it i s i i Hearing Held On l abor Issues Employers and labor leaders tangled Wednesday afternoon over lour employer-Introduced bills to restrict labor unions. At a packed hearing before the House Labor and Industries Committee, small businessmen drclared that the bills are need ed to protect them irom what they called excessive influence In trying to sign up their em ployes. The labor leaders said the bills are unnecessary, undemocratic, Jm-Cfiristian and discriminatory, . The bills would prohibit pick eting in order to sign up em ployes, allow unions to be sued, and prevent without a jyote of the employes. The labor leaders claimed the bills would cause more strikes, instead of curbing them. ' Only a few of the hundreds of persons at the hearing got a chance to talk. Committee Chair man Gust Anderson, Portland, was asked to hold another hear ing. -. Attacks Child 'i Fonca City, Okla. (ffU-A. wild raccoon leaped from a tree at 8-year-old Carolyn Kay Ball near her home here Wednesday, bit ing the child on the neck. The animal was so infuriated It tried to follow Carolyn and her mother into their home, throwing Itself against the screen door In a frenzied attempt to get In. , The leap onto the child's back knocked Carolyn to the ground. Her mother, Mrs. James Ball, and a neighbor, E. C. TImpy, ran to her aid and jerked the animal off. ' Carolyn's father found the raccoon in a tree later and killed it with a shotgun. The child was not seriously injured. 14th Anniversary Pope's Coronation ; Vatican City W The white and golden banners of the Vati can City state fluttered in bright sunshine here Thursday to mark the 14th anniversary of the cor onation of Pope Pius XII. Thousands of greetings from many parts of the world arrived to wish the pontiff wen. ' Tn the Vatican's famous Sis- tine Chapel, a solemn pontifical cappella mass was celebrated. Sixteen cardinals, other high prelates, no'bility and memDers of the diplomatic corps accredit ed to the Vatican attended. ', The 77-year-old " ruler of the Roman Catholic Church, still re ported weak from his recent at tack of influenza and bronchial pneumonia, did not attend the jnore than hour-long ceremony. ' Electric generators have been provided as attachments to pow er lawn mowers and gardening tnachines by some manufactur ers for use when normal electric power is disrupted by storms or other causes. T s U h f x h: i i ) ii m - .i a S-ALFM MARKETS Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., TTium, Marck 12, U5-'T In Ik, nUaa l cwlisl Jwul fHtiK (Bnksnl llr.) Mill r,rf PriMa I.U (100-lb. bail. fl Milk S.10-H . Diirr rM U.M-I.N (M Bk kw), H MD 1M !.). rtnur Bnt rriM colortd Imn, loci aid tooauri, Mc; olor4 fowl, IX; Inborn (owl, SKj touurt, hilu rtUu bu. AA. 44c; Urlt A, 44-Mo; madluK AA, tie; aodlua A, 41. lb: am&U. lie. WklMl riw ui wiioimuo pncH narollr l-1o hllhar than tko pnou Dot,. Lano arado A (tnarallj auotad at Bfe; modliiai, lie. aturfat Buylot prlco: rrtauum, Tic; No. 1. II-70C: No. 1. no. allir Wholtitla frado A Mrehnnnl. 11a lb. I nUU, lie. STOCKS M of Richard Rice Dies, Portland Portland (ff) Richard Rice, 48, general manager Western Fence and Wire Works here, died Wednesday night fol lowing a two-week illness, He had been stricken with a coronary thrombosis Feb. 26, the day after the death of his wife. Rice, reared in Pendleton, had been active there in commun ity affairs and for several years was director of the Round-Up parade. He served in World War II as a major with the 843rd aviation engineer battalion in Europe. Survivors are two sons, Rich ard R. Rice, Portland, and Rob ert L. Rice, U. S. Navy, and a sister, Paulene Rice, Portland. Edward R. Holman and Sons are making arrangements for the funeral which likely will be held Saturday, Burial will be at Riverside cemetery here, Inductees Depart for Service With Armed Forces Follow ing a reception at the Salem YMCA provided by women of the Knight Memorial Congregational church 85 Marion county inductees departed Wednesday afternoon for serv ice with the armed forces. Salem inductees are: Eldon A. Johnson, Irvin J. Roth, Don M. Archibald, Ray W. Puhlman, Monte E. Gust, Harold W. Pickerel, Wilburn C. Lowery, David G. Riches, Homer L. Olin, Richard A. Murphy, Don ald Li. Peper, Harold L. Massey, Kenneth L. Dresner. Other Marion county inductees with the group are: William I. Scott, Francis D. Pierce, George A. Sabin, Anthony L. Medearis, James O. Stormo, John G. Bolliger, Allen R. Dahl, Thomas D. Griff en, William A. Maag, William E. Hamblin, Orville D. Dahlen, John Mack, Glenn A. Ling, Dennis J. Wolf, Vernon W. Credille, Albert E. Metihof, Richard J. Paradis, James J. Vandehey, Harold D. Sadilek, Gordon W. Connelly, Carl D. Dramer and Paul E. Mitchell. 3 Wardens to Survey Oregon Prison Conditions M AR K f T QUOTATIONS CBv The Associated Praftil Admiral Corporation S AUlad Chemical 3 Allli Chalmera IS American Airlines 14 American Foer A Lilht , SS American Tel. Tel si American Tobacco ... lit Anaconda Copper 42 AlcHlson Railroad ..... M Bethlehem Steel H Boelna Airplane Co. 46V Bon Warner la Burrow, Addlna Machine ., 11 California Packlna lt Canadian Paclllc 11V caterpillar Tractor ei'i Celanaaa CorooratlOn SCa Ohryaler Corporauon lift Three prison wardens from Illinois, Idaho and South Dakota will" arrive here Sunday to make a "progress survey" of the Ore gon State Penitentiary, Gov. Paul Li.- Patterson announced Thursday. The wardens, who were desig nated by the American Wardens Association at the request of the Mid-Willamette Obituaries W di Mrs. Ida Belle Harper Woodburn Mrs. Ida Bell Harper, late resident of 2443 SE 89th street, Portland, and a former resident of Woodburn died in a Portland hospital Tues day at the age of 77. Born at Creswell, Ore., June 16, 1875, Mrs. Harper had lived in Oregon all of her life. As Ida Buoy, she conducted a millinery store early in 1890 and married Samuel Wilbert (Bert) Harper of Woodburn, Dec. 31, 1894. He died in 1942. Mrs. Harper had made her home in Portland for the past eight years. Survivors include a son, Roy Ellis Harper of Woodburn; a sister, Mrs. Pearl Mather of Los Angeles and a nephew, Henry 3alinseifer of Depoe Bay, Ore. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday, March 13 at the Ringo funeral chapel, Woodburn with Rev. E. Kay Senton of the Presbyterian church officiating. Burial in Belle Passi cemetery. Jess C. Scheler Lebanon Jess Conrad Schel er, 67, died at the community hospital Monday. He was a far mer and formerly lived on Rt. 2 i Lebanon. Born in Nebraska, on 'March 20, 1885, he came to Leb janon in 1935. His wife was kill led in an auto accident near On ttario in 1950. i Survivors are five sons ford cemetery. Mrs. Wilbert was a native of Iowa and was mar ried to John Wilbert at Ellistoa la., December 25, 1901. She had been a resident ot warrisDurg for 31 years. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Helen Patter son. Tangent and Mrs. Anna KO' ner, Springfield; two sons, Ralph of Harrisbure. and lit. Uoi. Har ry Wilbert, Salt Lake; eight grandsons and a brother, Oscar Hughey, Sprlngfieia. Mrs. Betty Huddlesron Silverton Betty nuaaiesion died at her home, 236 Cherry St., Wednesday night. She was born at Trout Lake, Wash., November 27, 1926. Survived by husband, Jack Huddleston ot snverion two sisters, Mrs. Enid Elliott of Bremerton. Wash., and Mrs. Ber nice Berry of Silverton; a broth er, Don Spencer of Silverton; parents, Mr. ana Mrs. Harry Spencer of Silverton. Announce ment of services later by the Ekman Funeral Home. ;ev. reari rue, . l who will preach biblical gos ; pel mcsago9 each evening at 7:30 for the next two and a half weeks at Wesleyan Methodist church, South 16th and Mill streets. George, Ainany, nugn. "h Fairview cemetery, Gates, ings, Delbert, Yuma, Ariz., ; and I the WeddJe home ( DEATHS Ella tlltabeth Lantlna Ella Elliebeth Lanalnt, at a local hos pital March 10. Late reeldent ot 05 Cummln Lane, Salem. Survived by hus band. Walter Lansing ot Salem; J dauih trrs. Mrs. Ethel Henderson ot Orient, ii-. . i. .... n . " RBKtniiaien of Osweio, r,. . "a i-'tnrirhiivlren. Services will be v., t ik. uimii t nnlden Chanel Frl dev. March U at J P.m. Interment In Belerest Memorial Park. Tracer B. Newman ' T..... n Nwmn at the residence, 1UI D street. March 11. Survived b wlte, Mrs. Delia T. newroan i "' dsuihter, Mrs. Henry rrlcke ot Alliance, Neb.; 3 arandchlldren, Crall Prlcke and Tracr rrlcke, both ot Alliance, Neb.: 2 alilera, Mrs. T. J. Eroldrlck ot East Oranie, New Jerser and Mrs. L. L. Mei aenhelmer ot Beverly Hills. Callt. Services will be held Saturday, March 14 at i P.m. In the Vlrall T. Golden Chapel with Inter ment at Bekrest Memorial Park. The ranket will ba open for Irlends until 1:10 m. Saturday. Re. Beth Huntlnaton will olfldete. Please omit flowera. Wpslev and Donald of Lebanon daughters, Mrs. Josie Minton of Wray, Colo., Mrs. Kathleen Pet tis, Warren, Mrs. Charlotte Sten bure. Lacomb, and Mrs. Kella Koker and Mrs. and Mrs. Fran ces Post, both of Lebanon, mere am 9ft emndchildren. Funeral arrangemems are in charge of the Huston chapel. Mrs. Ella M. Rhodes Albany Mrs. Ella McCoy Rhodes, 75, native of Linn coun ty, died at a local hospital after a brief illness Tuesday. Services will be held at 1:30 p. m. Fri day, March 13, at the Fisher Funeral home followed by bur ial in the Riverside cemetery. Her father, Andrew McCoy, a Alexander D. Scott Mill City Funeral services will be held in the Mill City Presbyterian Church Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock for Alex ander Duncan Scott, 76, who died Sunday, March 8 in a Sa lem nursing home following an extended illness. Mill City Ma sonic Order will be in charge. Rev. Dudley Strain of Salem will officiate. Burial will be in with direct- State Board of Control, are Joseph E. Ragen, warden of the Illinois State Prison at Joliet; L. E. Clapp, warden of the Ida ho Slate Penitentiary; and G. Norton Jameson, warden of the South Dakota Prison. Leo Utecht. warden of the Minnesota State Prison at Still- was to have been one of the three. But when Utecht quit his job Wednesday in a policy disagree ment with the Minnesota super visor of institutions, the Board of Control, decided he shouldn't come. Jameson was named in Utecht's place. Gov. Patterson said he hopes the wardens' report will be ready before the Legislature ad journs, "Two years ago "the Oregon Legislature and Board of con trol established a new program for the state penitentiary," the governor said. 'The Board of Control, admin istratively responsible for this institution, desires to make a progress survey to determine the status of program, plant develop ment, personnel and manage ment policies. As soon as tne governor maae the announcement, he met with Prison Superintendent George Alexander and Warden Virgil O'Malley to advise them about the survey. However, they already had read it in the morning news papers, as the news had leaked because of the dispute Utecht en gaged in with the Minnesota officials. Gov. Patterson delayed mail ing the announcement until he had obtained permission from Gov. Sigurd Anderson of South Dakota. Besides making a survey oi what has been accompnsnea under the new rehabilitation program at the prison, the three wardens also will make recom mendations as to what should be done to improve the institution. ing. Mr. Scott was born in Oregon in 1877 and lived in Mt. Angel, Scotts Mills and Salem before moving to Gates in 1912 where he has lived on a ranch. He was a past master of Mill City Masonic Lodge No. 180, also was past patron of Marilyn Chapter Order of Eastern Star No. 145, Mill City, serving two terms 1932 and 1945. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Phyllis Shelton, of Penrose, Okla.; a step-son, Gwen Gates, of Salem; a brother, Elmer Scott, of Heppner, Ore.; a sister, Miss Clara Scott, of Salem. Mrs. Mable D. Leffler de her life in AiDany, wnere sue was married December 4, 1907, to William Henry Rhodes, who died in 1925. Surviving are three children, John William, Salem; 7.imi Tronp Sta2 Reno. frank Ratneer . J" --J ru.l Wiltnn Rho- - Frank Ninwf. at a local hospital were, nev a"u -- . a. Late resident of -no inn Ae., Stnvtnn Mrs MnhtA Dpnn Linn county PIonc"i i Leffler died at her home in time missionary at me vr .... gtaytoni Tuesday, March 10. Springs Indian Jef rvatl"j. "j Mrs. Leffler was born at Scio, spent much of her cnildnood,Q June 20, 1893, and lived in there. She had spent, most "itne stayton and Scio districts des, Malibu, Cal., and two grand children. Mrs. Ollie Wilbert Alhnnv Mrs. Ollie Wilbert, 72 RFD 2, Harrisburg, died In Albany hospital Tuesday. Serv ices will be held at the Milicr-Shcrman-Murphy Funeral home, tiorri.hnrif. at 2 D. m. Friday. "Vim waill). I" Hill Cl7 mean.. .- -- HOI a a- - O' . I 1 . I II uncfmpM of .cerf.cfi ltr br w. T-(March 13, with burial In the Ai Alidon Co. land, shipment has been made to Portland for services by V. T. Oolden Co. Leaise Jane Klna ' Louise Jane Kmc, at Los Ameles, Cali fornia, March 11. Survived by daulhter. Mis. Walter Eberhard, Salem; aeveral krothera and slaters In Iowa; one arand dauahler and three treat trandchlldren. Announcement of lertlcea later by Vlrell T. Oolden Co. Jthn Welih John walth. In this city March 10. An- all her life Surviving are her husband Arthur Leffltr, Stayton; two sons, Angus B Scio, and Fran cis J. Leffler, Salem; three brothers, Curtis Cole, San Fer nando, Calif.; Roy Cole, Astoria and Otto Cole, Astoria; two sis ters, Mrs. Luccy Pepperling, Cbleaie Onions nhtraao WW Supplies moderate, mand moderate, market llm. Track sales (10 lbs.1: Utah Spanish O. 8. 1, J-lnch and laraer, approximate 1-J car i . u.,irn Crystal White Wax V. B. 1, S-lnch and laraer, approximate 2 cars k i. e tn a. Inch car 6.85. soma white bollera 1.40: Iowa Yellow Olobes fair to npriUy aood quality irom locm aiur- ... at nr p.nt a-lnch and laraer, proximate car S.7; trucklot. oeiiverro Jobblnt street basis Chile Spanlah alee 80 u. S. 1 approximate . Wednesday: Wisconsin yellow Olobes U. 8. 1 lb per cent a-lnch and larier. Irom local storaie 2 cere 4.00; Oreaon Yellow Danvrra ahowlni alllht decay 65 per cent J-lnch and ianer car 4.00; Iowa Yellow Olobrs no trade or slxe specltled but lair n.iil anil rondltlon car 3.80. Street aaies ibu ids.i. m-im, and Utah Spanlah I-lnch and laraer 4 85- 5.00; Mexico Crystal wniie wax j-incn and laraer also 2 to 3-incn b.u-o.wi, xeichltan Whltea a to 1-Inch 4.00. also tome In -lb. aacks amall J 00: midwest medium Yellow olobes 8.80-4.251 cartons twelve 8-pound ceuoa a.ze-i.ou, some poor er 1.00. Cbleaie Livestock Chtcato w mobs aiaaea a ion, move Thuradsy as the supply turned out to be 1,500 smaller than expected. Prices were steady to 25 cents hlsher In an ac tive trade which had atarted out rather lw. t. . Cattle were steady to ao cents niener than Wednesday but vealer celvea were steady to 8100 lower. Sheep had no ade quate market teat. Most butcher weltht hosa Bold from $20 rt to 121.16. Sows took 117.25 to 118.50. Prime ateero and heltera were absent. Oood and choice steers and yearllnes aenerally aold from 618 60 to 621.00. Oood and choice hellera were 818 00 to 622 00. Cows topped at 815.60. rOBTLAND PRODUCE LIST ntterfai Tentative, aubject to Immedi ate chante: Premium Quality, maximum i& tn one ner cent acidity aellverea in Portland 68-720 lb.; first Quality t7-70c; second quality, (4-67c. Valley routea and country points, 2 cents less. Batter Wholesale I.o.b. nuia auoea xo wholesalers trade AA 88 acore. 07e; A arade. 82 score. 6501 B. 80 score, Mel O, 18 score 64c. Above prlcea atrlctly nomlnaL chMu-fieiiine nrica to raruena wnoie- ealers, Oreaon alntlas, 43tk-46e. Oreton I lb. loaf, 48tt-81Vsci triplets, IVae leu man alnelea. Erie to wnalesaicrai canoien eata un- talnlna no loss, cases included r. u Portland. A trade lane, 64V-66Vae; A trade medium t3U-MHc; B trade larte, 49ft-50V. Portland Dairy Mantel Butter Price to retanera: Orade AA print. 72c; A carton, 19c; A prlnta, T2c; carton, 73c; B prlnta, 08c. ' Esse To retailers, Orade AA larte, 68c: A larae 57c: AA medium 67c: A medium 55-56C; A amall, nominal, cartons, lo addition aL cheese Price to retaners, Portland. Oreaon alntles. 46H-50C; 8-lb. loaves, 62-53 H0 lb.; triplets, itto leas tnan aln tles. Premium branda alntlea, 66Vioi loaf, OOVac. Processed American cheeae, 6-io. loavea to retail, 45VX-40vac 10. Poultry Live Chlekena (No. 1 quality, P. O. B. plants.) Fryers, 1H-3 lbs., 30-31c; l-t lbs., 30-31C-, roasters, 4Vx lbs., and over, 30-31e; heavy hens, all weltbta, 35c; light hena, all weights, 23c; old roosters, 14-15C. Dressed Chickens Pryers, 2ti-3 lbs., 41 15c; roastera. 43-44e: lltht hens, ll-12c; heavy hens, 36-37civ eut np 'fryera, all wetffhts. 43-44C. Babbits Averate to trowera: Llva whites. 4-5 Hs J5-27C; I-t lba. 90-240 lb.; old does, 10-13C. tew hither. Fresh dressed fryera to retailers, ll-64c; out up, B6-6BC. Country Killed Meata Veal Top quality, 41-430 lb aome to 45c: routn heavies. aa-oc. Bote Lean blockers, 30-32CI aowe, lltht 25-2HC Lamba Top trade aprlntera, 40-42CI other trades, according to quality. Mutton Beat awes and wethera 16-180 lb. Beef utility cows, 36-320 Ib.t canner- cutters, Z0-27C. Fresh Dressed Meata Wholesalera to retailera. Dollara per cwt.: Beef steers, choice. (00-700 lbs., 18.00 41.00; tood, 31,00-40.00; commercial, 36.00, 38.00; utility, 33.00-36.00; oowa, commer cial, 31.00-33.00; utility, 30.00-33.00; can- nera-cuttera, 28.00-31.00. Beef Cuts (choice steers) Hind auar ten, 47.00-51.00; rounds, 46.00-40.00: full loins, trimmed, 63.00-73.00; trlantles. 32.00 - 38.00; forequartera, 36,00 38.00; chucks, 38.00-43.00; ribs, 48.00-33.00. veal Good. 845-56; commercials, 338-49. Calvea Choice, 148-68: commercials. 838-48. Lamba Prima aprlntera, 40-60 lba. $43-45: tood, 640-44. Mutton aood choice, 821-24. Perk Cuts Lolnj. No. 1. 8-12 lbs.. 853- S7; shoulders, 10 lbs., $35-361 eparerlbs, $46-48: fresh hams. 10-14 lbs., 150-59. Smoked Hams Skinned. 861-856: slab bacon, 843-61. Refined lard In drums, 17 818.50: elab bacon, $38-845. Portland Mlseellaneoue Celery-cal. flat crate. 2-2 dog.. 11.35- $4.25. Few to $4.50. Ore., 12. 29-12. to Onions 60 lb. sacks West Oregon yel lows, medium, $3.76-4; 3-Inch, 34.60-5; No. 2s, $2.00-25c; boilers, 10 lbs. aacks, 45-47c; Idaho yellows, lane, $3.60-3.75; No. 1 lane, $3.25-3.76: white med. lane, $4.35 4.50: lane, 84-4.25. Pelatoea Ore. -Wash, rusaeta. No. 1. 4.00-60: name branda to 4.B6; bakers. 5.00-25; 25 lbs., Blze A, 1.16-30: 10 lb. mesh, 50-55c; paper, 49-53C; No. 2, 80 lbs., 11.00- 40; Idaho rusaeta, balee, 6-10 lba., 3.00 i: 100-lb. aacks, 6.00-25; 36 lb. No. Is. 1.40-50. Hay TJ. 8. No. t treen alfalfa, deliver ed car lota P.O.B. Portland, nominally 137 ton; Seattle, $38-40. wool Wlllanutte val ey mostly nomln. al at 45e lb. treasa basis. Hides Calvea. 18-18C lb. accordlni to welrhts; treen kips, 10-12c; beef, 10-12c lb.: bulls, 3-4Hc: men butcher cow hides. Filberts Wholesale aelllnt price No. 1 large Barcelonai, 24-26o lb.; grower prlcea. orchard run. 14-150 lb. Walnote Wholesale aelllnt price, first quality lane Franquettee. 32-33o lb.: trower price, orchard run, 16-160 lb., tew oest to 18C. Cltloa Service Conaolldated Edison Consolidated Vultea Crown seilerbach curtlsa wrltnt ... Douglas Aircraft Ou Pont da leemoura Baatman rodsk Emerson Radio General Electric General Pood aeneral Motors Ooorgla Pac Plywood Ooodyear Tire Bomeataka Mining Co International Harvester ... International Paper ... Johns Manvllle Kenneeott copper Llbby MoNell Lockheed Aircraft Loewea Incorporated ...' Long Bell Monttomery Ward Naah Kelvlnator New York central ' Northern Pacltlo Pacltto American Pish ... Pacltlo Qaa ai Electric .... Paclllo Tel. At Tel Packard Motor Car Penney, J. C PennirWanla R. R Bepal Cola co Phllco Radio Radio Corporation " Rayonler Incorp " Rayonler incorp, PId. .. Republic Steel Reynolds Metala " Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc. ....' Scott Paper Co Sears, Roebuck At Co. Socony-Vacuum Oil ,.... Southern Pacific ' Standard Oil Calif " Standard OU N, J studebaker Corp. Sunshine Mlnlnt ' Swift ea Company Transamerlca Corp. ... Twentieth Century Pox . Union Oil Company Union Pacltlo United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United Statea Plywood .. United Statea steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel Weatlnihouse Air Brake Westlnghouaa Electrlo ,. Woolwortn , 84 . J8 . 31 . 67 , . a , 97 . 444. . 12V , t3Vt . 17 . 17tt . 66 . 41 . 1014 . 64H . 114b . 16 . 6V . 14 . 1314 . II . (04 . 24 . 13tt . 17Vl . 30H ,.119 .. 6 ,. I7H ,. 33 ,. 31Vk .. 354 .. 19H .. 48 .. 64H .. llVa .. 35U .. 66V4 .. W .. 35 .. 47 .. 66tt .. 18Va .. 40 . 30 . 20 . UK . 40 ,1134 . 30 ,. 37 Ml ,. 6V .. 10 .. 41 .. i6y .. 40 .. live .. 40 .. 46 DENNIS the MENACE eyKetctr-i OU VOtT HAVE t K NC6 TDMB. SS" SOT THE ' Ckleata Qralet Chicago tn Drains did A tot of iump- lnt around on tha board of trade Thun der without tettlnt anywhere. Corn was tha WBaaest cereal or au, lasting on the rallies and leading the way on tha alumpa. ' Wheat cloaeo va lower 10 ve nianer, March 81.26K, corn unchanted to low er, March 81.6614. oata lower to hither, March US, rye - lower, May tlK-IMSft, aoybeana lower to lv higher. March aa.raa-as.oa. ana ir w to 23 cente A hundred pounds, higher, March $10.40. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All mekea used machlnaa aold, rented, repaired. Roen. 466 Court. Ph. 1-9713. -a BULLDOZING CASH REQISTEBS LEGALS DEESSMAKINO SUMMONS No. 88706 IK THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OP OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OP MARION QLEN P. BERINOER. aa Administrator v, . v.1.1. nf ix-yiord Emsat Ber- lnger. deceased. Plaintiff, DR1VINO INSTRUCTION Portland Easlslda Market Portland (u.Ri 'in-....i was alow today on the Portland Eastslde Farmere Whole sale Produce market with the only ofter Inga quoted at nominal prices. On wholesale produce row dry onlona moved at 83.75-4.25 for top quality 2-lnch mlnlmumg of 60 lbs.; 3-lnchea were $5-6.50. Wine rhubarb waa 62.25 a 15 -lb. bog. ItJinilf I: I 1 7 1 J I ,aXe4 UbUktMaE46tlxtitMU ParlUnd Grain Portland W Mo comb irtloa auoted, 'Wheat (bid) to arrive market, bails No. 1 Duut, oeiiTerM coait: Bolt White 3.44; Soft White (excludim Res) a.4; White Club 3.44. . Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 1.47; 10 per cent a.47; XI per cent 2.47; la per cent 1.47. Hard White Baart: Ordinary 1.44; 10 per cent 3.44; 11 per cent S.44; IS per cent Car rtcelpti: Wheat 49; flour I; corn ; mm jcco m. LEGAL NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN that L. W. TV IE, cuardlan of the Eitate of MAE U. IVE, will, at 310 Pioneer Truet Buildlni, flalem. Marlon County, Oregon, on or after April 11, 1853, at 1:30 In the (ore noon of tald day, aell at private iale lor cash the interest or Mae If. I vie in and to the following described real premlieit to wit: Tract: Lot One In Block Forty-four In North Salem, Uarlon County, Ore gon, and more particularly described ai being the North half ot the North east Quarter of Block 44 In North Balem, Marlon County, Oregon, ac cording to the plat thereof on file and of record In the office of the Recorder of conveyances for Marlon County, Oregon. Said sale U to be made In punuance of an Order of the Honorable Rex Klm mell, one of the Judirs of the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon for Marlon County In proceeding! pending therein entitled "In the Matter of the Ouardlan hip of the Estate of MAE M. IV IK," Clerk's Register No. 13110. Dated trad frit published March 13, 1853. L. W. IV IE. Ouardlan of the Estate Of MAS M. IVIE. RHOTKN, RHOTEN efc BPEERATRA Pioneer Trust Building Salem, Oregon Attorneys tor Ouardlan. Mar 13 It Sflt Apr 3 ADRIKN PEMBERTON, and au otner persona and parties unmowo nav.u or claiming any right, tiUe, tatate, lien or lntereit tn and to the real ritnerihid in the Complaint herein, Defendants. in thb NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE GON: You and each of you are hereby required to appear ana iBiwn wn wui- la i Ptiawi ai ai at inn c vniB in iiii aniii n- mull on or before the date of the last publication ot this Summons to-wlt: March 19, 1913, nd If you tail so to appear and answer, iot want menu., the plaintiff wUl apply to the Court tor tfc riur nravftd for in isid Complaint, to- wit: For a decree quieting title to the real nmDM-tv In aatd Complaint ana nereis .fti ari8anribd. .nd decreeing that Olen v. Bsrinser as administrator of the sutfttft af Oaviord Ernest Berlnser, de a.t8wi t th ania local and equitable owner in fee simple oi saw property ana decreeing that none of the defendants in th.. ktir.EA.g..tiLid suit have any runt. title. iittaraL llan or ostate In or to the same or any part thereof, which real nrnnrt 1m deierlbsd as follOWO. tO-Wltl &esinnmg at a poms on vn da Pnxt Road: ttience Nortn ivo noas: thencs East. 340 Rods; thence South 0 Rods; thence West 10 Rods; thence nouth in Rods! thence West 90 Rods: thenct South 30 Rods; thence West 00 Rods, to the place of beginning, being 337 acres, more or less, and which land Vim thereon a houie and four barns, H belna In Section t. T. S. R. 3 Eait of the WUlametta Meridian In Marlon County, Oregon. Ataa described as: Beginning at a point on the Section Line between Sections 1 and in Town ahiD S South. Range 3 East of the Wll- iimitta Meridian In Marlon County, Oregon. Said point being JflO.OO-feetM North 0 22' West from the soutnwest corner ot said Section 3; thence North 0" 33' West 944.70 feet; thence East 3068.84 feet to the line dividing Section a into Rut nd Wert halves i thence Nortn o 33' East 1330.30 feet to the center of Section 8; thence west jmb.bp leet; thence North 0' 9' Weet 1388.88 feett thence South 85' West 1339.80 feet; thence North 0 33' West 53.73 feet; thence South 70" 6' West 134.05 feet; thence South 83 43' West 359.35 feet; thence South 09 W West 389.35 feet; thence South 83 1' West 638.97 feet; thence South 0 38' East 3306.55 feet to . a point which Is 333.33 feet North o 38' West from the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 7; thence North 68 30' East 1338.35 feet to tho place of be ginning. This Summons Is served upon you by publication in the Capital Journal, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published at Salem, in Marlon Coun ty, Oregon, for a period of once each week and tour successive weeks as pre scribed by and pursuant to an order of the Honorable Rex rimmell. Judge of the above-named Court, duly entered herein the 33th day of February. 1953. The date of the first publication of this Sum mons Is February 36th, 1963, and the date of the last publication hereof Is March 19, 1953. . T. WILLIAM BTORTZ , Attorney for Plaintiff 300 Oray Building Salem. Oregon reb. 38, Mar. I, 13, 19, IK 3. EXCAVATING Ben Otlen A Son. tacavettiig"thV, land clearing. Phone i-30w. w INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS. Bulldoslng road, clearing teeth. Vlrell Huskey. 1010 Fiirview, Ph. 3-31460 o89 Instsnt delivery of new RCA cash reg isters. All makes, sou, res tea, ropurea. Roen. 458 Court. Ph. 3-8773. p Alterations, hemstitching, buttons, buckles covered, buttonhole. Mrs.B. M. AUender, 3-8911. Learn to drive the "Easy Drive" . wiy. Call or set Mr. Rickaro, vaiiey motor Co.. Salem. Phone 33147 or 4&174., .0 Fork-lift trucks. Inside and UtffOOO and 4000 lb. machines. By day. week of month. Ph. 33436. Capital City Trans fer. Insulation, estimates. weatherstrips, sereensir- Fret T. Pullman. Phone S-965- MATTREB8ES Capitol Bedding, renovates. Full, Una new nattreue. Ph. 34069. OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPLIES Desk chairs, tiles, filing supplies, Mtfta, duplicators, supplies, desk lamps, type writer standi. Roen, 450 Court, -f- "0 1 SEPTIC TAN KB Hamel's eeptlo tanks cleaned, llrar fpm ice;Ouaranteed work. Phone 3740, pjff "itike's'septle aServlce. Tanks eietthed. D' rooter cleans sewers, drains, rhonsj 1-968. ' UfV Sewer, septle tanks, drains cleaned. Ro to-Rooter Sewer Service, Phone 33I&7. ; m TV Sales, Service, Antenna. Ave. Phone 4-5933. 1870 Una oV WINDOW CLEANING "B oSt Z" Window Cleaners, paint scrap lng. floor waxing and general varvic. Reeldentlels our specialty. Qo any wnere. Ph. 3-7931. ,n 081 Acme Window Cleaners. InduitriaJ waxing, housecleanlng. Phone 1-33! Court. h p-i TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Remington, Boyal,- Cn derwood portables. AU makes nsecr ma chines. Repairs rent Roen, tircWtt. tP Journal Want Ads Pay (TDT Chan, 1 Or. V T. Lam. N D Dr. o. DRS. CHAN ... LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS DpsUIn, Ml North Liberty Office open Saturday only, 10 ajn. to 1 pjn., 6 to 7 pjn. Oon aultaUon, blood prewure and urine tests are free of oharge. Practiced since 1917; Write for attractive Rift No obligation To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 ear. rl rr srJ irj 11112 eaBeaeBB aaa - aawsBBa a Ht great Perllani Ll.ealert Portland njRl Cattle: 100; slow, steerir: !rin nrl Mrs Ada Tvlcr Mcr-'eanner cutter eows 11-14; utllltr eoa-s &c o, ana mrs. Aaa lyicr, mer ' . ,,, Itd ,Mtj culltr , h,. ere unsoln. Calres: m good-ehoke slow, ateadr; realers 88-88.80. Hogs; 200; holdover no; alow, steady rill, Ore.; five grandchildren and 18 nlccea and nephews. Funeral services will be at 1 P.m. Friday, Marcn 13, at neu weeg; cnoice ie-sa 10. mumri ii, jji r , i tl Clnulnr. 83 88'. choice 1 butchers. JJ.TJ: TI0 Ins. 1; Weddle Funeral Home, Stayton, 'cMI;t ,3S.4M lb low, , With tllC RCV. Glenn Vernon of- ntp: S00; aleusMer lamha ersree; r,';lir,rr n.irinl urill Ko In thl choice 1J0 lba. 18.50; choke llehl lamb. ficiatinK. Burial will DC in wlUl1 , . ,M lrri... ; Weisner cemetery. I choice slaughter .was .uotabia 180-8 .0. Triangle'a amagiiv now chick atarte in Knimblized form bb mnUnf rant rroorda far bcfllthier. faatcr irnrer in chicks. Thas ran!, as iwsra. emous.i for wa. fewding ret amall amough tn tea ante fur tha aMlUaat chicka. Giwm your chicka a good Mart frith Triangl. Knimblesl. Sold locally by YOUR TRIANGLE DEALER WILLAMETTE FEED & SUPPLY D. A. WHITE i SONS FRED DiVPIES & SONS, RT. i . . matter oi .t thi t." !.V.vour((uiclins V-ut .n darn , c . -nd ever tcauj Vft f.Vnlly.Wc "r" ,V ription ith unusual cre vntmtAi at regis- an a-e sxtst ajara I :-ea "v i ,erv" I t4r4rrr-Sn Capital Drug Store 405 State (Corner of Liberty) WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS . I TfTTt JIZZrrMWr'NrariiilZ Ie.aVatLL.alai; -iii...iy