13 ' n m v. ,: Cpttl Journal, Salem, Ore, Thnrg., March 12, 1953 3 Teachers to Attend Meet A number of Salem educators wm be In Portland next week to attend the sessions and take part in the deliberation! of the BOth annual convention of the Oregon Education association. The conference will take place in tne Portland auditorium be ginning Monday. Salem schools will be sus pended next week in connection with spring vacation. The pe riod coincides with the Class A basketball tournament that s- lb open in Eugene Tuesday. Among local participants are: Robert Dow, Parrlsh junior high, president of the department of classroom teachers of the OEA; Mary E. Eyre, Salem senior nigh, chairman of the social studies section; Gurnee Flesher, vice principal, Salem high, and vice president of the Oregon Guidance association; Loralne to? nit fclT.f ;t. iM Is r. if (i civ Meusey, Parrlsh junior high, member of the committee for the improvement of instruction; D. A. Emerson, secretary of the Oregon Association of School Supervisors; Joseph I. Hall, sec retary-treasurer of the audio-j visual education section; Eliza- I beth Rader, secretary-treasurer. Oregon Association of School Supervisors, and Jay Scholtus, vice president of the Oregon Business Education association. Some 7300 teachers from I many parts of the state, are ex pected to congregate in Port land for the convention. War Factories In China Boom -or ml MO itlt ' Tokyo (JPl Two leftist -Ton. anese just returned from Com munist China said factories and plants are working full blast : around the clock, factory hands are working in three shifts and production is being pushed to rail capacity. Mrs. Toml Kora, leftist Social ist member of the Japanese Diet Parliament and her private sec retary, Zenichi Sakural, were members of the 13 -member re patriation delegation which ne gotiated in Pelping for the re turn of 30,000 Japanese strand ed in China since World War H. They said both men and wom en In Red China wear a pale blue cotton uniform a style set by Red Boss Mao Tze-Tung. Girls and women do not use lip sticks or face powder. The two Japanese were in Red China more than a month. Mrs. Kora recently visited the Soviet Union without permission of the ' Japanese government. Brooks Brooks A surprise birthday party was given Mrs. India Rea vis Tuesday, March 10, by her first and second grade classes and the Brooks PTA room moth ers. " Cake and punch were served. Decorations carried out the St. Patrick day theme. Mrs. Reavls was presented a planter. The first Softball game is acheduled for Friday, March 13, at 2 p.m. at the school when Brooks plays Labish Center. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ramp left Monday evening from the Port land alroort for TWrnlt Mih where they are picking up a new car, then motoring on to New York for a visit unit hnxV In about two vln Tho accompanied by their son and daughter, Samais and Michael. The Brooks Sewing club met iasi ween at trie nome ot Mrs. nona siaeoottom. The cresident. Mm. Ev rnnn presided over the business meet ; lng. Mrs. Martha Lesher was in , cnarse oi the nroirram. dvlna question quiz. Table decorations Were Of the St. Pntrlolr llian. M X"f Those present were Mesdames mane tsosn, Eva Conn, Thelma Dorland, Myrtle Davis, Martha Lesher. Dollle Ramn r. Reed and her two small grand- ions, ana xne nostess Nona Side bottom. The next meeting will be Thursday, April 2, at the fei' nome or Mrs. Gertrude Reed. There will be no school Mon. day and Tuesday, March 18-17 due to the teachers' convention. Adlai Calls for Asian Front Vs. Communism Tokyo W) Adlai Stevenson called today for a community of free Asian nations to meet the challenge of communism in the Orient. "What we Americans foresee," Stevenson told the Japan-Amer lea Society, "is not only a free world but especially a commu nlty of Pacific nations to bal m ance the great free community or European nations." Stevenson is visiting Japan as the first major stop on a four- month globe-circling tour. FALSE TEETH 3 Thar Loosen Need Not Emborrot s -1 " iiu w.-eren of felie teeth here nt fered real amberraaement beceuae their t4 plate dropped, slipped or woDDiea at jum My, the wrong tuna. Do not Ufa In roar of L.4 thla happening to roa. Juit aprlnkla a i j tittle FASTXKTR. the alkallaa (non mjZ ecld) powder, on your platei. Hold, felee teeth more llrmlr, 10 the (eel more comfortable. Dote not tour. Checks "Plata odor" (denture breath), Oet PASTOTH at an drus (ton. Men M a. a. mmm I I I 11 II 1 V V "' m m avm i r s i i i a s k -f-f m. JUfMof Ma . . . Tea 4eaW far Hi VL Approved Electric 7-Cup PERCOLATOR fepalar ttaJmakaUa alaailam offea aaaltar. Fat keep keel off yoar table top. Haat proof kWIe Complrfa with cord, S.9S Votae. Now Owfy Barbara Gould BEAUTY DOUBLE Cleaaslna Skin Freshener $2 Value! lot for f 1MM 00 2 $2.50 ELMO Special NIGHT CREAM For lovelier tomor row , ( . atari today with IlrNloht Cream. n Wautl fy yourlj J yo Reg. 9 -ox. ipi -mm Their beaatlful tjue iiactl nluih Wil !Wa-a eats rival the rainaowi w PLUSH BUNNIES Caddly Hies or Whopping Hoppers Shop while iocti are pMel Sitting, it and com ing, taping or bsgging bun- &fC9( met witn mrry "y" rrjM lies with flirty ribbon bow ties! 10pc. CLOSET ENSEMBLE Anorled garment bag. & coven in Du Ponl plastic filrn. Non - REFRIGERATOR SUP Ql. copucity. Heavy glaii ipace- W taver bottle with aluminum Electric HAIR KjatSOaifcSlt'SJ Removable bate for hand uie. Hot eold and on-off iwltchei. Tilts te any poilllon.. It's UL approved. While oi loill PLASTIC UTILITY BOX Durable lee-lhru Styrene olottie. Bracket for Vi pint vacuum bottle. Secure-locklng cloip. 7"x9" ilie. I asoig) , Dorofky ") . 21c LIPSTICK DUO Hegator ormalo . or Sapar-Sfoy Wka a bargain! Up iflaki tka tort you only IDe apleael 9C - r AOs i7w Oa. t Daggaff 6 BomsdeM Golden Cleansing 39c CREAM $2.50 Jars 35c VI" IDC U9 AO. -TV ror iots 125 111 m m JL a aa A -1 .H aULMT "OkM" 40-Hoar ALARM aocK Umlaoui top alarm ihat-eff. craaranlaed. Coa't ba evarwoondl w3l 'c TO 1 B I 29 crackl BOTTLE 9( cap. DRYER 439 l624-inch pillows with weshable tatin overt, In several pas tel colors. $7.93 Vols 39 1 Hortproof Pick Utfre 4actorg LUNCHEON SET 4.c.or,i.. 1 39c DUBELLS' SOLUTION Pint 29c Sarvlaa' far 4: taps, taue an, platei, daiiart bowli, plaa nesar aad areamerl Mt Vofaa tor g39 uliWifcu aim bote WAXED PAPER Si 9c ri ATUCC DIUC 10c Savingsl 7-Coll, dciicu mcu Ncia!J iLLun ii jn 4 Comparhntnft DAT riCAiirnr rvi VLCHNCIJ Polly Brile". RUBBER GLOVES WATER GLASSES Z ALUMINUM FOIL flllllXllllalll aa. at 3AWUWIU1 BA05 STEP-ON GARBAGE IICTEDIMC AMTICEDTIi iTl 20SiZZ5r ZW hits? I klllllh ttllllJtr FREE! Hxl"Pt VV " "' V.?X TP. Get1 Your Coronation Day Tickets Now FREE! Win This 1953 Mercury 4-Door Custom Sedan FREE! Owl Repeat Value! Now Rayon SoHn Covered FOAM RUBBER PILLOWS WeelnMe Coven wMi Spear Cloiare 4' 95 3-.W 75c CHAMOMILE FICtfRS3oz. 23c BORIC ACID POWDER 6 oz. 49c COMP. LICORICE POW. 4 oz. 29c LIME WATER pint 59c Borosen DOUCHE POW. 7 oz. SPIRITS AMMONIA 2 oz. YOUR CHOICE 9 r 15c Pkg. 36 . vneaie 39c , 2 15c Seconds Madii'm only . 3 - 10c 21c II .. , .. . 9c CAN 79c M5RA I IV L for 07C 1BLr ' Til IITUED U1I11IDIE m&.jT M I FREE PRIZES XJS FREE! y So Handy for Serving Snacks Decorated Metal T. V. TABLES laamelad trey ee erardy healer steel leajs . . rabber rlepee). Tkete ktuidy trayi atmd 14-la. klh. Trayi ara detach able for walking and itortng. $3.95 Varus 249 ke Cream Defecfo Raised Dial BATH SCALES Choice of 5 Colors! 95 REG. $7.45 Pin-point accuracy for the dal ly weigh-in of Ann Delafield Reducing Plan users! Chrome trim; easy - read magnifying dial. Foui cor Fountain Special! CORONATION FSALAD California cling peach dices arranged like crown with cherry "jewel'1 tipil All an eottage ana emp larruca. t Owl Only . 29c mumTi '"ma, Now Only 279 ' " pLJ $5000.00 in Free Prizes Safe! Hercules "Cobinet Model" FAN-TYPE HEATER Fan forces Heof Oat Into Room O Sotaty Kreanad rtaarlng ale merit O Ccryinsriendle. On-off twitch. Replacement Guaranteel CHOCOUTE VANILU STRAWBERRY o C ?9 ft O J3 o -I ft I m o o o 79 SI 79 19 29' i 4af