Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 12, 1953, Page 16, Image 16

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    Capital. Journal, Salem, Ore., Thura., March 12, 1953
TTr : .1 1
Radio-Television (j
On Television
KPTV (Channel 27)
(Onlr procrtmi Khodulod In Rdvaneol
J'-News that KtTV is going to tele-cast the NCAA playoffs
Friday and Saturday nights was well received by local
ports fans. The way they are going to do it is: KING-TV
friir do the telecasting chores and the TV waves will be sent
quv irom a tower atop jjearourn nan b vicwh wr
milpa south of Salem aton Pros
beet hill. This tower is a special 200-foot job which was
erected for this purpose by the telephone company. From
fiiere the waves will travel to a; tower between here and
Portland and then to the telephone company building on
Bh Broadway in Portland. Krrv win xnen pick up uw
,,.. u MonhnTu hnilrlincr nn Rroadwav while the
waves will be sent to the telephone office to be sent to
a . i ttt rrnf
Seattle via network relay caoies, ior v.
iV?. ,". '
LJThe trouble which has been bothering local televiewers
fhe-past week is due to technical problems the telephone
Company is having ... so says KPTV.
j .
2 jpuring the above-mentioned trouble, local TV Tepair
man's wife calls to tell him to-come home and fix set . . .
Gent already busy answering calls from public telling them
trouble is station, not set . . . What a life !
... Maybe same man, but anyway a TV repairman tells lady
- .'of the house here not to tinker with set. She didn't touch a
' knob, not even the on and off switch for over three months.
, .
KPTV is having a tough time deciding who gets to work
the morning of the Atomic Bomb blasts. This project will
-be telecast at 5 a.m. Sunday. . . . Drawing straws may be
the final outcome of it all.
'.I Lawrence Harvey, local TV backer for UHF channel 24,
KEY-TV, blew in and out of town as fast as one could turn a
-TV. set on and off. Local radio station manager says he
.'didn't even get to see him. A pair of ladies doing a lot of
-typing for his concern got to see his hat from a distance in
.local hotel. They were luckier than a lot of other Salem-
ltes I know.
i.-1Quiz Kids at 5, will serve as "guinea pigs" for a lie de
Hector, trying to confuse the device with a few intentional
wrong answers.
" v Theater at 9 o'clock, Gene Lockhart, Lon McCallister in
l"My Daughter's Husband." A successful businessman
- learns his new son-in-law is a lowly apprentice who cannot
S&upport his daughter as he thinks she should be supported.
!ir. Hollywood Wrestling at 10 :30. Main event: Baron Leone
.'vs. Hans Schnabel. Semimain event: Brtoher Frank Jares
Hi. Vincent Lopez.
Nite Owl Theater at 11:30. "Medicine Man," starring
- Jack Benny.
."""Kate Smith Show at 1. Hoctor and Byrd, dance team;
iketch, "The Endowment," Jimmy Nelson, ventriloquist,
.rand musical segment.
Matinee Theater at 3. "King of the Circus." John Loder,
-Gregory Ratoff.
Salem's Most Complete
Television Center
Phone Day or Night
2-161 lor 2-4728
00 a.m. Freedom Rlma
SO a.m. Hollywood Real
46 a.m. Carry Moora-
00 M. Big Payoff
ao p.m. Welcome Traveler
:00 p.m. Kate Bmltb
00 D.m. Feminine Anne
:1 p.m. Arthur Godfrey
30 p.m. trike it men
00 p.m. Matinee Theater
:16 p.m. Search for Tomorrow
30 p.m. Love of Lire
p.m. ) i ranger in an nciiun
00 p.m. Howdy Dood
00 p.m. Rang Rider
SO p.m. Doug Edward, Neva
44 p.m. Time for Beany
00 p.m. My Hero
15 p.m. Sportsman'! CJUB
:30 p.m. Dinah Shore
4 p.m. newe Caravan
00 p.m. Oroucho Marx
SO i .m. Burn and Allen
00 p.m. The Unexpected
SO p.m. For J Theater
00 p.m. Martin Kane, Detective
30 p.m. Hollywood Wrutllni
SO p.m. Nlte Owl
No Red Composer Dared
!o.:Write Funeral Piece
Tokyo (ff) Why was the work
I W Polish composer Chopin play
ed at Stalin's funeral?
, . The newspaper Mainichi asked
that 'question Thursday, then an
swered It this way:
"No Russian composer would
write a funeral march, lest he be
nabbed and purged for antici
pating someone s death."
For two months in 1933, be
tween the death of Coolidge and
the retirement of Hoover, the
United States had no living ex-President.
First in Public Demand!
TV Center
Open to 9 p.m.
1 30 yrs. in Salem
a. Big Paroff
n. Welcome Traveler!
n. Kate Smith
i. Double or Nothing
i. Strike It Rich
l. Matinee Theater
l. Search for Tomorrow
i. Love of Life
i. Quia Kids
l. Roy Rogera
l. Clieo Kid
i.Doug Edward. Newi
i. Time for Beany
l. Cavalcade of 8porta
i. Newi Caravan
i. Abbott and Costello
i. You taxed for It
l Big story
i. Mr. and lira. Worth
l. Dennla Day
i. Adolph Menlou
i. Bob coneidlna
i. Life of Riley
i. Nlte Owl
i. Nlte Owl
22,000 Troops Wind up
Winter War Maneuvers
CamD Drum. N. Y. (m 15v
ercise Snow Storm the Army's
nearly snow-less winter war
games came to an end Thurs
day as part of the 22,000 troops
involved DreDared to low tnr
xneir Dome base.
A convoy of 750 vehicles anri
0,000 paratroopers 01 tne 8Znd
Airborne Division was to dpnnrt
I for Ft. Bragg, N. C.
! W NBC 10 CBS IIW ABC 3 MBC ia K C. U tBI
It :M Neva New. rail Harvey Tap Tradea Jpld.r Newe
1:15 Bead at Life Cm. O.I It Neaa Edllle, NW Newa Spider rreul tieVall
: 12:39 Pep. Yaaag Parly Jaek Owen. Gay Me riplder Frank DcVall
I H:J Happlueae Heuee Parly lack Owen. Hull Spider michle
j U2 Bekilg Wife Bllllap Hm. Kay Weet Vlrkweed sTider ag. Helady
I 1:15 Stella Delia. Aanl Jeaelaai Kay Weal Klrkwaad ' Spider Mag. Melody
' 1:4V Wider BroweKlrkham Kay Weal Lacky U Spider Mag. Melady
Waai. In Hie Klrkhaaa Kay Wert Kanek Spider Mag. Melady
!: Plain BUI Mailt SparkU Cal Tinney Newe Bee. Ream Mag. Melady
'ii 'arrell Gadfrey Cal Tinner Maelti Bee. Baoei Mag. Melady
.30 u Jenei Gadfrey Live Like Maele Bee. Beam B. Tourney
Dae'e Wife Oadfrey Millionaire Shappera Bee. Beam B. Toarney
i:00 Weleaaia Gadfrey Maale Kevie Oar Town Jim Dandy B. Toarney
:I5 Traveler Gadfrey BUI Ring Woodbura Jim Dandy B. Toarney
; j Dr. Pa.l Gadfrey rar Girl, ' Newe Jim Dandy B. Tonrney
Oarraway 1 Carl Mailer For Glrla Mao Onlre Jim Dandy B. Tourney
:M fife Beautlf. Klrkkam Tiny Tunea Full. Lewie Klddlea KrnnB. Tourney
:15 Mule Boa Ruth Albion Squirrel Cag Hemingway Muile Marl B. Tourney
a i A ,,m w,,,l Soulrrel Cag Curt Maiaey Muile Marl B. Tourney
,,a Muile Boa Tunefully Mappy Time Sam Hayea Muile Marl B. Tourney
J: 00 "ewa Parade Ed Murraw Merry Circle Muile Muile Marl B. Tourney
:15 Newa Parade Salem Newe v. Plnkler Woodland Muile Marl B. Tourney
5:30, L. MeCall World Today Cbet Huntley Wild BIU Muile Marl Vally Beperl
5:45 It. Pelenon Newa Bob Oarred lllekek Wmle Marl Fiibeailer
(1:00 Relay. With Yanik Weatherman Gab. Healer Sign Off Candlellglb
:i; Moile Bpolttght Hme Edition NW Newa Candlellglb
:Sn JudyCanava Sperla Gd. Llilnlng Amwer Man New.
1:45 Judy Meditation Blackburn Sam Hayee Ml Keya
Jiffl CrlllealUe. Mr. I. C. Flghla ' Jlm'y Fldler RoTary
7:15 00.000 Child. Keporta Hihli Legislative Muile
7:Sfl J. C. Bwayae Roeky Flghla Clico Kid NCAA
7:5 Hunl.-Fiin. Jordan Flghla Clica Kid NCAA
:M Man1. Famll: L.Thomaa Langlnea Adventurer . NCAA
!:15 5"" N,w" " ,p' Sympbonella Adventurer NCAA
8:35 f"I" Mnilo In Air Fun for All Harmonlei NCAA
: Hit Parade Muile In Air Fun for All Din. Concert KCaA
!:0J Flrel Nlghtei Mr. Keen Oiile- Glen Hardy ' Mld-Caurt
;15 Flr.l Nlghlei Mr. Keen Harriett Fulton Lewii NCAA
9:JJ Freedom Jo Stafford Corllie Muile NCAA
C45 Forum 3r. Mill Archer Muile NCAA
19:00 RenorUr 5 Star Final Final Edit. Behind Ston " NCAA
10:15 Bporl. Page Interview! Danee Time Newareel NCAA
JJiSn Dangeroui City Club Dance Time New. NCAA
1:45 Angnmnl. Talka Danee Time Millie NCAA
U:IH1 Nawi Capitol Dance Time Malile ' Newa
H :!5 is. j0" Cleakraom Dance Time Muile Muile C Want
11 :5 .!'""" Tr,,," "anee Time Newa Muile U Want
11:45 City Council Banditand Dance Time Muile Nocturne
lZiflO Sign Off 'Silent Dance Time sign Off I I Sign Off
Four Corners
Don't fret over o down payment.
We take most anything on a trade
(or a beautiful
Set. See Us First for the Finest!
1870 Lana Ave. Phone 38558
Open Monday and Friday Evenings
Women's Circle in Meeting a! Dallas
Four Corners The Mission
ary group of the Baptist church
held its March meeting in the
c n um home on Tuesday
with Mrs. Hovey as the hostess.
,. Hmisfeld save the
devotions and presented the lesson,
en., momiuri nf the local
church will be hosts and serve
ikonn Virrh 25 to the Wil
lamette Area Missionary
Women's Fellowship meeung.
irn.fAtp corupH riessert re
freshments to Mrs. S. H. Cable,
Mrs. W. R. Gould, Mrs. x.u
Carsten, Mrs. Minard Herman-
sen, Mrs. Roy Ree.l, Mrs. uiiver
Rickman, Mrs. Kldon France,
Mrs. E. F. Hausifrid, Mrs. Victor
Loucks, Mrs. George Van L.eeu
wen. Un.riinn thp hralded run work
shop to be held Wednesday,!
March 18, and 25 will be Mrs.;
lrvnact Wnlkpr and Mrs. Albert
Kneiling. This-an all day meet-;
ing beginning at ten o ciock who
sack lunch. Finished rugs will:
ho nn riisnlav and all interested
women of the community are invited.
raliod In Bismark. N. D.. this
week by the illness of her father,
Mr. and Mrs. Tully Williams ieii
by train. Their daughters Carol
nnrt .Tanir. will stav with the Roy
Thayers while their parents are
Misa Sandra Tavlor of Astor
ia is a house guest of her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Rickman. While here Miss iay
lnr will also visit her grand-
j parents Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Tay
lor of Salem.
Spring vacation begins Friday
evening for the students of Lin
:oln school and lasts through all
next week. The faculty will at
tend the Oregon Education As
sociation convention in Portland
March 16-17-18.
circle of the Methodist church
met at the home of Mrs. C. u
Hawkins Tuesday, March 10,
with a dessert luncheon served
jjomKuwsiu. mrs.. UomkowilJ
was assisted by Charles Marsten;
Present at the meeting werj
Mesdames Hugo Effeni Ion...
With, llfTosse, were! Mary Starr, . Gertrude Pow '
at 1:30. Assisting hostesse were t g HanUhnl'
Mrs. Emma Stout and Mrs. A. J. nanu W
P - ".HS( Mil ft
Bergey, Taylor Dunn, Howan
Eastman, C. L. Foster, Georp.
Greenwell, Frank Hobson. L w
Brown. - ..
The devotions for the meeting
were led by Mrs. George Green
well. The business meeting con
. ..j -. Ponrl Hushes.
chairman, was cut short because
of the nature of tne program.
. . nininre "Mental Hv-
rt IUUV1IIB pi...,
giene," was shown by the foik
county health nurse.mrsjiic
. .v.. , . o-- 1U VV t.ll Hi
car Holmes, P, K: Hughes, A T
Hildebrand, C. E. Je'Dsen v
son, A. M. Larsam, L. L. My.
and the hostesses. Mm w,..i:,
Mrs. Stout, and Mrs. Brown.
SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 11:45 A.M.
I ! 19 i . fff 11 na - mm av
1 -elr"
&t' Ft Ii
U I Aav'A'a
? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmT I
big difference in whiskies. That's why
we invite you to compare smoother,
mellower Calvert with your usual
brand in this easy taste test:
H-oz. samples of
Calvert and any other whiskey.
Compare their aroma with,
out knowing which is which.
Calvert and the
other brand to judge their
smoothness, mellowness free
dom from harshness.
CH0QC the whiskey
you really like better. We ' 1
sure you'll pick finer-ta? ,
Calvert. But make the tes' J
then decide. Fair enou&h 'r
6,00 Muilo Time CBS Newt Farm Honr Newi Saturday Weitern
!:1S Musfe Tlua KOIN Kloek Farm Honr Timekeeper Salute Helodloa
:1tl Mnsie Time KOIN Kloek Farm Hour March Time Satardar Farm Newa
:45 Mnile Time KOIN Kloek Farm Hour NW Newe Salute Newe
1:00 News KOIN Kloek lit Edition Hemlnrway Saturday KOCO Kloek
7:15 Now Bear Newt Aironiky Breakfast Salute KOCO Kloek
7;q Tbli Newe Veti Newa Breakfast Saturday KOCO Kloek
7;45 K. Mannlm Consumer Bob Hateo Newa Salute Eaten Senr.
i.M Muate Bex Newi Smlllnr Ed Musle Saturday Proudly Hall
Ijj Muslo Boa Grand Cent. HeConnell Mutle Salute Proudly Hall
.ff Musle Box Give and No School Haven of ' Saturday Concert
tjjj Adventure Take Today Rest Salute Concert
a.fu) Howdy Dood; Theater of Toyland News Polk County News
:r Howdy Dood: Today Tune March Time Platter Fart Science
Howdr Dood: Stan "r Space Patrol Pastor'a Call Platter Part) Sat.Serenade
Jlf tj Howdr Dood: Hollywood Space Patrol Bargain Platter Part) Kids Corner
1000 Keadlnr Fun Fun for All Stan of Glen Hardy Platter Partj Aunt Battle
15 Bk. Carnival Fun for All Tomorrow Muile Platter Part) Aunt Battle
6:30 Hollywood City Hospital Stars of Hirh School Platter Part) Melody
10:45 Breakfast City Hospital Tomorrow Chas. Antell Platter Part) Sat. Serena.
1100 H"r Le Muslo with Met. Opera Mnslc Hour Platter Part) Saturday
11:1!. Taylor Girls Met. Opera Musle Hour Platter Part) Serenade .
Hi SO Farm and Meet Missus Met. Opera Farm Press Platter Partj Saturday
;45 Home Houi Meet Missus Met. Opera Farm Press Platter Partj Serenade
PM Mtr.i KOIN lo 1.1, 4 a.m. le It p.m. KEX 93.X, lilt .m.
KCSkC ldey P.M. lt:W, News:
VWI-lw iI:15 N.on rM Heart 1:00.
Navy star Timet ZOO. Especially for VTom-
S:0O, People Under Communism;
4:00, Sporli Foreeastt 8:00, Children's
Theater; 0:00. News, Weather t :45, State
If O AC Rl1- A.M. 10:00 News; 11:15,
Especially for Women i 11:00.
Concert Hall: 13:00. Newsi Z.-00. Musle of
Masterst 4:00, Excursions In Science.
Leililaturei 7:10, Farm Bonn 7:35, NCAA
Dallas Women
Study Missions
Dallas The Missionary soci
ety of the First Presbyterian
church met at the home of Mrs.
L. W. Plummer on Tuesday,
March 10.
The meeting opened with a
discussion by Mrs. Roy Blan-
chard regarding the mission in
Mrs. Claude Beebe led the de
votions with the theme of serv
The program consisted of a
discussion by Mrs. C. L. Crider
regarding her recent trip abroad.
Mrs. Crider stressed the trlD to
the Holy Land during her dis
cussion, Mrs. Plummer was assisted by
her daughter, Mrs. N. John Han
sen. Other members present includ
ed Mesdames Earlc Richardson,
Sydney Hanson, E. W. Benbow,
Roy Blanchard, Al Burlbach
Claude Beebe, John Cerny, Roy
Donahue, Charles Greenwood,
J. E. Johnson, Cora McBee, Hoi
lis Smith, Conrad Stafrin, Jack
Urness, S. E. Whitworth and
Frank Richards.
The following guests were in
troduced: Mesdames Charles Ze
manck, Fred Rosenkranz, Ross
Simpson, Ralph Hicks, Paul Mor
gan, Merrit DcGraff and her sis-ter-in-lnw,
Mildred Wright of
Fourth week, move in your- at the West Stavtnn sohnnl Frl-
self. Idav evenlne. March 13 ai H n m
The seoond week, landscape it.
The third week, nut in a bar
becue pit.
Missing Prisoner
Found Inside Walls
Marcellus Winters,, Oregon
State prison inmate reported
missing Tuesday night, was
found Wednesday night hidden in
the industrial building.
Warden Virgil L. O'Malley
had suspected that Winters was
hidden Inside the walls. For 24
hours guards and prison officers
had combed the prison buildings
looking for him.
Winters was missing at the 10
o'clock count Tuesday night. Af
ter a prison movie show he is
believed to have mingled with
inmates who are quartered in
the prison garage building who
have to go through the yard to
get to their quarters. The war
den thinks he may have dodged
into a ditch and later got into
the industrial building.
Winters is doing a 10-year rap
from Clackamas county for as
saulting a policeman with intent
to kill.
Aumsville The Aumsville
PTA will present a "Gay Nine
ties Revue" and minstrel show
Bl BB aaa
Saa"t'lr"flkdJW4W tjl fHlilgUj
1 A I -V a-rnT4fai IIJllIU I Ell
switch to
) Jul 2m
iC $ios
outwit W Vl
Contractor Gives Rules
For Disposing of House
Oakland, Calif. (Pi James R.
Scolt, Seattle contractor, gave
the Western Home Builders con
vention this advice on selling a
new house:
If it doesn't sell the first week,
put a fence around it.
Yeater Appliance Co.
375 Chemeketa Ph. 3-4311
Open Wcd. Frl. 'til 9 P.M;
Visit Our TV Theater
gWl" ,
Installed in Your Home for as Low as
$2.95 Per Week
Valley Television Center
Factory-trained Technicians
Baigley Bros.
2315 Fairgrounds Rd.
Phone 2-S-19'
171 Grant St.
Phone 3611
Don't Miss the
NCAA Playoffs
University of
KPTV, Friday,
Mar. 13, 7 p.m.
See the Big Game
Ralph Johnson
Appliance Co.
355 Center
Phone 3-3139
Marr Radio, Inc.
2)70 S. Commercial Phone Mill
Better Yet There Is Still Time to Htm
a MOTOROLA Installed Before
Game Time
...See it on the new '55
Motorola TV
Standout Picture
Stings the Action into the Room
hogany plastic table w'lh King-size
21 inch CYHNDRI.
CAL Standout Pic
Jure tube. All models
vup DU-in UHF-
VHF aerials.
Malar.1. TV pltei l,ld. Ndanl lael.. T... pjn full .a-y
wrMy M All prm, a hrWi n, j,m4 Pfrftm Tub.