DENNIS the MENACE Know why i was so exo WANTED POSITIONS 0 GARDEN-, FLOHFR bed Ind lawn pit- psrauon. r-iowing, aiscmg, leveling, ro totlllng. Service Center. Phon. 43571. nil' INCOME TAX BLANKS prepared reuon- f bly, Pn. 38841. hi! SECRETARY 8TEN0. Aptitude Ilium, fmeet, public, desire, responsible eon genl.l position. Phone 3-1004. - h61 TILLING WITH new M.E. ROTARY TIL LER. Phone .venlng 3-&3S3. h84 jr.HT crawler, dosing, dirt leveling. . trading. Phone 3-3220. nil LANDSCAPE maintenance, prunlne, trim- . mlng, planting, fertilizing. Service Cen . ter. Phone 43973. M)' ; WILL DO CEILING, one wall or tntlre ,j, house. Do all kind, of painting, brush . 1 and aprar, furnish reference., br hour cor contract. Ph. 42944. nl4' ; iliKTOM WORK plowing and discing. ' Phone 3-4349. 1899 Blrchwood Dr. hl4 iDY WOULD LIKE to ear tor children v. In her home onlr, 11 dar per child. 3015 Kapphahn Rfiad. hi! htEE WORK. Topping, trimming, remov ing. Insurad operator. John Parse. Ph. I862I. Ml- OMK iiUILDING and carpenter work. Ph. 43131. hV OABPENTER Cabinet work ' modeling, free estimates. 4-1633. , home re call J-Mll, hlO- IMMEDIATE SERVIOaT. 1-9300. htO Will. COMPLETELY overhaul Chevrolet! ; lor 179. Free tuneup at 900-mlla check. After 6:30. 3-1977. h81 1TBACTICAL nursing. Will go out of town. Phone 3-4454. hS3 WANTED TO RENT HTOU ACRES with modern house and .barn, near &alem. H. E. Hess, 4-1074. 1.81 OB S BEDROOMS, unfurnished, clean, modern, garage. Prefer northeast end. ' 4 child I Tears. Ph. 3-4037. lies' WANTED 3-b'droom home, garden apace. . . . Permanent tenants. Adults onlr. Can furnish, references If required. Box t, ' Capitol Journal. Jail . (.BEDROOM HOME with reaionablo rent, i April 1st, 3-8878. l.ll . WANTED 3-bedroom unfurnlAhed house. y, prefer gut or : 'P' after 5:30 p.m. Phong 2)0331 1B0 ROOM & BOARD njtOOM WITH family-style meals and 4 packed lunches, for men, at 629 N. 1 winter. 1181" :!F0R RENT ROOMS NICE SLEEPING room with heat. Hot and cold water. 155 Center. Jk60 BOOMS FOB glrli. kitchen privileges, use entire house. 645 N. Winter. Ph. 34373 or 30460. )! FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED S room basement apartment, private bath, entrance, refrigerator, 848. 1-5248, 660 Union. 1P63 NEW FUBNISHED 3 room apartment sear stale hospital, n FURNISHED, verr attractive t rooms In modern private home on Mill Creek, lots of built Ins, garbage disposal, close In, adults. Ph. 37495 Eve. JP65" S ROOMS, partly furnished, adults, middle-aged lady, south. 3-6331. JP63 I ROOM furnished apartment, adult, 1936 onter. JOO! NICELY FURNISHED. Cloee In. Clean .mrlmnl W .fr Iff SratOT. range, bath, excellent bed. Suitable for one working gentleman, aii nun. furnished, 822.00. 345 Union, Phone 41466. W I ROOM apartment, close In. 074 N. Church. J"' NICELY FURNISHED 3 room apartment 255 Center. l-ROOM partlr furnished apartment. Ml So. 12tn. 3S. rnone a-(e aiier JP64' FINEST LARGE -BOO with bath, un fiiml.hMi. vlth serden Dlot. Ph. 31117. 1P64 FOR RENT OR SELL large home with apt upstairs. On S Libertr and BeUevue t.ARHR PEMENT GARAGE OR WARE HOUSE BLDO. loceted 1042 S. Com'l. St. See COLBATH LAND CO., Iteauors, DIAL 44494. 'P60" NEWER 1 bedroom rental on Quiet street In West Sslem. Tile bath, range ana re frigerator furnished.' 650 per month. RAWLINS REALTY Ph. 41761 lf2 FURNISHED NEWER 1 bedroom rental. Verr nice and clean, tile bath. 885 per month, call Rawlins Bealtr. Ph. 41761. Jp FnTvATE THREE-ROOM furnished court apartment, clean. Aifulto. 650. 3560 Port land Rd. CLEAN 1 ROOM, kitchenetle, emplored Isdr. Utilities furnished, near capltol. Phone 1-7161. NICELY FURNISHED 3 rooma and bath, verr clean, comfy, close In. 855. Utilities. 144 8. Commercial. Ph. 38059. JP60 SEVERAL furnished apartment, good lo cation. Inquire H. U Stiff Furniture. Phone 19165. !E! fcTcELY FURNISHED apartment, Ambas ssdor apartmenu, 150 N. Bummer. )p77' Lee Apts. Sslem'a Most Dlatlngulihed Addreae Following rentals can beshown now: 1-Bdrm. Available Mar. 1 lw-fj 1-Bdrm. available Msr. I 1-Bdrm. available Mar. 1 For luxurr living at moderate ratea call I 585 N. Winter St. Ph. 41611. IP OOOD FURNISHED duplex, private. 18015. 1P60' CLOSE IN, l-room furnished court apert ment, redecorated, garage, J-05IL1P' FI'RNTsliED 1 rooms, bath. Private en trance. Utilities Included. 145. 4 Jlst. Phone 1-6867. "lL tlVrfTDMiaiiVh l.h,i4,Min COUTt OPCrt- ment. Light, water, sanltsrr service, etove and relrleeretor furnished. Hard wood floors, modern, close to bus a no store. Cell after 5. Phone 3-151-lg?f eROOM-MODERN front apartment ilth bslconr and fireplace, near telephone ' oilier, state buildings and shopping cen ter, utilities psld, plentr or not IBS N. Winter. " 14.V Ptvr DOnU imfuriil Adniu only. Ill . HtA Apt. I I1""" By'Kttcham towy? I'm sick. FOR RENT HOUSES BEDROOM unfurnished house. 849 per month, aio palrrlew Ave. Ph. 41738. Jm63 BEDROOM house north, automatic heat, automatic wasner. water furnished. 863.90, Ph. 17899. Jm60 S BOOM house furnished. Inquire at 356 union St. 1. 96449. jm8J- 1 BEDROOM furnished. Clean, modern, adults. Insults 1131 Ruge. Ph. 26217. jm69a PARTLY PUBNISHED 1-bedroom house close to bus, .tores, garage. 4-5155. Jm68 EXTRA CLEAN, aearlr new. t-bedroom house, tiled shower, automatic, utllttr with tubs, between KoDrwood and atatehouse. Si block to bus. Verr reas onable rent. Call 31699. Jm61 I BEDROOM house, partlr furnished In cluding atove, refrigerator, soma living room furniture. Gsrage, Lrt. lawn. 1830 Abrema Ave. or Call 14080 evening. imeo' FOB REN1 1 Bed Room house. Oil heat, eiouoie garage, fruit, is much ground for tarden. 3750 south 13th. Adults only. Jm61 NICE 1 BEDROOM unfurnished house, electrla heat. Bendlx wuher. Close In. 3J717. Im61 1-BEDROOM In residential court. Clean, unfurnished except etove, refrigerator. Inquire garage, corner Lee, Mission. lm64 WALKING DISTANCE from capltol build ing. Fft. 38041. Jm61 DUPLEX 1-bedroom ground floor. Want partr to do cleanup work. 936 unfurn. DUPLEX 1-bedroom with electrle atove, near Memorial notpltal,' 940. DUPLEX unfurnished upstairs, clean, will rent to couple for 930. Bee Joe L. Bourne, Realtor, at 1140 N. Capitol. jmeo" NICE l BEDROOM, living room, kitchen, ainciie, utility, r.rtir xurnuned. oar den spot. 11329. Jm61' CLEAN, 1-BEDROOM furnished cottage, launcrr. garage, inquire 3845 Portland oad. jm6J. t BEDROOMS, with range, electric vs. ser neater, ejl. rnons 3-1711. Jm60' ALMOST NEW 1 bedroom bouse, electric nev, uiinvno iioora, automate neat, insulated. 3219 Maple Ave. Jm63 OFFICE FOR RENT f OB 9-BOOM SUITE, I single. Oregon I auiioing. ynong 34116. Jo' GROUND FLOOR office or store apace for rent. Call at Pitts M.rlr.t in. LOST & FOUND LOST Mother doit, 'leavint two day era pup 4i. rieaj return 10 uea . tn. km MISCELLANEOUS WARD'S INSTALL THE FOLLOWING Outtera - Mlcarta dralnboards Roofing - Fissile Tile, Cabinets, In stallation Siding - Free estimates. Come Is Screens - or phone. MONTOOUIHY WARD at CO. 115 N. Libertr ' Ph. 3-119! mS3 SPECIAL VALUE Coupon offer on page II. todar'o Can- Mel Journal. m BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRIVE MOVE YOURSELF SAVE riCFUPS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION 111 COURT ST. PHONE 3-1911 FAOB STEVENSON and AL MEFFORC m" SALEM (AND At GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Bold clearing - Ditching ewer and Basement Equipment Rente) Ditching br the Fool Phone Days 3-9408 Bias. 1-4417 or 3-7411 Salem, Oregon m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 8-HR, SKRVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8EMLXR, DENTIST Adolph Eidg., State & Commercial SIX. SALEM Ph. 3-3111 m SPECIAL VALUF Coupon offer on page 13, toder'g Oap ttal Journal. m BUILDING MATERIALS COAST OR MOUNTAIN CEDAR SHINGLES No. Is. II Inehea deer, 65: No. 3. I inches clear, 14. Ho ssp wood or culls. Come end get them. Ted Mullen, ssirm Independenca rosd. Ph. Sslem 31)96. IDS' BARGAINS WRECKIHO HOU8K All riKTUR STREET winttawi and doors, plumbinir. 1 toed hot water furnace lncludinf reilatered and pump. MAM ON WRF.CKINCT CO. magi Materials Galore!! uon ...... em IM Aft t"ldr J!..- tit ia Hemlock CUar 1M.60. Walllboardi 1.40 aht. nVra?,M.lB4f" Boardi. cw. w. " ' k... i aa ail. Lldlnii frem ll to 14V00. BhakM. loo. and inu r nic NfarlT fot Muishfd undir aomi plywood 4x ahMU. BeverM thomand pc. of mill tnU V4 low ai Je, 10c. lt- .1.. sill ul La tour llltl !Oek Flooring-low aa 114.16 all In heated room, rir new. en ..... - -- .. a. sa Doors, Birch. Mshog. Fir Webs, and psnela all at low iifiiwi r llonlhlr permentJ easily '''V ST. d.r . sm.M - .PPr.c...l. Portland Rd. Lumber Yard OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY III! Portland Pd. Won. 44413 to Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 BUILDING MATiilAlfr BUILDING? No. I coder shingle. No. coder ahlnslee ,.. No. 1 coder shingles 1 tab composition roofing Roll roofing Nsw toilets complete New wash basins .omplett Nells, per ksg ,, Nsw shower cabinet New weather stripped window. . Ussd Camp Adair windows ... Palntsd Cedar shake. New doors, rr'i.T' Water probf wall board 4il ,, Overhead Oarag. Hardware . New Olaes Doors Steel Oarage Doors, complete , ..I 171 . I 1.11 ..I 615 ..6 199 ..8 1.11 ..139.10 ..111 SO ..110.71 ..I4I.M i. .114.10 i. .3 180 ..111 SO ..6 IM ...11.9. ..Ill.M .119.1 ..W1.M BARGAIN Kitchen sinks, bath tuba, water best are, pipe, aeptle tanks. PLYWOOD No aerapr pieces, 4al she.1., .ood plr wood. both Interior and .aurwr, bar gain prices. C. G. Long & Sons ma ml. north of Kelser, Ph. 45061 meM' GARAGE 14z3t complete en your lot, tlt.ll r tronth, do down payment. You em fix thtt d or add that Mtra oeoroom tn earn way. VUH with ui lOODl Portland Rd. Lumber Yard OPEN ALL DAY 1841 Portland Rd. SATURDAY Phont 4411 me FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS NP.W FURNITURE, large stock. Small prices. Terms, trades. Olenn Woodrr'a. 1608 N. Summer. n60 NEW MOTOROLA radio - phonograph combination. regular $300.99, now 1169.99. Willi Music Store, 433 state. n63" MATTRESSES, like new. 18.11, Olenn n60 Woodrr'e. 1605 N. Summer. FOR SALE M.I. garden tractor, excellent condition. 13-lnch. Phone J-8311. n66 CHILD'S WARDROBE CHEST. Call 31393. nl3' LAWNMOWER. works good, 9. Olenn n60 Woodrr'a. 1609 N. Summer. ' -H.P, WISCONSIN engine with clutch, like new. 170 W. Browning. Phone 4-3311. nil NEW SWING ROCKER SALS, 136.50. Olenn Woodrr'a, 1605 N. Summer. nBO MONTGOMERY WARD Ironer, 980, T95 ft. ivtn et. nea 1,000 BARGAINS for you at Olenn Wood- rr a, 1606 N. Summer. n60 BEAUTIFUL BLOND Zenith radio phono graph combination, will saerlUe. call 36806. nil t PC. CHROME DINETTE SsTT, (29.50. Olenn woodrr's, 1605. N. summer, neo' REDUCED! $10 per day until sold. USED ONE I INCH DRUM TYPE FLOOR SANDER. 960 SHEIK'S OP SPEED ORIT PAPER. THIS PAPER ALONE IS WORTH 1110. Starting price Feb. 26, $575 MARCH 12, $455 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard FRONT As COURT STS., PHONE 11111 (W Olve S&H oreen Stamps) .. NEW LINOLEUM BUGS. Wed. ape. I1.T5. Olenn Woodry's, 1605 N. Summer. 60 BUNK BEDS, 144.50. USED MERCHAN DISE MART, 370 SO. Libertr. Ph. 46371, nei" TWIN SIZE coll bed eprlngs, 11.(5. Olenn Woodrr's, 1005 N. Bummer. noo1 116.00 17-lewel Elgin wrist watch com- pleto with expansion braeelet, aliahtlr shopworn, spselal 124.71. Hanmsn Bros., 399 state. nil FIREPLACE SCREEN, 3.50. Olenn Wood rr's, 1605 N. Summer. n60 REFRIGERATOR and washing machine, other household avtlcles, cheap, 2330 Townsend War. n61" HARDWOOD DINETTE extension tables, refinished. The price! Onlr 16.75. Olenn Woodrr s, 1605 N. Summer. n60 STROLLER. 16.60. USED MERCHANDISE MART, 370 So. Libertr, phone 46371. nil AIRWAY SANITir.ER. Same aa new, verr apeclal at 839.50. one look and you will take It. Also Hoovers. Electrolur. Eureka, etc. Bargain prices. Olenn Woodrr'a, 1605 N. Summer. n66' HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS, linens and dishes. 905 8. 13th. Ph. 36307. r!l ROYAL PORTABLE trpewriter, like new, 175. Also 9 br 13 eponge rubber rug, pad and rug 125. phone Monmouth 1373. nil ARMLESS DAVENO, Wed. epb lit. Olenn woodry, 1605 rr, summer. n60a lll GREY RUG, 129.50. USED MER CHANDISE MART, 370 So. Libertr, phone 46371, n60 ELECTRIC HEATERS, 3.50. Olenn WOod- 1605 N. summer. noo CFAFTSMAN 6'Vlnch law, inquire 338 s. capltol. 3-3506. practlcallr new. no. DUNCAN PHYFE set I pc. mahogany and Its a beaulr. Less than n price at 1149.50. Low as 129.50 down, see this today! I I Olenn Woodry, 1805 N. Sum mer. n60 1 APEX WASHING Machine, 1 Kelvlnator Refrigerator, 1 green Mohair Prelse Dav enport, 1 beige frelse Kroehler Relaxer, 2 blond End Tables, 1 Walton Rug with pad. Must be sold this week. Only I months old. Excellent condition. 4-6470. neo JUST IMAGINE! Modern maple twin bed. good coll aprlng and clean mattress. Single, twin else. Complete only 111.71. See this fine bargain today at Olenn Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. n60 MAHOGANY WRITING desk, Ilk. new. Phone 3-9640. nil WASHING MACHINES from 19.90. USED MERCHANDISE MART, 270 So. Liberty, phon. 46371. n60" FOR SALE, Zenith trans-ocean portable radio. Good batteries. 150. Radio-phono graph combination. 820. Table model radio, 810. 530 N. nth. n62' ADDING MACHIVE. cash register combi nation, elso Itemlelng cesh register. Ph. 25375. n62" FERTILIZER Pulverised, rotted menure. delivered anywhere, 2-0774 or 1-1073. nil TOP SOIL River gut and fill dirt, prompt delivery. Phone 3-1749. n79' PLATFORM ROCKERS from 116 95. USED MERCHANDISE MART, 970 So. Libertr, Phone 46371. n60 130 ALLOWED lor rour old water heater on thta new 43-gallon automatl. .loo. trie water heater. Yeoter Appliance 376 Chemeketa. Ph. 34311. n PAINTER'S OUTFIT, 1997.50. Panel truck. ledders, 60 cubic foot aprar rig com plete .Ph. 42914. nil I MATCHING 9x13 rugs and mats, cheep; chicken brooder, sell feeder. 1-7619 evt. nil WE PAY TOP cash price tor rour used furniture and appliances. Olve us a call. USED MERCHANDISE MART, 171 So. Libertr, phone 46S7I. n63 Organic Fertilizer Pree of weed seeds, and odorleag. Sack or bulk order, delivered, pnone 3-9137. n64 Mcculloch chain saws, eoe tdgawaur west Sslem. Salem Logging supply Ph 4-1541 Hospital bed for eale or rent. B Stiff Furniture Co. Phont 19195. USED washing machines. 19.11 and ap. Y RATER APPLIANCE CO., 171 Chemek eta. 115. CAMERA for 1100, new. Voltlander Vlteas. with FJ Inu, .tew 1-4047. 63 AUTOMOIILES MAJOR MOTORS State Street Major's presents these budget-wise values to you as an aid In obtaining the utmost for your transportation dollar. The following cars are in excellent condition for their price and year model also, let terms be no obstacle to you. '46 FORD ' $645 Tudor - an immaculate super de luxe with R&H '41 BUICK $395 Special - a 4-dr. truly original in condition , '41 CHEVROLET A very clean 4-dr. '41 FORD Tudor with a recent '41 CHEVROLET A clean special de '41FORL A tudor with a heater MAJOR MOTORS 18th and State Street FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BUNK BIDf, 144.50. USED MERCHAN DISE MART, 370 SO. UMrir, pnone 46171, n60' USED Westlnghous. nutomatlo lanndromat. onlr 1119.94. Tester Appliance CO., jie Chemeketa. n' SINGER drophoad tresole sewing machine. A-l condition. Quaranteed. flpedel IH.60. SINGER BBTWINQ CENTER 11. N. com'l. Open Prldar evening. nS0 SEWING MACHINE Used electric portable, aood sewing condition. Pull price 111.50. 8INOER IEWINO CENTER IM N. Com'l. Open Prldar .ruing.. BABY CRIB Oood condition. Phon. 34339. 4895 suegle Rd. n0- BABNTABD FEBT1LIZEB. 11.00 Tard. Cannon Peed Lots, one mil. eoulb ol Airport, Turner Rd. Phone 36961. n63 KEITH BROWN SPECIALS special 1U Oval Car.. D trade 03Mi It. Moulding Short V price 14x8 RL Clear A cedar Biding.. im u. 1X4 EU O e Btr'Plg HOD M. Flats - Boxes "X"3A9" (perfect plant starter toi.s) ... Tour eholea - 1Q eolor. In stock - 18' Carton packed - hand dipped Shake. No. 1 VO - Thes. nr. beautllull Still soma colors In Texollte.. .33.00 gal. Paoco uasonrr Shake Paint.. 16.68 gal. Front Door Lock. - Sargent ... 15.60 .a. Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Phon. 1-9111 4k Curt St.. WE OIVE 8 As K OREEN STAMPS DEEPFREEZE home Ireegen. TEATER AP PLIANCE CO.. 171 Chemeketa. n' FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted manure, composts, the eame ejualltr a. last, lor home and gar den. Flagstones, red lava stone and other trpes for walla or gardens. Rustic cedar fencing and trellle work. Phillips Eros., Rt. 6, Box 493, Salem. Ph. 4-8081 Gravel and Sand Anrthlng In gravel wholesale and retail. VALLEY SAND As OBAVEL CO., Ph. 24001. n" CEDAB TELEPHONE and electric poles, fence posts, bean post, and .takea. Phillips Bros., Rt. t. Box 493. 1 miles eest of 4 corners. Ph. 43011. n' OBOANIO FERTILIZER. Prte ot weed eeeds, and odorless. Back sr bulk orders delivered. Phone 3-1137. nil PLASTI-Kr - rec.ulres n. waxing. For rour tloorg or teatkr ap pliance CO., 171 Chemeketa n" BEPBIOEBATOB a, new and used. TEATER APPLIANCE CO., 171 chemek eta. n NOW IB the time to bur rour 1953 Weat- Inghouse automatic drrer at onlr 9309.96. VEATER APPLIANCE CO., 171 Chemek eta. n THE IDEAL fertiliser It's organic peatmoae. with poultrr droppings, onir Ko a aack. Vell.r Farm Store, Pb. 44631. n70 BALEM DE1SEL Roller and ball bearing. lor trueka and tractors. 3779 Bllvsrton Road. EXCELLENT barn rard eitlliter. Phon. 43307 or 3.400. noe- POR TEXTILE paint kits end brushes, figuring pslnu and brusnes, stencils and tranfers, Trl-Chem tube paints. Bee our eelectlon. Instructions fre. with purchase. Handicraft supplies, 153 So. Libertr. Upstaira, Rm. 10. n63 FREE Westinghous. .ewlng mechtnes on all floor fiamplas. Bsve up to 40. VEATER APPLIANCE CO., 373 Chemek eta. n" WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTBD Second growth fir logs. Can haul, or rou haul. Top price.. Olv. us a Irr. Rak At Batea Lbr. Co., Aumarllle, or call 1011, or 1,1779 Salem. naeo WANTED Walnut meats, and walnut, tn hell. Highest cash price on delivery. MORRIS KLORFEIN PAOKINO CO. 460 N. Front Bt Sslem Ph. 17831 WOODRT WANTS Pianos. Phona 1-1110 LOGS WANTED Stud Mill. Length, f 4" or It' I". Dl emeter 1" to II". Sawmill, Lengths 13' and longer. Diameter I" to 10". Top prices paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Phone 1118 aa (LECTBIO BANOES. Wsodm, Ph. 1-1110. na PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONTMOUf, Oroup No. I, 3011 N. commercial. Ph. 1-1119 or 1-4837. P4S srcLKlTT detective Agener, private Invutlgatlons. Ill Pacing Bldg. Phone 4-3318. P66 SPECIAL AUTO USED PARTS Motors, radiator!, fender., txlei, bodies, gran, botteriei, etc, Acme Auto & Truck Wreckers 8.15S Portland Road HEAR SAN SHOP DRIVE-IN IXl 1 AUTOMOULES $345 with many extras $295 motor overhaul $295 luxe club coupe . $65 AUTOMOBILES II BUICK BED AN ZTTE Motor, trans mission ov.rnauled. la good condition. Also '13 Ford J-door, II" wheel., '41 Mereurr motor. 1074 So. Libertr. ejll '11 ETUDEBAKIR CHAMP. Oood trans portation; alio '53 Ohev. piaetlln. Aero, .harp. Phon. 1-4030 after I. Terms, all POECED TO SELL nr .QUltr. 1I4T atude- haker atarllght Coupe. Pb. lltft, or eee at 160 S. 19th alter 1 p.m. .64' 194 1-DOOB BUICK .edan, -very good condition, good tires, new b.tterr. 1010 Electric alter . Pb. 13161. 1316. 61 WILL SELL m? 1371 equity 1st 19U Olds. Sc. C. J. Hccall, Oervals. 063 COUNTRY SQUIRE HM Pord atat!on Waaon). Low aallt- a, ovardrlva. Radio, haatar. alt natal. undercoated. food rubber. 32056. 165 N. Elma (4 Cornert) . qflo '61 FORD f-i Logging Truck. Pierce trail er. 87.000. B. P. Butler, Sublimity, Ore gon. Phone Starton SPS. qd63 1040 DELUXE Pord Club Coune. Jump seats, neater, good tlree. 1395. Call 4-1893 061" IBM Wt 4-door Maih. Oood tlraa, sood condition throuihout. Be 640 a. Bum mar. qcv 4 rOft U In. On of tht btat. Ph. 41157. q61 '52 FORD . RANCH WAOON LIKE NEW Charles Musser ' USED CARS HIOH MARION PH. 4-49M 'II FORD Club Coup.. Ph. 43115. Call eve. 431 West liadrone. ql3 1PR1 CHEV. 4 door B.d.n Deluxe Power oiide, fulir mulpped. Ph. 43196. 060 '49 OLDS BEDANETTI FULLY EQUIPPED ..11191 Charles Musser USED CARS HIOH As MARION PH. 4-4901 '42 Chevrolet Tudor $285 Charles Musser USED CARS HIOH MARION PH. 4-4901 t 47 JEEP Station Wagon, with overdrive, 1336 and our parmenu. Phon. 4-1440. .41" 14 PLYMOUTH convertible, new tires, redlo .nd heater, la .gcelient condition. Oall no Klngwood Ave. er ph. 1-3740. 063" J41 Chevrolet Clb. Coupt $345 ' Charles Musser USED CARS I MARION PH. 4-4901 41 MEBCL'RY, 63.000 miles, RAH, WB.W. orlg. PBlilt. 9160. Ph. 3-6643. 6I AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR AVINO RADIATOR TROUBLE? Valley Motor Co. experts will .olv. rour prob l.m. and ..v. rou rnoner. Pree esti mate., speedr ..rrlc.. C.nUr at Llb.rtr. FINANCIAL SEB US POR FARM, CTTT or ACREAOB LOANS BEST OF TEH US WE BUT Rial Mtata nortgagu 4g eoatracig. State Finance Go. 117 a Ilia St. Ph. 14111 T0 Lt. vm and M-I9I and ROT n. SIMMONS tlfflURANCl AJtO LOANS Hear "Top rradas" 1J: Dili? KALM - 1110 Re. OtKHUL riNANCI OO. LOANS S. Commsrclal St Tel. Mill teufgl CTffgfftl 'iVllr FINANCIAL AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. Ill South Church Parking o-Plontr Pn. I-IIIT Lie. No. M ilt, i-164 STATE FINANCE CO. 5 SIMPLE WAYS TO END TOUR MONET WORRIES I purQitura Loan S Ant Lota Livestock Loan 4 CtvMaker Loan t Clanatura Loan VaU biuh sVnall loan MOO II ail mum Auto loan 9MH. 111 so. Utah at. Phont lU 110 Pill VATS MONKT poclaJ Rate and Ttrnt On Lanr Loana Loot ami hert Tim Parmanti ROT H. aiMMONS III ft Oommtrcla) t Ptt. 1-9161 LOANS UP TO $1500 b llanaturt. Furniture. Car AT PtMONAL lt'a "7a". promptly to tm- pioirod men or woman. 1-tUU loon . . . phona flrat. You aaltct best payment data. Botwatn payday loan. Phono, wrltt or coma In TODAY I Personal Finance Co. 108 HI OH 0T.. CALXU etata Llcaiut Noj. a-m, U-1IS Leant over tsoo up t 1B00 and up to 3ft months to repay made br Persona) V inane Co. of Marlon County under th Industrial Loan Companlaa Act ot Or Hon. rto 5 Interest If you hart ldla funda aaeklni lnveat mant, than rou ara tha typa of paraon to whom wt cn ba of atrvlca. Por ovar Twanty-flT Tcara wa have han helplnt paopla In thla community find profltabla work for thalr money. Durlna thla period wa havo promptly paid M aaaal-aanaal In ti rait parmtnli totalllni many Tbouaanda or Dollars. Wa ara currently paylni 8 INTEREST on funda from $300 to 15000. General Finance Corporation 116 a. COMMERCIAL BT. Balam, Ortton Phona I-91C1 HOUSE TRAILERS WILL BELL 96000 91-ft Llblrtr house tr.uer tor 700. Ph. 46116. 160 Tarbln Road. ta63 MACHINERY IP-IS M. SAWMILL machy, 330-h.P. dlcital moior, eoaer. pond aaw, unloadlna rig, to., raady to to. 18SJ, Indaptndence. V70 TRANSPORTATION MTNIBTEB LEA VINO lor Walla Walla, wasn., Frioaj. Take 4 passenger, shar ing expenses. No drinking, no smoking. References. New car. Phone 4-3473. x6l CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ADDING HACBINEH AU makaa uatd machine! aoW, rented, repaired. Roan, 4B6 court. Ph. 1-6773. o BULLDOK1NQ BuIIdoalni road, claarlnc teeth. Vlrall Huakay, 1010 Palrvlew, Ph. 3-3HI, i CASH AIQIST1BS Inatank delivery ot new RCA eaih tea latere, AU makea, 10M, ranted, repaired, noon, ao uourc rn. a-vux. DRHSMAKINa Alteratlone, hamatltohlni, button bucklea covered, buttonholea. Ura, H. M, Aitenaer, a-ii, oo' DRIVING INSTRUCTION uarn to drive th "Easy Drive" way. Call or see Mr. Rlckard. valley Motor uo aaiera. rnone H7 er 48174. EXCAVATING land clearlnr. Phone 1-3080. mOUITBML TRUCKS Fork-lift trucks. Inside and outside work. Hyster. Clark, Mobil lift. 3000 and sooo lb. machines. By day, week or month. Ph. 7UU. Capital .City Trans fer, o Insulation, weatherstrips, screens. Free estimate. T. Pullman. Phona 3-5BTC. ofio MATTREBSES Capllol BMldlag. rciiovatas. Full line n.w 'aattresses. Ph. 14M9. orncE roKNiTUBi supplies Dsk chairs. Ill.s, filing supplies. ..lee, dupullcators, .upplt. desk l.mpa, trpe. writer st.ods. Ro.n, 488 Court. o SEPTIC TANKS Ham.r. ..ptle tanks cleaned, line aerv le.. Ou.r.nt.ed work. Phone 17404. 073 Mlke'e Septle Service. Tan)., cleaned. B'root.r clean. ..were, dr.ln.. Phone 1-9188. one Sewer, a.ptl. lanu. drain, cleaned. Ro so.Rooter sewer service. Phon. I-8327. TELEVISIOV TV sale., Service, Antenna. Ave. phon. 4-8983. 1970 Lana oas WINDOW CLEANING "B 4. Z" Window paint acrap Ing, floor waxing and g.n.r.l .ervlce. Re.ld.ntl.1s ur .p.elaltr. Oo anrwhere. Ph. 1-7911. OS Aem. Window CU.n.r.. Industrial floor waging, bous.el.anlng. Phone 1-1337. 147 Court o TYPEWRITERS mlth, Corona, R.mlttgton, Roral, Un d.rwood port.blee. All mak. used m.. .bin... U r.nt. Roen, 451 Court LEGALS ESTATE Or MICHAEL CARTY NO. I MM TO WHOM CONCERNED: Notice la Hereby iiren that th Pinal Report of the Adminietreirix is now filed In the Of. ce of the County clerk. That br Order or Court Uaued by Rrz Klmmell, circuit Judce, aald Report will come on for hearlni in open Court In Salem. Oregon on March S3, 196), at t:lt A.M., In the eld Hlih School bulldlnt. The aald Report ahowa no claima nend- Int atalnit aald Eatale: that the nmc baa been fully administered Titer be ina on oblecllo.'ui filed. eid Report will be approved, th Administra trix will be dliohaned and her Bond exonerated. Eleanor A. Carty, Administratrix. 1090 Lancaster Drive. Salem. Ore. O- W. Emmonj, Attorney, no ooun ai.. saiem. oreion. Data of publication, February II and 19, wren . n and u, 19H. Bids Will Be Opened On Postal Service Bids will soon be called for the operation of the three con tract postal stations operated on the outskirts of Salem, Post master Albert C. Grass: said Successful bidder, will oper- J""' nn'nu. ( 4h a,.,inn. ... . .'Bollman funeral chapel, Dallas, fio l j. 01 1 wh the Rev. Earl Benbow offil IWU jreiri, Tl, Krf.. ...Ill U. The station, are now being operated by Charles Libby in the Kelzer district; Frank Bor den at Four Corners; and Fran cis Hamstreet in the Vista mar ket on Highway 99E south. Forms and additional infor mation may be secured at the post office. Capital Journal, Salem, Ort At ? Pilot Rescued Jet Pilot Lieut. Robert B. Stamatis of San Francisco, attached to the carrier USS Philippine Sea, swingt from highline at he Is transferred from the-Canadian de stroyer HMCS Athabaskan (background) to carrier USS Val ley Forge. Navy Pilot Stamatii was forced to ditch his plane in icy waters of the Sea of Japan wore than 80 miles from his ' carrier and was picked up within minutes by the Athabaskan. . He suffered only slight injuries. (US Navy Photo via AP , Wirophoto) ' " DEATHS Hlllle A. Leirand Millie A. Learand. late Tealdent of m Jersey St., Silverton, at a local hospital March S, at the axa of 10 year. Burvlved by daunt. ten. Ura. Leroy Paaley and Mrs. Melvln Woldahl. both ot Silverton. yivia Hall, suaar city, coio.; sum, uo Leirand. Monrovia, Calif.; !iobart ,La arand, U. 8. Navy, Caater L:vrand, Fruit a, Colo.; Erneat Learaml, Colorado Aprlnaw, Colo.: four brother a and two elitera. Mem ber of BaptUt Church. Announcement ot ervlcea later by Howell-Edwards Chapel. Christ C. Krtln Christ C. Kreln. at the resident 101 Broadway at., March at the ait of IS year. Survived by wife, Katie Kreln. Sa lem; dauahters, Mrs, Oeone Oratnm. Lodt Calif., Mrs. A'.loa Oramra, aalem, Mrs. Anne Flemmur, ho Anaeles, Calif.. Mrs. Tlllle Janta, Seattle, Wash., Mrs, Xlsle josepn, tjoa Anteies, cam.. Mrs. HtMa Davla, San Dleao, Calif., Mrs, Violet Oeehn, Loa Anieles, Calif., Ura. Oladya wimanw, san Dleao. Calif.: two son. fcmmanual Kreln. Salem. Herbert Kreln. Stockton, Calif.; brother. Jake Kreln. John Kreln and Edward Kreln. alt of neoron, h. ui aisterj, m. cnriitiD Hauck, Mrs. Ida Pehr, Miss Madeline Kreln, all of Hebron, N. D.. and Mrs. Emma Timbalmen. Los Anieles. Calif.: ana l grandchiidrBn. Member of Flrat Baptist church. Service will ba held Thursday, March 13 ai 1:10 p.m. In tha HoweiiEdwerdJ Chapel with the Rar. Lloyd Anderson off Ida tin. Interment at ueicrest Memorial park. Frank F, Rlebter Frank F. Rich ter. lata rasldent of Mil rnnsi kq., in local hoioltal Uaroh a. Survived by wife, Mrs. Mible" C. Rlchttr oi aaiem: nautnter, Mr. Alice M. Robins, oaiem; sons, Krvine F. Rich ter and Har old E. Rlchter, both ot Salem; sister. Mrs, Ida Oqullt f Seattle. Wash.: hrothtiri. Joe Rlchter, Spokane, Wash., Id Rlchter. Seattle, wash.. Fred Rlchter of CrohT. Minn., ana iom mcnter oi Minneapolis, Minn. i an osix aranochiwran. Sarvie Thuraday, March 12 at 1:30 p.m. Rev. wai ver a, .TTtjarici; oiiicia.ini, interment in neicrea. Memorial rare.. Mra. George William Moore Mrs. Oforee William Moore, at the real dence, viO Leslie street on March I Mother of Mr:. Elenore Roberbt ttt Port. land, Mra. Dorothy Person or Turner. Mra Aines Mink, Mrs. Jean Williams and Mra. """M- "MlneytM.rela H.lver.on. ill of Salem. Ali. .urJ.Mj.-V,l.r2i' iTw -r.-lnU." Ing ere 8 grandchildren. Member r M Methodist church. Service will b h.lh Aiiurauf7. Mrircn U Bl 3 p.m. in th W. T. Hlfdon Chapel with ennliiHin aervfcea at Twin Oak cemetery In Turner. Dr. Brook H. Moore offlclatlnr. Tracer B, Newman , I Tracer B. Newman, at tha rMMrnPi. 14AT D atreet, March 11. Survive, bv wtic, nan. urn ncwmin Miami dauihter. Mra. Henry Frlcka of Aiiinn Neb.: 3 arandchlldren. oi WHrir .n iracy rncKe, ootn or Alliance. Neb.: S slater.. Mr. T. J. Eroidrlck of Eaat uranre, new jeriey and Mn. L. I. lini. aenhelmer of Beverly HIIJi, Calif. An nouncement of aervlcea later by th Vlrtll T. Golden Co. Frank Raimey Frank Ranvacy. at a local hoiDltal March 8. Late realdent of 731 Ilth Ave., Port land. Announcement of aervlcea later br the Vlrsll T. Golden Co. Mid-Willamette Obituaries Arthur Srockberger Albany Services for Arthur Stockbereer, 72, who died Mon day In an Albany hospilll, will be held at the Fortmiller-Fred- ericksen funeral home Thurs day at 2 p.m. Mr. Stockbereer was born in Iowa-and moved to California at an early age and lived there until 1048, when he moved near Eugene. . . He had been a resident of the Albany Mennonite home since December of 1952. His wife pre ceded him in death. He Is sur vived by a daughter, Mrs. Doro thy Pcknie, New York City; one son, John ., Winston-Salem N. C, and a sister In Iowa. Elizabeth Miller Dallas Mrs. Elizabeth Mill nrou.8e6,3WiDaUaf S Route 3, Dallas, died at her, home Tuesday, March 10 Mrs. Miller was born Nov. 6, 1866, at Knox, Ind. She married John Miller Feb. 22, 1894, at Craig, Neb. She was a member of the Dallas Methodist church and a charter member and past noble grand of Leah Rebekah lodge No. 336 of Craig, Neb. Surviving are two sons, Argie Miller, Craig, Neb., and Milton L. Miller, Dallas, Ore.; one daughter, Mrs. Blossom Roemer, Glendale, Calif.; 12 grandchil dren and 28 great-grandchildren. Her husband, one son and one daughter preceded her in death. Funeral services will be at 2 rZl,T to Craig, Neb., for burial. Ole Nelson Amity Funeral services for Ole Nelson, 70, farmer, who died March S in McMinnvUle, were held at Macy'a Chapel, Thursday, March 6, 1:30 p.m. Wtd-f Bit7Sf,Slll5Wtt LODGE Salm Lodge, No. 4 A.F. & A.M., Wed.. March 11, EA degree, 7:30 p.m. Pot-luck din ner 6:30. " Lodge 60 SPRING VALLEY MEETING Spring Valley The Spring Valley Community club will hold a program meeting at the school house at 8 p.m. Friday, . March 13. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Thuradsy, March It Oompanjr D, 162nd Infantry regi ment, (Oregon National Guard, at Salem rmory. D ostiery, 7Z2na yaa,aw tt talion. Oregon National Guard at quonset huts. organisea naval Keserve sur face division at Naval and Marine Ooroe Reserve tralnlncr center bloodmobtle visiting from 6 pjn. to 10 pin. Friday, March IS Beabee reserves, at Naval and Marine Corpe Reserve training cen ter. , . ; . .. Train at Lewis Fort Lewis. Wash. Recentlv ar riving here to take their basic train ing; were two Salem men, Pvt. Rob ert R. Hart, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Hart, 2010 North Commercial street, Salem, and Pvt. Paul S. . Nleswander, son ot Mr. and Mrs. . P. 8. Nleswander, 1268 T street, Salem. The men are members ot company r, 133rd infantry regiment, tti Infantry division. Completes Active Duty U. S. Naval Air Station, Seattle, Wash. CaDt. Jack Wanek. USMOR. 423S Hager street, Salem, Oregon, . "' ..rS'T"" '"""'f "-'" duty training: here with the Marine Air Detachment. Wanek, who in ' civilian life 1a with the Oregon : state forestry deparfjnent, Is an ,' aviator with the Marine Air R- : serve Fighter squadron VMF-3I9 i here, belriR- with the squadron sines ; August; m, iwd, a veteran or worm War J. at that time he saw action ' In the Solomon Islands. Ella Elliabeth Lanilnr Ell Elliabeth Lanelnr, at a local ho ! pltal March 10. Lata realdent of (HIS Cummlna Lane, Salem. Survived by hui band, Walter Lanaln of Salem: 3 dauch': ten, Mr. Tthe! Henderaon of Orient. Wuh,, Mrt, Garnet Raomussen of Osweao, Ore.; I irandchlldren. Service will b held In th Virgil T. Golden Chapel Fri day. March is at 3 p.m. Interment In Betoreit Memorial Park. Graveside services were in charge of the Elks Lodge, No. 1283 at the Masonic cemetery. Nelson was born July 14, 1882, in Vermillion, S.D., and lived about five miles west ot Amity, Rt. 1, McMinnvUle. He married Anna Marie Chrlstensen August 25, 1905, In South Dakota and came to Ore gon in 1912 and was a member of McMinnvUle Lodge No. 1283, Surviving are his widow, An na Marie; three sons, Howard of Port Angeles, Wash.; Louis O. of McMinnvUle; Orvle of McMinn vUle, and 3 grandchildren. Ella Lee McDaniel Dallas Funeral services for Ella Lee McDaniel, 23. 811 30th St., San Francisco, Calif., will be at 2 p.m. Friday, March 13 at BoUm.r Funeral ' Chapel lh. pu pr. with the Rev. Roscoe West offi ciating. Burial will be in Bethel cemetery. Miss McDaniel was born at Mosquero, Mexico, Feb. 16, 1930, nda died at San Francisco Satur day, March 7. Surviving are her mother, Mrs. Helen Erheart, four sisters, Jessie, Thora, Marcella and Clara McDaniel and her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hugh Tobler. T. Lam. M.D. De o rrh.n n UK. 4JHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs. 241 North Liberty OKlce open Saturday only 10 .m. to 1 p.m.. 6 to 7 p.m. Con aulttUon, blood pressure and urine tests are free of charm Practiced sine 117 Write for utrsctlvt gift. No obligation Or. Y Tlm. M.D. Betrrr