fay tr4ieL Anderson 20 Capilal IfoiirAa. Salem, Ore., Wed., March 11, 19531 Henry It'sDcath, My Darling! By AMELIA REYNOLDS LONG (AP Mivifitturu) f . . ; - , I tTji I i J l-LJ pHUT, SINCE JIVt JOHNSON KlPT TH If Tj!S"BSiL X. II C l" JrrTLk4 CHECK FOR THESE NEXT TO n f I tp , t 1 w ' FrVE NEVER SEEN A PAIR I WS HEART, TWEV MUST 66 V . SMjTrir. T jOF SHOES IN MY LIFE J SOMETHINO eev Spec'AL ' fjSpZ . : i Chanter 31 i We had barely finished locking I id uk nouse lor tne rugnt in - cludin. this time, the outside onen. in to the wood box, which I attend ed to myeell wnen uncle Bounti ful rushed up upon the gallery anouung mat uie staoies were ourn lrarl Cousin Jeff and Lewis Haye rush ed out of the house at once, while Bobby and Pick and I followed more lowly. For the next fifteen minutes or so we Just stood there with that desperately helpless feeling you get when you're forced to look on at wanton destruction, knowing that you can do nothing aoout it. All of a sudden a thought ex ploded in my head with violence. Tne lire naa arawn au oi us away from the house all, that Is, ex cept Aunt Delphlne. And Aunt Del phlne had Just announced that eve ning that she knew something about the murders, and wanted to tell it to the sherlffi "Oh, Heaven I It's all been a trick to get us away!" I cried. "Aunt Ttolnhlnel She's back there alone I" T flurur nver mv shoulder as I turn' ed and started racing back toward the house. I found the front door standing half open when I reached it, and I couldn't remember whether we had left it that way or not. "Aunt Delphlne I" I called, then hew my cream. I To my Infinite relief, her voice I answered me." f "Peter! It's you oherier Come and stay with me." f Then I felt her reach up and tug at my sleeve for me to bend closer. , "He's here." she whispered qulck- ly. "He's hiding over there in the i closet." "Who. Aunt Delphinef" I asked. She breathed a single word. Only her poor, misguided Im agination again I I started to draw a, sigh of relief, only to have It turn Into a gasp midway, one naan t nig what we had all thought she had been saying ever since Lee's death; the had said . . Too 'ate I heard the creak of a board directly behind me. I gripped the wrist or the hand anoui my throat and pulled downward and outward wiui au my strengui. That gave me Just enough room for a nice, backward kick. My lungs were beginning to feel as though they were beginning to burst, while objects swam oeiore my eyes, i saw two Aunt Delphines spring out of two beds and fling themselves at my assailant. But ne uurig won both aside with one sweep of his arm; and they crumpled back upon the bed. where they merged and oecame one again. But to do it. ne naa Deen oougca In remove his hand for an Instant from my mouth. That was ail i needed. I let the breath out of my tortured Injurs In a veil that would nave done credit to an air raw siren during the war. "You little hellion I" the man snarled, and tried to climp the hand bark over mv mouth. But I managed to catch it side on, and I brought my teeth together with a force that made my Jaws ache. The man let out a yell that ran a good second to mv own. ana lei uo oi my uurat. 1 Then his clinched fist struck the side of my head with a force that made me see stars, but I hung on. I closed mv eves and nreoartd to go down lighting or Diting, to ue more exact.- And then at the final second, help arrived. "Put up your hands," Pick's voice I -nmmanded from the doorway. "I've I got Grandpere's squirrel gun, ana you Know l can ,use it. The man twistea nis cony rail way around. I "Don't be a fool Pick," he said sharply. "There's been a mis take. If you'll put that gun down, I'll explain. "You're riffht." Pick said Rrim- ly. "There has been a mistake, and . you made it. I'm keeping this gun riffht the wav it is. and you can do your explaining to the sheriff. Bobby's downstairs phoning for him now." . Pick stepped Inside the room and keeDimr well out of his read), motioned for him to precede her back into the hall. As we reached the head of the stairs, Bobby came out of the room J that had been Colonel Dumontls office and Into the lower hall. "Ohl" she gasped. "Not not For one snllt second. Pick's atten tion was diverted to Bobby. Our prisoner realized it. With what seemed to be a single leap, he was down the stairs and disappearing throueh the open door of the smaller drawing room. "Where did he get to?" Bobby de manded blanklv. "He got away," kck answerea. , Her voice sounded bitter with re gret. "No; he didn't!" I cried, and leaped upon the top of the wood- box, perching there feet and all. "He tried to get out this way the same as he did last night after he'd killed Lee. But I snapped the pad lock on the other side when we locked up. We've got him." As if in confirmation, the lid of the wood box gave a convulsive heave beneath me, but I managed to stay put. A look oi grim satis faction leaped Into Pick's eyes. She turned to Boooy. Run down to the stables and call some of the boys," she directed. "Peter and I will hold him here till you get back." suddenly the front door was thrown violently open, and we heard Beau's voice in the hall. Whate going on here? When I reached New Orleans and found that Dede and Henri hadn't sent for me" "Oh, Beau!" Pick broke in. Her voice was tremulous with relief. "He tried to kill Aunt Delphlne and peter tonight, and" Mine tonneres " That was Amedee. Peter!" he exclaimed in amaze ment "What are you doing there?" Keeping the ltd on things." 1 1 answered. "Literally." He udcretood at once. "You can come out now Haye, he said. (To Be Continued) Carol Curtis Pattern Capsule Blouse Wardrobe! A set of blousee of frank good taste and artless easel Your choice of V Jieckllne, scalloped neckline or with a little collar borrowed from the boys. Three reasons to Insure these aleeveless successes of uselullness as well as style! No. 2839 Is cut In sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20. Size 16: V-neck blouse, IVi yds. 39-ln. Collared blouse, 1H yds. 35-ln. or 39-ln. Send 30c for PATTERN with NAME, Address, Style Number and Size. Address PATTERN BUREAU, Capital Journal, 652 Mission street, Ban Francisco 6, Calif, Patterns ready to rill orders Im mediately. For special handling of order via first class -nail Include an extra 5c per pattern, price Just 25c. Just oft the press! The new Bprlng-Summcr Fashion Book, agog from cover to cover with scores oi the latest style trends, all trans lated Into delightfully wearable, ea- sy-to-sew pattern designs for every age, every type, all sizes, all occas ions, ttena now lor tins sewing in splratlon . . . Just 25c. 1 424 f - i Chewing does it Get a happy Ue lift. Chew WgW.Sprmint Gum, Help, you on the Job. Roosters In Color Transfers. Four big, bold colorful roosters in scarlet and black measure 54 inches eight smaller ones are 2-incnes each. Wonderfully handsome and modern- looking In design to use on place mate, nankins, buffet runners. towels, Just iron on the transfers and the Job Is complctedl No em. broidery needed! Send 30c for the Multl-Color ROOSTER DESIGNS (Pattern No. 424) complete trans fer and laundering Instructions, iuuk nuvi&. AiJUKfa. PAT TERN NUMBER to CAROL CUR TIS, capital Journal, 652 Mission street, san rrancisco o, Cam. Patterns ready to fill orders Im. mediately. For special handling of order via first class mall Include an extra 5c per oattrrn. ti-PNlicriM your ttrlfthioriN your rlnyt mm ka urm Mhwbfoom. CLOSBYMlHli? hecp hiheftSeU i?ipe reap. ripe weepji- i w kin i W-AWfOtJtJ- &r M asleep in the gold Eipe -the reap W WRT Ks -f M itS 1 m n.ti w w C1 O I -v Jir HE WALKED RIGHT SO I HEflRO- 1 rVE SEEN SHOOWIS- THERE-THERE-. II I 7 OONT V0U WORW. . VES tUTt td 1 1 MID FIVE PISTOL I AND VOU 6LE0 SOME OS'S GOT TH' CRISIS I WITH A SRU II. R I I HONEY-fjeUL MBKE 1 HE DOeBNT ( 1 1 SLUQS TO WE I TO SAVE tJS LIFE, 11 TOLICK VET-OH.QB, I LIKE WJ Ml B i it rao hps i know rr- 71 1 r mv life I hepro.too- i gib-he's sssot i kkoyin- FOR II p t V SiRL,EH? A . IItS I -ro MAkF rr mrs ekf- ) hm,. How 1 1 umn jmfn h ki S. t il I I III llAV- J JL. lFJeta UVA Vn. A i'm m. x rs u a. mm m m m t wm ii'fcA-'j rimun i murt r u ir i ii i iu morn w C I 1 : , m ... I 1 1 U LB S M lrll I U; T W.7-AH BOOMED TH' "fOUCH "TJA I BU1I WVHO4 r C-l)OK.7-A 1 I AHCAIN'TWHOOSH J I Ml JOE BrFSPLK1 SKONK SHORTCAKEjrTHAlT' W"" 4 I TH'BAEW'S IU'L DARKCLOUD I IT AWAV FUM THr S g II HARD-UXK . I NEVER HAPPENED BEFO'J AH MASHEP I CFtADLE IS ( SEEMS TO &E I I BABY'S CRADLX.T J i 5 I II RADIATIONS T- irl MAH FAVORITE I I DONEf tfW. SEEPIN'UP kN! J- Sfek -ol ii Kffi,rsss i . - sm, srMi rnr-?sa &w ) ic-ewnpi b m home- m .fi w a u ivj c: v-sj m r raa fTh ja ite TvU rrM wmsHa : , , : . 'I'M' Ml"1 I -J .... JtJf HE'-S JUST CMiQi LUNCtE,., . ,BUT MELODYS KlrLc CKAtH&t H BT jh ro MY LEPT' I ,x rt I POWN ON HI6 SKULL ma what vou wffd i, a TuniiNti pi?om I IJEWfcitlU. Sirt!5 VJ ' w I v JUl I I7AM VQMTELL V ARE VOU Yun Tug DflN'T VOU KOUtf 1tPrnm V LOrtK... I'M V'Tnui l O J,1,1-?8 J THE IAR5.T VBS.' HAPNT "1 f NO. ..BUT VET HER A I X rTS Wt. BARNeS, THB F.P. A. " I TZ7. IZ7-2 TH6Re',l TURNER WHOSE I VOU MET HER FAC6 15 SO FAMILIAR, I INVeSTISATOR, PR. MORSAN.' J r I TWIN Ttt BXPGCT MRS. TURNER. 1 HUSBAND DIED J B6KJRE, OUNEf s. HC'S UKE TO WUFORPINNeR I RECSMTLV, DR. V L V i , A 7 Spbak to voil' "V D ' " ' Al fp ll YOU'RE MALINGERING S v, II I II E I IH I , I I 5 bj saipaH. jsar " Y -H U'tam i1:"'0"' C M ALLTHtWOEintiOr THERESAWAY..GWEN...Jn A IJUST5AIOIWA5IM S rr T f MMMV f, J P" N0T LOVE LOVEW. . WHLN J "VSpwh wl I LOVE WITHVOU.6WEN! ) 17 fUNNV.aiff! AND t'n.r DKMiwr.Aun EjrX I THEV GO CONTRARY X WOOL OVER THE WORLD? Sfci R ;TI0A 1 BOTHBtLAUOMEPJtt! ""-H TO CUSTOM! -.Wl A""1 vTESSSS'-'' lsj. Roberts Roberts The G. T. club mem bers, their husbands, children and friends, met at the Grange hall Thursday night for their annual get-together. A no-host supper was served at 7:30, after which there was group singing and travelogue slide pictures shown by Leonard H. Zielke. Those present to enjoy the evening were Mrs. Lucinda Stef fen of Yoncalla, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Comstock, guests; Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Johns, Mr. and Mrs. John Orsborn, Mrs. Ethel Dav enport, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bid good, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blank enship and son Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Miller, Mrs. E. E. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hol comb and children, Mary Lou, Linda Lee and Oliver, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Austin Cater, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Zielke, Mrs. Woodrow Haney and children, Mrs. J. P. Blankenship, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Austin and sons, Paul and Keith, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Leonard H. Zielke, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Hug gins, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Heyden and son Roger, Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Blankenship, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schuebel, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sollenberger, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bruce, Mrs. Lee U. Eyerly, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ring wald and Leon DuBois of Salem. The next meeting will be April 9, instead of April 2, the regular meeting date, at the home of Mrs. Lee U. Eyerly. There were three all-day meetings of the Roberts Home Extension group for textile painunK unaer the ion..u.- . Mrs. Ray Barker and Mrs. How. .tcuibhij, completing th. three-day course Saturday. At the first meotlna 4u learned to cut the stencil and lougm now to paint a pansy or hibiscus- in h. . lesson, mixing colors and paint, ing a pine cone and needles f. ter cutting the stencil, and in the third lesson thev how to cut a multiDle stenll Those taklne the Mrs. Oliver Holcomb, Mrs. Wal. ter Klotz, Mrs. O. McDanieL Mrs. Jess Forster, Mrs. G. si Higgins, Mrs. Jess Juarez, Mri, Oscar Phillips, Mrs. Chet Aui in, Mrs. Len Edwards, Mrs. El sie Irvine and Mrs. R. Sneed , Unionvale Honoring Mrs. J. C, Church a birthday card shower by mall was held Saturday and a fam ily birthday dinner was held it her home Sunday. Her 77th birthday anniversary was Saturday, March 7. Attending were: Mr. and Mri. Paul Church and son of Tilla mook; Mr. and Mrs, Clark Church and daughter of Blachly. Saturday was the 35th birth day of her son, Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Clement Hen. drickson of Salem were Sunday dinner guests of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Clow and children. Mrs, Clow received a letter Friday from her mother, Mrs. Mary Hendrickson, who is visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. John Wagner at Knip pa, Tex. ACROSS 1. Boy . Sufficient: poetic 8. City In Iowa 12. Literary scraps 13. Mature 14. Had on 15. Ruler 17. Feminine name 18. Couple 19. Spiritlike 21. Samuel's ' mentor 23. Tavern 37. Native of our . continent 39. Cowboy's rope 42. Topaz hum mingbird 43. Detract from the impor tance of 46. Adam's grandson 49. Each 50. Gluttonized 52. Fart of an old-fashioned rifle 53. Old 0rTi E UnEflABLji reTtee ajHebnes OXER) T I BPSgAT iaIpIeUIaInIBUnIeiw Solution of Yesterday's Funis 24. The north star 54' Racket 27. Scatter 85; Vehicle on 30. Island off the . runners soutn coast 58. Funeral pile 57. Flay on the of France 31. Burn slowly without flame 34. Not any 35. Greek letter stage DOWN 1. Illuminatinf device 2. Small wild ox J. Book of the Bible 4. Sin 5. Agreeable 7. Ourselves 8. Cognizant 9. Edible funfl 10. Silkworm 11. Fur-bearing animal far (Lr p P 1 Il is Ipfl37 " 38 43 a as p 2Z fajr W ps ir - r wm wm 6. Science of the H. Money paid to structure of blnd the eye , S8'n:, 17. Encountered 20. Swarm 22. Doctrine 24. Dessert 25. Frequently 26. Browned bread 28. South Ameri can Indian 29. Gained th victory 32. Historical period 33. Large stream 36. State without proof , 38. British 7 dominion 40. Exposed to public view 41. Pigpen 43. Wagers 44. Vice 45. Always 47. Pertaining to the ear 48. Dispatched 51. Dutch commune 53. News organi zation: abbr - ROOM & BOARD By Gone Ahern I SUGGEST VOU HALF-CICKF your eyes when you smell IT.. .THAT PERFUME IS WHAT i CALL BAGDAD BAZAAR..... ITS INCENSE APOWA ReiNRS v m aaimd tuc DnuiuTir 1 ' w m m 1 nrw in re -ri ir t ARABIAN" NIGHTS . ARABIAN. EH7...VELLI CAN GET THE CAWELS AND DONKEYS -.BUT ON SECOND SNIFE IT RECALLS BACK HOME ON OUR. FRONT PORCH IN JUNE, WHEN THE WIND FROM THE TANNERY CAME THRU .THE HONEYSUCKLE -fit AHltO Jl I I II V i Vt ',77-,iT II I l7v I RT .wr'"',5. ja I 4 DESCRIPTIOtn 1 1 11 ITV'1" ' IS PERFECT