Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 12, 1953, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Thurs., March 13, 1953
West's Top Four Hoop
Teams Gather at Corvallis
Corvallis The West's
top four college basketball teams
pen play here Friday nifht for
the Western Regional NCAA
rown with YVashinrton'a mlrhtr
Buaklea favored to dethrone last
year's Cinderella title winner,
. Banta Clara.
Washington and Seattle uni
versity open the big show with
Santa Clara matched against
Wyoming in the second game,
Both are "naturals."
Ail-American Bob Houbregs,
Washington s hook-shot special
1st faces All-American Johnny
O'Brien of Seattle in a "dream"
game that has been the talk of
northwest basketball circles for
weeks. Wyoming will be seek
lng revenge for a 66-63 defeat
heanded it here last season by
the fuzzy-cheeked Broncos.
Coaches Tippy Dye of the
all-senior - Washington team
and Al Brlghtman of Seattle
stressed defense in their final
workouts. Dye, besides worry
ing about the uncanny
O'Brien, Is concerned about
Seattle's blistering fast break.
He's kept It a secret about
plans for stopping Johnny, but
ays "any fast break can be
lowed down."
Brlghtman's big worry, besides
Houbregs accuracy, is Wash'
lngton's tremendous height ad
vantage. The Chieftains have no
first-line player to match the
six-foot-seven Houbregs and six-
eight Doug McClary. Unless he
witches plans, Brlghtman will
use six-foot-two Wayne Sanford
to guard Houbregs.
Santa Clara finished the sea-
ton with eight straight victories.! left bis camp at Laramie early
The Broncos are led by senior
Dick Soares and three high-
scoring sophomores who delight
ed fans here last season by win
ning the title. They are six-foot-
nine forward Ken Sears, For
ward Jim Young, and Center
Herb Schoenstein. The Broncos,
coached by Bob Feerlck, rate as
the "darkhorse" team this sea
Wyoming Coach Erv Shelton
Winter Golf
Rules in Effect
At Saint Pete
St. Petersburg, Fla. W Win
ter rules were put into effect
to keep the touring golf profes
sionals happy as they teed off
Thursday in the first round of
the $10,000 St. Petersburg Open
tournament. -
These rules, which permit a
player to move his ball to a bet
ter He on the fairway, were de
cided upon by PGA officials to
prevent a mass withdrawal of
to watch Banta Clara defeat
Hardin Simmons Tuesday
night at Palo Alto.
The Cowboys, with a season's
record of 20 wins and eight de
feats, are making their seventh
appearance in the NCAA play
offs more than any college
team in the nation. They won
the national title in 1943 and
are the only defending national
titltsts in the tourney.
Game times are 7:30 and 9:30
p.m. both f rraay ana baturaay
nights. The winner here joins
three other teams in the nation
al playoffs in Kansas City next
Fred Toney of
No-Hit Fame
Dies at 65
Nashville. Tenn. OJ.B Fred
Toney, one-time fastball pitcher
who won the only double no-hit
game in the history of major-
league baseball, died of a heart
attack yesterday. He was 65. J
Toney, who had been an at-
Talks Here
SlaU Gill,
O r e ir o n
State college basketball coach,
will talk at a special meeting
of the Salem breakfast club
at 7:30 tomorrow1 morning at
the Senator hotel. Principals
and coaches of schools entered
In the Oregon state class B
basketball tournament, now la
progress at Willamette uni
versity, will be guests. All
male sports fans, whether or
not they are members of the
Breakfast club, are invited to
attend. Breakfast Is one dollar.
golfers like that which disrupted I tacho in the sheriff's office here
the El Paso Open last month.
Al Bessellnk, former Univer
sity of Miami golf star combined
long, true drives with dead-eye
putting for a four-under-par 67
to win low pro honors in n pro
amateur tune-up Wednesday.
Four other pros Ted Kroll,
New Hartford, N. Y.; Max Evans,
Detroit: John Barnum, Grand
Rapids, Mich., and Jerry Bar
ber, La Canada, Calif. got in
with 68s.
Oftn tut elM B batkstball ioaniBmtnt: WillamctU unlvirtltr. Two tamu
In afternoon, itartlni at 3:90. Two lamaa at niint aUrttug at 7:30.
Onion alata ! B tonroamenli Willamette unlrtnltr. Two eoniolatlon games
m afternoon, starting at 3; 30. Two aeml-flnal gamea at mtht, starting at 7:10.
Western regional VCAA basketball playoffs: Oregon State college, Corvallla. Two
tames, starting at
Oregon stata elasi B basketball toaraanenti WUIamatta university. Playoff for
fourth place, 8:30. Playoff for third place, 7:30. Championship game, 9 o'clock.
Western regional NCAA basketball playoffs Oregon State collate, Corvallis. Two
games, starting at cau.
We'd Enjoy Explaining
Our Prepaid Vacation Plan
465 Center phone 4-2261
in recent years, is survived by
his widow,
The former star righthander
was rated In his day as fast a
pitcher as the famed Walter
Johnson and Rube Waddell. He
pitched with the Cincinnati
Reds, Chicago Cubs, New York
Giants, and St. Louis Cardinals.
300 Teams
Expected for
Tacoma Meet
Seattle (P) Entries to the Pa
cific Northwest International
Bowling Congress at Tacoma
April 18-May 9 close March
22, Les Stark, secretary-treasurer,
announced Wednesday.
Three hundred teams from
the Pacific Northwest, Califor
nia, British Columbia, Idaho and
Montana are expected to com
pete. A total of 258 teams took
part in last year's Congress at
The entries should be mailed
to Stark at 3852 Williams ave
nue, Seattle, his home address.
Sammy Calls Urness
The Dalles VP) Eddie Urness,
young bonus pitcher from The
Dalles, will go into the army
at Ft. Lewis March 24. Urness,
the property of the Boston Red
Sox, got his notification from
draft officials Wednesday. He
already has passed his physical
Tag Teams in
Rematch Next
Tuesday Night
A rematch of the Logger Lar-
sen-timer Larsen vs. Doa Kin
dred-Frank James tag team
match has been scheduled for
the Salem armory next Tuesday,
and this time there will be two
Kindred and James defeated
the Larsen brothers in a tag
teamer at the armory Tuesday
night,' but the deciding fall was
To settle the matter Match
maker Elton Owen has signed
the two teams for another
match, with two referees. Glen
NAIA Basketball
Tournament in
Quarterfinal Round
Kansas City ') The defend
lag champion Springfield (Mo.)
State stakes its balanced attack
against Nebraska Wesleyan's
pointmaklng skyscraper, Don
Boldebuck, In Thursday night's
quarterfinal feature of the Na
tional Intercollegiate basket
ball tournament.
Springfield, officially South
west Missouri State college, rat
ed as favorite because of ad
vantage In experience and team
shooting, but it has to stop
Boldebuck, a 7-foot sopho
more who never played a sec
ond of basketball in high
school, has been the key man
in Wesleyan's 25-2 record this
winter. He's hit a total of 628
points In the 27 games while
averaging about 18 minute per
Wesleyan got into the Quar
terfinals by beating Arirona
State of Tempe, 83-71.
Springfield, which now has
a 21-4 mark for the winter, won
much as it pleased Wednesday
night over Stetson University
of Deland, Fla, 88-71.
Mississippi Southern, fastest
team in the week-long tourna
ment and second-seeded, put on
a driving finish to whip Loyola
of Baltimore, 94-83, in the sec
ond round.
Hamline dropped Eastern nil'
noia of Charleston, 88-86.
Flndlay defeated Pasadena
Nazarene College, 96-93 and
Tennessee A & I scored a 79-06
victory over St. Benedict's of
Atchison, Kans.
Stone, a licensed and capable
referee in the state of Wash
ington, is being brought , in as
the head official.
Advance ticket sale is now
underway at Barb's Sporting
Goods store.
Capitol Allevs
Podner, These Are Made
in Texas With Flat
Heels for Young 'Uns
Karri (4) W. Cllne Sr. 904, D. Poulln
457, B. Ryan 499, H. Wllkerson 486, X.
Hartwell 633. Marlon Motors (0) O.
Schroeder 472, R. sornmer 430, W. Gard
ner 455, C. Donahue 484, B. Thompson
Thrlltwer Cleaners 8 J. Bono 197,
M. McFarlane 107, J. Olney M7, T. Blt
ler 952, F. Evans A02. Marlon Hotel and
Car Perk (1) T. Vlttone 483, W. Jack
son 864, J. Irons 818, H. Fase 809, B.
Straw 600.
Northwest Poultry (I) M. Mirers 913,
H. Ryals 804, J. Minder 982, R. Meier 490,
o. Glodt 932. Brennan Tree Service 1)
T. Brennan 690, E. Llndsey 621, T. Pru
dente 455, B. Valdez 697, L. Anderson 698.
Busicks Grocers (8) E. Clark 699, R.
Farley 495, T. Gannon 987, J. De Bow 634,
W. West 619. Goodies Market (1) E.
Los an 498, O. Ireland 482, J. Frlesen 482,
E. Wllkalls 808, J. Nuber 497.
Harsballs 4 corners (81 J, Owens oil,
R. Ounc 668. o. Causer 909. E. Kay 900.
L. Ertsiaard 913. Walnut City Bowl (1)
K. Fyle 008, s. scnults no, L. Haslets 413,
J. Anderson 489, L. Anderson 991.
Rlsh team same Northwest Poultry.
1050. High team series Thrlftway
Cleaners, 8033. Hlsh lnd came and series
Tom Brennan ot Brennan Tree Service,
235 and 650.
37, A. Thtessen 399. F. Fltkln Ml, O.
Ralndolt 402, Byi 112.
Erleksens (!) K. Melton 491. L. Kim
ble 430. M. Story 381, A. Richardson ISO.
L. Rolls 340. San Shot (I) J, Hall 111,
V. York 402. L. Stanley 391, . Oroenley
380. W. Frank 400.
Cascade Meals () J. Garner Ml,
. Busby 73. R. Noffslneer 902. O. Oernar
240, L. Welsner 240, H. WeUner 17. Bess,
branrh Furnace (4) J. Moorman 133.
J. Holman 386, R. Greenwood 373, J. Fos
ter 331, H. Stevens 380.
Bamaies (4) R. zlnk 428. Bye 124.
M. Pstton 392, C. Nelnast 131. B. Lents
373. Mleks Ills Shop 0 M. Nelnast
362, H. Nelnast III, L. Gilt 118, I. Davis
399, T. Wood 169.
High team series Bricks mi's Market.
3004. Hlsh team same Woodrofle's San
Shop, 719. Hlsh lnd. tame and series
Ken Melton, 491 and 169.
Stan Baker 4 H. Nlcholls 481, J.
Jones 353. S. Quails 356. T. Lambert 469.
H. Stlffler 433. Crayoroft Telaeo (0)
W. Edmlnster 431, J. Abbr 404, D. Hardy
000, B. Crarcrolt Jr. 372, J. Craycroft 429.
Lana Avenue Servleo (8) Y. Barber
611, J. Hopilnger 464, U. Hammond 498,
Nelson 618. K. Hayes 492. Lour Bro
thers (1) D. Baumsart 459. F. Ohaka-
run 418, B. Keller 496, R. Solum 437.
valley Motor company 111 J. Farley
477, O. Schroyer 429, A. Holmes 392, L.
Myers 416, E. Bullock 494. Standard Sta
tions (8 D. Woodry 465, J. Frlesen 169,
Henxel l, b. (ttnnon 831, E. Lotan
Shrock Motor Company (8) A. Walen
440, E. Burton 391, B. Shuck 449, B. Ctrl
cus 425, O. Wlsser 910. Master Service Sta.
tlona (1) R. Dutolt 408, H. Wllken 492,
, Keen 440, R. Hoy 473.
Salem Auto Company (4) D. Dougher
ty 463. D. White 458, R. Ounn 689. B.
Dousherty 419, D. Eusch 619. Salem Ante
Farts (0) F. Ohern 523, V. Ekstrand
367, L. Spence 126, D. Stelnke 411, F.
Ward 391.
Hlsh team lams Valeyy Motor Com
pany. 886. Hlsh team aeries Standard
stations. 2912. Hlsh lnd. lime F. Ohern
of Salem Auto Parts, 221. Hlsh lnd. series
Y. Barber ot Lana Avenue Service, 111,
oiy-fitting-low heel boots
Rugged styling to appeal to
young cowpokes, careful
construction to meet mom's
requirements. Kldskin leg
with smart stitched design.
Black or Light tan with burgundy,
sizes 8V4 to 3.
authentic (toy Rogers
western boots
Exclusive ot Sears! Roy Rogers and
Trigger in raised design
decorote the side of the boot;
modified cowboy-type heel for
easier wolkina comfort. Rmum
with tan in sizes 8Vi to 3.
lass ssi . V -
Brilliant styling in soft kidskin
with distinctive white inlay
and piping. Welted side seams,
ook bend leather sole and heel
with rubber lift. Reddish
brown leg, tan vomp, sizes 7 to 1 1,
Same style, loys' sites, 2 V4-6 . . . 9.88
a e jt(at t&ty fact
Phone 3-9191
550 N. Capitol, Salem
KOCO Slates
Busy Schedule
Of Ball Games
Radio station KOCO, Salem,
will carry broadcasts of 14 bas
ketball games In six days, be
ginning with all four games In
the Oregon state class B basket
ball tournament at Willamette
university today.-
Tomorrow afternoon's consola
tion games in the B tourney will
also be aireo on iwv,u. ivmvi
row night the local station will
carry both games In the NCAA
tournament at Corvallis.
Saturday's schedule calls for a
broadcast of the state B tourney
consolation finals at 2:80 p.m.,
and both g m e s In the NCAA
tourney at Corvallis that night.
The state championship B high
school game will be taped, and
will come on the air following
the NCAA title contest.
Tuesday beginning at 6 o'clock
the two games from the NCAA
championships at Kansas city
will be broadcast. A simile
schedule Is in effect for Wedim,
day, when the playoff for third
place will start at 6 o'clock. tM
the national championship garw
lmmeujatcajr avaauvraiiaj.
fights Last High
(Br The Associated Frem
SI. Leals Archie Moore. ISO. ai
outpointed Mm Valoea, tot, HeveT
is the first letter
-i- ,
..... ii
"fr -S? II
$ j i i
4 L &l
1 ( 49
rfrrnLn,. tt :..v:-v:sgt m
Seagram's 7 Crown. Blended Whiskey. 86.8 Proof. 65 Grain Neutral Spirits. Seagram-Distillers Corp, N. Y.
fl felVord in your language! A C;ViV Safety in -our life!
I With their other ? tT lX24
1 iS'' MrWoUIIHer. LIFE- 111
U finest air-container ever WALL Tire strikes 6-inch
H developed, banishes blow- ike8tnrodXtionl lli
J out poMibiUtiee. Look for .tightert harm or penetration r
I VuTtSuf rrkhrnt W
I Tir. hit vicim... huck- concre oc f
VJ hole. Never an air loss-no "-4 keeps all air and
damage inside or outl safety t J
University Al.eys
State Polite (0) Hunt 808, Boats 471.
Allord 483. Ruecker 484, Blind 438. State
Prlntera (4) MUner 436, stone 488,
Busby 487, Waller . Duncan 833.
Hisnwar conatruotion ts Anderson
807. Kayier 433. Nollman 490. Wolle 838.
Tandy 404. Foreitry Protection 1)
Maus 435. Phtpps 408, Ladd 801, Beyers
838. Storm 814.
State Tax Comm. 8) Johnson 480.
Crouch 433, Drapela 388. flearl 486, Mahal
try 410. Secretary ot Stale No. 1 (1)
Miller 814, osrratt 411, Peterson 491,
Blensly 330, Bchultse 387.
veterans U) asorlaky ess. Reed 888.
Oaarenstroom 800, Elsln 483, Hlllorlch
415. Secretary of Blate N'o. t (8) Mc
Queen 418. Dicker 873, rranko 108, Pranse
474. Blester 488.
Audits (I) Strlcklln 438, Plaer 488.
Johanaen 987, Demeaas 383, Oould 444.
Falrvlew (8) Oannon 493. fimrere 178,
Rlttcrbus 339. Luke 481. Nelson 384.
Fereslrr Otllee II) Ratlltl 433, Blind
394, Hannerr.nn 484. Aaserude 480, Stacer
MS. Illiway Materials at Brown 480,
van Pelt 141, EBsen 431, Blind 911, While
Hlch tram same and series Hlshway
Construction, 3808 and 004. Hlsh lnd.
series Wolfe, 839. Hlsh lnd. same
Beyers, 337.
r. U. c. (81 Rlnslsnd 437. Kntltsh
810, Hollls 409. straw 813. Melfert 800,
Foreatrr ID woods 808. Phlppa 198,
Hanneman 497. Powell 139. Ladd 801.
Brldse Enslneera (8) Fredrkkeon 448,
Berser 381, Munson 479, Mercant 937,
Roake 800. Benae l Bell 487, Youns
38. XlrOy 178, Oould 436, W. HllllMC
racier 89 (I) Luthl 634, Lemnon
383. Quarry 439. Henry 497, Remold! 895,
stale Tea remmliflen (0) Johnaon 398,
Bowers 186, Kerper 160, Stacer 471, Searl
Otllee Enelneers (4) Mstlson 431,
Burton 393, Sscre 617. Beott 493. Touns
539. Hlrway Areonnttnr (6) Taylor
410. Ketrham 180, Yeater 438, Crane 461,
Mal-ton 534.
Dept. el Asrloallare (1) Orllllthl 188,
strohbehn 436, Peteraon 409, Kemps 401,
Tanaelll 609. s. I. A. C. 48) Foreman
504, Lanstrre 417. Klmmell 473. Pranse
505, Ouatafaon 489.
Unemployment Cornea. () Putman
416, Aaron 435, Salisbury 30S, flettlemler
476. Bailer 504. Dlvlalon al Audita (41
Corrlssn 485, riser 417. Coldemltn M,
Jefferson 461. strlcklln 499.
Hlsh team lame Dept. ot Asrkulture.
957. Hlr team series capter 69. 1709.
His lnd. same Frank Reynolds, 309.
Hlr lnd. aeries Frank Reyonlds, 68.
Duck Pins
Portland Koad Rlehlield (II B. Ms
sulre 361, D. josiart 879. I. Thellade 316.
r. Haass 149. p. Ollmar 411. Blaa Lake
Faekera (9)J. Wlnser 401, a. Tan siyks
M teetion
life Pnfloefion
le keep the ipcuhu beauty of your treii
to end curb scuff Auiance and expenief
woWd'i ufmoit non-skid $lopping pewrl
nrf whh yp to TWICE AS MANY SAfE Mtt
your one fre Aivesfmenf for yeorif
rrooeenrs of WVfTfO IMrM U1I( COMftMt
You'll be happy to find out how much you got for
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allowances included in the Introductory Purchase
Plan... how little you pay per week with special
eredlt terms. Come in now today I
High and Chemekela SI. - Opposite Cily Hall