Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 12, 1953, Page 11, Image 11

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Byrne tola tne Oregon State
Thirty Stater club last night at
a dinner meeting neia in tne
Colonial House couth of Salem.
Byrne said he conildered this
one of the leaser recommenda
tions in tne Anderson report,
which must be acted upon by
the legislature before any of Its
recommendations can become
effective, and the only major
one that will not cost the tax
payers money. He said he does
Byrne Backs Degree Granting
At State's Teacher Colleges
Only two or three states fallmot know what th. 1 .
to give degree, at their teach- will do at S. seasbn bu " h",
er colleges, Chancellor Charles he ta Mnl dlnf .hVfu
other major proposals will
eventually be accepted because
they are sound.
J?Mrae aW one of tn "3or
problems of the institutions of
f i'uaiD to keep their
outstanding staff members in
the face of offers of higher sal
aries elsewhere. Seventy have
been lost in the past IB months,
mV A third 0f the sta"
members come fm
institution, of the" middle
y i,iwo to i2,ooo
more per year in the various
educational grades than Oregon
Pays, Byrne added. He ex
pressed the view that the Ore
gon colleges have the ablest
teaching staffs today that they
have ever had.
Evidence of the quality of
work offered here may be
found in the Increase in gradu-
'"J1 wh0 now number
1300, and foreign students who
now number 428. The numer
ous grants from outside the
state for special projects could
not have been secured if there
were not recognition of the qal
ity of the men and women who
are to carry them out pvra.
Bill Smith, president of the
group, presided. Doug Cham
bers introduced the speaker.
Wives of members also attend
ed this gathering.
McKay Delays Choice
Of Reclamation Chief
Washington VP) Secretary of
the Interior Douelas McKav
said Wednesday he will delay
naming a reclamation commis
sioner to succeed resigned Mich
ael Straus until after he re
turns from a trip to the Virgin
Islands and Puerto Rico.
McKay will leave Sunday.
returning here March 22.
He declined to discuss possi
ble candidates.
Valley Farmers'
Profits Shown
Silverton Met profits of
$20,803.67 for the year were
shown In annual audit reports
submitted Tuesday at the all-day
business meeting of the Valley
Farmers Co-op at the American
Legion hall.
During the session the mem
bers voted to change the name
of the organization from Valley
Farmers Co-operative Oil asso
ciation to Valley Farmers Co.
op, and increased the board of
directors from five to seven
Manager C. J. Saum's report
showed: .
Total annual volume of busi
ness was $864,699.30.
Net margin, $20,303.67.
Petroleum products, $113,-
Hardware and supplies, $52,-
Feed,' seed and fertilizer,
$698,890.55. .
Hold-over directors elected
last year are Walter VonFlue,
Robert Riches, Stanley Swan
son. New directors elected for
this year are Fred Jarvill and
S. A. Funrue. The additional
two are Alvln Krug and Dan A..
The annual audit report was
prepared by William G. Stacey
and company of Salem, Ore.,
and was presented by John
More than 100 guests and
members attended the meeting.
The women of the Silverton
Grange home economics group
served the noon luncheon, with
Hrs. Carl Specht as general
jhairman and Mrs. Lial McClure
m charge of the dining room.
Following the luncheon, Mrs.
Bruce Strachan of Portland,
demonstrated the possibility of
using candle stubs for wax dec
orative figurines and flowers,
especially for Easter, and large
candles for Christmas.
Tax Fraud Charged to
Progressive Candidate
San Francisco W Vincent
W. Hallinan, 1952 presidential
candidate of' the progressive
party, and his wife said they
would surrender to a U.S. mar
shal today on Income tax
evasion charges.
A federal grand Jury yester
day charged Hallinan, 57, a
millionaire attorney, and his
wife evaded S63.221 In taxes
for the years 1946 throuah
Medal for Airman
Who Rescued Britons
Washington P The Top-
penish, Wash., airman who res
cued 27 persons during recent
floods in Great Britain receiv
ed the Soldier's Medal at cere
monies in the Pentagon Wednesday.
While 16 air force generals
and other dignitaries looked on,
Gen. Nathan F. Twining, acting
chief of staff, made the pre
sentation to Airman Second
Class Reis L. Leming.
Leming received . Britain's
George Medal from Queen Eliz
abeth last month.
Holstein Cow
Best of Month
A Holstein that gave 2170
pounds of milk and 78.1 pounds
of butterfat, owned by Paul Tho
mas of Turner, was the top cow
In January listed by the Marion
county DHIA.
Second best producer was a
Holstein owned by Koenig Bro
thers of Woodburn, with a rec
ord of 2105 pounds of milk and
90.5 pounds of butterfat
Three cows produced better
than 100 pounds of butterfat dur
ing January: a Holstein owned
by Frank Crooks, Woodburn,
104.5 pounds; Andrew Kehrli
and Son's registered Jersey,
105.6 pounds, and a Jersey own
ed by Frank Gratsinger, Gervali,
Marlon county DHIA herd
produced 25 tons of butter and
nearly a million pounds of milk
during the month.
Herd averages included: Frank
Gratsinger's 54 Jerseys, Gervals,
44.3 pounds of fat, 764 pounds
of milk; Buford and Orvlile
Brown' 48 Guernseys, Wood'
burn, 43.1 fat and 897 milk; Jim
Daugherty, Woodburn, 27 cows,
41.8 fat end 736 milk; H. A.
Barnes and Son, 37 Jerseys, 40.8
fat and 744 milk; Mr. and Mrs.
D. C. Brock, Salem, 10 Jerseys,
40.2 fat and 616 milk.
Cows placed on the honor roll
for January were a Jersey owned
by Kehrli and son, 848.4 pounds
of fat in 305 days and 14,924
pounds of milk; Brown's Guern
sey, 14,204 pounds of milk.
Vienna W) Five Austrlans
and three Germans were' report
ed dead or missing Thursday in
the Austrian Alps. These
brought to at least 45 the num
ber of persons believed dead
or missing from avalanches,
skiing accidents and other
"white death" causes in Austria
this winter. , ,
r 1 'i
The patent OIL Creftie Pefmanent
Police School Opens
Session at Albany
Albany First of a series of
eight police school sessions was
held at the City hall Tuesday,
conducted by G. C. Burton, spe
cial agent lor the Federal Bu
reau of Investigation, in charge
of the Portland office.
Burton briefed the 26 law en
forcement officers from Linn
and Benton counties on the gen
eral program of this fifth an
nual state-wide session aeries
and spoke specifically on the
ethics of law enforcement,
stressing civil rights and the
necessity . for every officer to
acquaint himself thoroughly
with the rights of citizens, both
from the standpoint of the 'pri
vate Individual and that of the
40 'sit-IW',? Ir1- 1
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore Than, Mardt 13, 1SU 11 .
lew enforcement officer.
The instructor declared that
so-called "third degree" treat
ment of prisoners is "out" as a
means of procuring information
or confessions.
Next class will be held Fri
day conducted by Lt. William
Smith of the Eugene police
force, who will discuss "Tests
for Drunkenness." -
Boy, 16, Admits Sex
Slayings in New York
New City, N. Y. Oft A 16-year-old
boy admitted today,
authorities said, that he lured
two little girl schoolmates into
a woods and killed them.
The boy, Carleton Mason of
New York City, denied he at
tacked the victims sexually but
refused to tell his motive, Dist.
Atty. John Skahen of Rockland
County said. ; '
Coroner M. ' S. Motes reported
an autopsy showed the girls
Esther Nagy, S, and Marjorle
Boudreau, 8, both of New York
City were victims of sodomy.
Lebanon City schools will .,
dismiss for annual spring vaca-
Hon Friday, March 13, a-l
nouncet Superintendent . James
King. Classes will resume again ..
Monday, March 23. .
Husbands! Vivcs!
want new fc? and via?
TbOOsHBd Of flOftptH WMK. ftnWl. a ...
tuasld aoMf torauM body Uqfca !fo. tat mtw
Tim, Ttuatjr. trr Ottri IVwit . stapMt ,
rii bom,. st MOMTMriac twr
At all Sru ilnit mrrvMra la Salaaa,
: Pn4 Maraa'a rutaaa, . .
Health Clinic at
Woodburn Conducted
Woodburn Thirty - four
children were examined at the
March well child health clinic
Tuesday at the Woodburn li
brary from 9:30 a.m. until noon
for residents of the Woodburn
and Gervals districts.
Dr. W. J. Stone and Dr. Tony
Lalla of the Marlon county
health department, were the ex
amining physicians assisted by
Mrs. Harmon Yeary, Mrs. Mary
Testerman, county nurses. Miss
Mary McLauchlan, a social
worker of the health association,
also was present and assisted.
Local volunteers were Mrs.
Jack Connell, Mrs. Lloyd Froom
and Mrs. Don Barrett. Pictures
were taken of the children at
play while waiting to be exam
ined. The next regular clinic will
be April 14.
East Salem
East Salem Four-H leaders
of Washington and Auburn
schools, Mrs. Fred Smalley, Mrs.
Albert Suran, Mrs. Harvey
Page, Mrs. Raymond Mulllns
jpd Mrs. Dale Sullivan took;
several members of their cook-:
ing clubs to see a motion picture
which was showing the steps in1
baking at home with one of the
specials for all cooking classes,
muffins, featured. j
East Salem home extension
units are having two different1
projects this month becoming a
good buyer, Lancaster and Edina
Lane, and care of rugs and up
holstered furniture. Lansing
Neighbors meet Thursday in the
Grace Lutheran church and
Swegle Friday at the home of
Mrs. Mary Swingle, 1220 N. 16th
St., in Salem at 10:30 a.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip
Schramm, who have lived on
Market St. near Swegle for the
past three years have moved into
Salem on Center St. Mrs.
Schramm will complete her year
as 4-H leader of Swegle 4-H
Sewing club which is sponsored
by Edlna Lane home extension
Why Suffer
Any Longer
Whan ousara (all. ost our CMnaia rem
dlet Amntni iucccm (or aOOO raar
in Chin, no natter with hit all
nnita 700 art aftlleted, dliorderi
tlnualtla, hurt, ranaa, In, kldoaya
tat, eoutipauog. alem dlaMtaa
rheumatism, fill and MaMar. '
urn. r-iau entnplalBta.
Oflles Mnn t U a,
Tata aaa Sat. mlr
N t'ewmafatal
fhnt II Rat)
"(in nut
Ponds Kleenex
Face Tissue
f 1 IWww ' mnv
Mix Bowl Set
4 Durable
Nesting Bowls
29' Certified Aspirin
43' Antiseptic
T SJ Vitamin T
T Chlorophyll Tablets ,,.. 2 ,T
43' Toothpaste Chlorophyll
T Brewers Yeast il,
Oregon Field Grown
Rose Bushes
2 Yeor Old
SO Varieties
$3.50 Volue
White House
Gel. 193
$1.98 14-iit.
Tool or
Tackle Box
Single $119
$1.69 Certified 100 Size
Multi Vitamins
k Balanced Formula A $170
Tiki On Ctpsult Dally L lor
Regular $2.39
Wesson Oil
Gallon $1199
Fred Meyer Drugs
'os rHti'rr svrin m amf
148 N. Liberty
We Reserve the RUM to Limit Quantities
1 1 asPi'i'rl II I 11 r -IT 1W ' 7 . rrrriry I .
iv . i njrr t - . i i i iw w m mm m r i i a
f II 1 lilt f M f f I I I S I 1 I . I I I
i ii m m m m m r m m m VF m maw m m l m .
IDiaa ..I!0?!!.. I
i ii i v i i c w - w. ........ i
' : "Jtat
73- r-r-:
Variety j I Vol. to 1.69 I 1 W
aUal I0r Jfecta and lrrer. Some X I f&mSlWl''-It" 1 14B A "mam Dvin I 0e"'oo Toify If
I .llthtly Klled. White I ifJsJ iCK llil tOTlOsl 11 , J " II
rH i vm m $ioo mm i
Cm lOr TJTaS 1 1 1 MJ . II J T YZLJ ' f broadcloths and plcolays . .
II 1 fnr M Ll W' n ray pririto, stripes,
2. M II 1 Msiia' check and solid tones. Colors V
afTl50 II lServlceaWe rayon of aqua, blue, pink and main. ifffl,
M" I j IpanUes In assorted Note the slies ... Zz to SO ... and EXTRA SIZES tool Be
for am isigstif I8" I '?Jxg'
Sa(i!tein gble,s N1,r I T SHIRTS m lMe" V f
.""Slt" bomU St. la! dresses-A
1 aUsI Whites and colors. SmalJ medium gm f m m ffn Ml
W.i0Ckey WnatmeM. X MM Q
, J clusters and others. II M r. I
POCKet 1 HewlorSprlm. 49c Values U 9 J
Watch j 1 I , ' Misses " sizes ... i """V
i- i I m ANKLETS S V
Toiletry f ...m .mm I I lu youn Udys' fancyl Colorful I I
elWvViVw ' I" lfW Wide aortment of styles. IT I
yii5'? si. 9 to 1054. dreM ,na Jy .:
I Wit- Triple roll t p, hlriier priced ronps . . . Xrf 1
I ' fine mercerised therefore, all slies In the It
0mmmmmm miton. Irregs. of poup but not all sites In T- "
" " wluea. every style. .
3-Pi.cCap0C.d ,.pieM postj
A value you can't afford M DOWIVOVei
. . to mi. S cryit.1 bowl, Gylflt Cftt 44J
Pineapple Juice 20-Wece u m 'V 1 vi
46-0.. Tin, Staffer Set I A 89 Valu. A Regular 49c Volua
2ic 5 l dishes Uri
I 3 $S98 ffiM
Pound Cake .
1 ifw I I 1
136 N. Commercial