Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 11, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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    Capital Women
6OiplUl JoanuL Satan, Or Wednesday, March 11, 1953
I Sorority
I Elect
New officer! were named by
"the Salem Alumnae club of Al
,bhir Xi Delta, Tuesday evening
"when the group waa entertained
Jby Mils Eleanor Stephana and
Mls Elite Schroeder, at the
"home of M1m Stephens.
; Mrs. Scott Totter, Jr., Ja the
-new president. Others named
Ire: Mist Evelyn Benz, vies pres
ident; Mrs. Orville Kannier, Jr.,
treaiurer; Mrs. William . Healy,
.corresponding secretary; mi:
iRollin O. Lewis, recording sec
retary. '
r Mrs. John H. Hann was named
(delegate to the national conven
tion to be in Pasadena, in July.
t Next meeting will be founders
'day, at the home of Mrs. Lewis
with Mrs. Eugene Laird as co
.hostess, Miss Schroeder assisting.
! Local alumnae have been in
cited to Corvallis on March 31
for the meeting of the alumnae
club there, Miss Alia Wiegers
tna, scholarship student from
Amsterdam, Holland, sponsored
Ty Alpha Delta, to ne tne
J A SON, Wayne Henry, was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Scheldemann on Tuesday at
Salem Memorial hospital. Also
welcoming the new baby are two
sisters, Lee Anne and Marlbeth.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Barham of Salem and
Mrs. Henry Scheldemann of Sut
ton, Nebraska. Mrs; Laura Bar
ham of Salem is the baby's
Named on Board
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Darby were
named new members of the ad
visory board of Chadwlck as
sembly, Order of Rainbow for
Girls, on Tuesday evening.
The girls discussed plant for
their rummage tale to be on
Friday and Saturday over
Greenbaum's and the trip to
grand assembly In Tillamook,
March 24-28.
. Following the meeting re
freshments were served by the
Mothers club. Mrs. Charles War
ner waa chairman of the com
mittee and was assisted by Mrs.
R. M. Stevenson, Mrs. John
Eeid, Mrs. H. F, Roseler and
Mrs. Robert Petersen.
At the Mothers club meeting,
plans were discussed for a cook
ad food sale during April and a
Coffee In May. The Mothers
club Will be in charge of the
rummage sale on Friday. .'.
I , '
Friendship Event
At Woodburn OES
Couple Engaged
Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. Mich
ael are announcing the engage
ment of their daughter, Miss
Margie Michael, to Charles Bak
er, son of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo
No date is set for the wedding.
but it it planned for early sum
mer. The bride-elect Is em
ployed here. Mr. Baker is at
tending Oregon College of Edu
cation at Monmouth.
Becky Lorenz
Birthday Feted
Becky Lorenz, daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lorenz,
to be honored at a party given
by her mother on Thursday
afternoon, Becky to observe her
eighth birthday anniversary.
Feting the honoree will be
Steven and Barbara Busick,
George Steelhammer, Casey
dinger, Charles Heltzel, Kathy
Nunn, Jan Thurston, Janet Stat
tier, Susan Mohr, Mary Louise
Knight, Judy Erlmm and Carey
Jones. The party will be after
Party Is'
Honoring Mrs. John Lawson,
who Is leaving soon to join Sgt.
Lawson at Okinawa, Mrs. Roy
Ohlund will be hostess to an In
formal party Friday evening.
Bidding bon voyage to Mrs.
Lawson will be Mrs. Elmer
Meade, Mrs. Mose Van Dell,
Mrs. Glenn Wlsser, Mrs. Theo
dore Starck, Mrs. Gerald Fos
ter, Mrs. Ralph Whitney, Mrt.
Ira Short, Mrt. T. P. Hill and
Mrt. Jesse Hunley.
Today's Menu
dining tables were cleverly dec
orated with spring flowers and
St. Patrick's Day novelties.
Woodburn Approximately
100 memberf of the Order of
Eastern Star gathered at the
Masonle temple Monday night,
When Evergreen chapter No.,,41
met In regular session and
friendship night was observed.
Special guests ware members of
'Acacia chapter of Stayton and
.Trinity chapter of Salem.
' Honored guests welcomed
and esoorted to the east were
Mrs. Harlow Dixon, grand repre
sentative of Maine; Mrs. Lillian
Humphreys, worthy matron and
,wauace Humphreys, worthy pa
tron of Acacia chapter and Mrs,
Harry Charlton, worthy matron
of Trinity chapter. Gifts were
presented to the honored guests.
r One petitioner was elected to
membership during the business
meeting and three petitions for
degrees were received.
, Recess was declared and en
tertainment was furnished by
;the high school chorallers, in a
group oi vocai selections, aireci
jed by Miss Harriet Nizlc.
An invitation was read to the
! golden anniversary of Pacific
chapter No. 79 at Toledo April
11 and to the golden wedding
'anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
iFred Rogers, March 22, at the
Presbyterian church in Wood
burn. A letter was read relative
(to the Eastern Star student loan
Announcement was made the
'degrees would be conferred at
i the next meeting, March 23, and
7 of visits to be made to Ramona
chapter of Silverton Tuesday
night and to Salem chapter of
' Salem, Saturday night A cake
; baking contest by members was
: announced for Friday, March
j 13, at the May Furniture Co.
j atore.
Appointed to serve refresh-
ments for the March 23 meeting
were Mr. and Mrs. P. L. LaBarr,
1 Mr. and Mrt. N. F. Tyler, Wll-
lard Atwood and Mrt, Charles
1 Cornwell.
. Under good of the order there
; were talks by each of the hon
' ored guests and by Mrs. Beulah
JLessard, worthy high priestess
I of Willamette anrine wo. 2,
i White Shrine of Jerusalem, by
w. P. Lessard, by Earl C. House-
iweart. worshipful master of
t Woodburn lodge No. 106. A.F.
Sc AM., and by Mrs. Lawrence
lFlagg of 'iTiniiy cnapier, who
fc Wat IUII"V .... Ul
ergreen chapter. Rainbow actlv
t Hies were announced by Mrs,
f Tom DeArmond, mother adviser.
I Refreshments were served by
tvr. and Mrs. ora Morris, Mrs
ILenore Schoor, Miss Mildred
Schoor, Mrs. Marian Anderson
Company Dinner
Roast Fork Spiced Apricots
Baked Potatoes
Creamed Spinach
Bread and Butter
Chocolate Cake Beverage
Spiced Apricots
Ingredients: One No. 2Vi can
(syrup pack) whole unpeeled
aprlcota, cup firmly packed
brown sugar, ti cup cider vine
gar, two 2-lnch sticks cinna
mon, ? teaspoon whole cloves,
teasioon whole allspice. "
Method: Drain syrup from
apricots into saucepan. Add
brown sugar, vinegar, ' cinna
mon, cloves and allspice. Stir
over moderate heat until sugar
is dissolved. Bring to a boll; boll
minutes; watch carefully be
cause syrup bolls over easily!
Add apricots, reduce heat and
simmer (do not boil) 5 min
utes. Cool at room temperature,
then chill. Drain and Insert one
of the cloves from the syrup In
each apricot. Makes 6 servings.
Note: strain syrup left from
apricots and discard spice. Re
frigerate syrup and use as a
baste when baking ham.
P.E.O. Group
Lists New
Another local chapter
P.E.O. Sisterhood, Chapter BC
hat elected new officers, the
group meeting at the home of
Mrs. Charles L, Layport.
Mrs. Harold Jory la the new
president. Mrs. Arthur A. Ather-
ton was elected vice president
Mrs. Burton A. Myers, corres-
ponding secretary; Mrs. Dewey
Rand, recording secretary; Mrs,
Willis Jones, treasurer; Mrs,
Gale Sanders, guard; Mrt. Wal
ter E. Snyder, chaplain.
Event of
AL Group
Auxiliary to Salem post, No.
130, honored members of the
post at a birthday celebration
on Tuesday evening. It was the
34th birthday anniversary of the
American Legion and the auxlll
ary presented entertainment and
served refreshments following a
short business meeting. Members
of Pioneer post, No. 149, all-
woman post, were special guests.
Mrs. Jack Simkins, president of
the auxiliary, and Mrs. J. Wal
ter Hewitt, commander of Plo
neer post, were Introduced to the
group. v
Participating in a pantomime
entitled "Twelodrama" were Mrs.
Elwood Townsend, Mrs. Jerome
Hansen, Mrs. Clarence Cox, Mrt.
Joe DIFilippi, Mrt. Milo Aeschli
mann, Mrs. Carroll Robinson,
Mrs. Harlan Judd, Mrs. Kenneth
Taylor, Mrs. Jack Simkins, Mrs.
Edwin Maerz, Mrs. Jack Johnson
and Mrs. Ted Ullako, who was
the reader, all members of the
auxiliary. The "hillbilly girls,"
Mrs. Townsend, Mrs.' Simkins
and Mrs. Taylor, then presented
skit set to music.
Accordion and piano solos
were presented by Judson Bress-
During the refreshment hour.
Earl Ahlers, commander of Sa
lem post, cut the birthday cake
which was decorated with the
post insignia.
Silver Anniversary
Observed by Couple
Grand Island Celebrating
their silver wedding anniversary
on Sunday afternoon were Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Taylor of Am
ity. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wil
liams honored the couple at a
celebration at their Amity home
where friends and relatives
came to greet the couple.
A three-tiered anniversary
cake flanked by silver candles
decorated the table which was
covered with a white lace cloth.
In the dining room were Mrs.
Taylor's two sisters, Mrs. Otis
Babcock of Dallas who poured
coffee, and Mrs. Claude Booth
who was in charge of gifts. Mrs.
Worth Wiley of Grand Island
presided at the punch bowl, Mrs.
Emery Wood of Salem cut the
cake and Mrs. Howard Stein
grube of Unionvale passed the
guest book, all three being sis
ters of. Mr. Taylor. Others as
sisting about the rooms were
Mrs. Harold Williams and
Jackie, Miss Shirley Babcock,
Miss Janice Wood and Miss
Elise Steingrube.
Some Notations . . .
Certainly one of the most en-
tertalning fashion show events
of tea spring was the annual
children's style parade sponsor
ed by Chi Omega alumnae Tues-
day afternoon at the American
Legion club just leave it to the
little folk to steal the show
Although billed aa a children's
show, the little ones being fea
tured, the event also spotlight
ed beautiful fashions for their
mothers, too . . , several Salem
shops cooperated in putting on
tne fashion parade . .. , The chll-
dren ranged In age from those
just able to toddle on up to those
in school, both boys and girls
Some were quite profes
sional at they promenaded out
to show their Easter attire, oth
ers were shy, tome were a bit
frightened . . . One little boy
voiced nit disapproval in loud
protest ... A little girl was
delighted to recognize someone
the knew In the crowd and
waved enthusiastically . . . An
other little miss heard the com
mentator mention her name and
turned around in wonderment
as if to say: "Is she talking
about me?" . . . Many little folks
were among the spectators . . .
Soloist for the show was
Marilyn Hunter, accompanied
by Evelyn Flog, the latter play
ing the incidental music for
the style parade . . .
Margaret Conklln of the active
Chi Omega chapter here was
the commentator . . . Welcom
ing the guests was Mrs. B. E,
Brown, president of the Chi
Omega alumnae ... A spring
and blossom-time setting was
arranged for the revue . .
Theme for the show was
Spring Is Just Around the Cor
ner . . ." Shops cooperating in
presenting the styles were Marg
wen't, the Towne shop, the Little
French shop, Esther Foster's,
Howard's corset shop, Ar-
buckle's shoe shop, Kailes, Roh
land's, the Boys shop . . .
Following the fashion show,
tea was served . . . The tea table
was covered with a bright yel
low damask cloth and the cen
terpiece was a spreading ar
rangement of white flowering
quince . . . Mrt. B. O. Schncking
and Mrs. W. C. Dyer. Sr.,
poured . . .
Among the guests were sev
eral from Portland ... Mrs.
Kenneth Goodall, a Chi Omega
alumna here during the legisla
ture with her husband, Repre
sentative Goodall, Oswego, en
tertained a group .of nine from
Portland . -. . Mrs. Goodall was
hostess to the visitors at lunch
eon at the State House preced
ing the show . ; ., The group in-
Bt m. l. f.
eluded Mrt. Ferey White, Mm.
Earl Melssner, Mrt. Vernon F.
Jenkins, Mrs. Herbert DarDy,
Mrt, AUard Heltkemper, . Mrt,
Francis Jaeobbtrger, Mrt. Ed
ward Ward, Mrt. John J. Dan
iels, Mrt, Russell Colwell
Another visitor from Portland
,vat Mrs. Waldemar Spllid, guest
of Mrt. Robert Moe . . . Also
from Portland, Mrt. Gertrude
Walton, guest of her daughter,
Mrs. Claybourne Dyer
Among others teen at the affair
were Mrs. Peter M, Gunner, Mrs.
Lester D. Green, Mrs, John
MlntO, Mrs. Carl Huston, Mrt,
Irving Brown, Mrs. Terry Ran
dall, Mrt. W. C. Dyer, Jr., Mrt,
Ralph E. Purvlne and Mrt. Ray
nond Busick and their two young
daugmers, Becky Purvlne ana
Barbara Busick; Mrt. Slgfrld B.
Unander and her twin sister,
Mrs. Walter Gadsby of Portland;
Mrs. George L. Arbuckle, Mrt.
Kenneth Sherman, Mrs. Gerhard
Pagenstecher, Mrt. Homer
Smith, Jr., Mrs. Hubert L. Wil
liamson, Mrs. William R. Shlnn,
Mrs. John Slanchlk, Mrt. St. EI
mo Massengale, Mrs.. George
Taylor ...
Visitors at the legislature dur
ing the early week have been
Mr. and Mrs. Spragne Carter
of Pendleton . . . Mr. Carter is
a former state representative . . .
A group of legislative friends en
tertained at luncheon for them
Monday noon . . . Other visitors
at the legislature this week in
clude Mr. and Mrt. Verne Vale
and children of Helix, guestt of
Representative and Mrt. Rob
ert Steward of Keating . . .
Among legislative hostesses this
week, Mrs. Donald R. Husband
of Eugene who entertained an
other group of friends at a lunch
eon on Monday, one of a series
of parties the is giving for
friends here with the legislature
Mrt. B. A. Stover, who is
here from Bend with her hus
band, Representative Stover,
will be honored at an Informal
luncheon for which Mrs. Dan
iel J. Fry is to entertain on
Thursday at her home ...
Models of inventions of Leon
ardo da Vinci, constructed by
Dr. Roberto Guatelli, noted da
Vinci scholar, will be on display
in the Memorial Union building
at Oregon State college, Corval
lis, April 4 to 23 . . . The dis
play comes from the Interna
tional Business Machines cor
poration who recently acquired
it to be displayed throughout the
country during the celebration
in 1952 of the 500th anniversary
of the birth of Leonardo.
Staged by
New members of the Business
and Professional Women's club
are Miss Marie Ridley, Mrs. Dae
sy Chance, Mrs. Morris Haaland,
Mrs. C. R. Plckard, Mrs. O. E.
McCrary, Mrs. Lillian Harrison
and Mrs. Hellen Davis.
Following the Initiation serv
ice, Tuesday night, Mrs. A. El
mer Flathers, membership chair
man. Introduced the new mem
bers to the club. The president,
Miss Mildred Yetter, led the
pledge. Mrt. Helen Staley wat a
guest at the meeting.
Refreshment! were served by
a committee headed by Mrs. Tho
mas LovetC Pouring were Miss
Mildred Yetter and Miss Eleonor
Bush Mothers Club
Hears Dr. Snyder
At the meeting of Bush School
Mothers club, Tuesday after
noon, Dr. Walter E. Snyder, city
superintendent of schools, talk
ed on the topic: "What Parents'
Clubs Can Do for the Schools
and the Educational Program."
The sixth grade pupils tang.
Mrs. Herman Jochlmsen presided.
The group voted to purchase
viewmaster projector and
films for it, the projector to be
used in the social studies and
reading classes.
At the coffee hour. Mrs.
Charles Driver, Mrs. Richard
Oraw, Mrs. La Verne Young and
Mrs. James Spangler were in
HONORING Mrs Edwin Si.lJ
op (Mary Ellen Shepherd), Mrs.
New Members in
Rebekah Lodge Here
Mrs. Myrtle Heard and ' Mrs.
Marian Sylvis joined the Salem
Rebekah lodge on Monday eve
ning, both women being accept
ed by transfer. The United Na
tions Pilgrimage contest was the
main feature of the evening.
Next Sunday Is "church Sun
day", for all branches of the or
der and members are to meet
at the First Christian church on
Marion and Cottage streets at
10:45 a.m. ' ' ' '
Three Links club will meet
Friday afternoon at the Odd Fel
lows temple and the Past Noble
Grands will be entertained by
Mrs. George Beane at her home
on March 18.
Volunteers for blood donations
on April 16 are reminded to
register with Mrs. Theodore
Rhoades as soon at possible.
Next Monday will be good of
the order night when Salem Re
bekahs assemble for a short pro
gram with refreshments follow
ing. '
for their regular dance Thurs
day evening at Izaak Walton
club house at 8 o'clock. Hosts
will be Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Carlson and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Navy Calf
with the new foam cuthioning
Cast into colored calfskin
- and destined to set the
fashion pace for spring...
the beautiful shape, the
sole-satisfying fit
f a Johanten shoe.
- Salem
234 Ki. LMiertv
(681 Main in Lebanon)
John Kolb Is entertaining Friday
at an Informal coffee, friends be
ing invited to call between 10
a.m. and noon. Mrt. Bishop It
to be here on Tnursaay, nr.
m.hnn in mm at the week-end.
They will then leave for their
new home in cmco, cam.
' ...
Party for
East Salem Miss Wanda
Jewel Kennedy, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Clinton D. Kennedy,
and Monte Gust, Jr.; ton of Mr.
and Mrs. Monte Gust, who were
married on February 28, were
guests of honor at a wedding
shower Saturday night in the
Kennedy home. The wedding
wat at the loth Street Lutheran
church, the Rev. H. W. Goss of-ciating.
Present for the party were the
guests of honor; Mr. and Mrs.
Monte Gust, Sr.; Mr. and Mrs.
Clinton D. Kennedy; Mrs. Rob
ert Busch; Mrs. Margaret Hale;
Mrt. Dennle Glpson; Mrt. Rob
ert Yocum; Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Hoffman; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Da
vis; Mr. and Mrt. Ancel Rusch
and Danny; Mrs. George Quinn;
Mrs. O. P. Bond; Mrs. Don Da
vis; Mrs. Clara Bales and Miss
Patty Bales; Mrt. Albert Patz:
Mr. and Mrt. Roy Beugle and
Ramela; Mr. and Mrt. Ernest
Noack; Mr. and Mrs. Roland
Hillmau, Fred, Margaret and
Doris Ann; Mrs. John Gust; Mrs.
Bob Weir; Mrs. Melvln Noack;
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Casey, Lyn
da and Janice; Mr. and Mrs. Cal
vin Kennedy; Mrs. Harold Ol
son. Hostesses for the shower
were Mrs. Casey, Mrt. Olson and
Mrs. Calvin Kennedy.
The couple are living in the
Kennedy home and the bride
will continue with her studies
at Salem high school. The bride
groom left Wednesday for serv
ice in the U. S. navy.
On Trip
Dr. and Mrt. Leon X. Barrlck
left today on an extensive trip
abroad. They took a plane from
Portland for New York City;
from there they will tall for
Europe. They will ttop at Bar
celona, Marseilles and Naples.
From Naples they will go to Al.
exandrla and Cairo.
Following a trip alona th.
Nile, the Barricks will leave the
ship party and will fly to Je
rusalem to be there for Easier
festivities. They will visit areas
around there before going on by
plane for Istanbul and Athens.
They will join their ship group
to go on to Naples. They will
tour Italy, Switzerland, the
Rhine country and western Ger
many; also Holland and Belgium,
Their next stop will be In Lon.
don where they will visit Mrt.
Barrlck't brother-in-law and
sister, Comdr. and Mrt. Howard
Bergman, formerly of Salem
Comdr. Bergman la the ton of
Mrt. E. E. Bergman of Salem.
The Barrickt will be in Lon
don during the coronation fei
tlvitlet in June. Later, they will
tour the British Isles, then go
on to Paris and home from there.
They plan to return to Salem
about July 10.
Joneses Leaving
Also leaving for Europe this
week are Mr. and Mrt. Robert
Letts Jones, who go Thursday to
San Francisco. From there they
will go to Los Angeles, Nacbezo
Miss., and New Orleans. At New
Orleans they will take the Cor
onation cruise to Havana and
on to the Mediterranean and
London. They will be in England
for the coronation. Later, Mr.
and Mrs. Jones will tour the
European continent, planning to
return in mid-summer. This past
week-end they returned from
two weeks in California.
What makes Helena Rubinsteins
the cream of indelible lipsticks?
5- ;t
' , Jh I S f f. t:
: I.', : " ' 1
fn 'V'M :
An indelible lipstick that will never kiss and tell is a gem in itself. When yon get that
kind of indelibility combined with the tender, Idnd-to-your-skin feel of cream and rich,
alive colors that are hard to come by even in non-indelible lipstick, you need look n
farther forpsrfection-and perfection's name is Stay-Longt
Stay-Long, the longest lasting lipstick in the world in a new
jewelled case, is only 1.25-less than the orice of an emnt tw.ll.J
case! The case is a gilded stick with costly looking engine
turning capped with wonderful costume jewel in a choice of colore,
Stay-Long in the golden wedding ring case, 1.00.
Stay-Lustre for especially dry lips, 1.50.
Orange Fire . . . Crackerjack
Red Kcllion . . . Apple Red
t 1 D 1 B.llfJ . ! ,
icu ixropucrry . . , nea velvet ,
UP;.t vc.,:.. t:i.
- - - ..... . . hVI Utfl . , -s
Pink and Fair . . . Rose Mauve ., '
Plush Red . . . Bright Saying ' "P-Simulattd
405 State St., Corner of Liberty
All prices plus Ted. Tax
i t iiiimw ' ' i i ' m
1 and Mrt. Dorothy Garran. Tht