Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 11, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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Wedding Here on Tuesday
i T . .... '
Miss Leona SheDard. rinnoh
er of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Shep
ird, and David Lee Chamber
lain, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
L. Chamberlain, exchanged their
marriage vows at a ceremony in
the First Christian church, Tues
day evening. The Rev. Dudley
Strain read the service at 7:30
O'clock. White rarnntir-m. ,,!
snapdragons and candles decor
ated the church for the service
vern Esch was soloist, Mrs.
J. M. Cracroft playing the organ.
Misses Norma Canfield and
nonna Fearson lighted the
candles, both wearing ankle
jengtn orchid net frocks.
In White Satin
Mr. Shepard gave his daugh
ter In marriage. She wore a
white slipper satin wedding
uresa, seea peans outlining the
sweetheart neckline and the
dress designed with lone sleeves
and train. The fingertip length
veu 01 net was arranged from a
brimmed cap. The bride car
ried a Prayer book with a white
orchid on It.
Miss Helen SheDard was hnn.
or attendant for her sister. She
wore a light pink net frock with
naner top and worn with net
stole. Her flowers were orchid
1 Mrs. Ellis Sanders, sister of
ine Dridegroom and Mrs. Or
ville Hern were bridesmaids.
They wore orchid net dresses
to keep f if
Broad HvntiyT
On a Reducing Dieff
Want added energy and pea
with low calory count?
- mw tut thrill for jaded "diet
BHu w. .-. tk-rfc 01 iwei Bret
styled Identically to that of the
honor attendant and their flow
ers were tials ninlr r...ll
Cheryl Weisner was flower
Kin. ana worn a ivhlto
- T...fc vi fiauu
and lace frock and carried a
basket of deep pink carnations.
Lawrence Chamberlain was
best man for his brother. Ush
ering were Alton I. fhsmh...
ilain, another brother of the
priaegroom; Donald Jones, Jer
ald McReal, Wade Carter and
Delwyn Kleen.
At Reception
For the wedding, the bride's
mother Wore inv neamM..
with pink accessories 'and nlnk
carnations. The bridegroom's
mother wore a light gray and
rose ensemble with white acces
sories and corsage of white carnations.
The reception following was
in the church rjarlora. The dec
orations were in white, snap
dragons and carnations arrang
ed in a bouquet with candles.
White Llooms encircled the
bride's cake. Mrs. Ncls Nelson
and Mrs. Tom Wolgamoit cut
the cake. Mrs. Fred Blum and
Miss Lena Blum poured. Miss
Gwen Fry, Miss Betty Smith,
Miss Greta Ann Schrecengast,
Miss LaVerne SheDard. Mrs. Del.
wyn Kleen, Miss Shirley Kar-
sten assisted.
For traveling the bride wore
a chamoaene silk suit with naw
and pink accessories, pink coat
ana corsage oi wnue orcnids.
Following a trip to California
the couple will be at home in
CDA at Woodburn
Plans Party Series
Woodburn Court Victory
No. 731, Catholic Daughters of
America, met at St. Luke's hall
Monday evening. '
It was voted to hold the first
card party of the spring season
Thursday evening, April 9, at St.
Luke's hall. Mrs. Alvah Cowan,
and Miss Ernestine Nathman
will be co-chairmen for this
Mrs. George Grimps was chos
en as alternate delegate to at
tend the Catholic Daughters
conference at Astoria on April
25 and 26. She takes the place
of Mrs. Julius Vandehey, grand
regent, who will be unable to
It was decided to sponsor a
Day of Recollection" for all
Catholic women of the parish
on Sunday, March 22, at St.
Luke's church from 9 a.m. to
4 p.m. A lunch will be served
at noon In St. Luke'i hall for
those participating.
Several applications for mem
bership were approved. Mrs.
Kllian Smith, Junior chairman,
reported on Junior CDA activi
Refreshments were served
with Mrs. Felix .KoHler as
chairman of the serving com
At the next meeting, April 13,
a nominating committee will be
chosen in preparation for the
annual election of officers to
take place on the first meeting
in May. Mrs. Ray Andrews will
be chairman of the refreshments
committee for the April 13
At Maurer Home
Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Maurer of Marquam, have had
as their house guest for the past
month, their daughter, Mrs. Rex
L. Hunt of San Diego and Long
Beach, Calif., during the absence
of her husband, BM-2 Rex L.
Hunt, in the U.S. Navy. He has
been assigned to Korean duty,
April 8.
Preceding Mrs. Hunt s leav
ing Monday, she Joined her par
ents for a visit with the lamiiy
of her brother-in-law and sis
ter, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Gerlits
and Dianne and David at their
home in the Four Corners area.
saaaaaaaiaaf' i w . nnBaaaHavaBBHBavBaaaaaMi
Wed in February Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wesley Graves
(Bernlce Kremer) were married on Valentine's day. The
bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kremer of
Marion and Mr. Graves is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Graves of Turner. (McEwan studio picture.)
German Student
Guest at CDA
Mt. Angel Miss Ingeborg
Spies of Weese, Germany,- a
high school senior exchange
student studying at Mount An
gel academy, was the speaker
at the Catholic Daughters of
America meeting Monday eve
ning. She gave an interesting
talk on education and schools
in Germany and described
phases of her trip. Miss Spies,
who came here last July, is
making her home with Mr. and
Mrs. Edward A. Hammer dur
ing her year's stay here. .
The court will again partici
pate in the Girls State program,
and members voted to sponsor
a Mount Angel academy junior
to attend this year's session.
The grand regent, Mrs. Ste
ven Sprauer, and Mrs. Louis A.
LeDoux were elected as dele
gates to the Archdiocesan Coun
cil of Catholic Women conven
tion at Marylhurst college in
Portland, March 14 and 15. A
large group from here plan to
attend the sessions. Mrs. Ed
ward A. Hammer was intro
duced as the newly elected vice
president of the Oregon City
deanery. A.C.C.W. .
The program and dates were
announced for the 14th biennial
state conference of the Oregon
courts, CDolA, to be April 25
and 28 at Astoria. The state
court and the host court Co
lumbia No. 151, Astoria, will
arrange the program.
Chosen by
Mrs. Dale Brooks is the new
president for Marlon auxiliary
Veterans of Foreign Wars. :
Serving with -her are Mrs.
Donald Stupka, senior vice-
ritualistic work given by 16 jun
iors of the local court. The Jun
iors - started making plans for
their first prom to be given on
Easter Monday in the school
auditorium, with the counselors
to be pre- ,nt as chaperones.
Present at the meeting was
the Rev. Lebold, O.S.B.. court
chaplain, who addressed the
members. Mrs. Alois Keber re
ceived the attendance' award.
president; Mrs." Dew KoTwegar,
Jr., vice-president; Mrs. Car
ney Barnet. chaplain; . Mrs.
Covil Case, treasurer; Mrs. Al
Aeschllmann, conductress; Mrs.
Roy Carter, guard, and Mrs. C.
M. Briggs, three-year trustee.
Th appointive officer will; be
announced at a later date.
Elected as delegates , to the
district encampment at this
week'a meeting were:- Mrs. Joe
Hopkins, Mrs. Ivell Haley, Mrs.
Mary Becker, Mrs. ; C, . M.
Briggs, Mrs. - Donald Stupka,
Mrs. Dave Holweger, Mrs. Edna
Prince, Mrs. Virgil Bolton, Mrs.
Lloyd Kennedy, Mrs. Elmer
For bis, Mrs., Lloyd Grim, Mrs,
Gertrude Beall and Mrs. Billy
Kelso. Alternates are Mrs. Mae
Wilder. ' Mrs. 1 Loyd Bobbitt,
Mrs. . Charles Hageman, . Mrs.
Covil Case, ..Mrs.- Al. Aeschll
mann,' Mrs. Douglas Parks, Mrs.
Capita! Ttwrnal, BsJem, Qrsx, "Wtdnmitr, March 11, 19537
Hazel Smith, Mrs. Mary Phil-
lips, Mrs. . Roy Carter, Mist
Mary Gllhuly, Mrs. Gordon
Bressler, Mrs. James Muck-
ridge and Mrs. Dale Mauk.
Reports were given by Mrs.
Dale Brooks, Mrs. Mike Beck
er, Mrs. Charles Hagen, Mn.
Dale Mauk. Mrs. Genevieve
Olson reported that over 7000
greeting cards had been taken
to Fairview Home. Mrs. Don
al Stupka reported that Easter
boxes will be sent to Korea f
Mrs. Loyd Bobbitt reported
that nine afgbtnj had been
completed to be tent to the
veterans hospital. The auxili
ary voted to sponser Girl Scout
troop No. 18 and decided to
serve at the Soap Box Derby
banquet In July. ,
'Chum will be a meeting of all
officers and chairmen Wednoa.
day evening at the VTW nalL
The) next meeting will be March
23 at which time the annual
officers' reports will be given.
Of aU kinds.
Sapperta, Beetle Rettery. Es
pert Utters, yttrate MtJnf
Ask Tec Deeter"
Capital Drug Store
' 4M Stale St
Carner of liberty
AH Green Stamps
Members are making contri
butions for the erection of a
large Blessed Virgin statue to
be erected on the grounds of the
St. Mary's Boys home at Beav
erton, a gift from the Oregon
Catholic Daughters.
Miss Patricia Connell, poetry
contest chairman, reported that
a great deal of interest is being
taken in the contest by the stu
dents of the local grade and high
schools. The contest closes
March 15, and winners In the
local contest will be present at
the April court meeting to read
their winning entries and to
receive their awards..
Mrs. Victor Hoffer, chairman
of the annual library book tea
at the Mount .Angel Library
February 17, reported on the
success of the tea.
Mrs. Al Lulay, president of
the Mount Angel Community
Chest, told of a tour being con
ducted on Tuesday to visit
places and institutions receiv
ing support from the Chest.
Mrs. Alois Keber, war relief.
Mrs. Val Eberle, sick commit
tee, and Mrs. Edward A. Ham
mer, parent and family confer
ence committee, gave reports at
the meeting.
The court voted a donation to
the Red Cross drive.
Mrs. ' Vincent Smith, Junior
CDof A chairman, gave a report
on the work of the Juniors dur
ing the past month. On March
1, the Juniors held their first
initiation - ceremony, when 12
new members were received In
to the organization, with the
M Irtarr art 32kk.
v V J
To SlrU U
Smstl down ftymit
Ubtrd trtdt m.
Coma la far FRf I
tor 90 Yim-Tbl WorWt
Tints! Srrring Mtchm
A fiMMMrM St '
PH. 35773
i. Uwfy
Mini, Ore.
Tours for daj-and-date times, for
wear srer ererythlnf from anils to
dance dresses. Soft heathertoned
suede, made with sweeping dolman
and bracelet-tenf th sleeves. Young
up-or down collar. Dramatic dress
maker stitching . Try yours at Pen
nejr's In erfsnell, pink, blue, yel
low and light green. Shot It to IS.
0 0 0
STRAW. . .
all flattery and style,
Mworn on the off -face...
veiled and flowered . .
very essence of Spring!
Easter mMtta amarr new trrsrw
flower ledeti stnaU s4tap, be
coming and ftmfniM, th very -hmi
f trlnf . Luetrotis straw
rsMHih vwlled . . . th color your
hosto, from mrvy to polo spring
srel. Also whita,
Store Hours 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM Friday Nite Til 9:00 PM
featured on the
fashion floor
Second Floor