1 f i'i : 1 t ; ' ! I ) I'I' f I lftrapltal Journal, Salem, TOR SAU HOUSES KENT SIL! OFFERS THREE LOVELY HOMES MO. 1. Over 1,1M hiiui fet of apaeloiu living. Two lane bedroom,, at. -iuii, traetlva living room with HMltd fireplace vail, dining room, .t . kitchen vlth dining int, veauttful lot tn a district you wiu b. P'oud at. Carpeting Included la th special prlc. of 111,000, 4 ,..,, lou n b assumed. NO. I Non-reeldent onn reread to Mil this nearly aev l-bedroom home. :;vrr It bu a living room-dining room combination, vork-aavlng kitchen - with corner alnk, utllltr room, large lot with fenced beck Ttrd end ,. petto, pavsd street. Asking 111,000, ant snick eele Imperative. look this over and max. as after, tun 0 loan ten be assumed. ' . Hire it en Bnglavood bom wltb everything Tee bm been venting. . L-ehapcd Bring eee dining room declined tor antertelnlM, model kitchen with bneklaet bar. 3 lerce bedrooms, lovely den, full bete. "' . sunt wltb party room tod flreplae cdl furneoe. lliyiw. Terms. Owner win onelder elder nous, la trade. Murphy & Kent, Realtors Mortem 1mbi eilU VavLH flhunale Br.. Mr. Kut I-tfK FOR SALE HOUSES JVE NEED : : $10,000 to $20,000 "HOMES -i4 i SEVERIN REALTY J vt nuu or satesfactort aiRVicx " WALNUT PARK r"Z 4 BEDROOMS ' nlleh .rohlteoture. t bedroeno and ..,ath down, 1 bedroom, and bath p. ". luce living and dining room. All floors -JL aarneted wltii 115.00 per paid arpttln. - Finished basement and J-ar garage. Bere le a fine borne, built prewar with -.'"best material. It U Ton re for wader cost, substantial mortgage .an be ar ganged. 117,000, :' SUBURBAN SOUTH j A home you'll vnlor. 1,000 a, ft. of fine living, a bedrooms, 1 complete bathe, iivin nA dfnlne noiiii are carpeted. . su.inl.u etMl kitchen. Larfe party room wltb fireplace, U acre of fenced landscaped lot. A lot of home for onlr 119,000. LITTLE FARM HOME 114 acres of garden, fruit, trapes, duck .. pond. Well-built home of 1 rooma. It la looated eloie In and can be nun for . enlr 111,600. Terme. 4585 CENTER STREET Kut, of Lancaster. Lovely B-roosn bom en Jandsoaped ocxe. Ufing h Unln nom, iirepisce, coeenui Kiiooen wivu Book, i BooduM Dearoomi. uumr AttAcbed rami .Onlr ilO.SOO. Mort- ; Hif can b rrmtL H-' JUDSON STREET -. 'inch itrlt l-Toom -well-bant bom ' Z llwt jou must e to appncltt at tb price offered. Thii 1 t newer bomt amour tb many fine bomes being . built In tola lection. Your for I10.7W. North d23rd - Englewood . r-'Od block from market. A trulr fine . -" tome conatottnff of living dining rooms, fireplace, work-having kitchen with nook, full daylight batement, love ly yard, and garage. Thii 1 an out standing bargain at $13,600. -.--365 EAST RURAL ''Jrtils pre-war-built English type home should appeal to a homo buyer wanting !Jl'"teat well-built home of lasting ar 1tchUecture. S bedrooms or S and den. iv Living room with fireplace b dining irtKm with bulit-ins. There it full- ,' 4alze baaement with laundry party 'vtrMau Automatic beat. Newly decorated tbruout. Oar ace and lovely landscaped corner lot. Can you duplicat it at 'I 113,0007 TSEYERIN REALTY CO. " MH K. High 4-MMl area. t-taM :.Ur...Ean Mr. lloon l-TO alt RANCH TYPE Tour dream house. I leg. SJt, With - hug wardrobe oloaeU, lg. llv, ra with jilcture window, natural brick fireplace, pi"tin.'Pnn., kit. with breakfast apao, all 9Aa beau, pecan fir., Jgt. lot . "nicely landscaped, eoncreto patio, doublo tatacbed garage, 1360 at, ft. of beau. - "loiiflt for 13,8S0. P.HJ, terms. Is this bargain or Isn't Kf For partloulara, , , - - ask for Bob Conklln. Burt Picha t7 N. BllbSt. Off.: 1-407 aOl 14 A. In cltr. Well-built bunaalow-trpe hie;;wtth laraa roome. 1 B.R., L.R., DJl., kitchen with nook. hdwd. fire., flra- . piece. Beautiful ahade trees. Pull price ' . evuuu. C. W. Reeve, Realtor - 1 1860 Mlaslon St. ph. 14680 Eve. or 434M aB3 " ,f.-1 WORTH TmS MONEY u Handy l-bedroom home, nice llvlnr nA dlnigg room. Tile In kitchen, automatto , ; , oil - heat, large garage, lovely yard, r -, approximately ft acre of ground, good - htoken house, sprinkling system for lawn and garden. 111,000. Call Pat Kemper, 39397. J. I Hlmmel Realtor. 'TO. S13M. afll ! tWNER HURT BRcrlfice, l-bedroom home vn tarre corner ioi, large comfortable living, venltlan bllnde throughout, in . sulated laundry room In attached gar age, lramedlBle possession. Must sell. Look around and make offer. Any rea - eonaW offer considered. Inquire at ' , j75 June Av. or Call S6550. a4 ' ON CREEK Near N. Hi ah. 3 Bed R. Kltrh. '. m-i11' Dtnette- Eth- Living R, Hwd W " rir, uaeemeni, auio Heal m Fir PI, uarage, svwu.uu, lrfunlt Apt Bouse, 1400.00. 4 unit Apt House, fsioo.oo. For Rent: 1 S-Rm A Bath Furnlshl Anl $90.00. Ph. Owner 43843 After 4 P.M. or seiora b a.m. aeo1 I-ROOM IIOL'SR on large corner lot, paved --veHreet, close to grade eohool. Junior pbleltv Would consider some trade. Pull .pries sfouu. inquire at zaos H. 9th, J-SSH evenings. aSl 4 BEDROOM, 1V4 story home. All spacious ...VrVemas hHvil flra M.hM .. k fireplace, dining area in kit., basement! uiomatK) neat, coverra pauo, oouble wmiii, iv9 n, aimu advening m sun '4days. tea COMPLETED APPROX 'XMATELY 45 DAYS. U.MM, ENGLEWOOD District, 4 bed room.. Romen brick f1r.peee, mahofany , aaaelln,. WIU sell furnished or un furnished. 1540 Jefferson. a01 4HtaKiriiD lominma , . Pr Wer 4e er Ward, t llaeaa Me Per Word, tlaeoe lea Per T.rd, 1 et.nl ae :.'f eUfaada Mlalaara 1 Wards. trnnrts la Uaal Newe Oal Oalr. ev.ri I. i Mtalaaaat 11 Ware T Place Ad In Same Dav"i i Paper, Phone 1-2408 , Before 10 avm. Ore., Thurg., March 12, 1953 FOR SALE HOUSES owtniotlon Financing phone i-mt aaa FOR SALE HOUSES rflUB IMBUE SCU. Dmdy t-br. home, oas ZIOOTI, hib. w whb, "- 7M. Cal Ray DarU, ere. 4-0917. ED LUKIWBEAI Realtor, 423 It. Bleb. Ph. Mtoo. aM' uao DOWN o-bdnn. borne, larae Urine ffnt., JOTeiJ we eiu auruo. ana hui net. 70 Orecon St. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 1M0 Mlaalon at, Ph. ItMO. are. tMK or 43m UI' OLDE TYPE BOMB on Portland Bold, Te-ft. niahwar frontaae. price eo'ou. Terme. 3-0J31 ave. el BX BUILD EA. New Tlew home, 3 bedroom. S flreplacee, beiement, a Dioeae ue aanltr eohooL HO Wlldwlnd Dr.. 13370. all' 4-UDBOOaf ea aleoplni porch, baaement, all furnace. Richmond cut. Ph. j-rno. aal OB TSADI for email bouae In Weat Salem, I-bedrootn bouae. 1 acre inut, oernei, ehrube, 1 chicken bouiee, ralua 3400O 30000. 1IS40 S.W. Tlew Drive, oeweto Blaakatone U1U. a3 OB TBADE. 4 bedroom houio near Rich mond acbool 17000. a. ittn. an FOR SALE LOTS lOOaim BDILDINO LOT on Munkene St. In 4 Corner Dub Lot baa a few treei. Ph. 33060. aaSl CHOICE VIEW lota In Klniwood Helfhti. eewera, water, ato. Senslblr priced, easy termer Can owner, Phone 3-6413. aaev FOR SALE FARMS ACRJK TAStM, on pavement. 7 miles south. Want Salem horn. Rt. I, Box 700, Salem, Phone 4-2638. b63 a ACRES plua farm equip, lncludlna trac tor. I A. prunes. Gf'Od hse. Machine xhed. Barn. Trade for email arocerr. Price 10.000. C. W. Reeve, Realtor lloo iikulon St. Ph. 94100 Eve. 30030 or 43945 b03 Farms & Acreages BUILDERS ' ATTENTION T OOOD BDILDINO LOTS Plue about S acree, no house. Barn 28x38 ft. some fllberta, walnuts and grapes. TOTAL PRICE 17000. Va dn. JUST OFF PIS HER ROAD. 230 ACRES 100 A. In cult, on highway. 4-bdnn. older modem bome plus 100 head live atock. TD6 tractor, .all farm tools for only $33,000. SPECIAL 17-acr DAIRY FARM near Hubbard for only IM.eoo. SUBURBAN - $3500 with 1300 down. Nice on-bdrm. suburban home located on Idaho St. SEB T. T. ANDERSON EVE. PH. 43714 OFFICE DIAL 44494, 2-4552 REAL ESTATE COLBATH HAS THE BUYS DON'T SLEEP ON IT! LIVB ON ITI No matter where rou look It will be bard to find a I bdrm. home all on one fir. plus un finished upetalrs. Lane LR, DR, bath, utility porch. Larsa aaraEO. Paved at. In cltr. ONLY MSBO. A PAMH-y HOME YOU CAN AFFORD. TERMS. OLD TIMER THAT'S A PINTER. When you walk Into tb front door you will see a large liv ing rm. with wall-to-wall carpeting, ornamental brick fireplace, colonial DR, 1 bdrms., kitchen with French corner cupboards, large basmt., sawdust fur nace, party rm. with some furnishings, unfinished upstairs. Small 3-car i- raae, landscaped corner lot. ONLY 17050. terms, S3T90 down and ISO per ! month. LOOK TILL YOUR'RE SILLYII Then see this new lane 3-bdrm. home (RANCH STYLE RAMBLER), Select hdwd. firs., wonder ful LR-DR oomblnetlon. kitchen with menr bulit-ins, nice-sued utility room 4J4 double aaraee, ( acre, water erstem, blue Brass lawn. MAN, THIS 18 A BUY FOR ,11,0001 IF YOU CAN'T ?.rU.TKAr"! IH YOU SMALL HOMB OR ACREAOE AND MAKE A DBAIa. KEEP WARM W THIS COZY COTTAOE with oil piped furnace, larae lie, rm., cheerful kitchen with corner nook, corner windows, beth utllltr, Iti bdrms. Lr,e lot with trees. Paved at. north. ONLY ,3350. MIGHTY NICE FOB A LOW PRICE. YOU ARE WEL COME TO SEE THIS LATE-BUILT beth, hdwd. flrs., nice kitchen, dinette With h.v wln4nw .- , . . " i.ni. a.iRcneo faraae (room for xour work shop). nice Gismct on ORBOON ST. Prlc, 17,50, with 11000 VE. PHONE OALL DAVE LAZENBY 41701 or MRS. OOLEBBEB Itoli. orricK DIAL 44494,24552 A DUPLEX Olos In and extra living quarters, tn come of $66 per month, completely furnished total of 46 pieces, can handle wiin man nown Dannrnt. F. H. WEIR, REALTOR 1347 8. Commercial COS' aTTKNTiuN Builders and lnreetors. 0 nice lou and very eood 3-bdrm. home with full haunt. Located dose In on chbm no. a aone, ideal court sit, 110,000. Eve. call Peck 3-0411. ED LUK INBEAL, Realtor, 433 K. Hl,h. Ph. 1-1000. C03 REAL ESTATE BRICK FRONT COUNTRY HOME This new l-bedroom horn or 3 -bedroom and den with laraa living room, raised fireplace, inside utility, nice workshop la care, looated on corner lot, city water, 1 block to city bus, 1300 aq. ft of floor spaoe, well priced t 111,700. Call TlbbttU. ENGLEWOOD BUILT BY J. V. EPPING Construction conscious, this lovely new l-bedroom home will aasure you of the best large living room, very nice bath, partly tiled. Natural birch kitchen with loads of built-in, located near school and bus on quiet street, Ideal for you and your family, Fairly priced at 111,700. p. HA. terms. Call Tibbetti. NEAT AND TIDY $5750 This 3-bedroom homo It In a good spot oa paved street, South Salem. School 4 block, grocery store alose by, nloe largo corner lot. Has good din ing room and big handy kltcheo. Good financing to proper party. Can Tlm. F.H.A. SPECIAL This home offer lot of good living In S bedrooms, largo kitchen, nk dining room, big living room. auto, ell heat, insulation, attached ga rage, good 'awn and shrubs, excellent location and best financing, mot , P.H.A. commitment with tflMO celling price. Quick possession. Call Jim. THE BUY OF THE YEAR Here's th best opportunity wa hv bad the plaasuro of presenting for many a day. A l-bedroom planned home, with only S bedroom finished, double garag, Inside utility, plastered Interior. Buy this home for 1700, finish the inside of th 3rd bedroom and have l-bedroom douhl-gargo horn worth much more. Hurry and call Chet. . 88 ACRES NORTH ON 99 Her1 that farm you hav been looking for. 4-bedroomc home, full base ment. Owner Is now specialising In turkeys and boat eattl. Lot of out buildings, 4000 feet of brooding space for turkey or chickens. 1 wells, good highway frontage, Frlc only 435,000. Call Chet. Term. Do You Want Good Income Property? Here Is a fl-unlt apartment house with duplex on rear lot, completely furnished. Income 4944 per month, close to state buildings and chopping center. This Is a good buy at $53,500. For appointment to gee, contact Dal Rayburn. 2-BEDR00M SUBURBAN DE LUXE Well-built bome, full dining room. Inside utility, wred for dryer and washtr, 3 block from Washington school. Has good well, ltt-B.P. pump. Immediate possession, WIU b glad to show this fin homo any time. Con tact Dale Rayburn. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT, REALTOR) toto X. Capital Office phone,: 1-4004 or 4-1701 xvonlna- phones Tlsbette t-HS Chet 0-K39 jtm I-M7I Dal. Kerb urn t-MM el MUST BE SOLD NOW! Immediate possession can be had on this lovely home In this new district of tine homes. 3 bedrooms, living room with fireplace, hardwood floors, kitchen and dinette, Inside utility room, If ?ge attached g aTaae, forced-air oil furnace, beautiful lawn and shrubs, Looated on Ellis 8t In Ksetmoreland, near school and city bus. Priced for quick sale at $11,160.00. Call us. MANBRIN GARDENS Prlc has been reduced to $10,350 on this attractive S-bedroom home with fireplace, oil furnace, large living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, utility room. Attached garage. Large lot wltb beautiful lawn. Can be bought for $1900 down. ; ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER 411 MASONIC Real Estate Phone 3-9317 insurance Roy Todd Real Estate ; FAIRMOUNT DISTRICT Lie. llvlnr, nice dlnln,, kitchen, breakfast nook, S nice bdrms. Bath, utllltr, basement, basement, oil furnace, Oarate. Prlc, 77S0. Call Mr. Ruch, salesman. LESLIE DISTRICT Onlr 4 yrs. old. Lee. llrlnt as dlnln, combine. Nicely arranged kitchen. Utility, alassed-ln breezeway vlth att. aaraie. Fenced back yard. Just . .4 blks. to sen. Only 08500. Call Mr. Vanderrort, salesman. WEST SALEM Nice llvlm, lte. dlnlna, kitchen with nook, 4 bdrms. with 1 tip et 1 dn. Close to sen., bus by door, 60x100 lot, fenced back yard, fruit, flower,, ahrubs. $0700. Call Mr. Ruch, salesman. JUST COMPLETED New, l-bedroom home with 1130 en. ft. floor apace. Nice entrance ball with aloset, lse. llvlni with picture window. Dlnln,, kit., plenty of bullt-lns, utility, lie. oaraae. 00x100 lot. Only 110.600. Oall Mr. Simpson, salesman. WILL TRADE thla beautiful f-yr.-old 3-bdrm. home Including very large living rm. with fireplace, dining, conveniently arranged kitchen. Excellent location. blk. from ch. Lot 69x125. Seller needs 3 or 4-bdrm. house. $13,750. Call Mr. Vandervort, salesman. STOCK OR DAIRY RANCH - 95 acres, very good soil, 19 ac. seeded to perm, pasture. Fenced fe cross fenced. Nice 3-bdrm. bome. 3 chick, hses. 1 brooder hse. Cow barn, 8 stanchions. Complete irrigation aystem. Soma farm machinery. Onlr $17,000. Consider 3-bdrm. bome on trade. Call Mr. filmpion, aalesman. ROY TODD, JO atat. Street Eve. Phone: Ruch t-7018; Vandervort Todd 3-1731 Grabenhorst Specials WALNUT PARK ADDITION A very neat 3-bdrm. home In a pleasant and friendly nelahborhood. Llv. rm., din. rm., bath, kitchen, brkf. nook and Inside utility room. Price OS350. CALL H. K. LAYMON, SALESMAN BEAUTIPOL BETTINO with backaround of atately black walnut treea. Excellent 3-bdrm. with partially floored attlo that can be finished with two bdrms. OS bath. Lovely llv. rm. with fireplace, kitchen with din. area, toilet bath and shower. Auto, forced-air oil furnace. Thla could be Just what you are lookin, for. Oall J. E. LAW, SALESMAN JUST REDUCED OANDALARIA HOME All on one floor. 3 bdrms., llv. rm. 10 x 30, din. rm., Ige. kitchen, wonderful utility room, fireplace, hdwd, firs., oil heat. Priced now at 114,750. CALL PETER H. OEH8ER, SALESMAN 1000 DOWN IMMEDIATE POSSESSION This home is 1 yrs. old, has 1 nice bdrms. Le.. llv. rm., din. rm. and convenient kitchen. Attached caraie. Back yard la all fenced end offera a nice tardea area. Full price 10000. CALL H. K. LAYMON, SALESMAN GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 South Liberty St. pn. 3-3(71 Evenings ft Sundays call x ' H. K. Laymon 3-B469 J. E. Law 3-5 1 IS Petitr nif i.aaa ai REAL ESTATE NELSON Live Rent-Free This 3-bedroom suburban home Is newly decorated, good cond., ready to occupy, large roome, attic for extra txlrm., for only ISOOO. Call Mrs. Woot ten. 4 Bedrooms' Highland District Family home with roomy bdrms., din ing rm. (12x9), Insul., good roof, almoit new gar. 1 blks. to grade school, city bus by door. Priced to sen, $7400. Oall Mrs. Wootten. Owner-Built 5 Rooms North Well built large 3-bdrm. horn that has a 16 x IS living room plus a good alied dining room, 1ft x 13 kitchen. This one-yr.-old home Is on pvd. street In a good neighborhood, The full price Just $9300. Oall Al Watts, 3-7S6&. 3 Bedrooms Owner Leaving Cit.v This ranch-style home Lb located tn a Fnsi-irowini luourDsn neighborhood. Eeautlful living room 30 x 34 finished f Place., patio with fplace., lovely beck ra, iQiit lor cnuaren. moo flg.goo. . Close In . Chicken Ranch 10 acres with aood modern l-rm. home. 4 lse. poultry bides. (110x331. (110x34), (130x30) and 134.30) double 3-story. Capacity 30,000 fryersl 0000 or mora layera. Ideal location Just ouUlde cur nraite an main nwr. call Mr, Oellaeher. Nelson & Nelson SPECIAL! ZINO REALTORS 70S N. Hllh St. Phon, i-san To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE BUILDING Mortgage Loan Xvenlnga 3-4709 REALTOR Office phon, 1-0551 1-0300: Simpson 3-133,; REAL ESTATE inn, nun IKtllll tlltlllt . IIKISIIIII lllll, StlSttlSIS tIDIttlll Farms "niUinUlU;" Homes lltllllltlllSilltlISS IllllllltS ,, IttltllStl immt it iitsiitt l,U 0, ,11,11 it I. SULLIVAN PAIRMOUNT BILL This la your op portunity to move up a notch Into fia elms' most exclusive district. Pull bese ment, four bedroome. walk-In cooler end deepfreeze. Call Mr, Arndt eves. 41710. THREE BEDROOMS Eest, close to ecnooi. inside ut llty. llvlne room lflxio. Laree double (erase. Lot 100x300. Owner win take car aa Dart down. Onl. ets son. Don't miss thla one. Call Mr. F.eno, era. DUPLEX DRIVE-Beautlful l-bedroom home plue a den aurrounded by aeveral - ... u..u., ..p.r.ie dlnlna room. View property, eouth. Call CONVENIENT CITY LOCATION Her, la the older roomy houee you'r, been lookin. for. I bedroome and a sleeplns 1 ww nunini. i oioca irom school, price N900. or win trade for duplex. Call Mr. Nelson, a.ee. 4-1031. 100 ACRES Polk county. All fenced. Oood 7-room home. Outbulldlncs In fair oondltlon. 100 head sheep end eome farm lmplemente Included. ,35,000. ,10,000 down. Call Mr. Zltsewlta .erea. 11117, CAPITAL ZONE APARTMENTS Clt rental unlu at ,15 North Summer St. Owner will trade for Income property. 140,000. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR 31M Portland Roed ph. 4-4011 Ph. .rea.: 1-1337, jvoant, 4-0033, 4-1700. 3-0704 ,13 t BR HOUSE, basrmpnt, furnace, itncrd jr, mrnunvu. ivso, Tms, CSU ISlfll or to loss. REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES For pour best returns, invest In Salem rial estate, HERE IS VALUE worth talkln, about, s-bedroom home with unflnlched upstalre. Wall-to-wall carpet. In llvlne1 and bedroome. by 200 lot Inside city. Several fruit tree.. Oaresa. Full price only aoooo. - BUSINESS ZONE U8-ft. frontage. Flu a good 4-bdrm. bom. Oaraa. Floor furnace, corner lot. Wo eoulder thla very good buy for af.aoo. Terms arranged. TOP VALUE Knglawood Mat Real cut. Ideal for a rental or If you don't want too much yard. Insulated. Weatherstrlpped, Near high and Englewood school. Prlc $8750. KINGWOOD Just like new. Well built. Breezeway. Insulated, Fireplace. OU heat, separata utility room. Pva. t. Prlc baa been re duced to $11,000. F.HJa. term If de tred. CALL FOR MR. CRAWFORD, KVX. PH. CWD CT MM. SUUU1HB, J7V. fA. i-t(S. no answer, cau -ug. 3 HOUSES on otto let. Almost new. Very modern, err clean property. Enough room to build another homo. Terms. Full price ctuy vicmw. NET OVER 10 en this Income property over and abov au expenses. rnis property 1 vtry easy to maintain. Desirable location. Vacan cies ar almost Bill. Completely fur nished. Rent ar very reasonable, Oniy avooo oown. ruu price aaa.ooo. Tour in vestment back In approx. 18 months. All you do 1 tend to business. This has proven to be on of the largest money-misters we navo ever had on our books. Equipment 1 th finest. A atreamlined operation that you'll be proud to own. rul price $70,000. Mo phon Information. CALL FOR DAN SBAAK, EVE. PH. 4-341$, u no answer, cau 4-nB. ,. GRADE A SET-UP 63 acre with all equipment necessary xor a graae a oairy. oooa 6 -room Home. IS-stanchlon barn and milking parlor. New chicken house. New Case com bine, tractor, disc, drill, harrow, rorirur- tooth, corn planter, rake, mower, 3 milk macninae, manure spreader, garden tractor with all attachments. 21 plgc. 8 heifers, 3 calves, 35 hens. Everything coca for $16,800. Better hurry. Will acceps nome on tn coast up to 84,000. 6V2 ACRES Olose In east. New garage. Good well with lots of water. Very rich aoil. Only an muss irom saiem. run price $6760, . 1 ACRE Close In north. Modern, clean 3-bed- room nome. very good weiL Att. tvaraae. Chicken houee. Pvd. rd. Family berrlea. fruit and walnuts. Lots of flowers and CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS. EVE. PH. 8-4735. If no answer, call 4-3348.. MORTGAGE LOANS . 30-Year Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phones:-4-33U or 3-7830 3035 PORTLAND ROAD Eve. Phones: 3-4735,- 4-54S4 44030 or 3-3568 v If bo answer, phone 4-3348 . $5000 $600 DOWN 3 acres ft 3-bdrm. green shake home. Good water system ft 3 acres of plowed black ground out Lake LabJsh war. li2 AC. OLD HOME sj 900 J 500 down and $35 month. Old 3-bedrm. house ft large garage ft shop. North about 4 miles. ART MADSEN REALTY Office Pn. J-5580 3-0013 Eve. ph. 1-0040, 3-7303, 4-C3B4, 3-0000 C01 MAKE MONEY WORK for you with this 4-year-old fl-unlt court, with room lor more courts. All uniu rurnisned. Property shows a good return on $45,000, Call Mr. McFarlano, Xve. 43345. GOOD INVESTMENT 40x343 lot In a Number I business gone on fitata street. Has old but livable home, returning $00 per month. A good location for a business building. Only $8350. Call Mr. McFarlane, Eve. 4234$. GROCERY STORE doing $300,000 a year volume In gro ceries and meat, one of Salem's best. Listing confidential. For details, see or call Mr. Bourne, Eve. ph. 37317. TWO FOR ONE Two homes, plus extra building lots, 1st class location, on bus Una and near shopping facilities. Due to 111 health, owner will sacrifice for quick sale, and give terms. Suburban Acreage Trade A dandy small suburban acreage NI with farming equipment for sale or trade for city property. Nice, yery weU built 3-bedroom home with good dry basement, poultry house, barn, garage and shop. S13.7&0. Will trade for home, prefer north or east part of Salem. Call Mr. Bourne for details. Eve. ph. falll. $5000 That's eill for thla l-bedroom home, est suburban, "A acre. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. mi, c01 REALLY CUTE! Ideal for workln, couple. Cosy living room with fireplace.. Dlnlna room with bullt-ln china closet. Wonderful kitchen and nook. A restful bedroom with larae closet. A well-shaded corner lot. Paved street, bus by door. I15O0 will handle deal. 5 BEDROOMS 1 bathrooms and full basement. An extra well built larae home. Close to lRchmond school. All larae rooms. Will trede for a small home In Xelser or possible 13000 down. $400 DOWN Only no per month, buys a l-bedroom home and double aaraie. Paved street, hue by door. Shown by appointment only. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml South nioh Street Phon, 1-0301 Phone evenlnis: 4-1071, 1-3101, 4-0310, 3-J304 c01 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 JOE PALOOKA REAL ESTATE HOMESEEKERS AGENCY Silverton, Oregon New Sale List and new pletur. folder writ, or eall for your copy, map and aerial plcturea. Before you buy, rent, er sell CONTACT THE HOMESEEKERS AGENCY Silverton Oregon e,i. e..............'.... WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED House la Dalles to trade for house In Salem.'- WANTED House la Salem to trade for boue. In Co rvalue. C. W. Reeve, Realtor MOO Mission St. Ph. I40M Bve. 19911 or 43040 MM WANTED to 10 aorea with sood home, eioee in. Al meet, sit, paon. -jiu. If no answer, 4-3341. ca NOTICE: If your property Is for sale, rent or eacnanae, na it witn ua. wa nave all kind, of cab buyers. STATS FINANCE CO., REALTORS 193 8. Blth St. u NEED LISTINGS OF all kinds. If yrar piac, is for sale or trade, .all me. Prompt action. . JOE NOON CHESTER REAL ESTATE 1000 N. Cottete Ph. 4-1101 day or nlte. ca' WE ABE In need at nod houeea to sell. in of near saiem. if you wlsa so Ust your property for sale, see ORABKNHORST BROS, REALTOR 114 S. Liberty ph. s.,471 ... EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOB SAU OB TRADE 40 acres, a acres flirawDernea. znoaern nouses. 1 wells. Covs, pigs, sheep, milking machine, el ectric separator, tractor, machinery. Phone 4-35 SB. hM RESORT PROPERTIES BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAIN RESORT LODGE with din. room. Seat. 40. Bathhouse and 10 housekeeplni cabin, all fur n lined and operatlnf. 1 hydraulic plant and travlty water aystem. Price 110.000. Will take other propety ar, cash trade- F. H. Weir, Realtor 1347 s. Commercial, Salem Ph. 3-1411 ccoi BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ES FOB SALE BY Owner Fort Hill tavern as 7 cabins, .olns business. Contact wwncr jjti. or oat. eve. at tavern H ml. east of Valley Junction. cdoi FOB LEASE, a good major Oil Co. gervice INCOME PROPERTIES BESfDENTIAL court, e Individual 1-br. units, 0 (araaea and central utility so., built In 18. ,33,000. Eve. call ED S-0704. ED UTKINBEAI Realtor, 3 N. High. Pn. 3-0080. Cf02 CLOSE IN apt. house, built as an apt. nse. In 1847, aood cond. throuihout, vacancies almost nil, sound Investment at 135,000. Eve. call Mr. afetsaer 4-3719. ED LUKINBKAL, Realtor, 433 N. Hllh. Ph. 3-0080. tai' FURNITURE FOR SALE TRADER LOUIE OPEN FRIDAY EVENlNtt All WANTED FURNITURE .7: 4 1:1: H 1 ia KfrVW.y WMl IW.I m "t. A BaTL-T-AaTTAaJI . f I WANTED Oood used furniture and appliance. Phone 36098. da LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEF White face Hereford, 10c Locker pork, 35c Nothing down, ( mos. to pay. Custom kminz. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co 1335 8. 35th. Ph. 3(858. RABBITS CALIFORNIA BUCKS and does. Phone 43001. 4,10 Claater Rd. ebei BABBITS WANTED. Any lite and quan tity, awo pureored Breeding stock for sale.' Phone 3-7107. .b70 PETS FOR SALE, Canarlu, singers and hens. Some orange singers. Phone 30745, Mrs. ueo. BiacK, lf&B HicKory. - ecSl nriM.Twnnii imtiDiiTM into vuo uiqck ea or n. uapiuii, int diocks north of Madison. Ph. 2-6897. ec75 MOORE TROPICAL FISH, equipment. supplies. 2 miles from Lancaster on Macleay road. Phone 1-7521. Closed Wednesdays. ajcS2 CHOICE CANARIES IS io Chemeketa St. PA. 343BS. ec84 MONTHS-OLD Dobertnan plnscher. Call "01. ecfll K.C. REG. DALMATIAN puppies. Ph. Monmoutn S273. ec8l tear OLD male Borer. Pawn color. AFC registered. Phone 3-80M. ec62 BOXER PUPS A.K.C. champion sired. iou nnwinorne. jrnone 33523. Glenn Hochstetler. ecS3a 'SaedMa FUEL ANDERSON'S haridplcked slabwood, 3 cord 114.00. Phone 3-7701 or Oregon Fuel Co. SLAB AND SAWDUST S. & H. Green Stamps ?hone 35S33 3007 Broadway ee Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Pick up your Presto-Loss, Brlouets and Wood, 101 so. com'l, phone 3-7731. ee' Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. SPECIAL FOR 10 DAYS Planer trimmings, 10 load. Phone 17731 e Hiway Fuel Co. Sawdust tubs service, all kinds of wood. Phone 1-0444. M. PALNUT SHELLS. 30 sacas for 11, or 13 ton. 13 ton delivered in town. Morris Klorfein Packing Co, 410 North Front. West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 18 CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Wckup Wood 11135 Ertiewater Phone Salem 1-4031 AUCTIONS Big Auction Antiques Wednesciay &Thursday, i UTinflK SHARP EACH SPRINGFIELD EUGENE IMPORTED FROM BRITISH ISLES Catalo.ua Sale - fUT My"" "J" FURNITURE Rare and exqulalte sets of carved dlnln,, aaay "fj"' ,, " chSredttWesrdeeki cabinets, chests, atoola. barometer bury" iurrora, butler', tram whatnots, mantel and grandfather olocU, BRIC-A-BRAC Decorative ohlna, allver, copper, brass, las,. ,"ir.Ji?m' lamps, atTandoles, was, decantere, aehetl, fender., lit, ItoM, ocreeafc araiiuw m wnwiw WANTED SALESMAN INTERVIEW FOR TIRE SALESMEN win b, held by th. Genera! Tire Rubber Co. at 710 State St. on Merc It. , 14, II. from to 4. Salary and bonus. Experience helpful but aot essential, steady employment enured. PH. 2-2459 AUCTIONS FURNITURE AUCTION TONTTE at 7 P.m. at LANE SUDTELL'8 AUCTION BALES YARD, located 1 mile east of ealem on silverton road. Ph. 1-0908. ddor FOR SALE LIVESTOCK MILK COW, due to freshen any day. 1010 Wallace Road. eol FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED Colored fryers, colored and legnorn hens. Highest prices, bee's Hatchery, phone 33881. ! rOB SALE Twice weekly, day-old chloks in new Hampsnires. Parmenters. Red. White Leghorns, Auitra-Wbltt, White Rocks, White Wyandotte. Parmenter cockerel. ht Hatchery, phone 22881. SPECIAL New Hampshire pullets, Mo ea. vaney rarm store, pn, 44634. 170 WHITE LEQHORN, Austrawhlte, and new wampanire cnicxs, ie nunoreo. Ph. 30343. Palmer' Poultry Farm, Brooks. 176 GOLDEN BBOAD and New Hampshire cmcKJ, natoneo every Monoay and Thurs day. Our chlcka grow faster, fox's Hatchery. 3830 State fit. Ph. 34St. PRODUCE ORQANIC GROWN TBEE-RIPENED or anges and grapefruit. Potatoes, onions, apples and nuts. PHILLIP BROS. FARM MARKET, 5580 Lancaster Drive. Phone 2-1195. -ff HELP WANTED MALE Interviews One of the fastest progressing compan ies In this field will have a representa tive interviewing men who hold the following qualifications: 1. Ago 24 to 40 years 2. Own automobile In good condition. 3. Willing to travel Monday through Friday, homo every week-end. 4. High school education. 8. Desire for advancement. 9. Able to furnish reliable references. Thorough training given by company witn guarantee or minimum ox wiw per weex curing training period. EARL 8VKLA Senator HoteL Salem Wednesday & Thursday, March 11-13 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ga61? EXPERIENCED CLEANER, Preiser spotter. Oood wages, steady work. Dallas Cjty Clgty PUaj Oregon. ga8 HELP WANTED FEMALE WAITRESS Woodroffe's San Shop, S400 roruana Ra. no pnone eaiis. gb CAR HOP Woodroffe's San Shop, 3400 Fortiana oa. wo pnone cam. gb HOUSEKEEPER About 35, for man and 1 boy. May have 3 children. Ph. 2-2606. gbei WALNUT 8 HELLERS A whole winter's work. Morris KJorleln Packing Co., 460 N. Front. gb GIRL OR WOMAN for general housework, caro oi 3 ctuwrin. Live in. pnone 35350. gb63 WANTED SALESMAN LARGE FEED CO. needs salesman In Polk- YamhUI-unn counties. Must be finan cially resopnslble. Homo nights. Ade quate field training. Prefer married man between 35 b B0. Must have car. Reply to box 13 In care of this paper. se62 WANTED POSITIONS HOU9ECLEANTNQ and Ironing by hour. Ph. 34008. hfl3 CARPENTER WORK, repair. Ph. 35000. h03 PAINTING. Free ettlmatea. 30 years ex perience in saiem. pnone 1-7553. his PRACTICAL NURSE available, diabetic preierrea. writ, box 10, capital Journal. h03' BOTO-TELLINO, 0 per hour. 440 6. 15th. EXPERIENCED child care. All ages to 0 years. My home. 1340 Wilber. h03 CUSTOM ROTO HOE1NO 14 per hour. Ph. 33760 CUSTOM TILLING Small plots. h03 Call 37004 after 0 p.m. WANTED House cleaning, cap, baby slt tlng. Phone 33960 evenings. hfll ROTO-HOEINQ, call after 5:30, 1-0435. JlS3 CUSTOM Rotary hoeing ,4 an hour. Phone 3-7338 alter 1 p.m. hfl3 PATCH PLASTERING, basement, water proofed by plastering. Frank's Service, phone 36046. hfll" WAKEFIELD LIND We help you plan. Interior decoratu,,,. Phone 3-3038. hOl PAPER HANGING, painting, free stl mates. Don Lucero. Pn. 35532. h7a MRS. MICKXNHAMfe DAY NURSERj State licensed and Inspected. Ph. 37890, hOT Garden Plowing Ph 23041 h74 TAX RETURNS prepared In your home, reasonable rates. Ph. 43091. h03 WANTED CHILD care. Reasonable, day or night. Park and Sunnyvlev. 4-009S Ml GARDEN, FLOWER bed and lawn pre paration. Plowing, discing, levellne, ro totlllng. Service Center, Phon, 43073. h70 AUCTIONS EVENING vtrm Unat NO. BS03 1789 Main St. Located In the) heart ol Springfield, Oregon WANTED aAueaiviAn W. V, "PAT" LITTLE STATE TIRE SERVICE ! ' in WANTED POSITIONS INCOME TAX BLANKS prepared reason ably. Ph. 3064L M SECRETARY - STENO. Aptitude figures, meet public, deslrea responslbl. eon tcnlal position, phone 3-1004. hOl TILLING WITH new M.E. ROTARY TIL LER. Phone eyenlng 1-1331. hit LIGHT CRAWLER, dosing, grading. Phone 3-3330. dirt lerellna. h77 LANDSCAPB maintenance, pruning, trim ming, planting, fertilising. Seme. Cen ter. Phone 43573. h70 WILL DO CEILING, on, wall or entlra . house. Do all kinds of painting, tmeh, and epray, furnish references, by hour or contract. Ph. 43044. h04 CUSTOM WORK plowing and discing. Phone 3-4340. 1105 Blrchwood Dr. h84 LADY WOULD LIKE to car. for children In her bome only, 11 a day per child. 301S Kapphahn Road. hOl TREE WORK. Topping, trimming, remov ing. Insured operator. John Payne. Ph. 30030. h70 HOME BUILDINO and carpenter work. Ph. 43130. h00 CARPENTER Cabinet work, home re modeling, free estimates, call 3-0411. 4-1033. hso WILL COMPLETELY overhaul Chevrolet for 175. Free tuneup at 500-mlle check. After 0:30, 3-1577. hOl PRACTICAL nursing. Will go out of town. mono 3-4454. h83 RADIO TV SERVICE TV ANTENNA bonded and licenced ape- eiaiiat. installed 110, plus material. Call any time. Free estimates. Phono 4-3311. hall WANTED TO RENT GOOD FARM LAND within 30 miles of saiem. Wayne Ooode ,Rr- 0, Box 187. Phone 2-2964. ja3 10 'IO 5 ACRES vlth modern house and barn, near ealem. H. E. Hess, 4-1074. laOl 1 OR 1 BEDROOMS, unfurnished, clean, modern, garage. Prefer northeast and. 1 child 1 years. Ph. 3-4037. Ja03 WANTED 3-bedroom home, garden apace. Permanent tenants. Adult, only. Can furnish referencea If required. Box 0, Capitol Journal. Jail 8-bedroom HOME vlth reasonable rent, April 1st. 3-9070. JaOO ROOM & BOARD ROOM WITH famlly-atyle meal, and packed lunches, for men, at 039 N. Winter. JJ01 FOR RENT ROOMS NICE SLEEPING rooms, hot is .old voter, 401 N. High. Pay by veek or month. JkOO NICE CLEAN comfortable sleeping room, 734 N. Cottage. Ph. 30971. JkOI ROOMS FOR girls, kitchen privileges, usa entire house. 040 N. Winter. Ph. 14371 or 39400. jk03 FOR RENT HOUSES KINGWOOD HEIGHTS. Small unfnrnUh ed 3 bedroom house, vlth range and refrigerator, 155. Phone 34531. JmOO SHALL 1-ROOM furnished house, 10K a. imOl 13th or Ph. 30079. 1 BEDROOM duplex, 4 yeara old, hard- vood floors, fireplace, all alectrle, na yard vork, close In, adulta, aea to ap preciate. Ph. 38335, 1400 Trade. imOl 4-ROOM AFT. Firet floor. 1-room apart ment second floor. 1330 N. Whiter. JmOl 1 BEDROOM unfurnished house, 140 par 11711. Jm03 month. 010 Falrvlev Ave. Ph. I BEDROOM furnished. Clean, modern. adults. Inquire 1138 Ruge. Ph. 30377. JmOO PARTLT FURNISHED l-bedroom houee close to bue, atores, garage, 4-6165. ImM EXTRA CLEAN, nearly nev, l-bedroom house, tiled ahover, automatic utility vlth tubs, betveen HoOyvood and etatehouse, Vt block to bus. Very reas onable rent. Call 31559. JmOl FOR RENT 3 Bed Room house. OU heat. oouoie garage, iruit, or much ground for garden. 3 no South 13th. Adulte only. Im01 NICE 1 BEDROOM unfurnished house. electrto heat. Bendlx vasher. Close In. 13717. JmOl" 1-BEDROOM In residential court. Clean, uniurnisned except stove, refrigerator. Inquire garage, comer Lee, Mission. lm04 WALKING DISTANCE from cepltol build-. ing. rn. ssoti. JmOl NICE 1 BEDROOM, living room, kitchen. dinette, utility. Partly furnished. Osr den spot. 31339. JmOl CLEAN, l-BEDROOM furnished colt.se, laundry, garage. Inquire 1840 Portland Road. Jm63 ALMOST NEW 3 bedroom house, alectrla range, hardwood floore, automatto heat. Insulated. 3330 Maple Ave. Jm03 OFFICE FOR RENT 9 OR o-room SUITE, 1 elnrle. Building. Phone 31114. Oregon lo GROUND FLOOR office or ,tor, epsce lor rent. Call at Pitts Market. )o FOR RENT APARTMENTS 1 BEDROOM furnished duplex. All elec trlc. Laundry. 1001 Park Ave. Phone 4-4605. Jp63 FURNISHED duplex. 1 room, and bslh, garage, utilities furnished, ph. 3-6367. lP63 AVAILABLE SOON, nice apartment vlth bedroom and bath, good heat furnished. State Street, close to Capitol, 147.00. Ph. 1-4370. jpose By Ham Fisher