inquire 339 B. capltol. 3-9BOS. rractlcally new. nSB MAHOGANY WRITING desk, like new. Fhona 3-9340. nBl FOB I AXE, Zenith trans-ocean portable radio. Good batteries, s0. Radio-phonograph combination, 920, Table model radio, 110. uo if. nu.. nsa1 ADDING MACHINE, cash register combi nation, also itemuung cash register. Fh. 33373. n2 FEJtTTLIEIB FalTertied. rotted manure. aeuverea anrwaere. a-07it or s-007a, nfl6 TOP SOIL River silt and flU dirt, prompt delivery. Phone i-lH9. nT8 tM ALtOWED for your old water heater on this nev 42-tallon automatle lee trla water beater. Tester Appliance 171 Cfaemeketa. ph. 14311. PAINTER'S OUTFIT, 907.50. Panel truck, ladderi, W cubic foot spray rli com pleU -Ph. 43044. nsi" I MATCHINO txn ruts and mats, cheap; chicken Drooaer, ieu seeder. i-70it eve. n61 WE PAT TOP cash price for your used furniture and appliances. Give us a call. USED MERCHANDISE MART. 270 0o. Liberty, phone 44371. nf)3 Organic Fertilizer Free of weed seeds, and odorless. Sack or bulk orders delivered. Phone 3-1157. n64 MeCULLOCR CHAIN SAWS, 101 Edf ewater, west Heiim. saiem Losiini buppjj Ph. 4-1S41 o HOSPITAL BED or sale 01 rent. B. L. Stiff Purslture Co. Phone wile. n I USED wssblns me chines, $9 98 and up! T EATER appliance co., 37B cnemex ets. n CAMERA for tlOO. nt. Volt lander Vlteua wun r.J ier, nc. iwbi. dp KEITH BROWN SPECIALS stoeclal IS oral Cf D grade 03t It. Moulding Short. H Price 4 it RL Clear A Cedar aiding. .4150 M. 114 EM O 4B Btr Fll 9100 M. Flats - Boxes 4"x3"x99" (perfect plant starter ooxes1 ....v ea. Your choice 10 color. In slock 13" carton pacxeo nana dipped aneie. u . on T.a.a a. h..llllf,,1l fltm some colore In Texoliu... 93.00 gal. paoco asaaonrr m ejnp. .-aiH., front Door LocU Sargent ...ttM ea. Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Fhon. 3-9111 Front at Court St.. wi orva a a 8 oreen stamps n FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted manure, eomposta, th. same quality a. last year, lor horn, and gar den. Flaestonaa, red lav. atone and other typea for w.lle or gardana. Rustic cedar fencing and trellla ork. Phillips re, Rt- 9, Bog 493, Salem. Fh. 4-3091. AUTOMOBILES CRASH! BANG! BOOM! CEILING PRICES MAY HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM USED CARS, However, the Roof Is Literally Falling Clear In at Shrock's Used Car Lot You guessed it! I can't eat U8ed cars, so I am going to "Coro nate myself by getting back on my used car "throne" where I started in the used car business 19 years ago. To celebrate this move, I personally invite old and new friends to bring their chisels, trading boots, or their shotguns, and really work me over. - Frankly, we have taken so many cars in trade on the new Hudson and too, "J" day (Jet) is just around the corner that we are forced to make room for more trades. Not Next Week, or Next Month ... BUT NOW! So as a Starter MERELY BRING THIS AD WITH YOU AND GET $50.00 (fifty dollars) credit toward the purchase of any post-war car , in our tremendous stock. Incidentally, March may have come in like a "lamb" at "SHROCKVILLE , but I guarantee you it's . going out like a "lion", 'cause I am cracking the whip, or taking the BULL BY THE HORNS, so to speak. ' Just a few "Meat the Boss" Specials 1951 NASH RAMBLER SEDAN. ONE OWNER, VERY CLEAN, RADIO, HEATER, ONLY .$1395 1950 OLDSMOBILE 88 SEDAN. . RADIO, HEATER, VERY CLEAN, LOCALLY OWNED ....1595 1951 MERCURY FOUR-DOOR SEDAN. RADIO, HEAT ER, OVERDRIVE, TWO-TONE PAINT ... 1795 1949 CHEVROLET SEDAN. 1 OWNER, CLEAN, LOW MILEAGE H95 1951 STUDEBAKERV-8 CLUB COUPE. RADIO, HEAT ER, OVERDRIVE, LIKE NEW, ONLY 1895 1947 PLYMOUTH. RADIO, HEATER, NEW MOTOR. A TERRIFIC BUY 795 THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE GUARANTEED LATE MODEL CARS SACRIFICED! "AS-ISERS" FOR THE "MEAT THE BOSS SPECIALS" 1948 DODGE FOUR-DOOR SEDAN. NEW PAINT AND LOOK, ONLY ...$ 695 1948 HUDSON COMMODORE SIX SEDAN. RADIO AND HEATER 895 1947 FORD SEDAN. BLACK PAINT, RUNS GOOD, ETRAS, LOOK AND ONLY 595 HEY! REMEMBER WHEN OUR AD READ, AND SAID TO "C" SHROCK : TO BUY OR SELL YOUR CAR . .. LOOK, WHETHER YOU CARE TO BUY NOW OR NOT-DO IT AGAIN I It's Been Wonderful, and Still IsP SHROCK "WHERE CHEMEKETA FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED westlnghous. automatic laundromat, only 9199.99. Yeater Appliance Co. 379 Chemeketa. n BARNYARD FERTILIZER, 13.00 yard. Cannon Feed Lots, one mile eouth of Airport, Turner Rd. Fbone 33991. n99 DEEFFBEEZB home "reefer.. YEATER AF FLIANCE CO. 373 Chemeketa. n Gravel and Sand Anything In .rare, wholu.l. and retail. VALLEY BAND ORAVXt, OO., Fh. 34003. CEDAR TELEPHONE and tlectrlc pole., lenc. posu, oean posu and ataxea, Phillips Bros., Rt. 6. Box 493, 1 miles east or 4 cornere. Ph. 43031. OROANIO FERTILIZER, Free ot weed seeds, and odorless. SaeK or bnlk wdare delivered. Phone 3-3137. n94 FLASTI-Kr - requires no w.xlng. For your floor, or linoleum. YEATER- AP PLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n RRFRIOERATOR s, new and uaed- YEATEB APPLIANCE CO. 979 Cnemek- ata. n NOW IS th. time to buy your 1953 West lnghous. automatic dryer at only 9309.99. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chemek ett. n TRE IDEAL fertiliser ll'a .runic pe.tmoas, with poultry droppings, only 35c a sack. Valley Farm Store, Ph. 44434. n70 SALEM DEISEL Roller and b.li bearlnge for tracks and tree tore. 3775 Sllverton Road. n EXCELLENT barn yard fertiliser. Phone 43907 or 38400. nSI FOR TEXTILE paint kite and brushes, tlxurlne paint, and bruehes, stencils and tranfera, TrlChem tube paint.. See our eelectlon. Instructions tree with purchase. Handicraft Suppllee, 153 So. Liberty. Upstairs, Dm. 10. nS3 FRF.E Westlnchouse eewlng machloe. on all floor fvamples. Seve up to 40. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chemek eta. n Close - Out SALE on all reconditioned uied appllanoei. Come In and make us an offer en Your choice RANGES I ! ot point Elect, t Montgomery Ward Beet. 1 Universal Elect, a Oeneral Electric 3 Gas Ransee REFRIGERATORS f Montgomery Ward. 1 Leonard I Jewett AUTOMATIC WASHERS t Bendlx I Oeneral Elect. 1 Blackston. 1 Eureka Vac Cleaner Ralph Johnson Appliances 59 Center St. Ph. 19133 43 AUTOMOIILES - No Gimmicks, No Baloney MOTOR COMPANY! GOES TO CHURCH IN DeSoto-Plymouth QUALITY USED CARS This Week-end's Specials 1947 PONTIAC STREAMLINER 8....$ 895 4-door sedan. R&H. 1948 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE 975 2-door sedan. R&H. 1950 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION ., De Luxe Club Coupe. R&H, O.D. . 1951 PLYMOUTH CAMBRIDGE..., 4-door Sedan. Heater. 1950 DE SOTO CUSTOM 4-door Sedan. Auto, tram., R&H. . MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM W. L. Anderson, Inc. 854 N. LIBERTY WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Walnut meets, and walnut. In aneii. mgnest catn price on delivery. MORRIS KLORFZIN PACKINO CO. 440 N. Front St. Salem Pb. 97433 na WOODRY WANT! Pianos. Fhona I-9U0. na LOGS WANTED Stud Mill. Len.th. 3' 4" or 14 3". Dl meter 9" to 19". Sawmill, Lengths 13 and longer. Diameter 3" to 40". Top prleea paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Or., Fhon. 1133 a. ELECTRIC RANflEI. Woodry'4, Ph. 1-3110. n. W99m099WV0W4 AUTOMOBILES 43 4-DOOR Pontl.o Sedan. 1410 Bell Road. Fhon. 3-3104. ei93 49 FORD Deluxe Club Cpe., 999. '43 Olds' Sed.netu, 373. 3935 Delia, Rd. .9 19M BUICK Special 4-door Sedan, 3-tone green, ruliy aouippsd, Dyn.no, br.nd new, no mllee, new w .crvle., To highest bidder for csh or UiAt on reel .state. Mrs. Or. Thompson, Rt. 1, Box 33. Jefferson. Fh. 331. .33 14 PLYMOUTH Convertible, new tires, relo .nd het.r, In excellent condition. Call no Kln.wood Ave, or Fh. 1-3749. .33' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 AVTOMOIILD SALEM, OREGON" . 1295 1595 1750 PHONE 4-3492 AUTOMOBILES 1991 CHEV, pickup. Rubber 90 per tent, motor recently overhauled, He. to No vember. Leering Salem Sat. 919. Pb. 1-1191. 179 Hood. .,3 1941 PLYMOUTH club Coupe, heater, 139 Firry, Fh. 45975. .33 'II BUICK IEDANETTB Motor, trans mission overh.uled. In good condition. Also '33 Ford 1-door, 11" wheels, '41 Mercury motor, 1074 so. Liberty. .49 '41 STUDEBAKEB CHAMP, Oood trans, portatlont .ISO '53 Ch.v. Pl.atlln. .. .harp. Phon. 3-4030 after 4. Terms. .31 FORCED TO HELL my equity. 1311 Stude r mwntn woupe. rn. eoove, or ee. t 199 a lBtb after t p.m. .44 194. 9-DOOB BUICK (edu. very good condition, good tire., new battery. 1010 ""'-a v. rn. sjeee. .are. )31 WILL SELL my 1379 .oulty In ino Old, See C. J. McCall, Oerr.u. cl '(3 FORD F-l Logging Truck, pierce tr.U er. 97.9M, a. F. Butler, aubllmlly, Ore gon. Phone Steyton 9F5. tdll 1343 DELUXE Ford Club Coupe. Jump ee.M, neater, good tirec. 339k Call 4-1893. ass- 134. 9JN 4-door N.sh. Oood tire., good condition throughout. Sea 949 a. Bum mer. .44 1341 FORD Club Coupe. Oood condition throughout. Some sped.) lecture. 99959 after 9. Call .nytlme Saturday. .43 4 FORD H la. One of th, best. Pb, 41311. .41 '49 FORD Club Coup.. Fh. 41131. CM ere. 413 West Mtdrona. .41 '47 JEEP atatloa wagon, with werdrtve, 1133 aaa nr . areas. u. Phone 4-944. AUTOMOIIltS Warner Motors QUALITY! SERVICE! DEPENDABILITY t PREMIUM CARS 1981 MERCURY SPT. 1881 MERCURY SPT. GLASS A F E B U Y 1881 MERCURY SPT, PED 1980 MERCURY SPT. 1980 MERCURY SPT. SDN. H., O.D., A STEAL. 1598 1949 FORD CUSTOM SDN. R-H, TU-TONE..$ 998 1949 FORD CUSTOM CLB. CPE. R-H, O.D... 998 1960 CHEV. CLEANEST CAR ON THE LOT. . 1348 1949 MERCURY CLB. CPE. LOW MILEAGE, R-H, O.D. 1848 1949 MERURY SPT. SDN. R-H, O.D., TOPS. 1849 1947 BUICK SUPER SDN. CLEANEST IN TOWN 895 1946 BUICK SUPER SDN. WORTH LOTS MORE 895 1946 FORD V-8 SUPER DLX. SDN. ABOVE AVERAGE 795 1946 FORD V-8 SUPER DLX. TUDOR. A REAL BUY 695 1980 LINCOLN SPT. SDN. R-H, HYD. A CAR LIKE NEW. YOU'LL ENJOY A RIDE IN S' THIS 1995 1949 LINCOLN CLB. CPE. R&H. HYD., TU TONE. CLEAN INSIDE AND OUT 1495 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM Call or ask for: Jack Bowydon .27559 Dick Scandling 26926 Thurman Zeitler ....23506 - Your Lincoln Mercury Dealer 848 CENTER ST. FREE! Thousands of Green Stamps with the purchase . of A-l Used Cars. Exclusive 6 M0.-6OOO Mile Guarantee in Writing YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS COMBINATION. THURS., FRI. & SAT.. MAR. 12, 13 AND 14, ONLY 1982 Ford Mainline Tudor. R&H, 13,000 miles .. .$1795 1951 Kaiser De Luxe Sedan. H., O.D., very clean. . 1495 1849 Pontiac Conv. R&H 1395 1980 Cbev. De Luxe Conv. Heater. A dandy .... 1495 1981 Ford Victoria Ford-O-Matlc. R&H, low mtle- - age i 1895 1951 Ford De Luxe Tudor. Heater 1445 1981 Ford De Luxe 6 Sdn. R&H, O.D 1545 1951 Ford Custom Ford-O-Matic Sdn. R&H.... 1895 1949 Ford Clb. Cpe. A real buy 995 1949 Ford Custom Sedan. R&H, O.D 1045 -1950 Frod Clb. Cpe. A honey .................. 1345 1949 Buick Super Sdnt. R&H, Dynaflow 1245 1951 Mercury Sdn. R&H, Mercomatic 1950 1980 Chev. De Luxe Sdn. R&H 1295 1980 Oldt. 88 Clb. Cpe. R&H, Hydra. Dr. ...... 1395 1950 Pontiac Sdn. R&H. Perfect 1845 1949 Ply. Sdn. Cpe. R&H 1065 MANY MORE A-l USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM. TERMS TRADES DON'T FORGET S. & H. GREEN STAMPS ON DIFFER ENCE, CASH OR CONTRACT Valley Motor A-l Used Car Mart A-l Used Cars With a Personality PHONE 83147 CENTER AT HIGH SALEM n ONFIDENTIALLY YOU'LL DO BETTER AT CHEFFINGS 1951 Cadillac Cpe. Deauvllle. Extra sharp $8895 1958 Ford Ranch Wagon. Loaded with extras. New 2895 1980 Buick Special Fordor Sedan. White waU tirei 1895 1951 Nash Rambler Station Wagon. Overdrive . . . 1595 1950 Pontiac 0 Sedanette. Radio, heater, Jet black. 1495 1950 Ford Tudor Sdn. 8 cyl., overdrive, sharp . , . 1495 1949 Oldimoblle Fordor Sdn. Extra clean 1495 1949 Chev. Fordor Sdn. New seat coven, two-tone, 1295 1949 Plymouth Spec. Dlx. Fordor Sdn 1949 Chev. Special Club Cpe. Original black ... 1948 Dodge Fordor Sdn. Low mileage (23,000) . . 1949 Ford Club Cpe. Good 1947 Dodge Fordor Sdn. Radio, heater 1948 Chev. Tudor Sdn. One owner, sharp, only... 1947 Nash 600 Fordor Sdn. Original paint 1946 Buick Spec. Sedanette. Two-tone color 1946 Chev. Fleetmaster Fordor Sdn ,. . . . 695 Most all of the above can can be bought WITH THESE CARS LISTED BELOW CAN ALL BE BOUGHT ON OUR NO DOWN PAYMENT PLAN (on approved credit) 1948 Kaiser Fordor Sdn $595 1941 Olds. Fordor Sdn. Radio, heater, Hyd 295 1941 Chev. Fordor Sdn. Radio, heater, new paint. . . 295 1941 Pontiac Fordor Sdn. Radio, heater 295 1941 Ford Fordor. Hot motor 365 ' 1941 Buick Sedanette. Radio, heater 895 1941 Pontiac Sedanette. A real junker 96 1940 Chev. Tudor Sdn. Radio, heater 95 1936 Chev. Tudor Sdn 45 1941 Pontiac Fordor Sdn. If you can prove to me that you absolutely need a car for your work and are over 21 yean ot age, I wilt sell you this car for full price f 19.95 Buzz Cheffings Motor Company - ACROSS AND SOUTH OF THE LEGION CLUB MH a. COMMERCIAL ST. PHONE 41111 OORDOtf DINES AND "POP" CKXFPINOe MOW ASSOCIATED WITH erHBFFINOS Capital JootusL 8Wti, Orty AiiTrttiARii ec vnvn. CPE. R-H, O.D. CLEAN. $2895 SDN, H., O.D., TINTED S895 SDN. FULLY EQUIP- 1975 1695 SDN. R-H, O.D., TOPS. PHONE 8-3012 1195 1195 1095 995 795 795 695 695 have radio & heaters. Some NO DOWN PAYMENT! MOTORS ej41 Th ltod. . .'"' kRSONAL AeVCOBOUCt MOftTKOOS. Oft M C wvm 4X, visiiMiiMh 9-m 9-Wi9 9W 9-mWl, UCUEITY DETECTIVE Aosner, prtvaeg mvMugaiMM. ut racuia sU. pben 4-Stet. mM FINANCIAL SBB DB FOR FARM, CITY Or ACRBAOB svaAM mm or Txauis WI BUY Real estate) Bon. St watnMsj, ' State Finance Co. ut a. nth at. - fh. 34131 - r Ua. S-UI and M-331 and ROT H. SIMMONS u DtSURANCa AND UMXS Hear "Top Tradu" U:9S Dally KJLM . UN ax -OENERAL FTNANCB CO. LOANS IN . Cceauaerclal sM. Tct .t41!t STATE FINANCE CO. 5 SIMPLE WAYS.: TO END YOra -. MONEY WORRIES . - ,1 1 4Puraltur. ton -'':-'-, S Ant. Loan - . . S Livestock Lou i. 4 Co-Meier Leu 5 atgnator. Loan - . Maximum Small Ion 33M ' Maximum Auto lout 9500. . " , w ac High at. , ;' MIS Fhon. 94131 ' 5 Interest Xf roo hav. Idle fund, seeking ln.u atettt, then you are th. type of per eom to whom w. ean b ot serrlcs. For over Twratr-ltv. Zam w. hav keen helping people ta thle oo nun unity find profltabl. work for their money. Durlag thu period we hav. promptly' paid M amleul tnterwt aayxeeat totalling many Thousand, of DoUan. W. are currently paying e INTEREST on fund, front 1300 to 39000, General Finance Corporation Hi a. COMMERCIAL ST. -- Salem, Oregon Phon. Mill " : i CASH:; FOR TAXES H LOANS UP TO 11500 t i ' j on aign.tun, Furnltor Oar AT PXRSONAI. It'. '." promptly t. en- pioyen men or vomen. ... 1-vislt loan . . . phon. drat. You select ben payment elate. - Between payday loans. : .'K Phone, writ, or com. la TOBATT Personal Finance Co. 103 a. HIGH ST., BALIM SUt. License Noa. S-m, M-l9 Loans over 9300 up to 9150,1 and up 9 30 month, to rep.y made by Personal Flnanc. Co. of Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act of Oregon. r" rli Pn TV -T unm Specie! Rate, and Term. On Larger Loan. Long and Short Tim. P.yment. , .-.r ROT H. SIMMONS ' ' '' ' 131 B Oommerelal et Ph. 3-3191 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO.: ; ' 133 south Church i'-. Parking a-plenty -Ph. 1-3447 Uo. Ho. M-U4, S-1B4 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS GIVE AWAY, hopped up 1949 .Mustsg mmmvrwMt aw. rn. aiu.7. ..,AaU" 49-48 yjARLRY. lUnaa. force. eaU; 'Ken. neth Bnydar, lie. If. Wlntw, At. 3. Fhon. 1-3371. ---ja(a FARM EQUIPMENT IMS FORD tractor, lane rubber,, at 14 plowa, disc, eultlvator and gradar. Com Plet. Irrigation plant. 3,000 (I. of4 Plpe, pump and aaa motor. Oali 39174. bS yjAvm aunuv tr.tn- wih i piow, narrow, ww. 1309 N. Commer cial. ohax 0wwwwwwm AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HA VINO RADIATOR TROUBLE7 Valley Motor uo. experts wui .olv. your prob lem, and ..v. you money. Pre. esti mates, speedy service. Center at Liberty. . SPECIAL AUTO USED PARTS. Motors, radiators, fenders axles, Dodies, gears, batteries,, etc Acme Auto & Truck Wreckers . -.r 3555 Portland Roa NEAR SAN SHOP DRIVE-IN cull HOUSE TRAILERS Buy . , . B.rg.lne . . . Bell LANA LANS TRAILER PLAZA Trade 1910 Lancaster Ave. R.nUI tan WILL SELL 9H0O0 11-ft Liberty hone trailer for 33700. Ph. 43115. MO Taybia Road. ' ' tees MACHINERY 9S-U M. SAWMILL machy. 130-h.p. dleeel motor, edgn, pond aaw, unloading tig, Mo,, ready to go. 19SJ, Indspendenoe. TRANSPORTATION WOODBURN man, itato raplora, wanU nre naaa ana 9upuaa to efalenu I-4B17 trenlngi. x3 mmmu LEAVING for Wall Wall waen., rnoaf. Taie 4 paaatnten uiar tov enpenee. Ko drinking, no amokint. Reference!. New ear. Phone 4-3472. xl Sublimity Latest reports from St. Vin cent's hospital in Portland, where Rev. Joi. Scherbring.haa been a patient the past: few weeks, state that he is yet un able to return home. . Rev. Method Korn, S.B. of Mt. Angel, still aids in the clerical duties on week-ends. ' ; 1 ; Mr. and Mri. Robert Ingle are the parents of a daughter born Monday evening, March 9,Jat Salem General hospital. "Thtjra are an older brother and . two older sisters in the family.,- Preparations are being made for a full day of activities for the Women'a Catholic Order of Foresters Sunday, March 15; All members are to receive their annual Easter Communion at the 8 a on. mass. " At 2 pjn. wiU be the exempli fication of the second and thlfd degrees of the order for a group ot more .than 50 member. ' Following conferring of tha degrees a buffet luncheon wul be served tree to all memBera.