2g-apUal.JourMl Salem, FOR SALE FARMS Perfect Building Site "." 4tt ecrae, I aettea trot Willamette bridge to folk eeunty, fronting m Wallace Rd. PerUle MIL ewaeptlonelly adepteal. to ale homsslte, or seuld he I ar I bom, sitae. MO-rt. (rentage, I varletlaa af fruit trees. M-tt. w,B 'with pumping win tnetalled. A dandy property (or mom with mo own. B4luot at IM month, n Claude Kilgore REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER MO ft. LANCASTER DR. FOR SALE HOUSES KENT OFFERS THREE LOVELY HOMES , ) . VO. I-Orer 1.100 nun (art o( apacleua living. Two l,r bedrooma, at tractive IMii room lth paneled llreplaae will, dining room, kitchen with dining area, beautiful lot la a dlelrlet you will be i proud of. Carpeting Included la U ipeelal price of 111,000, 4 , ; . loon can bo aeaumed. DO. . Non-Teeldent ownar (orood to tall thie nairlr saw 3-bedroom boma. It haa a living room-dlnlni room .ombluetlon. work-saving kitchen with eoniar alnk. utility room, laria lot with (anoad back yard and patio, paved atraet. Asking 111,(00, but gulek aala Imperative. : look tbU orir and mako an olftr. Ijarta i loan oan be aiiumed. " HO. I Hara U an Inglewood homa with .verrthlng Ton hava baaa wanting. L-sheped llTlai and dining room daelgnod (or antartalnlni, modal kitchen with braaklaat bar, laraa badrooma, lovely din, (uU beee- mant with party room and fireplace, oU (urnaer. 113,730. Torma. Ownar will oonaldar older house In trade. Murphy & Kent, Realtors Mortgag a Loan, Conatruetloa Flnraclng 4M North Church Www -3333 . Evm.: Mr. Kant J-3130 FOR SALE HOUSES Close BY THE BEA on Hwr. 101, near Newport. Beautiful location. 3-bedroom noma and I weu-Duut rurnBnaa cot tuu. alaetrlo heat. UIM. W. Whltwtll, Otter Rock. Orason. aOO oi also Dlf. 15 NEW 1-EEDROOM BOUIaV. WITH FULL BASEMENT. OUT BTATI (VTBEET. '. UtlX PAST 4 CORNERS. II.0W t MONTH Offia AT PROJECT. PHOMI 4I7H aeo- WORTH THE MONET Dandr l-bedroom homa, nice lltlnl and dlnlnt room. Tllo In kitchen, automatic oil heat, larte garage, lovely rara, approilmatelr It acra of around, food ehlcken houae, aprlnkllnr aritem ior lawn and garden. 111,000. Call Pat Xemoer. 25217. J. I. Hlmmel Haallor, Ph. 11314. all OWNIB MUST aaorUMa, -blroom homo on largo corner Jot, laraa oomiortaoia living, venltlaa aiinaa snrougnouv, w aulated laundry room m attached far- age. Immediate poaaaaalon, Mual aou. Look around and mako offer. Anr aa . aonable offer aonetderad. Inqulrt at 3745 Juno Avo. or cau louo. ae' OB TRADE for amall bouaa in Waal alaan, 3-bedroom house, l aero rruit, oerriaa. ahruba, 3 chicken houjea, Talua 14000 & 15000. 18 8.W. View Drlra, Oawego- Slacutono isau. aez fcu.MO, ENQLEWOOD Dlltrlct, 4 bad- room. Roman brkk fl rap lace, mahogany paneling. Will Mil farnUoad ar un (umlihad, 14 Jaffaraon. aei ON OBKKK Maar N. High. 3 Bad R, Kitch en, Dinette, Bath, Ltrlng ft, Hwd W - Fir, Baaement, Auta Heat Jl Plra PI, Oarage, 48000.00. unit Apt Houae, 0UO0.OO, 4 unit Apt Houae, 33100.00. For Rent: 1 3-Rm or Bath Purnlahad Apt, 100.00. Ph. Ownar 4S43 Altar S r.M. or Before A.M. all I-room BODBB on laraa aornar lot, pared street, cloaa to grade aohool, junior high. Would consider aome trade. Full price 17500. Inquire at 330S H. th. 3.5308 ovenlnge. all k BEDROOM, 114 atorr homo. All apaoloua rooma, nowa. utH gaanot. wooawori. (Ireplaee. dining area la kit., baaement automata heat, oorered patio, double aarage, ioaa n sua arratuaat ea aam dare. a3 COMPLETED APPROX IMATELY 48 DAYS. VAIBMSUNT HILL 170 Jaha St. I bed rooms, dlshweeher, dlgpoaal, run kaee- mens, rcona 4-1734. OR TRADE, 4 bedroom hmw Bear Rich mond school moo. 404 S. 14th. a!3 Immediate PosBession SHORTLY SUBURBAN EAST. ROOMY NEWER 3-bdrm. home, bdwd. Bra., di nette, neat kitchen, large lorely ltr. rm., all heat, attached garage. BEST OF ALL. THB PRICK IS ONLY 3750. PO0UIBLS gioou oown. PANORAMIC VIEW OF CITY AND TBS OABOADaaX A CHATtMTNa HOME. LOTelg llr. IWL, brkut rm.. adjoining kitchen, 1 large bdrme. ds bath plus shower all aa tint llr. 2nd fir. finished Plywood, asphalt tile fir. Full cement baatnt.. all fnrnarf- alr heat, party rm., outdoor (Ireplaee an aecluded patio. Braeaeway to double aaxaee. ON THE ABOVE til ' MRS. OOLEBBEE - BVE. n. gam omci DIAL 44494,24552 ROCK BOTTOM REDUCTION IN PRICE. WONDtFUL OI4B-AURS BUouHBAN BOMS Ilka new, bdwd. (Ira, S harms., big llr. rm. with cored calling, a kitchen yon will ba proud of. Large closets, extra bdrm. or deu over garage. Drilled wall a. mmn sue NICK TURF LAWN. Located cloaa in on Monroe, price 33700. excel- aErrc TEHHH TV fUOHT PARTY LISTEN TO THIS A CUTS ONE-BDRM. MEW HOME with lovely large kitchen, alee bath, aU eleotrlo heat. Bstra lot tneloded ALL rua swe, wiu enow cm ON TUB ABOVE SIS BARRY TAN BORN EVE. PH. 41TW orncs DIAL 44494a 24552 A mm classified ADwranima Per Ward 4a Per Word, t Use. Me Per Word, S tlmee lie Per Ward, I eaealk tee Na Befaade Mtatasea M Warca. EADERS ta taaal Mewa Oat. Oalr. rwr Ward e Minim em 10 War da Ts Flaca Ad la Baaa Dajrli Pbmt, Phaoo 1-ttM Brfnre 10 skm. a. I L Ort., Wed., March 11, 1953 FOR SALE FARMS PR. 4-403 bbM FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES TRADES Nlta 3-B.R. oma fireplace, baamt., new auto, all furnace, yerr nice back yard with (Ireplaee, In Highland dial. I82O0, to trade for nice 3-B.R. home with (Ireplaee, din. rm., In Hollywood disk Will pey ajooo difference. Call Facky McFarland. Oood t B.R. ome In Snglawood Diet. ciam ta achooL bus. atoree. 13 yra. old, 313,500, to trade for newer homa with 3 B.R., llv. rm., din. rm., fireplace, full basm't., for homa around 110,000. Call Packy McFarland. T.nv.l 3-RJL homa In Mapleton Addn. 13450, to trade (or good 3-B.R. home closer In .around 311,000. Call Packy aeoreriana Will lake ear la trade. Have 3-B.R. home which needa som repair, on Abrama Ave. WIU Uke ear or 1710 aa dowa perm i. Total price I44S0. Call Feeir Mcranand. NEAR CREEK Sera la what you hava been looking ao long (or (near creek). Lovely 3-B.A. home, llr. rm., din. rm., lge. kit., lota of Dullt-lna. aewlng roam, fireplace, fun dry basement, double ehake construc tion, lota of ahruba, (lowers, 3 blocks (rom city center. Can arrange terms. 113,300. call Packy McFarland. IN PRATUM 3440 (or this fine 4-BS. home an approz. Va acre at land cloaa to ecnooL ator At lockara, double garage, lge. workahop on baofc af lot. Haa good pipe furnace. A Tory good buy. Call Burt Plena. ONE-HALF ACRE About one-hall aora aloae In. east of town, with older type 4-B.R. house, ehlcken and (rult house, (rult trees, close to aohool. 37950 with 32000 down. Call Allan Fletcher. OOOD 3-B.PL Honaa close to aohool and Lutheran ahurch. only 34303 with 3100 down, call Allan Fiatanar. WILL TABS TRAILER BOU8E 3-B.R. on good hall acre In 4 Oor. Bora, paved at. May Uke smaller house ar lge, trailer house as down payment. grow, out son coaaiia, Burt Picha 7 X. Bflfb St. Off.! I-40IT Bras.: Allan Fletcher 3-3703, P. Mc Farland 3-0414, Burt PI eh 4-1X3 ago OLDER TIPB HOME on Portland Road. 11-It. Blghwar frontage. Price IT750. Terms. 3-0331 ore. a61 BT BUILD KR. Maw flaw homa, 3 bedroom. a xrropieces, easement, I piocaa Mc Ktnler aohool. etO Wlldwlnd Dr., 31370. aVMDBOOM da aleeplng porch, basement, eu rarnaea, Hicnmond out, Fh, 3-T770. all 3400M MODERN homo, I bdrma., wind eiea., eaaement, a aeragaa, t-unlt apt. house earns lot. 4 large rooma, private bath each apt. Oil heat piped each anil. Oood frame building, close In, apleadld Income property. 313.400 (ull prlee. Located 1141-00 N. winter St. Write to 411 Ifanbrln Drive, Salem, Ore. aeo RANCH TYPE Your dream house. 3 lge. B.R. with huge wardrobe eloseta, lge. llv. rm with picture window, natural brick fireplace, din. rm., kit. with landscaped, concrete M,Im An.. W1 - - ft. of baaa. houae (or 111.050. F.H.A. ' m wiie . oergain or lan'a 117 Per particulars, ask (or Bob oonklln, Burt Picha 71 K. Blah St, Ott.: 3-404T aoO" Horse Haven I Mi A. close In suburban. 1 block to utr ous, a otocka to echool. Oood 3 bedroom home and den. fireplace, dlnlna room, dream kitchen and breakfaat nook. Large stllllr, all on one floor. 1300 ft. door ana, Nice yard, ahade, ahrubbery, outside fireplace, lots of (rult, A hip roof barn, a loft with it.tr. way. 3 large eorrale .pasture. Priced to gall 113.300. tALEM'S FIRST DRIVE-IN Smith Real Estate 4401 Portland Rd. Phone 3T00T re, Mr. Olson, 330K ar 17007 (Opposite Woodroffa'a Ban Shop) KLUMPP'S BUYS FOR SPRING "FamDy Value" I b.rra. and den, walking distance to taptlol bids completely remodeled In side and out. F. A. oil furnace and fire place. Sep. dining rm. Outdoor barbfoue, bath up and down. Wonderful condition. Onlr $10,MM, terms. "Near Leslie School" Let ua ahow you thai modern home with 3 bdrma. and den with I fireplaces, sep arata l.r., and dining room, large kit chen, hardwood floora, forced air heat ing plant, daylight baaement. With dou ble plumbing. Just 1 blocks to echool. Only 111.500. "Have a Look" Tau will auraly Uke this tovslr I b rm. homa with h.v. floore. and fireplace. Tile In bath, beautiful kitchen ana dinette, large oomer lot with trees. Wall worth the price 310,400. "Please the Family" with this good I yr. old 3 b.rm. home an one floor. Lge. lot, garage, and well. Close ta new school. Northeast, A bur at areoo. L. E. Klump, Realtor 30SI Portland Rd. Phono i-7141 Bte. 1-7143 at 1-31 44. aa IFOR SALE HOUSES Hundreds WILL HEAD THIS! Onir onn can bur Trulr a uper value In Uilf lovely euburban aetata, ao. ft pleat, const. Features 11x34 llv. ra, 14x13 din. rm. Jg.. Ut. utility rm., 4 specroua bdrmJ., den, 1 llreplecee. Thermo-matlo furnace. Over 1 . well landac... Irulh nute a .,,,. iUbU barn. 4 CHOICB BUM. arrxa. ooing ior omr foow. bv Higglnbotham Real Estate lit Nat'l Bank BIdi.. Woodbura h Afriea T711. tVfl. VIM W FOR SALE LOTS looiiao buildino LOT on Munkena St. In 4 Cornara Biei. m .h 49mm aaal CHOICE V1IW loU In Klnawood Height.. sewere. watar, aw. oeusimr ..,. r-.ll avner. Phooa 1-0411. aaflO FOR SALE FARMS a I IF fX alarm wa Ith I.TBL house. I aero berrl'ee. fruit, bare with ( stanchions, good dark sou. CALL Allan Fletcher. BUST PK7HA m N. Hlfb St. la. Oil.: 1-404 FARMS & ACREAGES 5 ACRES IK CULT. OlOJt ID N. X. 10-COW jtaochion bftra. imtU I-room nodfrn bomt, varftii. RMd on t iMeJ. WouM iniK a cooa cuoaivuioBa rite tiw. 10 ACRES tnit liVTU nT.lVTi a TtlilM fflaO mail bomt, barn U tte. A BUY .FOR I3TV0. oown. 130 AflRES CL06I IN, 46 A. In ult. Bal In tlmbtr s paiiare, iari amirj ui. wue. uu-, . . . nnnatraatnti riTSf Prica ail.ooo wltb 16000 lawa or BKLL TAHT. 21 ACRES ARI.Y aETTLER SPECIAL. No bldgt. good spring. 3 miles 8.E. PRICE ONLY 32500 with 3600 down. ON THE ABOVE SEE T. T. ANDERSON FOR A FARM ZVE. PH. 42714 orncs DIAL k 44494,2 4552 A REAL ESTATE WE NEED $10,000 to $20,000 . TTHITTTin SEVERIN REALTY TIARA OF SATlflFA CTORT e envies Thli prewar-built home, Xngllah itrlt, ahouW be just about perfect ior a fam ily 'with school children. It la located close to all schools. Bus and ahopplng. Living room with fireplace. Dining room with bullt-lni. Den or bedroom and pretty kitchen 1st floor, 1 nice-size bed rooms and bath 2nd floor. The best auto, heat, aarage and lovelr landscaped corner lot. Only llt.fiOOi About 14000 will handle. WaVLNUT PARK 4 BKDROOUB English architect, a bedroom and bath down, a bedrooms and bath up. Larue living and dining room. All floors carpeted with $35.00 per yard carpeting. Finished baaement and 3-car garage. Bert la t fine home, built prewar with best material. It la yours for under oat. flubstentlal mortgage an be ar ranged. 1 17, two. LrrTLS FARM HOlrflC lVi acres of garden, fruit, grapes, duck pond. Well-built home of t rooms. It Is located close in and ean be roura for only 11,800. Terms. Severin Realty Co. IS& H. High 4-S94J; eves. 3-60M Mr. Klang 1-3203 Mr. Moon J-7CflJ e0 NELSON LIVE RENT-FREE This 3-bedroom suburban home la Bewlr decorated, good cond.. readr to oeoupr, large rooms, attic for extra bdrm., for onlr teooo. Call Mrs. Wootten. 4 BEDROOMS HIOHLAND DISTRICT Family home with roomy bdrme., din ing rm (13 x S), lnsul., good roof, al most new gar. 9 blks. to grade school, eltr bus by door. Priced to sell, 4)7400. Call Mrs. Wootten. ' OWNER-BUILT s S ROOMS NORTH Well built large 3-bdrm. home that hat a 18 x 16 living room plua a aood- slsed dining room, IS x 12 kitchen. Thla one-yr.-oM home la in a good neigh borhood. The full price Just 19300. Call Al Watte, I-736S. 8 BEDROOMS OWNER LXAVTNTT CIVY n This ranch-style homo la located la a fast-growing suburban neighborhood. Beautiful living room 10 x 14 finished In manogany. s Dorms,, 3 oath rms., tpleee., patio with fplace lovely beck yard, deal for children. Price 111,000. CLOSE IN OHIOKCK RANCH 10 acres with aood modum a.m home. 4 lge. poultry bldgt: mo x 13), 110 x 34: 110 X 30; 34 x 30 double story. Capacity 30,000 fryers, 6000 or more layera. loeai location, .rust out side city limits on main hwy. call Mr, Oallather. NELSON & NELSON erprciALraiwa kbaltobs TOJ N. Blah l. Ph, 1-361 $150 Down Balance at Ml per month. One bed mom home north ot clt? Wxiift lot, community water. Rot water heater, stool, sink, shower, concrete founda tion. ENGLEWOOD HOME With basement, t bedroom home with am ins room, nrepiace, xorced air heat. VIEW LOTS Bu 'm h the. fnnt Thaaa 1Ata . wonderful view and are Ideal for day light basements, courtesy to builders, rni appro yea. Trade for A 30 acraa of VERY OOOD ground. WIU grow corn, beans, auger becta, etc. 3- gatlon wal end Irrigating equipment. North of paved road, win sell or trade for 1 or 3 acres with small or old house up to 35000. Oood financing available. RON JONES, Realtor 1033 FAIBOROrjNDS ROAD Ph. 44404 - va Ph. 33141, 31770 o30 1 1 BE aoL'fll, basement, furnace, fenced 'uniifu, tva7w. ivrma, vau so if? veniasa. ea RIAL ESTATE BRICK FRONT COUNTRY HOME This new 3-bedroom borne or 3-bedroom end den with lerge living room, relsed (Ireplece, Inside utility, nice workshop In garage, located on aorner lot, city water, 1 block to clly bua, HOC aa. (I. of floor apace, well priced at 111,700. Cell TtbbatU. ENGLEWOOD BUILT BY J. V. EPPING Construction conscious, thla lovely new S-bedroom home will assure you of the best large living room, very nice bath, partly tiled. Natural birch kitchen with loada af bullt-lns, located near achool and bua on aulas atraet, Ideal (or you and your (amlly. Fairly priced at 111.700. F.HA. I.rms. Oell Tlbbctta. NEAT AND TIDY $5750 Ttila S-bedroom home la In a good a pot on pared atraet, South Salem. School 4 blocks, grocery atora cloaa br, nice large corner lot. Haa good din ing room and big handy kitchen. Oood financing to proper party. Call Jim. F.H.A. SPECIAL This home often lots of good living In 3 bedrooms, largo kitchen, nice dining room, big living room, auto, oil heat. Insulation, attached ga rage, good lawn and shrubs, eicellent location and beat financing. IMOO P.H.A. eemmltment aitb 10300 celling price. Quick possession, cau Jim. THE BUY OF THE YEAR Here's the beat opportunity wa have had the pleaaure of presenting for many a day. A l-bedroom planned home, with only 3 bedrooms finished, double garaaa. Inalde utility, plaatered Interior. Buy this homa for 17000, finish the Inalde of the 3rd bedroom and have a l-bedroom double-garage home worth much more. Hurry and call Chat. 88 ACRES NORTH ON 99 Bore's that (arm you hava been looking (or. 4-bedrooma home, (ull base ment. Owner la now apeclellalng In turkaya and beef eattla. Lot af out buildings. 3000 (aat ot brooding apace (or turkeya or chickens, i walla, good highway frontage. Price only 135,000. Call Chat, Terms. Do You Want Good Income Property? Here Is a t-unlt apartment house with duplex on rear lot, completely furnished, Income 3340 per month, close to state buildings and shopping center. Thla la a good buy at 331,100. For appointment to see, contact Dale Rayburn. 2-BEDR00M SUBURBAN DE LUXE Well-built boma, (ull dining room. Inside utility, wred (or dryer and waeher, 3 blocks (rom Washington school. Haa good well, 14 -B P. pump. Immediate Doaseaalon. will ba glad to ahow thla Una home any time, con tact Dale Rayburn. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT, REALTOR) MM if. Capitol Office phones: 3-4114 or 4-1711 Evening phonaa Tlbbatta 3-7111 Ohel 1-3333 Jim 3-1571 Dale Rayburn 4-5594 all MUST BE SOLD NOW! Immediate possttslon can be had on this lovely home In this new district of fins homes. 3 bedrooms, living room with fireplace, hardwood floors, kitchen and dinette. Inside utility room, large attached garage, forced-air ell furnace, beautiful lawn and shrubs. Located on Bills St. In Eastmoreland, near achool and city but. Priced for quick salt at $11,150.00. Call ua. MANBRIN GARDENS Prloe bits been reduced to 310,350 on this attractive 3-bedroom home with fireplace, oil furnace, large living room, dlnlnr room, kitchen, bath, utility room. Attached garage. Large lot with beautiful lawn. Can be bought for HMO down. ABRAMS, B0URLAND & SKINNER .11 afAifumu Real Batata - Phone I-S31T Roy Todd Real Estate FAIRMOUNT DISTRICT Lae. living, nice dining, kitchen, breakfast nook, I nice bdrme. Bath, utility, basement, basement, oil furnace. Oarage. Prlee $77S0. Call Mr. Rueh, salesman. LESLIE DISTRICT Only 4 yra. old. Lge. living dining combine. Nicely arranged kitchen. Utility, glassed-in breezeway with att. garage. Penced baek yard. Just 4 blks. to sen. Only WOO. CaU Mr. Vandervort, salesman. WEST SALEM Nice living, lie. dining, kitchen with nook, 4 bdrau. wltb 1 up is i dn. Close to soh., bua br door, 30x100 lot, fenced back yard, (rult, (lowera, ahrubi. 11700. call Mr. Ruch, salesman. JUST COMPLETED New, S-bedroom home wltb 1110 so. (t. floor apace. Nice entrance hall with elosst, lga. living with picture window. Dining, kit., plenty of bullt-lna, utility, lga garago. 30x100 lot. Only 110,300. Oell Mr. Simpson, salesmen. WILL TRADE thla beautiful l-yr.-old 3-bdrm. home including very large living rm. with (Ireplaee, dining, conveniently arranged kitchen. Bxoeuent location. , blk. (rom ach. Lot Slxuo. Seller aeada 3 or 4-bdrm. houae. gll.TM. Can .Mr. venderrort, salesman. STOCK OR DAIRY RANCH 35 acres, very good soil. 19 ao. seeded to perm, pasture. Penced gross fenced. Mies 3-bdrm. home, t chick, hsai. 1 brooder hse, cow barn, stanchions. Complete Irrigation system. Some farm machinery. Only 317,000, Consider 3-bdrm. home oa trade. Call Mr. Simpson, salesman. ROY TODD, 330 Stele strait Bra. Phone: Ruch 3-7916; Tandervort Todd 1-1131 Grabenhorst Specials APT. INCOME choice location, (our apta., excellent condition, plua owner's Quarters, lge. nr. rm. with (Ireplaee, baamt., oil (Ired hot water heat. Oood return. CALL FETOR H. OEISER, SALESMAN OLom IN BOMB Full baamt, with all a team heat, Llr. rat., din. rm., kitchen, bath e bdrm. down. 4-rm. apt. up with bath. Very nice location. CALL O. H, ORABBNHORST, JR., CO-OP. BROKER WILL BUILT 4 bdrma., llv. rm., dinette, bath, kitchen, utility room, Insulated. The upper 3 bdrme. ere complete except lor eellng, Ua lot, 31150. CALL J. E. LAW, SALESMAN KNOLBWOOD SPECIAL 3-bdrm. older style home, newly remodeled. Lga. llv. rm., din. rm., kitchen, brkf. nook and utility room. Nice yard and Ideal achool location. Price 39700. Terms. CALL H. jr. LATMON, SALESMAN DUTCH COLONIAL Three bdrma., Including master bdrm. and dan. llv. rm. 13 z II, din. rm., kitchen and nook, 1VI sets plhg., (ull beemt dble. garage, lie. wooded lot. Price 117,150. CALL PETER H. O SIS Eft, GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 South Liberty St. - ph. ,.17l vanlnga as Sundays call Peter X. Oelaer Mill 1. 1. Law 3-3113 B X. Laymen 3-I4M REAL ESTATE tiisti stmt ttsimt imsstt IIIMIsail MMIimt lutiims iiimitii Farms Homes itliiittiiimiittiii lllllllltt II IMItlllll llllttll II iiiisiii iiiiii 33 mum ii 33 SULLIVAN FAIRMOUNT HXLL-Thls la your op portunity to move up a notch Into Sa elms" moat exclusive district. Full base ment, (cur bedrooma, welk-ln cooler and deeprre.se .oell Mr. Arnda area. 41710. THRU BEDROOMS Beat, close to echoes. Inside utllltr, living room llr.ll, Lerge double garage. Lot 100x300. Owner will take ear aa pert down. Only 113,500. Inn't miss thla one. Call Mr. ITeene, eve. 33071. DUPLEX DRIVB Beautiful l-bedroom home plua a den aurrounded by aeveral oak ttaea. Fireplace, Wt baths, separata dining room. View property, eoulh. Cell Bob Dans, eves. Mist. CONVENIENT CITY LOCATION Hera la the older roomy house you've been looking for. 3 bedrooms and a gleaning porch. Full dry baeement. 1 block from achool. Price 30500. or will trade for duplex, call Mr. Nelson, area 4-1533. 300 ACRE Polk oounty. AU fenced. Oood 7-room homa. Outbulldlnga In fair condition. 100 head aheep and aome farm Implements Included. 131,000. neooo down. Call Mr. Zltsrwlta ,evea. 31117. CAPITAL ZONE APARTMENTS Sis rental unlla at 133 North Summer SI. wnr wiu trace ror income property. 340,000. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN . REALTOR 3303 Portland Road Ph. 4-3311 Pa. area l 3.1137. aVf3. 4-433. e-nee, .37M eel' REAL ESTATE auujuinu Mortgage Loeng Bvenlnaa 3-4700 all REALTOR Office phone 1-3531 t-OII; tmpaoa 3-33331 REAL ESTATE $5000 $600 DOWN 3 acres ok 3-bdrm. sreen shmka hnm Oood water aritem 4k 3 acres of plowed si-. rvuoa qu. iaK la&DUb way. 1-AC. OLD HOME litoo isoo down and 115 month. Old 1-bedrm. houae at large garage a shop. North about 4 mllaa. ARTMADSEN REALTY Office Ph. I-55S0 1-1113 Bra. ph. I-IOII, 3-7113, 4-3144, 3-0103 all' DRIVE HV tOK rctT.'run,. m. This home with 3 bdrms.. burnt.. aifrnac.. Barege, onlr ,7750. DRIVE BY 010 CUMMIN OS LANS Thie l-bdrra. homa In excellent aoa dlllon, lga. lot, only 31300. DRIVE BY 4031 BAILEY RD. Thla attractive home with 3 large dr"!Iiii- Id- lot. only 13710, DRIVB BY 1100 ROOD ST. This home with 3 bdrme., baaement, sawduat furnace, only 37300. 1 ACRE OOOD SOIL, 31500 SEE OUR PICTURE OALLEHY OP OVER 300 HOMES FOR SALS. JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 413 .High St. Fhone 41431 ..lie JBllf . 37401 eoo JOE PALOOKA REAL ESTATE., WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES nnpnir.fiTTS DEN with one el the most beautiful (Ireplacea you have ever seen. ... flr.Bl.ea an natle and IB living room. 3 bathe. Lovely kitchen. 3-car att. garage, lnaulated. Forceo-air aU furnace. Paved road. Just lixe new. , Full price lll.ow. Shopping Center Area Oood home with flreplaoe. Full baaa . . --- nmmmr mrmm back 4 service. Forced to selL Very liberal . wr tu!d.r thie property hes rsrr good future potentials. Pull price only 110,400. S700 DOWN It Ace. Close In eaat. Modem smaller home onlr 3 yra. old. Oood wall, barn. Lumber to build garage. Priced to aell auiek. onty aeow. LARGE LOT In miser Diss, on vary good at. We An.M.r thla a, vary good bldg. lot and priced to eell. Only 3350. Lot else 103 a 301. SWEET BUY Terr good home only 3 blka. ta Ensle wood echool. In very good repair. F.HA. terms arranged. Fruit treea, Oarasa and tool house. Full price oniy e,ow. OUTSTANDING Oood home with an acre. 3 bedrooms with unfinished flat, rlreplaca. Small greenhouse, chicken houae. Several fruit trees. Bus by door.. Close to school. Might consider amall home aa part pay ment. Full price only 311,300. NEAR HOSPITAL ivhli home la very clean and In the very best of repair. Plreplace. Att. ga rage. Bxtre bids, for workshop. Chicken house. Outside fireplace. Ore pes and berries. P.H.A. terms if desired. . Pull prloe only W.500. CALL MR. riOOINS, XVI. PR. 4-5 43 4, tr 11. CRAWFORD, XV m. M, f-MJO. II no answer, call 4-3348. INCOME $205 PER MO. l-unlt apt. Oood location. Business font. Rents extremely reasonable. Bus by door. Shown by appointment only. Terms. Pull pries only 113,600. BUSINESS LOT lM-ft. frontage. 140-ft. deep. Desirable location. Inside city. Priced to Jell quick. Only 43600. MOTEL Very desirable. Owner reports Income of 311,000 In 1043. Bxtremely low overhead. Equipped to accommodate 3 to 10 persons. Owner wlU accept a small property tn valley as part pay ment. Very liberal terms. Established many years. Pull price 156,000. CALL POR DAN XBAAK, BVE, PH. 4-3511. If so answer, call 4-3348. 3 ACRES MINUS Modern S-bedroom home. Near school, bus and store. Small barn. Oood soil. Offered for salt to dost estate. Oarage. Pvd. rd. Deep well. Price rtducd to 17,350. MUST SELL 3 acres, very close in. Select location, north. Extra food soil. Some straw berries, fteveral fruit trees. Oood well. Modern 4-bedroom home. 30 by 40 barn, chicken bouse, fruit house. Let ua show you this one. Pull price 10,350. 40 ACRES No waate land. 4 ecru caneberrles. Modern l-bedroom home built In 1938. Oood 40 by 40 barn. Ohlcken houae. Oarage. Tractor, mower, rake, dlao, harrow, garden tractor. Everything goes (o 317.300. CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS, EVE. PH. 1-4731. u no answer, call 4-1341. MORTOAOiK LOANS 30 Tear Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phones: 4-1111 or 1-7130 . 3033 PORTLAND ROAD Bra Phonaa: 3-4735, 4-6010, d-3404 at 4-3333 Jf no answer, phono 4-1143 MAKE MONEY WORK for you with this 4-year-old l-unlt court, with room for more courts. All units furnished. Property shows a good return on 45,000. CaU Mr. MtParlane, Eve. 43146. GOOD INVESTMENT 45x343 lot In a Number I business font on State street Has old but livable home, retuminr $40 per month. A good location for a business building. Only sbsov. call afaxe atCFarjane, irt, exits. GROCERY STORE doing 1300.000 a year TOlumt In gro ceries and meat, one of fialem'a best. Listing confidential. Por details, see or call Mr. Bourne, Eve. ph. 17217. TWO FOR ONE Two homes, plus extra building lots, 1st claas location, on bus line and near shopping facilities. Dut to til health, owner will sacrifice for quick sale, and give terms. Suburban Acreage Trade a oanor amaii auouroan acreage Nr. with farming equipment for gale or trade for city property. Nice, very well built 3-bedroom home with good dry besement, poultry houae. barn, garage and ehop. 113,750. Will trad, (or home, prefer north or eaat part ot Salem. Call Mr. Bourne (or detain, Eva, ph. $5000 That's all (or thla l-bedroom homo, uat auburban, K acre. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 33111 c01 REALLY CUTE! Ideal for working couple, Oosy living room with fireplace. Dining room with built-in china closet. Wonderful kitchen and nook. A restful bedroom with laraa closet. A well-shaded corner lot. Paved .reei, duo or door, 11 boo will handle otai. 5 BEDROOMS 1 bathrooms and (all baaement. An extra well built large home. Cloaa to lRchmond achool. All large rooms. Will trade tor a amall home In Belter ar poasioia izooo oown. $400 DOWN Only 130 per month, buy. a S-bedroom home and double garage. Paved atraet, sma or aoor. enown ay appointment only, REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE 301 South High Street Pbone 3-3101 Phcna nenlnaa: 4-1371. 1-1353. 4-4111. 3-3114 asi WANTED REAL ESTATE lav. er4 URGENTLY in need of aood flaw acreage, nave Buyer, ceu am wait. i. apeclalls. In farms). BURT PICHA 070 M. Blah St. Bvaa. 4.B4I1 Off. 1-404T caoo BEAL ESTATE II SELLDIO, WB HAVE MORI BUYERS THAN OOOD LIST INGS. If your property la worth the montrf Wl can sell IT. k orricc dial 44494, 24552 WANTED t to 10 acres with aood home. close la. Al leeet, Bit, phone 4-1311. If no anawer, 4-3343. ' ca NOTICE: If your property is for sale, rent or txenangt, uet u witn us. wt nave all kinds of cash buyers. TATS PINANCB CO., REALTORS 153 B. Blah St. ea NEED LISTINGS OF all kinds. If your place is for sals tr trade, tall me. Prompt action. JOE NOONCHEBTER REAL ZBTATt 1505 N. Cottage Ph. 4-3881 day or altt. ca WB ABB In need ol aood houses to sell. in or near Baiem. if you wun to list your property ror sale, set GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty - Ph. 3-3471 ca rBOM OWNER - for cash, 3-bedroom nomt. nrepiace, narawooa noors, saw dust heat. Near bus, store. Must be snap. 4-4613. caOO BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOB SALE BY Owner Port HU1 tavern St T cabins, going business. Contact Owner Prl. or Bat tvt. at tavern V4 ml. east of Valley Junction. cd81 FOR LEASE, a good major' Oil Co.' service station. CaU 444S8. Od64 FOB BENT or lease, store building 15x45 at e h. Lancaster, pnone 4-asoi. eaooa RELIABLE MAN WANTED Not Vending Machines Reliable party to handle wiule. diet, of world-wide advertised repeat Items. Business set up for you. Only supervision needed. Requires 43486. Secured k con tinued by you. Oood references s ear. Financial assistance enables rapid ex pansion. An all cash, profitable, depression-proof bus. High Income starts Immed. Want party capable earning 18,000 to $16,000 yr. Liberal assistance will be granted qualified party In Sa lem fe surrounding towns. Nat'l concern. If cash Is available fc you can start at once, write giving phone for personal Interview with state representative. Write Box 4, Capital Journal. cdflO Money Back Guarantee 1113 to 13336 Investment gives you your own independent business operating a, route of new money-making Bo dis pensers handling new, fast-moving con fections In drug stores, cafes, clubs, bus depots, etc. Route act up for you by our experts and protected by fire and theft Insurance. You must have car, ref erences and 1713 to 13335, which le pro tected by an Iron-clad 100 Money Back Guarantee backed by a 10 Million Dollar national Insurance company. De voting c, few of your apart hours each week to the faustnesa you should tarn up to 180.00 weekly spare time, full time more. Liberal financing assistance to aid expansion. For full information write, giving phone number and ad dress to Bx. 7, Capital Journal. odso WANTED FURNITURE WANTED Oood used furniture and appliance. Pbone 31031. da AUCTIONS Sudtell's Auction TIVESTOCK AND FURNITURE Thursday, March 13, at 10 a.m. x 7 p.m. Itt miles E. of Salem on 8 liver ton Rd. FURNITURE NOW OON8IQNED Kelvlnator deluxe tleotrlo range, late mod el. Q-yr. baby bed eomplete. 1 pc. chrome b.k. set. Child's wardrobe chest. Jenny Xilnd bed. Walnut bed. 3 davenos, daven port and chair, 4 chute of drawers, beauty rest mattress, ex. cond. 4 Inner spring mattresses and coll sprints. Lamp and coffee tables. Clothes ward robe. Twin beds. Misc. Uems. Apples, onions and potatoes. State Inspected ahrubs and fruit trees, 1 M ft. of door Jamb. 01 bundles of ahakee. Odd pieces of plywood. 1M ft. 3 x4', 10' cedar tid ing. 1 P.M. LTVMTOCK Chicken and rabbits, calves and veal, weaner ana iseoer pigs, leeaer ttocx, milk and beef cows, heifers, hulls, and steers. We buy. sell, or consign furni ture, livestock, farm machinery. Lane Sudtell's AUCTION SALES YARD RABBITS CALIFORNIA BUCKS and doaa. phone 43011. 4410 Claxter Rd. ehil BABBITS WANTED. Any else and Quan tity, alao purebred breeding stock for sa'c. Phone 3-7107. eb78 PETS FOR SALE, Canerlea, singers and hens. some orange elngara. Phone 30748. Mrs. Oeo. Slack, 1410 Hickory. ecOl HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 111! McCoy. one bioca east or n. uapitoi, ira oiocks north af Madison. Fh. 3-3137. ec7l MOORE TROPICAL PUB, equipment, supple. 3 miles from Lancaster on Macleey road. Phone 3-7311. Cloaed wedneadara. ecol1 cnoiCE CANARIES 1340 Chemcketa Sr. Ph. 34131. cell 0-MONTUS-OLD Dobenr.an plnachar. Cell 1-1101. ecOl" A.K.C. BEO. DALMATIAN pupplea. Ph. Monmouth 0373. KOI 3 YEAR OLD male Boxer. Pawn color. Aire registered. Fhone 3-30TO. oc33 BOXER PUPS A.K.C. champion aired. 700 Hawthorne. Fhone 33331. Olenn HochsUtler. ec03 Journal Want Ads Pay HO MO HO rVOW.. mm IFOR SALE LIVESTOCK BULK COW, due to freshen any day. 1I1J 10 SALE 4-year-old Arabian mere, rary """ """" "' " ...srrrr LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKEB BEEP-Whlte face Hereford, lie. Locker pork, roc noiutua -- - ; to par. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co, 1113 S. lath. Ph. I'"- ....... ,,ti FUEL BUY ANDERSON'S nandplcked alabwood. - . . . . hu. .-.vai or now a ooru e..w. -- .. -- ...Ml. I Oregon Fuel Co. - SLAB AND BSHaWBi S. & H. Green Stamps pnone 30MS 0" roefwep Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Pick up your rTwio-i), oiiiu.m WOOQ. 199 BO. VOIP., yvuw a.-.. ..a f Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Planar trlmmlnga, IS load. Phono 31711 Hiway Fuel Co. sawdust tube service, all kinds of wood. Phnn. 1-0444. 00 WALNUT SHELLS, 30 aacxa for II, or 31 ton. Is son aeiivereu in Klorfeln Packing Co.. 400 North Pront. West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 10" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1 Pickup Wood 1531 Edgawater Phono Salem 1-4031 FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED, Colored fryers, eotored and legnorn acne, mmuw ayi. Hatchery. Dhone 33801. f" - FOB BALE Twice weekly, day-old ehlcka in new nampsmres, rmiiuvmoiu, nm, White Leghorns, Austra-Whlte, White Rocks, White Wyandottes. Parmenter cockerels. Lee Hatchery, phone 33801. SPECIAL New Hampshire pullets, 13c ea. Valley Farm Store. Ph. te. no WHITE LEGBOBN, Austrawhlte, and New Hampshire - chicks, git nuMirtc. Ph. 36343. Palmer's Poultry Farm, Brooks. f7 OLDEN BBOAD and New Hampshire chicks, hatched every Motvday and Thurs day. Our chicks grow faster. Pox's Hatchery. 3830 state St. Ph. 34080. f PRODUCE ORGANIC GROWN T BEE -BIPENED or anges and grapefruit. Potatoes, onions, apples and nuts. PHILLIP BROS. FARM MARKET, 56S0 Lancaster Drive. Phono 3-1106. ff HELP WANTED MALE CLERK for hardware store. 154 Court. gaffO Interviews - One of the fastest progressing compan ies In this field will havt ft representa tive Interviewing men who hold the following qualifications: 1. Ase 34 to 40 years. a Own ftutomobilt la good condition. 3. Willing to travel Monday through Friday, homo every week-end. 4. High school education. 1. Desire for advancement. t. Able to furnish reliable references. Thorough training given by company with fuarantet of minimum of 100 per week during training period. EARL SVELA Senator Hotel, Salem Wednesday Ji Thursday, March 11-11 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 n.m. asi HELP WANTEDFEMALE WAITRESS Woodroffa'a San Shop, 3400) roTumaa o. no pnone eaua. go CAB BOF Woodroffa'a Sea Snap, loot roruanq q bo pnone aiu. gb HOUSEKEEPER About n, (or man and 1 boy. May have 1 children. Ph. 3-llw. gbll WALNUT shellers A whole winter's wore. Morria Klorfeln Packing Co., 410 N. Pront, ib ADDRESS AND MAIL postals. Make over asi) weex. send l lor instructions LKNixr, watertown, Maaa. abet EMPLOYMENT AGENCI ES . Jobs ONLY PARTIAL ZJBTINOfl BELOW M CPA 16M M Accnt., senior 1426 M Salesman, 34-46, car open P Dent, ant., exp. nec ...1300 P P.B.X. operator, several liao P Recpt., typt., part time a.m 174 r Recpt., bkkpr., doctor's oft., ..4335 P tSteno. apt. figures 1236 F flteno. gen. ofc w sales ....... .1300 F Steno.-bookpr part time a.m. or p.m , 1130 F Steno., temp, 2 weeks, opeBt THE BB8T WAT TO THE BEST JOBS COMMERCIAL PZiACEMBNT AGENCY 494 State St. (Oregon Bldg.) Ph. 43341 a ran WANTED SALESMAN MAN WITH CAR Salem area, to represent ft famous na-' tlonal concern, excellent opportunity for right man, earnings 310 per week and up. No canvassing. Ph. 30174. g goo wywp WANTED POSITIONS PAINTING. Pre. eatlmatea. 33 yeara ex perience in saiem. Fhone 3-7533. his EXPERIENCED child ears. All ages to s yeara. My home, 1340 WUber. h03 CUSTOM ROTO HOEINC3 34 par hour. Ph. 33743 hlS CUSTOM TILLING Small garden plots!- i..r q p.m. ngg WANTED House cleaning, oxp. baby alt- ins. ravnm ssveu aveninge, h64 WANTED Child care In my homa. Vicinity nuiuwuuu. -.U S30D. h00 BOTO-hoeinq, aau after 4:30, 3-1119. nil OOSTOM RoUrr hoeing 34 an hour. Phone w.w m s.m. h.i. PATCH PLA8TERINO, beecmenu water- phone 30643. ' haS wAKarrigijs uvn - .. iTk.i- "oc'?- ... ... v..u. s-nona J-jyjS. nil PAPER BANOINQ. painting, free eitu m.w:.. wn imcero. . 40532. h73 MRS. MICKXNHAM-n DAT Hnngn. State licensed and Inspected. Ph. 37103. Garden Plowing Ph 23041 TAX RETURNS prepared In your homa. ,..wu,ui, i.m rn. 4Z0S3. hOS. WiilIlnCHJ,'D !"' Beble, day or - wm. ouunmew. 4-BOBI By Ham Fisher , '--y 1CBOV .DC wv.. WL KieMT... J Vj;. XTS WHERE !kr YT7J czy...rLL TH BUM., iritis I