aa id) To) -nt,n nn ii -1 flV.if1vN " " 1 .a'i 4!v -frw'i.-' J fC I .Xjv s y- i !V-.ifN 1 yewwatr -wKjfKU. 4 aauMavn '' gmn iw fi " ' i) a (T1 ( ' , i n ?- - j i : ! j j 'Iris ZLJ : I TV ft 1 1 mmtZSsdZl ' abetting Keady ball tournament opening today, was a busy place yesterday, as tournament officials, coaches, and players prepared for the annual classic. In upper picture, tournament director Lea Sparks (left), looks over the pairings with coaches Frank Di Ulio of Chiloquin and Fred Graham of Jefferson. In lower photo, five members of the Chiloquln team take time out in their Wednesday afternoon workout. Left to right are Gene Gentry, Jerry Oates, Vernon Joe, Bill Vaden and Ron Leggett. Moore Wins Another; Still Con't Find Big Purses By STAN MOCKLER St. Louis (U.R) Archie Moore, ' light heavyweight champion of :the world, was still looking for ' the jewel in his crown today. V Last night he slugged his way Ho a unanimous decision over C u b a n heavyweight champion i Nino Valdez in an uproarious 110-rounder that had the specta tors standing in the final round. l But today he took a plane for f Spokane, Wash., and a Tuesday .! engagement, no nearer to a big money bout than ever before. Archie's next opponent is Al Spaulding and the chances are that the hard-hitting champ will . add him to his hit parade, but again for a small purse. "We are going to try to I smoke out Jack Hurley," if Moore's manager, Charlie i Johnston, said after the fight. "We hope to get a title match ,"i against his boy Harry Mat- thews." Moore, a veteran campaigner who fought all comers for 16 years copped the title from Joey ',, Maxim last December only after he agreed to take the short end of the purse. And he has not had ; a big payday since. I Last night he gave a national television audience a glimpse of the form that keeps the name ;; fighters shying away from him. . He clouted Valdez from bell to : bell in spite of giving away 29 'A pounds, five inches in reach and eight years. The 36 -year -old Moore weighed 180, Valdez -;209. The giant Cuban was splen d 1 d 1 y conditioned and took Moore's hardest shots without k TIDE TABLE Corrected lor Ttt ; Camplle4 br C. S. Cml OnJilll Sar?er, Portlind, Ore.. Hlin Wtert Uw Wlt Mnrch Time HUtht Time HeiMt , 12 t.n a.m. e.l . 1)1 ra. J S 5 10:5 p.m. .T 4:10 P.m. -0 4 1J 10:JT m. I ) 4:31 .m. l. ! 11:31 p.m. l 1:11 P m. -0.4 14 11:23 .m. 1.1 i:3S .m. 1.1 I M p m. -0.3 I It 13:08 .m. .t :! m. 0.4 ; 13:10 p.m. 0.7 l:J3 P m. 0.1 II 11:41 m m. 1.1 7:00 o.m. -0.1 1:10 p.m. 0.4 7:11 P m. 0 0 A 17 1:10 .m. 71 7:40 .m. -0 4 1:00 p.m. 0 0 7 51 p.m. 1.1 J II : . 1:07 m. 7.1 1:47 m. -0 0 1:01 p.m. II 1:11 1 Willamette university's gymnasium, site of the Oregon state class B basket going down, He earned the distinction of being the first man to go the distance with the champion in four fights since Moore's victory over Maxim. The bout drew 2,- 216 fans who paid $4,850. For genuine enjoyment, call for Like the balance of your favorite rod, the flavor proof of Straight Sour Mash Bourbon is always balanced at 91 to combine mildness of proof with ' richness of flavor. Cabin Still mild in proof ...jet rich in flavor . 4sQt.. $4.90, Pint $3.20 Every drop made, mhvced and bottled solely by Timi-WEUER DISTILLERY. f 1 t S Turner Rifle Club Defeats Sublimity No. 2 Turner The Turner rifle club defeated Sublimity's No, team, 1904-1882, at the Turner range last night. The Sublimity score included a handicap of 41. ' '. E. Ball of Turner had high fndividual score for the shoot with 389. Other Turner scores: J. Met calfe 381, O. Schollian 381, V. Coats 377, B. Wipper 376. For Sublimity, M. Lund 382, R. Ol son 375, O. W. Olson 374, H. Klopfenstein 368, W. Zimmer man 342. Turner's next match will be with McMinnville's No. 2 team at McMinnville next Wednesday, ESTABLISHED LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, WU Scene Games in Three Days By CHRIS KOWITZ, JR. Oreron'f No. 1 (porta elude (or imill klfh school the an- nnal clus B Basketball tonrna- ment unfolded at Willamette univendty'a crmnulum this aft- ernoon with two of the favorites, Bono ana urain, meeting eaen other at 2:30. A total of 11 games, including the .championship and consola tion brackets, will have been played by the time a state tham- The state" class B basketball tourney brings together the cream of the crop of over 60 class B high schools in the state, Class B schools are those with an enrollment of 150 students or less. Chiloquln and Heppner meet at 4 o clock this afternoon in an other 'opening round game. Tonight's tilts send Elgin opposite Brownsville and Jef ferson, the host team, versus Knappa. The Elgin-Browns- Eugene Earns Way Into State Tourney On 72-70 Victory (Br TJnltod Pros) Eugene high school hoopsters were members of the Oregon prep inner circle today after nos ing their way into the state Class A tournament by winning a 72' 70 overtime victory from Oak- ridge last night in District 6 ft nal play. The Eugene entry left only one spot in the tourney unfilled and that should be settled to night when Central Catholic and Gresham battle it out in the finals of the District 13 double elimination tourney. Central scored an easy 62-! win over Gresham last night, but the teams must face each other again because both have only one tournament loss. Pairings in the opening round of the tourney at Egene, March 17-21: Clatskanie, District 14, vs. Marshfield, District 5; winner District 13 vs. Roosevelt of Portland, District 16; The Dalles, District 2, vs. On tario, District 1; Albany, Dis trict 7, vs. Medford, District 4; Hlllsboro, District 9, vs. Salem, District 11; Eugene, District 6, vs. Mllwaukle, District 12; Lakeview, Dis trict 3, vs. Cleveland of Fort- land, District 15; and Dallas, District 8, vs. Astoria, Dis trict 10. Lebanon Athlete Returns Home After Operation Lebanon Don Carroll, foot ball and basketball player, was taken home from the commun ity hospital last week following an operation for removal of a kidney. Carroll was injured Feb. 26 during afternoon basketball practice and underwent surgery that evening. His condition now is reported as good. The youth, a standout player in both sports, may return to the game, his father said, but his athletic career will depend upon advice given by his physicians. jLuio no aoi'HQ.V u -riGCTi . ..... Al..f,!tr E-20 1141 of Eleven villa contest Is scheduled for 7:30, the Jeff-Knappa gam for I o'clock. The four losers of today's games will vie in the consola tion division tomorrow after noon. Loser of the B.a-Echo and Chiloquin-Heppner games wiU meet at 2:30, while the los ers of the Elgin-Brownsville and Jeff-Knappa games will vie at o clock. The winners of the first round games pair off in the same man ner tomorrow night in the semi finals. The first game starts at 7:30. Tournament festivities got un derway this noon with the an nual p re-tourney Exchange club luncheon in the Capitol room of the Senator hotel. The Exchange club, co-sponsors with Willa mette university of the state B tournament, holds the luncheon in honor of visiting coaches and principals. More honors for the coaches and principals are due tomor row morning, when Slats Gill, Oregon State college basket ball coach, talks at a meeting of the Salem Breakfast club, also in the. Senator hotel's Capitol room. Coaches and . principals of teams in the B tournament will be. special guests for the occasion. Picking ' favorite for the state championship in a class B tournament is never easy, for schools entered in the tourney seldom have played enough com mon opponents to determine their relative strength. However, on the basis of their 27 straight victories dur ing the regular season and in district playoffs, Echo is gen erally considered favorite- for the championship. Echo was entered in the 1952 tournament, finishing in fifth place. Knappa, runner-up last year. is the only other team back this season. Rogue River. 1952 state B champions, did not compete in B district playoffs this year be cause since the 1952 tourney the Rogue River school's enrollment has surpassed 150, making it a class A school. v Some Salem Senator Box Seats Available Several box seats for the 1953 Salem Senator baseball season are still available, 'Solon busl ness manager Deke Walker re ported today. Box seats may be purchased at the ball park office. . Meanwhile, advance . ticket sales, with 11 tickets being sold for the price of ten, are contin uing at Wicklund's sporting goods store and at Kerber's gro cery in West Salem. , i El $1 95 2 FREE Dye Job with Each Brogne Purchase Those Rugged, Style Smart Brogues That Are So Popular. Leather Lined! ml THE FAMILY SHOE STORE 357 State St. LOCAL Vancouver Caps Plan Practice At Healdsburq Portland O The Vancouver Capilanos wiU open training for the 1953 Western International League baseball season at Healdsburg, Calif.,. March 38, Manager Harvey Storey said Wednesday: Storey, recently named to the post held last year by . Billy Schuster and Edo Vanni, said his .team will be made up of players released by the Pacific Coast League Seattle Rainlers with whom the . Caps have a working agreement. Storey said he will visit the Rainlers camp at Palm Springs, Calif., next week to see what players are available. Storey formerly played in the Coast League with Portland and San Diego, The' Rainier recent ly acquired his contract and as signed him to Vancouver as playing manager. Kiner Holds Out for 76 G's Palm Springs, Calif. VP)' Baseball' biggest salary game continues with the next move apparently up to Branch Rickey. If the general manager of the Pittsburgh Pirates thought hi letter to Ralph Kiner would bring the big home run hitter to Havana on the run, he's dis appointed. Kiner, tabbed a holdout by Rickey since he didn't report to Havana on March 1, received the long awaited missive Wed nesday. He read it and sent wire back still apparently ask ing a $76,500 ante from the Pirates, salary that would top both major leagues. And he'll continue his private work-1 outs here until hearing again from the Mahatma. j. Women Tee Off At Augusta Augusta,. Ga. WV-Thlrty-five dauntless. golfers, ; forced to battle .the weather as well as par, set out Thursday to cap ture one of the brightest jewels in women' golf, the Titlehold ers crown. . Babe Zaharlas of Tampa, Fla., defended the title she won for the third time last year and hoped to match the four tri umphs recorded by Patty Berg UNITED MESS ASSOCIATED PRESS Another Shipment GUI'S 1 WW 0 BUY YOUR HAVE OVER WW CHOOSE FROM Next to the Salem, Oregon, Thursday, March 12, 1953 TRAINING CAMP NOTES Santa,' Maria, Calif. VP) Everything .was even-steven be tween the Tokyo Giant and San Diego today after the base ball champion of Japan aveng ed 21-1 beating with a 13-5 second-game victory. The Giants won the second of the six-game series last . night by virtue of powerful batting. They cut loose with six runs in the seventh Inning in furi ous action, that almost saw Padre hurler Dave Dahle knock ed off the mound. FuUerton, Calif. (U.RX Pinky Woods makes his first found appearance of the year for the Hollywood Stars today when they, clash with Los Angeles in the first of four exhibition tilts between the crosstown rivals. . A batting threat to the An gels will be Twlnk Dale Long, who sluged 33 homers for New Orleans last year and drove a 420-foot four-master during an intrasquad game in Anaheim yesterday. ''. Stan Hack and his Angels will enter the game with spirit low after dropping an embar rassing 29 : to 4 fray to the St. Loula Brown here yester day. ' , ' San Bernardino,- Calif . ; U.I0 Portland Manager Clay Hop per will use three of his top pitchers, Lyman Linde, Glenn Elliott and Red Adams, on the mound against the St. . Louis Browns here today. , , In preparing for the tilt yes terday, the Beavers': rookies beat the regulars in a squad game at Glendale, 3-2, with two players from British Co lumbia sparking the victors. - Rookie First Baseman Joe Clardy of Victoria tripled and singled for his team- while Pitcher Bill Prior of . Vancou ver hurled tight ball.' ' Palm Springs, Calif. (UJ0 The Seattle Rainier, fresh from dumping the San Francisco Seals 12-9 in a game that pro duced a two-team total of 28 hits, collide here today with the St. Louis Brown "B" team. -The Rainlers got off to a sen- Has Just Arrived! EN..G EASTER SHOES FROM THE SHOE BOX! WE 50 STYLES TO . $G" 88 $11 mi PRICED BUY QUALITY m Midget Market NEWS AND FEATURES Page 13 .satlonal start in yesterday1 clash here with the Seal by racking up a 6-0 lead in the first inning. Seattle tarter Cliff Coggin was given credit for the win and Del Sarto was tagged With the loss. : -.- .ii Salinas, Calif. (U.R) An 11th Inning single gave the Oakland Acorn a 7 to 6 victory over Sacramento in a Coast League exihibition baseball game here last night. ; In the ninth, Do Lauters al lowed the tying Solon run on a wild throw to second. But he made up for it by scoring on a single by Bill Howerton to win the game for the Oaks. Monterey, Calif. (U.R) Man ager Augie Galan said he expect ed his veteran third baseman Johnny Jorgensen to arrive at the Oakland training camp to day. Jorgensen played in Cuba for the winter season. Pitcher Allen Gettel and all-around star Piper Davis arrived yesterday, but pitcher Bill Ayers was still a holdout. IXHIBRlOrl BASEBALL r' (By Tho. Auoetattd PtcmV Boitcn (A) I, St. Louu (M) S (1 Ibs tail). Hew Tors un T, ontouo l i. CMiin N I, Clavilud (A) Detroit (A) 14. Bolton (N) 10. WuUniton (A) 1. Ho York (A) 4. BrooUra (N) 4. RllltdtlpaM (A) S. Cincinnati OO 11, PhlUdilinU (M) T. St. Loot (A) , Loo Anitlu (PCL) A. nttabutiH 00 I, BAtua Cubtu . Oregon Afield Friday ; Bob Brown's "Oregon Afield" column, which normal ly run on Thursday, will ran tomorrow instead. Next week the column will go back on it regular Thursday schedule, Basketball Scores (Br Tht AuoclmUd Fnu) Bunna 71, OtkrMgo TO (dovMo mrtt) Central CathoUo (Port.) 03, Oroolua M. Bandr 10, KstaomilA 47. NAM roOBNII (StMB Beml) Sprlnclleld (Mo.) IS, SteUon 7t Hamlin SI, Buttm TJUnoli St. FlrKUar 17, Paeadena Nasartne M. Ulas. Southern si, Balttmor XjotoIa M. East Teiaa SO, Si. Peters (If J.) 00. Nebreika Wealeyaa S3, Arliona State) (Tempo) 71, Indiana Steta 100, Arkanaw Tech II. Tenn. Aetl 71, St. Benedict (Kaa.) I. 2J TO HERE FOR LESS! rhone 2-1047 ' TV fl - iir Oompleta . Rongt