Tele-Views Radio-Television By DAVE BLACKMER jdl.gj RAD I 0 PROGRAMS ,-,Inoa ,cha.t luesdav witl Lawrence Harvey of Torrance Cuahf- , lem n,r Mr- Televi8on we find that our UHF channel 24 will "be on the air during the third quarter of the year" which will be sometime in September : i.Har.vey say his statin will be the most powerful station in the Northwest. A xicLWOrK airi mrinn i iiiu. rt - - - "urai a untu as narvey plans to telecast programs of national interest. The Key 10 uregon Broadcasting is the theme of the call letters which will be KEY-TV. Harvey left Salem for The Dalles and is expected back to Salem "for a very short time Thurs day." "The importance of buying a set already equipped for UHF stations is a vita) nowltir nnin u " tlVVVLIUi V. T a UCL1QI TTII lltll VTV. On the topic of power which the station will go on. The minimum will be 5 kilowatts. When reminded that - KPTV is expected to go up to 10 kilowatts about September Harvey said "we'll top that." - ' The atomic bomb blasts soon to be held are slated to be telecast by KPTV. More information will be furnished Ts?T.P-VTWWQ I.. u i. ii .... i J "u"-".uitu ifiici uii. . . . no present an we Know is what KPTV knows about it. And at the moment that is very little. They are going to be telecast I believe on March 15 at, check this, 5 a.m. Yes, 5 a.m. Boy, they sure do make history early in de mornin'. ... Starting next Monday evening at 6:30 p.m. KPTV will present a series of three telecasts from Glendale, Calif., on the Portland Beavers. Cf3ey Steneel field will be the scene of the cast with Rollie Truitt and Bob Black burn doing the chores of interviewing the Beavers. The remaining two tele-casts will take place the following Mon day nights. YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING . ' BLUE RIBBON BOUTS at 7. Archie Moore of St. Louis; Nino Valdes of Ravana, 10-round heavyweight from St. Louis arena. However if Maxim-Nardico bout from Miami nn Mnrnh 4th was rainpH nut-, it. will he shown inafpari of Moore-Valdes. HOLLYWOOD OPENING NIGHT at 8. Gloria Swan son plays the part of a talented actress whose main desire is to have her daughter follow in her footsteps only to find the daughter does not want to act in "The Pattern." I MARRIED JOAN at 9. Joan tries to make amends when she uses huhby's rare stamp to mail letter. TH riO TO VrtTTD T T17P ! fl .OA T U 0 1 l.J X. inio 10 i vj uii xjat in at v .ov, Ionian ouuic, icu w studio by ruse, is surprised subject for this week. KRAFT THEATER at 10. Twin-like resemblance to a great star gives would-be actress heartbreak as well as eventual triumph. NITE OWL THEATER at 11 :30. "King of the Circus." John Loder, Gregory Ratoff. On Television KPTV (Channel 27) 'Only Ttrotrtma scheduled tn advance! MARR RADIO and TELEVISION INC. Salem's Most Complete Television Center 2140S.Com'l Phone Da; or Night 2-1611 or 2-4728 1:30 p.m. Arthur Godfrey 9:00 p.m. I Married Joan 9:30 p.m. This Is Tour Lift 10:00 p.m. Kraft Theater 11:00 p.m. March of Time 11:30 p.m. Nlte Theater WEDNESDAY 11:45 a.m. Oarry Moore' 13:00 p.m. The Big Payoff 12:30 p.m. Welcome Traveler! 1:00 p.m. Kate Smith 3:00 p.m. Double or No thin i , 3:30 p.m. etrllce It Rich 3:00 p.m. Matinee Theater 4: IS p.m. Search for Tomorrow 4:30 p.m. Love of Life 4; p.m. Peter Pan 6:00 p.m. Howdy Doody 6:30 p.m. Tootile Hippodrome :00 p.m. Strike It Rich 6:30 p.m. Doug Edwardi :4B p.m. Time tor Beany 1:00 p.m. Fights 1:46 p.m. Newi Caravan t:00 p.m. Hollywood Opening Might . You'll Get MATCHLESS PICTURE PERFECTION with Raytheon PRALL'S Formerly Paul T. Walls ft Co. 220 N. Liberty Phone 44742 FREE TV THEATRE Watch TV at our Television Theatre. ' See them in action before you buy. Packard-Bell, Emerson, Raytheon, Weifinghouie OPEN FROM 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY Open Other Evenings by Appointment YEATER APPLIANCE 375 Chameketa TELEVISION CO. Phone 34311 Prices and Bidding Not Bright in Cattle Auction By CLAUDE 8TEUSLOFF THURSDAY P. M. KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAE KOCO Jjj tt NBC 19 CBS 1190 ABO ISM MBC 1130 Ke. 14M LBS ? Neen Ntwe Netra Paal Harvey Tap Trades Retard Been Showcase; ZllrRaadLlfe Gel It Nooa Edit. N Record Koen Newa tJ' Pep. Young Beaie Party Jack Owene Gay M's Record Booa Frank Derail Bapplneee Heme Party Jack Oweni Made Steer) TUom Frank D avail l.MB.S. nife Hill Te Hae. Kay Weal Jack Record Room Frank Davall Stella Dallaa Oca. Fliher Kay Weal Klrkweed Record loan Malta Mel. :W W. Brawn Kirkham Kay Heat Larky U Record Room Magic Mel. , Vp Wmn la Use Klrkbam Kay Wot Ranch Record Room Melody M Plain Bill Musle Cal Tlnnoy Ntwe Record Ream Melody :lf! Farrell Ciodfrcy Cal Tlnney Ciard. Fence Record Roem Melody l:SP L. Jones Godfrey Uka Matte Record Ream Melody Doe'a Wife Godfrey " Millionaire Bet'r Shopper Record Ream Melody !:M Welcome " Godfrey "'. Musle" Revue Our" Town Jim Dandy Maile Mel. '.1.1 Traveler Godfrey Bill Rlni Stayton Show Magte Mtl. :f Dr. Paul Godfrey For Ibe Girl; Newa Jim Dandy Mafia Mel. D. Garroway Cart MatieyfFor the Glrh Panla 8 tone Show Magte Melad 4:IW UfeBeantlf. Kirkham Tiny Tunes Fait. Lewis Klde Kerner World Newa 4:1.1 Maalc Boa rBB Athlon Sqrl Cage Hemingway Mnale Mart Guest Star 4:Sfl Mutlr Bos Jim Wakely Sqrl Cage Carl Maatey Mnsle Mart Second Laok Mnsle Bax Tunefnlly Happy Time Sam Hayet Husle Mart Woman's Pg. 1:00 News Kd Marrow " Merrle Clrcli Sgt. Preston Musle-Mart Show Caaa 1:15 News Nnwa ' Vlrr- Plnkley Sgt. Preston Mnsle Marl Shaw Case 1:3' t. MeCall World Today C. Hun tier Sky King Musle Marl Valley rep. S: E. Peterson Frank Gots Bob Oarred Sky King Mmlc Mart Songa J; 00 Relax with Time for Weatherman G. Heater MusieMart Candle Light ;15 Music Love Home Edition N. W. Newa Sign Off and Sliver 8:30 Red Skelton Blnr Crotby Good tnswer Map News 8:4 Bed Skelton Blng Crosby Llstenlnc Sam Hayea M Keys 1 :0O Big Story American Silver Eagle Cltce Kid , . Rosary ' :r. Big Story Way Silver Earlo Mnsle stars flnv 1 ;S0 Ralph Visiting Dreamland Communist Musle Edwards Time Playhouse for FBI Sports Sep'rt l;ftfl Man'a Famly L. Thomas Longlnes Crime Fls "! Traek U99 1:1.1 World Newa On Spot flmpbonetti Crime Fltert ' ' Track 1499 1:30 Roy Rogers Dee. Bride Life Begins Sen. Serened Traek 14M Roy Rogers Dec. Bride At M Music Track 149 f 'frO Father Meet Millie Income Tax Glen Hardy ! Track 1499 " : Knows Meet Millie Friday News Fnlt. Lewis Track MM 9:SQ Common lit Jo Stafford Search for- What Cooks Traek 14M f:4r tor FBI Jr. Mlts Stars Mus.e Newa It'M "rt 8-8tar Final Final Kdltlar Behind stry ' Warrick li'lf 8-r Final Interviews Dance Time Newsrecl - Warrick tf.jn Golden Desert Inn Dance Time News Mutlo Ton :4R Fleece Orcheslra Dance Time Crime Files v Want l,O0,w Organ Danca Time Crime Fllea Noetnrna 1:15 Lw,B MeCall Organ Dance Time Musle . Noetnrna 1:3(1 City Council Treasury Dance Time Music Noetnrna 1:45 City Council Bandstand Dance Time Musle Noclurno It: Sign Off Hftoni I Danes Time Isign Off Isiga Off Don'r fret over a down payment. We take most anything on a trade for a beautiful Raytheon Set. See Us First for the Finest! TRADER LOUIE TV 1870 Lana Ave. Fhone 38558 Open Monday and Friday Evenings . Yesterday was a black day for Aberdeen-Angui cattle con' signors to the aecond annual sale at the State Fairgroundi - con ducted by the Oregon Aberdeen Angus association. Average prices and tops for in divlduals were off more than one-third from values set at the 1952 event. It took auctioneer Walter Palmer more than four hours to peddle the 77 animals sold. , Because of poor demand, only ilx of 13 bulls consigned were sent through the ring. One bull sold last year for $1500 made a return trip today and brought $500. The top animal of the sale was a 2 year old bred heifer going to Don Snabel of Powell Butte at $950. She was Miss Black Eileen 570th, champion female of the sale, consigned by Har old Rankin of Hermiston. She was bred by C. R. Smith of Pen dleton. . The only other animal to bring more than $900 was a bred heifer, also consigned by Ran kin, sold to H. W. Ray of Hills boro at $925, At last year's sale seven individuals sold above $1,000. A. F. Koppink of Astoria pur chased Marben's Bandolier 53rd, the grand champion bull of the sale, for $625. Bandolier was consigned by Guy Hilton of Grants Pass and was a half bro ther to the champion bull which last year brought $1650. Don Snabel was the largest buyer at the sale, investing $3,- 125 in five females. Harold Bowman of Roy, Wash., was a bit more conservative," taking six heifers for $1,000 less total money. A pair of attractive heifers were bid in by Carlton McLeod of Brooks at $225 and $300. He also took a cow with baby calf a $350. Broadmead Farm, Amity, owned by Harry M. Hawkins of Salem, were high bidders on three bulls ranging from $200 to $425. Loren Hicks of Turner paid $295 for the yearling heifer K A Queen Barbara consigned by G. J. Klose of Grants Pass. The six bulls sold averaged $393.33, leu than half the $865 average set in 1952. Nine females, two years old or over averaged $425; the 15 yearling heifers averaged $417.33 and four heifer calves averaged $252. Female average tor all ages was $395.90, com pared to $564 last year. Bidding on commercial fe males was quite brisk as 44 of them brought $136 each. These cattle, not registered, were in field condition and pound for compared to the purebred offer ings. Ringside observers be lieved this could indicate that cattle operators in this area might not yet be quite ready for expansion in purebred trade. Carl Williams of Salem sold 18 commercial heifers. Grouped in three lots, they averaged $112.50; $117.50 and $120. Broadmead Farm purchased 10 heifers consigned by Kesl & Wedman of Haines at $140 each. A lot of five bred four year old cows consigned by Archie Riek ola of Astoria brought $195 each. Buyers of commercial heifers in cluded James Stuchlick of Sa lem and Currin A. Miller of Hal-sey. Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Wej., Mtreh 4U 1958 tl Emigrees Predict New Red Aggression Munich, Germany JP) The Central Association of Postwar Emigrees from the Soviet Union predicted Tuesday the Kremlin Union predicted Tuesday the Kremlin will launch new foreign aggressions as soon as the inter nal battle for control of the gov ernment is settled. 'The new rulers must try ag gression as the only way to show positive results justifying their leadership," emlgree leaders told a news conference. , They urged the West to in tensify its cold war as "the only way to avoid a shooting war." mm w'm 3 (nil Glut id! So smooth it leaves you breathless minpfr tqmdut VODKA SOproof.Made from 100 grain neutral lpirita, , $ie.PterrcSrnirnoi1Fli.Inc..Hsrtford.Conn. 1 FRIDAY 4 A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. PHILCO First In Public Demand! I I Open to 9 p.m. f J I 1120 CENTER f J 30 yrs. in Salem w THURSDAY 11:00 a.m. Freedom Rings 11:30 a.m. Hollywood Reel 11:45 a.m. Garry Moore 11:00 p.m. The Big Payoff 12:30 p.m. Welcome Travelers 1:00 p.m. Kate Smith Show 3:00 p.m. The Feminine Angle 2:1ft p.m. Arthur Oodfrey 3:30 p.m. Strike It Rich 3:00 p.m. Matinee Theater 4:15 p.m. Search for Tomorrow 4:30 p.m. Love of Life 4:45 p.m. Stranger Than Fiction 5:00 p.m. Howdy Doody d:00 p.m. Rante Rider 6:30 p.m. Doug Edwards, News 6:4S p.m. Time for Beany 7:00 p.m. My Hero 7:30 p.m. Dinah Shore 7:43 p.m. News Caravan 1:00 p.m. Oroucho Marx 8:30 p.m. Burns and Allen 9:00 p.m. The Unexpected 9:30 p.m. Ford Theater 10:00 p.m. Martin Kane 10:30 p.m. W real ling 11:30 p.m. Nlte Owl Theater LINN SEAL QUOTA $5300 Albany Mrs. Edwin FortmH Ier, chairman of the Easter seals sale in Linn county, announced that circulation of the seals throughout the county has begun. Linn's quota this year is $5300. :tA Muale Time CBS Newa Farm Hr. News (Breakfast Western 1:15 Musle Time RVO Oregon Farm Hr. Timekeeper Nook Melody :SQ Music Time KOIN Klaak Farm Hr. News Breakfast Farm New B;4F Faros Time (COIN Kleek Farm Hour March Time Nook News Tffl Cntry Editor News News Hemingway Breakfast KOCO Kleek 7:15 Johnny Wills Newa M. Atroniky Breakfast Nook KOCO Kleek 1:10 Newi News . Bob Garred Breakfast Breakfsst KOCO Kleek 7;S K. Manning H. Babbitt Bob Hasen Sam Hayes Nook T r KOCO Kleek Old Sengs News Breakfast Cecil Brown Jim Dandy KOCO Klaek 1:15 Old Seng Newi Club Family Altar Jim Dandy KOCO Kleek d:Sfl Music Box Grand 81am Breakfast Bible Hear Jim Dandy KOCO Kleek 8:45 Music Boi Rosemary Club rblc Hoar Jim Dandy News f :0 Musle Bos W. Warren News Dr. Sword - Matinee String f;15 Musle Box Aunt Jenny Today's Star Commentary Matinee Serenade f;A Musle Bex Helen Trent Break Bank Pastor Call Matinee Happlneie f:4fi Llndlahr Gal Sunday Break Bank Bar. Counter Matinee Plan Pal, It 90 Hostess Hsa Road Lire Don Gardner Glen Hardy Matinee Raya 19:15 Farty Ma Perkins Chet Huntley Tello Teat Matinee Records 9'3A Strike Rich Dr. Malone True Story Answer Man Matinee Rare H?45 Slrlba Rich Gnld. Light True Story Muslo Matinee Records 11 'H DoobU or Mrs. Burton Whispering Ladles Fair Matinee Rava 11:15 Nothing P. Mason Girl Marries Ladles Fair Matinee Records 11:39 Bob nd Ray Norah Drake V. Llndlhar On. for Day Matinee Rays 11:45 Bob Hope Brighter Day Barney Keep On. for Day Matinee Records FM Meg.t KOIN 10 1.1, 6 a.m. to II p.m. KEX DM, t to 9 p.m. DIAL LISTING KOAC, 550 Thursday P.M WaJAli ren's Theater; 6. m, chlld 5:30, Report from Europet 0:60, Newa ft Weatheri 0:4ft, Oregon Legislature! 7:1ft, Farm Hour H:n0, BBC Thratert B:0fl, Muslr That Kndurea; 1:45, Meditation i 10:00, Sign Off. koac sr. A.M.! ll:M Hews, Espoi tally for Woman; 11:15, Concert Hallt 13:00, News; 11:15. Farm Hours Marlon eennly ostMSloa agents. Weidel Appointed as Acting Administrator Built-in All-Channel Tuner Standout Picture With Interlace Installed in Your Home for as Low as $35.00 down, $3.50 per week Valley Television Center "TWO VALLEY STORES" Complete sales, service and Installation. All sets sold and InsUlled earry full 90-day service IN SALEM Baigley Bros. Furniture 2315 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-5491 IN W00DBURN 171 Grant St. Phone 3611 Portland W William S. Wei del is the acting state milk mar keting administrator. He was appointed Monday by the State Board of Agriculture to serve during the absence of Administrator Thomas L. Ohl sen, who is ill. The board announced that it will consider at its next meeting a new milk price for Portland, possibly providing for a lower price for milk purchased in stores than for that delivered by dairies. Ike Receives Report Of National 4-H Clubs United When the bought Alaska from Kussia in 1867, It is estimated that there were about 30,000 people in the area, about two-thirds of whom were Eskimos and Indians. Coronation to Cost 4.5 Million Dollars London (If) Prime Minister Churchill's government announ ced Tuesday it plans to spend almost k'i million dollars on the pomp and circumstances re- quired for the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Most of the money will go in. to the preparation for and the carrying out of the Westminster Abbey ceremony and royal pro cession on June 2 and the en tertainment of visiting royalty and other distinguished visitors. Additional unspecified e x penses will be incurred by the Navy, Army and Air Force. North Korean Premier Tells Moscow He'll Win Moscow (p; Pravda publish ed a message today from North Korean Premier Kim II Sung stating that he plans to "local ize" the Korean war by win ning it. The message in the commu nist party organ said: "The Korean people will be victorious. This means that the conflagration which threat ens to engulf neighboring coun tries and seize the entire world will be localized." Washington W) President Ei senhower received a report on the 1952 activities of the nation's 4-H clubs Tuesday and remark ed: "I don't know of any re port I'd rather receive." It was presented to Eisenhow- j er by the six national winners' of 4-H club awards in achieve-1 ment, citizenship and leadership. ' The group of young farm peo ple visited the president in his White House office. "That's wonderful," he de clared in accepting the volume. The president also received a States J gold-plated emblem of the clubs, a four leaf clover. Most algae grow only when permanently submerged in water. , jiaji 1 ""Zx frRl )Defb!g( r IJattfngSem'ce' l ACtOlI TOWN Ot fjjeOU THI NATIOMJi Wbatbw ysu'ra moving In Iowa m a distant city, w ofte the Snaat in worry-fra moving iiy io. Our local torag and mov lC faefliti w an onoinUad . And a npraMnUMTM for Allied Via LhiM w caa ;Uim at your SiapoMl the know-how ( the world's UriMt long-dlatanea snoring rganisatlon. Allied ' apart packers, haadUra and rima saefiurd yowr pane ioaa crcry atcp of tfc way. GS w for atHBatrr. Red Star Trantftr Liberty Belmont r. I-IHJ aoint ret BiiMoit m n . . eMsioi Receives UHF plus VHF Stations With DU MONT'S ALL-CHANNEL TUNER! Now DuMont Telesets are equipped with a built-in All-Channel Tuner to receive UHF plus VHF stations. Du Mont also includes highly sensitive, built-in UHF VHF antennas! 'uobway ro Nourwooo" as THI DU MONT mmsioM NlfWOK See the new Du Mont at your nearest Du Mont dealer! In the beauty of cabinets ...the sharper, clearer picture. ..the rich, ness of tone you will find DuMont Television your very beet value I ' Du Mont De Luxe CHATHAM 150 iquare-incb viewing area nn Dii Mont 17'inch tube. Modern cabi net in mahogany or limed oak veneert. Matching baae at alight additional coal. $309.95 "ioc ino. uncmi" as sun on THI DU MONT fl KVUION Ml 'WOK "''1' , AS SHN ON 4 mi DUMONT ' Tl irVISON NfrVTOK . BWWManimnuiaiM Ru Mont lie Luxe LYNWOOD 21-inch conanle, with 24S aquarcineh Du Mont tube. Quality woods in mahogany or limed oak veneers. $449.95 DuMont De Luxe OXFORD 21-inch Du Mont tube with 245 square- picture, uin l.entiiry design in inch picture. smooth mahogany or limed oak veneers. companion baae at smsll extra cost. New you, tee, con afford oUMONt QUALITY TELEVISION $369.95 Installed in Your Home for as Low as $2.95 Per Week VALLEY TELEVISION CENTER "TWO VALLEY STORES" Complete tales, service and installation. All tett told and installed carry full 90-day service. Factory Trained Technicians Open Friday Night! Till 9 IN SALEM Baigley Bros. Furniture 2315 Fairgroundi Re. Ph.2-5491 INWOODBURN 171 Grant St. Phone 3611 i